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Vol. 28, No. 4
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Inside Historic Milestone CPD Urban GIS Project
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ASET C o u n c i l
The membership publication of
Executive President
Public Members
Elizabeth McDonald, C.E.T. Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co., Edmonton
Peter Portlock, CD, MHSA Lethbridge Family Services, Lethbridge Chris Warren, Q.C. Warren Sinclair LLP, Red Deer Linda Wood Edwards, CAE, B.Admin. Edmonton
First Vice President
Norman Kyle, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) City of Grande Prairie, Grande Prairie Second Vice President
1630–10020 101A Ave. NW, Edmonton AB T5J 3G2 tel: 780.425.0626 | toll free: 1.800.272.5619 fax: 780.424.5053 | email: asetadmin@aset.ab.ca ASET Mission: “To benefit the public and the profession by being the premier regulator, service provider to and promoter of safe, high-quality professional technology practice.” ASET Vision: “To be publicly recognized as certifying and promoting technology professions to support Alberta’s success.” ASET is a professional organization for applied science, engineering and information technicians and technologists in Alberta and the Territories. ASET evaluates the qualifications of individuals who voluntarily apply for certification and issues professional credentials accordingly. ASET acts as an advocate for the profession to governments and the general public. It also delivers a number of benefits and services to its members and their employers. NOTE : Editorial opinions, reports and similar articles published herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of the ASET Council or the Association.
Definition of practice —applied science & engineering technology “Practice of applied science technology and engineering technology means: accepting responsibility for the reporting on, advising on, evaluating, designing, preparing plans and specifications for, or directing the construction, technical inspection, maintenance or operation of any structure, work or process that is: a. aimed at the discovery, development or utilization of matter or energy or in any other way designed for the use and convenience of society; b. concerned with the safeguarding of life, health, property, environment, public welfare or economic welfare; and c. in accordance with legislation and industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices, through the application of established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.” Approved by ASET & APEGGA Executive Committees, 1994
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
Kevin Harrison, P.Tech.(Eng.), P.L.(Eng.) Edmonton Police Services, Edmonton Past President
Dave Merralls, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) WorleyParsons, Calgary Councillors
Jodi Arrowsmith, C.E.T., BTech Elk Point Keith Galliott, C.E.T. Corix Control Solutions, Calgary Laura Kennett, C.E.T. P.Eng. Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Edmonton Peter LaGrandeur, R.E.T. SNC Lavalin, Calgary Dave Moller, R.E.T. Red Deer Don Wilson, C.E.T. MBA, DBA, MIEEE Siemens Canada Ltd., Edmonton
ASET Chapter Chairs calgary Russell Wong, C.E.T. cold lake Ajaz Quraishi, C.Tech., PE edmonton Chadwick Paddick, C.E.T. fort mcmurr ay James Hiltz, C.E.T. gr ande pr airie Norm Rief, C.E.T. lethbridge Greg Brouwer, C.E.T. lloydminster Dale Myggland, C.E.T. medicine h at Dan Bernhart, R.E.T. red deer Khalid Mehmood, T.T.
ASET O f f i c e Chief Executive Officer
Registration Facilitator
Barry Cavanaugh
Jackie Sousa
Certification Coordinator
Perry Nelson, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), MBA
Glynnis Hennig
George Germain, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.)
Coordinator, Competency Programs
Director of Communications and Member Benefits
Coordinator, Member and Public Relations
Deputy Registrar
Linda Moore
Russ Medvedev, MA
Lynnell Prediger
Director, Corporate and Government Relations
Communications Coordinator
Heather Shewchuk, B.Comm.
Judith Chrystal, BA Accounting Assistant
Director of Finance and Administration
Nicole Miller, B.Comm.
Norman Viegas, B.Comm., CMA, CAE
Administrative Coordinator
Director, Executive Secretariat and Special Projects
Jennifer McNeil Bertrand, BA
Laura Morton Receptionist
Chelsey Hoard
EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center 5660 McAdam Road, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1T2 Upcoming Courses
PDHs* Locations
www.epic-edu.com/abt Toll Free: 1-888-374-2338 Fax: 1-800-866-6343 Email: epic@epic-edu.com 2011
Boiler Water Treatment Technology
Reverse Osmosis Technology
Effective Solid/Liquid/Gas Separation
Total Building Commissioning , Recommissioning and Retro-Commissioning Process
Structural Rehabilitation of Bridges
Comprehensive Workshop on Soil Engineering - Fundamentals and Applications
Performing Economic Evaluation of Projects
Interpretation and Enforcement of Construction Contracts
Electrical 18
High and Medium Voltage Substation Design, Testing and Maintenance
Environmental 18
Environmental Compliance Audit of Oil Sands Facilities
Designing Wastewater Pumping Systems and Lift Stations
Mechanical 30
Pumps and Compressors: Selection, Operation, and Maintenance
8-10 7-9
21-23 16-17 1-3
Mechanical Engineering for Non-Mechanical Engineers
Understanding Environmental Regulations
Electrical Engineering for Practitioners in the Oil and Gas Industry
21-25 22-24
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PDHs *: Continuing professional education for licensed engineers is measured in Professional Development Hours (PDHs). A PDH is one contact hour of instruction or presentation.
Russ Medvedev, MA
Assistant Editor and Advertising Coordinator
Judith Chrystal, BA
7 President’s Message
9 CEO’s Message
Sergio Serrano & Hil x Ing Inc.
17 Member Profile
18 CPD
20 ASET Awards 22 Scholarships
Advertising Deadline for the next issue: October 28, 2011 Reach over 20,000 technical readers. Advertising rates start at $580 per issue. For full publishing schedule and advertising specifications contact ASET or visit aset.ab.ca/adrates.htm. Write to us. Send your comments, suggestions and feedback about this or any issue of Technology Alberta, via e-mail to asetadmin@aset.ab.ca or by mail to the ASET office.
28 ASET News 32 Chapters’ Calendar
Historic Milestone: Independent Practice Becomes a Reality in Alberta About P.Tech.(Eng.)
Technical article: 24
Intermunicipal Cooperation in Southern Alberta: The Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project
New Look for Magazine Welcome to the new look of Technology Alberta. A bit of change is good for everyone from time to time, and we feel this new design of our most widely-read publication projects a professional image to ASET members — and to the public we serve. Postm aster: Canadian addresses to: 1630–10020 101A Ave NW Edmonton AB T5J 3G2 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement 40065106 This publication is available online at http://aset.ab.ca.
37 New + Reclassified Members
F e at u r e :
A new, improved online version of Technology Alberta is also now available at www.aset.ab.ca and members will receive an email alert when this becomes available each issue.
Technical Article Submissions Accepted Technical article submissions of interest to members of ASET are encouraged. Please view the technical article submission guidelines at www. aset.ab.ca or contact Judith Chrystal, Communications Coordinator, at judithc@aset.ab.ca to submit an outline.
Watch for tweaks to content as well over the coming issues and, as always, if you have feedback please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
ASET is excited to launch the ASET Leadership Academy. The academy seeks to provide leadership training for technology professionals. The first professional development course offered will be Governance Essentials: Volunteering on Boards and Committees. Governance Essentials: Volunteering on Boards and Committees This is a practical, introductory course for technology professionals who have little or no experience serving as a volunteer on a board of directors in the not-for-profit sector. This full-day course can be applied towards the ASET continuing professional development requirement (one formal activity) and will be of interest to: • Enhance your career path • Give back to the community or profession • Support family or friends (e.g., an after-school society for children, a cause-aligned society for an ill friend) • Serve ASET via a local Chapter or the provincial Council. The course will cover a broad spectrum of topics, such as governance and governing structures, roles and responsibilities of the board and each director, liabilities and protection of volunteers, and reading financial statements. ASET Members Only Cost: $150 + GST (includes breakfast, lunch and course materials) Edmonton: Thursday, November 3, 2011 Shaw Conference Centre 9 am – 4 pm Calgary: Thursday, November 17, 2011 Hyatt Regency 9 am –4 pm To register online: www.aset.ab.ca/Events For more information: Jennifer McNeil Bertrand, Director, Executive and Special Projects: 780.425.0626 or jenniferm@aset.ab.ca.
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
pr esiden t’s message
President’s Message Elizabeth McDonald, C.E.T. One of the most gratifying parts of serving as President is being able to meet with members and share in their successes. I feel extremely fortunate to be President at the time when the first P.Tech.(Eng.) candidates have been approved. To mark this historic occasion, we hosted two events, one in Calgary and one in Edmonton, to present the first group of P.Tech.s with their certificates. While this achievement is impressive and well-deserved, the P.Tech.(Eng.) is much more than a designation, it’s one representation of a new era for technologists in Alberta. This new era began in 2009 when ASET achieved self-regulatory status. This was ground-breaking, as Alberta was the first in Canada to achieve this status. Correspondingly, Alberta is also the first in the country, and possibly the first in the world, to offer an advanced designation which allows qualified members to practice engineering independently, within existing codes, standards and established principles. The journey to get to this point in our history has taken years and involved the efforts of many. I think this teamwork was evident at the P.Tech.(Eng.) events with representatives from government, industry, the joint board, and from our engineering colleagues in attendance to share in this celebration. I was also impressed with the number
of Past Presidents who attended to show their support and to share their thoughts on reaching this milestone. Without their dedication and tireless efforts, ASET would not be in this enviable position today. I’m excited about how this new designation will open new opportunities and strengthen ASET’s position within the Alberta economy. The first group of P.Tech.s. represent a wide range of disciplines, demographics and backgrounds and their impact will be noticed. More detail about each of the new P.Tech.s can be found on pages 13–14 in this issue of the magazine. The first 26 P.Tech.s are only just the beginning. Currently, there are still approximately 190 files in the queue for assessment. Each month, the joint board will continue to meet to process these files. New P.Tech.s will receive an invitation to be presented their certificates at upcoming open houses and new member induction ceremonies. Dates of the upcoming open houses in each Chapter are also found in this issue of Technology Alberta and on the ASET web site. As well as welcoming new members, the open house events provide an opportunity for the President to visit members across the province, provide updates on ASET activities, and answer member questions. All members are invited and I look forward to seeing you there!
of our members and the responsibilities entrusted to us through legislation. One of our upcoming priorities will be to increase communication with employers to promote ASET membership and to remind them of the changes associated with legislation and how they can provide benefit. As well as working with employers, we strive to keep government informed of our progress and aware of issues important to our members. In August we met with Thomas Lukaszuk, Minister of Employment and Immigration to discuss, among other things, recognition of our members to practise in areas where they are qualified under existing codes and standards. I’m pleased to report that progress is being made on this front. We’ll keep you posted on any updates through the web, through the TechLINK enewsletter and through Technology Alberta magazine. T
While the presence of the P.Tech.(Eng.) in the workplace will increase the level of responsibility for these members, it will also increase opportunity and recognition for all members, including C.E.T.s and C.Tech.s. ASET’s profile will increase and employers will become more aware of the full capability
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
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ceo’s message
Growing our numbers, our rights, and our influence Barry Cavanaugh
In the world of professional associations, our 17,000 members put us among the largest in the province. We represent — and regulate — a significant number of Albertans, in a wide range of disciplines and occupations. Our ranks include not only the traditional engineering disciplines, but geomatics experts, architectural technologists, computer information specialists, geosciences technologists, nanotechnologists, biomedical technologists, and a range of people in the applied sciences... biology, chemistry, environmental and many others. Our membership spans the widest possible range of industries and employers in Alberta. Our members are essential players in oil and gas, construction, electrical and electronics, water and power, environmental remediation, municipal engineering, you name it. Such a significant body of professionals deserves to be heard on issues of importance to their professions and to all Albertans. Our perspective, drawn from such a wide cross-section of contributing Albertans, experts in so many sectors of the Alberta life and economy, should be expressed and should be taken into account. Technicians and technologists have helped in a truly significant way to build this province and this economy to what it is, and are important to its future. As we continue to grow, we remain a voluntary organization, and we attract and certify only the best among all those who may claim the titles of technician or technologist. We can honestly say that our members are known to be the best, because in addition to their education, they have certified special experience, and their knowledge is
vetted by senior members of the profession. An ASET designation, to hundreds of employers and to the public, means that this is a professional who has been tested by his or her peers and found to be highly qualified. It means, with our emphasis on continuing professional development and professional responsibility, that our members will be current in knowledge, and will be directly accountable for their work. No other “technicians” or “technologists” can make such claims. It is a source of pride. Pride in the profession, excellence in all they do, responsibility, knowledge — these are attributes of the ASET member admired by all and aspired to by many, attributes sought out and rewarded by employers (our surveys make plain that the designations make a really significant difference in earnings). We would encourage you to take our message to your colleagues in the workplace. Ask them to join us. Remind them that we judge them based on their competence, and experience, as well as their academic qualification. They can become part of a growing, influential, respected professional body, which values all they have learned, accomplished, and established. They can aspire to be one of the very best. And they can have the professional rights which accrue only to our certified members.
to the building of a strong and supportive province for the future. We will encourage government and employers to respect that experience, that knowledge, that expertise, by respecting our soon-to-be developed definition of technologist practice, and we encourage you to step up and to carry the message to your employer, your client, your customer, your MLA. Our growing membership’s voice will be heard. The voices of thousands of highly knowledgeable and essential people who are vital to our economy and to our life as a society. We will identify that definition through dialogue with our experienced members and leaders, and with experts from industry and academe, and bring it out to the membership for discussion and refinement... and we will, when it is finalized, live with it as the animator and guide to that independent work that ASET-certified technicians and technologists can legitimately perform. We believe that employers, and the public, will respect that definition, because they see it lived out currently, every day. We hope that one day, in the face of its wide adoption voluntarily, government will see fit to incorporate it in our legislation and thereby ascribe to the profession the respect it deserves. It appears we still have to earn it, still have to establish it... and we will. T
ASET will continue to express the perspective of its members effectively, to governments at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, and to major employers and industry sectors across the province and across the nation. And it will be heard. We believe that part of our responsibility as a profession is that we contribute to the national and provincial good in that way. What we know, what we have learned and will learn, is needed to inform economic and industrial policy and to contribute
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
Historic Milestone Independent Practice becomes a Reality in Alberta Twenty-six ASET members have been granted P.Tech. status, achieving a milestone for themselves and marking another milestone in the evolution of the 48-year old association. Changes to legislation that came into effect in 2009 paved the way for ASET to become the first self-regulating technologists’ association in Canada — and the first to grant qualified members the right to practice engineering independently, within existing codes and standards. ASET’s focus for the past two years has been to work with APEGGA, as members of a discussion team and eventual Joint Board of Examiners, to interpret the legislation and agree on processes to grant the P.Tech. designation.
Independent practice was only a dream for the founding members of ASET. Pictured above is a group of ASET members and advisors, gathered around the meeting table in 1963: Gord Hulbert, C.E.T., advisor Wally Smith, Vern Monson, C.E.T., advisor Al Gorrel, ASET’s first president Ernie Carter, C.E.T., and ASET’s first registrar Ivan Finlay, P.Eng.
Celebrations were held in Calgary on August 23 and in Edmonton on August 25 to present the first group of 26 P.Tech. recipients with their certificates. Representatives from the original discussion team, ASET-APEGGA Joint Board of Examiners, Past Presidents, Council and government were present to offer congratulations and witness this historic event. Thanks were given to ASET members from years past who laid the foundation and to whom independent practice was only a dream.
The first group of Calgary-area technologists to attain the new ASET designation gathered August 23. Pictured, l-r, are Past President Scott Turner, R.E.T.; Past President Lois Sterner, R.E.T.; Past President Dave Merralls, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.); Steve Banack, P.Tech.(Eng.); Denis Tetreau, P.Tech.(Eng.); Adam Cooper, P.Tech.(Eng.); Steven Fahey, P.Tech.(Eng.); Jack Green, P.Tech.(Eng.); Brad Tiedemann, P.Tech.(Eng.); Doug Wallace, P.Tech.(Eng.); Daniel Henry, P.Tech.(Eng.); Daniel Jungwirth, P.Tech.(Eng.); Russell Watts, P.Tech.(Eng.).
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
f e at u r e
“The future is before us to lay the foundation for the next 48 years…” — Scott Turner, R.E.T., President, 2004-05
“The P.Tech.s are the new transformation of technologists. For me, they represent everything ASET fought for and everything I believe a professional technologist should be.” — Derek Tsang, C.E.T., President 2006-07
“P.Tech.s are a group of “The bottom line for me is recognition as a professional. members who are rewriting history by blazing a new trail The P.Tech. designation is for technologists.” one part of a larger picture — Dave Merralls, for me and blends together R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), with other sources of President 2010-11 recognition in my field.” — Kevin Harrison, P.L.(Eng.), P.Tech.(Eng.), 2nd Vice-President President 2009-10
“With the introduction of the P.Tech. designation, ASET is joining the ranks of other professional organizations in Alberta.” — Adrian Pritchard, Director, Professions and Occupations Alberta Employment & Immigration
“We all wanted what you have done tonight — that’s what we worked for, with small steps. I thank you all for doing it because you made me feel good.” — Jim Purvis, R.E.T., President 1967-68
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
“P.Tech. is not the end, it is the beginning. This is an extremely important step, but the journey isn’t totally finished.” — Roy Clark, R.E.T., President 2008-09
The first group of Edmonton-area technologists to attain the new ASET designation gathered August 25 to celebrate. Pictured, l-r, are Jeff Motyka, P.Tech.(Eng.); Ryan White, P.Tech. (Eng.), P.L.(Eng.); Kevin Harrison, P.Tech.(Eng.), P.L.(Eng.); ASET President Elizabeth McDonald, C.E.T.; Jim Lamoureux, P.Tech. (Eng.); Mohamed Gaber, P.Tech.(Eng.); Brent Campbell, P.Tech. (Eng.); Kurt Lorenz, P.Tech.(Eng.); and, Edward McClarty, P.Tech.(Eng.).
About P.Tech.(Eng.) What is P.Tech.(Eng.)?
How can members apply?
The Professional Technologist (Engineering) credential is designed for members who have reached a senior level within their field. The P.Tech.(Eng.) especially will be of interest to members who are working as consultants or running their own business. In addition, senior members within larger organizations may also be interested in exploring the P.Tech.(Eng.) as an option to further their right to practice and expand career options.
For a P.Tech.(Eng.) application form, please contact the ASET office or visit the web site, www.aset.ab.ca.
What is the advantage of P.Tech.(Eng.)? The main advantage of the designation is the right to practice engineering independently within existing codes and standards. With this right, members will be able to sign off and stamp their own work.
What are the requirements to apply for the designation? Must be a C.E.T. (or R.E.T.) with ASET, but can be a recent C.E.T. Minimum of six years of engineering team experience prior to becoming a P.Tech.(Eng). Experience gained out of province or abroad can be considered; a minimum of one year must have been within Canada. Post-graduation advanced technical studies may be considered as experience. Experience gained with a high level of implication for public safety, environmental impact, reputation of the organization, and monetary impact will be given extra weighting. Experience must include a high degree of understanding and application of engineering and/or scientific principles. Manages/supervises the work of a team of professionals involved in the application of engineering and/or scientific principles. Duties may include some of the following: project management, design and/or approval/evaluation of designs, problem solving and analysis, technical leadership, development of prototypes. Must demonstrate knowledge of the act, codes, and regulations relevant to their discipline of practice. Current R.E.T.s must demonstrate (by completing the application and providing current references) that their current level of practice is at the same (or higher) level as when they were registered as an R.E.T.. They will then be allowed to write the P.Tech.(Eng.) professional practice examination.
Will this designation affect liability for the member? In some cases, yes, but only within the area defined by the scope of practise. In these cases, additional professional liability and/or commercial general liability insurance may be required. We would recommend that members also discuss their situation with legal counsel and an insurance provider. ASET has partnerships with Alternative Risk Services and with Unigroup to offer insurance options specifically designed for members. More information about liability and insurance can be found in the April/May 2010 issue of Technology Alberta available for reference in the publication archive area of ww.aset.ab.ca. More details about insurance providers can be found at http://www.aset. ab.ca/pages/Membership/default.aspx and in the members’ area on the ASET web site.
Feedback from P.Tech.(Eng.) recipients “I would encourage others to get their P.Tech.(Eng.). I work with engineers and technologists and now I can work independently and authenticate my work. Now we won’t have to send my — Maureen Evers-Dakers, work off elsewhere to be P.Tech.(Eng.) authenticated so we will save time and money on projects. My employer is excited that “I had a personal motivation the P.Tech.(Eng.) is now a for getting a P.Tech.(Eng.) reality.” designation. I am motivated by professional accomplish— Mohamed Gaber, ments and this was the next P.Tech.(Eng.) step for me after C.E.T. I had “I am a partner in my considered on applying for business. With my field, the R.E.T., then held off until the higher the designation, I could go for the P.Tech. the better.” (Eng.).”
“I work in an engineering atmosphere…and I wanted to attain the highest level for myself. I think it shows motivation to my employer, it shows ambition and professionalism.”
— Jennifer Bolier, P.Tech.(Eng.)
— Paul Nowicki, P.Tech.(Eng.) “I am personally more marketable as a contractor.” — Daniel Henry, P.Tech.(Eng.)
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
f e at u r e
Message from the Honourable Thomas A. Lukaszuk Minister of Employment and Immigration APEGGA and ASET members, On behalf of the Government of Alberta, I wish to extend sincere congratulations to APEGGA and ASET on the certification of the first-ever Professional Technologists by your organizations’ Joint Board of Examiners. This important occasion represents the culmination of a long journey towards professional recognition of individuals who are key members of the engineering team. It follows decades of effort by many individuals from both organizations. These dedicated representatives have achieved what many thought might be impossible; however, their perseverance and commitment to a common goal have led to this ground-breaking day. I applaud your efforts and the devotion you have shown to your colleagues and to the advancement of your professions. Technicians, technologists, engineers and geoscientists work together successfully every day to help shape and grow Alberta. They have been instrumental in making this province a world leader in many technical fields and are a driving force in our economy. The creation of the Professional Technologist designation, and now the certification of the first group of these individuals, is yet another example of your members, and your associations, working together effectively. The Professional Technologist (P.Tech.) designation, and the process that has been established to issue it, is a significant achievement for Alberta’s technical community. Your organizations can take pride in the P. Tech. designation and in the new level of organizational co-operation that it represents. To the first Professional Technologists in Alberta, I offer my congratulations and my best wishes for an exciting new chapter in your careers.
Thomas A. Lukaszuk Minister of Employment and Immigration MLA, Edmonton – Castle Downs
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
P.Tech.(Eng.) Recipients’ Scopes of Practice Steven Banack, P.Tech.(Eng.) Electrical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electrical engineering: design and implementation of less than 750 volt AC power systems and instrumentation and control systems for industrial facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Jennifer Bolier, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: design and specify structures for the construction of aerial and underground electrical utility distribution systems that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Brent Campbell, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering; managing, designing, reporting and directing the construction of roadways and related drainage works that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Michael Clark, P.Tech.(Eng.) Electrical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electrical engineering: planning, design and specification for instrumentation, control systems and associated wiring (120 VAC and less) including control system programming that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Adam Cooper, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: managing, reporting on, advising on, evaluating, designing, preparing plans, contract documents and technical specifications for and construction of roadways, water distribution systems, sanitary sewage collection systems, storm water management and collection systems, site grading and shallow utility coordination that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Maureen Evers-Dakers, P.Tech.(Eng.) Petroleum Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of petroleum engineering: measurement and instrumentation that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Steven Fahey, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: design, evaluate, test and direct the
production, modification and repair of type certified aircraft, rotorcraft, and aeronautical products that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Mohamed Gaber, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: reporting on, advising on, evaluating, engineering approval/evaluation of designs, preparing plans and specifications for preparing construction work packages for managing, directing the development, and construction of projects as it applies to industrial and chemical facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Aaron Graves, P.Tech.(Eng.) Electrical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electrical engineering: design, configuration, analysis, and measurement of instrumentation control systems for natural gas manufacturing facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures, and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
John (Jack) Green, P.Tech.(Eng.) Petroleum Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of petroleum engineering: co-ordinate production operations of oil and gas wells and associated pipeline facilities; manage the design and construction of oilfield facility and pipeline installations that is the routine application of industry
recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Kevin Harrison, P.Tech.(Eng.), P.L.(Eng.) Electronics Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electronic engineering: planning, design, specification, analysis and maintenance of software and hardware for audio surveillance intercept facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Daniel Henry, P.Tech.(Eng.) Electrical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electrical engineering: design of instrumentation and control systems for industrial facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Daniel Jungwirth, P.Tech.(Eng.) Petroleum Defined Scope of Practice: Design, manage, execute, and report on pipeline integrity inspection, verification and repair to confirm the fitnessfor-service of pipelines utilizing the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
David Kennedy, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: design of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing
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f e at u r e
systems of commercial and institutional buildings that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
James Lamoureux, P.Tech.(Eng.) Industrial Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of industrial engineering: plan, design, report on and implement safety and loss management systems that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Kurt Lorenz, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: planning, design, specification, analysis, maintenance and implementation of oil & gas piping, gathering systems, storage tanks and processing equipment that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Claude Masse, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: design and project management of oil and gas production facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Edward McClarty, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: applied geotechnical services for construction, operation and maintenance of pipeline corridors and related facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Jeffrey Motyka, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Civil engineering, including municipal and land development engineering: designing, managing, estimating, reporting on, directing the development/construction/ maintenance/operation of the following civil engineering works within private residential, commercial, industrial, business developments; and public subdivisions, roadways and right-of-ways: earthworks, rural and urban roadways, site grading for surface drainage, water supply, sanitary sewage collection systems, storm water collection systems, and storm water management systems, that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principals and methods of problem solving.
Paul Nowicki, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: a) investigation, analysis, and reconstruction of motor vehicle collisions, b) investigation and analysis of automotive part failures, c) investigation, analysis and assessment of walkway friction and facility code compliance that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards,
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procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Mapalad Santera, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: designing (concept, functional, preliminary and detailed design), preparing contract documents, project management, and construction supervision and inspection for urban and rural roadways that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied principles and methods of problem solving.
Denis Tetreau, P.Tech.(Eng.) Electrical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of electrical engineering: design of electrical systems (up to 15kV) and instrumentation for commercial and industrial facilities that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
J. Brad Tiedemann, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: managing, reporting on, and directing the development and construction of civil engineering works including design of roads, light rail track, site grading, storm/sanitary sewers and earthworks that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Douglas Wallace, P.Tech.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: perform technical sizing, suitability, design, develop modifications and retrofits, and interpret performance data on industrial rotating equipment such as gas compression equipment, steam and gas turbines, process pumps, cooling fans, speed reducers, and gas engines that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Russell Watts, P.Tech.(Eng.) Civil Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of civil engineering: managing and directing the maintenance and operation of highway infrastructure, and roadside development control that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
Ryan White, P.Tech.(Eng.), P.L.(Eng.) Mechanical Defined Scope of Practice: Within the discipline of mechanical engineering: inspection and development of quality assurance and control procedures for the operation and maintenance of power boilers and associated equipment that is the routine application of industry recognized codes, standards, procedures and practices using established engineering or applied science principles and methods of problem solving.
member profile
Alberta, A Good Immigration Destination Yu Shin Zhang ASET S t ud e n t M e mb e r
In 2007, after my application of immigration to Canada was approved, I began to think about which city I should choose to start my new life. Vancouver was the first city which came to my mind, because I had known it is a very beautiful city and it is one of the best places for people to live in the world; also, we have some friends living there, so we first landed at Vancouver in 2008. However, a year later, when we were preparing for the second landing, we thought about our future life carefully. For the first few years, we needed to improve our English fluency and further my education for a future job. I searched on the Internet, and I analyzed a lot of information about this. Then I found Alberta. There are several factors that attracted me to this province. Alberta’s economy is developing quickly and its unemployment rate is very low. Alberta is the third largest proven crude oil reserve in the world. As we all know, oil energy plays a significant role in economic development. Because of this, Alberta has the highest economic growth in Canada and many jobs are created. Even though my major, instrumentation, is not directly related to the oil industry since it is widely used in all kinds of fields, I think it will be not too difficult for me to find a job. At the time we were making our decisions, Alberta’s unemployment rate was less than
four per cent. That means there were more job opportunities compared to other provinces. By the way, according to Statistics Canada in January 2011, Alberta’s employment rate is the highest in Canada.
tell everyone that Edmonton is a “hot” city for immigrants in Canada. All of this attracted me to come to Edmonton. There are quite a number of Chinese immigrants who were affected by him, and I was one of them.
Alberta’s income support policies provide financial benefits for people who are not able to meet their basic needs. The provincially-funded ESL program is one of income support provided by Alberta Works. Only a few provinces in Canada have this policy. It is very helpful for those immigrants to whom English is their second language and they need to take ESL classes. I benefited a great deal by this program. I spent eight months taking ESL classes to improve my English, during that time the funding from Alberta Works paid my tuition and partial living expenses. And then I could pass the English Assessment test of NAIT, so I got permission to take the Instrumentation Program.
Additionally, there is a project named Canadian Immigration Integration Project (CIIP) in China. Its purpose is to help immigrants to get ready for their immigration life when they are still in their own country. We attended this project and the counsellor confirmed my decision. Up to now, I have been living in Edmonton for almost two years; honestly, I like this city. People are friendly and I am on my way to obtain a better life. There is only one thing that bothered me when I made my decision, the winter weather... It is very cold and long. I don’t like it, but I can adapt to it, I think! T
Last, in Edmonton there is a famous Chinese person whom I got to know on the EdmontonChina.ca website. He is very enthusiastic to help newcomers. He offers accommodation for newcomers for free. He can give them good advice and help them to deal with some formalities. He also wrote a lot of articles about how to adapt to a new life in Edmonton and posted on the website for people to download. He wants to
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Continuing Professional Development
Now is the Time to Complete your Mandatory CPD Deadline is December 31, 2011 ASET’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program is in high gear. Members are engaged and interested in “telling us what they are doing.” The CPD program is mandatory under the EGGP Act and Regulations, and is supported by the ASET Code of Ethics, under which ASET members are responsible for undertaking ongoing professional development to maintain their proficiency and competence. To assist members in tracking their professional development ASET has provided an easy, user friendly web-based application. The CPD program is designed to be very flexible. Any jobrelated learning activities that you are currently engaged with will qualify as CPD. The requirement is one activity in any two of the CPD categories.
The CPD program is flexible enough that the activities your employer may require you to do can be submitted as your ASET CPD. There is no expectation that members or their employer will incur any additional cost or that the member will require any additional time away from work. ASET has provided extensive information on the web site at www.aset.ab.ca to assist members in understanding the CPD requirements and the tools to follow through. As we continue, we encourage members to provide us with feedback. This way we can continue to improve the program to better serve you, the member. Please do not hesitate to contact Linda Moore, Competency Coordinator, at lindam@aset.ab.ca.
CPD is a mandatory requirement of certification.
Many activities can fulfill more than one of the requirements. For example, many of our members have asked how the seminars they attend can qualify for CPD. Attending a seminar can qualify as an Informal or Formal activity PLUS it can also lead to fulfilling the Peer and Professional Interaction and Contribution to the Profession Requirement. As a result of attending a seminar, did you: 1. Spend 4 hours or more learning the subject matter?(Formal CPD) 2. Have follow up that required self-study after the seminar? (Informal CPD) 3. Learn a technical application that you demonstrated to colleagues? (Peer and Professional Interaction CPD) 4. Take what you learned from the seminar and volunteer your time to share your knowledge? (Contribution to the Profession CPD)
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Following are real world examples from members who have already completed activities for their CPD plan.
Formal Activity Examples
Contribution to the Profession Examples
Peer and Professional Interaction Examples
• Alberta Chamber of Resource Banff 2011 Pipeline Workshop • EAPUOC Safety Seminar 2011 • Leadership for Safety Excellence Course
Informal Activity Examples • SolidWorks Drawings Self Study at home training. • Read Instrument Society of Americas (ISA) Intech articles on “Implementing safeguards create cost effective machine safety solutions” and “Improving decision-making for equipment assets.” • Attended a software demonstration of Autodesk Plant Solutions.
• Learning to use the program PLS-CADD, a program used to design power lines. • Teaching self (using internet tutorials and message boards) to write Macros in Visual Basic for Applications. These Macros are small programs written to function within Microsoft Office applications such as Excel. They are useful for estimating, counting material, and for any repetitive work to be done in Excel. • Mentoring a first year NAIT coop student working with me for his 2011 work term.
• Volunteered as a judge in the Life Science category Grades 4-6 and 7-8 at the 36th Annual Kiwanis Southeastern Alberta Science fair. • Was interviewed by a high school student about my career… very rewarding. Also provided an opportunity to have the student come to my office for a hands on experience. • Volunteered by staffing the ASET booth for 2 hours at the teacher’s convention held at the Telus Convention Center on the 25th of February, 2011.
• Mentoring an internationally-trained worker through the ASET mentoring program.
To find out more visit www.aset.ab.ca. CPD Member Handbook
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CPD Video
Powerpoint Presentation
ASET Awards recognize excellence Nominate Today! Some people and organizations just stand out from the crowd, and the ASET Awards Committee wants to hear about them! It only takes a few minutes to submit nominees for the 2012 ASET Awards. This is your opportunity to give praise to an outstanding colleague, showcase your cutting edge technology or tell the rest of the technical community how great your company is to work for.
Each year ASET recognizes members, non-members, organizations, and technical instructors in Alberta’s technical community for their exceptional contributions. The winners will be honoured at the Awards Gala during the ASET AGM held at The Sutton Place Hotel in Edmonton on March 23, 2012.
Awards for outstanding contribution to technology Technician/ Technologist of the Year This award is presented annually to an individual member of ASET who has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and excellence in making a significant contribution to technology. Judging criteria used by ASET’s Awards Committee include: level of knowledge, importance to the organization, ability, leadership, creativity/innovation, community involvement, etc. Nominations must include corroborating and supporting material such as: published papers, newspaper or magazine articles, testimonials from clients, supervisors, peers.
Technical Employer of the Year
ASET Technical Excellence Awards
Excellence in Technical Instruction
This award is presented annually to an organization for its support of the technician/ technologist community in Alberta as well as its overall achievements. Judging criteria include support for ASET certification/membership plus professional development and volunteerism, promotion and utilization of technology professionals within the organization, community involvement, safety, innovation, profitability, growth, etc. Private and public organizations are eligible. Nominations should be accompanied by corroborating and supporting documents such as annual reports, newspaper and magazine articles, testimonials from community leaders, clients, employees, etc.
These unique awards recognize individuals or organizations for their consistently outstanding work. Qualities to be considered include: high levels of technical knowledge, important contributions to processes, consistent professional attitude, significant contributions to technical works, innovative technical solutions, assistance provided to others, leadership, etc. Nominations should include support materials and/or documentation for review. These awards are open to members and non-members, as well as companies or organizations of all sizes. A maximum of six awards may be given in any year.
This award is presented annually to an outstanding instructor (active or retired) in an accredited technology program. A recipient of the Excellence in Technical Instruction Award will exemplify technical ability, leadership, professionalism, and creativity, making a significant contribution to the study of technology at his or her institution. Nominators must be members of ASET (T.T. or higher) and provide supporting documentation for review by the Awards Committee.
Nomination deadline is December 31, 2011 To nominate, simply e-mail Lynnell Prediger at lynnellp@aset.ab.ca with your ideas or download one of our nomination forms from www.aset.ab.ca and fax it back to us at 780.424.5053.
Nomination deadline for these awards is December 31, 2011. The ASET Awards Committee will review nominations and make the award decisions in February, 2012.
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a s e t awa r d s
Last year’s award winners, l-r: Technologist of the Year Chris Delawski, C.E.T.; Technical Employer of the Year Aquatera Utilities Inc. representative Jeff Johnson, R.E.T.; and, Excellence in Technical Instruction Roy Narten, P.Eng. of NAIT
Reap the rewards of nominating! The ASET Awards Committee offers gift incentives to the nominators of the winners of ASET’s awards. All nominators are thanked with an ASET specialty promotional item. In addition, the successful nominators for the prestigious Technician/ Technologist of the Year, the Excellence in Technical Instruction, the Technical Employer of the Year and Technical Excellence awards will receive two complimentary tickets to the Awards ceremony and be acknowledged as the successful nominators.
Get your nominations in by December 31, 2011!
“The award has helped me realize that hard work, persistence, and focused career ethic can pay off in the end as a life time milestone.” “I received positive recognition as ASET’s 2011 Technologist of the Year. My coworkers got me a big cake and had a meet-and-greet with everyone at work, where speeches were given back and forth. It was a really nice recognition point in my career.” “I have also enjoyed the award in my personal life via friends and family where this really feels like the bigger accomplishment. It makes me feel proud of what I’ve done. Having this award on my resume is great and I have even had l some random people notice me on the magazine cover and approach me. That was cool!” — Chris Delawski, C.E.T. 2011 Technologist of the Year
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Scholarships Applications are now being accepted for various scholarships available through ASET. A total of 17 different scholarships may be presented annually. The Engineering Technology Scholarship Foundation of Alberta (ETSFA) is an organization of Past Presidents of the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET). ETSFA actively promotes technical education for students at Alberta technical institutes and colleges. It also promotes the continued professional development of ASET members. ETSFA accomplishes its aims through the establishment and administration of several scholarships.
NEW THIS YEAR! Women in Technology Scholarship For more information visit www.aset.ab.ca, or contact the ASET office at 780.425.0626 or email asetadmin@aset.ab.ca.
The Engineering Technology Scholarship Foundation is committed to supporting women in their technology careers. To that end, the $2,000 Women in Technology Scholarship was established. One award will be presented annually. Eligibility Female students in their final year of study in an approved program that is two years or more in duration, in the top 10 per cent of their class based on academic achievement in their first year of study, and have demonstrated leadership ability through involvement in school and/or community activities. How to Apply Applications are available on the ASET web site or by contacting the ASET office. Deadline: December 1 of each year.
ASET College Scholarships For students in their final year of study ETSFA offers a total of 14, $2,000 scholarships to recipients at seven colleges in Alberta: one each at DeVry Calgary, Grande Prairie Regional College, Lethbridge College, Medicine Hat College, Olds College, Red Deer College and Yukon College; plus three at NAIT and four at SAIT. These scholarships have more than doubled in value over the last three years! Eligibility Students in their final year of study in an approved program that is two years or more in duration, in the top 10 per cent of their class based on academic achievement in their first year of study, and have demonstrated leadership ability through involvement in school and/or community activities. How to Apply Application is made in the early fall of each year through the awards office at each institution. College scholarship winners are selected by institute or college officials in accordance with ETSFA criteria, and are presented at various times throughout the year. Deadline: Please see your college awards office for details and deadlines.
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schol a rships
TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Technology Scholarship For certified ASET members This annual $1,500 scholarship is made possible by TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Financial Services Inc. Eligibility ASET members who have been certified for at least five years as of the annual deadline date, and are enrolled in full-time post-secondary technical education. How to Apply Applications are available on the ASET web site or by contacting the ASET office. Deadline: February 1 of each year.
Don Stirling Memorial Scholarship
ASET/SASTT Lloydminster Scholarship
For certified ASET members in the Calgary Chapter, professional development
For a graduating student from a high school in the attendance area of the Lloydminster Bi-Provincial Chapter of ASET/SASTT.
One $500 scholarship is sponsored annually by the ASET Calgary chapter in memory of the late Don Stirling, C.E.T., one of the Association’s past presidents and a strong supporter of professional development for members. Eligibility Certified members of ASET in the Calgary Chapter, who provide proof of completion of a professional development course related to their field of work, and are not receiving financial assistance from their employers or other sources. How to Apply Applications are available on the ASET web site or by contacting the ASET office, and must be received within six months of completion of the course; the scholarship is presented at the end of each year. Deadline: December 1 of each year.
One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually. The graduate will be continuing his/her formal education in an applied science or engineering technician/technology program at a post-secondary institute in Saskatchewan or Alberta. Eligibility The student must be a recent graduate of a high school in the service area of the Lloydminster Bi-Provincial Chapter of ASET/SASTT, at the time of the award the applicant must be enrolled in a recognized applied science, or engineering technician/technology program in Alberta or Saskatchewan, the student must declare their intent of becoming certified as a C.E.T. (Certified Engineering Technologist), an A.Sc.T. (Applied Science Technologist) or C.Tech. (Certified Technician), and the student must become a student member of ASET or SASTT. How to Apply Detailed submission criteria are available at www.aset.ab.ca. Applications should be sent to the chair of the Lloydminster Bi-Provincial Chapter of ASET/SASTT. Deadline: by 4:00 pm on August 20 in the year of application.
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Intermunicipal Cooperation in Southern Alberta: The Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project Technologists play a key role in helping small communities in Southern Alberta benefit from a cooperative Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows the municipalities to make better, and quicker decisions. Submitted by Steven Ellert, C.E.T. Mladen Kristic, C.E.T. A GIS is the integration of geographical, or spatial, data that allows for easy understanding and access. A GIS can greatly simplify and streamline geographical information at say, a town office, where otherwise required information can be scattered in a variety of digital files, index cards, rolled up paper or maps on the wall. Specialized software, such as Autodesk MapGuide, allows end users to view on their desktop via the internet spatial data such as cadastral, title and infrastructure mapping as well as a multitude of database information such as infrastructure attributes, parcel ownership, tax roll data and land use districts. GIS allows users to synthesize the data and note trends or relationships. The Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project is an outstanding example of intermunicipal cooperation which has produced a valuable information resource for all those involved. The project is a partnership between the Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC), a municipal cooperative planning organization, and 37 urban municipalities located in southern Alberta. Through intermunicipal cooperation, these partners have worked together over the past eight years to create a centralized regional GIS. The project was designed to make it economically feasible for small communities to have access to GIS technology by sharing resources and expertise. GIS infrastructure and staff are centralized at the ORRSC office in Lethbridge and the Internet is used as a tool to deliver the information to individual municipalities in a password protected environment. The municipal partners and planning staff at ORRSC benefit from immediate access to information for decisionmaking, land use planning and infrastructure management. The partners of the Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project were proud to receive an Honorable Mention for Partnership at the 2004 Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence!
Project Development The impetus for the GIS project emerged out of the realization that urban members would benefit from GIS technology, but most communities within the region would not be able to afford a system on their own. ORRSC staff contacted all member and several non-member municipalities in southern Alberta in order to gauge interest and gained enough initial support to go ahead. The project received a Municipal Affairs’ 2000 Intermunicipal Sponsorship Grant. The entire program was approved as a multi-year pilot project in October of 2002 and was divided into three one-year phases: land use, infrastructure and orthophotography (distortioncorrected aerial photography that can be used to accurately measure distance, for example). The project has grown from serving a population of 36,219 in 18 municipalities to presently serving 84,287 in 37 municipalities. The GIS project is overseen by an advisory committee that meets a minimum of once annually. New initiatives, or GIS news in general, is conveyed to the membership via a GIS newsletter. ORRSC technologists work with local land survey company technologists, engineers and survey technologists, as well as municipal employees who may not have a technical background.
Technical Article Submissions Accepted Technical article submissions of interest to members of ASET are encouraged. Please view the technical article submission guidelines at www.aset.ab.ca or contact Judith Chrystal, Communications Coordinator, at judithc@aset. ab.ca to submit an outline.
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technica l a rticle
Phase I – 2002 to 2003 • Cadastral mapping, title mapping, land use district information and tax role databases were acquired for each municipality • Web files were created to provide municipal users with access to GIS data stored at the ORRSC office in Lethbridge • ORRSC staff travelled to municipal offices to load the viewer software and provide training
Oldman river region gis participants
• These early successes prompted the Town of Claresholm to join the project
Phase II – 2004 • Information on road, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer infrastructure networks was collected during 2004 • A GIS Advisory Committee was formed in order to ensure that the direction of the project would continue to meet the needs of the partners involved • The municipalities received an Honourable Mention for Partnership at the Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence
• The Town of Raymond and the Village of Stirling joined the Urban GIS Project, bringing the total of number of participating partners to 21
Phase I, Screenshot of Taber Urban GIS Overview
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Phase II, Screenshot of Taber Urban GIS Water Infrastructure
Phase III – 2005
Municipal Management
• New aerial photography was flown and a color orthophoto of each municipality was integrated into the GIS
• Organized information that is updated, maintained and available on the Internet
• The total number of municipal partners rose to 25 when the Villages of Arrowwood and Milo and the Towns of Granum and High River joined the project
• Access to an excellent planning tool that is useful in the preparation of reports and presentations for council meetings and public hearings
Benefits of the Urban GIS Project
• Increased professional development as municipal staff explore the possibilities of the system
The development of quality partnerships has been essential to the successful implementation of the Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project. This project has reduced duplication of data between different organizations and has made access to GIS economically feasible for the partnering municipalities. Data is stored on a central server located in Lethbridge and each community is able to access the GIS software and information via the Internet. ORRSC has assumed the role of service provider by managing the system and providing GIS expertise to the partnering municipalities. ORRSC staff has been actively involved in training municipal staff to use the GIS so that they are able to access information with ease. Partnering municipalities have begun to experience improved local management and operational efficiencies because of Internet access to accurate and up-to-date information. Other benefits of the urban GIS project include:
Infrastructure Management
Partnerships • Cost savings though shared infrastructure and expertise in a central location • Improved intermunicipal cooperation in the preparation of intermunicipal development plans, water quality studies and joint disaster plans
• Increased understanding of infrastructure deficiencies • Reduced duplication of work • Useful for providing notice to residents with regards to street and alley closures • Assists in developing maintenance agreements with private sector developers
Future Directions In retrospect, the Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project has met and exceeded the expectations of the project team. Partnering municipalities have continually increased their use of the system and several municipalities have joined the project since its inception. Late in 2005, the partnering municipalities received another grant from Municipal Affairs’ Sponsorship Program and these funds were used to develop four additional layers for the GIS project in 2006. An assessment layer, cemetery layer and registered plan layer have been added to the system.
• Increased potential for future partnerships between municipalities
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technica l a rticle
Phase III, Screenshot of Taber Urban GIS Orthophoto
Phase III, Screenshot of Taber Urban GIS Cemetery
For more information on the Oldman River Region Urban GIS Project, visit ORRSC’s website at www.orrsc.com or email orrsc@telus.net. The Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) is a municipal cooperative planning organization that provides professional planning advice to urban and rural municipalities in southwest Alberta. The GIS project team consists of the following people: Steven Ellert, C.E.T. Cal Kembel Mladen Kristic, C.E.T. Jaime Thomas Jordan Thomas
GIS Technologist Senior Graphics Technologist CAD/GIS Technologist GIS Analyst GIS Analyst
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ASET News Over the past few months, ASET has been attending tradeshows and career fairs to promote science and technology as well as ASET membership. Stampede Event Monday, July 11, approximately 100 members and guests attended the second annual Stampede Reception in Calgary at the Carriage House Inn.
Wayne Cao, MLA for Calgary-Fort and Deputy Speaker, Kim Cao, Alison Redford, MLA for Calgary-Elbow, and ASET Past President Dave Merralls, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.)
ASET Past President Dave Merralls, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) with Paul Hinman, MLA for Calgary-Glenmore
Night at the Races Wednesday, July 13, more than 40 members and guests enjoyed a night of horse racing at Northlands during the ASET Night at the Races in Edmonton.
Pictured are ASET President Liz McDonald, C.E.T. (fifth from left), and Edmonton Chapter Chair Chadwick Paddick, C.E.T. (sixth from left) at the presentation after the ASET race Opposite page: ASET members and guests enjoy the Night at the Races
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aset news
Government Relations ASET Part of PNWER In July, ASET participated in the 21st Annual Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) Summit — A Toast to Innovation, held in Portland, Oregon. The PNWER Summit provides a unique forum that brings together both the public and private sector from the Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska to collaborate and advance key regional economic issues. Events like the PNWER Summit provide organizations such as ASET the opportunity to openly engage and share information with legislators, business leaders and government officials. Key issues of specific interest to ASET included economic growth and development, regional labour shortages, labour mobility, innovation and regional cooperation. For more information on PNWER and the summit visit www.pnwer.org
Staff News
Staff News
Recently, ASET welcomed Glynnis Hennig as Certification Coordinator. Welcome Glynnis!
Congratulations to ASET Registrar Perry Nelson, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), MBA, who recently completed an MBA degree through Athabasca University.
Glynnis joined ASET in June as Certification Coordinator in the Registration Department. Outside of work, Glynnis is a part-time student at Grant MacEwan University studying Human Resources Management. Welcome to the ASET team Glynnis.
Social Media Update Join us at LinkedIn and facebook.
Courtesy of NasaImages.org
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t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
New ASET Technology Ring Available! As we approach our 50th anniversary, the new ring serves is a symbol of pride in our members, in our association, and in the profession. Worn on the smallest finger of the working hand, the technology ring is a symbol of professionalism. It is the exclusive domain of Alberta’s certified technicians and technologists. To order, please fill out the technology ring order form at www.aset.ab.ca or contact Jackie Sousa, Registration Facilitator, at jackies@aset.ab.ca.
F r e e D r aw We’d like your feedback! Tell us what the ASET ring means to you and we’ll enter you in a draw for a free ASET ring. Your feedback may be shared on the ASET website or publications. Send your comments by October 31, 2011 to jenniferm@aset.ab.ca
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
chapters’ calendar ASET fosters the connections between technology professionals by facilitating a Chapter system. Each regional Chapter is headed by current members, who plan Chapter activities such as technical tours, networking events, local student liaison and more. Attending Chapter meetings and events is an excellent way to get involved with ASET and network with local members. Check each Chapter’s section in the magazine for details about activities. f o r t m c m u r r ay
cold l ake
gr ande praire
For a list of Chapter executive and contact information, go to www. aset.ab.ca and follow the links under the About ASET menu item.
Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House in various chapters! Join ASET Presidents for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! Calgary October 25, at 7:00 pm Carriage House Inn
red deer
Cold Lake
November 4, at 7:00 pm Best Western Cold Lake Inn
Grande Praire October 21, at 7:00 pm Stonebridge Hotel m e di c i n e h at
November 9, at 7:00 pm Holiday Inn
Lloydminster November 14, at 7:00 pm Tropical Inn Medicine Hat November 7, at 7:00 pm Medicine Hat Lodge Check each Chapter’s section for details. For detailed information on chapter events, visit the Events Calendar on the ASET website. If you would like to be added to the ChapterLink e-mail list, please contact ASET’s Coordinator of Member and Public Relations Lynnell Prediger at lynnellp@aset.ab.ca. Next deadline for CHAPTERS’ CALENDAR submissions: October 28, 2011.
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
Calgary Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House! Join ASET President Elizabeth McDonald, C.E.T., for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift. Tuesday, October 25, 2011; at 7:00 pm Carriage House Inn, 9030 Macleod Trail South For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca
4-Wing Technician of the Year Award Presentation Each year, the ASET Cold Lake Chapter presents the ASET Silver Jubilee Award to an outstanding technician at the base. This year’s award was presented to Corporal JRDD (Dominic) Laporte. Pictured here (l-r) are Chapter Chair Ajaz Quraishi, C.Tech., PE, Corporal Laporte and Major Walter Michalchuk.
Co l d L a k e Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House! Join ASET Second Vice President Kevin Harrison, P.Tech.(Eng.), P.L.(Eng.), for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift. Friday, November 4, 2011; at 7:00 pm Best Western Cold Lake Inn, 4815—52 Street For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca
ASET Chapter Chair Honoured by the Department of National Defense Another honour was recently bestowed on our Cold Lake Chapter Chair Ajaz Quraishi, C.Tech., PE, for his support of 4-Wing community recreation events. The award was presented to Ajaz by Chief Master Warrant Officer Wheeler at a special ceremony on Saturday, August 27, 2011.
ASET Supports Continuing Education ASET Chapter Chair Ajaz Quraishi, C.Tech., PE, recently presented a $500 ASET Bursary to Brandon Bearman, a graduate of Cold Lake High School. Brandon is now enrolled in Power Engineering Technology at NAIT and will begin his studies in the fall.
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
Edmon ton
L e t h b r i dg e
Upcoming Chapter Meetings
Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House!
The Edmonton Chapter meets on the third Monday of each month (except summer and December) to discuss chapter issues and plan events and activities for members. All members are invited to attend and share ideas.
Join ASET First Vice President Norman Kyle, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift.
October 17 and November 21, 2011; at 6:00 pm Boston Pizza, Princess Elizabeth Ave and 101 St Contact Chapter Chair: Chadwick Paddick by phone 780.992.6157 or by e-mail edmonton@aset.ab.ca
Gr a n de Pr a ir ie Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House! Join ASET First Vice President Norman Kyle, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift. Friday, October 21, 2011; at 7:00 pm Stonebridge Hotel, 12102—100 Street For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca ASET/APEGGA Annual Golf Tournament On August 21, the Grande Prairie Chapter hosted its annual golf tournament. With 55 golfers in attendance, the event was another success as well as a good time. A total of $470 was raised through the sale of mulligans and raffle tickets and that money will be donated to the Grande Spirit Foundation.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011: at 7:00 pm Holiday Inn (formerly Ramada Lethbridge), 2375 Mayor Magrath Drive South For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca ENMAX Centre Tour On June 22, 2011 the Lethbridge Chapter of ASET conducted a noon hour tour of the “Enmax Center Renovation Project” The $33 Million project is a unique redevelopment of an existing ice arena which is home to the Lethbridge Hurricanes of the WHL. What makes the project unique is the way the project was designed and tendered to take advantage of available funding. In order to secure the financing available the project needed to be fast tracked through design so that the budget could be allocated. Once the funding was secured the project was tendered as several smaller projects to try to get the best pricing for all of the components. One of the biggest challenges for the City was that the facility had to remain 100% available to the WHL team and to other revenue generating functions during the hockey season.
ASET members were led through the tour by Reg Areshenko, C.E.T., Facilities Project Manager for the City of Lethbridge, pictured here in the center.
The first names on the trophy and pictured, l-r: Norman Rief, C.E.T., Andrew Quigley; Hughie Snook, P.Eng.; Clayton Brough, C.E.T.
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
ch a pters’ ca lenda r
L loy dminster Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House! Join ASET President Elizabeth McDonald, C.E.T., for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift. Monday, November 14, 2011; at 7:00 pm Tropical Inn, 5621 44 Street For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca
M e di c i n e H at Mark your calendar for the ASET Open House! Join ASET First Vice President Norman Kyle, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), for an evening of updates and important information for ASET members, including qualified practioners, national issues, continuing professional development, mentoring and more! There will be ample time for discussion and new C.E.T.s, C.Tech.s and P.Tech.s will be recognized with a special gift. Monday, November 7, 2011; at 7:00 pm Medicine Hat Lodge, 1051 Ross Glen Drive SE For more information or to register, please contact: ASET Coordinator of Member & Public Relations Lynnell Prediger by phone1.800.272.5619, ext. 214 or by e-mail lynnellp@aset.ab.ca ASET/APEGGA Golf Tournament Thirty-four degrees Celsius is nothing for the intrepid golfers in Medicine Hat! This tournament has been going strong for 19 years and those who came out enjoyed their day in the sun. Pictured here, Scott Dooher, P.Eng., a member of the organizing committee, takes a shot while former ASET chapter chair, Doug Simpson, C.E.T., looks on. Everyone in attendance went home with a great prize (or two… or three…) and plans will soon be underway for the 20th anniversary tournament in 2012!
c h a p t e r s ’ c o n ta c t s Calgary Russell Wong, C.E.T. calgary@aset.ab.ca 403.920.6716 Col d L a k e Ajaz Quraishi, C.E.T., PE coldlake@aset.ab.ca 780.826.0045 Edmonton Chadwick Paddick, C.E.T. edmonton@aset.ab.ca 780.992.6157 F o r t M c M u r r ay James Hiltz, C.E.T. fortmcmurray@aset.ab.ca 780.743.9343 Gr a nde Pr a irie Norm Rief, C.E.T. grandeprairie@aset.ab.ca 780.539.4422 L ethbr idge Greg Brouwer, C.E.T. lethbridge@aset.ab.ca 403.329.1404 Lloy dminster Dale Myggland, C.E.T. lloydminster@aset.ab.ca 780.842.7115 M e d i c i n e H at Dan Bernhart, R.E.T. medicinehat@aset.ab.ca 403.504.2344 R ed Deer Khalid Mehmood, T.T. reddeer@aset.ab.ca 403.449.0024
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
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N e w + R e-cl a ssi f i e d m e m be r s ASET welcomes new members and gladly acknowledges reclassified members. This listing is for June 17, 2011 through September 12, 2011. We apologize for any omissions and have included prior errata here.
t e c h n o l og i s t i n t r a i n i n g ( t.t.) a aroe , devon
engineering design and draf ting
st. albert
abeeb , abdi
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
aboughauche , nadia
civil- civil eng . technology
aboughauche , na jib
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
abwoch , joseph
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
acordon , merv yn
civil- civil eng . technology
adam , abdou
electrical- electrical eng . technology
adeleke , adebimpe
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
agane , abdirahman
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
ahlers , christian
mechanical- power eng . technology
ahmed , abdi - aziz
building - construction eng . technology
ahmed , imran
electrical- electrical eng . technology
ahmed , usman
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
ahnassay, desirae
chemical- chemical eng . technology
a jibike , abiodun
akporoh , florence
mechanical- power eng . technology
albert, jackie
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
albrecht, stephanie
chemical- chemical eng . technology
red deer
alcozer , marco
aldobasic , mirza
electrical- electrical eng . technology
aleem , faisal
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
alier , hakiem
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
altenhof, evan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
altmiks , curtis
mechanical- materials eng . technology
alton , gary
civil- construction
electrical- electrical eng . technology
alvares , daniel amanti , fasil
civil- civil eng . technology
anderson , daniel
electrical- electrical eng . technology
angal a , zharee leigh
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
aquino , dennis
electrical- electrical eng . technology
araujo , derick
arkes , scot t
mill arville
armstrong , charit y
chemical- chemical eng . technology
aromin , christopher james
civil- civil eng . technology
arora , nikita
engineering design and draf ting
asadull an , esanull an
asfha , naod
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
athwal , jagpreet
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
atkins , robyn
engineering design and draf ting
fort macleod
avdal , ne jirvan
civil- civil eng . technology
awad , ali
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
ayrey, jinaye
babich , jeff
civil- municipal eng . technology
backman , david
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
badival , alistair
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
badke , jeff
civil- municipal eng . technology
badrudeen , ibraheem
chemical- chemical eng . technology
medicine hat
bahandi , jorge
electrical- electrical eng . technology
bailey, brandon
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
ba jema , brit teny
l acombe
bali , gurminder
electrical- electrical eng . technology
ball , sheldon
electronics - computer eng . technology
ball , wade
mill arville
barber , william
civil- construction
spruce grove
barron , julio
information - computer net works
barz , daniel
building - construction eng . technology
sturgeon count y
batjargal , soyonbileg
engineering design and draf ting
bautista , marcus emmanuel
engineering design and draf ting
ba xter , ian
electrical- electrical eng . technology
bayaras , harri
civil- civil eng . technology
bedard , andre
bioscience - environmental
sl ave l ake
behm , steven
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
benipal , asmita
information - computer systems
bens , jason
electronics - electronics eng . technology
bentley, jonathon
civil- civil eng . technology
bercha , jessica
berger , t yler
electrical- electrical eng . technology
bermillo , jonathan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
bernier , david
electronics - electronics eng . technology
st. albert
bihun , anton
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
bish , jesse
civil- civil eng . technology
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
bl asko , graham
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
blezard , mackenzie
electrical- electrical eng . technology
bloom , t yson
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
boe , danica
bohay, brendan
electronics - computer eng . technology
bohmer , brennan
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
bontje , adam
civil- civil eng . technology
red deer
borreson , jody
chemical- chemical science
borthwick , deborah
exploration technology
cl aresholm
bosch , andrew
geomatics - survey eng . technology
bostel a ar , thea
chemical- chemical eng . technology
sherwood park
bouck , justin
civil- civil eng . technology
kitscot y
bowey, dale
mechanical- power eng . technology
medicine hat calgary
braden , dougl as
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
branco , daniel
electronics - computer eng . technology
brar , hark anwal jit
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
brennan , ashley
electronics - electronics eng . technology
brigham , gregory
mechanical- power eng . technology
medicine hat edmonton
broks , kyle
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
brosseau , kirby
chemical- chemical eng . technology
bonny ville
brown , eric
electronics - electronics eng . technology
lloydminster edmonton
brown , scot t
electrical- electrical eng . technology
browne , duncan
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
bui , daniel
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
burnside , victoria
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
but terworth , erik
geomatics - survey eng . technology
buye , bl ake
engineering design and draf ting
byers , brad
caballero , oscar
electrical- electrical eng . technology
cabling , norbert
engineering design and draf ting
cabrera , franklin del ano
engineering design and draf ting
caky, martin
civil- civil eng . technology
calhoun , john
bioscience - environmental
camargo , andres
cameron - weir , craig
information - computer systems
red deer
campbell , colin
mechanical- materials eng . technology
campese , michael
civil- construction
camroux , brad
bioscience - environmental
cao , feng
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
carabeo , michael
electrical- electrical eng . technology
cardenas , fernando
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
carlson , jordan
engineering design and draf ting
st. albert
carpenter , simon
engineering design and draf ting
carson , jessica
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
casey, sheldon
electrical- electrical eng . technology
castill a , maria
engineering design and draf ting
cea , jose
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
cereno , abel fernando
chan , chiu
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
chan , christopher
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
chan , michael
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
chapel , carl
electronics - electronics eng . technology
charles , jonathan
engineering design and draf ting
chen , chen
chemical- chemical eng . technology
chen , ken
electrical- electrical eng . technology
chen , kevin
engineering design and draf ting
chen , weiran
electrical- electrical eng . technology
chen , yuchao
civil- civil eng . technology
chhoa , vincent
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
chhok ar , amritpal
electrical- electrical eng . technology
chhok ar , hersendeep
mechanical- power eng . technology
chicahual a , antu
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sherwood park
chmil ar , christopher
electronics - computer eng . technology
sherwood park
cho , youngjin
eddt - civil technology
chon , wu
mechanical- power eng . technology
chovancak , mike
electrical- electrical eng . technology
chui , stanley
eddt - civil technology
chuma , desmond
chemical- chemical eng . technology
chura , connor
building - construction eng . technology
ciarrocca , marcie
bioscience - environmental
cl arke , kyle
civil- civil eng . technology
cl arkson , cameron
civil- construction
cl aydon , audrey
st albert
ference , leanne
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
co , kenneth
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
ferreira , daniel
civil- construction
cochrane , rob
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
fl ansburg , nol an
coe , samuel
civil- civil eng . technology
flynn , mat thew
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
l acombe
cole , bret
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fong , a aron
engineering design and draf ting
coll ao , carolina
bioscience - environmental
ford , a aron
electrical- electrical eng . technology
stony pl ain
collins , thomas
electronics - electronics eng . technology
conway, christopher
civil- civil eng . technology
red deer
coombes , peter
civil- civil eng . technology
cormier , all an
chemical- chemical eng . technology
corpuz , kenneth
electrical- electrical eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
costucci , kyler
civil- construction
foster , bl air
instrumentation - automation and robotics technology
foster , stacey
civil- construction
sturgeon count y
fraser , ross
mechanical- power eng . technology
fraser , tim
mechanical- power eng . technology
fritzsons , william
engineering design and draf ting
froese , chris
engineering design and draf ting
cranston , sharon
bioscience - environmental
medicine hat
frol and , andrew
cress , benjamin
bioscience - environmental
fu , mingjing
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
cressey, joel
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
red deer
gal arneau , kevin
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
crozier , james
civil- civil eng . technology
gall ant, melissa
chemical- chemical eng . technology
cui , jian
gallego , patrick neil
chemical- chemical eng . technology
cummings , jason
civil- civil eng . technology
gallelli , russell
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
daigneault, annick
civil- construction
gallup, travis
bioscience - environmental
dalberg , stefan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
gantumur , enkhod
electrical- electrical eng . technology
daniel , kyle
engineering design and draf ting
gardiner , terrence
civil- municipal eng . technology
danyliuk , alex a
electronics - electronics eng . technology
garl and , chynna
engineering design and draf ting
david , ebenezer
electrical- electrical eng . technology
geddes , lorne
civil- civil eng . technology
deans , megan
l ake country
gegolick , reid
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
st. albert
degroot, steven
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
gerelus , geoffrey
bioscience - environmental
dekker , dean
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
germs , david
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sherwood park
del annoy, joshua
civil- civil eng . technology
gharib , peter
chemical- chemical eng . technology
deluca , joseph
electrical- electrical eng . technology
gibson , brent
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
demaere , david
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
gieni , morgan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
den ot ter , mat t
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
gill , gurbakshish
electronics - electronics eng . technology
denesik , jacob
engineering design and draf ting
gillis , burton
engineering design and draf ting
desai , nandish
chemical- chemical eng . technology
gimeno , joseph
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
calgary red deer count y
dewind , josh
chemical- chemical eng . technology
sherwood park
gl ackin , mike
chemical- chemical eng . technology
diab , ahmed
chemical- chemical eng . technology
glegloff, kevin
civil- civil eng . technology
diacon , james
glembiski , danna
diaz , jose
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
golingay, carmelita
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
diaz , mark
engineering design and draf ting
good , devin
rocky mtn house
dick au , philip
information - computer net works
good , parker
diduch , alex
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
gool amabbas , shabbir
electronics - electronics eng . technology
dietze , andrew
electrical- electrical eng . technology
gorczyca , john
electrical- electrical eng . technology
digness , john
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
dimasuhid , eriberto
civil- civil eng . technology
gordon , kyle
instrumentation - automation and robotics technology
do , hunmin
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
gorembalem , jaromir
engineering design and draf ting
donauer , robert
engineering design and draf ting
gorluik , jesse
electrical- electrical eng . technology
graham , colby
electrical- electrical eng . technology
groeneveld , lee
civil- civil eng . technology
bl ackie
gronning , kyle
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
grusie , l ane
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
sherwood park
guenther , kody
chemical- chemical eng . technology
gurung , pancha
engineering design and draf ting
dong , shanjun
civil- construction
dorchak , devon
doucet, t yler
civil- civil eng . technology
dow , candace
bioscience - biological sciences
hudson hope
dowhan , anthony
mechanical- aircraf t maintenance
dreaver , michael
chemical- chemical eng . technology
dsouza , sascha
electrical- electrical eng . technology
du , jun
electrical- electrical eng . technology
duca , rol and jr .
information - computer net works
duk , evgeny
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
st. albert
duong , benjamin
electronics - electronics eng . technology
durocher , mark
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
dyer , nick
civil- municipal eng . technology
eagles , steven
electrical- electrical eng . technology
red deer
ebbesen , sean
civil- construction
echchouja a , mohammed
mechanical- power eng . technology
edlund , bret t
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
gw ynne
edlund , evan
gw ynne
edwards , david
bioscience - environmental
high river
eghdami , koorosh
engineering design and draf ting
ehmann , ashley
sherwood park
ellis , amy
elsherif, rafik
civil- civil eng . technology
english , colton
information - computer systems
red deer
esteves , lelord
engineering design and draf ting
estrada , mark
etherington , hunter
evaluardjuk - fournier , zebede
evans , mathew
engineering design and draf ting
evens , jason ewhubare , bright
hacker , emma
civil- civil eng . technology
hager , robert
electrical- electrical eng . technology
hah , jeong hyun
civil- construction
haider , syed
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
hall , jeannet te
bioscience - environmental
hall and , scot t
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
edmonton calgary
hamende , valerie
chemical- environmental
hao , xinsheng
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
harder , keith
mechanical- power eng . technology
medicine hat lethbridge
harker , jeff
civil- municipal eng . technology
hart, lindsay
eddt - structural technology
medicine hat
harter , devon
engineering design and draf ting
hart y, craig
harun , alex
civil- civil eng . technology
fort mcmurray
harvey, william
civil- civil eng . technology
hassan , moataz
electrical- electrical eng . technology
haughey, colin
chemical- chemical eng . technology
hauser , kristopher
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
head , david
electronics - electronics eng . technology
hebert, luc
mechanical- power eng . technology
heiberg , severin
heinrich , cody
mechanical- power eng . technology
henderson , drew
engineering design and draf ting
henderson , kyle
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
henderson , sean
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
hennig , christopher
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
fan , niuben
chemical- chemical eng . technology
henze , brock
chemical- chemical eng . technology
fantino , gabriel
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
herman , josh
farebrother , joey
eddt - municipal technology
st albert
heron , annet te
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
fawcet t, r
heuer , anthony
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
edmonton calgary
fearon , kyle
chemical- chemical eng . technology
hildebrand , steven
bioscience - environmental
federau , michael
electronics - computer eng . technology
sherwood park
hill , eric
electronics - electronics eng . technology
summerl and
fee , bret t
engineering design and draf ting
hill , kevin
engineering design and draf ting
red deer
felso , bernadet t
bioscience - environmental
hill , rochelle
civil- civil eng . technology
north vancouver
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
new + r ecl assified members
hirsekorn , paul
civil- civil eng . technology
kisser , scot t
engineering design and draf ting
rocky rapids
hirst, robert
eddt - electrical technology
kl assen , glen
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
edmonton onoway
hng , wei ning
kl ause , dustin
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
ho , brian
engineering design and draf ting
klita , paul
chemical- chemical eng . technology
spruce grove
hodi , rol and
mechanical- power eng . technology
knowles , calder
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sylvan l ake
hogg , brady
electrical- electrical eng . technology
knowles , christie
hogle , nathan
civil- civil eng . technology
knutson , trent
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
hollingworth , courtney
kobelsky, amber
hong , miran
engineering design and draf ting
koh , youngmin
chemical- chemical eng . technology
hope , thomas
engineering design and draf ting
kohlman , k armen
howard , taylor
mechanical- power eng . technology
fort mcmurray
kooner , sukhra j
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
hoy, robert
koracin , igor
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
hrycun , dyl an
mechanical- power eng . technology
kozel , michael
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
huang , k ai
electrical- electrical eng . technology
kozlov, alex ander
mechanical- materials eng . technology
huang , zheng
information technology
krauss , gary
electrical- electrical eng . technology
hume , jeremy
electrical- electrical eng . technology
krb , stepan
hume , teghan
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
kreke , bl air
kucher , t yler
electronics - electronics eng . technology
kuefler , drew
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
kumar , rishi
mechanical- power eng . technology
l amont
kumar , rohit
information - computer systems
kushnerik , bret t
civil- construction
l a , phu
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
l adan , mat thew
electronics - electronics eng . technology
hurford , donny
chemical- chemical science
hussaini , noor
engineering design and draf ting
hyl and , ryan
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
hyslop, kelly
chemical- chemical eng . technology
ibrahim hamid , mohammed
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
ihenyen , efua
chemical- chemical eng . technology
ihn , dukyeol
electrical- electrical eng . technology
inyang , robert
irengo , maureen
chemical- chemical eng . technology
issa , dlb
petroleum - petrochemical technology
jaber , baha a
electrical- electrical eng . technology
jackson , jamie
grande prairie
jackson , michael
civil- civil eng . technology
jafari , hoda
chemical- chemical eng . technology
jagodnik , neil
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
jakel , ryan
electronics - electronics eng . technology
jalbert, gilles
metallurgical- metallurgical eng . technology
100 mile house
james , chris
metallurgical- materials eng . technology
janzen , carmen
civil- civil eng . technology
janzen , leah
electronics - electronics eng . technology
ja x , gorra
engineering design and draf ting
jedlick a , robert
mechanical- power eng . technology
medicine hat
jennings , david
bioscience - renewable resources
jeon , yonje
engineering design and draf ting
jessiman , amanda
electrical- electrical eng . technology
sherwood park
jessop, jamie
civil- civil eng . technology
sherwood park
jethwa , romil
electrical- electrical eng . technology
jha , apurva
civil- civil eng . technology
jiang , hai
electrical- electrical eng . technology
johns , michael
information - computer systems
l acombe
johnson , a aron
spruce grove
johnson , jamie
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
johnson , nathan
civil- civil eng . technology
edmonton calgary
johnston , eric
electrical- electrical eng . technology
jol aoso , oluwaseun
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
jones , mat thew
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
red deer
joshi , aron
st. albert
jozwiak , adam
electrical- electrical eng . technology
jun , yu hak
electrical- electrical eng . technology
jung , yeon hee
bioscience - biological sciences
juravinski , jeff
building - construction eng . technology
sherwood park
k aczan , krystian
civil- construction
k amal , adnan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
k aminski , jocelyne
bioscience - l aboratory
k amis , david
civil- civil eng . technology
k amiss , ahmed
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
k ana , andrew
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
spruce grove
k angas , sean
civil- construction
k apcsos , madara
civil- civil eng . technology
k apoor , supreet
k arimi , shahriar
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
k asamba , jean - cl aude
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
k awecki , nathan
engineering design and draf ting
fort sask atchewan
k aye , michael
kedariset ti , priyank a
chemical- chemical eng . technology
kelly, daniel
kent, bryan
khalil , bara a
chemical- chemical eng . technology
khan , haseeb
electronics - avionics eng . technology
khan , shehryar
chemical- chemical eng . technology
kim , hyeonho
mechanical- power eng . technology
kim , san
electrical- electrical eng . technology
kim , songkyu
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
king , stacy
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
kinniburgh , k aylee
kirstein , kerry
information - computer net works
red deer
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
chemical- chemical eng . technology
l afond , patrick
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
l alonde , t yler
l adhani , roohee
electronics - computer eng . technology
l amontagne , guy
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
mill bay
l antos , christopher
mechanical- materials eng . technology
l ao , philip
chemical- chemical eng . technology
edmonton calgary
l apl ante , josh
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
l aungia , narinderjit
civil- civil eng . technology
l aurie , aimee
electrical- power generation and distrib .
medicine hat
l awlor , daniel
electrical- electrical eng . technology
l awrence , ben
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
leach , amber
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
stony pl ain
lebl anc , david
mechanical- h .v. a . c .
spruce grove l acl abiceth
lebl anc , guill aume
electrical- electrical eng . technology
leddy, brent
engineering design and draf ting
lee , ernie
lee , hyoungjin
electrical- electrical eng . technology
lee , mija
engineering design and draf ting
lee , sam
engineering design and draf ting
lee , seongjin
electrical- electrical eng . technology
lee , swan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
legget t, mat thew
civil- civil eng . technology
leonard , joseph
building - construction eng . technology
li , bingyi
electrical- electrical eng . technology
li , kevin
civil- civil eng . technology
li , tong
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
liang , shuang
chemical- chemical eng . technology
liang , yuanxin
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
liboiron , joel
mechanical- power eng . technology
liew , oliver
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
light, sarah
civil- civil eng . technology
limbachia , manish
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
lindstrand , john
building - construction eng . technology
liu , wen
civil- civil eng . technology
lodermeier , wade
logan , cl ay ton
engineering design and draf ting
lombin , jonathan
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
long , justin
electronics - avionics eng . technology
louden , kyle
engineering design and draf ting
lowe , arianne
bioscience - environmental
lulu , chali
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
lundin , t yler
electrical- electrical eng . technology
lupino , bradley
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
luu , david
civil- civil eng . technology
ma an , maninder
electronics - electronics eng . technology
ma an , simran
mac int yre , donald
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
macbeth , john
electrical- electrical eng . technology
red deer count y
machin , shaun
civil- civil eng . technology
mack ay, colton
chemical- chemical eng . technology
calgary calgary
maclean , colleen
bioscience - environmental
macpherson , christina
chemical- chemical eng . technology
magee , eric
bioscience - environmental
mahe , francois
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
stet tler
main , calvin
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
three hills
ma jor , megan
mak , winson
eddt - civil technology
makin , david
engineering design and draf ting
hillcrest mines
makowichuk , jared
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
l ac l a biche
makowski , daniel
mal akian shahreza , shirin
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
nguyen , andrew
civil- construction
mal azdrewicz , josh
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
nguyen , hoa
chemical- chemical eng . technology
calgary calgary
males , denis
engineering design and draf ting
nguyen , huong
electrical- electrical eng . technology
mall are , enrique
electrical- electrical eng . technology
nichols , mckennzie
engineering design and draf ting
stony pl ain
mann , justin
civil- civil eng . technology
nielsen , jan
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
mans , brent
civil- civil eng . technology
noel , jeremy
civil- civil eng . technology
marchildon , aman
electronics - electronics eng . technology
nolte , curtis
engineering design and draf ting
marchyshyn , andriy
electronics - computer eng . technology
norman , michael
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
mariano , shaira
chemical- chemical eng . technology
nutbrown , candace
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
marl at t, brendan
nutzenberger , steven
engineering design and draf ting
marriot t, derek
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
nysten , brayden
chemical- chemical eng . technology
martin , ryan
o farrell , erin
mechanical- materials eng . technology
cold l ake
martinez , norelys
chemical- chemical eng . technology
o grady, brendan
engineering design and draf ting
mart ynowski , aron
civil- civil eng . technology
st. albert
obodo , isa ac
chemical- chemical eng . technology
maschio , bryce
civil- civil eng . technology
red deer
ofuk any, bl aine
building - construction eng . technology
mason , michael
electrical- electrical eng . technology
ohanmu , patrick
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
mason , patrick
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
ok , jaeyoung
civil- construction
matar , tal al
civil- construction
olineck , t yler
mauthe , derek
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
olson , kyl a
engineering design and draf ting
maweu , john
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
osorio , angel
chemical- chemical eng . technology
mcastocker , mark
bioscience - environmental
osterhout, mat thew
mccardle , brian
engineering design and draf ting
medicine hat
ot winowski , macie j
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
mcdowell , robert
mechanical- power eng . technology
ou , shun ning
electronics - robotics and automation technology
mcginn , james
mechanical- power eng . technology
pambi , pamphyl
electronics - robotics and automation technology
mcgrath , chris
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
pangilinan , james
eddt - structural technology
mcgrath , mat t
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
paniec , michael
civil- civil eng . technology
mcgrory, james
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
paquin , josh
mechanical- power eng . technology
medicine hat
paranich , ryan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
park , all an
metallurgical- metallurgical eng . technology
park , hye jun
eddt - civil technology
mckee , dawn
chemical- chemical eng . technology
mckenzie , nathan
electronics - broadcast comm .
mclennan , charles
electrical- electrical eng . technology
mcmaster , nicole
civil- civil eng . technology
mcnabb , stewart
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
mcnamara , amanda
civil- civil eng . technology
meehan , ryan
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
meers , kyle
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
acadia valley
meger , ashley
st. paul
mehmood , muhammad nauman
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
park , ryan
parmar , gurinder
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
parnell , jamie
parra , luz elena
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
pascual , kristofer
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
edmonton edmonton
patel , trupti
information - computer systems
patel , vinar
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
paterson , garth
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
pavicic , michael
building - construction eng . technology
sturgeon count y
peng , yao
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
penny, mitchell
civil- civil eng . technology
mehta , kinjal
information - computer net works
melendez - rizo , sayri
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
menage , daniel
engineering design and draf ting
mendez moreno , mario samir
chemical- chemical eng . technology
mercer , james
civil- civil eng . technology
mercer , phillip
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
peters , darcy
percival , steve
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
perez vides , manlio
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
perrin , joshua
electronics - electronics eng . technology
st. albert
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
sundre calgary
mesfin , dagnachew
engineering design and draf ting
messner , nichol as
electrical- electrical eng . technology
petersen , erik
mineral- geophysical
miciak , cody
electrical- electrical eng . technology
peterson , arliss
electrical- power generation and distrib .
medicine hat
midzi , kudak washe
pijank a , jacob
electrical- electrical eng . technology
engineering design and draf ting
miedema , jennifer
civil- civil eng . technology
pimentel , charmane
information - computer systems
red deer
mikusek , k arol
civil- civil eng . technology
pipke , daniel
civil- civil eng . technology
miller , ryan
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
pit tman , christopher
civil- civil eng . technology
pl aisier - levesque , andre
electronics - electronics eng . technology
stony pl ain
minchau , steven
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
mira , rosselyn
electronics - avionics eng . technology
plotnikov, nikol ay
civil- civil eng . technology
mirza , farhan
pluim - felix , anthony
exploration technology
mistry, chintankumar
electrical- electrical eng . technology
poll ard , nichol as
civil- civil eng . technology
pomeranz , taylor
chemical- chemical eng . technology
airdrie edmonton
mohamad , ahmad
electrical- electrical eng . technology
fort mcmurray
mok , timothy
petroleum - petrochemical technology
poole , ryan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
moledina , mohamed
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
pootz , taylor
civil- construction
monkman , krist yn
pot ter , christine
moon , jungsun
eddt - civil technology
prat t, barry
moore - kirkl and , erin
chemical- chemical eng . technology
prosperi - porta , mat thew
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
st albert
sherwood park
morgan , ashley
bioscience - environmental
pruys , steven
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
morgotch , steven
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
pysmeny, scot t
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sherwood park
qay yum , mohammad
engineering design and draf ting
morin , bret t
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
qazi , tahseen
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
morin , william
civil- civil eng . technology
ra ath , abel
civil- civil eng . technology
moscicki , kirby
radasic , cameron
civil- construction
mowers , justin
civil- construction
medicine hat
rafa , derek
mechanical- power eng . technology
acadia valley
mroczek , michal
civil- civil eng . technology
murphy, jeremi
civil- civil eng . technology
murphy, samantha
mut yanda , johannes
civil- civil eng . technology
na jmeddine , bel al
nandish , desai
chemical- chemical eng . technology
nash , alex
electronics - robotics and automation technology
nazari , mohsin
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
neda , alex ander
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
negranza , renato
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
nekzad , rohin
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
nelson , mark
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
neufeld , mackenzie
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
newcomb , thomas
information - computer net works
st. albert
ngo , bao gia
electrical- electrical eng . technology
ngo , khanh
eddt - process piping technology
civil- civil eng . technology
ramdass , ashik
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
ramsay, greg
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sherwood park
ramsay, michael
electronics - electronics eng . technology
ramstead , andrew
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
randle , mitchael
electronics - biomedical eng . technology
spruce grove
rath , scot t
civil- civil eng . technology
ravenhill , james
chemical- chemical eng . technology
calgary edmonton
raza , shehzad
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
reamer , dustin
civil- civil eng . technology
reaume , cody
electrical- electrical eng . technology
redford , kristopher
electronics - electronics eng . technology
reeder , trevor
civil- civil eng . technology
reglis , yiannis
eddt - civil technology
calgary calgary
rehman , abdul
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
reichard , brennan
engineering design and draf ting
reid , robert
electrical- electrical eng . technology
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
new + r ecl assified members
reinholt, kevin
building - construction eng . technology
stel , mat t
electronics - robotics and automation technology
reitzel , andrew
stevens , ian
chemical- chemical eng . technology
renyard , jesse
electrical- electrical eng . technology
stewart, alex ander
civil- civil eng . technology
retzl aff, jesse
electrical- electrical eng . technology
stichbury, paul
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
reyes , rael kristine
chemical- chemical eng . technology
stone , james
reynolds , evann
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
su , liwei
civil- civil eng . technology
richardson , ryan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
sudds , bennet t
civil- civil eng . technology
rivas , jessica
engineering design and draf ting
sul aiman , joseph
information - computer systems
edmonton medicine hat
robbie , bret t
sun , he
mechanical- power eng . technology
robertson , chas
mechanical- power eng . technology
sun , wenzheng
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
robinson , david
civil- construction
sun , xiaoxi
electrical- electrical eng . technology
roch , jacob
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
surmon , kyle
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
rocha , john
civil- civil eng . technology
sut ton , steven
building - construction eng . technology
roden , scot t
mechanical- power eng . technology
suurhoff, dustin
building - construction eng . technology
rodriguez , christian
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
suvorinov, andrey
chemical- chemical eng . technology
roszko , darcy
chemical- chemical eng . technology
swan , greg
rouzi , alzezijiang
civil- civil eng . technology
switzer , arthur
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
rowbotham , jacalyn
chemical- chemical science
stony pl ain
syed , amara
chemical- chemical eng . technology
roy, ferdinand
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
syed , omer
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
calgary gibbons
roy, mabroor
chemical- chemical eng . technology
symington , wilson
metallurgical- materials eng . technology
royer , jean
electrical- electrical eng . technology
sherwood park
szczepanski , tomas
civil- civil eng . technology
rus , k amil
building - construction eng . technology
taban , jessy
mechanical- power eng . technology
rusk , brian
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
tadros , fady
rybak , garret t
mechanical- power eng . technology
tal ashkevich , alex ander
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
rysav y, derek
talhouni , kosai
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
sallenback , t yler
civil- civil eng . technology
tang , lewis
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
sanchez , julio
chemical- chemical eng . technology
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
tanoli , nisar
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
santiago , jefreel rey
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
tariq , muhammad
electrical- electrical eng . technology
sapon , dean
civil- civil eng . technology
tarun , christiel ane
civil- civil eng . technology
sarafin , justin
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
sherwood park
tate , geoff
edmonton red deer
savare , nogaye
civil- municipal eng . technology
tawfek , tarik
electronics - computer eng . technology
sawatzky, mitchell
chemical- chemical eng . technology
te jada , cassie paige
chemical- chemical eng . technology
scheele , chris
civil- civil eng . technology
thai , john
scherck , ian
civil- civil eng . technology
thakur , kunal
chemical- chemical eng . technology
schick , amy
civil- water resources technology
gl aslyn
therrien , jesse
engineering design and draf ting
sherwood park
schoet tle , craig
civil- construction
stergeon count y
thomas , brennan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
scovill , amy
engineering design and draf ting
thomson , logan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
sears , jenna
engineering design and draf ting
thorvaldson , t yler
civil- civil eng . technology
sebastian , steven
bioscience - environmental
tian , xiaohong
chemical- chemical eng . technology
seeley, eric
engineering design and draf ting
tieu , johnny
electrical- electrical eng . technology
serbu , denis
tinis , christopher
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sethuraman , srik anth
information - computer systems
tiwari , shonald
mechanical- h .v. a . c .
sevigny, keel an
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
tk achuk , dustin
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
sevigny, keel an
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
tompkins , christopher
metallurgical- materials eng . technology
seyed tarrah , seyed mok taba
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
tomusange , joseph
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
sha , caichen
electrical- electrical eng . technology
tonsi , ryan
civil- construction
shabbir , hamza
touk abri , al a
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
tower , christopher
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
tran , ai - ngan
eddt - process piping technology
tran , tommy
mechanical- power eng . technology
tran , trung
engineering design and draf ting
trigg , patrick
building - construction eng . technology
trinh , phong
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
trudel , rachel
bioscience - environmental
calgary edmonton
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
shahi , amandeep
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
sharma , ankit
electronics - electronics eng . technology
shaw , andrew
engineering design and draf ting
shea , christopher
civil- construction
shen , bo
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
shi , weidong
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
shi , yanping
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
shier , brock
electronics - electronics eng . technology
shin , junwook
eddt - civil technology
shukl a , manoj
engineering design and draf ting
siegl , george
civil- civil eng . technology
simaluk , andrew
civil- civil eng . technology
simard , sarah
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
singh , bhav yadeep
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
singh , yugwant
chemical- chemical eng . technology
sl ade , jordan
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
cold l ake calgary
sl asor , benjamin
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
smith , devin
smith , ian
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
smith , jennifer
civil- civil eng . technology
smith , joel
mechanical- power eng . technology
smith , kevin
civil- civil eng . technology
smith , michael
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
smith , riley
snow , joseph
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
milk river
sobolewski , chris
civil- civil eng . technology
sohanpal , parminder
civil- civil eng . technology
song , yi ming
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
soon , devin
bioscience - environmental
sosuan , erison
engineering design and draf ting
souribio , ophelia
chemical- chemical eng . technology
spitsyn , danil a
engineering design and draf ting
sroba , ashlee
civil- civil eng . technology
stadel , todd
chemical- chemical eng . technology
stager , colin
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
stang , derek
electrical- electrical eng . technology
steiger , l andon
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011
tu , nhan
engineering design and draf ting
tuchiwsky, stevin
civil- civil eng . technology
tuck , meggan
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
tucker , craig
mechanical- power eng . technology
tupper , brian
electronics - electronics eng . technology
turcios , david
electronics - electronics eng . technology
turuk , conrad
civil- civil eng . technology
uddin , imad
electrical- electrical eng . technology
red deer
urness , todd
electronics - electronics eng . technology
usenk a , andrei
valencia , luis
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
van dassel a ar , devon
civil- civil eng . technology
van den berg , ellen
engineering design and draf ting
van hill , nathan
engineering design and draf ting
vanden brand , alex andra
vanhornsveld , mitchell
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
vasquez , william
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
verma , amit
chemical- chemical eng . technology
verma at, mark
electronics - computer eng . technology
calgary calgary
vilches , gary
eddt - structural technology
vill anueva , jocelyn
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
vis , raymond
electronics - electronics eng . technology
vl adimir , novitskiy
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
vu , anh
engineering design and draf ting
vu , daniel
vu , david
wagg , jordan
electronics - electronics eng . technology
sherwood park
wak aryk , kevin
electrical- electrical eng . technology
walker , david
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
walline , devin
civil- civil eng . technology
stony pl ain
wancho , john
bioscience - l aboratory
reyes , willie
wang , jia ji
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
sibayan , edward
electrical- electrical eng . technology
wang , wei
electronics - electronics eng . technology
sill ador , rory
electronics - electronics eng . technology
wang , wuan
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
toledo , dennis
civil- civil eng . technology
wang , zong jun
mechanical- materials eng . technology
vegh - morin , wayne
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
yapp, kim
electronics - electronics eng . technology
webber - drisdelle , jane
bioscience - environmental
wei , kevin
engineering design and draf ting
weiman , justin
chemical- chemical eng . technology
weller , drue
building - construction eng . technology
welt y, bruce
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
alex ander , michael
information technology
weng , ching fa
electrical- electrical eng . technology
atkin , bryce
civil- civil eng . technology
wensley, joshua
electrical- electrical eng . technology
barnes , james
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
werner , andrew
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
baru , anthony
wida , mustata
chemical- chemical eng . technology
beck , sheldon
civil- civil eng . technology
bramwell , tarik
engineering design and draf ting
edmonton l amont
wil anowski , paul
wildeman , trent
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
bryden , lisa
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
wilkinson , andrew
mechanical- materials eng . technology
buote , chase
building - construction eng . technology
bush , glenda
chemical- chemical eng . technology
calgary grande prairie
windle , darren
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
red deer
woeckener , david
electrical- electrical eng . technology
chaulk , natalie
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
woods , adam
electronics - computer eng . technology
chin , victoria
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
cruz , myra
civil- civil eng . technology
edmonton calgary
wooten , sheil a
civil- water resources technology
worthing , cody
chemical- chemical eng . technology
cullen , donald
electronics - electronics eng . technology
stony pl ain
wosley, steven
electrical- electrical eng . technology
davidson , jesse
civil- civil eng . technology
wright, graham
electronics - computer eng . technology
davis , l ance
wrightson , john
civil- civil eng . technology
de guzman , jorge
electrical- electrical eng . technology
wrzosek , brenden
electronics - electronics eng . technology
de varennes , nicole
mechanical- materials eng . technology
w ybenga , stephen
building - construction eng . technology
derewianko , natalie
everit t, joel
xie , guoxiong
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
sylvan l ake
yaghi , me jd
friesen , kevin
engineering design and draf ting
engineering design and draf ting
yang , jing
electrical- electrical eng . technology
fry, alex ander
eddt - civil technology
ying , chao
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
george , david
electronics - telecomm . eng . technology
st. albert
yoon , hongki
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
girvan , iain
civil- civil eng . technology
guantero , chyda
mechanical- industrial
edmonton calgary
yoon , jungsik
civil- civil eng . technology
guevarra , romano angelo
yougner , alison
fort sask atchewan
hagi - memet, adina
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
young , k al a
bioscience - environmental
haglund , shaun
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
youse , devon
mechanical- manufacturing equipment eng . technology
hallman , kerri
hansra , manpreet
electronics - electronics eng . technology
yu , andy
harlton , benjamin
building - construction eng . technology
yu , baldwin
eddt - civil technology
hoernig , marina
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
yu , dongbo
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
huestis , nicol as
electrical- electrical eng . technology
hunter , tanya
civil- water supply and waste water control
hynman , annet te
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
ishfaq , ehtisham
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
johnson , chase
building - construction eng . technology
k arasiuk , darren
electronics - electronics eng . technology
yue , peng
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zahid , k amran
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
zaiffdeen , stephan
chemical- chemical eng . technology
zandbeek , nichol as
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zemeadim , simon
mechanical- power eng . technology
zerrudo , agustin
engineering design and draf ting
zhang , sam
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zhang , wei
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
zhang , xia ying
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zheng , jun
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
zhu , maohua
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zhu , tao
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
zhu , yi
electrical- electrical eng . technology
zimmer , richard
electrical- electrical eng . technology
daysl and
zork , payden
civil- construction
a s soc i at e t e c h n ic i a n aujl a , inderpal
civil- civil eng . technology
bloxom , margot
bioscience - environmental
harker , ronald
electrical- industrial controls
ogden , alec
reid , andy
electronics - industrial
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
three hills
khaled , fady
electronics - robotics and automation technology
kholdisabeti , roshanak
kester , darren
chemical- chemical science
kirchner , lorin
civil- civil eng . technology
kiriakides , chris
building - construction eng . technology
kohut, trevor
engineering design and draf ting
kope , pamel a
dray ton valley
koval , iryna
mueck , reuben
- bapet electrical- electrical eng . technology petroleum - petroleum eng . technology metallurgical- welding eng . technology petroleum - petroleum eng . technology metallurgical- welding eng . technology electrical- electrical eng . technology electrical- electrical eng . technology petroleum - hydrocarbon chemical- chemical eng . technology electrical- electrical eng . technology electronics - electronics eng . technology electrical- electrical eng . technology mechanical- mechanical eng . technology building eng . technology
ngo , hien
engineering design and draf ting
o ’neill , terry
calgary calgary
kraf t, gordon kress , alex ander l angell , mitchell l ay ton , benjamin lee , sung manarin , stephen mat thiessen , bret t mcdermot t, michael mcginnis , jeffery measner , brent
a s soc i at e t e c h n o l og i s t
mehari , amanuel
de wa al , koen
civil- civil eng . technology
kempe , ronald
electrical- electrical eng . technology
l arsen , l ars - erik
building - architectural
siemak , dennis
engineering design and draf ting
winter , brent
geomatics - mapping technology
red deer
c e rt i f i e d t e c h n ic i a n (c .t e c h .)
c e rt i f i e d e n g i n e e r i n g t e c h n o l og i s t (c . e .t.)
asgarpourtary, khashayar
civil- civil eng . technology
berdan , vince
bl ain , robert
electronics - broadcast comm .
burke , michael
crowley, derek
eddt - structural technology
jarrat t, lee
jaswal , sukhdev
civil- civil eng . technology
jones , david
bioscience - environmental
knutson , martin
engineering design and draf ting
medicine hat
kuhl , mel anie
bioscience - environmental
leavit t, k asz
civil- civil eng . technology
mackinnon , kevin
electrical- electrical eng . technology
malloy, andrew
muhl , edmund
geomatics - survey eng . technology
peace river
peterson , lyndsey
mineral- geological
molloy, edward morris , scot t
cochrane bonny ville red deer calgary calgary calgary edmonton calgary edmonton sl ave l ake edmonton devon sherwood park sedgewick
olinyk , peter
electrical- electrical eng . technology
padberg , mark
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
parsons , gregory
civil- civil eng . technology
grande prairie
paskuski , brian
civil- civil eng . technology
ponto , ryan
eddt - municipal technology
reddick , scot t
electronics - electronics eng . technology
fort mcmurray
riley, john
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort mcmurray
rubie , cl ay ton
ruiz , alberto
building - construction eng . technology
sa avedra , chris
electrical- electrical eng . technology
saigeon , amanda
electronics - electronics eng . technology
sapieha , charlene
chemical- chemical eng . technology
schlosser , joseph
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
red deer
scholefield , robert
electronics - electronics eng . technology
scot t, shellie
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
s ep/o ct 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 04 | t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a
new + r ecl assified members
seville , sean
civil- civil eng . technology
st. albert
shabazz , ahmad
shanthikumar , reuben
civil- civil eng . technology
smith , pat ti
civil- civil eng . technology
edmonton edmonton
smith , stephanie
chemical- chemical eng . technology
stagg , ryan
building - construction eng . technology
stewart, ryan
engineering design and draf ting
suchan , krystle
civil- municipal eng . technology
taguchi , david
on t h e mo v e
thibert, marc
electrical- electrical eng . technology
thomas , joseph
civil- civil eng . technology
trefry, david
civil- civil eng . technology
vanee , michael
mechanical- aeronautical eng . technology
vaughan , jeremy
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
vo , van
electronics - electronics eng . technology
weseen , robert
mechanical- power eng . technology
wickramasinghe , chamith
metallurgical- welding eng . technology
williams , jeffrey
industrial- industrial eng . technology
winder , ronald
electronics - computer eng . technology
zein , moukhtar
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
zeml ak , ashley
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
p r o f e s s io na l t e c h n o l og i s t ( p.t e c h .) al haddad , george
electronics - electronics eng . technology
banack , steven
electrical- electrical eng . technology
baron , john
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
high river
bernas , kerry
petroleum - petroleum eng . technology
bolier , jennifer
civil- civil eng . technology
brooks , david
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
campbell , brent
civil- civil eng . technology
ceuric , dean
electrical- electrical eng . technology
cl ark , michael
electrical- electrical eng . technology
cooper , adam
civil- municipal eng . technology
airdrie calgary
crescini , loret ta
civil- structural eng . technology
evers - dakers , maureen
petroleum - hydrocarbon
fahey, steven
mechanical- aeronautical eng . technology
gaber , mohamed
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
graves , a aron
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
green , john
civil- civil eng . technology
harrison , kevin
henry, daniel
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
jungwirth , daniel
electronics - electronics eng . technology
kennedy, david
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
l amoureux , james
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
fort sask atchewan
l avallie , vern
electronics - electronics eng . technology
lorenz , kurt
engineering design and draf ting
luciw , dan
electrical- electrical eng . technology
st. albert
macnamara , shawn
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
masse , cl aude
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
koncur , cheryl
M e m be r s
mccl art y, edward
civil- civil eng . technology
fort st. john
mot yk a , jeffrey
geomatics - survey eng . technology
nowicki , paul
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
santera jr ., mapal ad
civil- civil eng . technology
seidle , sandie
electronics - electronics eng . technology
tetreau , denis
instrumentation - instrumentation eng . technology
tiedemann , j . brad
civil- municipal eng . technology
topolnisky, harley
wall ace , dougl as
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
watier , michael
civil- civil eng . technology
st. albert
wat ts , russell
civil- municipal eng . technology
red deer
white , ryan
mechanical- mechanical eng . technology
spruce grove
winthrop, william
civil- civil eng . technology
life members bourlet, dan
r . e .t.
basile , l awrence
c . e .t. b . comm . mba
hunter , david
r . e .t.
retired members gardner , harrison
c . e .t.
stoddart, shawn
c . e .t.
dahn , heinz
c . e .t.
lorenz , garry
c . e .t.
k wan , tat
r . e .t.
Iqbal Chaudhary, C.E.T. is now working as an AFD Petroleum Engineering Technologist with Shell Oil Company in Fort McMurray. Norman Kyle, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) has joined the City of Grande Prairie Engineering Department as their new Senior Transportation Analyst. Kevin Lanh, C.E.T. has moved from Luft Industries Ltd. to a position as Drilling Equipment Technologist at Rostel Industries, A Division of Precision Drilling in Calgary. Daniel Malone, C.E.T. has accepted a position as Project Manager at Pyramid Process Fabricators in Nisku. He was previously with Garneau Manufacturing. Have you started a business, switched positions, jobs or cities and want to let your ASET colleagues know about it? Submit your information to judithc@aset.ab.ca and we’ll publish it here in a future issue of Technology Alberta.
i n m e mor i a m Donald Thorogood Mr. Thorogood was President of ASET for the 1964-65 term and made significant contributions to the organization. He was one of the 12 founding members of ASET and involved in gaining independence from APEGGA and establishing chapters. Mr. Thorogood passed away August 15, 2011 in Maple Ridge, B.C. An article about Mr. Thorogood’s time as ASET President was published in the June/July 2009 isse of Technology Alberta, available at www.aset.ab.ca. Daniel Armstrong, C.E.T. Sault Ste. Marie. Jaunito Bautista, C.E.T. Calgary. Richard Robinson, C.E.T. Edmonton. ASET expresses sincere condolences to friends and family.
t e c h n o l o g y a l b e r t a | Vol. 28, No. 04 | s ep/o ct 2011