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Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th, 1856 and died in 1943New York. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian inventor, electrical engineer and mechanic, nationalized American He became famous for the development of alternating current Nikola Tesla studied at University of Graz and Prague. Later, he worked in various electrical industries in Paris and Budapest. Finally, he moved to the United States (1884), where he worked with Thomas A. Edison. They had many arguments. Even, many people think that Edison stole Tesla technology.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest inventors in history, he is registered around 300 patents. Some important patents are "Tesla Bobbin" (1891) is an electrical transformer that shot lightning by sending electric current through a body. The invention that made him famous: "Alternating Current" (1893), which made it possible to transport electricity for long distances. This invention was joined by the radio (1893), neon lights (1893), X-rays (1894), remote control (1898) and the electric motor (1930) These inventions have become popular in the last decade. It is a motor that with magnetic fields turns and produces energy.
Despite, Nikola Tesla and Thomas A. Edison were working together, they were great rivals. Tesla proposed alternating current (AC) while Edison intended to replace it with direct current (DC). However, it didn't work for him. Tesla dominated the field of electricity. Now, alternating current is the base of the modern world, thanks to this system we can have electricity in our homes and industries.