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To conclude with the previously mentioned, we can say that Ada Lovelace was of great importance for the development of technology and therefore of society because thanks to her inventions we can enjoy advanced technology nowadays We cannot forget that programming is present in our daily lives.
Contribution Of Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace had many contributions in the world of technology, because of her ability and great imagination, which helped to generate the most famous invention known as computer algorithm, she also generated computer concepts such as bucle or subrutina. Another concept that Ada Lovelace contributed is the universal machine that worked so that an artifact can be programmed and reprogrammed to perform different activities. She also introduced the concept of computer programming, which is essential for the operation of today's computers.
Programming Nowadays
Programming today is of great importance, because thanks to this you can have programs such as software or a computer system which are of extremely importance for technological advances that are generated, we can say that programming has facilitated the work of many people as there is more ease to complete technological work and thanks to all these inventions the world has been evolving little by little.
By Karen Obando 07