2013: The Year in Techsoup Romania Stories

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the year in


We empower NGOs to operate at their full potential.

TechSoup Romania offers to all Romanian NGOs support and inspiration to use technology to make Romania a better place. We work towards increasing the adoption rate of the newest software and online technologies: from cloud software solutions to online marketing, social media or online fundraising. We have made it our purpose to also develop programs that link the very active and enthusiastic local IT industry to the NGO sector, such as ReStart Romania, Restart in Education, Innovation Labs or Opening Opportunities. Since 2009, together with our donor partners (Adobe, Microsoft and CISCO), we have helped almost 800 Romanian nonprofit organizations save more than 1,5 million US dollars by accessing technology donations.




Software and hardware products available


Donations processed

206 Savings to the NGO sector

NGOs in the community




Licenses donated


Online and Offline technology trainings

Media mentions

288 NGO employees trained

Facebook community


1891 the year in TechSoup Romania stories


We believe that technology empowers NGOs to do even more good.

We strongly believe that having access to the right technology at the right moment can empower NGOs to do more good: from better outreach to their constituents and delivery of services to the people they help, to more effective advocacy and fundraising for the causes they promote. Here are some true stories about Romanian NGOs and how technology has made them stronger.

- The donated Cisco equipment - helps us a lot in our daily work because it is professional. We have no IN BRIEF errors with it. None at all.” Ilie Preda, ARAS IT Coordinator

Who are they?

ARAS (Romanian Anti-AIDS Organization) www.arasnet.ro


Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They inform and educate people about the dangers of AIDS and ways to prevent HIV infections. How big are they?

75 employees; 30 volunteers What did they receive?

Cisco 2960 Series 48-Port LAN Lite Ethernet Switch Cisco Rollover RJ-45 Serial Console Cable for Wireless LAN Products Cisco 890 Series Gigabit Ethernet Security Router Cisco 2960 Series 48-Port LAN Lite Ethernet Switch Cisco Rollover RJ-45 Serial Console Cable for Wireless LAN Products Cisco 890 Series Gigabit Ethernet Security Router What was the outcome?

ARAS became more efficient and increased its workflow.

ARAS (Romanian Anti-AIDS Organization) has helped more than 5,000 people who are drug addicts to find a new path, working on harm reduction in drug use since 2004. Sixty percent of the people it serves are between the ages of 24 and 35. An important part of the group’s work is to patrol the streets each night with an ambulance and offer sterile syringes in exchange for used ones — an effort to stop the spread of AIDS. But that’s just the first step in the organization’s harm-reduction strategy. ARAS also provides drug users with psychological assistance, access to medical care, and help in finding a job. For people who are often considered social pariahs, being treated and accepted as normal human beings is almost a miracle. “The biggest success is when you see that the person you serve is well today, here and now.” said Ludmila Verdes, who works on monitoring and evaluating the ARAS programs. “Your success means that for a certain period you offer him a normal, healthy life and try to protect him from getting ill.”

photo credit: ARAS volunteers, www.arasnet.ro

In 2010, ARAS received a donation of Cisco networking equipment through TechSoup Romania. The equipment helped the organization connect almost 60 PCs on an intranet network. As a result, the group’s work has become more efficient.

“[The donated Cisco equipment] helps us a lot in our daily work because it is professional. We do not have any errors with it. Not at all.” said Ilie Preda, IT coordinator for ARAS, adding that without the new technology the organization could not exist.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


I don’t think we could have afforded this kind of software. TechSoup’s offer was right for our needs.” IN Roxana Turcu, Program Coordinator, A.R.T. Fusion

Who are they?

A.R.T. Fusion Association www.artfusion.ro Where are they?



Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

A.R.T Fusion’s mission is to contribute to the process of personal development and competence improvement of young people by using the methods of Forum Theatre.

How big are they?

2 employees; 30 volunteers.

What did they receive?

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Mac ESD WW

What was the outcome?

The software helped the organization edit photos and create a video presentation.

A.R.T. Fusion is a small nonprofit in Romania that uses theater to foster personal development and social engagement among young people. The organization’s main goal is to increase youth social participation and community involvement, which are key elements in a sustainable society. Since it was founded eight years ago, A.R.T. Fusion has used the Forum Theatre’s method to work with a variety of disadvantaged groups, including Roma people, convicts, youngsters with few financial resources, and children with autism. In one recent program, teenagers from four Bucharest high schools participated in an informal School of Forum Theatre designed by A.R.T. Fusion.

photo credit: A.R.T. Fusion Association

“With each workshop, the teenagers grow a little bit.” said Roxana Turcu, program coordinator at A.R.T. Fusion. “They learn how to work in a team, to communicate, to overcome shyness, and to become those youngsters willing to get involved and change something in their society.”

an important role in keeping up the flow of the team’s communication. In 2012, with the help of TechSoup Romania, the organization received donations of Adobe software. This helped A.R.T. Fusion create and edit a video presentation introducing the Forum Theatre’s method.

Although part of A.R.T. Fusion’s work involves working offline with teenagers, technology plays

“I don’t think we could have afforded this kind of software.” Turcu said of the Adobe donation.

“TechSoup’s offer was right for our needs.” As a result, A.R.T. Fusion was able to redirect funds to organize more meetings with teenagers and work on different theater plays.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


the donations lowered the organization’s expenses for IT&C equipment.” IN Florentina Gheorghiu, Financial and Administrative Assistant, WWF Romania

Who are they?

WWF Romania romania.panda.org Where are they?

Bucharest, Brasov, Baia Mare, Romania What to they do?

WWF-Romania works to preserve biodiversity in the Carpathians and along the Danube river.


DONATIONS HELP ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP SAVE VIRGIN FORESTS IN ROMANIA The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which has over 50 years of experience in saving and preserving wildlife around the world, works in Romania to save brown bears and the virgin forests, among other priorities.

How big are they?

50 employees; 200 volunteers

What did they receive?

Office Professional Plus 2007 Windows 7 Professional Upgrade 32 Office Standard 2010 Windows 7 Professional Office Standard 2010 What was the outcome?

Helping the organization save money for other projects, such as protecting virgin forests in Romania.

In 2011, because over 80 percent of Romania’s virgin forests were not benefiting from any form of protection and were in danger of being destroyed, WWF-Romania started a national awareness and lobby campaign. The group sought legislation to ensure that all the virgin forests were given protected status. In only 33 days, 100,000 people signed an online petition. Many prominent Romanians joined the campaign, and the minister of environment and forests signed a protocol with WWF, committing to protect the virgin forests. The document states that Romania’s virgin forests will receive the status of protected forests and that the ministry will work with WWF to identify, map, and protect the forests. WWF-Romania helped complete the necessary papers and contributed over 100,000 euros from its own funds to evaluate and map the virgin

forests. It also compiled additional information for a future National Catalogue of Romania’s Virgin Forests. Through TechSoup Romania, WWF-Romania received donations of several Microsoft products, including Windows 7 Professional and Office Standard 2010. Florentina Gheorghiu, financial and administrative assistant at WWF Romania, said “the donations lowered the organization’s expenses for IT&C equipment”. Moreover, she added “those savings were invested in other projects WWFRomania is working on”.

photo credit: WWF Romania

WWF-Romania is among the first 100 nonprofits that applied for the donation program run by TechSoup Romania. The money it saved by requesting software donations through TechSoup has helped the organization protect brown bears, rivers, endangered species, and virgin forests — and to turn off the lights in over 53 Romanian cities during Earth Hour.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


My Dear Bucharest magazine is edited using Adobe Creative Suite. The publication is available to IN BRIEF the public for free, both in print and online. Who are they?

My Dear Bucharest Association www.orasul.ro Where are they?


Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Photos of memorable places in Bucharest. How big are they?

50 volunteers; no employees What did they receive?

Adobe Creative Suite 6 What was the outcome?

Publishing a professional monthly photo magazine about Bucharest.

My Dear Bucharest Association is about Bucharest, photography, photographers, history, good places, and great memories. It is a treasury of Bucharest’s most memorable places and moments in time, helping both locals and tourists to discover the inner beauty of a city full of surprises. Association President Andrei Birsan has lived his entire life in Bucharest and has been a photographer for more than 30 years. He inherited his passion for Bucharest from his father. “I like Bucharest, and I like to capture it in photos,” Birsan said. “For me, Bucharest is similar to a family member. Maybe he is not always in the best mood, but he is still ours. We have to respect and to understand him, with his good and bad parts.” One of the association’s most daring projects is its monthly magazine — My Dear Bucharest. Among the themes the magazine covers are street photography, Romanian photography, seasons in Bucharest, traditional holidays, discovering Bucharest by bike, and historical places in Bucharest. The magazine is available to the public for free, both in printed and online format (www.

orasul.ro). The purpose of My Dear Bucharest is not only to keep its readers up to date with stories and pieces of history, but also to build a visual memory of the town, from recent history to contemporary events. The magazine’s motto is “Live the moment, keep the moment.” My Dear Bucharest is edited using Adobe Creative Suite, requested through TechSoup Romania. The association was among the first nongovernmental organizations to request a donation when TechSoup Romania opened the Adobe program to its community in October 2012.

Anyone who discovers the pages of My Dear Bucharest will find himself taking an interesting journey among buildings, places, family portraits, local personalities, exhibitions, public transportation, and old crafts. Together they paint a colorful portrait of one of the youngest capitals in the European Union — a city always ready to be discovered by its visitors.

photo credit: Mihai Petre, My Dear Bucharest Association

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Journalists with right tehnology tools can be pioners IN in their profession. BRIEF

Who are they?


Decât o Revistă – an independent magazine www.decatorevista.ro

Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania

What to they do?

Long-form quality journalism

How big are they?

4 employees; 60 volunteers

What did they receive?

Creative Suite 6 Production Premium Mac

What was the outcome?

Help the independent publishers in Romania explore the tablet/e-reader publishing model.

You wouldn’t call Romania an apocalypse for independent media, but it’s not a media environment with solid journalistic conscience either, not no mention financial conscience. It’s more than the usual token paid by media organizations these days: the shrinking newsrooms, the poor payment of journalists, the lack of editing – which in most happy cases is a glorified proof-reading –, the plagiarism and “lolcats” videos broadcasted as public interest news. It’s something that Romanian media never quite understood about journalism, something that has to do with political independence and, in most cases, with basic fact-checking. Decât o Revista (DoR) is a magazine born from the need to create a space for good journalists – of which Romania has plenty – to create what they couldn’t write or fact-check anywhere else. Invented at first as a one-time magazine, Decât o Revista is now 3 years and 10 editions later on the road to creating the biggest community for narrative journalism in Romania – responsible also for now two editions of an international conference on narrative journalism in Bucharest, featuring guests like Chris Jones (Esquire), Mike

Sager (Esquire) of Evan Ratliff (Wired). But DoR and their association does so much more than this – documenting untold stories in Romania, helping journalists receive editorial grants, creating a space for the best narrative journalists in Romania to tell truths and be heard. Combining graphics inspired by the style of Wired and The New Yorker, DoR is one of the best designed Romanian magazines and one of the first to illustrates articles with large infographics. Obviously, Adobe is one important part of their life.

photo credit: cover Decât o Revista

TechSoup was there to provide operating systems, document processing and design software to help them continue the narrative journalism revolution they’ve started 3 years ago. On their way to explore a tablet/e-reader publishing model, DoR used Adobe to create a photo trailer for one of the magazine features - „The clouds are your friends”, a story about dealing with autism, as a kid and as a parent. Decat o Revista’s team proves that journalists with right tehnology tools can be the pioners in their profession.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


The Creative Suite 6 proved to be extremely useful especially when fundraising .” IN Carmen Ghia, Communication Coordinator, Habitat for Humanity

Who are they?

Habitat for Humanity Romania www.habitat.ro


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY IN ROMANIA They’ve built 11 new houses and consolidated other 3 houses in Oradea city and in Preajba, Dolj county, in Romania. Affordable technology from TechSoup was a fulfilled promise for them. Through our donation system, they were able to receive Adobe Creative Suite 6 and then went on to create, design and manufacture in-house all their posters, flyers, promotional visual materials and annual reports. This made quite a big difference in their organization and help them save money for other projects.

Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Build houses for low-income families. How big are they?

18 employees; 1.300 volunteers What did they receive?

Adobe Creative Suite 6 What was the outcome?

Help the organization design promotional visual materials “in house”.

photo credit: Habitat for Humanity Romania

Worldwide, every 5 minutes and half, Habitat for Humanity serves a family in need of decent housing. In Romania, there are 16 years since Habitat for Humanity has started working for better living conditions for poor families. In all this time, they have managed to help more than 3.000 Romanian families.

Nowadays, the organization has 7 local offices and more than 1.300 national and international volunteers. New technology is part of their daily basis work, helping them being in touch with one another and work together for the same goal. Last year, one of their biggest projects was Big Build - two days build marathon with the help of 500 volunteers.

“The Creative Suite 6 proved to be extremely useful especially when fundraising - we had to create a large number of promotional visual materials for our media partners” says Carmen Ghia, communication coordinator within Habitat for Humanity. They’ve invested the saving in launching an online shop – Shop for Humanity, www.shopforhumanity. ro - in a creative effort to raise more awareness and fundraise for the organization.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Donations received via TechSoup helped the organization design better materials for different IN BRIEF campaigns.”

Irina Bandrabur, Communication Officer, Greenpeace Romania

Who are they?

Greenpeace Romania www.greenpeace.org/romania


Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They work toward saving the forests, abating climate change, sustaining local agriculture, and fighting nuclear energy.

“Donations received through TechSoup helped the organization design better materials for different campaigns, both online and offline,” said Irina Bandrabur, communication officer of Greenpeace Romania.

One of the biggest environmental organizations in the world, Greenpeace is present in more than 40 countries around the globe. In Romania, Greenpeace has worked since 2007 for forests preservation a Common Fisheries Policy, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture, and against climate change and nuclear energy.

“It’s easier now to edit materials and to test new ideas. Definitely, Greenpeace managed to make savings, and this is very important for us, taking into consideration that our entire activity is made possible by individual donations.”

How big are they?

9 employees; 30 volunteers. What did they receive?

Office Standard 2010 (includes Software Assurance) Windows 8 Pro 64 – Get Genuine (English) InDesign CS6 Win ESD WW What was the outcome?

The organization is now able to design better promotional materials in-house.

Recently, Greenpeace Romania launched a boat that is traveling from the Black Sea port of Constanta across Europe to promote sustainable fishing by coastal communities, where local fishermen have an important role in maintaining fish stocks. The Common Fisheries Policy was created in 1983 out of concern that industrial fishing was threatening the future of fish stocks, seas, and coastal communities in Europe. The boat will travel around Europe, carrying messages encouraging fishermen to practice sustainable fishing. These messages can be also sent online at www.myboat.gp In June 2013 when Greenpeace Romania’s boat tour ends, all supporting messages and initiatives related to sustainable fishing will be handed to European Union officials in Brussels.

photo credit: Greenpeace Romania

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


It makes no sense ... to spend lots of money on IN BRIEF software. Especially when TechSoup can make this Microsoft technology affordable for an NGO.” Horia Roman, IT Specialist, Green Revolution

Who are they?

Green Revolution Association www.greenrevolution.ro


In one of Bucharest’s parks, about 10,000 Romanian kids learn how to save Planet Earth while travelling to space.

Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Bike sharing, urban bike fests, advocacy for a better urban environment.

How big are they?

25 employees

What did they receive?

Windows Server Windows Remote Desktop Services Office Professional Plus 2010 Office for Mac 2011 Windows 7 Professional

What was the outcome?

Equipping a replica spaceship for kids.

„Youth Park” is one of the biggest parks in southern Bucharest, a creation of the communist regime that was supposed to create an ideologically correct environment for Romanian kids to engage in the right ideological activities. Communist-style entertainment buildings dating back to the 70s are still around to remind everyone of the times Romanian kids learned that the Soviets where the first to land on the Moon. Today a new kind of spaceship is waiting for Bucharest kids, from 6 to 14 years old. The intergalactical journey guided by 2 actors starts on their touch screen monitors, where they visit other planets and see what’s going to happen in the future if they don’t care for their planet. They also learn how they can act now so they can save the planet and its resources in the future. 10 computers using Microsoft Windows and Office licenses, attached to touch-screen monitors and a huge LCD monitor create a Star Trek-like

environment where kids are learning to protect Earth’s vital resources: water, oxygen, forests, life. But kids don’t only learn how important resources are, but also that technology plays a vital role in saving them and helping us understand the universe. The intergalactic mission to save the planet takes around 45 minutes, and roughly 10,000 kids have already embarked on it, while more than 5,000 people have joined the Facebook page: https:// www.facebook.com/GreenBeeProject “It makes no sense, no sense at all for an NGO, especially under Romania’s current economic situation, to spend lots of money on software. Especially when TechSoup can make this Microsoft technology affordable for an NGO”, says Horia Roman, IT Specialist with Green Revolution.

photo credit: Green Revolution

Green Revolution is a Bucharest-based NGO that works on urban environmental education. They run 5 bike sharing centers in Romania and actively try to convince companies in Romania to go green.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Using TechSoup’s programs, we efficiently implemented our projects.” Adrian Oros, Database Administrator, HHC



Who are they?

Hopes and Homes for Children in Romania www.hhc.ro Where are they?

Baia Mare, Romania What to they do?

Imagine if you never had a chance to choose the clothes you wear or the food you eat. Imagine if you never had a mother to care about you or to show up at a Mama’s Day show. Imagine if you grew up in a facility that resembled a prison more than a real home. This was the plight of many Romanian orphans.

Work towards closing the old communist orphanages and offer the children a family environment. How big are they?

31 employees What did they receive?

Today, more than 8.000 children are still abandoned in Romania, in old-type and remodulated placement centers. Sixty percent of these kids suffer from disabilities, and most of those who are 3 or older will never be adopted. By 2020, Hopes and Homes for Children (HHC) expects to close down all the old communist orphanages in Romania and help these kids find a warm home with a real family. And HHC knows how to do it. In the last 12 years, the nonprofit has helped more than 5,000 Romanian children leave old orphanages and saved 1,074 other kids from being abandoned in institutions that cripple their lives.

Project Professional 2010 Office Professional Plus 2010 Office for Mac 2011 Outlook for Mac 2011 Windows 7 Professional What was the outcome?

Help the organization be more efficient and improve workflow.

including Project Professional, Office Professional Plus, and Windows 7 Professional — has helped the staff of the organization work more efficiently. The donations have also enabled HHC to offer some of the kids they work with the opportunity to learn computer and Internet skills. “Our complex programs need powerful software, adapted to our needs,” says Adrian Oros, database administrator for HHC. “Using your [TechSoup’s] programs, we efficiently implemented our projects.”

The new and upgraded Microsoft software HHC has received through TechSoup Romania— photo credit: HHC România

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


TechSoup’s donation program made it possible for the group to save IN money and reinvest it.” BRIEF Mihai Ghebrea, President and Founder, Association of Orphans from Orphanages

Who are they?

The Association of Orphans from Orphanages www.aocc.vl.ro

DONATIONS BOOST INTERNET CLUB FOR ROMANIAN ORPHANS and Microsoft Windows software from TechSoup Romania. The technology is nothing out of the ordinary, but what the association is doing with it is anything but ordinary. It helps institutionalized orphans to learn computer skills and be better prepared for a very different life.

Where are they?

Ramnicu Valcea, Romania

What to they do?

Help over 500 orphans in Romania find jobs and have a normal social life.

How big are they?

8 employees

What did they receive?

8 recycled computers Windows 7 Professional Upgrade Office Professional Plus 2010

What was the outcome?

Opened an Internet club to give kids access to computers and the Internet.

photo credit: AOCC Vâlcea

In 1991, the images of Romanian orphanages shocked the world, prompting lots of international helping and adopting hands to reach out to Romania for a couple of years. But in 1996, kids just exiting the Romanian institutionalized system decided to contribute a helping hand, too. So they founded the only social service association build by orphan kids for orphan kids — a lesson in selfhelp and empowerment. In 2011, the Association of Orphans from Orphanages requested several recycled computers

First, the association distributed the computers to orphans who were enrolled in colleges and needed to finish their final theses and take their final exams. Then, it taught those students to design their CVs and apply for better jobs. As a result, 20 young orphans already found jobs in Romania and some are even working abroad.

of funds,” says Mihai Ghebrea, president and founder of the association, and an orphan himself. TechSoup’s donation program made it possible for the group to save money and reinvest it in other activities for the 500 orphan kids it works with and the 300 orphan members of the association. This year, it will organize a social inclusion camp for Romanian orphans — the “I can” camp, as the group proudly calls it. ITs goal for the future is to open other Internet clubs for kids closer to where they live — some of the children still have to walk five kilometers just to use a computer.

Now the organization has an Internet club for all the children in their organization. Kids learn how to use the computers to work on their school projects or to find things that interest them. The children also use the computers to research other financial resources for their organization. Last year, they won a 10,000-euro educational project award for the association. “We wouldn’t have thought about buying this software, considering the price and our lack

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


The foundation’s activity would be extremely slow IN without technology.” BRIEF

Alina Sima, Programs Coordinator, Pentru Voi Foundation

Who are they?

Pentru Voi Foundation www.pentruvoi.ro Where are they?

Timisoara, Romania

CISCO DONATION LIFTS ROMANIAN GROUP HELPING THE DISABLED There are more than 600 000 persons with disabilities — including more than 100 000 with intellectual disabilities* — in Romania.

What to they do?

They provide community-based services and advocate for the rights, inclusion, and welfare of persons with intellectual disabilities. How big are they?

60 employees; 10 volunteers

What did they receive?

Cisco 890 Series Wireless Gigabit Ethernet Security Router Cisco 24-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch

What was the outcome?

The organization was able to build an intranet network and work more efficiently.

Only 1 percent of these people have access to government-funded services and less than 1 percent is employed. Most of the people with intellectual disabilities do not have access to public assistance services when finding a job. The mission of Pentru Voi Foundation is to increase the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. The foundation has 60 employees and 10 volunteers who serve more than 200 people in three centers in Timisoara. They proved that with the right support and opportunities, people with developmental disabilities are able to make a valuable contribution in the community and in the workplace. Part of the foundation’s work would not be possible without the proper technology. Cisco routers donated though TechSoup Romania enabled the organization to connect 30 PCs and create an intranet network. “If we did not receive this equipment we would probably have had to buy it, and that would

photo credit: Pentru Voi Foundation

have been difficult”, said Alina Sima, programs coordinator for Pentru Voi. “[As a result of the Cisco donation], all our saved funds are redirected to help our beneficiaries.” she added. The Cisco donation had another benefit - it enabled some of the foundation beneficiaries to learn how to use a computer and do some basic digital graphic design. One of the foundation’s business units runs a copy center workshop where 20 people with intellectual disabilities work. Some

of these people joined IT essentials lessons and now they are able to use a computer — writing text, editing the photos or preparing the paper for being printed in their copy center unit. * The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities defines Intellectual disability as “a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


The technology is essential (…) in almost all the projects.” IN Cristina Enache, Regional Coordinator, Romanian Angel Appeal

Who are they?

Romanian Angel Appeal www.raa.ro Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They work to help children and young people in need, including those with HIV/ AIDS and other chronic diseases, by offering medical, psychological, social, and material support. How big are they?

40 employees; 150 project-based experts What did they receive?

Exchange Server 2010 Standard Edition Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition (32-bit) What was the outcome?

The organization built an internal network to increase security and enable faster communication.


DONATIONS REV UP COMMUNICATIONS FOR HEALTH-CARE ADVOCATES Some of the greatest challenges in the Romanian health care system are drug shortages. From ordinary painkillers to lifesaving drugs for HIV/ AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, and even morphine to ease the pain of the dying, drug stock-outs occur frequently across Romania.

But Romanian Angel Appeal develops many other national projects of social inclusion for women, people with autism and children with HIV/AIDS. Cristina Enache, regional coordinator at Romanian Angel Appeal, said technology plays a vital role in the organization.

Romanian Angel Appeal has been fighting with the medical system for more than 20 years to help people in need: unemployed women, children with autism and their parents, TB patients, drug addicts, and people with HIV. Today, the organization helps more than 40,000 individuals — the population of a medium-sized Romanian town.

The Microsoft donated software received with the help of TechSoup Romania enabled the organization to build its server network.

The organization’s latest project, www. lipsatratament.ro (Romanian for “lack of treatment”), is an online tool that allows medical professionals, NGOs, and patients to report when their prescribed treatments are unavailable. This is the first centralized, transparent, and freely available system for monitoring treatment availability in Romania. This project was one of the winners in the ReStart Romania Challenge in 2012.

“The technology is essential because in almost all the projects — which are really complex in terms of budget and their national coverage — you need a lot of information for these projects and for the reporting activity that follows,” said Enache. Completing an internal network and server setup has helped the staff communicate and have access to information throughout the team.

photo credit: Romanian Angel Appeal facebook page

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


If you don’t have what you need, there is no way you can keep in touch IN with 750 people via BRIEF telephone.” Georgiana Ilie, Project Coordinator, United Way

Who are they?

United Way Romania www.unitedway.ro Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They involve an increasing number of companies and individuals in corporate social responsibility activities, philanthropy, and volunteerism to help social services NGOs. How big are they?

7 employees; 750 volunteers What did they receive?

Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit – Get Genuine (English) Office Professional Plus 2010 (includes Software Assurance) What was the outcome?

The organization became more efficient and increased the workflow.

UNITED WAY TEACHES ROMANIAN SENIORS TO SKYPE United Way Romania selects, assists, finances, and evaluates more than 35 social projects each year that help some 6,500 individuals. The organization accomplishes this with a staff of just seven people. The employees coordinate the work of 750 volunteers and raise funds from 3,000 individual donors and 55 companies. Technology plays a vital role in enabling United Way Romania to accomplish so much with so little. Software donated via TechSoup Romania has made the organization’s work easier and given the staff extra time for their social projects. One of United Way’s special projects was to invite a team of IT volunteers to visit a social center for the elderly. The volunteers taught eight grandmothers and grandfathers how to call their relatives via Skype. The organizers say it was an overwhelming experience. “The words ‘mouse’ and ‘icon’ have a total different meaning for them,” said Georgiana Ilie, project coordinator with United Way.

photo credit: United Way

United Way offers social service organizations much more than time and money — it also provides these groups with management assistance. “All this won’t be possible without a computer running software programs like Excel,” Ilie added. “If you don’t have what you need, there is no way you can keep in touch with 750 people via telephone.”

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


The technology is indispensable for us (…) We depend on online IN communication.” BRIEF

Cristi Gherghiceanu, Project Manager, Fundația Adept

Who are they?

Adept Foundation www.fundatia-adept.org Where are they?


Tarnava Mare, Romania What to they do?

Biodiversity conservation and community development in Transylvania, Romania. How big are they?

10 full-time employees, 30 – 100 volunteers What did they receive?

Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium Mac ESD Windows 7 Professional 32 — Get Genuine Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit — Get Genuine Office Standard 2010 Office for Mac 2011 Standard Edition What was the outcome?

The new software improved the organization’s online communication and workflow.

The Adept Foundation’s mission in Romania is to protect Transylvania’s unique landscapes and the farming communities who live within them. Ten full-time employees work to benefit more than 27,000 residents of the Sighisoara–Tarnava Mare area. Besides advocating for preserving the biodiversity of this region, the foundation promotes rural tourism and supports farmers in producing and selling local products. It even has developed a mobile application* designed to guide tourists who want to visit these marvelous Transylvanian landscapes. One of the foundation’s most ambitious projects is to build a network of about 60 miles of mountain bike trails to help attract visitors to the area and stimulate the local economy. This year, with the help of local residents, it will build about 10 miles of these trails. They will link three villages with 70 green tourism providers, five schools, and hundreds of small-scale farming families. Through TechSoup Romania, Adept Foundation was able to request an array of Microsoft and Adobe software that not only helped the organization save money but also increased its workflow.

photo credit: Adept Foundation facebook page

“We had before types of Windows and Office different, and we had problems when opening different files,” said Cristi Gherghiceanu, project manager with the foundation. “The technology is indispensable for us,” Gherghiceanu added. “We work on 14 projects and 10 of them are with international partners. For financial reasons, many of our meetings take place

online. We share information, documents and forms and organize conferences. We depend on online communication.” Discover the Tarnava Mare mobile app on Google Play

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


With the help of technology we’ve managed to have a national IN coverage for our work BRIEF and to collaborate with hundreds of NGOs across the country.” Dana Temelie, Programs Coordinator, Pro Vobis


Who are they?

Pro Vobis — national resource center for volunteering www.provobis.ro Where are they?

Cluj Napoca, Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They empower volunteering through training, consultancy, research, and networking for all interested stakeholders. How big are they?

5 full-time employees; 1 long-term volunteer What did they receive?

Windows 7 Professional Get Genuine (English) Office Standard 2010 What was the outcome?

The organization built a safe IT environment and increased workflow within the team.

The mission of Pro Vobis is to promote volunteering in Romania as a viable and irreplaceable resource in solving society’s problems. They started working in Romania in 1992 as an NGO that offered social services. Then, due to the huge demand for volunteer services, they became the first National Resource Center for Volunteering. Nowadays, with only five employees who work in two different cities, they manage to implement transnational projects and change the way people see volunteering in Romania. “With the help of technology we’ve managed to have a national coverage for our work and to collaborate with hundreds of NGOs across the country,” says Dana Temelie, programs coordinator for Pro Vobis. “Our online campaigns raised volunteerism awareness among youngsters, organizations, and institutions.” The new technology helps the staff work as a team, communicate and develop national and international partnerships, edit publications, and

photo credit: ProVobis Facebook page

organize webinars. Some of their projects, such as the National Week of Volunteerism, bring together hundreds of local NGOs and volunteers from all over the country each year. Access to affordable technology with the help of TechSoup Romania enables the organization to reduce its IT costs. “Because we work on many projects with different contributors, we need a stable IT infrastructure to support our work,” says Temelie. Most of the organization’s projects do not have special IT budgets, and TechSoup donations were meaningful and needed.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Without technology and online communication, the projects’ IN implementation would BRIEF not be possible.”

Bianca Voinescu, Founding Member, Give Life Association

Who are they?

Give Life Association www.daruiesteviata.ro Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Help children and adults with cancer access medical treatment. How big are they?

1 president; 3 founding members; 20 volunteers What did they receive?

Office for Mac 2011 Outlook for Mac 2011 Windows Professional Get Genuine What was the outcome?

The donations helped the organization access the latest technology and save money for other projects.


Give Life Association works toward changing the Romanian medical system in order to raise the life expectancy of those who suffer from cancer. In five years of constant actions, campaigns, and programs, they have raised 3 million euros for medical equipment in hospitals. Moreover, they have changed a government policy so that patients can have access to medical treatment in other countries if it is not available in Romania. Give Life Association has been working with children and adults with cancer since 2009. But their work is not easy. In Romania, because national statistics on cancer patients do not exist, no one knows how many people are suffering from the illness. Also, children and adults with cancer do not have free access to oncological treatment in Romania, even though such care is guaranteed by law.

This is because in Romania, children with cancer can’t be correctly diagnosed. Moreover, there is a cytostatics crisis, and modern radiotherapy equipment and medical specialists are lacking.

would not be possible,” says Voinescu. Being able to access affordable technology enables the organization to save money and maintain its administrative costs under 10 percent.

Bianca Voinescu, a founding member of Give Life Association, says, “Even though the children with cancer have a real survival chance — in Europe, children are successfully treated in proportion of 80 to 90 percent — in Romania the survival chances are down to 50 percent.”

A large part of organization’s work takes place through email: discussions with patients, documentation, communication with volunteers, promotions of projects, and fundraising campaigns. “Without technology and online communication, the projects’ implementation

“We use the donated software in our daily basis work. Windows and Microsoft Office licences are essential for emails, databases, informative presentations for volunteers, donors, and partners, etc.,” concludes Voinescu.

photo credit: Visual for fundraising campaign. (Give Life Association)

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Our colleagues who work on PCs … are pleased IN because their work became BRIEF easier after receiving licenses for professional programs.” Mihai Andrei Nicolae, PR assistant, CARP Elena Cuza

Who are they?

CARP Elena Cuza www.carpbarlad.ro

Where are they?

Barlad, Romania

TECHNOLOGY BOOSTS GROUP DEVOTED TO HELPING ROMANIAN RETIREES The Association for Social Services and Benefits for Pensioners “Elena Cuza” (CARP Elena Cuza) has helped more than 30,000 Romanian retirees access proper medical care, social services, and — when needed — financial help.

What to they do?

They help retirees access medical care, food, and financial aid.

How big are they?

92 employees; 100 volunteers What did they receive?

Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit — Get Genuine Office 2013 Professional Plus Visio Professional 2013 Photoshop Extended CS 6 Photoshop Elements 11 and Premiere Elements 11 Acrobat Pro XI

What was the outcome?

The software improved the organization’s workflow and efficiency.

One of organization’s most daring projects was to protest against plans to explore for shale gas in the city of Barlad. CARP created informative flyers, held press conferences, and recruited 3,000 people from the organization to join a protest in Barlad in February 2013. In addition to providing social services, CARP offers financial help for those in need. Technology plays an essential role in monitoring and keeping the financial records. Acquiring affordable technology though TechSoup Romania has made a big difference in helping the organization improve its workflow. Moreover, CARP was able to upgrade to the newest and fastest technology. “Our colleagues who work on PCs (to create graphic projects, a magazine, and material promoting the association) are more relaxed and pleased because their work became easier after

photo credit: CARP press article

receiving licenses for professional programs,” said Mihai Andrei Nicolae, PR assistant for CARP. In addition, updated programs for editing and graphic design have helped the organization communicate better with beneficiaries. “This is a real achievement because we work mainly with elderly people, most often people overwhelmed by life’s difficulties,” Mihai noted.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


With SMARTnet licenses for Cisco routers we are IN always guaranteed to BRIEF have the latest software version for Cisco routers and to replace them if needed.”

Mihai Ion, National IT Coordinator, SOS Villages in Romania

Who are they?

SOS Children’s Villages in Romania www.sos-satelecopiilor.ro

Where are they?

Bucharest, Sibiu, Bacau, Romania What to they do?

They protect the interests and rights of children and offer family-based care.

How big are they?

175 employees

What did they receive?

Cisco 5505 Security Plus appliances (Smart Net licenses included). What was the outcome?

The organization was able to build an intranet network with Cisco routers.

DONATIONS HELP LINK CHILDREN’S VILLAGES IN ROMANIA The mission of SOS Children’s Villages begins when a child has lost the love and security of his or her biological family. As an independent, nongovernmental international development organization, SOS Villages has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 1949. In Romania, the organization began building houses for children in 1991; two years later, 24 family houses in Bucharest and Sibiu were ready to welcome children in need. In 20 years of activity, at least 15,000 children have interacted with one of SOS Villages’ programs. Currently, the organization provides more than 1,000 children and youth with family-based care. An SOS family provides individualized care to promote the development, education, and health of each child. In partnership with communities, SOS Children’s Villages develops local infrastructure and runs kindergartens, day care centers, schools, vocational training centers, and medical facilities. Children with no family arrive in an SOS family house when they are two years old. With the help of a “social mother” and five to six other kids, each child joins a long-term education program until they are 26 years old and fully integrated into society. Kids live in the SOS Children’s Villages

until they are 14 or 15 years old and then join the SOS Youth Communities. After that, they learn how to live independently with the help of social workers. All expenses are covered until they are 18 years old, when they either go to study at a university or find a job. In both cases, they are helped and supported. Currently, in every SOS Village, in each house, there is a computer with Internet access. Thanks to the Cisco hardware donations the organization acquired through TechSoup Romania, they were able to build an intranet network to connect all villages. Each child can now play computer games, navigate on the Internet, and access personal documents from anywhere. Moreover, because of the SMARTnet licenses included in the Cisco donations, the organization can relay on a virtual private network with gateway security. “With SMARTnet licenses for Cisco routers, we are always guaranteed to have the latest software version for Cisco routers and also to replace them if needed,” said Mihai Ion, national IT coordinator for SOS Villages in Romania. Moreover, he added, the budget the organization saved on licensing fees for Cisco upgrades will be used to buy new computers to replace the old ones.

photo credit: SOS Satele Copiilor facebook page

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Similar to a startup, our costs are important, so it was extremely useful IN to lower them so much BRIEF by accessing TechSoup donations.” Alina Kasprovschi, Executive Director, Bucharest Community Foundation

Who are they?

Bucharest Community Foundation www.fundatiacomunitarabucuresti.ro Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Connect the needs of the inhabitants of Bucharest with available resources. How big are they?

3 employees; 20 volunteers What did they receive?

Windows 7 Professional – Get Genuine Office Standard 2010

What was the outcome?

Increased and secured the work flow within the organization.

SOFTWARE DONATIONS HELP COMMUNITY FOUNDATION The Bucharest Community Foundation invests time, money, and energy in developing new communities. Acting locally, they have started changing the world around them in 2011, and now they are part of a national movement that includes 11 other community foundations. Their vision is different from that of a classical nonprofit organization: they work as a hub for those who need financial support and those who can offer it. In doing so, they help people create and support local communities. In 2013, they have helped close to 50 community projects get financed. One of their biggest fundraising events, Swimathon, attracted 138 people who swam for 20 charitable causes. About 660 people donated an average of 20 euros. Because more and more communities are created online, technology plays an important role within the organization.

photo credit: Swimathon event. (Catalin Gheorghe)

large part of the donor’s money to be used within the project. So, similar to a startup, our costs are important, so it was extremely useful to lower them so much by accessing TechSoup donations,” says Alina Kasprovschi, Executive Director.

“For an NGO that intermediates the connection between a donor and a project, it is essential for a

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


We could say that not only TechSoup helped us have access to the most IN recent software but also BRIEF indirectly contributed to implement one of our projects.”

Marius Jula, Vice-President of Projects, Youth Association

PROJECTS FOR YOUTH HELPED BY THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY “For an NGO that relies on volunteers, the lack of online technology would surely mean the failure of achieving the goals,” said Marius Jula, APT’s vice-president.

Who are they?

Projects for Youth Association (APT) www.aptineret.ro

He added that being able to access affordable technology with the help of TechSoup Romania has made a huge difference in the organization’s budget and enabled it to save money for cofunding other projects. “We could say that not only TechSoup helped us have access to the most recent software but also indirectly contributed to implement one of our projects,” concluded Jula.

Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They develop projects for youths. How big are they?

4 founding members; 20 volunteers

What did they receive?

Office 2013 Standard

photo credit: APT facebook page What was the outcome?

Money saved could be used for other projects.

The Projects for Youth Association (APT) works toward promoting the professional, social, and cultural interests of young people through local, regional, and national initiatives.

Currently, one of the association’s most important projects is to empower youth entrepreneurship while promoting volunteer work as an essential key to personal development.

It supports the youngsters in their development of adulthood by promoting the right to education, freedom of expression, and equality.

Being a small organization, with no full-time employees, APT has integrated new technology into its everyday work.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


The real world’s achievements would not be possible without IN the virtual world’s BRIEF communication and instruments.” Catalin Gheorghe, Communications Director, ARC Romania


Who are they?

Association for Community Relations www.arcromania.ro

Where are they?

The Association for Community Relations (ARC) works towards encouraging individual donations for empowering charitable initiatives in local communities.

Cluj Napoca, Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

They support the mobilization of resources in community in Romania. How big are they?

15 employees; 2-3 volunteers What did they receive?

Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design What was the outcome?

Helped the organization design in-house visual materials.

One of its most important projects is an online platform that enables people to donate via SMS or by direct debit: www.donatie.ro. Even though an online donation tool for charities is something rather new in Romania and people are not very familiar with it, the first reactions are encouraging. With ARC’s website - www.donatie. ro — it has managed to raise almost US$900,000 for nonprofit causes.

“The real world’s achievements would not be possible without the virtual world’s communication and instruments,” said Gheorghe. Access to donated technology from Adobe with the help of TechSoup Romania has helped the organization design informative materials without the need for outside help. “The software helps us save money on two levels: we save money for our IT budget and we do not pay for extra design services,” says Gheorghe. The right technology at the right moment enables the organization to be fast and flexible.

photo credit: ARC facebook page

“The local organizations have started using these mechanisms, which demonstrates that fundraising is not the big organizations’ privilege,” said Catalin Gheorghe, communications director of ARC. With 15 employees in two different cities in Romania, ARC considers online communication an important asset for keeping up with the flow of work, developing donation platforms, or communicating with their beneficiaries.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


Because of these donations, our financial efforts for accessing the right technology were IN diminished. The products were BRIEF used to equip two computers in the playroom for kids and one laptop.” Olga Cridland, President, P.A.V.E.L Association

Who are they?

P.A.V.E.L Association www.asociatiapavel.ro Where are they?

Bucharest, Romania What to they do?

Help children and young people with cancer and support their parents. How big are they?

6 full-time employees; 10 part-time employees; 20 volunteers What did they receive?

Windows Professional – Get Genuine Windows 8 Pro – Get Genuine Office 2013 Windows MultiPoint Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 What was the outcome?

Increased and secured the workflow within the organization.


Cancer is a major public health problem in Romania and the second largest cause of death among children and youth aged 4 to15 years. Each year, 500 children are diagnosed with cancer, and 5,000 children and young people are under medical observation. Ignorance, lack of public information, and the limited involvement of authorities can be blamed for late diagnosis of the disease. For many people, being diagnosed with cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death. “Early diagnosis is essential for healing, and this is medical proof,” says Olga Cridland, the president of P.A.V.E.L Association, a nonprofit organization of parents with children diagnosed with cancer. “Eighty percent of cancerous tumours diagnosed early in children can be cured.” P.A.V.E.L Association benefits 400 cancer patients aged 1 to 26 and their families.

photo credit: Asociatia Pavel facebook page

One of the organization’s most important projects is The School from Hospital, which serves patients who have had to stop or abandon school. The program offers an educational curriculum adapted to children and young people who are hospitalized . Each patient can learn math, history, biology, or geography and also learn to use the Internet. Their parents participate in special therapy sessions. More than 200 have joined the program. Aside from working with hospitalized children, a large part of the organization’s work takes place online. A reliable technology for keeping up with donors and partners was a promise fulfilled by TechSoup Romania. “Because of these donations, our financial efforts for accessing the right technology were diminished. The products were used to equip

two computers in the playroom for kids and one laptop,” says Cridland. She added that receiving software donations from TechSoup Romania helps the organization save money and redirect it toward helping children. “Considering the variety and complexity of programs and services we run, for many beneficiaries, without proper technology, the team’s work would be harder. That is why we really appreciate Microsoft donations for being extremely useful and precious for our organization and the good run of our programs,” she concluded.

the year in TechSoup Romania stories





Radu MOTOC executive director

Stories written by Madalina OPRISAN

Elena COMAN programs manager

Desktop publishing by Elena COMAN

Madalina OPRISAN communication coordinator Steliana MORARU NGOs community manager

www.techsoup.ro contact@techsoup.ro RAF House, 6 Gina Patrichi Street, Bucharest

Designed using:

Adobe InDesign CS5 Written and edited using:

Office Proffesional 2013

the year in TechSoup Romania stories


THANK YOU! We are grateful to our donor partners who have made these stories possible for Romanian NGOs: Adobe Cisco Microsoft

Our activity in 2013 was supported by our local and global partners:

Microsoft Romania Romanian-American Foundation Bitdefender Fundacja TechSoup TechSoup Global

Thank you to all our partners and friends in 2013: TechLounge ANIS IREX Romania / Biblionet TechHub Bucharest HowToWeb Google Romania 123ContactForm UberVU Zitec University Politehnica of Bucharest TechAngels ROSEdu EESTEC Softbinator Good Afternoon EuroCloud IT Spark Ateliere fara Frontiere Impact Hub DreamCatchers Gala Societatii Civile Societal PotsiEu Simon Dietrich Zelist Monitor SeniorHyper MediaIQ Adevarul Tech DasCloud Ziarul Financiar StiriONG Romania Pozitiva Al Treilea Sector

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