What’s new in Laravel 7.8 By Techtic Solutions, Inc.
Laravel 7.8 There are two new features in Laravel 7.8 –the takeUntil and takeWhile collection. These additions were contributed by Joseph Silber, who also made them be compatible with lazy collections..
An example of using the takeUntil method
An example of using the takeUntil method
Included methods temporarySignedRoute() and signedRoute() to Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
Other New Methods in Laravel 7.8
Illuminate\Container\ContextualBindingBuilder::giveTagged() withoutFragment method and withFragment method to Illuminate \Http\RedirectResponse
The validation rule exclude_without
What’s Changed in Laravel 7.8?
Warn in Illuminate/Support/Facades/Auth::routes() when laravel/ui is not installed Auth to each master on Illuminate\Redis\Connections\PhpRedisConnection::flushdb() Changes in Register opis key so that it is no longer tied to a deferred service provider Pass status code to schedule finish Check route:list –columns option case insensitively
What's fixed in Laravel 7.8 Compiled route actions without a namespace Reset select bindings when setting select
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