NLP Oral Questions
1) What is NLP?
2) What is Tokenization?
3) What is Stemming?
4) What is Lemmatization?
5) What Is NLTK?
6) What is Morphology?
7) Types of Tokenization?
8) Why is Tokenization required?
9) What is TF-IDF?
10) Explain POS?
11) How to remove stopwords?
12) What is Transformer?
13) Explain Encoder?
14) Explain Decoder?
15) Explain libraries used in NLP?
16) Explain Types Of morphology?
17) What is Lexemes?
18) Explain Bag of words?
19) Explain Pytorch Library?
20) What are Advantages of NLP?
BI Oral Questions
1)What is Data Warehouse?
2) What is Legacy Data?
3) What are the Applications of BI?
3) Explain ETL?
4)What is Sources Of Data?
5) Define Loading?
6) What Is Fact Table?
7) What is Pivot Table And Pivot chart?
8) What is OLAP?
9)List the Tools Of BI?
10) What is Clustering?
11) What is Classification?
12) What are the benefits of BI?
13)Explain Data ,Information and Knowledge?
14) Explain Needs of BI?
15)Difference between ROLAP AND MOLAP?
16)Explain Data Preprocessing?
17) What is Cube?
18) What are the Components of BI?
19) Explain steps of creating pivot chart?
20) What is Linear Regression?