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Via Trivulzia, 54 - 23020 Mese (Sondrio) Italy
Tel. +39 0343 410 51 fic@fic.com - www.fic.com
All FIC products are available for different refrigerants, to meet the highest standards and different local regulations. Feel free to contact FIC and become the promoter of advanced cooling technologies in your Country!

RED plate banks for instant cooling
In some applications and industries, plate banks are popular for their flexibility and outstanding performances. FIC has it all: From compact machines (10 kW) up to 1500 kW, used in dairies, industrial bakeries, ice cream and breweries.

Research, development, and technology are at the core of our projects, aiming to strengthen and preserve our region’s traditions and history
Inox Meccanica’s dream has become reality thanks to a life dedicated to an ongoing pursuit of simplicity, quality and constructive efficiency. That is a fruitful marriage that increases speed in production processes. Here they are the driving forces shaping this company’s industrial automation concept. As global market leader since 1975, Inox Meccanica designs and manufactures machinery for meat processing and packaging, focusing on sausage products. Thanks to the experience developed over the years, Inox Meccanica jumped into a diametrically and complementary field, immerging itself into the world dedicated to washing and sanitation of all sorts of production tools and containers, finding the sector cleverly cross-cutting.
1968 is the year of its first patent; a date opening the door to a pride that has persisted for almost fifty years. With the desire to satisfy its customers’ most peculiar and diversified requests, Inox Meccanica has achieved around 50 commercial partnerships which allow it today to cover almost 60 countries all over the world. It manufactures more