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High performance technologies for your rendering plants

NTE Process specializes in the process solutions for pet food and animal feed and provides turnkey systems that guarantee optimal management of production, handling, dosing and mixing of powders and additives
NTE Process is specialized in the process solutions for pet food and animal feed and provides turnkey systems such as rendering, formulation and handling systems guaranteeing the optimal management of production, handling, dosing and mixing of powders and additives to obtain high quality pet food in full compliance with the most stringent regulations (CE, ATEX, etc.).
NTE Process has developed a patented dosing and pneumatic mixing technology using innovative powder air mixers, Blender M244/M277 and Jetmixer® M531, to achieve homogeneous mixtures even when handling products with different bulk density and particle size. This technology allows to add liquid additives such as enzymes and antioxidants can be injected through the air valves without dispersion into the environment or formation of lumps. The liquids are injected directly into the mixing silo by modifying the recipe “on-line” for maximum production flexibility.
NTE Process’s technologies make it possible to maximise the efficiency of pneumatic conveying for animal meal storage in terms of energy consumption, avoiding degradation and wear of the lines during handling.
NTE Process applies successful pneumatic conveying with patented Air Assist® technology, a system of compressed air or nitrogen injection that is strategically placed along the pipes. This solution increases significantly the plant efficiency and reduces product degradation and air consumption, as well as allows the restart of the plant even with the line full of product.

In addition to the traditional solution, the patented “Eco Dense-Tronic®” version is also available, providing you with a pneumatic conveying system that makes use of Artificial Intelligence. In fact, thanks to NTE Process’s Artifical Intelligence Air di iniezione di aria compressa o azoto che viene posizionato strategicamente lungo la tubazione, che incrementa l’efficienza del tuo impianto e al tempo stesso riduce la degradazione del prodotto e il consumo di aria, consentendo inoltre la ripartenza dell’impianto anche con la linea piena di prodotto. Oltre alla soluzione tradizionale, è disponibile anche la versione brevettata “Eco Dense-Tronic®” che ti fornisce un sistema di trasporto pneumatico che si avvale dell’utilizzo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, infatti, grazie agli Artifical Intelligence Air Assist® M533 di NTE Process, è possibile ottenere un aumento di efficienza del 40% e una riduzione del consumo di energia fino al 70%*.
Per ogni impianto dotato di Eco Dense-Tronic®, in un anno è possibile un risparmio di CO2 equivalente a quasi 3.000 nuovi alberi piantati*.
La tecnologia brevettata Wonderbatch® di NTE Process, inoltre, offre una soluzione completa per la formulazione in linea di ricette, e in generale, per la movimentazione ed il dosaggio di materiale sfuso in polvere come gli additivi con dosaggio diretto da saccone. È possibile ottenere una vasta gamma di ricette evitando il rischio di contaminazione fra un saccone e l’altro, senza code di prodotto, ottimizzando gli spazi ed incrementando la produzione. NTE Process dispone di un Innovation Hub dove è possibile testare le sue tecnologie in scala 1:1. Per saperne di più scrivi o contatta NTE Process su Linkedin o contatta i suoi specialisti all’indirizzo sales@nte-process.com
*Risultati raggiunti su specifiche configurazioni di impianti
Assist® M533, a 40% increase in efficiency and a reduction in energy consumption of up to 70%* can be achieved.
For each system equipped with Eco Dense-Tronic®, a CO2 saving equivalent to almost 3,000 new trees planted* is possible in one year.
NTE Process’s Wonderbatch® technology provides a complete solution for recipes, batching and handling of bulk materials such as additives. It also allows NTE Process’s customers to obtain a wide range of recipes, avoiding the risk of contamination between a big bag to another, reducing residual product during the changeover, optimizing space and increasing production.
Customers have the chance to test NTE Process’s technologies in the full scale 1:1 NTE Scientific Hub. Follow NTE Process on Linkedin or contact its specialists writing to sales@nte-process.com
*Results achieved on specific plant configuration