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The success of the 1st edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2018, led us to launch the 2nd edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2019, encouraging a greater number of teachers to propose and develop innovative teaching methodologies and to include new technologies and tools in their curricular units.
With this brochure, we intend to present and disseminate the results of the second edition of the Pedagogical Innovation Projects - PIP2019, which had 23 proposals submitted, of which 9 were financed, within the scope of curricular units.
A set of financed projects, focused on the development and inclusion of active learning, project based and gamification strategies within selected curricular units. The projects “ScientIST - Scientific Experiments in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Supported by Mobile Devices and IoT”, “Virtual Reality to teach Virtual Reality” and “Autonomous Electric Vehicle - A tool for the teaching in EEC”, “Escape the Room - learn the subject to escape ”, which foster more autonomous and collaborative learning for students.
The projects “Hands-on Polymers”, “Chemistry Laboratories: GREATER autonomy, MORE laboratory, BEST academic performance”, “The Caenorhabditis elegans nematode as an infection model”, are examples of the creation of innovative laboratories, new laboratory works and innovative methodologies, some of which include the introduction of e-learning tools in the laboratory component.
The use of digital platforms and tools for online assessment is evident in three of the submitted projects, “Quizzes Tutor”, “ExolineX: Online Exams on the MOOCTECNICO platform” and “E-LEARN @DEEC”. These projects served as a basis and functioned as prototypes for distance assessment in the 2nd semester 2019/2020, in several curricular units. For example, the ExonlineX platform was used to carry out tests and exams in 25 UCs in the 1st and 2nd cycles of different courses, with a total of 4150 students; the E-LEARN @ DEEC platform, based on Moodle, was used by DEEC teachers in around 30 UCs in the 1st and 2nd cycles, adding around 3000 students.
The innovative pedagogical experiences described in this brochure intend to make known the experiences, of a group of teachers, of introducing pedagogical innovations within the scope of curricular units and encourage the sharing of good practices among the teaching community.
Key Facts
Students enrolled
Teachers 1 Public Presentations Approved projects Executed
Technical Staff
Average budget per project
Fellowship holders
Introduction to the project
The Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP) are held annually and support the teachers’ efforts, providing small amounts of funding to help the team to design and implement new initiatives.
The PIP aims to mobilize IST teachers in view of the following requirements: • the updating and/or adapting the IST teaching model, preferably for the 1st and 2nd cycles. • the use of tools that are relevant in terms of learning, such as case studies, problem-based learning, active learning, flipped classrooms, learning based on research • to provide metrics to measure success and describe how they will be implemented. • the use of new technologies, including digital solutions, to solve learning and teaching problems.
The experiences and knowledge developed in these projects are vast and the PIP2019 teams are a useful reference for others who wish to carry out similar activities. The complete list of applications and funded projects is available at the end of this brochure.
The purpose of this brochure is to document all PIP2019 projects, identifying the good and/or innovative ideas that may be of interest to the Técnico community.