IDL AAC - English

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new technologies for learning/teaching languages LANGUAGE LABORATORY IDL Digital

IDL is a level 3 language lab for straightforward and modular communication - non-pc type Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL is a versatile system for language learning that requires the use of a single computer workstation by the teacher. Students are equipped with a professional audio panel which provides stable and lasting-quality professional audio, ideal for enhancing communication and audio recording. One main advantage of IDL DIGITAL Language Lab is that teachers can copy any file type (audio, video, images or text) directly on to a USB memory stick connected to the student’s IDL DIGITAL PANEL, in order to assign tasks to be completed outside the language laboratory. SIMPLE-TO-USE LANGUAGE LABORATORY Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL offers a pleasant means of communication, learning and student assessment. The system, with its user-friendly interface, allows the teacher to create multiple classes without the worry of facing difficult tasks, because each type of activity is guided choice. Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL offers a wide variety of learning activities, such as: pair work, conference, listening, comprehension and recording answers. Via the Graphical User Interface GUI (available in several languages) the teacher have complete control of each student’s audio panel regardless of the activities type.

SESSIONS Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL bases its direction of activities on the concept of “sessions”. The teacher chooses the activities from those available, selects the desired students, and then starts the session by setting a time limit and comment. Both the instructor software and the student’s audio panel LCD inform the student and teacher about the session in progress. When the session time limit is reached, the instructor software closes the session, and sends the teacher all the results. With Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL the teacher can monitor the whole class, communicate with the individual, pair or group of students without disturbing others. For example, while some students are involved in a telephone conversation, other students can practise different activities. Sessions in Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL may include digital audio files already on the instructor’s PC and in the common standard formats, or various external sources usable in real-time, such as MP3 player, CD audio / video, VHS, DVD, satellite and audio cassettes. With Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL student performance can be evaluated with quizzes, such as true / false or multiple choice. As soon as these activities are completed, the results are displayed in graphic form and can be printed out.

MARK ASSIGNATION Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL allows the teacher to assign students’ marks and comments; the data for each class register can be saved easily and the data can be accessed or printed at any time. This way the teacher canlog lab sessions in the form of student attendance, student activities, and marks and comments assigned. LEARNING Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL offers useful functions; students can load the audio tracks you want them to practise (several students can load the same or a different track and work independently). Thanks to the USB connector built into the audio panel, and when the teacher enables this function, it is possible to transfer master and student tracks to a USB pen drive, or directly to an Mp3 player, so that students can continue to practise even outside the laboratory. Tecnilab IDL DIGITAL is the only digital system that can be adapted to for use in existing classroom computers because it has been developed with digital recorder software to computer-emulate tactual external hardware.

stimulating learning…. possible with IDL!

TEACHING/LEARNING: • Listening to an audio source, listening and comprehension exercises. • Talking / Speaking, (with or without recording) on the student digital panel which has two separate master/ student tracks, reading exercise, pronunciation exercise, model imitation, simultaneous translation, consecutive translation, telephonic-type conversation, summarising and/or commenting. • Oral examination (with or without recording). • Student learning process control: Multiple-choice quizzes or true/false quizzes. • Audio on demand / learning: free audio track choice, student track saving on USB pen drive or MP3 Player, with home virtual recorder to continue practising at home. • Using the video network (optional): listening to and watching an externally-sourced video: DVD, satellite, teacher’s PC, etc.

DIVERSIFIED WORK- MODES: • Group creation up to four groups and one independent group. • Simultaneous and differentiated use of four activities with up to four groups. • Simultaneous and differentiated sending of four external sources to up to four groups. • Each activity and/or function is possible for single student or selected group of students with a single command or mouse click. • Manual audio pairing creation, automatic pairing for sequential audio, automatic random pairing for random audio. • Group conferencing (in which the teacher can act as moderator at any time). • Creation of a free group, for independent activities, outside the standard working groups. • Student recording as a source for the rest of the class.

SIMPLE TO USE: • Personalized and automatic access to the main laboratory software control through a USB pen drive. • User-friendly graphic interface with classroom layout. • On/Off switch for all student digital panels. • Class loading with information such as: student name, number, group membership, marks etc. • Immediate and automatic saving of the student activities.

SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: • Teacher communication with one student, a group, or the whole class simultaneously. • Intercom: teacher enables bidirectional communication with any selected student, and has full control over his/her digital panel. • Transfer to a group or the whole class the communication between the teacher and one student, on teacher and one pair of students. • Teacher as a moderator in all the conferencing activities. • Student call with time delay storage for each call received. • Discrete auditory monitoring of any selected student, independently of the activity he/she is performing. • Automatic discrete listening for one group or the whole class (autoscan), with changeable scanning time.

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