Teen culture magazine - All grown up

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Ryan shares how his career has grown over the past years.


Whats new in our circle? New videos being released.

Fashion and PhotograWe are the outcast and phy by Anita + Lookthese are the moments book we live for.


What is wanderlust? Traveling


Exclusive interview with Mina Miyaki talking about her very own bag line

Cover Girl: Sarah Loven shares her adventures with us. January issue with Sarah Loven! Professional Nomad.


Notes from the editor and featured Addison Jones photography.


Another year has arrived! Are you ready?


Have you ever wandered what its like as a theatre kid?


All grown up introduction


Talent Feature-Hasantikelly


January issue with Sarah Loven! Professional Nomad.


Calling all Photographers, Contest details on our instagram!



LETTER from the EDITORS Welcome to another month with Teen Culture

Magazine. We are super excited for 2016 and all that it will offer us this year. As our journey continues you all will see many changes occurring on our website and throughout the issues. You should expect more visual content from creators all over the world. We hope you are excited about the future changes here at Teen Culture. For the month of January we had lots of content sent in so we wanted to merge Jan/Feb together. We will be absent for a few months developing the new content, please do not worry we will be back in no time.

All Grown UP! GROWING UP AND ACCEPTING We hope you enjoy this months issue, filled with some amazing content from teenagers and young adults around the globe. Have a wonderful Year!




Meet Sarah For this amazing month of January, Teen Culture Magazine had an awesome oppurtunity to interview and feature Sarah Loven from ReadyGypsetgo. We have fallen in love with he style and your her adventureous lifestyle. We wanted to introduce our readers to Sarah and Josh.


Chats with Sarah TC: We love your idea of Ready Gypset Go,

Your Endless life on the road. Our theme for January is all grown up, would your past self believe you would be living your dream today?

SL: I was a very determined child and full of big dreams. My dad is a painter and has the same dreamer personality as me, so I was always encouraged to follow my passions. I never doubted I’d be living my dreams, I just thought it would revolved around being a prima ballerina and riding horses every day, haha! But as for my grown up dream, I still can’t quite soak in the fact that I’m technically “homeless”! But it’s very

real, especially the amount of hard work that goes into living your dream. It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself, it drives you beyond any other type of lifestyle because it’s for you and your own happiness. And I can’t quite explain it, but it stretches you beyond just your “goals”. It makes you a stronger person to chase down exactly what your heart longs for. TC: Here at teen Culture Magazine we love to push inspirational stories to our readers for encouragement. As a creative what would you say inspires you most when creating new content?

SL: I’m a visual memory hoarder, and I literally

extremely draining and rough! Nobody wants to always want to capture the amazing things I see. hear about the ugly side of the story, but there are I also love to share my passions with people. It’s definitely pros and cons. The constant moving, the best way I can connect, being an introvert in the constant planning- it’s something you learn as you go. I’m switching from a life I was taught real life. Surprising as that is! Getting that conhow to live in a normal society, to a completely nection and inspiring people through my work new way of living that nobody tells you how to and passion is the most fulfilling part. I think that do a thing. Not only that, but I’m a blogger in a is what inspires me to keep creating. I want to share it all. I want to find amazing things to share. trailblazing career choice. It’s pretty much a douThere’s so much out there to discover and experi- ble challenge. Luckily I’m very determined and I don’t give up on my dreams. Getting through the ence! difficult times makes it all the more worth it, and TC: As simple as this question might be, we you learn to go with the flow after a while. are very interested. How has your journey been so far?

SL: To be honest, endless life on the road can be

TC: Personally I would love to

visit Switzerland and Australia one day, Is there any place in the world which you would like to visit or even live?

SL: There are so many places on our list, and the top choice changes daily! We are definitely interested in Bali, Morocco, Tuscany, Barcelona, Ireland, and moreee. I pretty much go weak at the knees for anything with history, good food, textured old buildings, and culture. Europe is full of that good stuff. I want to get lost in old alleyways, discover sidewalk bistros, explore moody landscapes, and eat fresh foods from the jungles. What could be better than that?! TC: When I’m not sending

emails and preparing for another Teen Culture issue I’m either watching Netflix or com-

pleting homework. So When You’re not creating new content what are you most likely doing?

SL: Hmm, well that’s easy…Hulu! Haha. Josh and I are actually quite the hermits. We venture around so much for the public, so when we don’t have to be doing anything, we usually spend the evening in bed with dinner and catch up on our favorite shows from Hulu. Between work (whenever that is) I usually clean the airstream and rearrange stuff so it feels fresh, and do my daily workout. Having me time is pretty important with this lifestyle and career.



Its okay to grow up! with growth also follows change. Depending on how you change it can alter life experiences, some good and others bad. For the month of Jan/Feb we have merged our issues, in order create one large collection of talented indiviuals, who love to express themeselves through anything that makes them happy. Being inspired comes in all forms and medias, so don’t be afraid to explore because we encourage taking adventures. Let 2016 be the year where we accept more things in our life. Growing up does not have to be upseting, instead take it as another door unlocked in your chapter. Honestly just flow where ever the winds takes you. Let it go and accept! We love you so much thanks for reading.





There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -MAYA ANGELOU MAKE SURE TO SEND US YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE TAG US ON INSTAGRAM @TEENCULT


Me and my friends constantly want to go out and take different pictures in different places, but it is truly difficult to get to places to take pictures. We had the idea of using projectors to bring the scenery as well as put ourselves in places where we normally would not be able to go. We got to place ourselves in colorful bubbles, outlandish space scenery, and even a placid lake with gorgeous colors. It was great to have the idea of not always having to go out and search for interesting places when there are tons of interesting places and images that can be found through using a projector.

I got to work with an old friend of mine and just take different pictures of her walking across the bridge, talking to her, and stopping constantly to get water at Starbucks. It was an amazing day and the best part of the shoot was when she changed into her XXX Adults Only shirt. Victoria is 16 and she truly embraces her body and sexuality with great confidence. The photo advocates the idea that women shouldn’t feel the need to cover up; women should be able to show their body in the same manner that men are. I vividly remember

while taking this photo she got cat-called by a grown, adult man despite the fact that she looks like and is a teenager. I want to continue to take photos that advocate not only the uplift of teenage emotions but, photos that fight for different causes that are important to me and the society that I live in.

“she got cat-called by a grown, adult man�



LIFE AS A THEATRE KID Gillion Machota @lilsquonker

If you are reading this you may be a cool, musical geek like me, or not be one. There is no in between, sadly. If you know me personally, I am a huge theatre nerd. I have been seeing musicals since I was in kindergarten. My first musical I saw was my rival high school’s performance of Cinderella. I remember singing one of the songs nonstop when I was little, that iswhen my mother bought the CD and we will sing it in car rides all day, every day. That is when I knew, my obsession with musicals and plays will begin.

help of speech therapy (which I went to for those five years of my elementary life), while doing all of this. It helped so much that I stopped doing it and went on for a while, doing other shows in my mean time.

Life then wasn’t as stressful as it is now. I didn’t have that many lines to memorize as I did in high school. Which is where we move into next, those long, yet short, dreadful years of high school. I could not do the musical because I was so involved with volleyball that I couldn’t do it My first ever production was Rudolph the Red because it would interfere with games and pracNose Reindeer, I don’t exactly remember what tices. It sucked too because I missed about being part I was but I remember having this big mono- a part of two fabulous musicals to be a part of. logue talking about how a toy is not really atoy. Then, my freshman year I tried out to be a part of It went something along the line of cute, sappy The Triangle Fire Factory Project. It took the stoand heartwarming. Now mind you now, I wasa ries, court cases, and the true events that hapfive year old kid, memorizing a monologue that pened during the Shirtwaist Fire that happened was a whole paragraph. Usually kids that age in the past in New York. I got in and got the part can’t memorize that much, let alone try to not of May Levantini, little did I know that she was eat a whole entire bottle of glue without getting the climax of the whole entire show. My drama caught. I was then in other productions; Cinder- director, Mr. Joseph Hoyt, said we should be ella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and crying at the end of each performance because Alicein Wonderland. I also had a speech imped- it is a true event that change the safety in buildiment, meaning I couldn’t speak well without the ings and it is so captivating.


The next play that I did with my director was Hamlet, but he did a twist and decided to do an all-female Hamlet. He said he decided to do this because one the schools in our district (by the time you are reading this our district would have changed) did an all-female Romeo and Juliet and made it to state, so he thought that Hamlet would have

a chance. By the time the judges saw the play at sectionals, they placed us sixth out of eight schools that have competed. After that was over, we did it as our spring play, I kept my role, the killer uncle, Claudius. I had to memorize more than ever, I never realized how much I had to put into Claudius until it came to show time.

My life now is currently is not stressful at the moment. What people don’t realize is that not all schools are like the schools you see in the movies. My school, I am going to use as an example, just got new football jerseys for our 54 losing streak varsity team, but the drama department gets nothing, licitly split nothing. Our drama director even had to pay out of his own pocket to get our paint, which cost more than $100 I don’t remember the exact amount. We drama kids suffer. We have to stay from (using me as an example) from 7 AM to 6 PM, come home, do the countless amount of homework, shower, eat a microwave dinner, and try not to fall asleep at 11:30 PM. Then repeat over and over for only three days of the week for about three months. What I am saying is that we may be those annoying people who sing “Defying Gravity”

or “Ring of Keys” down the halls or in a choir room or on stage. We are practicing for that day when we get a solo for a musical we have been dying for. Teachers need to understand that we come home at late times and sometimes we don’t finish the homework because we came home at a later time and fell asleep while doing it. Friends of these kids need to understand that staying at school on a Saturday painting a set and then going over a play from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon is more important than going to the mall then get ice cream afterwards. Parents need to understand that we need to memorize a page long monologue for a whole night than watch a family movie on a Friday night. You need to understand that we theatre kids are dedicated people and put forth their whole lives into their play and musicals.






Trending/News Teen Culture Magazine will be on Mobile now!

Hey! For the next few

months we will be doing a series of contest for all artist, photographers, and any creative! Make sure to stay updated on our instagram to see more details. Who will be featured next?

We are to excited to finially release our youtube

channel later this month. Stay tuned for short films and inspirational talks by some amazing readers on certain topics.



Instagram: @teencult

Twitter: @teencult



My name is Anita Mwiruki of Fashion by Anita. Years ago I started a fashion blog, or I thought I did. When I started this journey I had no website, no photographers- just an iphone and Instagram filters. It’s now 2015 and I have moved from Ohio to Seattle in the last year and I have seen my modeling and blogging journey grow so much. Since my move to Seattle I have actually started a blog/website where I post all the pretty photos and actually write stuff! My direction has changed a lot. When I started I had my sister, dad, random friends from school take photos of my daily outfits. I still do this from time to time but I have grown to love local designers,

Seattle local and around the area. This is something that I don’t think is talked about enough and it’s become my niche, that and bridal modeling...that’s a whole other story though. There are probably more local designers than you know around you, yet you still go to Forever21, H&M, Zara, Nordstrom more than 90% of the time. Don’t get me wrong, no judgment coming just saying. I also shop at these places but since my move to Seattle have made an effort to shop local. Here are some photos from a recent collaboration I had with a designer from California!


I recently virtually met a jewelry designer from Califronia- Sarah Mulder. Sarah makes delicate pieces: necklaces, earrings, and bracelets and wanted to share some pretty pieces of jewelry and see how I would style them. I wanted to pick different outfits that all speak to who I am- after all, fashion is supposed to say who you are without words. I chose a suede dress that I recently got from a local vintage seller. When I first saw the dress I wasn’t sold but as soon as I put it on it became a favorite of mine, I’ve been wearing it almost every week since. It’s

a little dressy, but still casual. My second look is very Pacific North West, and my go to casual look. Some see casual as sweats and a hair tie, I like to keep my casual fashionable. Nice pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. I added the beanie because, I love hats and bae got it for me :) Feeling lazy and being casual doesn’t have to equal being a bum! For the last look, something a little more elegant- a floor length maroon dress. All three looks have some sort of boot, as fall season calls for all the boots to come out of hiding. IG: @fashionby_anita Website: fashionbyanita.com

IG: @fashionby_anita Website: fashionbyanita.com

Ryan McKinnon

Your Girlfriends Profile Picture DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO SAID I COULDN’T


I have always enjoyed and admired portrait photography. Theres something about capturing someone’s personality and emotion in a picture, that when done correctly, it makes you feel... everything. I can honestly say that portrait photography is my passion, favorite past time and my full time job. When you find that certain something you love, you don’t ever want to stop. There are so many ways to find people to shoot with! I have used a multitude of different ones to find new talent when I started traveling earlier this year. I actually joked around with friends that I should try to book shoots off tinder and funny enough that’s exactly what ended up happening. My profile on tinder was straight to the point, “Professional Photographer looking for new

talent, if I match with you, it’s due to being interested in shooting. I Clearly stated “I am not on here looking for anything else.” I would also list the dates of the cities I would be traveling through. I used a hacked version of tinder to set my location to a city I would be traveling to ahead of time. I would assume everyone knows what Tinder is but for those of you who are in a stable, happy relationships ;) it’s a dating app that allows you to swipe right on a profile you’re interested in and swipe left if you are not. When I would make a match I would let that person know when I was expected to be in town and if they were interested in shooting. Depending on the concept and model experience I would either offer a collaboration/trade shoot or give them my rates.

My Instagram is also integrated with my Tinder, so people can view my work, and see that I’m not “that dude with a camera.” I of course have run into my fair share of people who are skeptical and question my motives and I state, “Why would I risk my name as a professional and my business by hooking up with random girls on Tinder while using my real name.” There will always be that stigma that dude photographers are creeps. Just like any job, or people in general, there’s good and bad people and I pride myself on being a professional in every situation. I am lucky enough to say that photography is what I do full time now. The first 2 months of this year I was working a full time job and going to school. As of today within the last 9 months my

work as a photographer has taken me to over 22 states and allowed me to meet so many amazing people. I took the leap of faith, from my job and schooling to follow this passion as far as I could go, and plan on continuing until I am unable to. I think one of the most rewarding parts of portrait photography is the reaction from the client when they get their photos. Making someone feel good about themselves is not always an easy task. My goal for next year is to collaborate with as many artists in as many ways as possible. I want to start filming video at every shoot, collaborate with make up artists and hair stylists to build their portfolios and to really just inspire people with my work.

Ryan McKinnon






IN OUR NEXT ISSUE! We love hearing from you! So make sure to send us your stories, photography, art work, music and videos to our email. We always respond!





2016 ISSUE


“New Year means Fresh Starts” BE FEATURED? If you want to be featured Tag us on Instagram TEENCULT.CO


So we are very interested in what sparked the interest to create your very own line of bags? It started with a desire to find a line of work that would allow for self expression. I have been working for 15 or so years in many creative industries as a graphic designer, motion graphics animator. I even did some character animations. And, I ended up in the video game industry. It was time to express my own voice. I have been drawing forever and enjoyed it the most. I wanted to use that skill somehow. The process was pretty organic. I started drawing patterns and shared those with my friends who encouraged me to turn them into wallpapers, gift wrap, art prints, pillows etc. Since I loved fabrics and knew how to sew, I came up with a set of prints and turned them into bags. What never fails to inspire you with your

designs, what keeps you going everyday? I’m inspired by just sitting at a table with a blank piece of paper and an empty mind. From then anything can happen and I’m amazed at what can come out sometimes. And, of course like most artists, I’m inspired by nature and its beautiful colors. I live in NYC and love how vibrant the city is, its people from different backgrounds, its creativity, its walls. I love NYC’s street art. It’s like a visual conversation between the city and its artists. Do you have any bold ideas to do next with your brand? Whats Next for you? I know what’s bold! It’s the Mina Miyaki’s prints! They are all exclusive to the brand and I plan on continuing to develop seasonally new prints and new handbag designs.

What is your design process when it comes to designing a new print? Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of times it starts with a blank page. I don’t always start with an idea or theme because I want to see what will come out. Some drawings may inspire an entire collection of prints. I drew a print I call “electric jungle” with bunnies hiding in lots of foliage. From that drawing, I would create a set or collection of prints and a color palette. What does a normal day look like for you? Every week is different. Throughout the year I tackle different phases of design, development and production. I could be designing and sketching bags, sourcing the materials, sewing samples, photographing the finished bags to post in the online store. Ideally, I would draw everyday early in the morning. Then, deal with tasks that are the most brain intensive until lunch. Sometimes it’s figuring out a new process (for example, setting up a new inventory system) or deciding the ideal bag production costs. After work, it’s easier tasks like promotion. I try to start the day early and end it early, but it doesn’t always end up that way. My day could go from a 5 hour to a 12 hour day or more.

What advice would you give to teenagers struggling with finding their career? When I was studying at Parsons School of Design, I remember picking classes that I thought would help me get a job that pays. Once I got those jobs, it was ok for a while, but I would get bored after a few years. Maybe that’s why I kept shifting industries every 2-3 years. I was afraid to be a starving artist. Now, I see that I was shooting myself in the foot because eventually designing without passion, my creativity was drying out. In my case, I noticed that each time I was having fun doing what I loved, the joy and the fun would transpire into the work. After a few years working, I felt the need to do personal work to get my creative juices flowing. Often times people would ask for more because it was my own unique voice. Companies are on the lookout for something unique to make their brand stand out. So, I would advise teenagers to experiment, don’t be constricted by what people expect you to do. Have your own personal projects. I believe that when there is a passion, there is a way. The passion will fuel the hard work required to get to point B. Be bold, take risks and follow your heart. Haha all this sounds so cheesy, but it’s true in my experience!


Whats your Favorite Memory? Tag us @teencult and tell us!



Fresh Start WELCOME 2016 TO NEW BEGININGS We are way to excited for 2016. Like every new year we promise our selves new goals for our life. We want to know what you are doing during 2016. Are you going to live up to your dreams? Will you try something new? or will you just Live?You are never alone so Send us a DM on Instagram or Twitter, we always respond! XOXO





razy thing! This month was really the first time I actually took the time to research what the word “Wanderlust” actually meant. I’m super happy that I did, since this expressed my recent mood. If you don’t know what wanderlust means,it’s a strong desire to travel. Recently when I listen to music or take photography all I can think about is traveling to another state or country. Which inspired me to create Away, our first ever short, created for Teen Culture Magazine. When I listen to “I become a shade” by Seoul on Soundcloud, I honestly dream of traveling and taking photographs of the mountains sitting above me. I want to walk

through the fog and have to guess what’s on the other side. I would love to take a boat ride through the water and watch the sunset. These are all dreams of wanderlust! Dreams that I wish were true. Not saying they aren’t possible for the future! Reality kicks in and ruins the fun of dreaming. As a senior in High school we have our whole lives ahead of us. Something I’m just now realizing, is that we don’t have to rush our lives, we don’t have to plan them out entirely. Whatever life throws at us will just align themselves for our future and the path were supposed to take. So never stop dreaming , dreamers! If you want it, then go get it! why not? Just remember you have to work for what you want. TEENCULT.CO





We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.

-Jawaharlal Nehru









JAN/FEB 2016


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