TeenLife 2011 Guide to Community Service

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Why all teens should volunteer More than 200 non-profit opportunities Awards & scholarships for civic-minded students

W W W. T E E N L I F E . C O M

Introducing TeenLife’s 2011 Guide to Community Service!


The only free comprehensive resource of its kind in Boston.

REI is proud to support the TeenLife Boston Community Service Fair


ost middle and high schools require teens to complete up to 40 hours or more of community service as a prerequisite to graduating. At TeenLife we can see why. The benefits of helping others and working with a worthy cause you believe in can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your lifetime. From building homes to helping distressed animals, volunteering helps you grow socially. Develop a heart for giving. Discover the wider world around you. Foster relationships. And even build your resume.


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Not to mention, there are hundreds of nonprofits, right in your backyard, who need your help! That’s why TeenLife put together this 56-page 2011 Guide to Community Service, which lists more than 200 non-profits by category in the Greater Boston area. Each profile provides a mission statement, contact information, and website address. See, we’ve done all of the research for you. Now you can simply read this guide cover to cover. Highlight organizations that interest you. And prepare yourself for engaging service work. Don’t forget to register at www.teenlife.com to find new program listings and up-to-the-minute “teen life” opportunities right at your fingertips.

Marie Schwartz, President & Founder TeenLife Media, LLC

REI Boston 401 Park Drive Boston, MA 02215 617-236-0746


1:44:51 PM

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Students attend the MELANOMA FOUNDATION’S Teens on Tanning Forum to become advocates for skin safety.


TeenLife Media, LLC 22 Hilliard St., First Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 www.teenlife.com Copyright © 2011 by TeenLife Media, LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts Published by TeenLife Media, LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts V.P., Marketing Communications: Cara Ferragamo Murray Managing Editor: Camille Heidebrecht Graphic Design: Kristin Adam Cavoli


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TeenLife Media, LLC (TL) takes no responsibility for any of the descriptions of the various organizations listed. TL is not familiar with all of the organizations listed. We edit the descriptions only to achieve a consistent format. TL presents all descriptions without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. TL is not responsible for the accuracy of any description, or for mistakes, errors, or omissions of any kind, and is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by a user’s reliance on the information contained in this guide. All the information contained herein is subject to change without notice, and readers are advised to confirm all information about an organization and obtain references before making any commitments. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to TeenLife Media, LLC, 22 Hilliard St., First Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138, (617) 868-5848, fax (617) 868-5648 or via email to info@teenlife.com. Trademarks: TeenLife Media, LLC and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of TeenLife and/or its affiliates in the United States and may not be used without written permission.

Table of Contents 4

MAKING THE MOST OF A TEEN COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT An expert provides guidance on how to get the most value from a volunteer experience.





Recognition of Sponsors & Contributors to the 2011 TeenLife Community Service Fair.

By Kit Beaudouin


NON-PROFIT LISTINGS 6 Advocacy for a Cause 9 Aging With Dignity 11 Animal Rights & Rescue 11 Community Resources

51 Non-Profits—Alphabetical 53 Non-Profits—By Location 56 Awards & Scholarships 56 Sponsors & Contributors 56 Advertisers

15 Cultural Organizations 19 Health & Well-Being 22 Homelessness & Hunger 24 International Relief 25 Other Non-Profit 26 People with Disabilities 29 Preserving the Environment 32 Promoting Volunteerism 35 Youth





Rachel Sheehan shares how community service work has become her passion.

Rewards for civic-minded students.

Cover Photo: Three teens volunteering with THE FOOD PROJECT, an organization that has built a national model of engaging young people in personal and social change through sustainable agriculture.

Jane Goodall’s ROOTS AND SHOOTS YOUTH LEADERSHIP COUNCIL members work with the Mystic River Watershed Association to learn about water quality testing during a river cleanup event.

Making the Most of a Teen Community Service Project

by Kit Beaudouin Director of Community Engagement, Beaver Country Day School



good volunteer experience can lead to increased self-esteem, the acquisition of valuable new skills, and a lifetime of memories. Simply put, it provides an opportunity for personal reflection and growth—while doing good things!

It’s no wonder, then, that most schools today are requiring students to complete up to 40 hours of community service as part of their curriculum and a “must do” before graduation. Kit Beaudouin, Director of Community Engagement, Hiatt Center for Social Justice Education, at the Beaver Country Day School, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts offers the following guidelines to help teens find the perfect volunteer opportunity and get the most out of their community service experience. I would challenge you to keep several thoughts in mind as you research organizations to give your time, talents, and energy to. Not only should you make a difference in the lives of others, but you should also gain an understanding about yourself, and the endless possibilities you have to enact positive change in the world.


Director of Community Engagement at Beaver Country Day School.

1. Choose a placement that makes you nervous. Try something new. Have you ever interacted with persons with disabilities? Have you ever had a real conversation with a person who is homeless? Do you know what you have in common with elders? Can you communicate with them? Service is your chance to take on a challenge that might be short term, or if you love it, long term. You may discover aspects of yourself and strengths that you did not realize you have. 2. Inquire about the training. Placements vary tremendously in their quality of training. Some places require a comprehensive program before you interact with anyone or anything. Other places basically have you interacting with clients from the get-go. To be as helpful as possible, know what to expect before you jump on board. Read the website and create a detailed list of questions to engage the staff. Be upfront with experience or lack of it. 3. Recognize that you can do service through an organization, or individually, to address a need you see in your community. A benefit of volunteering with an established organization is that you will meet other like-minded volunteers, and you will have quality staff as mentors. However, there are also tremendous benefits to individually filling a need that you see. Shoveling driveways for your elderly neighbors, bringing meals to a family in crisis, babysitting for neighborhood children whose parents may be experiencing health problems, all fill an immediate need that you can address. Also seek out the smaller, less-resourced organizations. People flock to volunteer at the well-known prestigious hospitals and non-profits. But if you keep your eyes open, you can learn about the smaller organizations where your commitment will be really felt and appreciated.



AND, HERE ARE SOME OTHER THOUGHTS TO KEEP IN MIND: Service is about relationships. Service is all about relationship building: mutual learning and understanding. It should not be a “me doing for you” model. Yes, you might physically be doing something that helps another, but you should also be learning and questioning during the process to develop as a socially engaged citizen. We all bring our unique experiences, backgrounds, privileges, strengths and views to the table, and being with someone whose life experiences are different than yours presents an amazing opportunity. Understanding other peoples’ life realities gives you a better understanding of your own identity in your community and the world at large. You might come to realize a sense of common humanity; that we all want to be needed and loved, and have purpose in our lives. What that means for you is different than what it means for me, but approaching all new relationships with this mindset should help you see the assets that we all bring to the table. Strong listening skills, self-awareness and an ability to understand multiple perspectives are required to achieve this understanding. If you can do this, you have gained skills that will help you in all personal and professional aspects of your life. Service helps challenge our concepts of the world and informs our mobilization as agents of social change. Service is about discoveries, and the broader framing of issues brought up by doing service. You want to be thinking about the service you are doing in the context of the big concepts and systems that affect the issue you are addressing… factors such as economics, politics, and cultural norms. For example, if you are working in a homeless program, there is great satisfaction in providing warmth, food, friendship and shelter to those who live on the streets. But be sure to look around and question why we have homelessness at all in the wealthiest country in the world. What are the economic and social systems and policies that exist that let this happen? What measures or structures can one enact to affect homelessness, along with providing meals, shelter, and a sense of dignity? Ask questions of the staff at your sites, and continue to think of ways we can change these inequities. Many times it is the youth of a country that do not accept these inequities as the norm, and push our policy makers to enact changes.

The service you do should evoke reflection—it should make you think about the whys, and inspire you to analyze the systems that allow these inequities to exist. What social and community issues that you see in the news really speak to you? What inequities in our society make you angry? Observe, question, educate yourself, talk to experts, and be creative in your ideas for change. Once you are engaged at a placement, think about who you are and what you bring to that placement. This is not only your talents and skills, but also your life experience. What preconceptions do you have about the group that you will work with? Where did those preconceptions come from, and how can you reflect upon them to be sure that you are open to a real connection? Go with the pace of the project on which you are working. We all prefer to be busy, often feeling like that is most productive. But there are times when a building site might be waiting for supplies, a homeless shelter might have few clients, a hospital might have a low patient census, and that becomes a moment in which you can engage the staff and ask the bigger questions. Keep working the big questions. Think about and articulate the skills you have gained. Anyone can do service, and this fulfills a great need. But what you walk away with as a person in terms of your sense of empathy, understanding, ability to question, anger, outrage, systemic views; that is what goes with you to future service, academics, and everyday interactions. Keep informed. Read the news, watch which local and national policies are being discussed, talk, and disagree with friends and family, listen, voice your concerns, contact your congressperson when you see an issue you care about, start a group at your school to address social inequities, or ask your teachers to address current topics in class. The passion and commitment you develop for making our world a better, fairer place can be informed by the service you do. Take this passion and run with it.

Kit Beaudouin is the Director of Community Engagement at the Hiatt Center for Social Justice Education at Beaver Country Day School in Chestnut Hill, MA. Established in 2005 by a gift from the family of Anne Hiatt '47, the Hiatt Center for Social Justice Education coordinates Beaver's community engagement and educational leadership programs in keeping with its mission "to inspire students to act effectively within a genuinely diverse cultural and social framework."

Non-Profit Organizations in Greater Boston One of TeenLife's greatest resources is our extensive network of non-profits that engage teen volunteers. Through our extensive research, we have found that there are literally hundreds of interesting volunteer opportunities for students in Greater Boston. The more than 200 non-profits listed in this Guide offer a wide variety of experiential community service opportunities—everything from mentoring a child to assisting in a nursing home. From working on environmental projects to helping out in an animal shelter. No matter where you choose to volunteer your time and your energy, you can be assured that any community service experience will help you find out who you are and what you believe in.

Advocacy for a Cause



Our mission is to improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sarah Higgins Phone: 617-219-8220 Email: shiggins@arthritis.org Address: 29 Crafts Street, Suite 450, Newton, MA 02458 Website: www.arthritis.org

Eliminating cancer by preventing it, saving lives, and diminishing suffering. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Tara Shea Phone: 781-314-2653 Email: tara.shea@cancer.org Address: 30 Speen Street, Framingham, MA 01701 Website: www.cancer.org

AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Elaine Colwell Phone: 617-482-4580 x3476 Email: ecolwell@diabetes.org Address: 330 Congress Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.diabetes.org



ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER Dedicated to the control and cure of asthma and allergies, including food allergies. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Elaine Erenrich Rosenburg Phone: 781-444-7778 Email: aafane@aafane.org Address: 109 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02494 Website: www.asthmaandallergies.org




Walking to raise money and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Emily Ransom Phone: 617-722-4140 x18 Email: emily.boston@avonwalk.org Address: 33 Broad Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02109 Website: www.avonwalk.org

Working to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Rebecca Longworth Phone: 508-810-1318 Email: rebecca.longworth@lls.org Address: 9 Erie Drive, Suite 100, Natick, MA 01760 Website: www.lls.org/ma



Created three years ago as a part of Mayor Menino’s vision for a vibrant and healthy city. We seek to make Boston a world-class bicycling city by creating safe and inviting conditions for all residents and visitors. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Nicole Freedman Phone: 617-918-4456 Email: nicole.freedman.bra@cityofboston.gov Address: One City Square Hall, Suite 932, Boston, MA 02201 Website: www.bostonbikes.org

The Melanoma Education Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to saving lives from melanoma, a common skin cancer that is often deadly unless detected early before any symptoms appear. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Steve Fine Phone: 978-535-3080 Email: steve_fine@comcast.net Address: 7 Jones Road, Peabody, MA 01960 Website: www.skincheck.org

BOSTON MARATHON JIMMY FUND WALK Since 1989, participants have raised more than $60 million to support cancer research. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Danielle Grossman Phone: 617-632-5029 Email: danielle_grossman@dfci.harvard.edu Address: 10 Brookline Place West, 6th Floor, Brookline, MA 02445 Website: www.jimmyfundwalk.org

A community organization that engages young people using social issues as a point of reference. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Christopher Messinger Phone: 617-492-5599 Email: christopher@bostonmobilization.org Address: 30 Bow Street, Cambridge, MA 02130 Website: www.bostonmobilization.org

COMMUNITY DIALOGUES Promoting interracial acceptance and understanding in Boston. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kathryn Henderson Phone: 617-585-5423 Email: dialogues@ywcaboston.org Address: 88 Warren Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 Website: www.ywcaboston.org/dialogues

Copyright ©2010 theMOVE


Students on a volunteer farming trip organized by theMOVE, pick basil to support the women’s shelter at ReVision House in Dorchester, MA.


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MELANOMA FOUNDATION OF NEW ENGLAND The Melanoma Foundation of New England is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about sun-safe behavior, the importance of prevention and early detection and providing patient advocacy and support to those struggling with the disease. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Amy Mason Phone: 978-371-5613 Email: amason@mfne.org Address: 111 Old Road to Nine Acre Corner, Community Agencies Building, Concord, MA 01742 Website: www.mfne.org


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Ending the child sex trade through youth empowerment and education. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Christine Stevralia Phone: 617-895-0245 Email: christine@mingagroup.org Address: P.O. Box 610004, Newton, MA 02461 Website: www.mingagroup.org

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND Join the movement to create a world free of MS. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Brenda Barbour Phone: 781-890-4990 Email: brenda.barbour@mam.nmss.org Address: 101A First Avenue, Suite 6, Waltham, MA 02451 Website: www.nationalmssociety.org/chapters/MAM/ index.aspx

OVATIONS FOR THE CURE Dedicated to the relentless pursuit of a cure for ovarian cancer. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Susan Patterson Phone: 508-655-5412 Email: susan@ovationsforthecure.org Address: 251 West Central Street, Suite 32, Natick, MA 01760 Website: www.ovationsforthecure.org


PAN-MASSACHUSETTS CHALLENGE Raising money for cancer research and treatment through an annual bike-a-thon and programs for kids. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sarah Mercurio Phone: 781-449-5300 Email: sarah@pmc.org Address: 77 Fourth Avenue, Needham, MA 02494 Website: www.pmc.org

PAR FORE THE CURE/THE GOLF BALL Honoring those who have succumbed to brain tumors, and offering hope to those still affected. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Michael Strong, Director Phone: 781-639-7010 Email: mstrong180@yahoo.com Address: 22 Maverick Street, Marblehead, MA 01945 Website: www.par4cure.com

PROJECT BREAD—THE WALK FOR HUNGER Project Bread’s mission is to alleviate, prevent, and ultimately end hunger in Massachusetts. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Naomi Reville Phone: 617-239-2546 Email: volunteer@projectbread.org Address: 145 Border Street East, East Boston, MA 02128 Website: www.projectbread.org

SUSAN G. KOMEN FOR THE CURE—MASSACHUSETTS Eradicating breast cancer by advancing research, screening, care and education. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Niki Alpers Phone: 617-737-5111 x14 Email: nalpers@komenmass.org Address: 89 South Street, LL01, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.komenmass.org

Aging With Dignity BROOKLINE SENIOR CENTER Helping Brookline seniors maintain their independence and continue to be active community members. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Vivian Freeman Phone: 617-730-2743 Email: vivian_freeman@town.brookline.ma.us Address: 93 Winchester Street, Brookline, MA 02246 Website: www.townofbrooklinemass.com/coa




A network of people and community organizations that connects people 50+ with beneficial information. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Mia Louik Phone: 617-467-5438 Email: emlouik@aol.com Address: Newton Cultural Center, 225 Nevada Street, Newton, MA 02460 Website: www.discoveringwhatsnext.com

Our organization serves the greater communities by providing high-quality, innovative and personalized services to older adults. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lauren Desoiza Phone: 877-736-4371 Email: ldesoiza@northhill.org Address: 865 Central Avenue, Needham, MA 02492 Website: www.northhill.org

ETHOS Promoting the personal well-being and autonomy of seniors by delivering home- and community-based care. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Alex Freeman Phone: 617-522-6700 x323 Email: volunteers@ethocare.org Address: 555 Armory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.ethocare.org

PINE KNOLL NURSING CENTER Our mission is to strive to a level of excellence and provide the best possible care to our residents through the services provided by our experienced and devoted staff. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Thomas Woods Phone: 617-359-7823 Email: info@longtermcentersgroup.com Address: P.O. Box 338, Wrentham, MA 02093 Website: www.longtermcentersgroup.com

LITTLE BROTHERS—FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY Little Brothers—Friends of the Elderly is a national, non-profit, non-sectarian, volunteer-based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Megan Curtis Phone: 617-524-8882 Email: mcurtis.bos@littlebrothers.org Address: 3305 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: boston.littlebrothers.org

THE NEVILLE CENTER AT FRESH POND Provides a broad range of services to address many levels of care in a friendly environment. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Amanda Bladt Phone: 617-497-0600 x192 Email: abladt@nevillecenter.org Address: 640 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.nevillecenter.org Student with the JEWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL volunteers at the Baldwin Elementary School in Cambridge.



Animal Rights & Rescue ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE OF BOSTON Rescuing domesticated animals and wildlife from suffering, cruelty, abandonment, and neglect. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Debby Vogel Phone: 617-426-9170 x170 Email: dvogel@arlboston.org Address: 10 Chandler Street, Boston, MA 02026 Website: www.arlboston.org

BUDDY DOG HUMANE SOCIETY, INC. To have, care for, and facilitate the placement of stray, homeless, and unwanted dogs and cats as pets in suitable homes. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Donna DeWallace Phone: 978-443-6990 x4 Email: ddewallace@buddydoghs.com Address: 151 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.buddydoghs.com

MSPCA—ANGELL Protecting animals, relieving their suffering, advancing their health and welfare, and preventing cruelty. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bryn Conklin Phone: 617-522-5055 Email: bconklin@mspca.org Address: 350 South Huntington Avenue, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.mspca.org

NORTHEAST ANIMAL SHELTER Strives to unite thousands of rescued animals with the perfect adoptive families. We provide safe shelter, food, healthcare, and low-cost spaying or neutering without destroying any rescued animal in our care. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Shaina Doberman Phone: 978-745-9888 x305 Email: neasvolunteers@gmail.com Address: 347 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 01970 Website: www.northeastanimalshelter.org

SAVE A DOG Save A Dog is a humane society whose primary focus is rescuing and re-homing abandoned dogs. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Shirley Moore Phone: 978-443-7282 Email: volunteering@saveadog.org Address: 604 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.saveadog.org

WOLF HOLLOW Wolf Hollow is a non-profit organization established in 1990 to teach people about the importance of the wolf in the wild. Wolf Hollow offers a unique opportunity to view gray wolves in as natural a setting as possible. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Z Sofron Phone: 978-356-0216 Email: wolf@wolfhollowipswich.org Address: 114 Essex Road, Ipswich, MA 01938 Website: www.wolfhollowipswich.com

Community Resources AMERICAN RED CROSS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY Providing relief during times of disaster. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Amelia Aubourg, Director of Youth Programs Phone: 617-274-5336 Email: massbayvol@usa.redcross.org Address: 139 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 Website: www.bostonredcross.org

CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF BOSTON Catholic Charities is building a just and compassionate society rooted in the dignity of all people. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Phone: 617-451-7986 Email: volunteer@ccab.org Address: 51 Sleeper Street, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.ccab.org





Charlestown Lacrosse and Learning Center envisions Charlestown as a community in which young people of all ages and backgrounds possess the leadership skills, selfconfidence, and knowledge to succeed on the field, in the classroom, and in life. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kim Perry Phone: 617-242-1813 Email: kim@charlestownlacrosse.org Address: 14 Green Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 Website: www.charlestownlacrosse.com

Ellis Memorial, Boston’s first settlement house, has cared for people in the South End since 1885. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Marvin Wright Phone: 617-695-9307 Email: marvinwright@ellismemorial.org Address: 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 310, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.ellismemorial.org

COMMUNITY SERVINGS Community Servings is a not-for-profit food and nutrition program providing services throughout Massachusetts to individuals and families living with critical and chronic illnesses. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ashley Boyd Phone: 617-522-7777 x228 Email: aboyd@servings.org Address: 18 Marbury Terrace, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.servings.org


FAMILIES FOR DEPRESSION AWARENESS Families for Depression Awareness is a national non-profit organization helping families recognize and cope with depressive disorders to get people well and prevent suicides. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Valerie Dickerson-Cordero, Kimberly Feng Phone: 781-890-0220 Email: valerie@familyaware.org, info@familyaware.org Address: 395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404, Waltham, MA 02451 Website: www.familyaware.org


Dare provides mentor homes for children who have been removed from their biological families. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Christina Douglas Phone: 617-427-6500 Email: cdouglas@darefamily.org Address: 504 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 Website: www.darefamily.org

Enhancing the physical and mental health of the Fenway community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Joanna Wisch Phone: 617-927-6242 Email: jwisch@fenwayhealth.org Address: 1340 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.fenwayhealth.org/site/ PageServer?pagename=FCHC_h2h_help_volunteer



Multi-service community center with an ongoing commitment to a diverse population. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Christina Arcidy Phone: 617-876-4444 Email: christina@eastendhouse.org Address: 105 Spring Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 Website: www.eastendhouse.org

Dedicated to building low-cost homes by forming partnerships with low-income families in need. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jessica Joyner Phone: 617-423-2223 Email: volunteers@habitatboston.org Address: 273 Summer Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.habitatboston.org



HOSPITALITY HOMES We place individuals in need of a place to stay in the homes of caring people who want to help. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Theresa Okokon Phone: 617-482-4338 Email: tokokon@hosp.org Address: P.O. Box 15265, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.hosp.org

HOUSING NANTUCKET Providing community housing opportunities for Nantucket residents. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Anne Kuszpa Phone: 508-228-4422 Email: anne@housingnantucket.org Address: P.O. Box 3149, Nantucket, MA 02554 Website: www.housingnantucket.org

LOWELL ALLIANCE FOR FAMILIES AND NEIGHBORHOODS Our mission is to support families and communities by advocating for and promoting empowerment, inclusion, and diversity. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Saody Ouch, Community Organizer Phone: 978-454-5405 x119 Email: souch@ywcaoflowell.org Address: 97 Central Street, Unit 302, Lowell, MA 01852 Website: www.lowellalliance.org

NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER (NSMC) CANCER WALK/RUN NSMC provides comprehensive, accessible, high-quality health care and service to our communities. In collaboration with our Partners HealthCare colleagues, we deliver the most advanced care through clinical, technical, and service excellence. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Meg Wright Phone: 866-296-6900 Email: cancerwalk@partners.org Address: 81 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 01970 Website: www.nsmccancerwalk.org

OASIS OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of open standards for the global information society. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laurent Liscia Phone: 978-667-5115 Email: laurent.liscia@oasis-open.org Address: P.O. Box 455, Billerica, MA 01821 Website: www.oasis-open.org

A group of teens from the Boston Children’s Chorus pose with Wally the Green Monster at THE 12TH ANNUAL SAMARITANS 5K RUN/WALK.



REACH BEYOND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE—PAVENET Providing direct services and community education on domestic and dating violence. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Colleen Armstrong Phone: 781-891-0724 x119 Email: colleen@reachma.org Address: P.O. Box 540024, Waltham, MA 02454 Website: www.reachma.org/pavenet

ROOM TO GROW Enriching the lives of babies born into poverty throughout their critical first three years. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Carrie Marshall Phone: 617-859-4545 Email: infoboston@roomtogrow.org Address: 142 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.roomtogrow.org

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SALEM MAIN STREETS INITIATIVE Revitalizing downtown Salem as a vibrant, year-round, retail, dining, and cultural destination. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jennifer Bell, Main Streets Manager 2:32 PM Phone: 978-744-0004 x15 Email: salemmainstreets@salem-chamber.org Address: 265 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Website: www.salemmainstreets.org

SAMARITANS, INC. Dedicated to reducing the incidence of suicide by befriending individuals in crisis. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Hotline volunteers: Jonathan Grollman (Boston) and Eileen Davis (Framingham); 5K volunteer: Garrett Owen Phone: 617-536-2460 (Boston), 508-872-1780 (Framingham) Email: jgrollman@samaritanshope.org, edavis@ samaritanshope.org, gowen@samaritanshope.org Address: 41 West Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.samaritanshope.org





Exploring how communities can systematically, intentionally, weave stronger social fabrics. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): David Crowley Phone: 781-935-2244 Email: dcrowley@socialcapitalinc.org Address: 165M New Boston Street, Suite 233, Woburn, MA 01801 Website: www.socialcapitalinc.org

The YMCA of Greater Boston in Waltham is dedicated to improving the health of mind, body, and spirit of individuals. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laurie Spindler Phone: 781-894-5295 x113 Email: lspindler@ymcaboston.org Address: 725 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA 02452 Website: www.ymcaboston.org/waltham


Cultural Organizations

Grounded in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, our staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors of St. Francis House work as a community to provide for the poor and homeless of Boston. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Karen LaFrazia Phone: 617-542-4211 Email: info@stfrancishouse.org Address: 39 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.stfrancishouse.org

UNITED WAY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY AND MERRIMACK VALLEY Helping improve people’s lives and strengthening the neighborhoods in our region. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lanita Tolentino Phone: 617-624-8000 Email: ltolentino@supportunitedway.org Address: 51 Sleeper Street, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.supportunitedway.org

YMCA OF GREATER BOSTON: OAK SQUARE The Oak Square YMCA in Brighton is committed to helping children, families, and individuals live longer, healthier lives through affordable and accessible programs and activities. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Tom Myers Phone: 617-782-3535 x665 Email: tmyers@ymcaboston.org Address: 615 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135 Website: www.ymcaboston.org/oaksquare

AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY (AJHS) AJHS makes available original documents, reports, and other materials to research the history of the Jewish community of Boston. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Judi Garner Phone: 617-226-1245 Email: judi.garner@ajhsboston.org Address: 160 Herrick Road, Newton, MA 02459 Website: www.ajhsboston.org

ARLINGTON CENTER FOR THE ARTS The Arlington Center for the Arts is a community arts center devoted to the mission of “transforming lives and building community through the arts.” Volunteer Coordinator(s): Adria Arch Phone: 781-648-6220 Email: info@acarts.org Address: Gibbs Center, 41 Foster Street, Arlington, MA 02474 Website: www.acarts.org

ARTCORPS Advancing social change initiatives by promoting arts and culture as powerful tools. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Marta Oslin Phone: 888-334-2121 x3 Email: marta.oslin@artcorp.org Address: 240 County Road, Ipswich, MA 01938 Website: www.artcorp.org





Bridges economic, racial, and social divisions by providing urban teens with employment in the arts. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Drew Motta Phone: 617-268-7620 Email: andrewmotta@afhboston.com Address: 100 West Second Street, Boston, MA 02127 Website: www.afhboston.com

Promotes the arts in Greater Boston by making the arts accessible and integral to our communities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Stephanie Janes Phone: 617-262-8632 Email: stephaniej@artsboston.org Address: 31 St. James Avenue, Suite 360, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.artsboston.org

ARTSPAN Providing quality arts programming and outreach to the community of Lexington and beyond. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lotus Lien Phone: 781-862-6040 Email: lotus@munroecenter.org Address: 1403 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 Website: www.munroecenter.org

ASIAN AMERICAN CIVIC ASSOCIATION (AACA) Established in 1967, provides services to Boston’s Asian and other immigrant communities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Chealyn Tim Phone: 617-426-9492 x231 Email: chealyn@aaca-boston.org Address: 87 Tyler Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.aaca-boston.org

BOSTON BALLET VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION Our mission is to create a community of individuals who share a love of ballet. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Caroline Morson Phone: 617-695-6950 Email: volunteers@bostonballet.org Address: 19 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.bostonballet.org/about/volunteerassociations.html A teen volunteer assists during a therapeutic riding class at WINDRUSH FARM THERAPEUTIC EQUITATION, INC. in Boxford, MA.


BOSTON BY FOOT Promoting public awareness of Boston’s rich architectural and historical heritage. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Veronika McDonald King Phone: 617-367-2345 Email: info@bostonbyfoot.com Address: 77 North Washington Street, Boston, MA 02114 Website: www.bostonbyfoot.org

BOSTON INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (BIFF) Celebrating the art of filmmaking and honoring the filmmakers who make it all possible. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Naomi Kondo, Festival Coordinator Phone: 617-482-3900 Email: info@bifilmfestival.com Address: P.O. Box 240023, Boston, MA 02124 Website: www.bifilmfestival.com

BOSTON JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL (BJFF) The Boston Jewish Film Festival presents the best contemporary films from around the world on Jewish themes at its annual festival and throughout the year. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Nysselle Clark, Festival Producer Phone: 617-244-9899 Email: nclark@bjff.org Address: 1001 Watertown Street, West Newton, MA 02465 Website: www.bjff.org

Photo by: Hike Photography

CITI PERFORMING ARTS CENTER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Providing innovative and interactive experiences in the arts for people of all ages and abilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jessica Schinell Phone: 617-532-1250 Email: jschinell@citicenter.org Address: 270 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.citicenter.org

DECORDOVA SCHOOL SUMMER PROGRAM Learning and teaching art in a contemporary art museum and sculpture park setting. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laura Hoffman Phone: 781-259-3604 Email: edassistant@decordova.org Address: 51 Sandy Pond Road, Lincoln, MA 01773 Website: www.decordova.org

Check out WWW.TEENLIFE.COM for information on: Summer and Gap Year Programs Community Service College Admissions Independent Schools Jobs & Internships TeenLife Local

HOME, INC. To make a difference in young people’s lives through the creation and analysis of media. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Alan Michel Phone: 617-427-4663 Email: alanmichel@homeinc.org Address: 165 Brookside Avenue, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.homeinc.org



THE INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART/ BOSTON (ICA) The ICA strives to share the pleasures of reflection, inspiration, provocation, and imagination that contemporary art offers through public access to art, artists, and the creative process. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Gabrielle Wyrick, Associate Director of Education Phone: 617-478-3136 Email: gwyrick@icaboston.org Address: 100 Northern Avenue, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.icateens.org

LYRIC STAGE COMPANY Our mission is to produce quality theatrical productions of varying genres and styles, which are entertaining, challenging, and provocative, and which reach a wide variety of audiences. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sara Glidden Phone: 617-585-5678 Email: boxoffice@lyricstage.com Address: 140 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.lyricstage.com

MARY FERRELL FOUNDATION The Mary Ferrell Foundation is engaged in an ongoing effort to bring accessible and interactive history to a new generation of critical thinkers with a vast digital archive. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Taylor Weaver Phone: 440-941-4543 Email: info@maryferrell.org Address: P.O. Box 723, Ipswich, MA 01938 Website: www.maryferrell.org

MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (MFA) The Museum of Fine Arts houses and preserves preeminent collections and aspires to serve a wide variety of people through direct encounters with works of art. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Herbert Jones Phone: 617-369-3040 Email: volunteer@mfa.org Address: 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Website: www.mfa.org




Teens working with THE FOOD PROJECT showcase their ripe tomatoes at a local Farmers Market.

Fosters and promotes an appreciation of the theatre arts and stimulates production of living theatre for the entertainment and cultural enrichment of the community. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Carolyn D’Onofrio Phone: 781-231-5204 Email: tcsaugus@comcast.net Address: P.O. Box 1058, Saugus, MA 01906 Website: http://tcsaugus.home.comcast.net/~tcsaugus/


MUSEUM OF SCIENCE (MOS) MOS helps teens learn valuable skills, teach others, and render valuable services to the community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Stephanie Lin Phone: 617-589-0129 Email: slin@mos.org Address: Science Park, Boston, MA 02114 Website: www.mos.org

NEW ART CENTER The New Art Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to support artistic creation and education. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Assistant Education Director Phone: 617-964-3424 Email: jessica@newartcenter.org Address: 61 Washington Park, Newtonville, MA 02445 Website: www.newartcenter.org

PROZDOR OF HEBREW COLLEGE Complementary pluralistic Hebrew high school. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Aimee Close Phone: 617-559-8805 Email: akclose@hebrewcollege.edu Address: 160 Herrick Road, Newton, MA 02459 Website: www.prozdor.org

WGBH enriches people’s lives through programs and services that educate, inspire, and entertain. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jaime Reese Phone: 617-300-4211 Email: jaime_reese@wgbh.org Address: One Guest Street, Boston, MA 02135 Website: www.wgbh.org

ZUMIX, INC. Our mission is to empower youth who use music to make strong positive change in their lives. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kim Dawson Phone: 617-568-9777 Email: kdawson@zumix.org Address: 260 Sumner Street, East Boston, MA 02128 Website: www.zumix.org

Health & Well-Being BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER (BIDMC) Training volunteers to provide quality service for BIDMC patients. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Terry Morgan Phone: 617-667-3026 Email: tmorgan2@bidmc.harvard.edu Address: 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.bidmc.org/aboutbidmc/ volunteerservices.aspx



BOSTON AREA RAPE CRISIS CENTER (BARCC) Our mission is to end sexual violence through healing and social change. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Shira Lipkin Phone: 617-649-1273 Email: volunteer@barcc.org Address: 99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 Website: www.barcc.org

HEALTH QUARTERS—NORTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS Our mission is to protect reproductive health. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sarah Kennedy McPhee Phone: 978-927-9824 x2111 Email: sarahk@healthq.org Address: 19 Broadway, Beverly, MA 01915 Website: www.healthq.org



Bringing fun into someone’s day by providing visits from well-trained therapy dog teams across Massachusetts. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jeanne Brouillette Phone: 781-378-1551 Email: dogbonestherapydogs@comcast.net Address: 38 Garden Road, Scituate, MA 02066 Website: www.therapydog.info

The Healthworks Foundation is devoted to serving the health and fitness needs of women and children in Boston’s low-income neighborhoods. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Yesiana Pizarro Phone: 617-825-2800 Email: ypizarro@healthworksfoundation.org Address: 450 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124 Website: www.healthworksfoundation.org

GIRLS’ LEAP SELF-DEFENSE Training at-risk girls aged 8-18 verbal and physical safety skills and self-awareness. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kristen Cuneo Phone: 617-787-2112 Email: kristen@girlsleap.org Address: 971 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 22, Boston, MA 02215 Website: www.girlsleap.org

HEALTH & EDUCATION SERVICES, INC. OF MASSACHUSETTS We promote well-being that builds healthy individuals, families, and communities. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Tim Clifford, Director of Development Phone: 978-921-1293 Email: tclifford@hes-inc.org Address: 131 Rantoul Street, Beverly, MA 01915 Website: www.hes-inc.org

HOPE IN BLOOM, INC. (HIB) HIB improves the quality of life for people with breast cancer. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Roberta Hershon Phone: 781-381-3597 Email: roberta@hopeinbloom.org Address: 202 Bussey Street, Dedham, MA 02026 Website: www.hopeinbloom.org

MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL (MGH) Delivering the best health care in a safe and compassionate environment. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): MGH Volunteer Department Phone: 617-726-8540 Email: mghvolunteer@partners.org Address: 55 Fruit Street, GRBB 015, Boston, MA 02114 Website: www.massgeneral.org/volunteers/

Teen volunteers with DOSOMETHING.ORG complete service projects in Ethiopia.





NEHB transforms the lives of those we serve by promoting wellness, restoring function, lessening disability, alleviating pain, and advancing knowledge in musculoskeletal diseases and related disorders. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lynn Stewart Phone: 617-754-5173 Email: lstewar1@nebh.org Address: 125 Parker Hill Avenue, Boston, MA 02120 Website: www.nebh.org

The mission of Strongest Link is to meet the needs of individuals infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Essex County by providing compassionate support services. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sharon Glasser Phone: 978-777-5885 x210 Email: sglasser@strongestlink.org Address: 5 Federal Street, Suite 250, Danvers, MA 01923 Website: www.strongestlink.org

SMALL ARMY FOR A CAUSE—BE BOLD, BE BALD! Be Bold, Be Bald! is committed to raising awareness and funds for the fight against cancer. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jeff Freedman Phone: 617-450-0000 Email: jfreedman@smallarmy.net Address: 20 Newbury Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.beboldbebald.org

THE MA OUTDOOR VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE (theMOVE) theMOVE organizes reflective farm-volunteer workdays for diverse groups throughout the Boston area, to connect folks with the social and natural systems that sustain us daily. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Dave Madan Phone: 617-461-9393 Email: connect@getoutma.org Address: P.O. Box 381155, Cambridge, MA 02238 Website: www.getoutma.org



Homelessness & Hunger BELMONT FOOD PANTRY Serving the town of Belmont by providing food for residents with transitional needs. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Patricia Mihelich Phone: 617-993-2600 Email: patricia.mihelich@tufts.edu Address: P.O. Box 291, Belmont, MA 02478 Website: www.belmont-ma.gov/public_documents/ belmontma_webdocs/townlinks/food

BEVERLY BOOTSTRAPS COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC. —TOM GIFFORD FOOD PANTRY Provides critical resources to families and individuals so they may achieve self-sufficiency. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Meghan Lemke Phone: 978-927-1561 x32 Email: mlemke@beverlybootstraps.org Address: 371 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915 Website: www.beverlybootstraps.org/foodpantry.html

BOSTON RESCUE MISSION (BRM) Transforming lives by empowering people at risk to achieve healthy and self-sufficient lives. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Adrienne Zak Phone: 617-338-9000 x1244 Email: volunteer@brm.org Address: 39 Kingston Street, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.brm.org

CRADLES TO CRAYONS Providing children with the basic essentials they need to be safe, ready to learn, and feel valued. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ashley Tarbet Phone: 617-471-8417 x128 Email: ashley@cradlestocrayons.org Address: 155 North Beacon Street, Brighton, MA 02135 Website: www.cradlestocrayons.org



GAINING GROUND Dedicated to growing and donating fresh food to area meal programs and food pantries. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Heidi Gengenbach Phone: 978-610-6086 Email: office@gainingground.org Address: P.O. Box 374, Concord, MA 01742 Website: www.gainingground.org

THE GREATER BOSTON FOOD BANK (GBFB) The largest hunger-relief organization in New England and one of the largest food banks in the country. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Melissa Dussek Phone: 617-427-5200 Email: volunteer@gbfb.org Address: 99 Atkinson Street, Boston, MA 02118 Website: www.gbfb.org




Offers collaborative living and working environments that build communities and connections across the boundaries that divide us by providing housing, skills training, and food for the underemployed. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Linda Ballard Phone: 617-236-8132 Email: volunteer@haleyhouse.org Address: 23 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.haleyhouse.org

Supporting the initiative and strength of women living in crisis or in homelessness. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Marisa Serrano Phone: 617-497-7968 x36 Email: marisa.serrano@ontherise.org Address: 341 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139 Website: www.ontherise.org

HEIFER INTERNATIONAL—NORTHEAST OFFICE Working with communities to end hunger and poverty, and care for the world. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Rachel Brown Phone: 617-365-5600 Email: heiferineasternma@gmail.com Address: 216 Wachusett Street, Rutland, MA 01543 Website: www.heifer.org

HORIZONS FOR HOMELESS CHILDREN Our mission is to improve the lives of homeless children and their families. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Hattie Moore Phone: 617-445-1480 Email: boston@horizonsforhomelesschildren.org Address: 1705 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119 Website: www.horizonsforhomelesschildren.org

NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS (NSCAP) North Shore Community Action Programs provides innovative social services that help low-income families and individuals find the stability they need to rise out of poverty. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laura MacNeil Phone: 978-531-0767 Email: lmacneil@nscap.org Address: 98 Main Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Website: www.nscap.org

ONE FAMILY INC. Ending family homelessness in Massachusetts by raising awareness within your community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Emily Cohen, Systems Change Community Organizer Phone: 617-423-0504 Email: ecohen@onefamilyinc.org Address: 186 South Street, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.onefamilyinc.org

SALVATION ARMY Meeting human needs without discrimination. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kimberly Santos Phone: 339-502-5853 Email: kimberly.santos@use.salvationarmy.org Address: 147 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.use.salvationarmy.org/mas

STANDUP FOR KIDS—BOSTON Volunteers who go to the streets in order to find, stabilize, and help homeless and street kids. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Email: boston@standupforkids.org Address: P.O. Box 121-002, Boston, MA 02112-1002 Website: www.standupforkids.org/boston




VICTORY PROGRAMS REVISION URBAN FARM We provide fresh, affordable, locally grown produce to families in the city with limited incomes and transportation access. The connection between the Revision Urban Farm and the ReVision Family Home has created a dynamic and innovative approach to ending homelessness. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Serena Heard Phone: 617-822-3276 Email: sheard@vpi.org Address: 38 Fabyan Street, Dorchester, MA 02124 Website: www.vpi.org/Farm/Farm.htm

WELLSPRING HOUSE Since 1981, Wellspring House has been helping families move out of poverty. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Romy Gardner, Director of Development Phone: 978-281-3558 x302 Email: rgardner@wellspringhouse.org Address: 302 Essex Avenue, Gloucester, MA 01930 Website: www.wellspringhouse.org

THE WOMEN’S LUNCH PLACE Providing a safe daytime shelter, nutritious food, and services for women who are homeless. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lisa Caissie Phone: 617-267-1722 Email: volunteers@womenslunchplace.org Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.womenslunchplace.org


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Promoting solidarity between women across caste lines in Nepal. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Geraldine Siegler Phone: 617-864-1861 Email: siegler.g@gmail.com Address: P.O. Box 550076, North Waltham, MA 02455 Website: www.edwon.org




Growth Through Learning helps East African girls from poor families get a high school education through scholarships. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Alex Marthews Phone: 781-646-2446 Email: execdir@growththroughlearning.org Address: 14 Fairfield Street, Medford, MA 02155 Website: www.growththroughlearning.org

PID is committed to the education and economic advancement of the developing world and serves the poorest of the poor in developing countries. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Gale Hull, President Phone: 978-417-9250 Email: gale@pidonline.org Address: P.O. Box 9, Ipswich, MA 01938 Website: www.pidonline.org

INVISIBLE CHILDREN We use the power of media to inspire young people to help end the longest running war in Africa. Our model has proven effective, and hundreds of thousands of people have been called to action through our films and the volunteers that tour them. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Cherliza Jimenez Phone: 617-562-2799 Email: info@invisiblechildren.com Address: 1620 5th Avenue, Suite 400, San Diego, CA 92101 Website: www.invisiblechildren.com

MEDICAL MISSIONS FOR CHILDREN (MMFC) Dedicated to providing quality surgical and dental services to poor and under-privileged children and young adults in countries throughout the world. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Elizabeth Desmarais Phone: 508-697-5821 Email: liz.desmarais@mmfc.com Address: 10-G Roessler Road, Suite 500, Woburn, MA 01801 Website: www.mmfe.org

Other Non-Profit BIG BROTHER BIG SISTER FOUNDATION Helping the community “Clean Up Clutter for a Good Cause!” Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Maria Sullivan Phone: 774-776-7248 Email: msullivan@bbbsfoundation.org Address: 5 Mear Road, Holbrook, MA 02343 Website: www.bbbsfoundation.org

BIG SISTER ASSOCIATION OF GREATER BOSTON Helping girls reach their full potential through positive mentoring relationships with women. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Phone: 617-236-8060 Email: volunteer@bigsister.org Address: 161 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Website: www.bigsister.org

Friends from Natick High School sort donations for a local food pantry with THE VOLUNTEER FAMILY.



Students with BOSTON CARES TEEN TEAMWORKS lend support to the Charles River Watershed Association.

GOT BOOKS INC. Got Books is dedicated to finding good homes for donated books, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, audio books, and records that people no longer want or have use for. Phone: 978-284-2500 Email: info@gotbooks.com Address: 255 Andover Street, Wilmington, MA 01887 Website: www.gotbooks.com

SPORT IN SOCIETY Sport in Society educates and supports emerging leaders and organizations within sport with the awareness, knowledge and skills to implement innovative and impactful solutions for social change. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Caitlin Geddes Phone: 617-373-4889 Email: c.geddes@neu.edu Address: 360 Huntington Avenue, 510 INV, Boston, MA 02115 Website: www.northeastern.edu/sportinsociety


People with Disabilities ACEING AUTISM Our mission is to make the sport of tennis available to children with autism and to use tennis as a means to enhance health and fitness, hand-eye coordination, and motor development—and improve the social skills for children with autism. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Richard Spurling Email: volunteer.aceingautism@gmail.com Address: 29 Redlands Road, West Roxbury, MA 02132 Website: www.aceingautism.com/boston

ARC OF EAST MIDDLESEX (EMARC) Provide support and help children and adults with developmental disabilities live, work, and play in our communities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Pat Simons Phone: 781-942-4888 x4032 Email: volunteers@theemarc.org Address: 20 Gould Street, Reading, MA 01867 Website: www.theemarc.org




Striving to improve the quality of life of children and adults with disabilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jennifer Bowman Phone: 617-783-3900 x12 Email: jbowman@arcgb.org Address: 221 North Beacon Street, Brighton, MA 01754

Providing therapeutic riding programs for people with disabilities in an inclusive environment. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Carolyn Burt Phone: 978-475-4056 Email: carolynburt@challengeunlimited.org Address: 450 Lowell Street, Andover, MA 01810 Website: www.challengeunlimited.org

BEST BUDDIES MASSACHUSETTS Best Buddies is dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kali Small Phone: 617-778-0522 Email: kalismall@bestbuddies.org Address: 45 Bromfield Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02108 Website: www.bestbuddiesma.org


THE CHARLES RIVER CENTER Enhancing the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities since 1956. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Stephanie Stevens Phone: 781-972-1000 Email: sstevens@charlessrivercenter.org Address: 59 E. Militia Heights Drive, Needham, MA 02492 Website: www.charlesrivercenter.org

Inspired by the values of caring and respect, together we guide individuals with disabilities and other challenges to achieve and enjoy their highest quality of life and personal growth. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Rosalyn Frontiera Phone: 781-599-4240 x146 Email: info@bridgewell.org Address: 37 Friend Street, Lynn, MA 01903 Website: www.glmh.org




To help establish and support traditional and innovative recreational, leisure, and cultural activities that will encourage Brookline-area young adults with special needs to develop physical fitness, prepare for entry into community programs, and more. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kathy Jansky Phone: 617-273-2659 Email: kathym@brooklinequest.org Address: P.O. Box 191, Brookline, MA 02446 Website: www.brooklinequest.org

We are a Jewish Organization providing social programming for children with special needs. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Peshie Rubin Phone: 617-517-9752 Email: info@friendshipcircleboston.org Address: 163 Bellingham Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Website: www.friendshipcircleboston.org

Creative Living is dedicated to enhancing the lives of developmentally disabled individuals with support for both themselves an their families, so that they can live fulfilling lives in their communities. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Mary Kate Small Phone: 978-470-3165 Email: info@creativelivingandover.org Address: 368 South Main Street, Andover, MA 01810 Website: creativelivingandover.org





Serving people in the community with developmental disabilities and their families. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Heidi Barberio Phone: 781-899-1344 x4145 Email: hbarberio@gwarc.org Address: 56 Chestnut Street, Waltham, MA 02453 Website: www.gwarc.org

Making the outdoors a welcoming place to people with disabilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Shantelle Carmichael Phone: 781-395-4999 Email: scarmichael@outdoorexp.org Address: 98 Winchester Street, Medford, MA 02155 Website: www.outdoorexplorations.org



Caring for individuals and families by providing exceptional human service and health care programs. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sara Freedman Phone: 781-647-5327 x4174 Email: sfreedman@jfcsboston.org Address: 1430 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Website: www.jfcsboston.org

Arranging one-on-one relationships between youth with disabilities and adults since 1985. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Deep Chinappa Phone: 617-556-4075 x20 Email: dchinappa@pyd.org Address: 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 109, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.pyd.org



To ensure individuals with down syndrome in Massachusetts are valued and included. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laurie Maranian Phone: 800-664-6372 Email: lmaranian@mdsc.org Address: P.O. Box 866, Melrose, MA 02176 Website: www.mdsc.org

Providing sports training for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Martha Dove Phone: 508-485-0986 x219 Email: martha.dove@specialolympicsma.org Address: 512 Forest Street, Marlborough, MA 01752 Website: www.specialolympicsma.org



To improve the quality of life both for people with mental illnesses and for their families. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Cindy Nelson Phone: 781-938-4048 Email: cindynelson@namimass.org Address: 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 6650, Woburn, MA 01801 Website: www.namimass.org


To bring the sport of tennis to the visually impaired. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sejal Vallabh Phone: 617-620-9000 Email: info@tennisserves.org Address: P.O. Box 590155, Newton Centre, MA 02459 Website: www.tennisserves.org


TRIANGLE Through support, challenge and opportunity, Triangle empowers people with disabilities and their families to enjoy rich, fulfilling lives. We are committed to helping the world realize that we are all people with ability. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jeff Gentry Phone: 781-388-4357 Email: jgentry@triangle-inc.org Address: 420 Pearl Street, Malden, MA 02148 Website: www.triangle-inc.org


Valid Thru


WINDRUSH FARM THERAPEUTIC EQUITATION, INC. (W.F.T.E.) Using horses to expand the personal, emotional, and physical boundaries of all who ride and work. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Gina Armano Phone: 978-682-7855 Email: gina@windrushfarm.org Address: 30 Brookview Road, Boxford, MA 01921 Website: www.windrushfarm.org

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Preserving the Environment ACE (ALTERNATIVES FOR COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENT) Builds the power of lower income residents and people of color to eradicate environmental racisim and classism, and achieve environmental justice. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Dave Jenkins Phone: 617-442-3343 x225 Email: dave@ace-ej.org Address: 2181 Washington Street, Suite 301, Roxbury, MA 02119 Website: www.ace-ej.org

APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB The Appalachian Mountain Club promotes the protection, enjoyment, and understanding of the mountains, forests, waters, and trails of the Appalachian region. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Stefanie Brochu Phone: 617-391-6637 x6631 Email: sbrochu@outdoors.org Address: 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108 Website: www.outdoors.org/yop

TeenLife.com connecting families with opportunities for teens




To promote awareness, appreciation, and active concern for our environment among people of all ages. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Laura Liptak-Labriola Phone: 617-333-0690 x223 Email: lliptak@massaudubon.org Address: 1904 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA 02186 Website: www.massaudubon.org/Nature_Connection/ Sanctuaries/Blue_Hills/index.php

Dedicated to removing floating trash from the Charles River. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Robert Canterbury Phone: 617-262-4028 Email: rbcant@earthlink.net Address: 26 Lakeview Road, Framingham, MA 01701 Website: www.rbcant.us/cleanupboat/index.htm



FRIENDS OF THE BLUE HILLS Each year, THE FOOD PROJECT works with hundreds of teens to farm 37 acres in eastern Massachusetts. Food from their farms is distributed through community agriculture programs, Farmers Markets, and hunger relief organizations.

Protecting and preserving the Blue Hills Reservation. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ken Jones Phone: 781-828-1805 Email: info@friendsofthebluehills.org Address: P.O. Box 416, Milton, MA 02816 Website: www.friendsofthebluehills.org


CHARLES RIVER CONSERVANCY Increasing resources and attention to the task of inventing anew the Charles River Parklands. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Logan Walsh Phone: 617-300-8173 Email: lcw@thecharles.org Address: 4 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.charlesriverconservancy.org

FIRST HAND PROJECTS Impacting a local community directly by designing and building usable structures for long-term use. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Daniel Hewett Phone: 617-291-2102 Email: dmhewett@gmail.com Address: 212 Goodmans Hill Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 Website: www.firsthandprojects.org

THE FOOD PROJECT Creating a community of diverse individuals who work together to build sustainable food systems. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Vera Kelsey-Watts Phone: 781-259-8621 x23 Email: syp@thefoodproject.org Address: 10 Lewis Street, Lincoln, MA 01773 Website: www.thefoodproject.org

Conserving native plants to preserve our healthy, beautiful, and diverse ecosystem. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bonnie Drexler Phone: 508-877-7630 x3302 Email: bdrexler@newenglandwild.org Address: 180 Hemenway Road, Framingham, MA 01701 Website: www.newenglandwild.org

GREENSCHOOLS Creating greener learning environments through education and awareness. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Robin Organ, Executive Director Phone: 508-272-9653 Email: info@projectgreenschools.org Address: P.O. Box 323, Mansfield, MA 02048 Website: www.projectgreenschools.org

HALE RESERVATION A non-profit organization known for its summer day camps and year-round educational opportunities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jay Walsh, Environmental Resource Manager Phone: 781-326-1770 x15 Email: jwalsh@halereservation.org Address: 80 Carby Street, Westwood, MA 02090 Website: www.halereservation.org

MASSACHUSETTS AUDUBON SOCIETY Mass Audubon works to protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Mia Kheyfetz Phone: 781-259-9500 Email: membership@massaudubon.org Address: 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, MA 01773 Website: www.massaudubon.org THE TEENLIFE 2011 GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE | 31


THE NATICK COMMUNITY ORGANIC FARM Providing productive open space, farm products, and hands-on education year round. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ursula King Phone: 508-655-8077 Email: uking.ncorganic@verizon.net Address: 117 Eliot Street, Natick, MA 01760 Website: www.natickfarm.org

NEW ENGLAND AQUARIUM Combining education, entertainment, and action to address challenging problems facing the ocean. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Liz Whitlinger Phone: 617-973-6745 Email: teens@neaq.org Address: Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.neaq.org

ROOTS & SHOOTS NEW ENGLAND The mission of Roots & Shoots is to foster respect and compassion for all living things. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kellan Hays Phone: 617-439-9090 Email: khays@janegoodall.org Address: 89 South Street, Lower Level, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.rootsandshoots.org/regional_offices/ new_england/home

TANGLEWOOD 4H CAMP AND LEARNING CENTER To teach people to be caring citizens of the earth through nature-based environmental education. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jessica Decke Phone: 207-789-5868 Email: tanglewood4h@umext.maine.edu Address: One Tanglewood Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849 Website: www.umaine.edu/tanglewood/


THE TRUSTEES OF RESERVATIONS— APPLETON FARMS We love the outdoors. We love the distinctive charms of Massachusetts. And we believe in protecting them. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lisa Cassie Phone: 978-921-1944 Email: volunteers@ttor.org Address: 572 Essex Street, Beverly, MA 01915 Website: www.thetrustees.org

WORLD COMPUTER EXCHANGE Connecting youth in 65 developing countries to the understanding of the Internet. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Manasa Daggubati Phone: 862-754-9920 Email: manasa.daggubati@gmail.com Address: 936 Nantasket Avenue, Hull, MA 02045 Website: www.worldcomputerexchange.org/node

WORLD WIDE WALDENS Empowers youth to find their Walden—a place in need of care and protection in their own community—reflect on their environmental ethic, make a positive difference in the world, and connect to others who share the same concerns and convictions. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Susan Frey Phone: 781-259-4712 Email: education@walden.org Address: 44 Baker Farm Road, Lincoln, MA 01773 Website: www.worldwidewaldens.org

Promoting Volunteerism BOSTON CARES Boston Cares organizes and leads team-oriented volunteer opportunities and services in and around Boston that have a positive impact on individuals and communities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Riley Albair Phone: 617-422-0910 x206 Email: ralbair@bostoncares.org Address: 190 High Street, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.bostoncares.org


In Her Own Words


CITY MISSION SOCIETY (CMS)—BOSTON URBAN OUTREACH CMS Boston Urban Outreach project aims to foster relationships to develop a larger sense of community and an increased understanding of social action issues among youth and adults throughout Greater Boston by means of service, education, and reflection. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Carl McDonald, Director Phone: 617-742-6830 x210 Email: cmcdonald@cmsboston.org Address: 14 Beacon Street, Suite 203, Boston, MA 02108 Website: www.cmsboston.org/Boston-Urban-Outreach.html

RACHEL SHEEHAN is a Class of 2011 student at Marian High School in Framingham, MA.

COMBINED JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES (CJP) Rooted in compassion and justice and driven by innovation, we care for the vulnerable; forge strong connections with Israel; and above all, inspire the next generation to embrace Jewish life and learning. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Seth Rosenzweig Phone: 617-457-8500 Email: sethr@cjp.org Address: 126 High Street, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.cjp.org

DOSOMETHING.ORG DoSomething.org helps young people rock causes they care about. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Eric Glover Phone: 212-254-2390 x231 Email: eglover@dosomething.org Address: 24-32 Union Square East, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10003 Website: www.dosomething.org

FOUNDATION FOR METROWEST Connects philanthropic opportunity with demonstrated need in Metrowest. We promote philanthropy in the region, help donors maximize the impact of their local giving, and serve as a resource for local non-profit organizations. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Anna Brennan-Curry Phone: 508-647-2260 Email: abrennancurry@foundationformetrowest.org Address: 21 Eliot Street, Natick, MA 01760 Website: www.foundationformetrowest.org

This past summer I participated in Rustic Pathways* Costa Rica Surf and Service trip; it was truly a powerful experience. Our journey included fourteen teenagers, three counselors, and one photographer in the small village of Bahia Ballena for eight days. For the most part, we worked on small construction and environmental projects throughout the village. More specifically, we built a sidewalk and handicapped bathroom for a young girl in a wheelchair at the local school, where we also taught English. I still can’t believe the number of new things I learned in one week! I had never done any sort of manual labor before, but now I can mix cement and pour a foundation. Plus, surf. At the end of each day, we headed to the beach where our counselors taught us how to ride the waves. And let me tell you, recreational surfing is so much more rewarding after a hard day of work!



In Her Own Words



NORTH SHORE TEEN INITIATIVE (NSTI) But service and surf aside… whenever I talk about my epic summer, I always tell the story of playing soccer with the local kids in the rain. The day was hot and humid, and our entire group was dragging. After hours in the sun, we still had to clean up trash in the community field, the only central location for villagers to gather. It took us two hours to pick up broken bottles and trash covered in ants, but our counselors had promised when done, we could play soccer. Just as we finished, the sky began to open up and pour. We may not have actually played, if it weren’t for two children who asked to be our goalies. Even with the language barrier, it was the most fun I had ever had. The game not only helped our group rejuvenate, but it made the rest of our service work a bit more empowering. You could really tell that these kids appreciated our efforts. Rustic Pathways Surf and Service made me look at the world around me in a whole new light. Whether it’s just cleaning a park, helping students with English, or playing a little soccer with the kids, I realized that even the smallest projects can enrich a person’s life. Overall, the experience pretty much confirmed what I already knew, that service work would become my passion!

* Rustic Pathways is a student and family travel company that offers both adventure and service travel. Its goal is to enrich the lives of its students through meaningful projects in the many countries they serve.


We seek to engage, support, and inspire Jewish adolescents through social networking, community service, and experiential Jewish learning, rooting them to Jewish values and connecting them to their community. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lajla LeBlanc Phone: 781-244-5544 Email: lajla@nsteeninitiative.org Address: 4 Community Road, Marblehead, MA 01945 Website: www.nsteeninitiative.org

PEOPLE MAKING A DIFFERENCE (PMD) Creating a world in which people and businesses are socially aware and engaged in their communities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Lori Tsuruda Phone: 617-298-0025 Email: lori@pmd.org Address: P.O. Box 120189, Boston, MA 02112 Website: www.pmd.org

ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS—RYLA/ ROTARY DISTRICT 7930 RYLA—“ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS”—is a program designed to shape leadership skills in students who already possess and demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high school and community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Andrew Winig Phone: 781-646-9543 Email: improvandy@yahoo.com Address: 238 Marlborough Street, Unit 401, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.rotary7930.org/RYLA.cfm

TELEM: JEWISH YOUTH MAKING A DIFFERENCE TOGETHER A teen program of community service and learning, supported by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston and the Combined Jewish Philanthropies. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bryanne Mahoney Phone: 617-457-8671 Email: bmahoney@jrcboston.org Address: 126 High Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.telemyouth.org




Supporting family volunteering activities and non-profits. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Heather Jack Phone: 508-561-9064 Email: hjack@thevolunteerfamily.org Address: 101 Arch Street, 19th Floor, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.thevolunteerfamily.org

A place that provides leadership development and decision making responsibilities. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Dee Savioli Phone: 781-648-1617 Email: dsavioli@abgclub.org Address: 60 Pond Lane, Arlington, MA 02474 Website: www.abgclub.org

WAYLAND RECREATION DEPARTMENT We want to introduce Wayland teens to the satisfactory experience of helping others during the summer. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): JoAnn Kiburz Phone: 508-358-3664 Email: jkiburz@wayland.ma.us Address: 41 Cochituate Road, Wayland, MA 01778 Website: www.wayland.ma.us/Pages/WaylandMA_ Recreation/index

ARLINGTON ENRICHMENT COLLABORATIVE Serving the greater Arlington community through quality enrichment for middle school age youth. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Phone: 781-643-4794 Email: info@arlingtonenrichment.org Address: 63 Acton Street, Arlington, MA 02476 Website: www.arlingtonenrichment.org


Youth ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE MENTORING (AFC MENTORING) Our Boston-based one-to-one AFC Mentors program brings together adult mentors and youth in care, such as foster or kinship care, residential care, or adoption. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Tyler Berres Phone: 617-224-1302 Email: tyler@afcmentoring.net Address: 727 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02111 Website: www.afcmentoring.org

AMERICA SCORES NEW ENGLAND, INC. (ASNE) To empower students in urban communities using soccer, writing, creative expression, and service-learning. With teamwork as the unifying value, ASNE inspires youth to lead healthy lifestyles, be engaged students, and become agents of change in the community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Aaron Altman Phone: 617-553-4694 Email: aaltman@americascores.org Address: 29 Germainia Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.americascoresboston.org

Youth Venture’s mission is to build a global movement of young people being powerful now, changemakers now. Youth Venture helps teams of people start new youth-led organizations. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bret Carr Phone: 617-624-8074 Email: bcarr@youthventure.org Address: 51 Sleeper Street, Boston, MA 02130 Website: www.genv.net

BIKES NOT BOMBS Providing community-based education and assisting development projects with recycled bicycles. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jeremy Hanson Phone: 617-522-0222 x109 Email: jeremy@bikesnotbombs.org Address: 284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Website: www.bikesnotbombs.org





Birthday Wishes provides birthday parties to children living in homeless shelters. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Courtney Vernadakis Phone: 866-388-9474 Email: courtney@birthdaywishes.org Address: P.O. Box 590645, Newton Centre, MA 02459 Website: www.birthdaywishes.org

Strengthening the power of youth to work toward building a just society. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ruby Reyes Phone: 617-822-3075 Email: ruby@thecityschool.org Address: 614 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, MA 02125 Website: www.thecityschool.org



Promoting the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence and usefulness. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jenny Dibble Phone: 978-744-0915 Email: jdibble@bgcgs.org Address: 13 Hawthorne Boulevard, Salem, MA 01970 Website: www.bgcgs.org

Promoting democracy through citizen service, civic leadership, and social entrepreneurship. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jamaal Williams Phone: 617-927-2400 Email: bostonrecruitment@cityyear.org Address: 287 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA 02116 Website: www.cityyear.org



Supporting the academic success of Cambridge Public School students, grades K-12. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Martha Osler Phone: 617-349-6794 Email: csv@cpsd.us Address: 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.csvinc.org

The CitySprouts mission is to develop, implement, and maintain beautiful, resource-rich school gardens in collaboration with public school communities. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kim Goldstein Phone: 617-876-2436 Email: kgoldstein@citysprouts.org Address: 25 River Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 Website: www.citysprouts.org



Promoting the healthy development and well-being of young children in Cambridge and Somerville. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ashlee Richey Phone: 617-547-1063 x219 Email: richeya@ccrcinc.org Address: 130 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 Website: www.ccrcinc.org

CBI serves the metropolitan Boston area by providing access to the water and sailing for all. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Marcin Kunicki Phone: 617-523-1038 Email: marcin@community-boating.org Address: 21 David Mugar Way, Boston, MA 02114 Website: www.community-boating.org




Students taking a break from their service work at WINDRUSH FARM THERAPEUTIC EQUITATION (W.F.T.E.), a nonprofit horse farm specializing in teaching physically, emotionally, and learning disabled children and adults to ride and work with horses.



The CYCLE Kids mission is to get children on bicycles and engage them in a physical activity that addresses the health and emotional issues facing today’s under-active, often overweight, children. Phone: 617-721-2543 Email: volunteer@cyclekids.org Address: 5 JFK Street, Suite 205, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.cyclekids.org

Good Sports distributes sports equipment, footwear, and apparel to community organizations offering programs to disadvantaged youth helping to lay the foundation for healthy, active lifestyles. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kira Ross Phone: 617-471-1213 Email: kross@goodsports.org Address: 1515 Hancock Street, Suite 301, Quincy, MA 02169 Website: www.goodsports.org

GATEWAYS: ACCESS TO JEWISH EDUCATION Enabling children with special needs to become successful participants in the Jewish community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Nancy Mager Phone: 617-630-9010 x104 Email: nancym@jgateways.org Address: 333 Nahanton Street, Newton, MA 02459 Website: www.jgateways.org

GREATER LAWRENCE COMMUNITY BOATING We provide a unique summer boating experience to a diverse community to instill confidence. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ellen Minzner, Executive Director Phone: 978-681-8675 Email: eminzner@boatingprogram.com Address: P.O. Box 955, Lawrence, MA 01842 Website: www.boatingprogram.com



HILL HOUSE Strengthening community by offering safe, high-quality programs, events, and outreach activities that enrich the lives of families living in Boston. through programs, events, and outreach. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Brian Koslosky Phone: 617-227-5838 x13 Email: bkoslosky@hillhouseboston.org Address: 127 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, MA 02108 Website: www.hillhouseboston.org

THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS (JCC) OF GREATER BOSTON—YOUTH LITERACY CORPS A youth social justice program dedicated to improving literacy in our community. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Tamar Cytryn Phone: 617-558-6512 Email: tcytryn@jccgb.org Address: 333 Nahanton Street, Newton, MA 02459 Website: www.jccgb.org/youth_literacy.html

JOHN M. BARRY BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF NEWTON BROOKLINE QUEST volunteers preparing snack bags for The Jimmy Fund Walk.

THE GREENHOUSE SCHOOL The greenhouse school is a year-round private alternative school in Salem, Massachusetts, for kids from infancy through grade eight. The greenhouse school is committed to true, lasting, comprehensive reform in education Volunteer Coordinator(s): Daniel Welch Phone: 978-745-4549 Email: info@greenhouseschool.org Address: 145 Loring Avenue, Salem, MA 01970 Website: www.greenhouseschool.org


Helping children and young adults to reach their optimum potential. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Jennifer McAuliffe Phone: 617-630-2066 Email: jmcauliffe@newtonbgc.com Address: 675 Watertown Street, Newton, MA 02460 Website: www.newtonbgc.com

LEADERSHIP ENRICHMENT ADVENTURE PROJECT (LEAP) LEAP coordinates service-learning activities and seeks to help create resilient, active citizens. Minimum Age for Volunteers: under 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kim Kay Holt Phone: 781-572-6812 Email: kimkayholt@gmail.com Address: 2 Orchard Place, #2, Arlington, MA 02476 Website: www.leaparlington.blogspot.com




Using lacrosse to inspire personal, athletic, and educational success among urban youth. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): David Hoffman Phone: 617-288-9898 Email: dhoffman@metrolacrosse.com Address: 25 Thomson Place, First Floor, Boston, MA 02210 Website: www.metrolacrosse.com

Strengthening communities through educational programs and a network of support services. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Claire Kashuck Phone: 617-969-5906 x210 Email: ckashuck@ncscweb.org Address: 492 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA 02465 Website: www.ncscweb.org



More Than Words is a non-profit social enterprise that empowers youth who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bobby Nasson Phone: 781-788-0035 Email: bobby@mtwyouth.org Address: 376 Moody Street, Waltham, MA 02453 Website: www.mtwyouth.org

PBHA is a network of student-run service programs that aim to empower communities and youth. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Edwin Hargate, Tara Venkatraman Phone: 617-495-5526 Email: ehargate@fas.harvard.edu, tara.venkatraman@gmail.com Address: Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138 Website: www.pbha.org

NANTUCKET BOYS & GIRLS CLUB To enable young people to reach their potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 17 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Justine Duncombe Phone: 508-228-0158 Email: justine@nantucketboysandgirlsclub.org Address: P.O. Box 269, Nantucket, MA 02554 Website: www.nantucketboysandgirlsclub.org

NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE OF MIDDLE SCHOOLS (NELMS) Provides many services for learning about and implementing developmentally appropriate practices. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Karin Wilmarth Phone: 978-887-6263 Email: nelms@nelms.org Address: 460 Boston Street, #4, Topsfield, MA 01983 Website: www.nelms.org

PIERS PARK SAILING CENTER Our mission is to use Boston Harbor and the seas beyond to provide year-round recreational, educational, and personal growth opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Bobby Martin Phone: 617-561-6677 Email: bmartin@piersparksailing.org Address: 95 Marginal Street, East Boston, MA 02128 Website: www.piersparksailing.org

PROJECT STEP Preparing Black and Latino musicians for success in classical music ensembles. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 16 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Javier Caballero Phone: 617-267-5777 Email: info@projectstep.org Address: Symphony Hall, 301 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Website: www.projectstep.org





Promoting literacy by giving books to children while teaching parents the joy of reading. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 18 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Nora Murphy Phone: 617-455-0657 Email: nora.murphy@reachoutandread.org Address: 56 Roland Street, Suite 100D, Boston, MA 02144 Website: www.reachoutandread.org

Building self-confidence, sisterhood, and science literacy since 1994. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Erika O’Bannon Phone: 617-953-2293 Email: eobannon@scienceclubforgirls.org Address: 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 Website: www.scienceclubforgirls.org



The School of Rock is the nation’s premiere performancebased music school for ages 6-18. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Anderson Mar Phone: 617-923-3434 Email: amar@schoolofrock.com Address: 120 Elm Street, Watertown, MA 02472 Website: www.schoolofrock.com/boston/main_school.php

Creating communities of strong and successful women today; supporting the strong women of tomorrow. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Amanda Sprow Phone: 617-338-4833 Email: asprow@swsg.org Address: One Milk Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02109 Website: www.swsg.org

High school students support SMALL ARMY FOR A CAUSE and its BE BOLD, BE BALD! cancer fundraiser.


TEEN VOICES Teen Voices supports and educates teen girls to amplify their voices and create social change through media. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 14 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Sarah Binning Phone: 617-426-5505 Email: hr@teenvoices.com Address: 80 Summer Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02110 Website: www.teenvoices.com

TENACITY, INC. Building community through tennis one child at a time. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 15 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Ross Bloom Phone: 617-562-0900 Email: volunteer@tenacity.org Address: 38 Everett Street, Boston, MA 02134 Website: www.tenacity.org

TOBIN AFTER SCHOOL For preschool through grade five, the Tobin School nurtures and challenges the whole child to reach his/her maximum potential. Volunteer Coordinator(s): Stephanie Beaudet Phone: 781-444-5444 Email: sbeaudet@btobinschool.org Address: 72 School Street, Needham, MA 02492 Website: www.thetobinschool.org

WEST END HOUSE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Inspiring and enabling youth from all backgrounds to realize their full potential. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 12 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Kristin Morlok Phone: 617-787-4044 Email: kmorlok@westendhouse.org Address: 105 Allston Street, Allston, MA 02134 Website: www.westendhouse.org

YOUTH ENRICHMENT SERVICES, INC. Inspiring youth with activities that foster life-long respect. Minimum Age for Volunteers: 13 Volunteer Coordinator(s): Diron Mobley Phone: 617-267-5877 Email: volunteer@yeskids.org Address: 412 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118 Website: www.yeskids.org


Awards & Scholarships Are you giving back to your community? Check out the award and scholarship programs that reward civic-minded teens.

BANK OF AMERICA STUDENT LEADERS If you are a student with a passion for improving your community, we would like to help you turn that passion into action. We are looking for leaders who are high school juniors and seniors. Phone: 800-218-9946 Address: 100 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28255 Website: www.bankofamerica.com/foundation/index. cfm?template=fd_studentleaders

GATES MILLENNIUM SCHOLARS (GMS) GMS will select 1,000 talented students to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university. Phone: 877-690-4677 Address: P.O. Box 10500, Fairfax, VA 22031 Website: www.gmsp.org

PRINCETON PRIZE IN RACE RELATIONS The Princeton Prize in Race Relations was created to identify and commend young people who are working to increase understanding and mutual respect among all races. Phone: 800-742-1036 Email: pprize@princeton.edu Address: P.O. Box 291, Princeton, NJ 08542 Website: www.princeton.edu/pprize

PROFILE IN COURAGE ESSAY CONTEST The Profile in Courage Essay Contest invites United States high school students to consider the concept of political courage by writing an essay on a U.S. elected official, who has chosen to do what is right, rather than what is expedient. Phone: 617-514-1600 Email: profiles@nara.gov Address: John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125 Website: www.jfklibrary.org/Education/Profile-inCourage-Essay-Contest.aspx

A residential treatment program for adolescents up through age 19 with co-occurring substance use disorder and psychiatric illness. 877.412.3445 | www.mcleanlanding.org | Belmont, Massachusetts

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THE PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARDS Applauds middle and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state, and national level, and hopes to inspire others to think about how they might contribute to their communities. Phone: 877-525-8491 Email: info@applyists.com Address: International Scholarship and Tuition Services, 200 Crutchfield Avenue, Nashville, TN 37210 42 | THEwww.spirit.prudential.com TEENLIFE 2011 GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE Website:

call us today at 617 395 4160 to set up a free consultation at our office in harvard square or visit us at mmm$l[h_jkjehi$Yec

Thank Yous


Teenlife would like to thank the following organizations that have provided their generous support of our 2011 Community Service Fair and our 2011 Guide to Community Service.

Guide Sponsor HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is a global learning company and the world’s largest provider of pre-K–12 educational products and solutions. HMH develops and delivers innovative, resultsdriven solutions that advance teacher effectiveness, improve student achievement, and foster collaboration among all education stakeholders including administrators, teachers, parents and students. With origins dating back to 1832, the Company also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning literature for adults and young readers. Website: www.hmhco.com

Guide Supporter ADVANTAGE TESTING OF BOSTON For more than 20 years Advantage Testing has provided the highest quality private tutoring and test preparation. Our students not only improve their test scores but also develop enduring academic skills and confidence. Creating a positive environment that simultaneously challenges and supports, our tutors teach students to study not just intensively but effectively. Advantage Testing’s philosophy extends beyond test taking to encompass the importance of community service. We are continually developing new programs that will help make Advantage Testing accessible to all families. Contact: Daniel Kusik, Director Address:10 Langley Road, Suite 403, Newton Centre, MA and 37 Concord Crossing, Concord, MA Phone: 617-630-8680 Email: boston@advantagetesting.com Website: www.advantagetesting.com or advantagetesting.com/locations/boston

Sponsors AMERICAN CAMP ASSOCIATION, NEW ENGLAND (ACA) Thinking community service? Think Camp! New England’s summer camp clearinghouse and onestop shop for “everything camp,” for campers, camps, camp professionals and the community, we are an educational non-profit at the center of the summer camp world in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT. For help finding a camp or finding an answer to a camp question, contact us! Address: 80 Westview Street, Lexington, MA 02421 Phone: 781-541-6080 Email: camp@acanewengland.org Website: www.ACANewEngland.org or visit www.facebook.com/ACANewEngland



INTERNSHIP CONNECTION Internship Connection is an educational, school-to-career program that provides high school and college students, ages 15-23, with “real-world” work experience through Summer, Gap Year or Athletes in Service Internships in Boston and New York City. Students are able to live at home and work a part-time flexible schedule, leaving time for other activities. Through our proven process, students receive career guidance from counselors with Masters Degrees and learn the skills required when applying to jobs. We establish and supervise an internship with carefully chosen workplace mentors in the student’s field of interest. A program highlight is the mentor’s Letter of Recommendation that students include in their college and job applications. Contact: Dr. Carole Jabbawy Address: 17 Countryside Road, Newton, MA 02459 Phone: 617-796-9283 Email: carole@internshipconnection.com Website: www.internshipconnection.com

MAINE ARTS CAMP Overnight camp offering two- or four-week sessions for 8-15 year-old boys and girls in a noncompetitive, nurturing environment. Located on Unity College’s beautiful campus in Unity, Maine, the program focuses on visual and performing arts, technology, environmental education, and individual/lifetime sports. Activities include theater, dance, chorus, drawing and painting, jewelry, stained glass, pottery, sculpture, woodworking, photography, videography, robotics, rocketry, chess, culinary arts, creative writing, gardening, kayaking/canoeing, mountain biking, yoga, fitness, archery and martial arts. Contact: Rick Mades Address: P.O. Box 812076, Boca Raton, FL 33481 Phone: 561-865-4330 Email: info@maineartscamp.com Website: www.maineartscamp.com

MIDDLEBURY-MONTEREY LANGUAGE ACADEMY (MMLA) MMLA is a four-week summer language immersion program for students who have completed grades seven through twelve. The Academy takes place each summer on select college campuses around the country, which adds to the immersion experience while preparing students for college life. Languages available for the summer of 2011 are: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Contact: Jamie Northrup Address: 152 Maple Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 Phone: 802-443-2900 Email: mmla.info@middlebury.edu Website: www.mmla.middlebury.edu

THE PRINCETON REVIEW We offer a personalized prep experience that fits your learning style, schedule, and budget. Our smart, enthusiastic, innovative instructors are rigorously trained and completely dedicated to helping you succeed. Whether you work with a Private Tutor or enroll in a Classroom Course, your instructor will impart the knowledge, techniques and confidence you need to get your best score. All of our programs are available in person or online. Address: 1340 Centre Street, Suite 104, Newton, MA 02459 Phone: 800-273-8439 Website: www.princetonreview.com



REI REI’s passion for the outdoors runs deep. Our core purpose is to inspire, educate and outfit people for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship. Stewardship is our commitment to get people outside and leading healthy active lives, caring for our planet by protecting shared natural spaces, and engaging others in making a difference. Stewardship is also how we operate the co-op, finding ways to improve the environmental performance of our business while we strive to generate positive environmental, social and financial results. Our employees in our retail stores, distribution centers and headquarters each play an important role in our efforts through volunteering through service projects, recycling, identifying opportunities for efficiencies in our operations, and much more. Phone: 800-426-4840 Website: www.rei.com

UNITED PLANET United Planet offers the Biggest Adventure of a Lifetime. Volunteering abroad opens minds, hearts, and worlds. Volunteers live with families, provide vital services to people in need, and forge bonds that last a lifetime. From 1 to 52 weeks in any of 40 countries: Gap Year, Summer, Spring Break. We’re a respected non-profit known for care and respect; we offer great support, training, and reasonable fees. CNN calls us “an organization to change the world!” Address: 11 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 Phone: 800-292-2316 Email: quest@unitedplanet.org Website: www.unitedplanet.org

VERITAS TUTORS Located in Harvard Square, Veritas Tutors provides high-quality subject tutoring, test preparation, and admissions consulting to Greater Boston students. The Veritas tutors take a holistic educational approach, encouraging academic growth from each and every student. Address: 1132 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 877-265-6582 Email: info@veritutors.com Website: www.veritutors.com

VISIONS SERVICE ADVENTURES Since 1989, VISIONS Service Adventures has set the standard for international and domestic community service programs for students. Summer programs blend ambitious service, cultural immersion and adventure. We live in the heart of under-resourced communities in locations around the world, completing construction and non-construction projects. We work and socialize with local people and also set aside time for travel and exploration. High school and middle school programs available. French or Spanish language immersion in some locations. Address: 321 East Main Street, Suite 426, Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 800-813-9283 Email: info@visionsserviceadventures.com Website: www.visionsserviceadventures.com



Entertainment Sponsor BRISTOL RECORDING & VOICE STUDIOS Bristol Recording & Voice Studios is a leading Audio Recording/Production Studio and Artist Development/Management company with a 25-year history of helping singers and aspiring audio engineers/producers achieve their goals in the music industry. Services include: recording, artist development, music production, voice and performance training, dance classes, artist management and more. Clients include Jada (Universal Motown), The Dropkick Murphys (Warner), New Kids On The Block (Interscope) and more! Address: 169 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Phone: 617-247-8689 Email: info@bristolstudios.com Website: www.bristolstudios.com

Media Sponsors WGBH/HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ SHOW Who will win this year’s battle of the brains? Starting February 13 at 7 p.m. on WGBH 2, join host Billy Costa for the second season of High School Quiz Show. The fast-paced academic game show puts 16 eastern Massachusetts public high schools in the spotlight, competing in qualifying matches, six playoff matches and an eastern Massachusetts championship. The winners then face off in a statewide championship against the western Massachusetts public school winners of As Schools Match Wits, a co-production of WGBY and Westfield State University. Major sponsorship for High School Quiz Show is provided by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. Additional funding is provided by Safety Insurance, Comcast, and Massachusetts Teachers Association. Phone: 617-300-5400 Website: www.wgbh.org/quizshow

WICKEDLOCAL.COM With more than 160 Wicked Local community sites, we’ve got you covered. Our Wicked Local sites cover the stories that matter most to you and your family, but this online community destination is so much more than that. We like to think of Wicked Local as a collection of voices. It is a place to comment on stories, contribute your ideas, read blogs, view videos, and get involved. Get inspired, informed and empowered in just one click. Website: www.wickedlocal.com

Venue Sponsor THE MALL AT CHESTNUT HILL The Mall at Chestnut Hill is an upscale, two-level center located in the Chestnut Hill section of Newton. Anchored by Bloomingdale’s in two locations, with the Women’s store located at the west end and the Men’s and Home & Furnishings stores anchoring the east end, the center features over 60 specialty boutiques and three excellent restaurants. Address: 199 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Phone: 617-965-3038 Website: www.simon.com



Supporting Exhibitors ASPIRE BY API Trek through jungles, climb volcanoes, and volunteer in Costa Rica! Practice your soccer skills at the home of the Italian national team! Brush up on French, Irish, Italian, or Spanish language and culture and potentially earn college credit before graduating high school! The opportunity is yours— experience the world with Aspire by API! Contact: Courtney Link Address: 301 Camp Craft Road, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78746 Phone: 512-600-8921 Email: Courtney@aspirebyapi.com Website: www.aspirebyapi.com

CAMP STANLEY Camp Stanley at Matoaka is a two-week co-educational New England performing and visual arts camp located in beautiful Smithfield, Maine on East Pond. Camp Stanley devises an original show using the Total Theatre process. In two weeks, Camp Stanley campers conceptualize, improvise, write, act, sing, dance, clown, shoot and edit their way to success. The end result is a creative, cohesive and inspired show our community shares with family and friends at the conclusion of camp. Address: One Huntington Avenue, Suite 309, Boston, MA 02116 Phone: 518-588-7146 Email: info@mycampstanley.com Website: www.mycampstanley.com

CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS, MCLEAN HOSPITAL, A HARVARD MEDICAL AFFILIATE Helping young people and their families cope with psychiatric illness and substance abuse issues. We offer a full spectrum of mental health services: acute inpatient, partial hospitalization, shortand long-term residential, outpatient treatment, and specialized schools and camp. Address: 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478 Phone: 617-855-2000 Email: mcleaninfo@mclean.harvard.edu Website: www.mclean.harvard.edu/patient/child/

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROGRAM (ESP) The Environmental Science Program is a unique science camp for girls and boys entering grades 7-10. Students learn about the environment by hiking, biking, canoeing, doing an environmental cleanup project, and climbing Mt. Washington. From July 5-28 at Bowen School; cost: $1,095. Contact: David Backer, Executive Director Phone: 617-969-0288 Email: contact@newtonenvisci.org Website: www.newtonenvisci.org

EQUALAPP EqualApp is an online college admissions counseling program, developed by former Ivy League admissions officers, that improves applicants’ chances of getting into college. EqualApp provides lessons and interactive application tools—and connects high school students and parents with former college admissions officers and current college students who offer personalized guidance and inside knowledge. Phone: 914-262-2005 Email: info@equalapp.com Website: www.equalapp.com THE TEENLIFE 2011 GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE | 47


KOSIEROWSKI EDUCATION GROUP (KEG) Thrive at home, school and work, with Kosierowski Education Group (KEG). Supporting families and children to thrive! Specialties: Reducing family stress, supporting ADHD, College Admissions, Organize Students at home and for success at school (spring 2011). Consider our 2-hour ADHD Minicourse and intensive college planning camps (See the “College Express”). Keith is a Certified School Counselor and a life coach. Complimentary consultations. Scholarships available. Contact: Keith Kosierowski Address: 5 Craig Lane, Hingham, MA 02043 Phone: 781-214-0524 Email: keithkos1@gmail.com Website: www.gotomykeg.com

POPP & ASSOCIATES COLLEGE COUNSELING We provide expert college admissions guidance to students of all ages. Our comprehensive services and flexible appointment scheduling (including weekends) offer clients a competitive advantage throughout the college application process. Please contact us today to set up your free consultation! Contact: Mindy Popp Address: 354 Washington Street, Suite 225, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Phone: 781-859-9116 Email: mpopp@poppandassociates.com Website: www.poppandassociates.com

THE EDUCATION COOPERATIVE (TEC) Explore your career options. Internships are not just for college students. Opportunities for high school students exist as well. The Education Cooperative (TEC) offers a unique opportunity to all students who have completed two years of high school. TEC’s internship programs provide a meaningful experience in a supervised professional environment, ensuring that students are able to realize their potential. Address: 1112 High Street, P.O. Box 186, Dedham, MA 02027 Phone: 781-326-2473 Email: tec@tec-coop.org Website: www.tec-coop.org

TRAVEL FOR TEENS Travel for Teens believes teen travel should be both fun and enriching. We visit the best of the mainstream attractions with opportunities to explore from a less touristy perspective. Our programs feature choice in what you do, see, and experience, a dynamic that sets us apart from others. Contact: Ned Clark Address: 900 West Valley Road, Suite 300, Wayne, PA 19087 Phone: 888-457-4534 Email: info@travelforteens.com Website: www.travelforteens.com

ZODDA COLLEGE SERVICES Judy Zodda opens a world of possibilities for all college-bound students. She also has a successful record with student athletes, those with learning differences, and creative and performing arts students. Contact: Judy Zodda Address: 2 Willowbrook Drive, Framingham, MA 01702 Phone: 508-872-1947 Email: judy@zoddacollegeservices.com Website: www.zoddacollegeservices.com 48 | THE TEENLIFE 2011 GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE


Contributors And we would also like to thank the following organizations for their support.

AMERASPORT Amerasport is the premier sports merchandise outfitter in America. Leading colleges and schools, top athletic programs, and camps steeped in tradition turn to us for branded apparel and bags. Why? Because we deliver an exceptional product quickly, at a great value and with a close eye to detail. Amerasport turns customers into fans. Website: www.amerasport.com

BOLOCO Boloco is a Boston-based chain of 16 restaurants throughout New England that serve traditional and inspired burritos, bowls, salads, smoothies, and shakes using a blend of bold, inspiring and often unexpected ingredients. Boloco was the first chain of restaurants in New England to become Certified Green™ by the Green Restaurant Association. Website: www.boloco.com, twitter.com/boloco, facebook.com/boloco

PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN WANG Website: www.flickr.com/photos/simplesee Email: simplesee@gmail.com

SINO LANGUAGE GATEWAY Our unique programs provide worldwide students ages 8-18 an opportunity to learn Chinese in China, experience the rich culture, and explore the country. Contact(s): Anna Yu Phone: 866-WITH-SLG Email: info@sinolanguage.com Address: P.O. Box 23634, San Jose, CA 95153 Website: www.sinolanguage.org

SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER Sylvan Learning is the leading tutoring provider for students of all ages and skill levels. Sylvan’s certified instructors provide in-center and online individualized instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, study skills and college test prep. Phone: 888-EDUCATE Email: brookline@sylvan-ne.com Address: 1626 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446 Website: www.educate.com

YOUNG BROADCASTERS OF AMERICA (YBA) Want to host your own TV show? Young Broadcasters of America can show you how. YBA produces nightly webcasts, and offers on camera training to kids under the age of 19. Phone: 508-650-2000 Website: www.youngbroadcasters.com


Finally... a resource for families with teens. Not babies. Not little kids. Teens. Register now and get these free member benefits: • Full access to thousands of local, national and international listings • A monthly newsletter featuring an upcoming calendar and articles tailored to families with teens • Special offers from our partners • Access to “Teen Help-Wanted” listings TeenLife features activities that families with teens care about, including:

Summer Programs

Community Service

Gap Year Programs

College Admission

Independent Schools

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Local ResourcesI N P R I Nwww.teenlife.com T ONLINE IN PERSON




There are thousands of community service opportunities across the country and the world. We hope that the Greater Boston organizations featured in this Guide to Community Service will help you get started on your journey.

NON-PROFITS—ALPHABETICAL 29 ACE (Alternatives for Community & Environment) 26 ACEing Autism 35 Adoption & Foster Care Mentoring (AFC Mentoring) 35 America Scores New England, Inc. (ASNE) 6 American Cancer Society 6 American Diabetes Association 15 American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) 11 American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay 11 Animal Rescue League of Boston 29 Appalachian Mountain Club 26 ARC of East Middlesex (EMARC) 27 ARC of Greater Boston 35 Arlington Boys & Girls Club 15 Arlington Center for the Arts 35 Arlington Enrichment Collaborative 15 ArtCorps 6 Arthritis Foundation, Massachusetts Chapter 16 Artists For Humanity (AFH) 16 ArtsBoston 16 ArtSpan 35 Ashoka's Youth Venture 16 Asian American Civic Association (AACA) 6 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, New England Chapter 7 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 22 Belmont Food Pantry 27 Best Buddies Massachusetts 19 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) 22 Beverly Bootstraps Community Services, Inc.— Tom Gifford Food Pantry 25 Big Brother Big Sister Foundation 25 Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 35 Bikes Not Bombs 36 Birthday Wishes 30 Blue Hills Trailside Museum 20 Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 16 Boston Ballet Volunteer Association 7 Boston Bikes 16 Boston By Foot 32 Boston Cares 17 Boston International Film Festival (BIFF) 17 Boston Jewish Film Festival (BJFF) 7 Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk

7 Boston Mobilization 22 Boston Rescue Mission (BRM) 36 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem 27 Bridgewell 27 Brookline Quest 9 Brookline Senior Center 11 Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc. 36 Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV) 11 Catholic Charities of Boston 27 Challenge Unlimited, Inc. 30 Charles River Boat Clean-up 27 The Charles River Center 31 Charles River Conservancy 12 Charlestown Lacrosse and Learning Center 36 Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) 17 Citi Performing Arts Center Education Department 33 City Mission Society—Boston Urban Outreach (CMS) 36 The City School 36 City Year Boston 36 CitySprouts 33 Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) 36 Community Boating, Inc. (CBI) 7 Community Dialogues 12 Community Servings 22 Cradles to Crayons 27 Creative Living, Inc. 37 CYCLE Kids, Inc. 12 Dare Family Services 17 DeCordova School Summer Program 10 Discovering What's Next 20 Dog B.O.N.E.S. Therapy Dogs of Massachusetts 33 DoSomething.org 12 East End House 12 Ellis Memorial 24 Empower Dalit Women of Nepal (EDWON) 10 Ethos 12 Families for Depression Awareness 12 Fenway Health GLBT Helpline & Peer Listening Line 31 First Hand Projects 31 The Food Project 33 Foundation for MetroWest 31 Friends of the Blue Hills 27 Friendship Circle 22 Gaining Ground


Index 31 Garden in the Woods 37 Gateways: Access to Jewish Education 20 Girls' LEAP Self-Defense 37 Good Sports 26 Got Books Inc. 22 The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) 37 Greater Lawrence Community Boating 28 Greater Waltham ARC 38 The Greenhouse School 31 Greenschools 25 Growth Through Learning 12 Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston 31 Hale Reservation 23 Haley House 20 Health & Education Services, Inc. of Massachusetts 20 Health Quarters—Northeastern Massachusetts 20 Healthworks Foundation 23 Heifer International—Northeast Office 38 Hill House 17 HOME, Inc. 20 Hope in Bloom, Inc. (HIB) 23 Horizons for Homeless Children 13 Hospitality Homes 13 Housing Nantucket 18 The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) 25 Invisible Children 38 The Jewish Community Centers (JCC) of Greater Boston— Youth Literacy Corps 28 Jewish Family & Children's Service (JFCS) 38 John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton 38 Leadership Enrichment Adventure Project (LEAP) 7 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Massachusetts Chapter 10 Little Brothers—Friends of the Elderly 13 Lowell Alliance for Families and Neighborhoods 18 Lyric Stage Company 18 Mary Ferrell Foundation 31 Massachusetts Audubon Society 28 Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) 20 Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) 25 Medical Missions for Children (MMFC) 7 Melanoma Education Foundation 8 Melanoma Foundation of New England 39 MetroLacrosse, Inc. 8 Minga 39 More Than Words Bookstore and Cafe 11 MSPCA—Angell 8 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central New England 18 Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) 19 Museum of Science (MOS)


39 Nantucket Boys & Girls Club 32 The Natick Community Organic Farm 28 National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts (NAMI) 10 The Neville Center at Fresh Pond 19 New Art Center 32 New England Aquarium 21 New England Baptist Hospital (NEBH) 39 New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS) 39 Newton Community Service Center (NCSC) 11 Northeast Animal Shelter 10 North Hill 23 North Shore Community Action Programs (NSCAP) 34 North Shore Teen Initiative (NSTI) 13 North Shore Medical Center (NSMC) Cancer Walk/Run 13 OASIS 23 On The Rise, Inc. 23 One Family Inc. 28 Outdoor Explorations 8 Ovations for the Cure 9 Pan-Massachusetts Challenge 9 Par Fore the Cure/The Golf Ball 28 Partners for Youth with Disabilities (PYD), Mentor Match 25 Partners In Development, Inc. (PID) 34 People Making a Difference (PMD) 39 Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) 39 Piers Park Sailing Center 10 Pine Knoll Nursing Center 9 Project Bread—The Walk for Hunger 39 Project Step 19 Prozdor of Hebrew College 14 REACH Beyond Domestic Violence—PAVEnet 40 Reach Out and Read 14 Room to Grow 32 Roots & Shoots New England 34 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)/Rotary International District 7930 14 Salem Main Streets Initiative 23 Salvation Army 14 Samaritans, Inc. 11 Save A Dog 40 School of Rock Boston 40 Science Club For Girls 21 Small Army for a Cause—Be Bold, Be Bald! 15 Social Capital Inc. 28 Special Olympics Massachusetts 26 Sport in Society 15 St. Francis House 23 StandUp For Kids—Boston 40 Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG) 21 Strongest Link AIDS Services, Inc.

Index 9 Susan G. Komen for the Cure—Massachusetts 32 Tanglewood 4H Camp and Learning Center 41 Teen Voices 34 TELEM: Jewish Youth Making a Difference Together 41 Tenacity, Inc. 28 Tennis SERVES 19 Theatre Company of Saugus 21 the MA Outdoor Volunteer Experience (theMOVE) 41 Tobin After School 29 Triangle 32 The Trustees of Reservations—Appleton Farms 15 United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley 24 Victory Programs ReVision Urban Farm 35 The Volunteer Family 35 Wayland Recreation Department 24 Wellspring House 41 West End House Boys & Girls Club 19 WGBH Educational Foundation 29 Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation, Inc. (W.F.T.E.) 11 Wolf Hollow 24 The Women's Lunch Place 32 World Computer Exchange 32 World Wide Waldens 15 YMCA of Greater Boston: Oak Square 15 YMCA of Greater Boston: Waltham 41 Youth Enrichment Services, Inc. 19 ZUMIX, Inc. NON-PROFITS—BY LOCATION Allston 41 West End House Boys & Girls Club Andover 27 Challenge Unlimited, Inc. 27 Creative Living, Inc. Arlington 35 Arlington Boys & Girls Club 15 Arlington Center for the Arts 35 Arlington Enrichment Collaborative 38 Leadership Enrichment Adventure Project (LEAP) Belmont 22 Belmont Food Pantry Beverly 22 Beverly Bootstraps Community Services, Inc.— Tom Gifford Food Pantry 20 Health & Education Services, Inc. of Massachusetts 20 Health Quarters—Northeastern Massachusetts 32 The Trustees of Reservations—Appleton Farms Billerica 13 OASIS

Boston 35 Adoption & Foster Care Mentoring 6 American Diabetes Association 11 Animal Rescue League of Boston 29 Appalachian Mountain Club 16 Artists For Humanity 16 ArtsBoston 35 Ashoka's Youth Venture 16 Asian American Civic Association 7 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 27 Best Buddies Massachusetts 19 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 25 Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 16 Boston Ballet Volunteer Association 7 Boston Bikes 16 Boston By Foot 32 Boston Cares 17 Boston International Film Festival (BIFF) 17 Boston Jewish Film Festival (BJFF) 22 Boston Rescue Mission (BRM) 11 Catholic Charities of Boston 17 Citi Performing Arts Center Education Department 33 City Mission Society—Boston Urban Outreach 36 City Year Boston 33 Combined Jewish Philanthropies 36 Community Boating, Inc. 12 Ellis Memorial 12 Fenway Health GLBT Helpline & Peer Listening Line 20 Girls' LEAP Self-Defense 22 Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) 12 Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston 23 Haley House 38 Hill House 13 Hospitality Homes 18 The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) 18 Lyric Stage Company 20 Massachusetts General Hospital 39 MetroLacrosse, Inc. 18 Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) 19 Museum of Science (MOS) 32 New England Aquarium 21 New England Baptist Hospital 23 One Family Inc. 28 Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Mentor Match 34 People Making a Difference (PMD) 39 Project Step 40 Reach Out and Read 14 Room to Grow 32 Roots & Shoots New England 34 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)/ Rotary International District 7930 THE TEENLIFE 2011 GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE | 53

Index 23 Salvation Army 14 Samaritans, Inc. 21 Small Army for a Cause—Be Bold, Be Bald! 26 Sport in Society 15 St. Francis House 23 StandUp For Kids—Boston 40 Strong Women, Strong Girls 9 Susan G. Komen for the Cure—Massachusetts 41 Teen Voices 34 TELEM: Jewish Youth Making a Difference Together 41 Tenacity, Inc. 15 United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley 35 The Volunteer Family 19 WGBH Educational Foundation 24 The Women's Lunch Place 41 Youth Enrichment Services, Inc. Boxford 29 Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation, Inc. (W.F.T.E) Brighton 27 ARC of Greater Boston 22 Cradles to Crayons 15 YMCA of Greater Boston: Oak Square Brookline 7 Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk 27 Brookline Quest 9 Brookline Senior Center Cambridge 11 American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay 20 Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) 7 Boston Mobilization 36 Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV) 31 Charles River Conservancy 36 Child Care Resource Center 36 CitySprouts 37 CYCLE Kids, Inc. 12 East End House 10 The Neville Center at Fresh Pond 23 On The Rise, Inc. 39 Phillips Brooks House Association 40 Science Club For Girls 21 the MA Outdoor Volunteer Experience (theMOVE) Charlestown 12 Charlestown Lacrosse and Learning Center Chestnut Hill 27 Friendship Circle Concord 22 Gaining Ground 8 Melanoma Foundation of New England 54 | THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE

Danvers 21 Strongest Link AIDS Services, Inc. Dedham 20 Hope in Bloom, Inc. Dorchester 36 The City School 20 Healthworks Foundation 24 Victory Programs ReVision Urban Farm East Boston 39 Piers Park Sailing Center 9 Project Bread—The Walk for Hunger 19 ZUMIX, Inc. Framingham 6 American Cancer Society 30 Charles River Boat Clean-up 31 Garden in the Woods Gloucester 24 Wellspring House Holbrook 25 Big Brother Big Sister Foundation Hull 32 World Computer Exchange Ipswich 15 ArtCorps 18 Mary Ferrell Foundation 25 Partners In Development, Inc. 11 Wolf Hollow Jamaica Plain 35 America Scores New England, Inc. 35 Bikes Not Bombs 12 Community Servings 10 Ethos 17 HOME, Inc. 10 Little Brothers—Friends of the Elderly 11 MSPCA—Angell Lawrence 37 Greater Lawrence Community Boating Lexington 16 ArtSpan Lincoln 17 DeCordova School Summer Program 31 Massachusetts Audubon Society 31 The Food Project 32 World Wide Waldens Lowell 13 Lowell Alliance for Families and Neighborhoods

Index Lynn 27 Bridgewell Malden 29 Triangle Mansfield 31 Greenschools Marblehead 34 North Shore Teen Initiative (NSTI) 9 Par Fore the Cure/The Golf Ball Marlborough 28 Special Olympics Massachusetts Medford 25 Growth Through Learning 28 Outdoor Explorations Melrose 28 Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Milton 30 Blue Hills Trailside Museum 31 Friends of the Blue Hills Nantucket 13 Housing Nantucket 39 Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Natick 33 Foundation for MetroWest 32 The Natick Community Organic Farm 8 Ovations for the Cure 7 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Massachusetts Chapter Needham 6 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, New England Chapter 10 North Hill 9 Pan-Massachusetts Challenge 27 The Charles River Center 41 Tobin After School Newton 15 American Jewish Historical Society 6 Arthritis Foundation, Massachusetts Chapter 10 Discovering What's Next 37 Gateways: Access to Jewish Education 38 The Jewish Community Centers (JCC) of Greater Boston-Youth Literacy Corps 38 John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton 8 Minga 19 Prozdor of Hebrew College

Newton Centre 36 Birthday Wishes 28 Tennis SERVES Newtonville 19 New Art Center North Waltham 24 Empower Dalit Women of Nepal (EDWON) Peabody 7 Melanoma Education Foundation 23 North Shore Community Action Programs Quincy 37 Good Sports Reading 26 ARC of East Middlesex Roxbury 29 ACE (Alternatives for Community & Environment) 7 Community Dialogues 12 Dare Family Services 23 Horizons for Homeless Children Rutland 23 Heifer International—Northeast Office Salem 36 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem 11 Northeast Animal Shelter 13 North Shore Medical Center (NSMC) Cancer Walk/Run 14 Salem Main Streets Initiative 38 The Greenhouse School Saugus 19 Theatre Company of Saugus Scituate 20 Dog B.O.N.E.S. Therapy Dogs of Massachusetts Sudbury 11 Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc. 31 First Hand Projects 11 Save A Dog Topsfield 39 New England League of Middle Schools Waltham 12 Families for Depression Awareness 28 Greater Waltham ARC 28 Jewish Family & Children's Service 38 More Than Words Bookstore and Cafe 8 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central New England 14 REACH Beyond Domestic Violence—PAVEnet 15 YMCA of Greater Boston: Waltham


Index Watertown 40 School of Rock Boston Wayland 35 Wayland Recreation Department West Newton 17 Boston Jewish Film Festival 39 Newton Community Service Center West Roxbury 26 ACEing Autism Westwood 31 Hale Reservation Wilmington 26 Got Books Inc. Woburn 25 Medical Missions for Children (MMFC) 28 National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts 15 Social Capital Inc. Wrentham 10 Pine Knoll Nursing Center Lincolnville, Maine 32 Tanglewood 4H Camp and Learning Center New York, New York 33 DoSomething.org San Diego, California 25 Invisible Children AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS 42 Bank of America Student Leaders 42 Gates Millennium Scholars 42 Princeton Prize in Race Relations 42 Profile in Courage Essay Contest 42 The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards SPONSORS & CONTRIBUTORS 43 American Camp Association (ACA) 43 Advantage Testing of Boston 49 Amerasport 47 Aspire by API 49 Boloco 46 Bristol Recording & Voice Studios 47 Camp Stanley 47 Child and Adolescent Programs, McClean Hospital, a Harvard Affiliate 47 Environmental Science Program (ESP) 47 EqualApp 43 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 56 | THE TEENLIFE GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SERVICE

44 Internship Connection 48 Kosierowski Education Group (KEG) 46 The Mall at Chestnut Hill 44 Maine Arts Camp 44 Middlebury-Monterey Language Academy (MMLA) 49 Photography by John Wang 48 Popp & Associates College Consulting 44 The Princeton Review 45 REI 49 Sino Language Gateway 49 Sylvan Learning Center 48 The Education Cooperative (TEC) 48 Travel for Teens 45 United Planet 45 Veritas Tutors 45 Visions Service Adventures 46 WGBH/High School Quiz Show 46 Wickedlocal.com 49 Young Broadcasters of America (YBA) 48 Zodda College Services ADVERTISERS 9 American Camp Association (ACA) 24 Aspire by API 24 Bristol Recording & Voice Studios 24 Camp Stanley 42 Child and Adolescent Programs, McClean Hospital, a Harvard Affiliate 14 The Education Cooperative (TEC) 14 Environmental Science Program (ESP) 41 EqualApp C4 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 9 Internship Connection 41 Kosierowski Education Group (KEG) 1 Maine Arts Camp 29 The Mall at Chestnut Hill 2 Middlebury-Monterey Language Academy (MMLA) 14 Popp & Associates College Consulting 8 The Princeton Review 1 REI 17 Rentals Unlimited 14 Sino Language Gateway 14 Sylvan Learning Center TeenLife 17,29,50 29 Travel for Teens 2 United Planet 42 Veritas Tutors xx Visions Service Adventures C2 WGBH/High School Quiz Show C3 Wicked Local 42 Zodda College Services

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