Email me at mschwartz@teenlife.com
Email me at mschwartz@teenlife.com
he journey from kindergarten to 12th grade is long and winding — and many high school seniors don their caps and gowns to accept their diplomas with no small sense of relief. But after all the intensity of graduation subsides, how many students want a break before diving into the next thing, whether it’s a job, training, or college?
Gap years have evolved to encompass much more than backpacking through nature or hopping between hostels. Today, you can volunteer or participate in service projects, explore potential careers under the guidance of industry experts, earn college credit, focus on your emotional and physical health and well-being, and, of course, travel.
If you’re unsure how to answer the big “What’s next?” question, consider taking a gap year. These transformative experiences empower you to rediscover yourself, build your resume with internships and travel, explore new interests, boost college applications, recharge and refocus, forge lifelong friendships, and develop essential skills — like adaptability and resilience — that will hold you in good stead forever.
Our comprehensive 2025 Gap Guide features articles about why to take a gap year, how to defer college acceptance, ways to fund your gap year on a budget, and recommendations to help you find the perfect program.
Robert Frost once said, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Try a new path today.
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To download a copy of this guide, go to: www.teenlife.com/guide-to-gap-year-programs
hile many non-American students pause their education to take a gap year before starting university or college, only 2.6% of American high school grads planned one, according to the Gap Year Association.
Yet, hitting pause after 12 years in school and taking a break from intense academics allows students to reset and explore the world, help a community, and so much more.
Taking a gap year is the perfect time to see the world before starting college. You can spend a few weeks, months, or a year immersed in another country’s culture without the burden of major financial responsibilities. Imagine eating (and preparing) new foods, participating in cultural events, arts, and traditional dances, and forging new friendships and memories to last a lifetime.
Build on the soft skills you learned in high school, like problem-solving, financial management, cultural awareness, communication, resourcefulness, and team building. Depending on the type of program, you’ll learn hard skills, too. A volunteer-type program might teach you about fundraising and community development. A gap year sets you up for success in college, career, and life!
The 2024 Walton Family Foundation - Gallup Voices of Gen Z Study asked participants (people
born between 1997 and 2012) to share their perspectives about life, school, work—and how they feel about happiness and purpose. The highest priority? 85% said, “Building a life that makes you happy.”
According to Psychology Today, more students are pausing their studies to focus on their mental health and well-being. A gap year offers time and space for students to focus on self-improvement, address mental health challenges like ADHD, anxiety, or depression, take a break to recharge, and break from the stress of traditional academic demands.
A recent Axios article focused on parents’ struggles when their young adults leave for college. Many parents have become more actively involved, from tracking their students to micromanaging their lives, than past parents of college students. A Pew Research Center survey found that 41% of parents say their young adult children rely on them for emotional support.
While nothing replaces knowing your parents have your back, taking a gap year offers space for you to develop more independence. Programs may challenge you to push your boundaries, learn self-advocacy, manage your daily living, overcome challenges, and build resilience.
Just because you’re accepted into college doesn’t mean you’re ready. You’ve probably heard stories about students who struggled
during their freshman year because they weren’t ready for the culture and learning environment of a college campus (which is very different from high school).
A structured gap year can be a big help in meeting your developmental needs and preparing you for that next educational step. These programs often have adult mentors who guide and support you even after the program ends. You can experience the real world and learn more about what’s important to you and the career you may want to pursue.
Regardless of length, gap year programs can expand your horizons with travel, studying abroad, working or volunteering within a new community, learning to be financially independent, and so much more.
You’ll make unforgettable memories and lifelong friendships—and be challenged to think differently about the world around you.
There are many benefits to taking a gap year— and just as many misconceptions. You don’t have to have a trust fund to afford one. Scholarships and other financial aid options are available.
It’s not a waste of time. What you learn and do during a gap year can enhance your college and job applications. Plus, you’ll have plenty of cool stories to share in essays and interviews.
Learning comprises a big part of these programs— just not book learning or tons of lectures. Even programs with a more academic focus will encourage you to explore yourself and the world. You may find yourself volunteering, embarking on new adventures, and fully immersing yourself in different cultures.
ou’ve taken and sent your SAT or ACT scores to your college choices, completed the applications, written the essays, and gotten confirmation that your letters of recommendation were received. A few weeks or months pass, and the email arrives in your inbox.
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you’ve been admitted to X University.
You share the good news with family and friends. A few days pass, and second thoughts begin crowding your brain. “Maybe,” you think, “I’m not quite ready for this next step.” Now what?
While most students head to college in the fall after graduating from high school, not everyone immediately takes the next step on their educational journey. Some opt to defer their admission.
Deferring university admission means asking the school or program to hold your acceptance for a semester or year. Doing so allows you to postpone your enrollment without having to reapply.
Each institution has specific deferral requirements, so check the guidelines before contacting the admissions department. Some colleges may require a deposit or detailed plan for your time off. Others may have specific conditions you must meet before they approve your request. Here’s how it works.
Students defer college admission for many reasons. Even with scholarship aid, grants, or loans, college is expensive. Some students need more time to earn money for tuition, room, and board and need an extra year to work and save.
Others may have family responsibilities or caregiving obligations or be dealing with their own health issues. Some students spend a year volunteering for organizations like the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps—or they have military requirements to fulfill.
One of the biggest reasons students defer admission? To take a gap year. Whether it’s a few weeks or months, a semester or a year, gap year programs empower students to explore new things, prepare for their studies, and experience the world. Some colleges like Tufts, Princeton, College of William and Mary, and Florida State University even offer their own gap year programs.
The short answer is no. More colleges and universities recognize the benefits of this practice, which has become more common and accepted. Some colleges, like Harvard, encourage students to take a gap year. In fact between 90 and 130 students accepted to the university opt to defer.
More and more institutions have acknowledged the value of gap years for:
• Developing students’ practical and interpersonal skills
• Enabling students to address personal or family needs
• Allowing students to participate in a community service or other volunteer project
If your specific college doesn’t explicitly state its position on gap years, ask the admissions department for clarification. In general, colleges don’t view a deferral negatively, as long as you don’t pursue another degree or enroll at a different university during your gap year.
Not sure where to start? Follow these steps to officially request deferment.
f r o m $ 2 9 5
G r o u p T o u r s i n E u r o p e , S o u t h e a s t A s i a
f r o m $ 1 6 0 0
1. Ask about deferral policies and potential financial aid changes at your college or university. Check the Gap Year Association website for additional information on specific institutions’ policies.
2. Write a letter explaining why you’d like to defer, and follow the college’s guidelines, as some require a detailed plan while others may only need a general framework. Your letter should include your justification for the request. Share your personal goals and how the gap year will help achieve them. If you’re working with a consultant or have a specific program in mind, include those details, too.
3. Institutions have deadlines for submitting your request—usually between May and July—so the sooner you send it in, the higher your chances of getting approval.
4. Wait for the response, which can take a few weeks.
Once you receive confirmation that the college has granted your deferral request, let the adventure begin!
A W o r k i n g G a p Y e a r
E x p e r i e n c e i n O n e S u m m e r
E x p l o r e a n e w p a r t o f t h e U S a t a n
i c o n i c r e s o r t l o c a t i o n f o r 8 - 1 2 w e e k s
L i v e a m o n g f e l l o w s t u d e n t s f r o m a l l
a r o u n d t h e w o r l d
G a i n v a l u a b l e s k i l l s t o p r e p a r e y o u
f o r c o l l e g e , c a r e e r , a n d l i f e !
P r o g r a m f e e i s $ 2 9 5
M e n t i o n T e e n L i f e f o r $ 1 0 0 o f f y o u r p r o g r a m f e e !
Choosing to take a gap year generates many emotions — excitement, anticipation, and maybe a little uncertainty or fear. These resources include a hodgepodge of information intended to help you weigh the pros and cons, evaluate programs, hear from former gap year participants, explore funding options, and more.
Thinking about taking a gap year? This comprehensive list of questions covers just about all scenarios. Not all questions may apply to your specific situation, but review the guide, note the questions most important to you and start reading!
Looking for ways to pay for your gap year?
Here are some additional resources to help you search for scholarships and grants, including search engines and specific programs offered by members of the Gap Year Association.
This nonprofit organization offers a wealth of information for students, educators, gap year programs, consultants, counselors, and more.
This podcast follows two best friends as they reminisce about their shared travels.
This Canadian-produced podcast covers every topic applicable to gap years through stories shared by participants, families, and experts.
This podcast shares information and inspiration to plan your gap year. Hear from previous participants and learn about types of gap programs, risk management, how to get the most from your experience, and more.
Not sure you’re ready to take the gap year plunge? Check out these stories shared by gap year alumni who’ve traveled the world, volunteered, taught, discovered themselves, experienced personal growth, and so much more.
This article includes helpful tips and examples of including gap year experience on your resume.
This blog offers recommendations and best practices for choosing a gap year program and including your experience on your college application. Suggestions include connecting your experience to your future goals, showcasing lessons learned, and highlighting opportunities to grow your leadership skills. It also includes FAQs about gap year programs.
The Gap Year Association has geared this guide toward those interested in engaging ethically with domestic and international communities and reflecting on their impact within those communities. This guide can provide useful information for students evaluating what program to choose.
This podcast episode discusses neurodiversity awareness, gap year support, self-discovery and advocacy, and community building and shares resources for neurodiverse students interested in taking a gap year.
On the fence about whether to take a gap year — and when? The College Essay Guy has you covered with this downloadable guide. This workbook walks you through all the questions you should ask as you decide, from defining your goals and the level of structure you want to creating a timeline for researching and applying to programs.
This National Geographic Traveller article discusses the evolution of the gap year, highlighting the shift toward purposeful travel. It explores the motivations, destinations, and funding options for students seeking meaningful experiences.
Information about international travel, passports, and visa requirements.
Whether you’ve traveled overseas before or not, living elsewhere takes a certain amount of adjustment. This article defines the stages of culture shock and offers tips to smooth the transition and adjustment period.
Published by the Gap Year Association, this guide includes articles to help you define your goals, determine where to go, plan your itinerary, and reintegrate after your experience.
Open up your world and study from 2 to 12 weeks at one of EF’s 11 top destinations. Live the language while making friends from all over the world! Start any Monday of the summer. ef.edu/livethelanguage
Interests: Environmental Conservation
A nonprofit conservation corps provides you with a hands-on experiential opportunity like no other! Join others who share a passion for the environment as you serve in public lands such as national and state parks, wildlife refuges, and more. Housing is often included so you can explore new parts of the country. Whether you’re looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience or are considering a career in conservation, American Conservation Experience has you covered. Training and cost of living allowance included.
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Interests: Travel/Cultural Immersion
ARCC Gap offers an educational and cultural bridge between high school and college. These small, group-based semesters are an opportunity to live, work, learn, and explore in some of the greatest classrooms on earth. Designed with rich experiential education complementing each and every location, these 70-day semesters highlight regional issues that are directly linked to global challenges. Join us in the fall or spring semester for a unique blend of education, leadership, adventure, project-based learning, and cultural immersion!
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Scan this QR code to connect with these programs!
Interests: Travel/Cultural Immersion beyondacademy.com
Interning abroad with Beyond Academy is a life-changing journey. Students gain hands-on experience through a customized internship, tailored career support, and opportunities to build a global network. With a strong focus on cultural immersion, our programs blend professional growth with exploring local traditions, cuisine, and activities. The result? Return home as a truly global citizen, ready to make an impact. Programs are available in 14 Global locations with start dates every month and durations from 6 weeks to 6 months.
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Interests: Academic campusoxford.com/ oxford-gap-year Campus Oxford offers a Gap Year course option amongst its programs. The program offers a range of classes in different subjects to enrich students' academic experiences and deepen their knowledge. Set in historic and world-renowned university cities, programs include a full schedule of visits, activities, student societies, and sports opportunities. College housing gives easy access to the city and its history and culture. This is an invaluable Gap Year opportunity, paving the way for future college success.
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Interests: Language ciee.org/go-abroad/highschool-study-abroad/gap-year CIEE has two exciting options for your post-high school adventure. With First Year Abroad, you’ll stand out from the crowd by completing your first semester or year of college abroad, earning credit in the process. Choose from destinations like London, Rome, Kyoto, and more. With Gap Year Abroad, you’ll defer college and explore the world before diving into university life. Destinations include Rabat, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Kyoto, and Seville. Return refreshed, motivated, and ready to hit the ground running. Learn More »
Interests: Career Exploration, Community Service
Semester in the City (SITC) is a Bostonbased program that immerses gap semester and college students in 15 weeks of professional, personal, and civic skill development. The heart of SITC is a hand-matched, well-supported internship at one of 200+ partner organizations across the social sector. Student Fellows also have the opportunity to live in program apartments, receive ~$3,850 in financial benefits, and take two weekly classes in social innovation and professional development topics. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Business/ Entrepreneurship, Career Exploration, Community Service, Environmental Conservation, Language, Outdoor Adventure, Self-Discovery, Travel/ Cultural Immersion efgapyear.com/programs/year/ gap-year/itinerary
With international year, semester, and study abroad programs focused on guided exploration and cultural immersion, there's an EF Gap experience for everyone. Our programs span Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania, offering a truly global perspective. Our innovative experiential learning model helps students discover their goals while equipping them with the confidence and skills to get there. EF Gap programs prepare you to make the most of college, your career, and the rest of your life. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Language, Travel/Cultural Immersion ef.edu/aya
Learn a language abroad on the adventure of a lifetime. You will see the world, experience a new culture, and make friends from 100 countries as you prepare for your global future. Start your program on any Monday. The program's flexibility allows you to study your language for as little as two weeks or up to an entire year. Ages 13 and up. The USbased Admissions Team will help you choose the perfect destination and program for your goals. EF offers full travel services like flights and airport transfers. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Community Service, Environmental Conservation, Language, Outdoor Adventure, SelfDiscovery, Travel/Cultural Immersion hminet.org/hmi-gap
HMI’s Gap Semesters unite outdoor adventure, environmental service, and leadership development on an uninterrupted journey to some of the world’s most awe-inspiring places in Patagonia and the American West. Outdoor rock climbing and wilderness travel offer students a powerful venue to explore with intention. HMI students must interact with the natural environment and think critically about their own impact. Students return from HMI transformed, carrying with them the confidence, passion, and readiness to excel in college, graduate school, and beyond. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Career Exploration, Performing & Visual Arts idyllwildarts.org/ postgraduate-gap-year
Ranked by Niche as the #1 High School for the Arts in America, Idyllwild Arts Academy offers a diverse, global boarding school community for students in grades 9-12, as well as those looking for a transformative Gap Year experience. The hands-on training provided by our expert faculty is ideal for Gap Year students, who benefit from a tailored experience that aligns with their individual artistic aspirations in Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Dramatic Arts, Fashion Design, and Film & Digital Media. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Faith-Based impact360institute.org
Impact 360 Fellows is a nine month Christian gap-year experience designed to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders for the path ahead. Invest nine months deepening your biblical worldview, developing spiritual rhythms, and serving others domestically and internationally, all while preparing for a life of Spiritempowered influence. Students earn 18 hours of college credit from Union University at our state of the art campus in Georgia, USA. Learn More »
Interests: Career Exploration, Paid Work Experience, Travel/Cultural Immersion interexchange.org/programs/travelexperiences-for-u-s-residents American Summer Exchange participants will spend their summer exploring a new part of the US at an iconic vacation destination, plus living and working alongside fellow students from around the world! Participants will have support during, before, and after the program with pre-program travel planning support, Cultural Curriculum while career preparation support from a dedicated, experienced advisor. Eligibility: Participants must be 18 years old by the work start date and have the ability to travel to the program location. Learn More »
Interests: Career Exploration, Community Service, Environmental Conservation, Language, Outdoor Adventure, Self-Discovery, Travel/ Cultural Immersion mannaproject.org
MPI is working in underserved indigenous communities in the Amazon to make a social impact! Volunteer on sustainability, public health, education, and ecotourism projects, from trail maintenance to shadowing doctor's house calls deep in the jungle to supporting local businesses on the shores of the Napo River. Gain leadership skills, learn Spanish and Kichwa, and discover new passions alongside like-minded young adults. If you’re ready for adventure and personal growth while making a difference, join us in the Amazon Rainforest! Learn More »
Interests: Community Service, Language, Travel/Cultural Immersion maximonivel.com
Maximo Nivel is the leading organization in study abroad and educational travel in Latin America. We are an internationally-accredited organization with 4 local institutes in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru. You can choose from a variety of programs—Volunteer Abroad, International Internships, TEFL Certification, Spanish Immersion, Study Abroad, and much more! Whether you want to study, volunteer, teach, take a Gap Year, get international work experience, or just get involved in life, language, and culture, we have a program for you!
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Interests: Academic polygence.org/ Gap-Year-Program
Fuel your passion with a mentored research project. Polygence is an online research program where you can be matched one-on-one with a PhDlevel mentor and create a tangible outcome in the subject of your choice. Mentored research is an opportunity to learn in a way completely different from your high school classes. Your program can be completed online, on your schedule and is tailored specifically for you. Learn More »
Interests: Academic, Environmental Conservation, Outdoor Adventure, Travel/Cultural Immersion seamester.com
Spend your gap year aboard a sailing schooner, traveling the world while earning up to 12 college credits in leadership, marine biology, and nautical sciences from the University of South Florida. Gain sailing and scuba certifications, explore islands and continents, and learn hands-on skills that will set you apart. At Sea|mester, your classroom is the open ocean, and your education goes far beyond textbooks—this is real adventure and an unforgettable experience.
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Interests: Academic, Performing & Visual Arts
The Blackbird Academy— Professional School of Audio is consistently ranked in the top 5 audio/engineering schools in the nation. We have a world-renowned reputation for our outstanding graduates in our Live Sound and Studio Engineering Programs. We emphasize a mentor-based, hands-on education. With over 700+ hours of hands-on training, our students graduate with not only the technical skills needed to work in audio but also the art of production from the industry's top creative names.
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Interests: Career Exploration, Community Service, Language, Outdoor Adventure, Self-Discovery, Travel/Cultural Immersion wheretherebedragons.com/ students/summer-abroad-gapsemester
Where There Be Dragons offers immersive Summer & Gap Year programs in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Travel programs offer students meaningful—and real— opportunities to engage as travelers rather than tourists and truly connect with the people and places they visit. Dragons programs are empowering experiences designed to help students build newfound confidence. Students can expect to learn more about themselves, be proud of the amazing things they're capable of, and gain real-world experience for their future.
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magine exploring Thailand’s vibrant markets, immersing yourself in South Korea’s tech-savvy culture, basking on one of Australia’s stunning beaches, wandering the art museums of France, or discovering medieval castles in Wales—without breaking the bank. A gap year offers an incredible opportunity for personal growth, and it’s absolutely possible to make it happen even on a limited budget.
Check out these ideas to maximize your gap year experience without draining your wallet!
• Choose your destination wisely. Research affordable options, as many popular destinations offer a lower living cost than Western countries. Smaller cities and towns often have lower prices for accommodations and activities, so consider less touristy areas.
• Earn while you learn. You can trade your time for free or discounted housing, meals, or transportation in a work exchange program. Volunteer abroad and help local communities, or teach English and earn a salary while immersing yourself in another culture.
• Time your travels strategically. Travel during off-peak times to save on flights, lodging, and activities—and use public transportation.
• Plan ahead for the essentials. Research the requirements and costs of visas and vaccinations well in advance, and make sure your passport is valid for your entire trip. The U.S. State Department suggests renewing your passport nine
months before its expiration date, especially as many countries require it to be valid for at least six months beyond your planned travel.
Many organizations offer grants and scholarships to support gap year experiences. You can save the money earned from a part-time job, do your own fundraising, or apply for a loan.
In certain circumstances, you can use your 529 college savings account to fund a gap year. If the program you choose offers college credits through an accredited institution, like Harvard, Tufts University, Princeton University, and others, it’s worth looking into. However, you can’t use these funds to pay for living or travel expenses related to the gap year. To confirm, ask the program coordinator and read the fine print of your specific 529 plan.
Another option (if your gap program offers college credits) is to consider a federal loan or Pell Grant to help subsidize the cost. But check with the gap year program coordinator to verify.
It’s hard to find jobs if you’re younger than 16, but not impossible. Sometimes, getting that part-time job requires a little creativity and outside-the-box thinking. For example, if you love photography and have a knack for framing and getting great
shots, you could take and sell pictures. Of course, there’s always babysitting, too.
Are you a fan of furry critters? You could charge a small fee for dog walking while the owners are at work. In the summertime, you could also offer petsitting services.
Love to write? See if your hometown paper hires student writers. Or explore options to become a blogger. Love to make videos? Launch a YouTube channel and become a vlogger. You need to be 13 years old for your own channel, though your parents can give consent if you’re younger.
Start a seasonal business! In the warmer months, set up a car washing station. You only need a hose with water access, a bucket, soap, sponges, and towels. Live in a neighborhood with lots of yards? Offer lawnmowing and other yardwork, like weeding and mulching. In the fall, walk the neighborhood with a rake and some leaf bags and offer a raking service. In the winter, grab a shovel and help dig out your neighbors for a reasonable fee.
Some states set the minimum age to work at 14 or 15, although there are strict laws about when and where you work. Possible options include:
• Movie theaters
• Ice cream stores like Baskin Robbins
• Fast food restaurants like Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, and Dairy Queen
• Community centers
• Grocery stores like Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Albertsons, Giant Eagle, or Winn Dixie
• Amusement parks
Fundraising and family Fundraising is another powerful tool to help fund your gap year dreams. But before you launch your campaign, think about how you’ll explain your plans to volunteer, study abroad, or pursue other meaningful experiences to those you’ll ask for support. Show how your journey will have an impact,
whether contributing to your personal growth and cultural understanding or through community engagement. Options include:
• Using an online platform like GoFundMe, Fundly, or Bonfire.
• Organizing an event like a bake sale, car wash, or talent show that doesn’t just raise funds but also engages your community.
• Offering your skills or services in tutoring, graphic design, or photography in exchange for donations.
• Networking with local businesses or corporations aligned with your gap year goals and asking about sponsorship possibilities.
• Sharing your goals with family and friends and requesting financial support instead of birthday and holiday gifts.
Consider starting a website or a newsletter (or even a vlog on YouTube) where you can regularly update your donors on your progress. Share photos, stories, and reflections to keep them connected and invested in your journey. The fundraising process itself can help you develop valuable communication, organization, and project management skills.
If you have older clothing or jewelry in good shape, why not sell it? Are you—or people you know—a packrat (or trying to clean out a basement, attic, or garage)? Offer to help them sell old games, books, collectibles, vintage clothing, antiques, and other items on online platforms like eBay, Etsy, Vinted, and Poshmark. Ask your friends and family to donate some of the sales toward your gap year fund.
Gap year participants say it’s a transformative experience. So whether you consider work exchange programs, choose a program that offers grants or tuition assistance, launch your own fundraiser, take a part-time job, dip into your 529 plan, or combine all of the above, remember that every little bit counts. Planning carefully and exploring funding options can make your gap year dream a reality.