الجزءالحادي عشر من معجم الاجهزة K

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Kalman filter A recursive technique that provides an estimate of the "true" value of a noisy signal. Kalman fil­ ters are often used to ana­ lyze time-series data, sometimes in real time, for applications such as missile

tracking. kanban A Japanese methodology for achiev­ ing just-in-time logistics and warehousing, which often involves the use of kanbans, or "cards," to indicate parts' status. Karl Fischer technique A titration method for accurately determining the moisture con­ tent of solid, liquid, or gas samples using Karl Fischer reagent. This reagent is a solu­ tion of iodine, sulfur dioxide, and pyridine in methanol or methyl Celll;lsolve. The titration is highly suitable for automation and has high sensitivity (5 ppm) and good accuracy (±1 %) over a wide range of moisture content (10 ppm to 100%). Kbps kilobits per second. A standard mea­ surement of data rate and transmission capacity. Interestingly, kbps equals 1,000 bits per second--a math quantity, not a memory capacity. Kelvin The metric unit for thermodynamic temperature. The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale in which the zero point is defined as absolute zero (the point where all spontaneous molecular motion ceases). The scale divisions in Kelvin are equal to the scale divisions in the Celsius system. In the Kelvin system, the scale divisions are not referred to as "degrees" as they are on other temperature measurement systems. Rather, they are called kelvins. So, O'C = approxi­ mately 273.16 kelvins (or K). Kelvin bridge A type of DC bridge circuit that is similar to a Wheatstone bridge. In con­ trast to the latter, however, it incorporates two extra resistances in parallel with two of the known resistances. This minimizes the inaccuracies that are introduced because of finite lead and contact resistances in the cir­ cuit. Kelvin-Varney voltage divider (KVVD) A resistive-type voltage divider that is used in some DC bridge circuits to provide greater sensitivity at low values of the unknown resistance. KEMA KEMA Registered Quality Nederland BV A Netherlands-based certification and testing laboratory for testing the equipment of different vendors to some common stan­ dard.

Kennison nozzle A specially shaped nozzle that is designed for measuring flow through partially filled pipes. Because of its self­ scouring, nonclogging design, the Kennison nozzle is especially useful for measuring the flow of raw sewage, raw and digested sludge, final effluent, trade wastes, and other liquids that contain suspended solids or debris. It also functions well at low flow rates or when flow ratesyary widely. KernaugJ;1 map. A tubular arrangement that facilita tes' the combina tion and elimination of logical functions by listing similar logical expressions. Doing this takes advantage of the human brain's ability to recognize visual patterns. Kern counter See dust counter. kernel In computer software, the core or cen­ tral part of a program or operation, around which severa:10.ther "shells" of programs or functions are built. Compare with shell. kerning In the typographical composition of screen displays and printing, subtracting the space between two characters so as to bring them closer together to improve visual bal­ ance. Kerr cell A device in which the Kerr effect is used to modulate the light passing through the material. The modulation depends on the rotation of beam polarization that is caused by the application of an electric field to the material. The degree of rotation determines how much of the beam can pass through a polarizing filter. key 1. A machine part that is inserted into a groove (or keyway) to lock two parts together, such as a shaft and a gear or pulley. 2. One of a set of control levers that is used to operate a machine such as a typewriter or computer processing unit. 3. A device that moves or pivots to secure or tighten compo­ nents in an assembly. 4. A component, usu­ ally one with notches or grooves in its working face, that is inserted into a lock to engage or disengage the locking mechanism. 5. In data processing, characters that identify a record. keyboard An orderly arrangement of keys for operating a machine such as a typewriter. keyboard entry 1. An element of1i)formation that is inserted manually, usuallyby way of a set of switches or marked punch levers, called keys, into an automatic data process­ ing system. 2. A medium for achieving access to or entrance into an automatic data pro­ cessing system. keyboard lockout An interlock feature that prevents sending from the keyboard while



keyboard monitor I Kynar


the tape transmitter of another station is sending on the same circuit. keyboard monitor A computer program that provides and supervises communication between the user at the system console and an operating system. keyboard perforator A machine that operates somewhat like a typewriter and produces punched paper tape for automatically operating computers or communications equipment. keyboard send/receive (KSR) A combination. of a printer, transmitter!receiver, and a keyboard. key disk A disk that is required in order to start certain programs. Keyphasor A sensing device, or signal, that detects the passage of a point on the rotor. The sensing device may~ be a magnetic, capacitive, eddy current, or photoelectric probe. The signal is used as a trigger for the external trigger input of other electronic instmments, such as a fast-Fouriertransform (FFT) spectrum analyzer. Keyphasor is a trade name of Bently Nevada Corp. keypunch 1. A special device for recording information on cards or tape by punching holes in the cards or tape that represent letters, digits, and special characters. 2. To operate a device for punching holes in cards or tape. key-to-disk device Input equipment that is designed to accept keyboard entry directly on magnetic disks. keyword One of the significant and informative words in a title or document that describes the content of that document. kiln An oven or similar heated chamber for drying, curing, or firing materials or parts. kilo A decimal prefiX denoting 1,000. kilobyte (Kbyte) Equals 1,024 bytes (8-bit characters) of memory. A standard measurement for disk, diskette, and other methods of memory storage. kilogram A metric unit of mass. kinematics A branch of applied mathematics that studies the way in which the velocities and accelerations of various parts of a moving system are related. kinematic viscosity Absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its density. kinetic energy 1. The energy of a working fluid as a result of its motion. 2. Energy that is related to the fluid of dynamic pressure, 12

despite a relatively high outgassing load or the presence of small leaks. kink A tight loop in wire or wire rope that results in permanent damage because of deformation. Kirchoff's law The sum of the voltage across a device in a circuit series is equal to the total voltage applied to the circuit. knockout pin See ejector pin. knot A unit of speed that is commonly used to measure the speed of ships or aircraft. It equals one nautical mile (6,080 ft) per hour, or 1.151 statute miles p~r hour. knowledge A familiarity with theory and concepts and a detailed understanding of job-related topics. [ANSI/ISA-67.14.01-2000j knowledge-based system Software that uses artificial intelligence techniques and a base of information about a specialized activity to control systems or operations. Knudsen flow The gas flow in a long tube at pressures such that the mean free path of a gas molecule is significantly greater than the tube radius. kohm 1000 ohms. konimeter A device for determining dust concentration by drawing in a measured volume of air and directing the air jet against a coated glass surface. This deposits dust particles that can then be counted under a microscope. koniscope An indicating instrument for detecting dust in the air. Kurtosis number A figure of merit, K, that is used to monitor impulsive-type vibrations of ball bearings. Kynar Pennwalt Corp.'s trade name for f'olyvinylidene fluoride.

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kinetic vacuum system A vacuum system that is capable of attaining ~nd sustaining limiting pressures of 5 x 10-" to 10-7 torr


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