JUNE 2015, ISSUE 6
CONNECT! Enjoy reading our sixth edition of the Teesing newsletter connect! Please feel free to share this edition with your colleagues.
“OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO HELP AND INFORM OUR CUSTOMERS IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY” Els Kooren It´s very motivating to see all the changes we’ve gone through. e.kooren@teesing.nl Linda Holleman I’m curious about the future developments in our department. l.holleman@teesing.nl Nanette van der Kraan The best support is half the work. n.vanderkraan@teesing.nl Erwin van Renswou We will strive for the best solutions for our customers. e.vanrenswou@teesing.nl
TEESING’S CUSTOMER CARE DEPARTMENT For years, Teesing’s customer care activities were integrated in the sales department. Many different people, including sales engineers, would reply to specific customer questions regarding delivery times, prices, address changes or order adjustments. Redirecting customers to the right person to answer their question could be a confusing and time consuming process for customers.
and given them more time to advise customers. To do what they do best. We have great plans for the future with our Customer Care department. Our customer care representatives can now answer questions about your order or delivery time immediately. The website will also be developed for providing more customer information by checking order details on a secured section of the website.
In January 2015, Teesing started setting up its new Customer Care department. All the administrative support activities were gradually merged and the incoming contacts and administration were streamlined as a one-stop shop for questions and input. The customer care inbox is constantly monitored and answered on a daily basis. Customer care also provides the 1st contact by phone and strives to ensure fast handling within Teesing. Shifting all these activities to the customer care representatives has made the sales engineers more accessible
To optimise the skills of the Customer Care department, over the next few months Teesing will be investing in personnel training and development. We hope you will feel and see the difference, but please let us know how we have helped you or how we can improve our service to you in the future. Any suggestions? You are more than welcome to call or email us! Phone: +31 70 413 07 00 Email: customercare@teesing.com
Ferry Koene This will be the blue print for our international offices. f.koene@teesing.nl Jenny Gonsalves With hard work there are no limits! Never say never! j.gonsalves@teesing.nl Feel free to contact us!