The Marvel Studios – Doctor Strange Shirt What Donyelle did for me on that day—how she styled me—was so special. It set me on a pathway to healing. I felt peace. She restored something for me that I hadn’t felt up until that moment; she restored myself. But even after all that emotional labor and logistical labor to get that video done, I said to my team, “What if we release it and no one cares?” Imagine my complete surprise that it resonated with so many people around the The Marvel Studios – Doctor Strange Shirt besides I will buy this globe. I was not prepared at all. I had come to appreciate the power of representation as a Black woman with Senegalese twists, but I had not fully understood that I was also offering representation for those who have suffered traumatic hair loss. A dear friend of mine told me, “Your territory has been enlarged,” and at first, I didn’t understand what that meant. But there are seven million people living with alopecia. There are people who suffer traumatic hair loss because of other autoimmune diseases or because of cancer treatment or because it’s hereditary. One woman came up to me and said, “I suffer from female pattern baldness. Thank you for how you show up in the world every day. It means a lot to a lot of people.” The disability community embraced me immediately. Various advocates have shared their stories with me since the day that video hit. How many of them were DMing each other and tweeting at each other and texting, “Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Have you seen it?” I can look back now and say that it was a tremendous blessing.
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