JOHN CAGE (1912 - 1992 )
Estadounidense Compositor, filósofo, teórico musical, poeta, artista y pintor Pionero de la música aleatoia yyelectrónica aleatoria electrónica
USA EN LOS 50’ Prosperidad económica Sociedad de consumo
VANGUARDIAS Pop Art, hiperrealismo, nueva figuraci贸n, arte cin茅tico, arte minimal, fluxus, performance
*Zen como tranquilizante ideologĂa para contraponerla al narcisismo de la cultura occidental.
4’33’_1952 “There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot.”
CONCIERTOS PARA PIANO PREPARADO_1950 *Experimentaci贸n instrumental *Inicios del uso del azar
MUSIC OF CHANGES_1952 “what could be less egotistic, less about the whole composer-as-hero idea, than not determining a single sound in a piece you supposedly "write"?�