Wl 60 unit10

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Unit 10 Evaluation and testing

Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng Evaluating students In this unit we will look at different ways of evaluating students' levels and progress, as well as some of the common external exams that you may need to prepare your students for. Read through the material, and as ever, complete the worksheet. If you give ongoing feedback, and especially if you make the feedback procedure overt, you are going a long way in providing the students with the information they need to evaluate their own level and progress. Sometimes, however, it is useful to arrange for more formal means of feedback to take place and it may be compulsory for the institution that you are working in. There are a number of ways to assess a student's language level:   

Tutorials Evaluation by the students Tests

Tutorials These can take place with the whole group or with individual students. It is unlikely that you will have time to conduct individual tutorials every lesson but it might be useful to spend some time, perhaps the last ten minutes at the end of the week, reviewing the work done, discussing the aims of the lessons, how well the students performed the tasks, whether there are any problems, etc. Evaluation by the students It can be very useful to ask the students to evaluate their course (not the personalities of the teachers) by means of a questionnaire or guided discussion. For example, they can be asked whether they feel that they are getting enough grammar, if the balance of skills work is right, if they think the work is too easy, too difficult or just right. The results of the survey can then be discussed and future lessons considered in the light of students´ comments. This process promotes genuine interaction, develops a much greater awareness among students of what is happening in the classroom and helps you understand better how they react to what you do. If the students´ English is too poor for this kind of discussion, in monolingual classes it is worth doing it in the students´ mother tongue if possible.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng


It is often appropriate to give tests at different stages in a course; at the start your students may be given a placement test to assist the formation of groups of students at the same level, or a diagnostic test which is designed to tell you and the students what they do and don't know at the beginning of a course. Teachers often give a periodic progress test on the work covered. This can be in the form of a formal written test, or a more informal group activity, even a game – as long as it gives information to both you and the student as to how they are progressing. These tests may be every week, month, term, or after a certain amount of the course book has been covered. Often this decision will be dictated by the school, if not, you will have to decide. Many teachers prefer to give regular but short tests and then a longer, formal test every term. If the students are following a course leading to an external examination, they are usually eager to do practice tests to get some idea of how close they are to the required standard, and also to get used to the structure of the examination. Another test that students might take is an achievement test, which is usually an internal test given at the end of a course e.g. at the end of the school year. Other options include external examinations, offered by organisations such as Cambridge Assessment, and proficiency tests, which are not course related but claim to measure proficiency in English at particular levels such as the the Common European Framework Levels, mentioned in unit 1. Placement tests

These tests are designed to enable teachers to place new students into the correct class according to their language ability. Most schools conduct this type of testing by multiple choice questions (to check their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary) and a spoken interview to make sure the student is also able to communicate and participate at the required level. These kinds of tests usually start with fairly simple questions and become progressively more difficult. This should allow the teacher to gauge the language level of the student. In the written part of the test it is useful to also include a few general questions that require more expansive answers, as this will provide more information about the written fluency level.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

Typically the spoken component would also start with simple questions such as, “What's your name?”, “How old are you?”, “What colour is my shirt?” etc. If the student seems comfortable with such questions, the teacher would ask more complex questions using a variety of present, past and future tenses, conditionals etc, until the teacher finds a level where the student is not so capable. This together with the written test can be used to determine the entrance level of the student. Until you are familiar with what knowledge various levels would have, it is a good idea to refer to course books of each level and see what language items students at that level would be expected to know already.

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Unit i 10 it

pla ex ce am m p (pa ent le t ge ext 1)

Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS PLACEMENT TEST SECTION 1 Please select the correct answer to the following: 1. People ____________ that Italians love to talk a lot. a) tell b) say c) speak

d) are telling

2. Samuel Becket ____________ born in Dublin in 1906. a) is b) was c) has been

d) during

3. The Republic of Ireland has been independent ____________ over seventy years. a) is b) since c) for d) during 4. Australia ____________ its bicentenary in 1988. a) celebrated b) has celebrated c) had celebrated

d) celebrates

5. Many of our students go to the training centre ____ foot. a) on b) to c) by

d) at

6. If I ____________ my life to live over, as the song goes, I would do it all over again. a) have b) had c) would have d) have had 7. “Ah yes”, said the old man. “If I'd had time I ____________ the world.” a) would see b) saw c) would have seen d) have seen 8. People should get full and truthful ____________ from the media. a) information b) informations c) informs d) informatics 9. “Is there ____________ there?” said the traveller, knocking on the moonlit door. d) someone a) somebody b) anybody c) a body 10. We should all work __________ to save our planet from destruction. d) the hardest a) hard b) hardly c) hardest

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Unit i 10 it

pla ex ce am m p (p ent le ag tex e2 t )

Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

SECTION 2 Please complete the following: 11. I haven't spoken _____________ ages. 12. I couldn't understand what he was talking _____________. 13. Where does she come _____________ ? 14. My friends _____________ me it was a good film last night. 15. I always _____________ the same mistakes when I speak English quickly. 16. He can't do that _____________ himself. He needs assistance. 17. The next train should arrive _____________ a few minutes. 18. I met her many years _____________. 19. The word for TWO WEEKS is a _____________. 20. I'm looking _____________ to meeting you. SECTION 3 Have you ever been to an English-speaking country before? If so, please give brief details. If not write about a travel experience that you have had:

SECTION 4 And finally, please continue the following in not less than fifty words. "I need to improve my knowledge of English because..."

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng Progress tests

Progress tests should be used periodically to gauge what language has been remembered or acquired and what language has been forgotten. These tests are useful to let teachers and students know what language items need more work. Such tests also tend to encourage students to review and revise, which is never a bad thing! Progress tests should include a balance of all four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) as well as grammar and vocabulary that have been covered. Please note that progress tests should only include language items covered within the prescribed period. Some schools keep progress tests on file to match topics and language from the course books in use, otherwise progress tests can often be taken from the relevant teacher's book. If neither of these options is available, the teacher will have to devise his/her own test. Activities for tests can often be unused exercises taken from the work book, or other resource books. Many teachers are not in favor of formal testing as it is often more of a test of memory than actual knowledge. Such teachers believe that as they see the students on a regular basis, they are able to measure their progress by ongoing observation in the classroom. Even if you agree with this viewpoint, it is a fact that most schools will require you to formally test the students as well.

Diagnostic tests

Diagnostic tests are basically similar in content to placement tests, and are sometimes more extensive. They are given at the start of the course to see what the students already know, and to help the teacher to prepare lessons and materials that will enable students to work on the areas of difficulty identified by the test.

Practice tests

Practice tests should follow the format and the structure of the external examination that they are being given in preparation for. Some of the most common external exams are given on the following page.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

General external examinations

TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language This is an American English exam that is required by most US universities for admission purposes if the prospective student is a non-native speaker of English. This test is virtually all multiple choice (writing paper excepted) and covers grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and listening. The TOEFL has recently added a speaking element. The TOEFL exam is one test for all levels, either on paper or computer-based. A student doesn't pass or fail, but gets a final score, which equates to his/her level. The score that universities require varies, but the score requirements range from 133 to 250 (computer based) or 450 to 600 (test on paper). IELTS – International English Language Testing System The ideal test if a student needs to study or work where English is the language of communication. IELTS scores are recognised by universities and colleges, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies. TOEIC TOEIC, the Test Of English for International Communication, is probably the most widely recognised test of work-place English proficiency in Japan and Korea, and now becoming more popular in Europe. It measures the ability of non-native English-speaking examinees to use English in everyday work activities. Originally examining only two communication skills, reading and listening, TOEIC was originally based on the TOEFL test. The test lasted for two and a half hours and had 200 multiple choice questions; 100 questions for listening comprehension and 100 questions for reading comprehension. More recently, writing and speaking components have been added.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

TOEIC questions attempt to reenact international business environments and contain vocabulary and usage that are not necessarily needed in everyday life. Even a native speaker will find it hard to get full marks unless they have a good educational background, which strongly suggests it is not a true test of English communicative competence. Cambridge Assessment

Cambridge Assessment is the non-teaching department of the University of Cambridge responsible for a broad range of assessments, including the UK OCR Examinations Board, Cambridge ESOL and Cambridge International Exams (formerly known as UCLES). These exams are the world's leading range of certificates for learners of English. Each year, they are taken by over 1.5 million people, in 135 countries and are widely recognised for work and study purposes. The exams are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, published by the Council of Europe. There are a number of different categories of Cambridge exams: General English KET (Key English Test) An elementary level exam, testing the students' ability to deal with basic written and spoken communications. PET (Preliminary English Test) An intermediate level exam, testing their ability to cope with ever yday written and spoken communications. FCE (First Certificate in English) An upper intermediate level exam, designed for students who can deal confidently with a range of written and spoken communications.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) An advanced exam, for a student who can communicate with confidence in English for work or study purposes. Often the minimum entrance level to UK universities for non-native speakers of English. CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) A very advanced level exam, for students who have achieved a high level of language skills and are able to function effectively in almost any Englishspeaking context. Skills for life Most Cambridge exams are available around the world and suit anyone who wants to use English in their studies or work, in other words, English as a foreign language. The following exam, uniquely, is tailored to the needs of those who have moved to Britain, i.e. immigrants needing English as a second language: Certificates in ESOL Skills for Life: These certificates also give separate marks for each type of ability. The exam is for ESOL learners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and is based on the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum. Scotland has its own education system. Business English BEC (Business English Certificates) A suite of three exams, designed to test English language ability used in the context of business, designed for students who are learning English in preparation for a career in business. BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) A multilingual assessment service for companies that require a rapid, accurate means of assessing language skills in English, French, German and Spanish. There are many other external examinations. Some focus on testing integrated skills, as in the Edexcel London Tests of English, while others focus on just one skill, such as the Trinity exams in spoken English. Other examinations which are conducted on a wide scale internationally are the University of Michigan Proficiency in English examination, and the City and Guilds (London) examinations in all four skills. Unit 110 ŠThese materials are copyrighted. All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced or published without express written permission from the copyright owner.

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng Task sheet Check your knowledge before attempting the unit test. Please note that this task sheet is solely for checking that you have understood the course unit content. You do not need to submit this task sheet – just use it to check you have understood the major points. Task 1 – Why do teachers need to evaluate their students’ English?

Task 2 – List the different types of testing and evaluation tools that a teacher can use:

Task 3 – What reasons might students have for studying for formal or external tests of English?

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Unit i 10 it Evaluati uatio uati ation on and n testing nd n ng

Task 4 – What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the example placement test on pages 4 and 5 of this unit?

Task 5 – What would you include in a thirty minute progress test for a group of beginners, making sure that you were testing all four skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening)? Give a detailed outline of the test you would construct, with examples.

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