As a highly motivated and driven architecture graduate, I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the industry through a professional role. With a strong foundation in design principles and technical skills, I am confident in my ability to contribute to team projects. My attention to detail and passion for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces will ensure that every project I work on is delivered with the highest level of quality. I am eager to collaborate with experienced professionals and to develop my skills further in the field of architecture.
2022-23 -Sports Team Advisor at PVPCOA 2021-22 -Sports Team Conveynor at PVPCOA
2020-21 -Sports Team Deputy at PVPCOA
Site Plan
Masonry Drawings
Interior Design
3D Visualization with Walkthrough
Toilet Working Drawings
Scope of Work 1. Plumbing Details / Working Drawings 2. Toilet Details 3. False Ceiling Design
X 21'-8"
Terrace Floor Plumbing Layout Plan
Square, Near Shukan Mall Cross
False Ceiling Design
Architectural Intervention for Holistic Healing: A Drug Rehabilitation
& De-addiction Center in Nashik
The widespread problem of drug abuse and dependence poses significant challenges for communites around the world, including Nashik. Conventonal rehabilitaton approaches oten fail to address the holistc needs of people struggling with addicton and ignore important factors such as environmental influences, social connectons, and mental health. God. In response, this architectural thesis atempts to redefine the addicton treatment paradigm through the lens of architectural interventon, recognizing the built environment as a crit cal determinant of the healing process. . The main objectve of this thesis is to conceptualize and design a comprehensive drug addicton and rehabilitaton center in Nashik that embodies the principles of holistic healing. By synthesizing knowledge from various disciplines such as architecture, psychology, sociology and healthcare, the project aims to create a stimulatng environment conducive to recovery. physical, mental and emotional.
Architectural Intervention for Holistic Healing: A Drug De-addiction Center in Nashik
Architectural design in drug rehabilita�on centers is pivotal for holis�c healing, providing therapeu�c environments that priori�ze privacy, security, and community. Integra�ng sustainability enhances well-being, while spa�al and sensory considera�ons address psychological needs, promo�ng relaxa�on and growth. Technology integra�on supports personalized treatment plans, progress monitoring, and improved communica�on within and beyond the facility
Introduction to Thesis
The widespread problem of drug abuse and dependence poses significant challenges for communi�es around the world, including Nashik. Conven�onal rehabilita�on approaches o�en fail to address the holis�c needs of people struggling with addic�on and ignore important factors such as environmental influences, social con nec�ons, and mental health. God. In response, this architectural thesis a�empts to redefine the addic�on treatment paradigm through the lens of architectural interven�on, recognizing the built environment as a cri� cal determinant of the healing process. . The main objec�ve of this thesis is to conceptualize and design a com prehensive drug addic�on and rehabilita�on center in Nashik that embodies the principles of holis�c healing. By synthesizing knowledge from various disciplines such as architecture, psychology, sociology and healthcare, the project aims to create a s�mula�ng environment conducive to recovery. physical, mental and emo�onal.
-To create an inclusive and self sufficient environment for in-pa�ents, keeping in mind all its users.
-To provide spaces to try and work on prejudices that society has about substance addic�on.
-To create a s�mula�ng premise that helps in posi�ve distrac�on.
-To provide necessary human-human and human-surrounding connec�on to awaken all senses.
Project Vision
"To take a step toward saving human resources; forming a community of people tied togeth er with a similar problem. It dreams of becoming a first of its kind rehab that neither revolves around being a luxury resort nor a small room in a hospital building."
What is Addiction ?
Addic�on is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.† It is considered a brain disorder, because it involves func�onal changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control. Those changes may last a long
Causes of Addic�on
Reasons of using Substances
in India
As per the Comprehensive Na�onal Survey on Extent and Pa�ern of Substance Use in India conducted in 2018, the details of drug abuse are as under:
Schemes Under Government of India
The Government of India under Ministry of Social Jus�ce & Empowerment has been implemen�ng a scheme of Na�onal Ac�on Plan for Drug Demand Reduc�on (NAPDDR) under which financial assistance is provided to (i) State Governments/ Union Territory (UT) Administra�ons for Preven�ve Educa�on and Awareness Genera�on, Capacity Building, Skill development, voca�onal training and livelihood support of ex-drug addicts, Programmes for Drug Demand Reduc�on by States/UTs etc. and (ii) NGOs/VOs for running and maintenance of Integrated Rehabilita�on Centres for Addicts (lRCAs), Community based peer Led lnterven�on (CPLI) for early Drug Use Preven�on among Adolescents and Outreach and Drop In Centres (ODIC) , District De-Addic�on Centres(DDACs) and Addic�on treatment facili�es (ATFs) in Government Hospitals
Spiritual obsession (not to be confused with religious devo�on)
Seeking pain Cu�ng
Shopping Addic�on
Gambling Addic�on
Cocaine Marijuana
Target Groups under the Scheme
All vic�ms of alcohol and substance (drugs) abuse with a focus on:-
a) Children including street children, both in and out of school
b) Adolescents/Youth
c) Dependent women and young girls, affected by substance abuse
d) High risk groups such as sex workers, Injec�ng Drug Users (IDUs), drivers etc.
e) Prison inmates in deten�on facili�es including children venile homes addicted to drugs.
Substances, abuse of which, will be covered under Scheme:
i. Alcohol
ii. All Narco�c Drugs and Psychotropic substances covered under the NDPS Act, 1985
The Four Stages of Addic�on
Drug Rehabilitation &
More than 1500 rehab centers in India. Ignorance towards rehab centers. More confined to medical a�en�on.
Why this Topic ?
Rising Number of Overdoses
Only few Rehab centers provide such facility, others are a floor or room within the hospital building. So, there is a need to build a more s�mulating space considering the current scenario.
What is Drug Rehabilitation ?
A drug rehab center is a facility dedicated to the treatment of addic�on. There are numerous sorts of drug rehab programs, each with its se�ng, degree of care, and treatment methods.
According to this, there are 3 types of treatment:
1. Pa�ents have the op�on to depart at any �me
One explana�on for this is that drug rehabilita�on can only be fully effec�ve if the pa�ent wants to remain there and modify his or her addic�ve behaviors.
2. Drug rehab treatment centers assist individuals in making good changes in their life by correc�ng maladap�ve behaviors. Pa�ents develop healthy coping skills, impulse control, emo�onal regula- �on abili�es, and drug-refusal tac�cs that will aid them in the long run in avoiding relaps
3. Drug rehab treatment centers assist individuals in making good changes in their life by correc�ng maladap�ve behaviors. Pa�ents develop healthy coping skills, impulse control, emo�onal regula- �on abili�es, and drug-refusal tac�cs that will aid them in the long run in avoiding relapse.
Patients should expect to undergo the following steps when they enroll in a comprehensive drug rehab program:
•Orientation. The rst few days of treatment are focused on helping the patient to feel comfortable in the program and assisting the medical team in better understanding the needs of the individual patient. The doctors and therapists must be familiar with the patient's drug history, mental health history, and medical history in order to create a personalized treatment plan that will be e ective.
•Detox. If the patient has physical dependence and/or withdrawal symptoms, detox is the rst step after diagnostic evaluation. Patients may receive medication if warranted and begin. the process of the psychotherapeutic care that will de ne the bulk of their rehab experience.
•Counseling. Next, patients receive care through experiential, personal and group therapy sessions. This time is when patients begin the process of working on the trauma and mental health issues that may have pushed them toward addiction in the rst place.
•Aftercare. When patients return home after treatment, they pick up where they left o during the counseling process. Aftercare can consist of therapy, yoga, treatment services such as acupuncture and even a residential sober living program
What is an In-Patient Rehabilitation Center ?
Long term therapy communi�es regularly incorporate clinical direc�on and management and reference to an assortment of step-down programs that you can change towards subsequent to finishing clinical detox. While ge�ng long term treatment, you'll live nearby at a recovery office in a steady and managed climate. In the wake of comple�ng ongoing recovery, you might keep recupera�ng in a private, frac�onal hospitaliza�on, serious short term or short term treatment se�ng. "An inpa�ent drug rehab offers the opportunity to express complex feelings, receive support from a compassionate community, and work through trauma in a safe environment with highly skilled and devoted professionals."
A rehab op�on for someone struggling with drug/alcohol addic�on
It provides around-the-clock medical supervision & clinical guidance
Pa�ents are required to stay at the facility for their en�re program It typically lasts 30-45 days
An inpa�ent program can start with a medical detox or be the next step if someone completed medical detox at another facility
•Comprehensive evalua�on and treatment planning
•24-hour nursing supervision
•Medica�on management, if necessary
•Mee�ng with a psychiatric provider one or more �mes a week
•A community mee�ng group
•Ongoing review of treatment goals
•Individual therapy
•Recrea�onal therapy, such as medita�on and yoga
•Daily group therapy, including specialty groups and peer groups
•A�ercare and discharge planning (a necessary component in this level of care
Context Study
About Context
Context Analysis
In Nashik's tranquil se�ng, an architectural endeavor integrates therapeu�c design elements with community-centric facili�es, shaping a paradigm for drug rehabilita�on and de-addic�on centers.
In Nashik's tranquil se�ng, an architectural endeavor integrates therapeu�c design elements with community-centric facili�es, shaping a paradigm for drug rehabilita�on and de-addic�on centers.
Loca�on - Pathardi, Nashik
La�tude - 19.943095°
Longitude - 73.756328°
Climate Division - Tropical wet and dry
Major Landmarks from Context ( Distance from Site)
Dwarka Circle - 8.6 km
CBS Bus Stop - 8.5 km
Railway Sta�on - 12 km Main Highway - 1 Km
Gandhinagar Army Airport - 3 km
From 1985 to 2024, Pathardi Gaon in Nashik has witnessed significant transforma�on, evolving from a rural enclave to a bustling suburban hub. The expansion of infrastructure, including roads, u�li�es, and commercial establishments, has catalyzed its growth, a�rac�ng residen�al and industrial developments. This metamorphosis reflects a shi� towards urbaniza�on, accompanied by advancements in ameni�es and connec�vity, establishing Pathardi Gaon as a vibrant and dynamic part of Nashik's landscape.
Climate Analysis
Context Analysis
Owner / Patron - Moksh Founda on, Nashik
Site Area - 20,552 sq m
Max Permessible Height- 15 m
Allowable Ground Coverage - 25%
Site Study
They have their current Centre in the same Viscinity, 300 m away from Site, which they are planning to shi in the new Centre. Site Overview
The Site which belongs to Moksh Founda on is their new Project for Drug Re-habilita on and De-addic on Centre, which is currently in designing stage.
Nestled in the outskirts of the main city, this serene site offers an ideal se�ng for therapy and recovery, with minimal noise and easy accessibility. Despite logis�cal challenges presented by its mountainous surroundings, the therapeu�c building design integrates seamlessly with nature, providing scenic views and outdoor therapy areas. Close proximity to hospitals ensures swi� medical assistance, while specialized programs like adventure therapy leverage the natural environment for unique treatment op�ons. Collabora�ve partnerships with local healthcare providers enhance service delivery, and diversifica�on of services broadens appeal and ensures sustainability, crea�ng a holis�c healing environment.
- Less Noise /Disturbance will be there as the site is in Outskirts of the Main City
- Easy Accessibility
- Very close proximity to Hospitals in case of emergency
- Huge greem and open spaces
2. Calm and Serene Environment:
The site's exposure to strong south winds may ini�ally seem like a challenge, but it can actually contribute to crea�ng a tranquil atmosphere. With no obstacles to block the wind, it can flow freely across the site, bringing with it a refreshing coolness, especially given the presence of the nearby river to the south. The combina�on of these natural elements can create a soothing ambiance, perfect for promo�ng relaxa�on and tranquility. Addi�onally, the calming sounds of the streams on either side further enhance the serene environment, providing a constant soundtrack of nature that adds to the overall
-Specialized Programs: Leveraging the natural surroundings, the center can develop specialized programs such as adventure therapy, wilderness therapy, -Collabora�ve Partnerships: Forming partnerships with local healthcare providers, community organiza�ons,expand outreach efforts, and improve access to resources and funding.
-Diversifica�on of Services: Besides addic�on treatment, diversifying services to include mental health counseling, family therapy, and wellness programs can broaden the center's appeal and revenue streams.
Pa�ents/ Residents
-Opera�ng near mountains may present logis�cal challenges such as difficult terrain, inclement weather condi�ons, or limited infrastructure,poten�ally affecting the delivery of services and
-Isolated from the Community
Pa�ents in Recovery
Rehabilita�on Staff
Families and Support Networks
Researchers and Academia
Government and Policymakers
Balance Between Inclusion and Isola�on:
The site's loca�on, mostly isolated from its surroundings except for one side that visually connects to neighboring residences, presents an interes�ng opportunity to strike a balance between inclusion and isola�on. While the isola�on offers a sense of privacy and seclusion, the visual connec�on to neighboring residences ensures that there is s�ll a feeling of connec�on to the broader community. This balance allows residents to enjoy the benefits of solitude while also feeling part of a larger social network. It's a delicate equilibrium that acknowledges the importance of both privacy and community in crea�ng a fulfilling living environment
Security Measures:
The presence of police patrolling and restric�ons on access to certain regions adds an extra layer of security to the site, complemen�ng any exis�ng security measures. Given the site's serene environment and poten�al isola�on, these security measures are essen�al for ensuring the safety and well-being of residents. By ac�vely patrolling the area and prohibi�ng access to certain regions, authori�es can deter poten�al security threats and provide residents with peace of mind. However, it's crucial to implement these security measures in a way that doesn't compromise the site's calm and serene environment or create a sense of fear or exclusion among residents. Finding the right balance between security and maintaining a welcoming atmosphere is key to crea�ng a harmonious living environment.
Architects and Design Professionals
Patrons of the Project.
Government Health Departments
Nonprofit Founda�ons
Research Grants and Ins�tu�ons
Architecture and Design Associa�ons
Sustainable Development Organiza�ons
Community Development Funds
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs
Public-Private Partnerships
Educa�onal Ins�tu�ons
Recovering Individuals
Rehabilita�on Staff
Medical Professionals
Family and Friends
Local Community
Stakeholders for the Project:
Government and Regulatory Bodies
Mental Health Advocacy Groups
Environmental Organiza�ons
Donors and Funding Organiza�ons
Architects and Design Professionals
VIT’s Padmabhushan Dr Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture,Pune Name - Andhare Tejal Sandeep Roll No -02 Sign / Stamp N