Organo brochure

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Organo: An organization for change In the middle of intense urban development, corporatization and fast-paced lifestyle, comes a new way of life.

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Re-establishing relationship with soil

What is collective farming?

Organic Farming is a phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people across the globe.

It is a farmer’s community that shares farming related infrastructure while enjoying the fruits of collective living.

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Seven Paths >

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life. on. a. slow. track. “Stop the world, I want to get off.” As the world is accelerating on a fast-track, we are playing the catch up game, trying to match pace with pace. One thing we need to ask ourselves, are we progressing with the world or are we losing the connection with life? Are we gaining more than what we are losing or is it vice-versa?

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Discover the joy of plucking farm fresh

ORGANO: A organization for change

organic fruits and vegetables.

In the middle of intense urban development, corporatization and fast-paced lifestyle, comes a new way of life. A life we’ve long forgotten. A life that

Celebrating an organic way of life

connects past with the present. A life that is vital not just for our future but for the future of the Earth and humanity in general. Presenting Organo - for the passionate and for the conscious.

Organo is for those who are looking for an alternative urban, self-sustainable and healthy lifestyle, which respects nature and its resources without compromising on their comforts and conveniences. In other words, it is a community where residents live a life connected to the nature.

They are professionals by the weekday and community farmers by the weekend. They grow their own vegetables and fruits, breed their own chicken and raise their own cattle for fresh milk. Apart from this, they engage in nature’s bounty with serene pockets of mini forests, landscaping and water bodies that are habitats for birds, animals, insects and aqua life. A new-age urban community driven passionately by the ethos of “agro-culture and sustainable organic farming”, Organo has developed India’s Largest collective Organic Farming Community. Thriving on the concept of ‘farm-to-table’, Organo offers its residents the best of both worlds - an urban

lifestyle entrenched with the finer nuances of a rural life. The community uses the best of technology and nature for effective and productive organic farming. Spread across 35-acres in the lush green bio-conservation zone of Hyderabad - 9 kms. from APPA Junction on the Himayath Sagar - Chevella Road, it is for those who respect nature’s ways and want to lead a life of selfreliance through a completely sustainable organic way of living. It has been designed as a holistic farm, where farming is practiced at various levels. It features community farming, personal farming, nursery, animal husbandry, forest plantation, medicinal

plantation, aqua farming, api culture etc. Apart from a 16.5-acres community farm dedicated to various fruits and vegetables, every resident will have open spaces in their own farm plot to indulge in their choice of vegetables and fruits. Together, all these greatly benefit the residents in leading a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. A lot of research and detailing has gone into the design of the project to ensure that it is viable and appropriate for the residents in every which way. A group of passionate architects, organic farming professionals, organic product makers and other experts from diverse and related fields have come together to make Organo a

pioneering model that will inspire a whole generation to shift to the organic way of life. It is an earnest attempt to re-establish connection with the lost thread of value systems, indigenous knowledge and technologies native to our land and harmonizing it to today’s necessities. This should be the start of a change that will help in conservation and enhancement of ecology in the surroundings and may be even further, in days to come. Hyderabad, India

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In 2007, International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), concluded that “Business as Usual is Not an Option,” and the shift toward agroecological approaches was urgent and necessary for food security and climate resilience.

Organic life is a process of cleansing the body, mind and soil by adopting an alternative lifestyle that is natural, self-sustaining

life. on. a. slow. track.

and enriches your life.

-Organo - a great opportunity to get connected to our earth and life

“Stop the world, I want to get off.” As the world is accelerating on a fasttrack, we are playing the catch up game, trying to match pace with pace. One thing we need to ask ourselves, are we progressing with the world or are we losing the connection with life? Are we gaining more than what we are losing or is it vice-versa? In trying to beat the world, we have come too far. All those corner offices with city-views, closed door meetings, frequent flier programmes, deadlines and growth charts have definitely done their bit to add a sense of security to our lives. But is that it? What is it that we are looking for? Does our search end with the pinnacle of success or is it more? Today, after reaching the peak, if we look back and ask

ourselves - have I made a connection with life? The answer is a resounding ‘no.’ Human lives are all about establishing a connection. That’s what we are searching for. Connection with people - ourselves, family, community, friends, with food, with places, with nature and in the process, with life. We all want to live a connected life. The desire to connect is not new. Traditionally, all our lives were connected in the past. People were connected to their cultures, to people, to places, to their lives. Extended families lived under one roof, children grew up with their cousins and played with them, hence they were connected. Most people grew their own veggies and fruits. Backyard veggie gardens

were a norm. Many had their cows in their houses for milk, curd and butter. Some families had poultry. So people used fresh produce and meat to make traditional recipes. Everyone was involved in cooking and dinner was a social event. Hence, people had connection with their food. Similarly, people had strong connections with the places they lived and cultures they were bred in. Rapid-paced life has weakened these connections. Technological advancements have changed the way we live and work, which is a good thing in many ways. But it has made us less connected to living and life than it has been in the past. We are constantly living in a fast-forward motion, where we are often

overscheduled, stressed and rushing towards something. This rush is not just restricted to our work. We rush our family time, our food and even our recreation. Organo is an idea that was born out of a strong view to slow down, to recapture the state of connectedness and to re-establish our link with the natural world and its soulful rhythms.

We have left life far behind in our pursuit to success and prosperity

“Wake up before it’s too late” Hyderabad, India

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An important cultural revolution whereby diversity and biodiversity are embraced and chemical toxins and environmental harm are radically reduced.

Re-establishing relationship with soil Organic Farming is a phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people across the globe. Millions of people right from high-profile corporate honchos to eco-sensible urbanites to large-scale communities, all have taken to organic farming at various levels. Some do it as a passion, some as a weekend activity, some as a means to earn a living and some as a relentless drive towards a greener earth.

Farm objectives are invigorating and are beneficial to health

Organic farming, in simple terms, follows agricultural principles that rely on natural systems and inputs to keep the soil healthy in order to keep plants and surroundings healthy. Many believe, organic farming is far superior to modern systems when it comes to building, maintaining and replenishing the health of the soil. When one considers, energy usage, and human health, it's clear that organic

farming is more sustainable. Breaking away from the modern farming protocols, this system of farming adopts the most environment-friendly and professional way of cultivation. Renewable power generation, water harvesting and conservation, expert supervision with a processdriven approach, incentivized employment of workforce with

proper growth ladder and expansive knowledge pool, all contribute to make it a more viable farming option for many. It also has some fundamental effects on our personal health as well as the overall health of the planet. This system of farming helps in many ways. Keeping chemicals out of air, water, soil and our bodies:

Organic farming and food promote a less toxic environment for all living things. Since the usage of pesticides and other toxic materials practically does not exist and a more nature-aided approach is adopted, the air, water and soil thrives in a cleaner environment, which in turn is reflected in the produce and also the health of the people who consume.

Watch the video on Youtube

Dr. Syamasundar Reddy Organic Farming Expert

talks about the importance of the health of the soil and organic farming.

Reducing off-farm pollution: Modern agriculture, due to heavy usage of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, not only singularly pollute the farmland and farm workers, but also the environmental downstream. Pesticide drifts affects non-farm communities with odorless and invisible poisons. Delicate environments are more susceptible to such toxic attacks without the knowledge of its inhabitants. With organic farming such off-farm pollution can be avoided straight away. Protecting future generations: Studies show that infants are exposed to hundreds of harmful chemicals even before they are born. As we face the drastic after-effects of generations of exposure to agricultural chemicals, we can protect our future generations by

supporting organic farming and its products.

food also tastes good, which is truly, a cherry on the top.

Building healthy soil: Mono-cropping and chemical fertilizer dependency has taken a toll with heavy loss of top soil. Added to this is an equally disturbing loss of micronutrients and minerals in fruits and vegetables. Feeding the soil with organic matter instead of synthetic fertilizers has proven to increase nutrients in produce, with higher levels of vitamins and minerals.

Promoting bio-diversity: An organic farm is like reforestation. They are thriving with diverse habitats for various animal, bird and insect groups. Indigenous animals and birds find them a safe haven while beneficial insects allow for greater balance. Thus, a healthy combination of inhabitant groups ensure constant connection with the buzz of the nature.

Making food taste yummier: Research shows that food tastes better when raised in harmony with the nature. Organic food is all about tastes in sync with the nature. Also, research verifies that organic food is often lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants. So, apart from all its healthy benefits, organic

Celebrating the culture of agriculture: Food is a ‘language’ spoken in every culture. Making this language organic allows for an important cultural revolution whereby diversity and biodiversity are embraced and chemical toxins and environmental harm are

radically reduced. The simple act of saving one seed from extinction could be an act of biological and cultural conservation.

I would like to see people more aware of where their food comes from. I would like to see small farmers empowered. I feed my daughter almost exclusively organic food. - Anthony Bourdain (Chef, Author, TV personality) Hyderabad, India

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Organic tonics for the soil Rejuvenating, Fortifying, Natural

Alternatively, we also let earthworms do the soil enrichment job. By their activity in the soil, earthworms offer many benefits: increased nutrient availability, better drainage, and a more stable soil structure, all of which help improve farm productivity. And not to mention, our very own ‘jeevamrutham', an organic manure. Long before mentioned in Vedic

manuscripts, it constitutes a mixture of cow urine, neem leaves, cow dung, and few such natural ingredients, which are locally available in plenty, and have been proved to have strong medicinal, and soil enriching properties and they are used for effective revitalizing the soil. A healthy soil gives a healthy produce. We promote the philosophy of ‘zero toxic living’ and a

well-organized waste management system is essential for such a lifestyle. Being a 100% sustainable and self-reliant community, Organo has an efficient waste management system in place. The system supports “segregation at the source” formula, whereby all the residents are encouraged to segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes before giving for disposal.

“To forget how to tend the soils is to forget ourselves."- Mahatma Gandhi

Our farmers prepare organic tonics for the soil like Jeevamrutham, Panchagavya and Amruth Pani made from locally available material, including neem, castor, cow urine and dung.

Organic farming, by definition, is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control. The system does not promote use of chemicals and other toxic material to keep the crops away from the pests.

Did you know that December 5, is World Soil Day, and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has declared, that 2015 will be the International Year of Soils?

Keeping the same tradition going, farmers at Organo adopt a natural approach to deal with such challenges. Our organic farming methods ensure, soil remains healthy and retains fertile, round the year. All proven traditional and ageold methods are best adopted to enrich soil vitality, something remained our top priority. And we believe in a philosophy, ‘give some time for nature to recover, and it'll come back stronger than ever. We leave some piece of land for some time to recover after a harvest season, in the due course of time it’ll regain its original soil strength and could be ready for tilling for the next season.

Earth & Soil

By doing so, the residents not only contribute to a healthier environment but also in saving the planet.

Healthy soil is the foundation of the food system. It produces healthy crops that in turn nourish people Hyderabad, India

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A pledge to bring the sparrow back in our homes.

Where has the sparrow gone?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - the world's leading authority on biodiversity - estimates that in 2012 - 41% of all amphibians, 33% of all reef-building corals, 25% of all mammals and 13% of all birds are at imminent risk of extinction. Organo pledges to energize biodiversity. The sparrow is back at Organo. Come greet it, today!

This feathered friend of our backyard has disappeared. We have driven our friend away.

Where are they? Our gentle little guests. Every morning they wake us up with a familiar tune, Perched on ledges and lofts, they hop right inside our houses and in the balconies the whole day, full of life. Taking occasional tiny bites from our leftover supper. Nesting on low branches, in our homes and in sheds, they put a smile on our faces us no matter what. Sparrows have been an integral part of our growing up years. Knowingly or unknowingly, they’ve been our guests who greet us every day, our family

who share our home and food, our friends who never leave us alone. Their cute and chirpy presence, once a regularity is now a rarity. Once aplenty, now it hard to find even one in today’s urban environment. All this happened in a span of just a few years. Sparrows were mostly seen around human habitats. Earlier constructions allowed sparrows to nest in nooks and corners, but modern-day constructions don’t have space for birds. Also, with agricultural land moving away from the city, finding food

in the concrete jungle is not easy for them. Also evidence suggests that heavy vehicular pollution and cell phone tower radiation have impacted their existence. But, the fact that these birds are still seen in the outskirts where there is less pollution and radiation, gives us hope. Organo aims to bring back the days of the sparrow. It actively supports the concepts of miniforest and little ponds to collect rain water and divert them to small wetlands, where indigenous aquatic plants can

Let their chirps and tweets bring wellness and joy back in our lives

shelter and sustain species like the sparrows. For all we know, the little fella may be back for good.

Just call us for a Farm Tour. Today.

Call: 8688 02 02 02

Have you ever seen the state bird of Telengana and Andhra Pradesh, Palapitta ( Indian Roller)? Visit us, to watch the blue beauty. Get organic milk everyday from your own farm.

50 kgs of fresh organic fruits and vegetables - every month for a whole lifetime.

Pure. Organic honey. feel the rich, sweet taste.

Discover the joy of being an organic farmer without the struggle.

Professionally managed farms by a team of organic experts.

An array of medicinal plants. and herbs.

Bring home a range of divine flowers: Marigolds, Roses, Hibiscus and more. Hyderabad, India

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Risk Is In The Air

Our furniture that we love so much and cuddle in everyday could be a major culprit. At least, the ones purchased before 2006 contain chemicals used as flame retardants which send harmful toxins into the air. Air fresheners that we use to spread aroma into our lives are capable of spreading harmful toxins. They contain noxious chemicals that can disrupt hormone function in babies and children, interfere with reproductive development and aggravate respiratory ailments such as asthma. Candles light up our home and add a unique touch of romance to our evenings, but they also trigger off perilous carcinogens into the air. Inkjet printers release fertility-robbing chemicals. Everyone at home are at risk when it comes to indoor air pollutants, but elders and

housewives suffer the most as they spend majority of their time indoors. But the air quality in schools is also no better, leaving even the children, who at their tender age are vulnerable, at risk of contacting serious health ailments, especially the respiratory ones.

Organo residents. Neem, as described in Ayurveda's prime text, the Chakraka Samhita, as a Sarva Roga Nivarini (that which keeps all diseases at bay). Its extracts have been in use in the Ayurvedic tradition since thousands of years for maintaining health and over all well-being.

Being a farming community, Organo is filled with vast farm lands, elaborate landscapes, trees, flora and fauna that not only improve the surrounding eco-system but also rise in the quality of life. They also help in modifying temperatures, enhancing outdoor and indoor air quality and increasing bio-diversity. Exposure to greenery can also improve peoples' physiology and mental health. Also, the presence of a large number of Neem Trees is a major advantage for

In the past, it was possible to achieve natural ventilation in our homes just by opening a widow. However, with the advent of “efficient� homes and urban lifestyles, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay away from air pollutants. At Organo, we tried to recreate the past by designing homes that are high on natural ventilation. You can access fresh air and sunlight right from your home. Organo, being a 100% eco-friendly community in every which way, completely eliminates the possibility air

pollution, both outdoor and indoor. Thus, ensuring purity in air and good health in life for the residents.

Particulate matter pollution has risen almost three times faster than previously expected in Hyderabad. Though faring better than cities like Delhi, where particulate matter pollution has risen by an astronomical four times, the rise in the city is still among the highest in the world.

Polluted air is the reason for illness and poor health. Organo provides the solution.

As per the reports, the air pollution has gone up drastically in most of the metros including Hyderabad. Hyderabad, India

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What is collective farming?

Pooling of knowledge systems

Grid- free power

We have all had those spurts of phases when we wanted to become farmers or meddle with our home technologies to just run appliances with solar power. But, the maintenance, upkeep, the research time required for being able to do it is not our everyday luxury. Organo solves this with expert care for every indulgence to become self-sustainable.

To be self-reliable for energy needs is a far off aspiration even for major corporations as the sheer scale involved to be able to do that makes it impractical. This can be solved when more than 50 families come together a micro grid, sharing power with a backup as the grid power can be established.

Water security Water is a commodity that is a regional resource. Water management techniques like rain water conservation work efficiently only when applied to a large parcel of land.

Labor management

Why is Collective farming better?

Indulgences like farm living need a workforce to maintain continuity in farming. With a structured workforce that has an organized pay structure Organo manages to have a work force that is reliable.

Security No amount of high tech security measures can render the same peace of mind that a group of families living together can provide. A sense of belonging to a group provides reassurance to all.

Organo Collective Farming It is a farmer’s community that shares farming related infrastructure while enjoying the fruits of collective living. The profits of the farms are divided among its members. Collective farming has been successful where it is adopted as a choice in several countries.

At Organo, we explore innovative organic farming methods by employing farming experts, to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness, in addition to enhancing the health of our community and the soil.

It is high time the government explores innovative ways to incentivise farmers to come together in a collective way. It will change their economics, their ability to use technology, their ability to manage risk, and finally the way they negotiate to get the best prices - V.G. Siddhartha, Chairman, Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company (Cafe Coffee Day), India

Collective farming

Individual farming

Common farm infrastructure is shared by its residents Grid-free power sourcing Regular hassle free up-keep and maintenance Expert care for the farm, energy, water and every aspect of the farm and living  Active community that is run by with professionals with process driven approach.

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High investment cost on farm infrastructure Unreliable grid power in the semi-urban areas High maintenance and upkeep costs High costs to employ experts and having no knowledge systems in the diverse farm fields.  High chances of getting rundown if inactive for sometime.h professionals with process driven approach. Hyderabad, India

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People and the way they live are important aspects of the community, their interactions within and outside. Their involvement in social welfare is an essential criterion.


‘SAPTHA PATHAS’ The Saptha Pathas maintain a dynamic balance and harmonize nature’s grand symphony. Organo seamlessly integrates these seven strands of sustainable living - Food, Water, Earth, Energy, Shelter, Air and People.

Self reliant 100% net -zero clean tech energy systems designed to meet the community’s loads.

A responsibility called Earth Earth is not only the common heritage of all humankind but also the ultimate source of life. We need to acknowledge that and become more mindful of our attitudes and actions. Today, the earth stands so victimized that we can no longer drink her waters and often cannot breathe her air. By over-exploiting its resources we are undermining the basis of our own life, All around signs abound of the destruction caused by human activity and of the degradation of nature. Therefore, the protection and conservation of the earth is not a question of morality or ethics but a question of our survival. How we respond to the challenge will affect not only this generation but also many generations to come. We need to slow down and fully appreciate the earth’s abundance. We can take at least a little time every day to be outdoors and open ourselves to nature’s gentle teachings.

So, how does it work? Organo runs the farming community where the residents share farming related infrastructure while enjoying the fruits of collective living. Now for the big questions How does the whole thing work? Do residents have to do all the farming? Will there be any kind of support or assistance? What about the farming infrastructure? Organo, being a farming community, will have residents playing an active role in the faming process. But there will

be a core team of professionals and a solid workforce, recruited from nearby villages, who’ll be taking care of the entire farming procedure from the beginning to the end. Professional handling: Organo is a professional farm & facility management company that will manage the farm and its activities. Organo would be developing an employed farm workforce, comprising organic farming experts and local farmers, who’ll be operating in a process driven environment and will be

offered incentivized compensation along with perks and benefits. Staff support: All the workers/farmers on the site will be provided with their ancillary spaces, residences and sleeping quarters. Infrastructure: Farming implements required to farm such as tractor with all its necessary accessories, a shredder, etc., are all provided on the site along with their workshop/garage areas.

The Organo shelters are designed to optimize the spaces and to encourage better interaction with nature.

Revenue generation: Organo will also ensure that all the home-grown supplies after fulfilling the needs of the community, will be put in the market and income is generated. Revenue sharing: Profits generated from the sale of the supplies will be shared on credits basis amongst all members.

The Organo earth and soils are conserved and build organically to help increase the soil organicsVedic farming

Fresh outdoor air naturally cooled with earth as the heat sink.

E ective watershed measures to enhance the catchment areas and conservative usage at all levels with the help of latest technologies.

Food without using any antibiotics, growth hormones and non organic feed for the farm animals. Hyderabad, India

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Introducing NAANDI – Organo’s first project

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Yielding the benefits of an ideal location Gandipet


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ve r


Osman Sagar




( 20 )

Himayat Nagar







Himayat Sagar Lake


4 km from site to HS lake Nazeeb Nagar Village CONSERVATION USE ZONE









Access from APPA Junction:

10 min. to Hitech City via ORR ad)



25 min. to Banjara Hills / Jubilee Hills AH


15 min. to Gachibowli, Hitech City, Mehdipatnam

Within 10 min. radius: PBEL City Pragathi Resorts Mantri Euphoria Jayabheri Enclave

Organo’s Naandi is located right in the middle of the lush green bio conservation zone of Hyderabad. Just 9 kms. from APPA Junction on the Himayath Sagar - Chevella Road, there can be no better location in the city that can so flawlessly align with Organo’s vision.

Quietly nestled in a location that has so many advantages, Organo lives up to its promise of delivering a selfsustainable lifestyle, without compromising on the conveniences of a city life.

Just 9 kms. from APPA Junction on the Himayath Sagar - Chevella Road

Every city has a few bio conservation zones that are considered ideal for farming. These areas are earmarked by the government based on natural, ecological and cultural values. These areas are also believed to provide environmental balance to the surrounding areas affected by urbanization. The surrounding catchment area includes the city’s drinking water resources, which according to the provisions of GO 111, is being developed as a massive green-belt and protected from any kind of acidification.

Land-by-Laws says: • The GO 111 prevents any activity that will cause pollution in that area. It prohibits all industries, major hotels, residential colonies or other establishments from generating pollution. • The water is not to be obstructed in the catchment area. Appropriate measures shall be taken to protect water flowing in the lakes. • Any environmentally harming pesticides or fertilizers should not be used. The area has to be devoid of any soil and water

pollution, due to chemicals. • No affluent wastes or pollutants will be released into the environment. Appropriate waste management facilities should be in place. Located 5 kms. on to the state highway (no. 4), away from the frenzy of the ORR development, Organo is well protected from pollution and traffic congestion even in the future. Still, it is not completely cut-off from the city. Within just 3 km. radius, the residents can access various cultural amenities including medical facilities, international schools, colleges, shopping, entertainment centres, play areas, hotels & resorts etc.

Moreover, noted gated communities are just 10 kms. away and the IT/business corridor is just a 20 min. pleasurable drive from the site. The location may be out of the city but the well-maintained and traffic free roads reduce the travel time drastically. Also, the sight of the greenery all around will help the travel time go by very quickly. The site’s proximity to APPA Junction, Rajendra Nagar and ORR help in accessing prominent areas like Gachibowli & Hitech City faster as the roads are well-planned and efficiently connected. Hyderabad, India

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Community Farms

Community Farms

Nursery & Creepers/Pandals



Community Farms


Organic Cafe Organo Store

Community Farms


Aqua Culture




Community Farms

Animal Husbandry Villas


Community Farms

Forest & Medicinal Plantation

Community Farms s

la Vil Hyderabad, India

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India is the birthplace of alternative medicinal systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha and Homeopathy which use medications derived from plants. As per the reports, there are more than 15000 medicinal plant species that contribute to making of these traditional medicines. They provide herbal cures for several health ailments as well as maintaining general health and wellbeing. Organo promotes passive heath care through its medicinal plantations, interspersed with the forest zone on the

south-east corner, including traditional Indian medicinal plants like Ashwagandha, Velaga, Tellamamadi etc. Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful medicinal plants and is being used for more than 3000 years. The plant promotes sleep, balances the nervous system and restores strength. Similarly, Velaga, Tellamamadi and others are also proven ingredients that have immense positive impact on human health.

Apiculture Get a taste of Honey so pure, fresh and organic

Take a walk in our farms ďŹ lled with Medicinal plants and herbs which give away great health

Medicinal Plantation In association with AP Beekeepers’ Association, Organo is equipped with a natural breeding habitat for bee farming. Apart from the honey, beehives help in pollination of the nearby crops. Organo’s proximity to Mrugavani National Forest (9 kms.) enables the bees to stay closer to wild conditions and thrive on rich bio-diversity. Hyderabad, India

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Aqua Farming




Public Zone

Animal Husbandry & Associated Facilities

Private Zone

Residential Zone



Happy cows give happy milk. Visit our animal farm to see our poultry, cattle and much more

Organo’s Animal Husbandry facility follows the Vedic farming practices where the sacred cow (referred as Gomaata) takes the centre stage. The cow’s faeces are proven to have amazing medicinal value that make for great food and medicine for the crops. Adopting the same approach, plant care and nutrient supply to the farm is made organically with manures prepared from the cattle faeces in the well-appointed animal husbandry unit. The residents will have the unique opportunity to enjoy Organic dairy products straight from the farm.

Threshing Yard


Aqua culture forms a key component of farming at Organo. The farm pond not only adds beauty to the home landscape, not to mention the relaxing, soothing sounds of the water stream, it is also used for aqua culture to complete the Aquaponic Cycle to make better nutrient supply for the plants. This involves a process where the bacteria act as a carburetor that takes the otherwise unusable fish waste and creates a near perfect plant fertilizer.

Watch schools of fish thrive in our aqua pools Hyderabad, India

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Farms and Facility Management Services Organo has all the facilities that you will need to be tension-free and comfortable. It is not just the basic amenities, but also specific needs which have been kept in mind, to provide the best services to the residents. Distribution of Farm Produce : You can get your choice of produce from the Organo store which may not be available in your farm. The organic items will be delivered to your home. House-keeping support : Professional cleaning and a

dedicated staff is just a call away and will be at you doorstep in no time. Waste management: It is very important to use the proper way to dispose the waste. At Organo, we reduce, reuse and recycle for waste management.

Maintenance: Organo also provides you with services for water, power, drainage and infrastructure management. Your home and all the amenities should always be functioning well.

Personal Farm Maintenance: If you are not able to look after you farm due to any reason, we also have a solution for you. You can hire your personal farm maintenance service and your farm will be taken care of.

Personal Farm

Bountiful of vegetables and fruits at your doorstop

Avacado Sweet Orange Neem Curry Leaf Date Palm Banana Coconut Mango Papaya Lemon Amla Seetaphal Neem Elephant Footyam

All the residents would have about 600 sq. yds. plot out of which 450 sq. yds. is for individual farm yard. All landscape features in the yard are designed using edible plants. Even though the farming space is maintained by the community, residents can have their choice of veggies and fruits. You can go in your backyard and pluck your own fruits. Ready for fruit salads and milkshakes, anytime. Hyderabad, India

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Organic Farm villas with the luxury of a unique benefit:


Good health in abundance..forever.

At Organo, all the homes share this new-age philosophy and offer a harmonious connection between indoor and outdoor living

The very meaning of life is measured by the moments we spend to live. A home is an expression, a reflection of what we are, what we do and what we live for. There was a time when we all had backyards to run around, trees to climb and fall, fruits to pluck and eat and so much more that filled our lives with activity, interaction, energy and above all happiness. But modern-day residential units have changed all that. With lesser space to thrive in, a tiny balcony that is supposed to double up as a backyard, recreation zone, plants area etc., practically no greens for as long as you can see and above all, a lifestyle that has made our lives a factory-style assembly line. But the good news is, people are getting more eco-conscious now. There was a time when

modernism was at odds with the organic designs of nature. As the awareness about the importance of ecoconsciousness has taken to the minds of the public, it has also spilled over into the design world, resulting in the new realm of modernist, green designs. At Organo, all the homes share this new-age philosophy and offer a harmonious connection between indoor and outdoor living. From eco-friendly building materials to designs that minimize usage of water and electricity, these homes elegantly combine the stylish and sustainable. Echoing contemporariness and practicality, all the villas at Organo are designed to optimize the spaces and encourage better interaction with the nature. Linearly

oriented, these villas allow all living areas to have a full farm view. Open platform at the entrance foyer is designed to allow one to clear the errands there itself, while the servant’s block is tucked behind the garage cutting down all the service spaces inside the home. Recycled bamboo screens are put in place which are intended to act as shading devices as well as vertical garden features. Provisions have been made to use all terraces and outdoor decks as living areas rather than just mere outdoor spaces. Terraces double up as personal party spaces with the design texture of the solar panels throwing in some glitter to light up the evening. All living areas open into the backyard that provides a panoramic view of the community farm, subtly divided by farm buffer,

where at every stride one will tumble across opportunities for indulgence. The outdoor patios come with retractable roofs allowing one to enjoy the beauty of all seasons. This is where is where the outdoor living spirit is nurtured as the spaces given are flexible and multifunctional. Bedrooms are adorned with their own sitouts to encourage outdoor living. The design of the villa is compact with services spaces and special spaces like the AV rooms of the house that are sparsely used are pooled into community amenities, this not only reduces the number of unused spaces of the community but also conserves a lot of energy.

Just 25 minutes from Gachibowli This could be your Permanent Address | Your Weekend Home | Your Corporate Guest House

Just call us for a Farm Tour. Today.

Call: 8688 02 02 02

Farm Villas fully Designer Farm Villas powered by Solar Energy. Urban living in Rural No power cuts at all. settings. We call it: Rurban.

Fully air conditioned villas.

Large cinemascopic windows give you delightful views of the greens.

Every Farm Villa has a well manicured, massive kitchen garden.

Wind tunneling makes the farm villas naturally cooler by a few degrees.

The villas “breathe� with healthy oxygen from neem trees. Hyderabad, India

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Underneath all the natural overtones and organic farming goings-on, Organo's Naandi is a plush living commune of 70 chic urban villas built to offer all the contemporary living conveniences. These fully air-conditioned signature spaces are embedded with what we call ‘rurban’ nomenclature, which is a heady mix of urban refinement and rural ethnicity. Envisioned to invite families to live fully and generously, these homes have an ingenious arrangement of interior space and a unique combination of openness and privacy that makes a relaxed way of life possible. The community is embellished with a plethora of bio water bodies, wide tree-lined avenues and enchanting relaxation areas to transport you to a pristine world away from the daily chaos. These individual, eco-friendly homes are designed around you, your needs and wellbeing. Superior design, advanced construction, sustainable materials free from hazardous substances and use of renewable energy sources make these homes extremely relevant for today’s times and for future conservation. Incorporating the latest in high-performance building science and home technology, every home gathers around a space that skillfully combines outdoor and indoor living. Dramatic

The villas: Living space meets life space 06:00 AM: The early morning sunlight weaves its way through colorful rows of vegetable & fruit farms and greenscape. Freshly awakened faces sit calmly for a morning meditation session or get ready for a brisk walk through the pathways of nature or relax in their sit-outs to enjoy their refreshing cup of coffee listening to the chirpy sounds and subtle breeze or even go fishing at the aqua pond. At Organo's Naandi, life is all about expanding every moment.

Living at Organo, you will agree, there’s more to life than just coming home in between breaks from work. It is about trying to model a more holistic idea where it’s not just about working hard and being with our families, but taking care of the world we live in, which includes everything from the resources to human beings, and even other species, with equal respect and responsibility. In fact, it is an attempt to bring in the contemporary international concept, where highly successful and environmentally conscious

people are becoming organic farmers and experiencing the sheer bliss of life on a slow track. Picture this! Owning an organic farm that gives you 50 kgs of fruits and vegetables every month. Also, organic milk, organic honey and many more. Fishing in natural, aqua pond. Everything 100% natural and healthy, and you are a part of this without having to sacrifice on your profession or urban lifestyle comforts.

It’s time to listen… Do we have time to listen to bird songs? The song of a bird has forever been connected with unending rapture and unfettered freedom. The song of a bird is figurative of the power of nature to soothe and enrich lives, otherwise trapped in the endless whirlwind of activity, in a maze of noise and exploding urban development. At Organo… the song of birds, call out to you. It’s time to listen…

sliding glass doors open up to enable the home’s interiors embrace the natural world surrounding it. Abundant windows, full-wall glass panels let in plenty of natural light and add to the feeling of openness and spaciousness. A spacious floor plan, high ceilings, large bedrooms, luxurious bathrooms, utility rooms, ample storage, servant quarters and other options…all make the home perfect for you and your family. Living at Organo's Naandi has its own share of perks. You have the privacy of your own villa, the lifestyle of a plush natural resort, the security of a gated community, the advantage of like-minded individuals and above all, the unmatched joy of healthy and sustainable living. Organo's Naandi works splendidly as your primary residence as well as a swanky weekend farm house. Hyderabad, India

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The Community Plot Areas C20 Facing

Villa Numbers

Plot Area (Sq.Y)

North Facing

B1 - B5


East Facing

B6 - B9


North Facing

B10 - B14


Farm C1 C2 C3 C4

C5 Health club

C6 A13

A12 Facing

Villa Numbers

Plot Area (Sq.Y)

North Facing

A1 - A5


North Facing

A6 - A8





West Facing East Facing South Facing

A9 A10 - A12 A13 - A24 A 25 - A30



A 31


South Facing

A32 - A33


South Facing

A34 - A36



Villa Numbers

Plot Area (Sq.Y)

North Facing

C1 - C4


East Facing

C5 - C15 - C16 - C18 - C19 - C20


North Facing

C10 - C14



South Facing



A10 A9








Farm Pond


C15 C16 Farm




C17 C18

A23 A24 A25



C14 C13 C12 C11 C10


Entrance Pavilion













West Facing


B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25


A34 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 Farm

N Hyderabad, India

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3 BHK East & North Facing

3 BHK South & West Facing

Farm Side

Farm Side

Front Elevation

Front Elevation Hyderabad, India

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3 BHK East First Floor Plan

3 BHK East Ground Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch Servant's Quarter

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Servant's Quarter

1310.73 325.81 104.82 420.08 90.08

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

722.63 111.43 873.75

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Conditioned spaces Semi covered spaces Servant's quarters Total Area

2033.36 1835.89 90.08 3959.33

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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3 BHK North Ground Floor Plan

3 BHK North First Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch Servant's Quarter

Conditioned Spaces Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Servant's Quarter

1310.73 325.81 104.82 420.08 90.08

Conditioned Spaces Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

722.63 111.43 873.75

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Conditioned spaces Semi covered spaces Servant's quarters Total Area

2033.36 1835.89 90.08 3959.33

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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3 BHK South First Floor Plan

3 BHK South Ground Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch Servant's Quarter

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Servant's Quarter

1310.73 325.81 104.82 420.08 90.08

Conditioned Spaces Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

722.63 111.43 873.75

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Conditioned spaces Semi covered spaces Servant's quarters Total Area

2033.36 1835.89 90.08 3959.33

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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3 BHK West First Floor Plan

3 BHK West Ground Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch Servant's Quarter

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Servant's Quarter

1310.73 325.81 104.82 420.08 90.08

Conditioned Spaces Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

722.63 111.43 873.75

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Conditioned spaces Semi covered spaces Servant's quarters Total Area

2033.36 1835.89 90.08 3959.33

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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2 BHK East & North Facing

2 BHK South & West Facing

Farm Side

Farm Side

Front Elevation

Front Elevation Hyderabad, India

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2 BHK East Ground Floor Plan

2 BHK East First Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

797.87 162.75 87.53 423.61

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

500.87 93.31 460.43

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Total Conditioned spaces Total Semi covered spaces Total Area

1298.74 1227.63 2526.37

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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2 BHK North Ground Floor Plan

2 BHK North First Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

797.87 162.75 87.53 423.61

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

500.87 93.31 460.43

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Total Conditioned spaces Total Semi covered spaces Total Area

1298.74 1227.63 2526.37

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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2 BHK South Ground Floor Plan

2 BHK South First Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

797.87 162.75 87.53 423.61

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

500.87 93.31 460.43

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Total Conditioned spaces Total Semi covered spaces Total Area

1298.74 1227.63 2526.37

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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2 BHK West Ground Floor Plan

2 BHK West First Floor Plan

AREA STATEMENT Ground Floor Interiors Farm Deck Bed Room Balcony Car Porch

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

797.87 162.75 87.53 423.61

Conditioned Space Semi Covered area Semi Covered area

500.87 93.31 460.43

First Floor Interiors Bed Room Balcony Open Terrace

Total Conditioned spaces Total Semi covered spaces Total Area

1298.74 1227.63 2526.37

All areas are in SFT* Hyderabad, India

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Plush Urban Homes in a Rural Setting Clean, open and modern architecture compliments the spectacular views perfectly

Air-conditioned luxury, contemporary styling, exclusive finishes and designer fittings every spacious room in an Organo villa spells style and elegance. All that you ever wanted in a home is artfully made and delivered in style at Organo. Every inch of the villa is intelligently designed and perfected with a singular purpose - to embrace a higher living standard.

enhancements and hi-end fixtures and fittings complement the open plan form giving a spacious feel. Interiors are designed for most optimum fit of utilities with completely functional and accessible closets and wardrobes. A lot of care has been taken to ensure that every detail is planned to perfection including the circulation spaces, which have been kept to bare minimum.

Organo Villas are high on features and lifestyle. Their rectangular orientation helps in optimizing the central airconditioning. Elegant design

All the living areas extend to their own outdoor decks, skillfully merging interiors with exteriors. These outdoor spaces come with adequate shading

options so that they are accessible across all seasons. Also, they help in minimizing glass exposure to direct sun or rain. The longer side of the rectangular home faces the farm or road giving all the living space spectacular views. The roads have been singly loaded to ensure complete privacy to the residents who can blissfully sit in their front and back porches without being too disturbed by neighbors. While luxurious living and dining areas start the most

memorable family conversations, bedrooms are personal sanctuaries envelop residents in comfort and privacy. The Bedroom spaces in the Naandi villas escape into the irresistible haven of large private balconies and refined bathing luxury. The open showers add a new dimension to bathroom indulgence. Hyderabad, India

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Home Specifications

Energy Cycle

Structure and finishes

Flooring and dado


RCC and steel composite structure

Internal and external walls

Cement block walls of 200MM thick for external and 100MM thick for internal walls

Verandah: Entrance deck, open shower, Farm deck

Fire brick flooring/Tumbled natural stone flooring

Living, Dining, Study, Bed Rooms and Kitchen

800X800 Vitrified Tiles/Natural stone

All toilets

Anti-skid designer ceramic tiles/ Natural stone


Clay tiles

Staircase steps

Natural stone

Internal wall paint

Luppam (Birla/NCL Altech Putty) finished, Acrylic Emulsion Paint (Asian Paints)

External wall paint

Putty/Texture with external paint


RCC structure with designer steel and Glass composite railing

Plumbing and bathroom fixtures WCs; Bathtub; Tap/Other fittings

Toto/Kohler or equivalent make fixtures

Stainless steel sink

Single basin sink of Kaff or of equivalent make

Plumbing (internal and external)

All water supply lines in CPVC pipes & waste water lines in joint less composite pipes

Hot water

Solar hot water supply of 200 litres capacity included.

Water meter

Water meters are fitted into the house to meter the water consumption of each house


*Flooring as per the designer’s choice.

Doors and windows Entrance doors

Designer composite wooden door


Full height windows wherever required will be provided

Internal doors- bathrooms

Flush doors

External Doors and windows

UPVC/ Aluminum sliding doors

Iron Mongri

Of standard make

*Installing grills is not permitted over any villas, the glass provided is toughened glass with provision for intrusion security system.

Technology and Home Utilities Water supply Power supply (electrical and communication system) The wiring of the homes will be done with Finolex/ Polycab or equivalent make with Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) and Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) installed and Legrand or equivalent make switches. TV and Telephone points in the bedrooms and living room

Solar power system and hot water system Solar panels of 240 Wp capacity are designed in the overall layout to deliver 0.8 MW of energy (overall), a mild steel structural system is designed to support.

HVAC Air tunnel drafting using PVC pipes of standard make, with necessary dampers as per standard design along with necessary TFAs are provided. Also air conditioning unit of 4TR VRV technology is provided.

Rainwater harvesting system via trenches, Submersible pumps for borewells, Central water treatment plant and Water meters to check water usage at various levels.

Utilities and services Overall Security system, Sewage treatment plants, CC roads, Government grid or Generator power back up system with Power metering done at various levels to keep a check on the energy usage. Also a Bio gas unit with a bio gas generator is provided.

Animal husbandry unit  A dairy unit, Goat and sheep shelter, Horse stable, Fodder storage

areas and Quarantine rooms for the same are provided.  A store, Garage and Vet Medicine storage room is provided. *all farm animals will be specifically of the local variety in accordance with the Naandi central theme of being indigenous (good for health). *The upkeep and care for the animals will be under the developer until the handover of the project.

Sewage treatment plant A bio sewage treatment plant- DEWATS, of capacity 1KLD is installed in each villa to treat the waste water from the homes.

Automation Security of the home being of paramount importance, the home is equipped for appliances like a Video door phone, Close circuit cameras, bio-metric lock to the main door and intrusion alarm systems. (Appliances at additional costs)

Amenities Organic store, Organic café, Administration office along with the estate manager’s quarters and farmer’s stay and toilets.

Health club  Tennis courts, Croquet court, volley ball court and a 25M long bio

pool with a adjoining kid’s pool and deck space.  The pool is also complemented with shower rooms and changing

Personal farming yard Vegetables beds to grow vegetables, Flower beds, and Herbal plantations will be designed into the landscape. Fruit trees and soft scapes similarly blended in the landscape to enhance the aesthetics of the home.

Naandi Utilities Infrastructure A drip Irrigation system, Nursery to manage saplings, optimally designed street lighting, raised beds for vegetables, Palm tree plantations, fruit trees and forest trees on the edges

   

areas. An Indoor Gym, Indoor badminton court and an Indoor multipurpose hall are provided. An Alfresco dining space with an attached bulk Kitchen, outdoor cooking facilities and outdoor party lawns are provided. Twin and Single Spa rooms with a Salon and Health store space. A mini theatre with state of the Art facilities and a tot-lot area to entertain all age groups is provided. *The community hall, Outdoor party spaces, spa, Cottages, media room are pay and use.

Micro Grid To monitor and share power within community

Power Need The entire community is powered by solar energy with each villa having dedicated panels at the top to take care of all the energy needs. All these are connected to a micro grid to monitor and share power within the community.

TVs Lighting Refrigerators Air Conditioning A total of

0.8 MW captive power generation distributed through a micro-grid Hyderabad, India

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Fully Airconditioned farm villas

Energy Let the clean air blow the cobwebs from the body. Air is medicine. - Lillian Russell

The Technology Introducing homes that “breathe”

Organo - Powered by self-reliant solar energy Truly sustainable and self-reliant alternate energy source designed to meet the community's requirements

Human activity is overloading earth’s atmosphere with carbon-dioxide and other global warming emissions, which trap heat, steadily drive up the planet’s temperature and create significant and harmful impacts on our health, overall climate and environment, and electricity production accounts for majority of these harmful emissions. Organo employs a self-reliant 100% net-zero community renewable energy source designed to meet the community’s loads. Completely powered by solar

panels of top quality and German made inverters all the energy required by the community is, in fact, produced on site, thereby reducing transmission loss and load on the grid. Alternative energy sources like solar energy have a host of social, environmental and economic benefits. They are truly sustainable and have no negative environmental impact as they have little or no net carbon or other green-house gas emissions. They don’t deplete natural resources and in fact, protect air land and

water. Organo’s Naandi greatly benefits from this greeninitiative. All the infrastructure at Organo’s Naandi - the living spaces, the pumps for the borewells, the cattle sheds, the health facilities etc. - are powered by solar panels installed for benchmark capacity over their respective roofs with a minimum power back-up wherever required. The entire system is also connected in a micro-grid for maximizing its efficiency. This will enable each facility to not

only use power produced through its own roof installations, but also borrow from the micro-grid that connects all the solar installations whenever required. If the power produced by the entire energy infrastructure is higher than the power required by the layout, the energy management committee would trade the excess energy to the government electricity board on pro-rata basis. The returns from the same would go to Organo fund.

Earthen Tunnel Draft Being a farming project, lands are irrigated hence; will have reduced temperatures below 2mts. This thermal condition is exploited xploited using Tunnel T Draft mechanism wherein the fresh air will be drawn around Oxygen generating vegetation and driven T necessary into the building through Tunnel draft after necessary filtrations. This technique can reduce temperature by as much 0 as 5C.





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Living digital, Living smart

Smart Digital Control of Residence The house is automated to control all electro mechanical gadgets along with lighting to optimize energy demand and convenience. This controls two-way electricity meters as well as water meters along with irrigation based on the climate.

Presenting Organic Homes in India's first sustainable, Organic, Collective Farming Commune. Digitally control and optimize the energy usage of the house

Welcome to Organo: More than 90% of green Lung-space. Homes that breathe with fresh oxygen from Neem Trees. Solar Energy delivering green power. Natural Airconditioners. Discover healthy bliss.

Just call us for a Farm Tour. Today.

Call: 8688 02 02 02

Get organic milk everyday from your own farm.

50 kgs of fresh organic fruits and vegetables - every month for a whole lifetime.

Pure. Organic honey. feel the rich, sweet taste.

Discover the joy of being an organic farmer without the struggle.

Professionally managed farms by a team of organic experts.

An array of medicinal plants. and herbs.

Bring home a range of divine flowers: Marigolds, Roses, Hibiscus and more. Hyderabad, India

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A sustainable organic community for all ages

A community with abundant ground water source replenished perennially

The community adopts a sustainable method of water supply using Hydro Pneumatic Pumps to meet the desired pressure levels, which consumes less energy than the traditional system. We also have water tanks on top of all villas as an alternative to the Hydro pneumatic pumps. This apart, all the water fixtures in the villas are green rated efficient flow fixtures.

A sustainable water management system makes Organo water independent

Water is the most important basic need for any habitation to exist and is a precious resource. According to Commission on Sustainable Development, less than 1% of the Earth’s fresh water is readily accessible for human use, which equates to only one teaspoon of water out of a full bathtub. Hence, understanding the earth’s natural water cycle and the land’s watershed are the keys to sustainable water management. Organo’s Naandi employs effective watershed measures to enhance the catchment areas and conservative water usage at all levels with the help of latest technologies. The farm is designed to be water independent. All water systems are designed based on the rain water available in Hyderabad every year. Four Waters Concept: An interdisciplinary approach ‘Four Waters Concept’, developed by Mr. T.

Hanumantha Rao, a retired Engineer in Chief, from Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Dept., is adopted in the core design of the farm. The concept was extremely successful in countering drought and averting people migration in China. Scientific methods are used to calculate the sizes and placement of the storm water trenches that channelize the water falling on the site in a controlled way without any soil erosion. Irrigation is done with drip irrigation mechanism controlled with solenoids and computerized farm automation. This apart, water conservation techniques practiced at Organo reduces water requirement of the farm by about 50%. These techniques include… • Live mulch, garden waste and coconut waste covering layers of earth • Soil breeding-live organic mulch as a continuous farm cover • Active farm land manure from the animal husbandry unit

Central Treatment Plant Grey Water from the home

Primary Treatment Gravity system Rain Water Recharge Pits

Treated water directed to the farm land

Aerobic filter beds

People are the life of a community. It’s their collective like-mindedness and willingness to share and perform various responsibilities for everyone’s good is what makes a community lively and thriving. Their interactions within and with others, helping each other and sharing the small joys of life makes the community all the more successful.

At Organo's Naandi, people sustainability is at two levels. Firstly, there are mandatory responsibilities that the residents have to fulfill for smooth and effective functioning of the community and secondly, the social responsibilities. All the residents are thrust upon with key responsibilities that they need to pursue and play their part in day-to-day functions to make the community a better place.

This apart, they also need to play their part in making the society a better place. They are encouraged to take part in various social welfare activities. Apart from sustainable management of resources, Organo’s intent of promoting a soul of collective living is achieved only when the members participate in the community. The principal

resource, we as a society today possess above all else, is people. Organo recognizes the value of this resource and inspires its members to actively share their expertise, knowledge and time for active social enhancement or cultural progress of the community. Hyderabad, India

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The Amenities - Clubhouse An early morning jog. Inhale the evening breeze and indulge in al fresco dining. Sweat it out at the traditional outdoor gym. Refresh yourself with a soothing massage. A quiet moment contemplating the sunset. All accomplished without stepping out of the compound. Hyderabad, India

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Sweat it out at the Tennis and badminton courts

Work it out in a traditional outdoor gym

Indoor gym Onlooking the delightful aqua spaces, the fullyequipped air-conditioned indoor gym is your invitation to beat the stress and work every inch towards health and fitness. The delightful green nooks will only inspire you more. Enjoy a traditional Ayurvedic massage with out having to go out

Tennis & croquet courts Suit up in your sports gear and make your way to the new-age tennis and croquet courts. Stay fit and sporty with these gentlemen games and stay true to the British club culture.

Badminton court Yet another option to keep yourself high and active is the Badminton Court. On par with a professional setup, this wood-floored Badminton facility is a fine way to socialize with your friends and neighbors, and sweat it out a bit in the process.

Spa Discover new facets of relaxation and leisure with the revitalizing Ayurvedic massages at the Spa & Sauna centre and stay groomed to the brim at the well-equipped body care salon. Equipped with exclusive couple and single suits overlooking the green

area, the facility also houses an in-house product outlet to fulfill the all the needs without having to go out.

Outdoor gym If you prefer the fresh air during your work out sessions, there’s a traditional outdoor facility with earthen spaces and wooden apparatus inspired by Mallakhamb - an ancient Indian sport that can be traced back to 1135 AD. Else physical activity involved during farming itself can be a great exercise.

The state of the art gym overlooking the aqua spaces Hyderabad, India

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Alfresco Dining The Al fresco dining space is designed to cater to different age groups of the community with space shifting moods from peppy club to silent longue to party space to pool deck seating. It adds a lively and enjoyable dimension to dining and

Bio Pool gets you out of the house into the fresh, open air, encouraging a good appetite and an appreciation for the slower pace of life.

The party lawn & multi purpose hall overlooks the Bio-pool. The iconic clubhouse with the structural bamboo structure, has aqua spaces including a 25 M long lap pool. Hyderabad, India

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Galloping Goodness

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” These famous words of Sir Winston Churchill truly describe the significance of these beautiful and majestic animals to mankind. Since time immemorial, horses have been an integral part of our lives. Right from the time of Roman emperors to the Wild West cowboys, horseriding was a culture we left behind in the sands of time. They are now used in the pursuit of sport, leisure and recreation. Organo brings back the culture of horse-riding, the joy of building a relationship with an intelligent animal, the gush of excitement trusting the animal to whisk you away into the wild. But more than the exhilarating

We all enjoyed playing in the nature in our childhoods. It didn’t matter if we had a pristine patch of forest to play in or just a couple of vacant city lots. Either way, there were endless things to find, explore, capture, imagine, and play with. But the most important thing was that these places were right there, within our walking or biking distance. No car, no parent, and no schedule were needed to get outside and play in nature

Gift your kids the luxury of playing in open spaces

thrill that every ride offers, the benefits of horse-riding go beyond simple enjoyment - physically, mentally and emotionally. Riding a horse stimulates internal organs just as walking on foot does. This aids in liver function and digestion, and makes riding a great therapy option for those who want to burn calories. Many people find companionship and solace while working with their horse. The camaraderie of people who enjoy similar activities is also appealing. It’s fun to get together with friends for a horse-riding lesson or a short ride down the alley. Life is too short…live it, learn it and enjoy the ride.

But today things have changed. Children have lost touch with their roots. The finer joys of gazing at the stars or playing in the mud or climbing the trees to chase the birds away, have lost their charm to demon-bashing, speedcrushing videogames and carnage-filled, loudmouthed TV shows. Most importantly, accessibility to natural play areas, outdoors to be more specific, have practically vanished.

The Joy Of Childhood

It requires planning, commuting and above all great effort to make a child experience these simple things. Suddenly the world has shrunk for children, leaving them with very few options for fun and play. Give your kids the joy of chasing butterflies, in

reality not virtually. Give them a chance to marvel at the lilies hanging in bunches from gnarled branches and maybe discover a fossil or an insect. Gift your kids the privilege of playing in open spaces bigger than a parking lot. At Organo's Naandi, nature play is an everyday joy of childhood. The community has been designed to foster wonderful new ways for kids to play outdoors, such as natural play areas and tot lot that strike a fine balance between adventure play, creative play and leisure play, all encompassed in simple structures. Children are encouraged to take active part in farming so that they start appreciating the smell of the soil, connect to the roots and explore the

diverse gifts of the nature. This apart, there is an exclusive space for art/craft workshops for children to pursue their interests, learn and develop new things. A child’s mind is restless, inquisitive and willing to explore. No matter how playful and mischievous they are, they are also very stubborn. Especially when it comes to food. At Organo's Naandi, the biggest challenge for you will be is to get your children to appreciate organic food. Because at Organo's Naandi that’s what they are going to eat. By doing a few simple things, you can get them to start liking organic food. Start by giving them their own little space to cultivate, which you have

aplenty at Organo's Naandi. Provide them with harmless gardening tools to go about and make them feel important for what they are doing. That will get them more interested in growing things and be responsible for it. Decorate your garden and plant varieties that attract butterflies and beneficial insects. Blooming flowers and Butterflies can prove to be mesmerizing for children. Have a weekend family gardening activity that will make your kids inquisitive. Plant a tree or many trees and get your kids to do it with you. They will find the process of seeing a tree grow really cool. This way, you can do a lot of things that will amaze your children and make them understand the organic way of life. Hyderabad, India

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Organic Café & Store

Organic eating has gained widespread popularity, and the momentum continues to grow. Organic foods are grown without artificial nutrients, pesticides or other chemicals. Organic Café and Store introduces you to a healthy, yet nutrition-filled and tasty, food culture that will change the way you eat and drink. While the Café offers a diverse menu of delectable organic gourmet dishes in an authentic setting, the store brings you a fine selection of handpicked organic supplies that’ll keep your family healthy and happy.





Own an Organic Farm, an Organic Villa and a full fledged 35 acres of Organic Resort with a clubhouse shaped like a rice grain.

Own a full organic resort: 35 acres of organic farms. Spa. Meditation Centre, Indoor & Outdoor Games. Bio Swimming Pools. Al-fresco Dining. Horse Riding. Guest Rooms. Herbal Gardens. Forest Plantations. Organic vegetable and fruits orchards. Pebble walkways, Organic Store, Organic Cafe and so much more.

Just call us for a Farm Tour. Today.

Call: 8688 02 02 02

Farm Villas fully Designer Farm Villas powered by Solar Energy. Urban living in Rural No power cuts at all. settings. We call it: Rurban.

Fully air conditioned villas.

Large cinemascopic windows give you delightful views of the greens.

Every Farm Villa has a well manicured, massive kitchen garden.

Wind tunneling makes the farm villas naturally cooler by a few degrees.

The villas “breathe” with healthy oxygen from neem trees. Hyderabad, India

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A wholesome family holiday whenever you want it

For many modern-day working professionals, there has always been great excitement and enjoyment associated with “getting away from it all”. Today, the pace of life has intensified to such an extent that everyone craves, or rather needs that relaxation of the mind in terms of getting out of the current life, which is monotonous and stress-filled. Moreover, relaxation in the city means going out for a movie or going for dinner. And that too is a world of pain because of the rush and traffic. In that context, the idea of a weekend home or a vacation home can be a thoughtful addition to life.

vacations. They can play, learn and engage themselves with the right kind of activities and grow up in a more enriching environment. Born and raised in the bustling city milieu, you can have your children experience nature, fresh air and the freedom to roam and explore the open-air joys. In all, it can be an enriching outing that will teach them the values of respecting various aspects of life, staying grounded to their roots and evolving as better human beings.

Owning a plush villa at Organo's Naandi can be a rewarding experience in a lot of ways. As a family, you can indulge in fun farming activities during the weekends and relish the nature-bound journey that leaves you healthier and satisfied. It can be the place where your children can spend their summer and winter

It can be a perfect weekend hangout spot with your family or friends and even colleagues. Spend hours plucking fresh vegetables and fruits, feeding the cows, and even listening to the sounds of nature with a hot cup of organic tea. You can host your weekend activities, parties and stay-overs and revel in the joy of picturesque landscapes,

“Did you know that an average child learns more playing in nature than indoors.”

stunning sunsets and naturefilled magical encounters. It can be a fun-filled getaway that can charm all age groups. Simply sit back and relax over a glass of wine with your friends. Enjoy a game of chess by the poolside with your ‘young-at-heart’ dad. Watch your kids climb trees, run in lush organic fields and grow up. Take a dip in the swanky pool or marvel in a revitalizing massage and spend time with your best friend, yourself. Spend some quite moments with your wife gazing at the stars and reliving moments of the past. “Did you know that 37% kids at a normal weight have one or more cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar? Because even though factory food doesn’t necessarily make you fat, it does make you sick! The food industry taxes our health and mortgages our children’s future.” It can be a corporate guest house that will offer finest of

luxuries and pleasurable stay experiences for your employees and clients. Treat them to the best of hospitality and health in a unique, stylish and comfortable environment underlined by your personal touch of class. Guests can be enjoy the indulgences of staying in a natural and resort-like space, with a homely feel, and take back a basketful of organic fruits and memorable memories. With Organo, cracking biggest of deals can come naturally to you. At Organo’s Naandi, you simply trade all the grind of life with luxuries and simple pleasures of life.

A weekend home or a holiday retreat

A typical day in the life of a Bengalurian is strenuous. One can’t help think of the traffic, the potholes, the long commuting hours and above all, the hectic work life. Bengaluru’s high urban population percentage coupled with the highest traffic density in the country has left many longing for a life on the slow track. Organo presents a great reason to believe that there is a life waiting to be lived beyond cubicles, deadlines and the daily grind. Don’t let urban life jade your senses. Nourish your soul with the calming effect of the Organo life. Invest in a property that is untainted by civilization, where each villa is an island of calm surrounded by acres of lush and healthy farms, chirping birds and unadulterated air of rejuvenation. Where the

nature paints through sunset and you watch in delight. Where the earth smiles through fresh fruits and vegetables, and you relish in elation. Where you breakaway from the prison called routine and relax in an oasis of luxury. For high flying professions, owning a weekend or a vacation home and taking temporary escapades has become a way of life. Organo presents an incredible opportunity to not just own an enchanting new private retreat but also make a significant investment in the fastgrowing economic and real estate landscape of Hyderabad, the capital of India’s newest state, Telangana. All it takes is one pleasurable drive on the 4lane Hyderabad-Bengaluru

expressway and you are on your way to reclaim your life. The distinguished ecofriendly bamboo architecture and 35 acres of refreshing farms and greenscapes welcome you with open arms. While the birds sing a welcome song, you get to discover shades of life you never knew existed. While the luxuries of holistic and healthy living pamper your senses, you get to discover yourself like never before. A perfect 2nd home option, Organo's Naandi has been designed to offer umpteen delights to people of all ages. A fantastic way to slow down, breathe in, uplift your spirits and explore the various nuances of joy, from pure exhilaration to zen-like contentment. At the end of it all, you get to take home fresh organic fruits and

vegetables grown in your own farm, and also a multitude of memories to cherish and come back to. “Don’t ask why healthy food is expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap.” Hyderabad, India

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A haven for the NRIs. It’s like owning your own resort

The best gift you can give to your parents back in India. Stress-free, healthy Organic Living at Organo

Thousands of Indians immigrate to several countries across the world every year for lucrative jobs, higher education and a better lifestyle. As they inch closer to their goals, dreams become a reality propelling them onto the orbit of success. In an effort to leave behind all that they wished to escape in India, knowingly or unknowingly, they leave behind their biggest treasure their parents. If you are a NRI with parents residing in Hyderabad, here’s your biggest chance to show them that you care. Gift them the Organo life. The Organo life is a perfect for aged couples. As age progresses, senior citizens seek out to a sense of community and togetherness. More than the financial support, it is the emotional and physical support that they crave for. But then, not

all families are presented with such ideal situations. Today’s professions and lives demand a lot from people. Situations force them to stay independently and sacrifice the values of a typical Indian family system. For Indians living abroad, it is always a difficult decision to leave their loved ones behind, especially their aged parents. In most cases, it is the parents who refrain from leaving their ‘family’ home or their motherland with which they have an emotional attachment. It is mostly a sense of fear they develop at the very thought of living in a foreign land away from their comfort zone and doing things independently, unlike in India where you find help for everything. For all the NRIs who wish to give their parents a good, healthy and secured life in

Hyderabad, Organo can be a great option. An independent self-sustaining community filled with all the comforts and amenities, Organo will treat them to a life filled with activity, collaboration, mutual support, sharing and above all happiness. At Organo's Naandi, they will live as part of a close knit community that takes decisions together and supports each other. They can actively participate in various farming activates that happen in the farms, as a part of their daily physical exercise. They can go for morning and evening walks in a pollution free environment. They can pass their time by helping farmers in growing, plucking and storing vegetables or feeding the farm animals. They can access old memories sitting by the pond and watching the birds fly. They can cultivate new hobbies,

make new friends and live a holistic life. Living at Organo's Naandi only makes them younger. They get to breathe healthy, eat healthy, drink healthy and above all, live healthy. Because everything at Organo is organic. The friendly staff of Organo and their loving neighbors will ensure that they are well taken care of. All the villas have been designed to offer conveniences of the highest order. Everything from the vegetables to milk to organic supplies come home directly. All modern-day amenities like 24-hour security are provided to ensure that are safe and secure at all times. So, all that you need to do is sit back and watch their hearty smiles on Skype and envy the kind of healthy life they are leading.

Fresh air. Organic Vegetables & Fruits. Give your parents the gift of a stress-free living. Gardening. Rain dances. Yoga, Meditation, Spa. Long sunrise walks in the backyard. Watch as your parents turn into kids and have the fun of their life...bliss!

Just call us for a Farm Tour. Today.

Call: 8688 02 02 02

Farm Villas fully Designer Farm Villas powered by Solar Energy. Urban living in Rural No power cuts at all. settings. We call it: Rurban.

Fully air conditioned villas.

Large cinemascopic windows give you delightful views of the greens.

Every Farm Villa has a well manicured, massive kitchen garden.

Wind tunneling makes the farm villas naturally cooler by a few degrees.

The villas “breathe” with healthy oxygen from neem trees. Hyderabad, India

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Farm living for senior citizens

Farm living for working professionals

Air-conditioned cabins. Ultra luxurious suites in 5 star hotels. Business class travel. International holidays. Swanky duplex apartment with exclusive sun deck and terrace swimming pool. Roaring bank balance. Still, pulling the pants up and stepping into the muck, planting trees and picking up cow dung to make an organic syrup for the crops. That’s the truth behind Organic farming in the world today. Even the highly successful professionals are turning to Organic farming. In a world focused on technology and getting ahead at all costs, it might be time to look at life in a different way and focus on what's really important. That’s the reason why some individuals have taken it upon themselves to

transform their world into something completely different - learning to become more self-reliant, connecting with the earth, integrating skills from the "good old days" that many of us take for granted, and leading a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle. The last few years have witnessed several techies and professionals turning to agriculture.

Organo opens up brand new vistas for one to rediscover themselves and derive the satisfaction of contributing to a healthier and a more sustainable world. More than materialism, that is the way of life today. Farm living at Organo enables professionals to dwell deeper into your conscience and ask themselves fundamental questions such as “Have I found the harmony in life?”

connect with your innerself. Experience life from a grass root level. Learn to be selfdependent and help fellow citizens and other living species in the process. Growing life from the soil, feeding animals and looking into their innocent eyes, watching noisy birds fly into the sunset, sitting back and retrospecting life over a hot cup of organic tea…this is what life is made of.

“Did you know that 30% professionals today work from home in environments more conducive?”

One thing is clear: The consequences of not finding one’s purpose include chronic, lingering dissatisfaction; an absence of inner peace and a sense of not being fully in sync with your inner self. That's because your true inner self knows that your life purpose is out of sync with your outer life. It’s time you come to Organo and rediscover the

“Did you know that traditionally societies that have different social groups interacting with each other that are healthier?”

For such passionate individuals, Organo presents a great opportunity to experience the joy of farming. In fact, weekend farming can be that perfect antidote to all the toil and stress of the weekday. Life at

Turning younger with age. Being as active as before. Making new buddies and laughing with them over worldly matters. Taking occasional tea breaks. Taking up new hobbies such as fishing and cycling. Finding the energy to go on a romantic date like old times. Farm living can add a new dimension to life for people young at heart.

happiness. They can actively participate in various farming activities and keep themselves occupied. They can go for morning and evening walks in a pollution free environment. They can access old memories sitting by the pond and watching the birds fly. They can cultivate new hobbies, make new friends and live a holistic life.

Often in family, the older member’s life is restricted to taking care of grandchildren, watching TV, or going out for that occasional grocery item to the nearby store. After having led a very busy life in the past, they tend to feel dejected and nonrelevant, which is not good for their age. At Organo, they can have a life filled with activity, support, collaboration and above all,

“Did you know that the retirement age or age for choosing an alternate career averages at 50? Organo provides the ideal platform for the change” Living at Organo also makes them younger. They get to breathe healthy, eat healthy, drink healthy and above all, live healthy. Because everything at Organo is organic. Farm living might

just be the kind of deviation they are looking for to be happy and refreshed for the rest of their lives. 11.3 million - Number of seniors 65 and older who engage in exercise walking at least six times a year. Exercise walking is by far the most popular sports activity for seniors (and also for younger adults), followed by exercising with equipment, net fishing, camping, golf and swimming. “Did u know that many senior citizens are depressed due to lack of engaging activity or activity in the outdoors” The majority of senior citizens, whether working or retired, enjoy hobbies and social activities. Crafting, woodworking, dancing,

exercise, pets, travel and charity work are some of the preferred activities. Seniors come from all classes, all educational backgrounds. They run marathons, go to college, work at jobs, take dance classes, use online dating sites, play games on Facebook. Hyderabad, India

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Events at Organo As a community driven by the ethos of agro-culture and collective organic farming, Organo propagates the organic way of life, which is healthy and holistic. We at Organo believe in spreading the culture of organic living and increase awareness about the importance of staying connected to the nature and our roots. We organize events and activities that reflect this consciousness and empower people with knowledge, skills and connectivity to practice a healthier and organic way of life. Some of our widely popular activities and services include… Vegetable & Fruit Harvesting Organic Farming is a phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people across the globe. Millions of people from all sections of the society have taken to organic farming at various levels. Here’s your chance to experience the phenomenon first-hand yourself. Organo’s Vegetable & Fruit Harvesting event for enthusiasts like you to re-establish your connection with the nature. Be an Organic Farmer for a day and experience simple, yet forgotten, joys of life. Indulge in lots of unique behind-the-scenes farming tasks and be part of a journey that is as old as mankind itself.

Healthy Buffet Breakfast Organic eating has gained widespread popularity, and the momentum continues to grow faster than ever. Organic foods are grown without synthetic preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors and other artificial additives, growth hormones, antibiotics, hydrogenated oils, stabilizers and emulsifiers. Get yourself introduced to a healthy, yet nutrition-filled and tasty, food culture that will change the way you eat and drink. Organo’s Healthy Breakfast Buffet event is packed with all the goodness of organic food in a healthy and sumptuous treat for your entire family. Enjoy a huge spread of organic proteins, farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, salads and juices. Be amazed by the sheer joy of having healthy food in the midst of natural surrounding and gorgeous views.

Organic Farm Tour Take a rejuvenating stroll across the farm. Sow seeds and watch plants take life. Pluck fresh fruits off the tree and taste their juicy flavor. Feed the farm animals. There are many delightful things you can do at a farm. Organo invites you on a guided tour that connects you with farming and nature. A day at the farm is both a rich learning experience as well as a rejuvenating rendezvous with Mother Nature. Learn things as they happen. See how the farmers work and what goes behind growing vegetables and fruits. Get on a live demo with an organic farm expert. At the end of the tour, you get to feast on a natural and healthy organic buffet spread.

Organic Farm Tours for Schools We also undertake Organic Farm Tours for schools. Where the farm is the classroom, lab and livinglearning environment. We engage school children with various farming activities that offer a lot of scope to learn as well as have fun. We make them understand the environmental and social implications of organic farming on food production and consumption. At the end of the tour, we also treat them to a sumptuous healthy buffet spread.

Making Every Event Count

Off-site & On-site Organic Education Programs Organo offers Organic Education Programs for enthusiasts, groups, families, and children. This offers a great scope to learn more about organic farming, animal husbandry, apiculture, the benefits of organic food etc, through fun and engaging activities. Planned and conducted by organic farming experts and professionals, these programs include themed tours, expert sessions, hands-on workshops, live demos etc. These programs are often conducted on-site as that presents a more practical learning platform. But we also undertake these programs at gated communities, residential societies, community centers, educational institutions etc. Organic Fruits & Vegetables Home Delivery All the goodness of farm-fresh organic produce at your doorstep. Grown organically as a part of a healthy and sustainable agriculture system without any synthetic chemicals or pesticides, we offer a diverse selection of seasonal fruits and vegetables throughout the year. You can choose the type, size and frequency of your delivery, and we get them to you, fresh and juicy, anywhere in Hyderabad. All you need to do is call us at +91 99081 34843. Email: Host your celebrations Who says celebrations can’t be healthy? Host your private lunch and dinner parties in the picturesque and healthy environs of Organo. Give your guests a unique experience that they will remember for a long time. Set amidst the rugged, yet lush, grandeur of the organic farm, your little celebration will turn into the joy of a lifetime. We can provide farm-fresh organic food that blends perfectly well with the setting or you can arrange your own catering services, and we provide the kitchen space. A pot-luck can also be an exciting option as that promotes bonding and the joy of eating each other’s food. Either ways, hosting an event at Organo will be a decision you will always cherish. Hyderabad, India

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The Curators of Organic Change

Organo is the brainchild of The Navira Team. Navira: Founded and named after - Nagesh, Vijaya and Raj - directors of the FHD group, one of India’s leading design firms, was started with a shared vision to provide an alternative lifestyle to people today, a lifestyle that not only is technologically progressive but one which revives cultures and brings people together. Passion for 'change' in the society today as well as in the ways of the industry is the primordial force that pushed the team of Navira to start a group that can redefine the rules of the game. Also, having been in very close quarters to the construction industry and watching the growth spurt of Hyderabad, protecting the bio-conservation zone has been of paramount importance to the Navira team. Who then constituted the idea of a community of people to own it, enjoy living close to the elements, to create a force to protect it. Thus, Organo was born.

Nagesh Battula

Vijaya Durga

Rajendra Kumar

Nagesh who started and spearheaded the Fountainhead Design Group (FHD), is a natural learner and a self-taught leader. He has over 20 years of extensive experience in residential, commercial, hospitality, retail and luxury interiors projects. It was Nagesh’s vision to develop a project that would be sustainable and net-zero in its resource consumption.

With over 20 years of experience in the field of interior designing and as the head of the Interior design team at FHD, Vijaya has an eye for detail and a sensitivity towards color, fixtures and finishes, that let her take impeccable decisions on the spot. She shares the vigor to develop Organo as a highly productive yet aesthetically pleasing farming community.

Raj as we call him is not a definition driven person, which helped him design the marketing for India’s first sustainable collective farming community in the most non-traditional ways. Raj is the quarterback for our Marketing and Sales team driving it with passion and vigor. Raj’s vision for the project is far out and broadens very fast for everyone else to catch up.

Dr Syamasundar Reddy


Mathan Ramaiah

Dr G. Syamasundar Reddy, born and brought-up in a farming family, holds a doctoral degree in Plant Pathology from ANGRAU. He worked at IIIT, Hyderabad as a research faculty for more than a decade. He is a compassionate farmer and participatory farm researcher.

Dhamu, Director of Operations and head of the Architectural division for FHD has helped get critical design solutions right, without compromising on logistical efficiencies. Dhamu has over 11 years of experience in the field of architecture with several Master planning and large-scale architecture projects to his credit.

Mathan graduated from the Columbia University, New York. He has over 12 years of experience working in Indian and International firms, leading several award-winning Masterplans with special emphasis on passive and active sustainable strategies. He is passionately involved in the masterplan and public space design of Organo.

Rakesh Koti

Tejaswi Damaraju

An IIT Kharagpur graduate, Rakesh has a thirst for experimentation. Having a deep interest in the concepts of sustainable living and Appropriate Technologies for human development, he is responsible for Research & Development of new indigenous technologies.

Graduating from the JNTU School of Planning and Architecture, Tejaswi chose the alternative route to work in ‘sustainability’ in different social realms. She was a Grassroots Fellow, student at the ‘Auroville Earth institute’, worked with COSTFORD, Trivandrum and with BCIL, ZED, Bangalore.

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Organic Farm: #148 & 149, Aziz Nagar Panchayat, Through Yenkapalli Village, Moinabad, RR District, Hyderabad - 500 075, Telangana state, India.

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DISCLAIMER: All 3D visualisations are for demonstrations only.

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