5 minute read
Appendix 1
Engaging with Taranaki Iwi
The following provides a guide to how Taranaki Iwi will process applications and enquiries and gives an estimate of costs that may be involved.
Taranaki Iwi hapū and marae/pā are the tāngata whenua of this region and are kaitiaki of the natural world present in the rohe. Our involvement is required on the following activities:
Plan reviews and changes
• All changes and reviews (including private) to Regional Policy Statements and Plans
• All review and changes (including private) to District Plans
• All reviews and changes to Conservation Management Strategies, and management plans under either the Conservation Act or the Reserves Act.
Resource Consent Applications
• All coastal permits
• All discharge permits
• All water permits
• Any subdivision consent applied for within the Coastal Environment, within 5 km of the National Park Boundaries, within 500 m of a waterway or wetland, or that is within or includes an area or site of high landscape, ecological or cultural value.
• Any land use consent within the Coastal Environment, within 5 km of the National Park Boundaries, within 500 m of a waterway or wetland, or that is within or includes an area or site of high landscape, ecological or cultural value.
• Any concessions applied for under the Conservation Act
• Drilling and prospecting licences
• Non-statutory plans
In all cases, we expect early and honest engagement with applicants to ensure meaningful collaboration on towards a common goal. The level of Taranaki Iwi’s involvement in applications is heavily dependent on the nature of the proposed activity, its complexity, and the potential effects on the environment and Taranaki Iwi itself.
Consultation Process
Resource Consents and concession applications will be processed as they arise. The initial point of contact for any applicant should be with Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust who will ensure that the relevant marae/pā or hapū are involved. In some cases the applicant will be directed to engage with them directly.
Taranaki Iwi welcomes direct discussions between the applicant and ourselves prior to the lodging of an application with the relevant authority. Early engagement will allow both parties to work through the application in a collaborative and constructive way. Taranaki Iwi, hapū, marae/pā as an affected party, welcomes consultation with applicants even after their resource consent or concession application has been lodged with local authorities and DoC, but we note that this places time pressures on the process that often result in a less than satisfactory outcome for everyone. If the applicant is engaging with Taranaki Iwi prior to the lodging of their consent, the information we may require is provided in the consultation form. In all cases, we expect the applicant to have read this plan prior to contacting the Trust so they are aware of the position of Taranaki Iwi on specific matters.
As part of the consultation process, Taranaki Iwi operates a cost recovery mechanism on all resource consent applications, private plan changes and concessions we receive. This reflects the time and resources involved in processing resource consent applications and concessions.
In order to adequately recover the costs of processing all applications, Taranaki Iwi requires a processing fee be paid for each application we process. Please enquire with Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust as to current charges. The fee is payable by the applicant to the Trust prior to receiving the iwi’s formal response. This fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee an approved application. Once the Trust has received payment from the applicant, we can go through the application to begin processing it.
Applicants may apply for a reduced processing fee if they are small community organisations, student researchers, or where research can contribute to the knowledge base of Taranaki Iwi and/or the wider community. The applicant must apply in writing to the Trust detailing the need for this waiver.
Taranaki iwi may decline to process an application where the payment of this processing fee has not been agreed to. The Trust will follow this up with the consenting authority.
The cost outlined above will cover the standard procedures undertaken as part of our processing requirements:
• A meeting with Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust and or representatives of the relevant marae/pā or hapū;
• Assessing the application;
• Site visits;
• Wider iwi consultation;
• Discussions with the consenting authority regarding the application; and
• Responding with a formal letter.
The applicant needs to be aware of potential extra costs that may occur, depending on the nature of the application. If more time is required to process and/or respond to an application than that stated above (e.g. the application is large and requires a large amount of input, requires a Cultural Impact Assessment, or the attention of multiple staff members) the applicant will be charged at an hourly rate. Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust will inform the applicant of any such costs before incurring them. The Trust will inform the applicant if there is a requirement for a Cultural and Environmental Monitor. This will require a separate payment to the Cultural and Environmental Monitor, and may include travel costs.
For adequate review of an application and consideration for a formal response, Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust should be given appropriate time to process an application. An additional fee may be paid if an applicant wishes for their request to be processed urgently.
Taranaki Iwi: Consultation Form
Resource consent, private plan change or concession applications
Potential Environmental Effects
In detail, describe the actual and potential environmental effects resulting from this activity.
Will it be taking place near a waterway or the coast etc.?
If so where?
Applicant Details
Address Applicant Point of contact
Phone Mobile Email Date
Proposed Activity
Where (exactly) will the activity be taking place (please attach a map or draw in area provided)
What will be involved
How will it impact on water bodies, aquatic life?
Taranaki Iwi Environmental Management Plan
Please review Taiao, Taiora and consider your application against the relevant objectives and policies contained within that document.
Mitigation Measures
Please describe in detail the proposed measures that will be taken to mitigate, avoid or remedy the impact of the actual and potential impacts of the proposed activity.
Who will be involved
Will there be earthworks? If so how much?
I have read and understand the Taiao Taiora Taranaki Iwi Environmental Management Plan
Will this activity impact on native flora and fauna? If so, please describe.
(please tick) Yes No
If my application is within the coastal environment I have read and understand Tiaki Tangaroa ki Uta Tangaroa ki TaiCoastal Development Guidelines
Duration of the activity – start and finish date required
Will this activity involve discharges to the land, water or air?
(please tick) Yes No
Signing this document indicates to Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust that the information you have provided is true and accurate.
Is this a new application, or a renewal of an existing consent?
It is our principle to leave the environment in a better state than we found it in. How do you propose to do this in the context of your project?
Applicant’s name: