1 minute read
Taiao, Taiora
An Iwi Environmental Management Plan for the Taranaki Iwi Rohe
Papatūānuku – Atua of the earth, earth mother and wife of Ranginui – all living things originate from them
Ranginui – Atua of the sky and air husband of Papatūānuku, from which union originate all living things
Raranga – Traditional weaving using long strips of leaves
Rongo – Atua of the kūmara, cultivated food and peace
Rua – Cave
Rongoā – Traditional Māori Medicine
Tāne – Atua of the forests and all taonga and birds within Tangaroa ki Tai – Atua of the ocean and all taonga within. Coastal Marine Area and out to the Exclusive Economic Zone and to Hawaiki
Tangaroa ki Uta – Atua of waterbodies and all taonga within. Including the waterbodies flowing from Mounga Taranaki
Taonga – Treasure, anything prized - applied to anything considered to be of value including socially or culturally valuable objects, resources, phenomenon, ideas and techniques
Taranaki Iwi – The tribal grouping of Taranaki Iwi
Tauranga ika – Fishing grounds
Tauranga waka – Boat channels for launching and landing
Tāwhirimātea – Atua of air, light, wind, sky, cloud, rain, hail, snow and storms
Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust – The current authority of Taranaki Iwi
Tikanga – Recognised community practice
Whakaparapara – Natural composting and material used for fertilising
Whānau – Extended family grouping
Whatu – Traditional weaving of cloth
Whenua – Land