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Bright Beginnings, Brighter Futures

Semester 1B

Level A


Level A Semester 1B

Literacy Numeracy

General Awareness

Rhymes and Stories





Academic Authors: Melanie Grobler, Sonia Duggal, Roma Jain, Sangeeta Gupta, Anuj Gupta, Monika Jain

Creative Director: Bhavna Tripathi

Book Production: Sanjay Kumar Goel, Tauheed Danish, Amisha Gupta, Naveen Gauniyal

Project Lead: Pooja Gupta

VP, Learning: Abhishek Bhatnagar

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Book Title: Sunrise Semester 1B Level A

ISBN: 978-81-981609-9-7

Published by Uolo EdTech Private Limited

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Let’s Talk! The Toy Shop

teddy bear bus scooter


• Vocabulary and language development

• Stimulate conversation • Observation

• Cultural awareness



train blocks

doll house kitchen set kite


ini goat, with a grin so wide, Munches on grapes right by my side. says /g/-/g/-/g/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound


Hira the horse goes hop, hop, hop! He meets a hen on the hilltop. H says /h/-/h/-/h/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter Hh with different colours.

Paint your palm using a paintbrush. Then, press here to make your handprint. Say /h/-/h/-hand.


In India, lives an insect so sweet! She spills some ink on her tiny feet. I says /i/-/i/-/i/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter Ii with different colours.

Paste stickers of a few insects here. Say /i/-/i/-insect.

(Use the sticker sheet)



JJohnny Joker loves juice so sweet, In his jeep, he tours the street. J says /j/-/j/-/j/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter Jj with different colours.

Take the joker to the glass of juice by tracing the dotted lines. Say /j/-/j/-joker.


Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

king kettle

kKelly Kangaroo hops with glee, Flying kites and sipping tea.

K says /k/-/k/-/k/


• Letter recognition

• Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter Kk with different colours.

Match the kites which are the same. Say /k/-/k/-kite.



Trace the letter Ll with different colours.

ini monkey on a mat, unching mango, just like that! says /m/-/m/-/m/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter m with different colours.

Stick mangoes on the mango tree. (Use the sticker sheet) Say /m/-/m/-mango.


How many Ns do I see? N for nose, N for neck, N for necklace, N for net. N says /n/-/n/-/n/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound

Trace the letter Nn with different colours.

Dip your fingers in paint. Now, press your painted fingertips on each dot to make a necklace. Say /n/-/n/-necklace.

Objectives • Letter

Olly Ostrich and Oddy Ox, Eat oranges on the sea rocks. O says /o/-/o/-/o/


• Letter recognition • Association of the pictures with the letter sound


Trace the letter Oo with different colours.

Trace the dots to make oranges. Then, colour them. Say /o/-/o/-orange.

Objectives • Letter recognition • Association of the picture with the letter sound • Fine motor skills

Numbers 1 to 5

Count the birds and match them with the correct number.







Count the fingers and circle the correct number.


Numerical skills  Association


2 1 4 3 5 2

4 2 3 1 4 5 5 3 1


Count the objects and paste the correct number sticker.

(Use the sticker sheet)


Full and Empty

The bowl is full. The bowl is empty.

Colour the empty flower vase.



Do and Learn

The nest is empty. Make it full by pasting eggs in it.

(Use the sticker sheet)

See and say.

For the teacher

Encourage the children to see the baskets and repeat ‘empty’ and ‘full’ after you.


Hot and Cold

The ice cream is cold. The tea is hot.

Circle the hot things.




Visual discrimination

Do and Learn

Trace the dotted lines. Colour the picture.

What did you get? An ice cream! Is an ice cream hot, or cold?

See and say.

For the teacher

Encourage the children to see the pictures and repeat ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ after you.


Cheenu and Nicky

Cheenu and Nikky are brother and sister. Cheenu and Nikky enter a tent. They see a cheese cube there. Nikky quickly grabs it.

Nikky is in a naughty mood. She runs out with the cheese. Cheenu runs behind her.

Nikky runs up the tent and sits on its top. By the time Cheenu reaches there, she slides down from the other side.

There is a big hula hoop hanging from a tree. Nikky jumps on it and goes round and round. Poor Cheenu gets tired running after her.

Cheenu sits on a square shaped box. Nikky jumps and sits near him. She shares the cheese with Cheenu.

For the teacher

Nikky gives half the cheese to Cheenu. Nikky and Cheenu enjoy the cheese together.

Read out the story to the children. Encourage them to observe the pictures and talk about them. Focus on mathematical concepts such as shapes—tent (triangle), hula-hoop (circle), box (square/rectangle) and so on. Also, talk about bonds between siblings, sharing and caring.

To emphasise pre-number concepts through the story, the following questions can be asked:

1. How many rats are there in the story? What are their names?

2. How many pieces of cheese do they find?

3. Can you name something else that is round like the hula-hoop?

4. What is bigger—tent or box?

5. Do they share the cheese in the end?



Trace the circle with your finger.

We can see a circle in many things. Say their names.


I am a circle, I go round and round. All I do is Roll around. plate button doughnut bangle coin  Observation  Identification

Do and Learn

Trace the outline of the two hula hoops with different colours.


Eye-hand coordination

Fine motor skills



Trace the square with your finger. Colour the square.

I am a square, With all sides same. Turn me around, And I won’t change.

We can see a square in many things. Say their names.

square photo frame


carrom board handkerchief

Do and Learn

Trace the outline of the two squares with different colours.


Eye-hand coordination

Fine motor skill


The Upturned Turtle

See the pictures and listen to the story.

Titu turtle is playing near a river. He slips and falls on his back. He tries to turn around but can’t.

He shouts for help.

A duck comes to help. She can’t turn Titu around.

The duck comes with a rabbit. They try to turn Titu around but they can’t.

A frog is watching them. He gets an idea. He calls a baby elephant for help.

Baby elephant pushes Titu with his trunk. Titu turns around.

Titu is very happy. He thanks the baby elephant and all other animals.

For the teacher

Read out the story to the children. Encourage them to observe the pictures and talk about them. Tell them to count and say the number of animals in each picture. Also, talk about being helpful and thankful.


Count the animals and circle the correct number.

Say aloud 1 2 3 4 5

Objectives 2 2 4 5 3 1 3 3 4 5

Observation  Association  Identification

Count and colour the correct number.  Counting  Observation  Identification


3 2 4 5 3 4 2 3

General Awareness

My Home

See, listen and repeat.

We’ll show you our house

We’ll show it to you today. We’ll show it from outside On a bright and sunny day. We’ll show you all the rooms Where we eat, sleep and play.


• Listening • Speaking • Observation

Paste the missing parts of the picture. (Use the sticker sheet). Say their names.


How many doors and windows are there in your house?


• Identify parts of a house • Observation • Motor skills

A house has many rooms.

living room


Every house is different� All houses do not have all these rooms or things�

Name the rooms in your house�


• Awareness of the immediate environment

• Recognise and identify common objects


• Recognise and identify common objects • Matching

My School

This is my school. I learn new things in it. I have many friends. I love going to school.

We laugh and play, We jump all day. We draw. We sing. It is such a lovely thing. With friends, we share, In the field, we run.

I love my school, It is so much fun.


• Awareness of the immediate environment

• Rhythmic appreciation

Circle the activities you do in school.


• Observation • Recollection • Speaking

Circle the things you see in your classroom.


• Awareness of the immediate environment • Recognise and identify common objects

Places Around Us

Take me from my home to school by colouring the path. Say the names of the places you see on the way.



Name any four places you see on your way from home to school�







• Observation • Recognition • Speaking • Identification


Our Helpers

Here are some people who help us. Tick () the people you have seen.

police officer

What do these helpers use? Trace the path.


Name any three people who help you every day in school� Go and say to them, “Thank you for helping me!”


• Awareness of community helpers and their roles

• Fine motor skills

Colour Blue

I am blue colour. You see me in many things.

Colour the whale with blue colour.


• Identify the colour blue • Fine motor skills

Colour Green

I am green colour. You see me in many things.

Colour the tree with green colour.


• Identify the colour green • Fine motor skills

Match the pictures of the same colour.


• Identify the colours • Matching • Association

Colour the balloons in the same colour as their outlines.


• Observation • Association • Fine motor skills

Animals Around Us

See, listen and enjoy.

Tikku looks at himself in the mirror.

I have grown. Now, I can go out by myself.

Of course! You can go out on your own now! You are a big rat.

Bye Tikku! Take care of yourself and come back before dark.

Mummy and papa, I am grown now. I want to go and see more things.

Just be careful. Don’t go very far.

Bye mummy and papa! Don’t worry about me. I will be back soon.

Tikku comes out of his hole. He looks around. He can see many animals. Tell Tikku their names.


Say the names of the animals in the picture� Which animal will you like to keep at home as a pet?


• Identify animals in our surroundings

cat horse

Paste stickers of animals that live around us. Say their names.


• Identify animals in our surroundings • Matching

Match the animals which are the same.


• Identify animals in our surroundings

• Matching

Animals in the Wild

Tikku reaches a jungle. He sees many animals there. Some of them are very big. Tell Tikku their names.


Which animals have stripes on their bodies?


• Identify animals in the wild

• Observation

zebra bear
fox tiger


• Identification • Fine motor skills

Beautiful Birds

Tikku is in a garden now. He sees many birds there. Tell Tikku their names.


Name the bird that spreads its tail, feathers and dances�


• Identify the birds in our surroundings


Trace the path to match the same birds.


• Fine motor skill • General awareness

Insects Around Us

Tikku sees many insects in the garden. Tell Tikku their names.


What do we use to keep ourselves safe from mosquito bites?


• Identify the insects in our surroundings


Take the insects to the jar by drawing lines.


Name the insect that is red with black spots on its body�

For the teacher

Encourage the children to point at each picture and say its name. Assist them to do the activity.


• Identify insects

• Sorting

Trace and colour the insects.

Plants We See

Tikku sees many plants in the garden. Most of them have the same parts. Tell Tikku the names of the parts of this plant.

Green, green leaves

Up in the tree, Waving, swaying, Happily.

Green, green leaves

Up in the tree, Bringing joy

To you and me!


leaf fruit flower

Go to a garden with your parent/s and observe the plants there� Talk about their parts� See the different types of leaves that different plants have�


• Identify plants in our surroundings

• Exploration

Paste pictures of different parts of a plant (use the sticker sheet).


• Identify plants in our surroundings

• Exploration

Adi needs a haircut. People Who Help


My hair has grown. I need a haircut.

Adi goes to a tailor.

I am a tailor. I don’t cut hair. I stitch clothes.

Adi goes to a cobbler.

I am a cobbler. I don’t cut hair. I mend shoes.

Adi goes to a doctor.

I am a doctor. I don’t cut hair. I treat who are ill.

Adi goes to a barber.

Come, sit on this chair. I will cut your hair.

Adi is happy now. He has found the right person.

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk to them about different professions, especially what they may see commonly, like policemen, postmen, etc. You may ask these questions to check for understanding.

1. What does Bob need?

2. What does the tailor do?

3. What does the cobbler do?

4. Who does Bob meet after the cobbler?

Pat a Cake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.

Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it and pat it and mark it with T, And bake it in the oven for the teacher and me.

A Sailor Went to Sea

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea, To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see, Was the bottom of The deep blue sea, sea, sea.

Peggy’s Clothes

Peggy loves cheese. He eats cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

One day, Peggy dresses up for a party. He wears his favourite shirt and pants. Oh no! The clothes don’t fit. The buttons go pop, pop, pop!

The clothes don’t fit Peggy. He starts crying. Mummy comes in and hugs Peggy.

‘Oh Peggy! Don’t cry! Tell me what happened?’

My clothes don't fit, Mummy.

Mummy tells Peggy about healthy food.

Don't worry, Peggy. From tomorrow, we will eat other kinds of food also, like rice, chapati, dal, and vegetables.

Now, Peggy has a full plate of food. He eats everything. And one small slice of cheese!

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about the advantages of having healthy food through the story. You may ask these questions to check for understanding.

1. What does Peggy eat for all his meals?

2. What happens to Peggy’s clothes when he tries to wear them?

3. What kind of food does Peggy start eating later?

4. Why do his clothes start fitting him?

Bits of Paper

Bits of paper, Bits of paper, Lying on the floor, Lying on the floor. Make the place untidy, Make the place untidy, Pick them up, Throw them in the bin! Pick them up, Throw them in the bin!

Healthy Food

Healthy food is good for me, I eat it very happily. I eat it every single day, It keeps me fit in every way. Fruits and vegetables, I love to eat. They are my favourite, Healthy treat!

Sticker sheet for page no. 9

Sticker sheet for page no. 17

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Sticker sheet for page no. 25

Sticker sheet for page no. 61

Sticker sheet for page no. 71

About the Book

Sunrise is a comprehensive, NCF 2022-based Early Childhood Education program that lays a solid foundation for lifelong well-being and holistic growth, encompassing physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. This semester book has been designed to especially develop the learner's literacy and numeracy skills, their understanding and general awareness about the world around them, as well as their love for reading and listening comprehension skills.

Key Features

• Play-based learning activities, which promote holistic development of the child in all ECE domains

• School readiness, which is assured in the curriculum and learning design

• All-round development, in areas of physical, cognitive, cultural and socio-emotional domains

• Teacher assets, like assessment tools and lesson plans, to help maximise program quality and outcomes

About Uolo

Uolo partners with K-12 schools to provide technology-enabled learning programs. We believe that pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 15,000+ schools across India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

ISBN 978-81-981609-9-7 Not to be sold

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