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A strong and market-relevant R&D portfolio
Despite a high degree of competition for R&D funds, the Institute still continues to succeed in bringing home market-relevant R&D projects and in establishing R&D partnerships with Danish companies. In 2022, the Institute brought home a record-high amount of R&D grants from both national and international sources which will ensure the development of relevant knowledge and technology that can be converted into concrete solutions. Every time the Institute secures one euro in R&D funds, three euros are secured for the project partners.
R&D projects
EURm in R&D activities, including self-financing
Growth in the securing of R&D funds
Shows the external financing for Danish Technological Institute for in-progress R&D projects.
Major activity in Horizon Europe which benefits Danish companies
*The hit rate concerns the projects that the Institute has applied for in 2022
*The amount concerns the 16 projects the Institute has brought home from Horizon Europe in 2022
16 Projects
1,500 R&D partnerships
The group’s R&D partnerships consisting of Danish and international research institutions in a formalised partnership and companies that are part of co-financed R&D projects.
218 Danish research institutions
924 Companies
347 Foreign research institutions
Hitrate Hit rate for projects applied to*
23 EURm
Total budget for Danish partners**