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Danish Technological
Institute is in the Top 10 of most attractive places to work in Denmark
Employees are a critical factor in the Institute’s work and its ability to serve the Danish business community with professional expertise and the future’s technological solutions. Therefore, there is a major focus on attracting, retaining and developing skilled employees who can help equip Danish companies to address the domestic and international challenges. Employees perceive Danish Technological Institute is a company that is making a difference and which offers exciting professional challenges with room for personal development.
World-class employees
Most attractive place to work
In 2022, the Institute was named the 10th. most attractive workplace in Ingeniøren’s (a Danish engineering magazine) image survey. The survey was based on responses from 6,395 students and graduates working with engineering science, natural science and IT.
195 Newly hired employees
85% A high degree of employee satisfaction
The total employee evaluation is based on responses from 904 employees which represent 91% of the Institute’s workforce.
Source: The Institute’s employee satisfaction survey