WCF free tutorial

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Introduction to WCF WCF (windows communication foundation)

WCF is a technology used to implement “service acierated architecture programming” (SOA programming) •To understand SOA programming we need to look into the history of programming languages. •The era of 1990’s started with structured oriented programming •In structured oriented programming the code was written in the form of functions like, Int add (int x, int y) { … } Int subtract (int x, inty) { … }

WCF Architecture

Service in WCF Service A service is a construct that exposes one/more end points with each end point exposing to one / more service operations services are logical encapsulation of self contained business functionality. Services are not classes / not components Difference between a service & component is services will enable to communicate among the heterogeneous applications where as components / packages will allow to communicate with in the homogeneous applications only. WCF WCF is designed to offer a manageable approach to distributed computing, interoperability with the support of service orientation. WCF simplifies development of connected applications through a new service oriented programming model. WCF includes serialization facilities that enable loose coupling & versioning and provides integration & interoperability with other services

Contracts in WCF Contracts A contract defines certain aspects of the service such as format & structure of the message etc. A contract is an agreement between client & service Contract describes the data, punitions their return types, parameters, etc to be communicated with the service Types of contracts in WCF •WCF supports 5 types of contracts •Data contracts •Operation contracts •Message contracts •Fault contracts •Service contracts

Hosting options with WCF services Hosting Services To make any WCF service as active that service most be hosted with in a runtime environment which creates the service and controls the life time of the service WCF services are designed to run on any windows process that supports managed code. •WCF services supports following types of hosting mechanisms / hosting options. •Hosting using console Applications / managed applications •Hosting within windows services •Hosting with IIS •Hosting with windows process activation service or activation domain. Hosing with console applications / managed application •WCF services can be hosted in any managed application •This is most flexible option and required least infrastructure and resources. •In this mechanism we embed the service with console applications and use the “service host” class to host our service •The services hosted in console applications can be from windows forms applications or WPF application •Hosting a WCF service with in the console application useful during the application development process

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