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Development, Aging and Regeneration
Prof. Lihi Adler-Abramovich
Prof. Adler-Abramovich is at the School of Dental Medicine, where she is a principal investigator and the head of the Laboratory of Bioinspired Materials and Nanotechnology. Dr. Adler-Abramovich studied biology at Tel Aviv University where she received both her M.Sc. ( summa cum laude ) and her Ph.D. She has been awarded numerous prestigious grants and prizes, including the ERC Starting Grant, ISF -Center for Excellence Grant and the Colton Foundation Scholarship. She has published in Nature
Bone regenerative medicine
Bone regeneration is a critical challenge in the treatment of fractures, bone loss due to tumor resection, and alveolar bone deficiencies
Approximately 2 .2 million bone graft procedures are performed annually worldwide . Despite significant progress in bone tissue engineering, there is an unmet need for patient-specific longlasting bone restoration . Dr Adler-Abramovich’s research in the Laboratory of Bioinspired Materials is focused on mimicking selfassembly processes that occur in nature, including biomineralization and the organization of short https://lihi13.wixsite.com/ lihi peptides and amino acids into ordered nanostructures We are a materials science laboratory with emphasis on organic chemistry and medical-biological applications . The group aims to develop customized supramolecular scaffolds that will promote personalized therapy for bone regenerative medicine, thus significantly advancing the fields of tissue engineering and materials science while offering a novel solution to a major healthcare issue
Nanotechnology , Nature Chemical Biology , Nature Communications , Nano Letters , ACS Nano and is the inventor of more than 10 patents.
Development, Aging and Regeneration
Prof. Ruth
Development of visual system in mammals
Prof. Ashery -Padan's research group focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that control the development of the visual system in mammals . The group established and employs transgenic mouse lines for state -of-the -art functional studies of genes in vivo . This is combined with gene -expression profiles using laser capture and single -cell sequencing, transcription https://asherypadanlab.com/ factor activity on target genes, and chromatin structure during development Her group studies ocular cell types generated from human stem cells to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying the differentiation of human lineages, and to model human diseases . The work is contributing to understanding the etiology of monogenic and complex retinal diseases, toward a better prediction of individuals' susceptibility and the design of stem cell-based models and future therapies for blinding diseases
Prof. Ashery -Padan is at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, a member of the Sagol School of Neuroscience and holds the Zucker– Sussman Chair for Glaucoma Research. Ashery -Padan completed her MSc and PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and her postdoctoral training at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. She is the recipient of the Alon Fellowship (VATAT), the Dan David Prize for Young Investigators, Teva Prize, and the E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the Blind Award. Prof. AsheryPadan heads the Yoran Institute for Human Genome Research.
Cytoarchitecture of the mature mouse retina - subset of retinal cell types are identified by immunostaining. Shaul Raviv, Ashery-Padan