1 minute read
Nervous System and Brain Disorders
Prof. Talma Hendler
Neuropsychiatry and NeuroModulation
The main research aim in the Hendler lab is to harness the brain for improving mental health, by examining emotional brain processing in healthy and diseased human states . They are approaching the problem by applying multi-scale brain imaging (fMRI, EEG and intracranial recording), ecological behavioral assessments and computational modeling . Prof Hendler is using innovative neuroimaging methods, and prospective large scale human studies to untangle cause from consequence in mental disorders with respect to traumatic stress, https://www.cbf-tlv.com /
Prof. Hendler, MD -PhD, is a member of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology in the Faculty of Medicine and at the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. She earned her PhD in SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, USA and her MD at Tel Aviv University. Hendler completed a psychiatry residency at the Sheba Medical Center. Dr Hendler is the founding director of the Sagol Brain Institute at the Tel -Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. She was a TAU representative at the I-CORE on Cognitive Neuroscience and was recently awarded the leading scientist voucher by the Flagship EU Program of the Human Brain Project. She is the inventor and chief medical scientist at GrayMatters Health.
Her team was the first in Israel to apply simultaneous recording of EEG/fMRI in humans, and the first in the world to perform a prospective study in humans showing that the amygdala is a vulnerability marker for traumatic stress psychopathology, developing and validating an fMRI-informed electrical fingerprint of the amygdala and applying it in self-neuromodulation (NueroFeedback ) for stress resilience