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Nervous System and Brain Disorders
Prof. Inna Slutsky
Plasticity and memory in Alzheimer’s disease
Prof. Slutsky’s research is focused on understanding the basic mechanisms that maintain synaptic plasticity and memory function and initiate memory dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Using highresolution optical imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology, Slutsky’s team focuses on identifying the mechanisms that initiate synaptic and cognitive impairments in common, late -onset AD Dr Slutsky and her team discovered how neuronal activity and sensory experience https://www.slutskylab.com / regulate molecular composition of amyloidbeta, the physiological role of amyloid -beta, the role of magnesium ion in cognitive enhancement and the molecular mechanism triggering synaptic hyperactivity at the earliest AD stages .
Prof. Slutsky, PhD, is the head of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the School of Medicine and a member of the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University. Prof. Slutsky completed her PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and post-doctoral studies at MIT. She is a member of the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) National Scientific Advisory Council, editorial member of eLife and Scientific Reports journals, and scientific committee member of the Israel Society of Neuroscience. Dr. Slutsky is a recipient of the MetLife Foundation Prize in Alzheimer’s research, Bernard Katz Prize in Neuroscience, the New Investigator Award in Alzheimer’s Disease from American Federation for Ageing Research, the Sieratzki Prize and the ERC Starting and Consolidator Awards. Prof. Slutksy is the President of the Israel Society for Neuroscience.