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Public Health Prof. Dani Cohen
Epidemiology of infectious diseases and vaccinology
Prof. Cohen’s research has contributed to the development of Shigella conjugate vaccines, which are currently the leading Shigella vaccine candidates Prof Cohen studies the immune response following natural exposure to Shigella species or vaccination with Shigella candidate vaccines . His group has developed immunological correlates of protection against shigellosis and are currently quantifying them in observational and vaccine studies facilitated by competitive grants, including support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .
Prof. Cohen, PhD, MPH, is at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in the School of Public Health, former head of the School of Public Health (TAU SPH) and the Chair of the Middle East Consortium for Infectious Diseases Surveillance (MECIDS). Prof. Cohen has served for many years on the National Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Infectious Diseases and is currently a member of working groups on the COVID -19 immunization program in Israel. Prof. Cohen is an appointed member of the WHO COVID -19 working group for selection of candidate vaccines for the WHO solidarity vaccine trial. He received several awards for outstanding contributions to research. https://en -med.tau.ac.il /profile/dancohen ,
A longstanding expertise developed by Prof Cohen and his group in Israel in different populations at risk for diarrheal diseases and shigellosis are currently applied in studies for young children in low - and middle - income countries severely affected by shigellosis . Prof. Cohen is involved in the preclinical development of a conjugate vaccine against brucellosis and in the performance of seroepidemiological studies of selected vaccine preventable diseases . TAU Faculty of Medicine