deu TELE-audiovision 1311

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Weltweit größte Digital TV Fachzeitschrift seit 1981

B 9318 E

Satellit OTT Smart TV IP/WebTV Streaming


I N T E R N AT I O N A L Firmenbericht


Ivan Horrocks verkündet stolz Zwei Millionen Haushalte erhalten ihr Satelliten-TV von Fibre Optic LNBs

Test Report


11-12 2013 Test Report

WORK Microwaves Handheld Satcom Test Source Ideale Lösung für präzise und zertifierte Meesungen

Jozsef Zsiman packt jedes Feature in einen sehr kleinen Receiver


Forum BSD

Marcos Benni führt erfolgreich seit 10 Jahren das größte brasilianische Digital TV Forum

Test Report


Chris Ward stellt einen ausgeklügelten Easy-to-UseReceiver vor


Test Report

AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby


für den Multi-Satelliten Empfang UND für jeden Internet TV Kanal der Welt

TELE-audiovision International t The World’s Larges gazine Ma de Tra TV l ita Dig since 1981

Alexander Wiese Publisher y HQ in Munich, German

Liebe Leser, lange Zeit war das Betriebszeit Linux das beliebteste

sowieso - ist sehr kurz in einer Zeit, in der ständig

Betriebssystem für Digital TV Receiver. Seit 2-3 Jahren

neue Techniken auf dem Markt erscheinen. Flexible

hören wir in der TELE-audiovision Redaktion immer

Softwarelösungen sind in so einem Fall die beste Lösung,

öfters vom Android System für Digital Receiver - nur:

aber auch das gilt mittlerweile für alle Betriebssysteme.

entsprechend ausgerüstete Receiver konnten wir bislang nur selten in einem Testbericht vorstellen.

Nach welchen Kriterien sollen sich also die Hersteller und anschließend die Endkunden entscheiden? Die Antwort

Und mittlerweile fragen wir uns, ob Digital Receiver

auf diese Frage erscheint unmöglich, es hängt vor allem


überhaupt einen

davon ab, was der Hersteller dem Endkunden anbieten

nennenswerten Marktanteil erreichen werden. Denn seit




will und was sich dieser wünscht. Dies vorherzusagen

kurzem taucht ein neues Betriebssystem immer öfters

wird immer aussichtsloser, aber eine Antwort ist sicher:

auf, das auf XBox basiert. In dieser TELE-audiovision

der Endbenutzer möchte eine möglichst intuitive und

Ausgabe stellen wir ein derartiges Gerät vor, dass uns

ergonomisch sinnvolle Bedienung bzw Menüführung.

so überzeugt hat, dass wir sogar einen TELE-audiovision Innovations Award vergeben konnten.

Hier können die Programmierer noch viel verbessern und die Menüführung kundenfreundlicher gestalten. Weches

Schon bei Android war klar, wohin die Entwicklung geht:

Betriebssystem letztlich im Receiver steckt, spielt dann

die komplette Integration aller verfügbaren Medien in

keine Rolle mehr.

einem einzigen Receiver. Uns scheint, dass das XBox System für diese Aufgabe besonders gut geeignet ist, aber diese Aussage kann man sofort einschränken: es sieht im Moment so aus. Das kann sich schnell wieder ändern. Ihr Alexander Wiese Der Lebenszyklus von Software - und der Hardware

Chefredakteur TELE-audiovision International

Address TELE-audiovision International, PO Box 1234, 85766 Munich-Ufg, GERMANY/EUROPE Editor-in-Chief Alexander Wiese, Letter to The Editor Published by TELE-audiovision Magazine GmbH, Aschheimer Weg 19, 85774 Munich-Ufg, GERMANY/EUROPE Design Németi Barna Attila Advertising or email to Hard Copy Subscription Hard Copy Subscription by Courier Service Send Order to Printer Printmedia Com Kft, Fehérvári út 120-124, 1116 Budapest, HUNGARY/EUROPE Copyright © 2013 by TELE-audiovision ISSN 2195-5433

TELE-satellite was established in 1981 and today is the oldest, largest and most-read digital tv trade magazine in the world. TELE-satellite is seen by more than 350,000 digital tv professionals around the world and is available both in printed form and online.

Redaktion TELE-audiovision, Postfach 1234, D-85766 München-Ufg Chefredakteur Alexander Wiese (verantwortlich) Anschrift wie Verlag Verlag TELE-audiovision Magazine GmbH, Aschheimer Weg 19, D-85774 Unterföhring Inhaber: Alexander Wiese, Verleger, Unterföhring Anzeigen Alexander Wiese (verantwortlich), Anschrift wie Verlag Abonnementverwaltung IPS Presseservice, Postfach 1211, D-53334 Meckenheim


AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby HDTV PVR Satellite Receiver with Media Center...................... 18


Deviser S7000 Multi Norm Professional Digital TV Signal Analyzer Part 2............... 34 AMIKO MINI HD Miniature DVB-S2 HDTV Receiver............................ 56


SPAUN SUS 5581 NFA, SUS 5581/33 NFA LEGACY, SUS 4441 F, SUS 4481 F, SUS 5541 F & SUS 5541 NFA Cascadable SCR Multiswitches................... 70

Icecrypt S3700CHD Triple Tuner PVR HDTV Satellite Receiver................ 80


WORK Microwave’s Handheld Satcom Test Source RF Signal Generator............................ 96 Global Readership of TELE-audiovision Magazine............... 12 AWARD Winning: Digital Receivers of 21st Century......... 116 AWARD Winning: Signal Analyzers of 21st Century......... 126 AWARD Winning: IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century.............................. 134 AWARD Winning: The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century.............................. 140 Feature: Self-made IPTV - Part 4...................... 146 Feature: Extensions to DVB-S2........................ 158 Digital Technology: New Developments............................ 162 8

Vitor’s Workshop Overview: How to get the most out of technology.............................. 168 Product Report: High-Frequency Filters Made by MFC.................................... 170 Company Report: Digital TV Internet Forum BSD, Brazil....................................... 178 Company Report: Fibre Optic Manufacturer GlobalInvacom, UK............................ 188 Company Report: Digital TV Wholesaler and Retailer ELNET, Iceland.................................. 204 Global Company Directory: The Decision Makers in Worldwide Digital TV Industry.......... 212

DXer Report: Siddharth Gautam in India.................. 224 Uplink Overview: Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations...... 230 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 1983................. 240 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 1993................. 242 TELE-audiovision History: TELE-audiovision in 2003................. 244 News: Ultra High Definition HDTV.... 248 WebTV Providers Around the World........................... 250 DTT of the World............................ 252 Satellites of the World................. 254

TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

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TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

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AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby Perfectly equipped receiver for multi satellite reception as well as for Internet TV reception from around the world

08-09/2009 Global Invacom Optical LNB The first worldwide optical satellite reception and transmission system

02-03/2012 AZBox ME Today‘s absolute best Linux Receiver 16 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



TBS Streaming Box MOI Offers a double-shot of innovation for the future of TV with its channel streaming and separation of hardware and software

11-12/2012 JIUZHOU DTP2100 Cutting-edge receiver thanks to Android operating system — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



HDTV PVR Satelliten Receiver mit Internet Mediazentrum

AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby

18 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• optimiert für die Benutzung aller Audio und Video Medien • ausgerüstet für alle Internet TV Standards • zwei Sat-ZF Eingänge für beliebige PVR Aufzeichnungen • alle DiSEqC-Protokolle integriert, dadurch bestens geeignet für den Einsatz an Drehanlagen • Riesenauswahl an Menü-Sprachen, damit einsatzbar in allen Ländern • kann perfekt auf das verwendete TV-Gerät angepaßt werden — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



HDTV PVR Satelliten Receiver mit Internet Mediazentrum

Ein Receiver voll toller Features Wer hätte das gedacht: Im Jahr 2002 begannen zwei findige Hobbyprogrammierer ein alternatives Betriebssystem, aufbauend auf der Spielekonsole Xbox aus dem Hause Microsoft, zu entwickeln und heute, 11 Jahre und viel Entwicklungsarbeit später, landet

bei uns im TELE-audiovisions Testcenter der erste Receiver Firma AB-COM, die genau auf dieser Software aufbaut. Natürlich hat sich in diesen 11 Jahren viel getan und das Xbox Mediacenter von damals hat nur mehr sehr rudimentär mit dem zu tun, was wir heute erleben.

11-12/2013 AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby Perfectly equipped receiver for multi satellite reception plus for all the worldwide Internet TV

Schließlich kam es nicht nur zu einem massiven Wandel bei der verwendeten Hardware, sondern es hatten dank GPL (General Public Licence) auch unzählige Programmierer die Möglichkeit, ihr Können unter Beweis zu stellen und das System stetig zu verbessern und zu erweitern. Tatsächlich hatten wir von der TELE-audiovision uns schon länger gefragt, wann denn der erste Hersteller den Schritt zu einem Receiver mit dem Xbox Mediacenter als Betriebssystem wagen würde. So hat es uns besonders gefreut, den neuen AB-COM Receiver zu testen. Schon beim Auspacken war klar, dass AB-COM mit der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby nicht nur in Puncto Software völlig neue Wege


20 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

gehen wollte, auch das Design ist modern und äußerst elegant. Das perfekt lesbare VFD Display sticht in einer Art Aufsatz aus dem in dezentem Grau gehaltenen Receiver hervor und verleiht ihm zusammen mit dem hintergrundbeleuchteten Standby Button ein regelrecht futuristisches Design. Hinter einer Klappe an der Frontseite hat AB-COM einen CI Slot zur Aufnahme aller gängigen Module sowie einen integrierten Kartenleser untergebracht. Perfekt ausgestattet präsentiert sich die Rückseite, diese wartet mit zwei Sat-ZF Eingängen, 3 RCA Buchsen für Stereo Audio und CVBS Video, einem optischen Digitalausgang, einer HDMI sowie RJ45 Buchse, einem USB Anschluss und natürlich

einer Buchse für das externe Netzteil auf. Richtig gut gefallen hat uns eine Klappe an der Unterseite des Receivers, die sich durch das Lösen einer Schraube öffnen lässt. Mit dem im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Einbaurahmen kann der Anwender hier eine 2.5“ SATA Festplatte in den Receiver integrieren. Apropos Lieferumfang: der beinhaltet das externe Netzteil mit Stromkabel, den Festplatteneinbaurahmen, ein HDMI Kabel sowie eine gut gemachte Erstinstallationsanleitung. Selbstverständlich darf natürlich auch eine Fernbedienung nicht fehlen und die hat es in sich: An der Oberseite hat der Hersteller nur die wichtigsten Tasten untergebracht und diese sogar teilweise doppelt belegt (z.B. die Zifferntasten). Das fördert die einfache Bedienung des Receivers und hat sich im Alltagseinsatz als praktisch erwiesen. An

der Rückseite der Fernbedienung findet der Besitzer dafür zum Ausgleich eine vollwertige Tastatur im Miniformat, die im Test ebenfalls überzeugen konnte. Generell liegt die Fernbedienung sehr gut in der Hand und wider Erwarten haben wir im Test kein einziges Mal versehentlich eine Taste der anderen Fernbedienungsseite betätigt. Zusammenfassend waren wir von der Verarbeitungsqualität und dem Design der neuen AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby begeistert und falls jemand mit Graphitgrau keine Freude haben sollte, so hat der Hersteller bereits angekündigt, dass es die Box auch in weiteren Gehäusefarben geben wird. Wie heute bei nahezu allen Receivern üblich geleitet auch bei der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby ein Er stinst allationsassistent den Besitzer durch die Anpassung des Receivers an

seine persönlichen Bedürfnisse. Besonders ins Auge gestochen ist uns dabei die OSD Sprachwahl, die mit 51 Einträgen für nahezu jeden Anwender die passende OSD Anzeige bieten sollte. Gefreut hat uns auch, dass der neue AB-COM Receiver FULL HD tauglich ist und somit eine Videosignalauflösung von 1920x1080P unterstützt. Kennen auch Sie das lästige Problem, dass so mancher Receiver das Videosignal etwas zu groß oder zu klein für den heimischen Fernseher oder Beamer anzeigt? Wenn ja, dann wird es Sie freuen zu hören, dass die neue AB IPBox im Rahmen der Erstinstallation eine Overscan Anpassung bietet und Sie somit die Bildausgabe individuell an ihren Fernseher angleichen können. Für unseren Test war das auf jeden Fall schon mal ein dicker Pluspunkt! Im nächsten Schritt geht es gleich weiter mit der Adaption des Receivers an die verwendete Satellitenempfangsanlage, hierfür stehen sämtliche DiSEqC Protokolle (also 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 und 1.3)

zur Auswahl bereit ebenso wie SCR Einkabellösungen unterstützt werden. Insgesamt 108 europäische, asiatische und amerikanische Satelliten hat der neue ABCOM Receiver vorprogrammiert und das zu unserer großen Freude mit relativ aktuellen Transponderdaten. Jeder Satellit, der vom Receiver empfangen werden soll, muss einzeln aktiviert und konfiguriert werden. Kommt eine Multifeed Anlage mit drei oder vier empfangbaren Satelliten zum Einsatz so macht das richtig Sinn und ist auch sehr praktisch; im Fall einer DiSEqC Drehanlage mit z.B. 40 empfangbaren Satelliten wird es hingegen mühsam. Auf jeden Fall aber hat es uns gefreut zu sehen, dass alle Einträge wirklich vollständig und individuell (z.B. durch die manuelle LOF Eingabe) angepasst werden können. Abschließend sei zu den Satelliteneinstellungen noch erwähnt, dass die AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby auch die Wiederholung von DiSEqC Kommandos unterstützt, ein Feature, das gerade — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志







dann besonders praktisch ist, wenn mehrere Multischalter nacheinander angesteuert werden müssen. Im nächsten Schritt der Erstinstallation folgt der automatische Suchlauf, der erfreulicherweise für alle oder einzeln wählbare Satelliten in den Modi FTA und CAS, nur-FTA oder nur-CAS sowie mit und ohne Netzwerksuche durchgeführt werden kann. In etwas mehr als vier Minuten förderte die AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby so insgesamt 1452 TV- und 250 Radioprogramme auf dem HOTBIRD 13° Ost zu Tage. Zum Abschluss der Erstinstallation muss sich der Besitzer noch mit dem Thema Zeiteinstellung befassen. Hier bietet der neue AB-COM Receiver ein ganz besonderes Feature, näm-

22 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

1. Erstinstallation - Sprachwahl 2. Mit 51 Einträgen ist die Liste der unterstützten OSD Sprachen sehr vielfältig 3. Erstinstallation - Videoausga ngssignaleinstellungen 4. Overscan Anpassung 5. Auch die Position der Untertitelanzeige lässt sich individuell festlegen 6. Pixelverhältnisanpassung 7. Erstinstallation - Videoausga ngssignaleinstellungen 8. Antenneneinstellungen – sämtliche DiSEqC Protokolle werden unterstützt 9. Die Eingabe kann entweder mittels OSD Tastatur oder einer der beiden Fernbedienungen erfolgen 10. DiSEqC 1.3 Einstellungen 11. Die vorprogrammierte Satellitenliste enthält 108 Einträge 12. Jeder zum Empfang gewünschte Satellit muss manuell hinzugefügt werden 13. Satelliteneinstellungen 14. Kanalsuchlaufeinstellungen 15. Kanalsuchlauf auf dem HOTBIRD 13° Ost










15 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


16 6 16. Zeiteinstellungen 17. Am Ende der Erstinstallation zeigt die AB IPBox eine Übersicht der gewählten Einstellungen an 18. Kanalliste 19. Die Kanalliste kann auf einzelne Satelliten, Favoritenlisten oder Verschlüsselungssysteme beschränkt werden 20. Anzeige der belegten Tasten und deren Funktion innerhalb der Kanalliste 21. Bearbeiten der Kanalliste 22. Hauptmenü der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby 23. Manueller Kanalsuchlauf 24. Spracheinstellungen









24 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —





lich die manuelle Auswahl jenes Senders, von dem der Receiver das Zeitsignal zukünftig erfassen soll. Jene unserer Leser, die häufig Signale außerhalb der großen DTH Positionen bzw. Feeds empfangen, kennen das Problem sicher: Ehe man es sich versieht ist die Zeiteinstellung falsch und eine geplante Timeraufnahme kann nicht mehr richtig durchgeführt werden. Das alles ist aber kein Problem für die AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby, Sie wählen einfach einen Sender von dem Sie genau

det er sich auf den ersten Blick erstmal überhaupt nicht von jedem anderen, gewöhnlichen Receiver. Wie üblich öffnet ein Druck auf die OK Taste die Kanalliste, die mit nur einem weiteren Tastendruck auf einzelne Satelliten, Favoritenlisten oder Verschlüsselungssysteme beschränkt werden kann. Ebenso einfach lässt sich die alphabeti25. Jugendschutzeinstellungen 26. Aufnahmeeinstellungen 27. Netzwerkeinstellungen 28. Suche nach verfügbaren WiFi Netzen


29. Festplatteneinstellungen 30. Diverse Einstellungen – hier lässt sich der Deep Standby aktivieren bzw. deaktivieren 31. Infoleiste mit dem Titel der

wissen, dass dessen Zeitsignal korrekt ist und fortan wird es die Box nur noch über diesen einen Sender aktualisieren. Auch wenn der neue ABCOM Receiver mit dem Xbox Mediacenter als Betriebssystem läuft so unterschei26 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

aktuellen Sendung 32. Erweiterte EPG Informationen 33. Auswahl von Videoformat und Tonspur 34. EPG 35. Aus dem EPG kann mit nur einem Tastendruck direkt ein Timereintrag erstellt werden 36. EPG Suche 37. EPG – Bei populären Sendern zeigt der Receiver automatisch auch das Senderlogo an 38. Favoritengruppen 39. On Screen Hilfe










39 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



40. On Screen Hilfe 41. Infoleiste – derzeit sind zwei Aufnahmen aktiv 42. Beenden von Aufnahmen 43. Übersicht der bereits aufgezeichneten Sendungen 44. Hauptmenüpunkt „Media“ 45. Wettervorhersage mit Satellitenbild 46. Diverse Add-ons wie z.B. ein IRC Chat stehen zum Download bereit 47. WhatTheMovie Add-on 48. Xbox Mediacenter Einstellungen









28 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

49 6



sche Sortierung aktivieren, auf Wunsch wandern sogar die HD Sender rasch an die vorderste Stelle. Gerade beim Einsatz einer drehbaren Satellitenantenne ist die Kanalliste nach dem Suchlauf sicherlich mit hunderten, wenn nicht tausenden Sendern vollgestopft – Zeit also, hier rasch für etwas Ordnung zu sorgen. Dank der cleveren Menüführung der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby genügt hierfür ein Druck auf die i-Taste und schon stehen sämtliche Bea r b e i t u n g s m ö g l i c h ke i t e n wie löschen, verschieben, umbenennen oder mit einem PIN Code sperren zur Auswahl bereit. Gut gefallen hat uns in diesem Zusam-

menhang auch, dass die Box auf Wunsch eine Funktionsbeschreibung der einzelnen Tasten einblendet, so dass der Anwender jederzeit über alle verfügbaren Funktionen im Bilde ist. Was wäre ein moderner PVR Receiver ohne EPG? Klar, dass AB-COM natürlich auch daran gedacht und eine vorbildlich gestaltete, elektronische Programmzeitschrift integriert hat. Von 8 Sendern gleichzeitig stellt diese das aktuelle und folgende Programm der nächsten 7 Tage dar, sofern der Programmanbieter diese Informationen auch übermittelt. Ein nettes Detail am Rande: Bei besonders populären Sendern blendet die

49. Dateimanager

56. Bildbetrachter 57. Der integrierte Musikplayer unterstützt alle gängigen Audioformate 58. Der Zugriff auf Medien kann nicht nur lokal, sondern auch via Netzwerk (z.B. UPnP) erfolgen 59. Anzeige der im Netzwerk verfügbaren UPnP Server 60. Wiedergabe von Mediadateien via Netzwerk 61. Zugriff auf die Mediathek von Greenpeace 62. Auch auf den Musikdienst Soundcloud bietet die AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby Zugriff

50. Die Add-ons enthalten eine Sammlung unterschiedlichster Add-ons aus den Bereichen Musik, Video, Programme, Dienstprogramme, Untertitel und Bilder 51. Flickr Add-on 52. Untertitel Add-on 53. Apple iTunes Podcast Add-on 54. Auch die Mediatheken verschiedener TV-Sender stehen zum Aufruf bereit 55. Vimeo Add-on





30 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

58 Box im EPG und in der Infoleiste sogar das Senderlogo ein! Dank der automatischen EPG Grabber Funktion stehen dem Anwender auch die EPG Daten jener Sender jederzeit zur Verfügung, die er gerade nicht empfängt. Zu einer frei definierbaren Zeit aktiviert sich der Receiver automatisch und der EPG Grabber ruft einen Sender nach dem anderen (welche genau lässt sich individuell festlegen) auf und sichert dessen EPG Daten im internen Speicher. Dadurch steht dem Anwender auch eine Suchfunktion innerhalb des EPG zur Verfügung, mit der er nach seinen Lieblingssendungen oder Lieblingsschauspielern Ausschau halten kann. Dass direkt aus dem EPG Timereinträge erstellt werden können ist ohnehin eine Selbstverständlichkeit und sei nur am Rande erwähnt. Die nach jedem Kanalwechsel eingeblendete Infoleiste enthält neben dem Senderlogo und dem Kanalnamen auch stets den Titel des aktuellen Programms. Mittels mehrerer Symbole kann der Anwender direkt aus ihr die Untertitel- und

Sprachwahl sowie den integrierten OSD Teletext Decoder aufrufen. Auch das Starten und Stoppen von Aufnahmen ist entweder mittels eigener Symbole in der Infoleiste möglich, oder der Besitzer greift auf die entsprechenden Funktionstasten der Fernbedienung zurück. Dank des in seiner Größe frei wählbaren Timeshift Zwischenspeichers bringt Sie zukünftig auch ein unerwarteter Besuch oder Telefonanruf nicht mehr aus der Ruhe, das aktuelle Programm wird einfach angehalten und zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt wieder fortgesetzt. Die PVR Funktion erlaubt übrigens maximal zwei Aufnahmen gleichzeitig während ein drittes Programm im Timeshift Zwischenspeicher landet – prima! An der Bild- und Tonqualität der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby gab es im Test absolut nichts auszusetzen, auch die Kanalumschaltgeschwindigkeit ist mit etwa einer Sekunde ausreichend schnell. Der von AB-COM verbaute Tuner erwies sich in unserem Praxistest als eingangsempfindlich und






62 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


hatte weder mit schwachen noch besonders schmalbandigen SCPC Signalen ein Problem. Konkret griffen wir dazu auf Signale des BADR 26° Ost und TURKSAT 42° Ost zurück. Die verwendete PNX8496-1250DMIPS CPU mit 4 GB NAND Flash sowie 4GB DRAM ist ausreichend dimensioniert, so dass der Receiver jederzeit zügig auf Fernbedienungsbefehle reagieren konnte und selbstverständlich auch bei der Wiedergabe hochauflösender Inhalte keine Probleme hatte. Das auf Linux basierte Xbox Mediacenter wurde von AB-COM perfekt auf die verwendete Hardware abgestimmt, so dass der neue Receiver einen richtig runden und damit positiven Eindruck bei uns hinterließ. Über das Hauptmenü der AB IPBox werden im Bereich Einstellungen im wesentlichen nur jene Auswahlmöglichkeiten nochmals einzeln zugänglich gemacht, die der Anwender bereits im Rahmen der Erstinstallation durchlaufen hat. Hinzu kommen hier lediglich noch der manuelle Kanalsuchlauf, die

Möglichkeit, Satelliten- und Transpondereinträge zu bearbeiten sowie die Netzwerkeinstellungen. Hier hat uns besonders gut gefallen, dass der Receiver bereits einen WiFi Empfänger an Board hat und dadurch ganz ohne lästiges Anstecken irgendwelcher WiFi Dongles sofort eine drahtlose Verbindung mit dem heimischen Router aufbauen kann. Nicht minder praktisch ist die automatische und frei wählbare Vor- und Nachlaufzeit von Aufnahmen, so fehlt garantiert nichts mehr von Ihrer Lieblingssendung, falls der Programmanbieter sich mal wieder nicht an die vorgegebenen Sendezeiten hält. Wer Energie sparen möchte, der kann die Deep Standby Funktion aktivieren. In dieser verbraucht der Receiver fast keine Energie, dafür dauert es aber auch rund 80 Sekunden, bis er wieder einsatzbereit ist. Was wäre das Xbox Mediacenter ohne die vielfältigen Multimediafeatures, die diese Software dem Anwender zur Verfügung

stellt? Problemlos konnten wir im Test nicht nur Musik in den Formaten MIDI, AIFF, WAV/WAVE, MP2, MP3, AAC, AACplus, AC3, DTS, ALAC, AMR sowie WMA wiedergeben, sondern es steht auch im Videobereich mit AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, FLV, QuickTime, MP4, VOB, DivX, WEBM und RealMedia eine nicht minder repräsentative Auswahl an unterstützten Formaten bereit. Auch der Bildbetrachter glänzt mit Unterstützung von BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG und TIFF. Egal ob Sie also Ihre AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby als Jukebox einsetzen möchten oder lieber Internetvideos sehen bzw. Ihren Freunden und Bekannten die letzten Urlaubsfotos zeigen möchten, Sie sind mit dem neuen AB-COM Receiver stets auf der sicheren Seite. Und das übrigens nicht nur mit lokal verfügbaren Medien, denn schließlich unterstützt das Xbox Mediacenter auch folgende Netzwerkprotokolle: UPnP, NFS, SMB/SAMBA/CIFS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, RTSP sowie TCP, UDP, SFTP und

32 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

RTP. Somit bietet es auf nahezu alles Zugriff, was sich irgendwie durch ein Netzwerkkabel quetschen lässt. In unserem Praxistest gab es weder mit der Wiedergabe lokaler Medien noch beim Netzwerkzugriff via UPnP oder SMB irgendwelche Probleme, die AB IPBox hat alle verfügbaren Server automatisch erkannt und deren Inhalte problemlos wiedergegeben. Abgerundet wird der bisher schon enorme Funktionsumfang der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby noch durch die Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Add-ons aus dem Internet laden zu können. Diese kleinen Programme erweitern den Receiver in den Bereichen Audio, Video und Tools um z.B. YouTube oder Vimeo Empfang, den Zugriff auf die Mediatheken verschiedener TV-Sender, der Möglichkeit Soundcloud und andere Audiodienste zu verwenden, oder ganz einfach nur einen RSS Reader oder einen IRC Client starten zu können. Die Auswahl an verfügbaren Add-ons ist auf jeden Fall riesig und dank direk-


tem Download via Internet lassen sich diese auch ganz einfach installieren. Apropos Internet Download: Da natürlich ständig an der Verbesserung der Software gearbeitet wird, lässt sich diese – ebenso wie die Add-ons – mit nur einem Tastendruck direkt via Internet aktualisieren und auf den neuesten Stand bringen. Einfacher und bequemer geht’s wirklich nicht mehr. Für den Fall, dass Sie gerade in der Anfangszeit noch die eine oder andere Frage zur Bedienung des neuen AB-COM Receivers haben hat der Hersteller mit einer praktischen Hilfefunk-


tion, die direkt über das Hauptmenü zu erreichen ist, vorgesorgt. Hier finden sich nicht nur Erklärungen zur Fernbedienung und zu den einzelnen Anschlüssen, sondern es sind auch die wichtigsten Funktionen des Receivers übersichtlich und ansprechend bebildert dargestellt. Überhaupt empfanden wird das 3D GUI (Graphical User Interface) der AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby als nahezu selbsterklärend und wirklich hervorragend gestaltet. Auf Wunsch kann der Anwender dessen Aussehen sogar individuell mit aus dem Internet nachladbaren Skins anpassen.

63. Soundcloud Zugriff 64. SCPC Empfang über den TURKSAT 42° Ost

expert OPINION

AB IPBox Prismcube Ruby PVR Satellite Receiver with Internet Media Center


Thomas Haring Test Center Austria

+ ● Perfekte Umsetzung des Xbox Mediacenter als Betriebssystem für einen eigenständigen Receiver ● Dank der vielfältigen Multimediafeatures vereint dieser Receiver die Funktionen eines klassischen PVR mit denen eines Mediaplayers. ● Innovatives und modernes Design ● Unkomplizierter Einbau für 2.5“ SATA Festplatten ● Moderne und übersichtlich gestaltete Software, für jedermann leicht und verständlich zu bedienen. ● Idealer Receiver für die ganze Familie.

– Es ist kein HW Tuner-Loopausgang vorhanden.


Apparent Power

Active Power

Mode Active StandBy Deep StandBy

Apparent Active Factor 32.5 W 19.5 W 0.6 30 W 18 W 0.6 5W 0.5 W 0.1

Die ersten 15 Minuten aktiver Betrieb, die zweiten 15 Minuten Fake Standby, die dritten 15 Minuten Deep Standby. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Multi Norm Digital TV Signal Analyzer

34 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Deviser TV Analyser S7000 • gleichwertig mit hochpreisigen kommerziellen Messgeräten • Spektrumanalyse in Echtzeit zum extrem schnellen Finden von Transpondern • mit integrierter RemoteBedienungsfunktion für PC oder Handy • dank integrierten Wasserfall-Diagramms ideal geeignet für die Justage von Drehanlagen • Echo-Messungen sind möglich

Teil 2: Praxis Test — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Multi Norm Digital TV Signal Analyzer


Professionelles Kombi Messgerät für alle Digital TV Normen ■ TELE-audiovision's Technical Editor Vitor Martins Augusto using the Deviser S7000


Multi Norm Digital TV Signal Analyzer

Deviser TV Analyser S7000

Part 1: Analyzer Functions

• Very large, high resolution display • Suitable for MPEG2 and MPEG4 • Real-time spectrum for quickly identifying active transponders • Can be remotely controlled via PC or mobile phone • Very ergonomical and practical operation


TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2013 — — 09-10/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


■ Teil 1 dieses Testberichts erschien in TELE-audiovision

09-10/2013. Der Testbericht kann online hier gelesen werden:

36 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Nachdem wir in der letzten Ausgabe der TELE-audiovision die Funktionen des neuen Deviser S7000 vorgestellt haben beschreiben wir in diesem zweiten Teil die Ergebnisse unserer Praxistests und die Ergebnisse unseres Vergleichs mit unseren verschiedenen Referenzgeräten.

Bei einem professionellen Messgerät erwartet man in erster Linie eine hohe Messgenauigkeit; man muss einfach auf die angezeigten Messwerte vertrauen können. Deshalb haben wir verschiedene Signalquellen mit 5 verschiedenen ReferenzMessgeräten gemessen und die Messwerte mit denen des Deviser S7000 verglichen. Bei diesen 5 ReferenzGeräten handelt es sich um Messgeräte des obersten Profi-Segmentes. Wie man in der folgenden Tabelle sehen kann sind die Messwerte des S7000 auf gleichem Niveau wie die Referenzgeräte. Dass Deviser es mit der Messgenauigkeit ernst meint beweist das Konfigurationsmenü des S7000 gleich zweimal: es kann hier das Datum der letzten Kalibration abgelesen werden und außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, die Messwerte des S7000 selber abzugleichen. Der Anwender kann das Messgerät eichen, um zum Beispiel zu gewährleisten, dass alle Messgeräte des Betriebes exakt den gleichen Pegel anzeigen.

Der Deviser S7000 ist ein erstaunliches Messgerät, das praktisch alle TV Signale demodulieren, messen und analysieren kann. Es stehen dem Techniker alle bekannten und auch eher seltenen Messungen zur Verfügung. Der integrierte Transportstream Analysator macht dieses Gerät auch für den Einsatz in Kopfstationen interessant, denn es können zum Beispiel Fehler in neu gemuxten Transportstreams ermittelt werden. Um diese Funktionsvielfalt ausgiebig zu testen stellten wir in unserem Testcenter verschiedene Szenarien nach und konstruierten Aufgaben, die den S7000 auf Probe stellen. Modulation






Tabelle 1 zeigt die Ergebnisse unseres Vergleichs. Wir sind vom Deviser S7000 sehr beeindruckt, denn selbst mit unseren viel teureren Referenz-Messgeräten konnten wir keine besseren Resultate erzielen. Hervorragend auch die Empfangseigenschaften des Tuners: der S7000 konnte selbst dann noch ein Bild darstellen, wenn andere Messgeräte am zu schlechten Signal scheiterten. Man merkt dem Deviser an, dass er die modernste Technik ingegriert hat.

Aufgabe: Feinjustierung einer motorisierten 110 cm Offset-Antenne

Mit dem S7000 ist die Justierung einer Antenne extrem leicht, denn dieses Messgerät bestimmt seine Position durch die mitgelieferte GPS-Antenne selbstständig und zeigt automatisch Elevation, Azimut und LNB Skew für den gewählten Satelliten an. Der Aufbau der neuen


Deviser S7000


76.9 dBµV

75.6 dBµV

77.0 dBµV

73.0 dBµV

76.0 dBµV

75.0 dBµV


14.9 dB


12.5 dB

12.0 dB

17.1 dB

14.9 dB
















76.3 dBµV


76.0 dBµV


76.1 dBµV

74.6 dBµV


13.3 dB


16.8 dB


17.1 dB

14.8 dB








Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Reference 4 Reference 5









56.5 dBµV



56.5 dBµV

55.0 dBµV

56.5 dBµV


>30 dB



30.3 dB

34.3 dB

30.7 dB
















52.9 dBµV

49.0 dBµV


51.0 dBµV

51.1 dBµV

51.3 dBµV


35.1 dB

29.5 dB


23.4 dB

>36 dB

29.5 dB
















57.5 dBµV

59.9 dBµV


58.0 dBµV

58.1 dBµV

57.7 dBµV


42.3 dBµV



41.5 dBµV

41.5 dBµV

39.7 dBµV

■ Tabelle 1: Vergleich der Messwerte des Deviser S7000 mit fünf professionellen Referenzgeräten des TELE-audiovision Messlabors.

38 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Antenne war daher unspektakulär und die stärksten Satelliten konnten auch gleich empfangen werden, weshalb nur noch eine Feinjustierung notwendig war. Und hier konnte der Deviser S7000 sich so richtig bewähren, denn die Darstellung des Wasserfall-Diagramms machte diese sonst eher lästige Aufgabe zum Kinderspiel. Einfach die Antenne von Limit zu Limit fahren und dann das resultierende Wasserfall-Diagramm anschauen: sofort erkennt man, wie viele Satelliten mit welcher Leistung empfangen werden können. Für die Nordhalbkugel der Erde gilt: sind die Satelliten eher im Osten empfangsstark und im Westen empfangsarm, dann muss die Antenne samt Motor nach links gedreht werden, im umgekehrten Fall nach rechts. Sind eher die äußeren Satelliten empfangsstark und die zentralen Satelliten empfangsarm (von Süden aus gesehen), dann muss die Neigung des Motors gesenkt werden und die Neigung der Antenne erhöht werden. Ist eher der Empfang der zentralen Satelliten gut und der äußeren schwach, muss umgekehrt vorgegangen werden. Diese Prozedur wurde schon in der TELE-audiovision Ausgabe 02-03/2012 beschrieben siehe Tabelle 2. Das besondere am Wasserfall-Diagramm ist, dass man auf einen Blick den Empfang des gesamten Horizonts ablesen kann. Mit etwas Übung und Gefühl ist es sogar möglich, anhand des Wasserfall-Diagramms einzelne Satelliten zu ermitteln und nach einiger Zeit weiß man sogar, um wie viel Grad die Antenne gedreht werden muss, damit der Empfang gelingt. Keine Frage: wenn es um die Einrichtung von Satelliten-Antennen geht, egal ob motorisiert oder nicht, ist ein Echtzeit-Spektrum meiner Meinung nach immer noch die beste Hilfe, die


Waterfall 1. The waterfall diagram shows the spectrum encoded with colours over a period of time. If the antenna is rotated, it is possible to clearly see the individual satellites and their transponders. Also, this gives a clear indication on the signal level of each satellite: in the picture you can see that some satellites have a very low signal. 2. Deviser implemented an additional visualization in the S7000: a combined view of the spectrum and the respective waterfall diagram. 3. This is ideal to adjust the antenna. The picture shows the variation of the reception – this allows to fine tune the antenna for maximum gain. 4. This picture shots that satellites located east show a much better signal than satellites in the west. This means the inclination of the motor is wrong.

5. After correcting the motor inclination, all satellites are received with a similar signal level. 6. The motor handling is extremely well implemented on the Devisor S7000. You can choose between a fully dedicated menu featuring all required DiSEqC-commands (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2), as well as theSaTCR (Sat Cable Routing) mode, used to provide the satellite signal to multiple users with a single cable. 7. Alternatively you can stay in the spectrum modus and rotate the dish using the DRIVE option. When it is active, the left and right keys are used to rotate the dish, while the up and down keys are used to switch between a continuous move and a stepped move. The pictures shows the results of the fine tuning – no doubts it has never been as easy to obtain the perfect alignment. 8. As a reward it is possible to enjoy a bit of live radio fromEutelsat W3A







8 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


■ Checking a

Multiswitch with the Deviser S7000

ein Messgerät bieten kann. Wird das Spektrum obendrein noch als WasserfallDiagramm dargestellt, ist man praktisch im Himmel. Ich kann Deviser nur danken, diese so wertvolle Darstellungsform umgesetzt zu haben und will sie nicht mehr missen.

Aufgabe: Fehlersuche – Störungen in der CATV Verteilung im Haus

In unserem portugiesischen Testcenter steht CATV und SAT-TV über eine gemeinsame Kabelverteilung zur Verfügung. Dazu wird das Koax-Kabel des CATVProvider zuerst über einen Splitter geteilt, eine Leitung geht direkt zum DOCSISModem und stellt so den Breitband-Internetanschluss bereit, die andere Leitung

■ Tabelle 2: Korrekte Ausrichtung des Motors und der Antenne: alle Satelliten befinden sich auf dem angefahrenen Bogen:

Fehlerhafte Ausrichtung des Motors und der Antenne

geht in einen Multischalter, der das CATV-Signal von 50-850 MHz mit dem Satelliten-Signal von Astra 19.2E, Hotbird 13.0E und Hispasat 30.0W von 950-2100 MHz mischt. Plötzlich konnte an den Dosen aber nur noch analoges CATV mit starken Bildstörungen empfangen werden, das Satelliten-Sig-

Zu groß

Zu klein

Neigung der Motorachse

Außenstehende Satelliten werden nicht empfangen (Antenne zu weit nach oben)

Außenstehende Satelliten werden nicht empfangen (Antenne zu weit nach unten)

Neigung der Antenne

Satelliten werden nicht empfangen (Antenne zu weit nach oben)

Satelliten werden nicht empfangen (Antenne zu weit nach unten)

Ausrichtung des Motors

Linke Satelliten werden nicht empfangen weil Antenne zu niedrig, rechte Satelliten werden nicht empfangen, weil Antenne zu hoch

Linke Satelliten werden nicht empfangen weil Antenne zu hoch, rechte Satelliten werden nicht empfangen, weil Antenne zu niedrig

40 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

nal war nicht mehr zu empfangen. Gleich kam der S7000 zum Einsatz. An der ersten Dose waren digitale CATV Signale gar nicht zu empfangen, Satelliten-Signale auch nicht. Anhand eines analogen Transponder sah ich auch schon den Grund: die Dose war nicht korrekt mit dem Koax-Kabel verbunden. Trotzdem machten sich intermittierende Störungen bemerkbar. Ein Barscan der CATV-Kanäle belegte zusätzlich eine signifikante Verringerung der Signal-Pegel/ Leistung (je nachdem ob es sich um einen analogen oder digitalen Transponder handelt) und das Konstellations-Diagramm zeigte weit verstreute Wolken, anstatt der üblichen konzentrierten Bildpunkte für jeden Quadranten. Diese Situation war auch an einer anderen Antennendose messbar, so dass davon ausgegangen werden konnte, dass das Problem nicht am Kabel oder der Dose zu suchen war. Deshalb ging ich zum Verteilerkasten und







schloss das Messgerät direkt an einem der Ausgänge des Multischalters an. Wieder das gleiche fehlerhafte Ergebnis. Da die angeschlossenen Satelliten-Antennen und besonderes die LNBs schon seit längerem nicht mehr gewartet wurden lag der Verdacht nahe, dass die Stecker oxidiert sind oder einer der LNBs defekt sein könnte. Ich schloss daher die Kabel von den LNB-Ausgängen einzeln an den S7000, doch hier konnte jede Ebene der 3 Quadro-LNBs perfekt empfangen werden. Konnte vielleicht der Multischalter defekt sein? Als ich das CATV-Kabel direkt vom Splitter an das Messgerät angeschlossen habe kam langsam etwas Licht in die Sache: auch hier waren Störungen vorhanden, ob-

CATV 9. An analogue picture like this is normally an indication that something is definitely wrong with the cable. And yes: even today it is still important to be able to measure analogue CATV channels and to show a live picture. 10. The video and audio signal level is far too low. 11. Same problem with the channel to noise ratio. 12. After opening the aerial socket and reconnecting the coaxial cable properly, reception was apparently back to normal. 13. Still I was getting intermittent picture interferences. There was another additional problem. 14. The constellation diagram shows a less defined and concentrated cloud – a clear indication that the signal modulation was not OK. 15. The culprit was a defect signal splitter. After exchanging it, the constellation diagram showed perfectly concentrated clouds. 16. The signal quality was back to normal and without any interferences.



42 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

17 wohl der Multischalter nicht genutzt wurde. Der Fehler konnte also nur noch am vom Provider bereitgestelltem Signal liegen oder vielleicht am Splitter? Als ich das Koax-Kabel vom Provider direkt an den S7000 anschloss, konnte ich wieder normal CATV in analog und digital empfangen. Das Problem lag definitiv am Splitter (und somit auf meiner Seite – der Provider war nicht Schuld). Zum Glück habe ich immer einige Ersatzteile auf Lager und so konnte ich diesen schnell durch einen neuen ersetzen und dann funktionierte alles wieder wie normal. In dieser Fehlerbeseitigung zeigte sich, wie wertvoll ein Messgerät wie der S7000 sein kann. Problemlos kann es DVB-C Signale in allen Modulationen aber auch analoge Signale und DVB-S/S2 Signale analysieren. Die Spektrum-Anzeige in Echtzeit ermöglicht es, intermittierende Störsignale sichtbar zu machen und natürlich habe ich weitgehend die kombinierte WasserfallDarstellung bevorzugt, da so gleichzeitig zum Spektrum dieses auch über einen Zeitraum festgehalten wird. So können unter anderem auch Tendenzen dargestellt werden, was besonders dann wichtig ist, wenn das Signal nur langsam steigt oder abfällt. Durch die tadellose DiSEqC-Implementierung konnte der Multischalter bedient werden und anhand des Konstellations-Diagramms die Qualität der Modulation geprüft werden. Bei dem Test wurden Kabel an- und abgesteckt, ohne dass der S7000 Schaden genommen hätte. Insgesamt bewies sich das Gerät als sehr robust. Mit dem S7000 ist ein Techniker bestens ausgestattet, um bei Kunden auf Fehlersuche zu gehen. Alle notwendigen Funktionen sind ausnahmslos implementiert und funktionieren auch in der Praxis wie erwartet.

Aufgabe: Entwicklung einer DIY DVB-T Antenne

In vielen Regionen wird DVB-T als SFN (Single Frequency Network) implementiert. Alle Sender strahlen den oder die Transponder landesweit auf den gleichen Frequenzen. Dies hat den großen Vorteil, dass das Frequenzspektrum für andere Anwendungen freibleibt und für den Anwender, dass er den Empfänger innerhalb der Region bewegen kann (zum Beispiel im Auto), ohne die Frequenz neu einstellen zu müssen, wenn der Empfang plötzlich über einen anderen Sender erfolgt. In diesem Test wollte ich herausfinden, ob die mit den USB-Empfängern mitgelieferten „Stummel-Antennen“, es handelt sich hier um TDipol Antennen, an die länderspezifische DVB-T Frequenz angepasst sind, oder nicht. Deshalb habe ich mir mit einem Draht eineT-Dipol Antenne selber gebastelt.Die Länge des Drahtes wurde exakt für die portugiesische DVB-T Frequenz von 754 MHz berechnet. (formel 1) Für eine DVB-T Frequenz von 754 MHz ergibt sich so eine Länge des Außenleiters von 94mm und eine Länge des Innenleiters von 96mm. Der Außenleiter wird durch ein Zurückstülpen des Metallgeflechts erreicht, der Innenleiter wird einfach von seiner Isolation befreit, fertig ist die DIY („Do ItYourself“) DVB-T Antenne für den SFN Empfang. Im Internet finden sich übrigens diverse Bauvorschläge für diese T-Dipol Antennen und sogar von Doppelquad-Antennen, die eine noch bessere Empfangsleistung versprechen. Es stellt sich nun die Frage: ist unsere DIY-Antenne wirklich besser als die mitgelieferte Stummelantenne? Die Antwort findet sich Tabelle 3. Tatsächlich lohnt es sich,



eine speziell für die Empfangsfrequenz optimierte TDipol Antenne zu benutzen. Allerdings stellte sich bei unseren Experimenten heraus, dass man das Metallgeflecht getrost abschneiden kann.

Lässt man nur den Innenleiter in korrekter Länge, sind die Empfangsergebnisse sogar noch besser und die Herstellung und Optimierung der Antenne gestaltet sich einfacher. Der Deviser S7000

■ Formel 1: Die Formel für die DIY T-Dipol Antenne 754 MHz

Televés TDT Roof Antenna

Original Antenna

Optimized DIY T-Dipol Antenna






>30 dB

23.8 dB

23.8 dB









■ Tabelle 3: Vergleich der DVB-T Messungen mit dem Deviser S7000

44 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



DIY DVB-T Antenna 17. DVB-T Signal of our external antenna. Reception is quite good. 18. A good indicator for DVB-T reception quality is the constellation diagram. As long as all dots are closely within the centre of each square, everything is fine. 19. The Deviser S7000 allows to set the resolution bandwidth in spectrum mode. This is unique among the meters I have tested so far. A smaller bandwidth will feature higher resolution, while a bigger bandwidth will result in a slower spectrum refresh rate. Because we are looking at the specific DVB-T transponder at 754 MHz, a span of 16 MHz is sufficient and thus even the lowest resolution bandwidth setting will produce a real time refresh rate. The resolution is so good, that you can practically see the carriers.





20. The same signal, but in combined spectrum and waterfall diagram view. This allows to monitor the spectrum over a period of time, while simultaneously monitoring the spectrum in high detail. 21. A generic rod antenna provided with a USB DVB-T receiver: this antenna was not designed specifically for a certain frequency; its length does not match the SDN frequency of 754 MHz as used in Portugal.


22. As a result, the signal power is only 41.7 dbµV and the CBER is rather low, though still correctable since the VBER is under 1.0E-7. 23. Looking at the constellation diagram using the generic rod antenna, it is obvious that the signal quality is far from perfect. 24. First step of the DIY antenna: strip the rubber off the cable, maintaining the length calculated for the SFN frequency.


25. Flip the mesh back and leave the inner wire with the correct length: you just got yourself the “poor-man’s” DVB-T antenna. 26. Amazingly, the signal power is on average 5 dBµV higher than with the generic antenna. 27. Again, using the waterfall diagram it is easy to adjust the antenna so that reception is maximized. It is strange to think on how it has been possible in the past to fine tune the alignment of the antenna without this functionality. One thing is for sure: the waterfall diagram is an outstanding aid for installers. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


28 löste unsere Fragestellung hervorragend. Durch seine hohe Messgenauigkeit und Schnelligkeit erzielten wir schnell Aufschluss über die Empfangsleistung der Antennen.


Der Deviser S7000 erlaubt die für DVB-T/H wichtige Echo-Messung. Dies ermöglicht es, eine optimale Antenne aufzubauen, die den störenden Empfang von einem zweiten, weiter entfernten Sender, auslöscht. Wenn dieser Sender außerhalb des so genannten Guard Intervalls liegt, werden störende Laufzeitverzögerungen des Signals erzeugt, die der Demodulator nicht mehr kompensieren kann. Es kommt zu Aussetzern bzw. der Empfang ist nicht möglich. Diese Situation kann ein mit dem S7000 ausgerüsteter Techniker lösen, indem er zum Beispiel zwei Antennen benutzt, deren Abstand so gewählt wird, dass sich die an beiden Antennen eingehenden störenden Wellen gegenseitig auslöschen. Das Prinzip besteht darin, dass beide Antennen auf den nahe gelegenen Sender ausgerichtet sind und die störende Strahlung, die von einem entfernten Sender stammt,die Antennen mit einer Drehung erreichen. Wählt man den Abstand beider Antennen geschickt, addieren sich die Wellen der naheliegenden Antennen, während sich die Wellen des entfernten Senders gegenseitig auslöschen. Mangels störender Echos in meiner

Mux TS Analyser 28. In order to use the Transport Stream Analyser of the S7000 with the ASI input, you have to first enable this interface. 29. By pressing the TV key on the meter, you enter the Transport Stream Analyser, which is now receiving the TS stream on its ASI input connector. In this case I setup a TS containing channels from two different German FTA transponders. 30. The Deviser S7000 gives access to all parameters of the

Region musste ich mich leider nicht um diese Art von Störungen kümmern, doch mit dem S7000 wäre es leicht, eine solche „DoppelAntenne“ einzurichten. Interessant ist die Möglichkeit, anhand der mitgelieferten GPS-Antenne die aktuelle Position bestimmen zu können. So kann man den Deviser S7000 auch zur Erstellung von regionalen Empfangskarten nutzen. Schade, dass es nicht möglich ist, die erfassten Messwerte automatisch auch mit der Lokalisation zu speichern um sie dann am Computer im Google-Maps Format zu exportieren bzw. hochzuladen. Deviser wird vielleicht so eine Funktion mit einer zukünftigen Firmware-Aktualisierung nachreichen. In diesem Fall könnte man nämlich im Auto die gewünschte Region abfahren und hätte am Ende ein automatisch generierte Karte der Feldstärke.

Aufgabe: MUX-Analyse eines selbst erstellten Transport Stream

Um den Deviser S7000 als TV Analyser zu testen habe ich ein Szenario in einer Kopfstation nachgestellt. Ein professioneller IRD mit integriertem Multiplexer empfängt einen Transponder über den eingebauten DVB-S2 Tuner und einen weiteren Transponder von einem zweiten IRD über die ASI-IN Schnittstelle. Die beiden Transponder werden im TS stream. 31, 32. Interestingly, the equipment used to generate this mux filtered all NIT information, which is correct. Don’t you hate receiving a CATV transponder containing a satellite NIT? 33. One important application for the S7000: determining the TS rate. Notice on this picture that the specified bandwidth of the TS is 75 MB/s, but 32.45% are not being used. This clearly represents a waste of allocated bandwidth. 34. I reduced the bandwidth on the multiplexer to 35 MB/s but




this time the S7000 indicates that there is 0% empty capacity in the stream. This means that there is no reserve for sporadic increases in bandwidth. 35. Again, the multiplexer was setup, this time to use a bandwidth of 40 MB/s. And this time around 15% of the bandwidth is empty, leaving some reserve. This adjustment took a couple of minutes and resulted in saving a bandwidth of 35 MB/s. 36. To compare our TS with one of the originally broadcasted streams, we connected the ASI output of one of the IRDs.

46 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

37. While there is no disturbance in the PCR interval measurement in our TS… 38. …some can be detected from the satellite signal, which is normal after travelling back and forth into space. However, if the TS from our multiplexer would show a PCR like this, then something would clearly be wrong. 39. Analysis of one of the original satellite Transport Streams. 40. The PIDs carry different numbers… 41. …and the NIT contains additional data.










41 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Gerät zu einem neuen Transponder gemuxt und an dem ASI-Ausgang bereitgestellt. Hier wurde nun der S7000 angeschlossen und Ziel war es, den empfangenen Transportstream zu analysieren, um zum Beispiel die verwendeten PIDs zu prüfen und um eventuelle Timing-Fehler zu messen. Diese Arbeit verrichtete der S7000 glanzvoll. Es muss lediglich der ASI-Eingang aktiviert werden und schon kann die TV Analyser Funktion mit dem TS-Stream des ASI-Eingangs genutzt werden. Sämtliche Funktionen stehen nun genau so zur Verfügung, wie in den normalen Tuner-Modi. Ich konnte schnell prüfen, ob der Stream tatsächlich die gewünschten Kanäle und zusammenhängende Services enthielt. Interessant war übrigens die Tatsache, dass der IRD die PIDs neu vergeben hat, so dass diese nicht mehr den PIDs der originalen Transponder entsprach - der S7000 zeigte mir dies sofort an. Schließlich macht es sich bezahlt, auch die PCR-Messung durchzuführen: gab es im originalen SatellitenSignal kleine Abweichungen (im grünen Bereich), war der vom IRD erzeugte Stream

perfekt synchron mit dem Taktgeber des S7000. Wären hier schon kleinste Fehler vorhanden könnten sie sich durch die weitere Signalverteilung tragisch auswirken. Der Deviser S7000 ist ideal für diese Aufgabe gewachsen.

PC Software des S7000

Welche Software ist auf

der mitgelieferten CD? Diese S7000 Toolbox genannte Software erlaubt es, sämtliche Transponder- und Satelliten-Listen komfortabel zu editieren und zu verwalten. Weiterhin können im S7000 gespeicherte Messungen am PC dargestellt werden. Anders als sonst üblich erlaubt der S7000 das Abspeichern der Messungen auf zwei verschiedenen Weisen. Zum einen kann man einfach den

aktuellen Bildschirminhalt als Bild abspeichern. Zum anderen können aber auch die Messwerte selbst gespeichert werden. Diese Messwerte können dann in der PC-Software dargestellt werden, wobei natürlich mehr Einfluss auf die Darstellung gegeben ist. Dies ermöglicht die Erstellung von professionellen Abnahme-Reports am Computer. Der Techniker kann so gegebenfalls



48 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —




Toolbox Software 42. Thanks to the S7000’s Ethernet port it is possible to access the data captured through an FTP client. 43. Naturally, the same can be done using the Deviser Toolbox software, which allows to edit the channel lists and satellite transponder as well. 44. Editing the satellite transponder lists

is really easy, but Deviser did a good job maintaining them updated, so there really was nothing to edit: the S7000 features all worldwide satellite transponder lists. 45. Editing the terrestrial channels is no challenge either, and again all channel plans worldwide are predefined. 46. Amazingly, the Toolbox software is not only capable of downloading and displaying the screenshots taken during measurements. If you instead store the

actual data, the measurements can be rendered with the toolbox software instead. This provides additional functionality, since markers can be moved, etc. Also, the technician taking the measurements does not have to worry about specific readings for the report – they can be generated with the stored data and you don’t even need the meter to do that: just transfer the data using the network or a USB memory and the meter is ready to be used for the next call! — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志





die Messwerte am Deviser S7000 auf einen USB-speicher kopieren und im Büro dem Kollegen übergeben, der den Report anfertigt, ohne selber am S7000 arbeiten zu müssen, so dass dieser für den nächsten Einsatz frei ist. Die Daten (Settings und Messungen) können direkt als Datei von einem Datenträger gelesen werden oder über die integrierte ActiveSync genannte Funktion über das Netzwerk vom Messgerät ausgelesen werden. Natürlich kann man die Dateien auf diesem Wege auch vom PC zurück zum Messgerät kopieren. Das zugrunde liegende Protokoll ist übrigens das bewährte FTP-Protokoll und dank des Netzwerk-Analyse Tool Wireshark habe ich dann auch schnell die Zugangsdaten ermittelt: wer möchte, kann die Dateien auch normal über FTP hin und her kopieren, in dem

einfach nur die IP-Adresse des Messgerätes mit dem Username „ftpadmin“ und dem Passwort „Instrument“ angegeben werden. Wichtig ist es, die FTP-Verbindung im „Active“-Modus zu betreiben. So kann man schneller Dateien hin und her kopieren. Schaden kann man dem Gerät so übrigens nicht zufügen, denn über FTP stehen nur die Anwender-Verzeichnisse Plan, SaveBmp, SaveData und Temp zur Verfügung. Der Höhepunkt der S7000 Toolbox Software ist aber die Fernbedienung des gesamten Gerätes! Über den unscheinbaren Knopf „Remote Control“ öffnet sich ein neues Fenster, das die Vorderseite des Messgerätes samt Bildschirm nachbildet. Mit der Maus lassen sich alle virtuellen Tasten des Messgerätes genau wie die echten Tasten bedienen und der Bildschirm reagiert genauso schnell wie das echte Gerät.



Toolbox Software 47. Incredibly, Deviser implemented a remote access to the meter. All you need is a network connection to the meter to be able to fully operate the S7000 remotely. 48. Everything shown on the physical screen is rendered in real time on the remote software. 49, 50. Even the TS analyser function can be used this way – only the live picture is obviously not shown, due to bandwidth limitations of the network. 51. If you have a smartphone, you can do a VNC connection to the PC running the Deviser Toolbox software. This means that you can climb to the roof with just your phone and still use all functions of the S7000. This is simply incredible.

50 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Man kann daher wirklich auf alle Funktionen auch über das Netzwerk zugreifen und braucht keinen Zugang zum physischen Gerät. Einzig die demodulierte Audio/VideoAusgabe wird nicht weitergereicht, was anhand der notwendigen Bandbreite ja auch zu erwarten ist. Mir kam natürlich sofort folgende Idee auf: warum nicht den S7000 im Haus lassen und nur mit dem Smartphone auf das Dach steigen? Über VNC verbindet man das Smartphone mit dem Computer und kann diesen dann fernbedienen. Wurde zuvor schon die Toolbox Software gestartet, kann man so bequem den Deviser S7000 am Smartphone fernbedienen mit dem Vorteil, dass man dank Touchscreen direkt dessen virtuelle Tasten bedienen kann. Plötzlich hat man ein 100 g schweres Smartphone in der Hand und kann stundenlang auf dem Dach die Antennen justieren… einfach genial! Vielleicht bietet Deviser ja bald eine App für Android und/oder iPhone an, mit dem man den S7000 direkt ohne Umweg über den PC fernsteuern kann.

Was gibt es am Gerät auszusetzen?

Ein Test, in welchem es am Gerät nichts auszusetzen gibt, kann es nicht geben und wäre ein Anzeichen, dass man sich nicht ausreichend mit diesem auseinandergesetzt hat. Trotzdem gibt es praktisch nichts am S7000 zu bemängeln und daher musste ich mich wirklich anstrengen, um doch wenigstens folgende Punkte aufzulisten: - Bei analogen CATV Signalen kann der S7000 keinen Videotext anzeigen. Dies ist nicht unbedingt wichtig, denn das analoge Videosignal kann anhand des Oszillator-Modus analysiert werden. - Im Spektrum-Modus ist

es nicht möglich, das Bild eines vorher gespeicherten Spektrums dem aktuellen als Referenz zu hinterlegen. Dies dient normalerweise dazu, verschiedene Antennen exakt identisch auszurichten und um das aktuelle Spektrum nach einem größeren Zeitraum mit dem gespeicherten Spektrum zu vergleichen, um Aufschluss darüber zu bekommen, ob es sich verschlechtert hat. Diese Funktion kann Deviser sicherlich leicht mittels einem Firmware-Update nachreichen. - Ich fand es etwas störend, dass der S7000 die Spanne des Spektrums automatisch auf die Bandbreite des eingerastetenSignals reduziert, wenn man in den Mess-Modus umschaltet. Sobald man das Spektrum erneut aufruft, muss man daher die Spanne manuell wieder ändern, um wieder das gesamte Spektrum zu sehen. Dies ist nur eine Kleinigkeit und sicherlich werden genauso viele Anwender eben diese Eigenschaft schätzen – ein typischer Fall von: man kann es nie allen recht machen. Aber das sind Kleinigkeiten. Tatsächlich handelt es bei dem Deviser S7000 um ein professionelles Messgerät für praktisch alle TVNormen, mit dem man für wirklich jede Aufgabenstellung bestens gerüstet ist. Alle denkbaren Messungen sind vorhanden, das Gerät lässt sich sehr leicht bedienen, ist robust und bietet obendrein noch einen kompletten TV Analysator. Die Messwerte sind allen Zweifeln überlegen und bieten die gleiche Genauigkeit, wie andere Messgeräte der ProfiOberliga. Was kann man sich eigentlich noch wünschen? Mit dem S7000 zur Hand eigentlich nur, dass es hoffentlich viele komplexe Fehler zu diagnostizieren und beseitigen gibt, denn es macht einfach Spaß mit diesem tollen Messgerät zu arbeiten!


Battery and Inside Peek 52. The battery pack of the S7000 is easily accessible on the back side of the meter. Two big screws need to be loosened up. 53. The cover plate can be removed, revealing the battery pack. 54. The battery back can be pulled by the two cords. It is a composed of a 10x AA battery pack. 55. We could not resist removing the cover of the meter to have a peek inside. What we saw: a highly integrated and extremely well built electronic equipment. Naturally we did not dare to further disassemble the device, so this is the best insight we can provide.



52 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —




Ka-Band Satellite Scan 56. This waterfall diagram shows the horizon from about 30.0E to 30.0W using the Inverto Ka LNB. Only 9.0E is broadcasting transponders in the 19.7 GHz – 20.2 GHz range. 57. This picture shows 9.0E over a period of time (about 30 seconds). The second half (lower part – representing about 15 seconds) of the waterfall diagram was recorded during a sporadic rain shower. Curiously the rain did not produce any signal loss.

How to interpret BER measurements What does 1.2E-03 mean? BER stands for Bit Error Ratio: the measuring instrument will basically count the erroneous bits within all received bits and calculate this simple formula:

Because the amount of erroneous bits is normally very small, let’s say 1 wrong bit in every 1.000.000 bits, it would look odd to see a value of 0.000001 on the meter’s screen. A much more convenient format would be 1x10-6. Calculators will frequently

show this number as 1E6, instead, to save some screen space. So this is what a reading of CBER = 1.2E-03 means: you will get one wrong bit in every 1200 bits received.

CBER means that no error correction has been applied to the signal, so let’s now see what LBER < 1.0E-8 means:

Let’s do the math:

It means that after applying the error correction, we only will receive one bad bit every hundred million received bits. We will have a great picture without any noticeable artifacts. However,

because our initial CBER value is low, there is no bad weather reserve. If the signals gets only slightly worse, the error correction will not be able to correct the incoming stream and picture artifacts will be produced. The thumb rule is: the smaller the BER value before error correction, the better. Notice that smaller means a bigger number after the “E”, because there is a “-“ sign: -5 is smaller than -3! The smaller the number, the more bad weather reserve you will get. The BER value after the error correction will give you an idea, if artifacts will be noticeable on the screen with the current signal. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-H, ATSC – der Deviser S7000 kann alles! Was kann man sich eigentlich noch wünschen? Mit dem S7000 zur Hand eigentlich nur, dass es hoffentlich viele komplexe Fehler zu diagnostizieren und beseitigen gibt, denn es macht einfach Spaß mit diesem tollen Messgerät zu arbeiten! 1, 2. Der S7000 kann neben DVB-T auch DVB-T2 Signale analysieren und zeigt auch das entsprechende Konstellations-Diagramm souverän an. Interessant an DVB-T2 ist die Option, die Modulation mit einer TILT genannten Neigung zu versehen, mit welcher das Signal stabiler gegen Störungen wird. 3, 4. Oftmals geht man einfach davon aus, dass DVB-H von jedem DVB-T fähigem Messgerät auch analysiert werden kann. Wir wollten uns sicher gehen und haben es probiert. Tatsächlich kann der S7000 DVB-H ohne Probleme messen. 5, 6. Weiter geht es mit ATSC. Und hier zeigt der S7000 was Sache ist: während man bei Konkurrenzprodukten fast immer ATSC nur als extra Option erhält, liefert Deviser diese Norm gleich als Standardfunktion mit. Auch das Konstellationsdiagramm für 8VSB wird korrekt angezeigt. 7, 8. Selbstverständlich macht der S7000 auch bei 16VSB Modulation nicht halt. Phantastisch wie gut man mit diesem Messgerät für alle Fälle ausgerüstet ist.








54 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


Miniature DVB-S2 HDTV Receiver

56 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• Besonderheit: kann versteckt angebracht werden, da der IR-Empfänger für die Fernbedienung flexible montiert werden kann • dank USB-Anschluß vollwertiger PVR • integriertes Internet, z.B. für YouTube und Google Maps • automatische DiSEqC-Erkennung, automatische Erkennung der Videoauflösung des Programms und TV-Monitors • LNB Spannung kann erhöht werden, um Verluste durch lange Kabel auszugleichen — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Miniature DVB-S2 HDTV Receiver

Ein HDTV Receiver für Satellit mit allen Features Mit dem Mini HD bringt

des Receivers untergebracht

hat den Mini HD bewusst so

ten Seite sorgt zudem für die

Amiko einen DVB-S2 taugli-

wurden. Konkret handelt es

gebaut, dass er entweder di-

Möglichkeit, rasch ein USB

chen HDTV PVR Receiver im

sich dabei um einen LNB Ein-

rekt an der Wand montiert


Kleinstformat auf den Markt.

gang, eine Ethernet Buchse,

oder an der Rückseite des

ßen zu können.

Der kann es allerdings in

einen USB 2.0 Port sowie

Fernsehers unauffällig un-

Puncto Features problemlos

eine Buchse für das externe

tergebracht werden kann.

mit seinen größeren Brüdern

12V Netzteil.


Angetrieben wird der Amiko Mini HD von einem 400

Für die perfekte Ausgabe

MHz Prozessor, dem 64 MB

aufnehmen. Lediglich 15 x

Mit Hilfe von drei Klinken-

des Videosignals sorgt eine

Flashspeicher sowie 1 GB

11 x 3.5 cm misst die in ele-

buchsen hat Amiko zudem

HDMI Buchse, kristallklarer

DDR SDRAM zur Verfügung

gantem Schwarz gehaltene



Dolby Digital 5.1 Ton wird

stehen. Im späteren Praxis-

Gehäusebox und dank ihres



leider nur via HDMI, nicht

test wird diese Kombination

geringen Gewichts von et-

(CVBS und Stereo Audio)

aber über einen S/PDIF Aus-

für eine problemlose Dar-

was mehr als 250 Gramm ist

sowie eine RS232 Buchse

gang an die heimische Ste-

stellung von HDTV sowie ein

sie zudem federleicht.

geschaffen, die dafür not-

reoanlage weitergereicht.

zügig auf Fernbedienungs-


An der Frontseite offen-

wendigen Adapterkabel lie-

Besonders gut gefallen hat

baren zwei Status LEDs den

gen dem Receiver bei. Die

uns, dass Amiko beim Mini

OSD sorgen. Die vom Her-






HD wirklich jeden Zentimeter


während alle wichtigen An-

zum Anschluss des externen

genutzt hat, so wurde vom

bedienung liegt gut in der

schlüsse an der Rückseite

IR-Empfängers, denn Amiko

Hersteller z.B. an der Re-

Hand, ist ergonomisch ge-

ceiverunterseite ein an der

formt und weist eine über-

Front zugänglicher Karten-

sichtliche Beschriftung auf.



leser für Conax Smartcards





untergebracht, eine zweite

tenten sucht man beim Mini

USB 2.0 Buchse an der rech-

HD vergebens, der Anwen-

11-12/2013 AMIKO MINI HD Perfekt gelungener Receiver in Kleinstformat

58 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


1 der






ge und sollte etwas umfang-

Receivers selbst vornehmen.

reicher sein. Gut gefallen hat

Das Videosignal via HDMI

uns die Möglichkeit, die LNB

kann der neue Amiko Recei-


ver in den Auflösungen 480i,

0.5 Volt erhöhen zu können,

480p, 576i, 576p, 720p 50


Hz, 720p 60 Hz, 1080i 50

zum Einsatz kommen. Gerade für nicht so versierte Anwender kann die

geben, da bleiben also keine

Auto DiSEqC Funktion zur

Wünsche offen, zumal Ami-

Rettung in der Not werden,

ko auch noch einen Auto-

dank ihrer Hilfe erkennt der

matik Modus (der Receiver

Receiver automatisch, wel-

passt sich an die Auflösung

cher Satellit über welchen


DiSEqC Port mit dem Re-


empfangenen an)



ceiver verbunden ist. Hier

nen Native by TV Modus

macht sich jedoch die leider

(der Receiver passt sich an

etwas karge Satellitenliste

die maximale Auflösung des

bemerkbar, denn nur dar-

verwendeten Fernsehers an)

in enthaltene Einträge kön-

integriert hat.

nen auch erkannt werden.

Der Mini HD beherrscht die

Im Test mit den in Europa

DiSEqC Protokolle 1.0, 1.1,

sehr häufig genutzten AST-

1.2 und 1.3 und kann somit

RA und EUTELSAT Satelliten

sowohl mit einer Multifeed,

funktionierte die Erkennung

Multifokus oder drehbaren

problemlos, weniger populä-

Antenne umgehen. Die mit

re Satelliten wurden jedoch

28 Einträgen gefüllte, vor-

nicht erkannt.

te ist aktuell, beschränkt sich



Hz sowie 1080p 60 Hz aus-

programmierte Satellitenlis-




Hz, 1080i 60 Hz, 1080p 50



aber auf europäische Einträ-


1. Hauptmenü des Amiko Mini HD 2. Zum Bearbeiten der Kanalliste stehen alle notwendigen Möglichkeiten bereit 3. Einzelne Sender können leicht umbenannt werden 4. Installationsmenü 5. Satelliteneinstellungen 6. Auf Wunsch kann der Anwender die PID Werte einzelner Sender manuell eingeben 7. Mittels FastScan werden alle Transponder eines der 9 vorprogrammierten Pay-TV Anbieter automatisch eingelesen 8. Auto DiSEqC Funktion 9. Berechnung der zum Justieren der Antenne notwendigen Winkel 10. Benutzereinstellungen 11. Zeiteinstellungen 12. Insgesamt 8 Timerslots stehen zur Auswahl bereit 13. Das Videosignal kann in einer Auflösung von maximal 1080p via HDMI ausgegeben werden 14. Das OSD kann der Benutzer individuell anpassen 15. Drei integrierte Videospiele sorgen für Unterhaltung in Werbepausen

60 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



dem Anwender ein Satelliten-,



Blindscansuchlauf zur Verfügung. Hier hat es uns natürlich gerade der Blindscan besonders angetan, dieser förderte auf dem HOTBIRD 13° Ost in 6 Minuten 1597 TV- und 373 Radioprogramme zu Tage. Damit kann man absolut zufrieden sein. Auch auf nicht so häufig genutzten Satelliten wie z.B. dem SES4 22° West lieferte der Blindscan bei Transpondern mit verschiedensten


ten gute Ergebnisse. Ein herausragendes Feature des Amiko Mini HD ist die




deren Hilfe die Transponder von




grammierten, europäischen Pay-TV



eingelesen werden können. Im Test hat das mit dem holländischen problemlos

CanalDigitaal geklappt.











15 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


16 6 16. Netzwerkfeatures des Amiko Mini HD 17. IP Einstellungen, das DHCP Protokoll wird selbstverständlich unterstützt 18. Die Software des Receivers kann automatisch via Internet aktualisiert werden 19. Wettervorhersage 20. RSS Feeds werden übersichtlich angezeigt 21. Die Videodienste YouTube und YouPorn stehen direkt am Receiver zur Verfügung 22. YouTube 23. Der Receiver unterstützt neben der Aufnahme von Sendungen natürlich auch die Timeshift Funktion 24. Google Maps am Amiko Mini HD









62 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Highlights BluBox SOTx • Bis

zu 16 SAT - ZF Ebenen und Terrestrik auf einer LWL - Faser!

• 19"

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via LAN / IP

SPAROS 711 Touch Serie • Intuitive Bedienung durch

Touch Screen 10" • DVB - S / S2, DVB - T/ T2, DVB - C,

HDTV Bildwiedergabe • Kompaktes und robustes

Druckgussgehäuse aus Aluminium • Lieferung im stabilen Transportkoffer!

SPAUN electronic GmbH & Co. KG Byk - Gulden - Str. 22 · 78224 Singen · Germany Phone: + 49 (0)7731 - 8673 - 0 · Fax: + 49 (0)7731 - 8673 - 17 Email: ·

25 6




so ganz ohne mühsames Ab-

Tastendruck sofort zur Verfügung.

suchen mehrerer Transpon-

Nachdem der Receiver an

der alle Sender eines Pay-TV

die eigenen Bedürfnisse an-

Anbieters in der Kanalliste.

gepasst wurde genügt ein




Druck auf die Exit Taste der

des Receivers erstmal mit


tausenden Einträgen gefüllt

wird das Einstellungsmenü

wurde drängt sich die Frage

verlassen und der Mini HD



nimmt seine Arbeit auf. Er

nahezu auf. Hier gibt sich der

verfügt dabei über clever

Mini HD jedoch keine Blöße

angeordnete OSD Einblen-

und bietet alle nur erdenkli-

dungen, die dem Anwender

chen Optionen wie z.B. das

eine logisch durchdachte Be-

Löschen, Verschieben, Um-

dieneroberfläche zur Verfü-

benennen, Gruppieren oder

gung stellen. Besonders gut

mit einem PIN Code verse-

hat uns dabei der EPG ge-

hen der einzelnen Einträge

fallen, dessen Inhalte in drei


verschiedenen Modi darge-






stellt werden können. Dank

wandern die Lieblingssender

weiterer Funktionstasten an

rasch in eine dieser Samm-






sich Optionen wie Untertitel,

Anwender dann mit einem

Teletext oder Sprachwahl di-

25. Auch die Satellitenansicht von Google Maps steht zur Auswahl bereit 26. Via OSD Tastatur kann auf Google Maps nach Orten gesucht werden 27. Kanalsuchlauf 28. Info Leiste mit EPG Daten der aktuellen und folgenden Sendung 29. EPG Ansicht 1 30. EPG Ansicht 2 31. EPG Ansicht 3 32. Kanalliste 33. Die Kanalliste kann auf einzelne Satelliten beschränkt werden 34. Die Kanalliste kann auf einzelne Anbieter beschränkt werden 35. Sprachwahl 36. Satellitenauswahl 37. OSD Teletext 38. Problemlos kann der Amiko Mini HD zuvor aufgezeichnete Sendungen wiedergeben 39. MP3 Wiedergabe

rekt ohne Umweg über das








spart Zeit und freut den Anwender. Da es sich beim Amiko Mini HD um einen vollwertigen PVR Receiver handelt schlossen wir natürlich sofort ein USB



einen der beiden USB Ports


an, daraufhin waren wir in der Lage, bis zu zwei Sendungen gleichzeitig in HD Qualität aufzunehmen, während ein drittes Programm live






von Sendungen stehen insgesamt nur 8 Timerslots zur Verfügung, das ist heutzutage nicht mehr zeitgemäß.

64 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —










39 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志





kann der USB Port auch zur

Adapter einsetzen, der den

werden können. Test-

Mini HD kabellos ins Inter-

Wiedergabe von Videos in

bericht aufmerksam gele-

net bringt, dieser ist jedoch

den Formaten AVI, MPEG,

sen haben dann haben Sie


MP4, TS, Flash und VOB ver-



wendet werden, ebenso wie

Amiko dem Mini HD eine

zum Abspielen von Musik im


MP3 Format. Den einen oder

und ihm somit die Welt des

anderen Anwender wird es

Internet geöffnet hat. Wer

auch freuen zu hören, dass

WiFi in den eigenen vier

JPEG Bilder via Amiko Mini


HD am Fernseher angezeigt

kann auch einen USB WiFi













40. Der integrierte Bildbetrachter funktionierte im Test tadellos 41. Videowiedergabe verschiedenster Formate 42. DivX Wiedergabe 43. Full HD Videowiedergabe 44. Auch Flash Videos werden problemlos abgespielt

40 6




66 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Neben der Möglichkeit, die

uns im Test allesamt rich-

Software des Receivers via

tig Spaß machten, sowie die

Internet zu aktualisieren, er-

Möglichkeit, sämtliche Ein-

hält der Anwender zusätzlich

stellungen und die Kanalliste

Zugriff auf aktuelle Wetter-

für den Notfall auf ein USB

/ PVR Receiver with Function Miniature external IR remote control

daten, RSS Feeds sowie die

Speichermedium zu sichern.



Input frequency

950 - 2150 MHz

Input symbol rate

2 - 45 Ms/s









Mini HD

und Google Maps. Die Idee,

während des gesamten Tests

Google Maps auf einem Sa-

die logische und übersichtli-

tellitenreceiver verfügbar zu

che OSD Struktur ebenso

EPG yes

machen erscheint auf den

wie deren gelungene grafi-

ersten Blick innovativ, in der

sche Umsetzung. Dank des

Video resolution

480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p 50 Hz, 720p 60 Hz, 1080i 50 Hz, 1080i 60 Hz, 1080p 50 Hz, 1080p 60 Hz

Praxis ist es aber gar nicht



1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

so einfach, den Dienst nur

von nur maximal 3 Watt im

SCR no

mit Fernbedienung und OSD

Standby schont der Amiko

RS232 yes

Tastatur auch wirklich sinn-

Mini HD den Geldbeutel und

Ethernet yes

voll zu nutzen.

das platzsparend und gut

USB 2.0 yes

Abgerundet wird der Funk-


versteckt irgendwo in den

tionsumfang noch durch drei


integrierte Videospiele, die




Card Reader

yes (Conax)

HDTV yes MPEG4/H.264 yes

expert OPINION

AMIKO Mini HD DVB-S2 HDTV Receiver

CI Slot no


OSD languages

English, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Rumanian, Hungarian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovenian, Slovakian, Serbian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish

Power Supply

100 - 240V AC, 50/60 Hz AC / 12V DC


15 x 11 x 3.5 cm


250 g


Thomas Haring Test Center Austria Apparent Power

+ Sehr kompakte und platzsparende Bauweise, geringer Strom-

Active Power

verbrauch, übersichtliches OSD, durchdachte Bedienung und alle Features die man von einem PVR Receiver erwartet sind deutliche Pluspunkte des Amiko Mini HD, denen keine Negativpunkte gegenüber stehen. Ein insgesamt perfekt gelungener Receiver

– Die Auto DiSEqC Funktion ist aufgrund der nur mit wenigen Einträgen gefüllten Satellitenliste in einigen Fällen nicht in der Lage, überzeugende Ergebnisse zu liefern. 8 Timerslots sind für einen PVR Receiver zu wenig.

Die ersten 15 Minuten aktiver Betrieb, die zweiten 15 Minuten Standby

68 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Mode Apparent Active Factor Active 15 W 8W 0.53 StandBy 2W 1W 0.5


SCR Multischalter


70 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Kaskadierbare SCR Multischalter von SPAUN • Verfügbar in unterschiedlichen Varianten für verschiedene Einsatzgebiete • Extrem gute Leistung, sogar besser als im technischen Datenblatt vom Hersteller angegeben • Der gleichzeitige Einsatz von SCR Receivern und regulären Receivern ist möglich • Dank sehr schneller Umschaltgeschwindigkeit macht das Zappen richtig Spaß • Die LEGACY Modelle können auch mit regulären, nicht SCR fähigen Receivern verwendet werden

Teil 2 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



SCR Multischalter

In Teil 1 dieser Artikelserie (siehe TELE-audiovision 0910/2013) haben wir Ihnen zwei Einkabel-Multischalter aus dem Hause SPAUN vorgestellt: Den SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY und den SUS 5581 F. Nun möchten wir auf einige weitere Modelle der umfangreichen SPAUN Produktpalette näher eingehen, die sich sowohl in der Anzahl ihrer Ein- und Ausgänge als auch in der maximal möglichen Anzahl der zu versorgenden Receiver unterscheiden. Konkret handelt es sich dabei um die Modelle: SUS 5581 NFA, SUS 5581/33 NFA LEGACY, SUS 4441 F, SUS 4481 F, SUS 5541 F und SUS 5541 NFA. Lassen Sie uns aber zuerst rasch erklären, wofür die Ziffern und Buchstaben der Produktbezeichnungen genau stehen: Die ersten beiden Ziffern geben die Anzahl der Eingänge und Stammausgänge an. So bedeutet z.B. „44“, dass der Multischalter über 4 Satelliteneingänge (von einem Quattro LNB) und 4 Stammausgänge für vertikales lowund high-Band sowie horizontales low- und high-Band verfügt. Enthält die Bezeichnung statt der 4 eine 5, so bedeutet dies, dass ein zusätzlicher Eingang und Stammausgang für terrestrische Signale vorhanden ist, der in den meisten Fällen mit einer terrestrischen Außenantenne verbunden wird. Die zweite Ziffernfolge in der Modellbezeichnung gibt die Anzahl an SCR Ausgängen sowie die maximale Anzahl an Receivern an, die darüber verbunden werden können. Die Ziffernfolge „41“ bedeutet also, dass eine

Ausgangsleitung vorhanden ist, an die bis zu 4 Receiver angeschlossen werden können. Dementsprechend würde „81“ auf eine Ausgangsleitung mit bis zu 8 möglichen Receivern hinweisen etc. Hinzu kommt noch die Kombination von zwei Ziffernfolgen, so steht z.B. „81/33“ für einen Multischalter, der entweder über eine Signalleitung bis zu 8 Receiver oder über 3 Signalleitungen bis zu jeweils 3 Receiver versorgen kann. Der gewünschte Modus lässt sich dabei jeweils über einen Drehknopf an der Oberseite des Multischalters einstellen. Die Bezeichnung „NFA“ steht für integrierte Verstärker an jedem Satellitensignaleingang, aber Achtung: Wenn Sie ein modernes Quattro LNB mit relativ kurzer Verkabelung an so einen Multischalter anschließen könnten Sie leicht die maximal erlaubten 80 dBµV Eingangspegel überschreiten. Besonders problematisch wird das auf manchen ohnehin schon starken Transpondern der in Europa häufig empfangenen ASTRA und HOTBIRD Satelliten. In diesem Fall würde die Signalqualität an allen Ausgängen signifikant abnehmen, wodurch deutlich wird, dass NFA Modelle als dritter oder vierter Multischalter in einer ganzen Kaskade von Multischaltern, von denen jeder das Signal schon deutlich gedämpft hat, gedacht sind. Den Begriff „LEGACY“ verwendet SPAUN für jene Multischalter, die über drei Ausgänge und zwei verschiedene Betriebsmodi verfügen: 8x1 oder 3x3. Sie verhalten sich zudem im 8x1 Modus auf den beiden nicht

11-12/2013 SUS 5581 NFA, SUS 5581/33 NFA LEGACY, SUS 4441 F, SUS 4481 F, SUS 5541 F and SUS 5541 NFA Best products for creating a reliable SCR distribution system

72 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

für SCR genutzten Ausgängen wie klassische Multischalter und können so zwei ganz reguläre Receiver mit Signalen, entsprechend denen eines Universal LNB, versorgen. Die Verarbeitungsqualität aller getesteten Multischalter ließ, wie von SPAUN gewohnt, absolut keine Wünsche offen. Alles war perfekt verarbeitet und dank der Beschriftungen direkt an den Multischaltern waren auch die Funktionen der einzelnen Ein- und Ausgänge sofort ersichtlich. Da auch die Trägerfrequenzen direkt am Multischalter abgedruckt sind war es nicht einmal notwendig, einen Blick in die Installationsanleitung zu werfen, die mit jedem Produkt ausgeliefert wird. Wer es, und das empfehlen wir natürlich, trotzdem tut, der erhält Informationen zu den technischen Parametern und Spezifikationen sowie verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele. Da einige der getesteten Modelle eine externe Spannungsversorgung benötigen liegt diesen ein Steckernetzteil bei. Es verfügt über verschiedene Steckeraufsätze und kommt mit unterschiedlichen Eingangsspannungen zurecht. Damit ist es praktisch überall auf der Welt sofort einsatzbereit. Zusätzlich lagen einigen Modellen 75 Ohm Endstücke bei, die mit den Stammausgängen verbunden werden, falls an diesen kein weiterer Multischalter angeschlossen wird. Gerade wenn

■ In der Ausgabe 09-10/2013 der TELE-audiovision stellten wir die

SPAUN SCR Multischalter SUS 5581/33 NF LEGACY und SUS 5581 F vor

man die maximal mögliche Signalqualität erreichen möchte sollte man den Einsatz dieser Endstücke nicht vergessen! Unsere Testumgebung für die neuen SPAUN Multischalter beinhaltete diesmal eine 85cm Offset Antenne, die auf

die HOTBIRD Satelliten (13° Ost) ausgerichtet war und an der wir ein Quattro LNB angebracht hatten. Für den Test der NFA Modelle haben wir zusätzlich einen 10 dB Signaldämpfer verwendet, damit das Eingangssignal unterhalb der maximal erlaubten 80

74 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

dBµV blieb. Schon auf den ersten Blick fiel uns auf, dass das Signalspektrum aller Multischalter ausgesprochen sauber war. So gab es fast keine unerwünschten Signale zwischen den einzelnen SCR Trägern und das C/R Verhältnis lag bei über 35 dB! Über solch optimale Bedingungen verfügt man beim Umgang mit regulären Satellitensignalen in der Regel nicht. Als nächstes haben wir den Signalpegel bei allen getesteten Produkten gemessen, dieser lag dabei stets genau in dem Bereich, den SPAUN vorsieht. Unsere Schlussfolgerung

daraus: Egal welche Frequenz Sie mit Ihrem Receiver empfangen möchten, die SPAUN Multischalter versorgen ihn stets mit einem gleichmäßig starken Signal. Abhängig vom jeweiligen Modell geben die Stammausgänge das Eingangssignal einfach mit leichter Dämpfung weiter oder verstärken es oder verstärken und regeln es auf einen bestimmten Pegel. Die Diagramme 1, 2 und 3 stellen das genauer dar, wobei es sich dabei natürlich lediglich um eine Auswahl der von uns erstellten Diagramme handelt, da deren Anzahl sonst den Rahmen des Test-

berichts bei weitem sprengen würde. Glauben Sie uns bitte einfach, dass auch die in diesem Test nicht extra angeführten Modelle mit nahezu identischer Leistung überzeugten. Wie sieht es nun aber mit der Qualität der Ausgangssignale aus? Hat diese deutlich oder lediglich geringfügig abgenommen? Die Diagramme 4, 5 und 6 zeigen unsere Messergebnisse in Form der MER des Eingangs- und Ausgangssignals im Vergleich. Wie Sie erkennen können, hat sich die MER nur ganz geringfügig verschlechtert, wobei uns im Zuge des Tests aufgefallen ist, dass dies nur

■ Graph 1.

■ Graph 2.

■ Graph 3. 76 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

für Ausgangssignale im oberen Frequenzbereich zutrifft. Die Differenz ist allerdings dermaßen gering, dass sie auf den Empfang keinen Einfluß hat. Selbstverständlich haben wir auch wo immer möglich den terrestrischen Eingang unter die Lupe genommen und können bestätigen, dass der Signalverlust, so wie von SPAUN angegeben, bei unter 4 dB liegt. Schlussendlich haben wir noch den Test unter Alltagsbedingungen mit einem richtigen Receiver gemacht und dabei festgestellt, dass das Zappen in einem SPAUN SCR System richtig schnell funk-

tioniert. Das ist besonders deshalb interessant und wichtig zu wissen, da in einem SCR Netz nicht der Tuner Ihres Receivers auf eine neue Frequenz umschalten muss, sondern der SCR Multischalter! Umso mehr freut

■ Graph 4.

■ Graph 5.

■ Graph 6. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


es uns daher, dass Sie keine Angst haben müssen, die SPAUN Multischalter könnten das Zappen verzögern. Ganz im Gegenteil: Sie sind extrem schnell! Zusammenfassend können wir bestätigen, dass die Leistung der SPAUN Multischalter den technischen Spezifikationen entspricht. Das Ausgangssignal ist sehr sauber und kräftig, zudem ist seine MER nur geringfügig schlechter als jene des Eingangssignals – in unserem Fall eines Quattro LNB. Das SPAUN Produktportfolio enthält eine Vielzahl an Modellen mit und ohne Ver-

stärkung, passend für vier, acht, neun (3x3) oder sogar zehn (8x1 + 2xLEGACY) Receiver, so dass eine Lösung für nahezu jeden Einsatzbereich zur Verfügung steht. Möchten Sie mehr Receiver einsetzen als Anschlüsse zur Verfügung stehen so bieten sich die Stammausgänge an, die das LNB Signal an einen zusätzlichen SCR Multischalter weiterleiten. Zudem kann so auch ganz einfach eine Kombination aus SCR und klassischen Multischaltern verwendet werden, falls einzelne Receiver in Ihrer Verteilung nicht mit SCR Signalen umgehen können.

expert OPINION

SPAUN SUS 5581 NFA, SUS 5581/33 NFA LEGACY, SUS 4441 F, SUS 4481 F, SUS 5541 F & SUS 5541 NFA

Jacek Pawlowski Test Center Poland

+ Die verschiedenen Modelle machen es einfach Ihre Signalver

teilung zu optimieren Hervorragende Leistung, die den technischen Spezifikationen entspricht Sehr gutes Rauschverhalten Tadellose Verarbeitung



SPAUN electronic GmbH & Co. KG, Germany



– keine

E-mail Phone / Fax

+49-7731-8673-0 / +49-7731-8673-17



Inputs SAT/TERR Through loss 5...862 MHz

SUS 5581 NFA


SUS 4441 F

SUS 4481 F

SUS 5541 F

SUS 5541 NFA

4/1 4 4 4/1 4/1

< 4 dB

< 4 dB



< 4 dB

Through loss 950...2200 MHz

12 … 14 dB


-1 ... 2 dB

-1 ... 2 dB

-1 ... 2 dB


Through gain 950...2200 MHz


12 … 14 dB




12 … 14 dB

Tap Loss 5...862 MHz SAT Input Level SAT Output Level (Legacy Mode) Output Level 950...2200 MHz SCR carriers [MHz] Power consumption

< 4 dB

13 … 15 dB

4 … 6 dB



4 … 6 dB

4 … 6 dB

50 … 80 dBμV

50 … 80 dBμV

65 … 95 dBμV

65 … 95 dBμV

65 … 95 dBμV

65 … 95 dBμV

73 dBμV






1x8: 95 dBμV 3x3: 82 dBμV

95 dBμV

95 dBμV

95 dBμV

95 dBμV

95 dBμV

974 1076 1178 1280 1382 1484 1586 1688 1790 (only in 3x3 setup) < 7 W

974 1210 974 974 974 1076 1420 1076 1076 1076 1178 1680 1178 1178 1178 1280 2040 1280 1280 1280 1382 1382 1484 1484 1586 1586 1688 1688 < 7W



78 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


< 7W


Triple Tuner PVR HDTV Receiver

Icecrypt S3700CHD

80 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• sehr rasche Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit dank neuester CPU • sehr schneller Blindscan • eigener App-Store erweitert die Mediamöglichkeiten des Receivers • PVR-Funktion für zwei Aufnahmen, während eine dritte live gesehen wird • Motorparameter können auf alle Satelliten übertragen werden — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Triple Tuner PVR HDTV Receiver

Triple Tuner PVR Die sehr elegante Frontpartie des neuen Icecrypt S3700CHD mit seinem perfekt lesbarem VFD Display offenbart hinter einer Klappe versteckt zwei Conax Smartcardleser, des weiteren insgesamt sieben Tasten zur Steuerung ohne Fernbedienung sowie einen USB Port. An der Rückseite des Triple Tuner Receivers stechen sofort die drei Tunereingänge samt Loop-

Ausgängen (2x DVB-S2, 1x DVB-T/C) ins Auge. Daneben findet man noch einen USB , HDMI und RJ-45 Netzwerkanschluss, 3 RCA Buchsen für Stereo Audio und Composite Video, eine Scart Buchse, einen optischen und koaxialen Audiodigitalausgang, einen UHF Modulator sowie eine RS232 Buchse und einen mechanischen Netzschalter. Die vom Hersteller mitge-

lieferte Fernbedienung liegt angenehm in der Hand, ist übersichtlich beschriftet und weist vor allem zwischen ihren Tasten ausreichend Platz auf, so dass sie auch von nicht ganz so zarten Fingern problemlos verwendet werden kann. Das in Deutsch und Englisch verfügbare Handbuch stellte uns ebenfalls voll und ganz zufrieden. Gleich zu Beginn des Erstinstallationsassistenten werden Grundeinstellungen wie die gewünschte OSD Sprache, die Zeiteinstellung sowie die Netzwerkpara-


meter abgefragt, ebenso die Auswahl der gewünschten Videosignalauflösung. Hier hat uns besonders gefreut, dass der Receiver 1080p unterstützt und somit dank Full-HD Kompatibilität zukunftstauglich ist. Abgeschlossen wird die Ersteinrichtung noch durch das Festlegen eines persönlichen PIN Codes sowie die Möglichkeit, die automatische Benachrichtigung über Softwareupdates oder wichtige Informationen des Hersteller zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren. Nach Abschluss der Erstinstallation läßt sich über das Hauptmenü rasch ein Sendersuchlauf durchführen, wobei der Hersteller insgesamt 50 Satelliteneinträge in der internen Daten-

11-12/2013 Icecrypt S3700CHD Hervorragende Hardware in Verbindung mit ausgereifter und einfach zu bedienender Software

82 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —






bank vorprogrammiert hat. Leider fehlen ein paar Einträge, was sich durch den Vergleich der Ergebnisse eines Blindscansuchlaufs und eines regulären Suchlaufs auf dem HOTBIRD 13° Ost rasch herausstellte. Gefreut hat uns, dass softwareseitig alle DiSEqC Protokolle (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 und 1.3) sowie frei definierbare LOF Werte und auch SCR Einkabellösungen unterstützt werden. Ein pfiffiges Detail ist die Möglichkeit, die gewählten Motorparameter (DiSEqC 1.3) eines einzelnen Satelliteneintrags auf alle Satelliteneinträge in der Datenbank zu übertragen. Wie viele Receiver hatten wir schon im Test, bei denen wir diese Einstellung für jeden einzelnen Eintrag mühsam manuell vornehmen mussten. Wer übrigens nicht genau weiß, an welchem Port seines DiSEqC Multischalters der gerade gewünschte Satellit angeschlossen ist, der kann sich durch die Auto DiSEqC Funktion einen Hinweis geben lassen; ein äußerst praktisches Feature der Icecrypt Software. Suchlaufseitig stehen der automatische Suchlauf über einen oder mehrere Satelliten sowie über einen oder mehrere Transponder zur Auswahl bereit, aber auch an die Blindscansuche wurde gedacht. Während der reguläre Suchlauf in 5 Minuten 1518 TV- und 361 Radioprogramme am HOTBIRD 13° Ost ans Tageslicht brachte erkannte die Blindscansuche in 8 Minuten 1707 TV- und 414 Radioprogramme. Wir meinen, dass diese drei zusätzlichen Minuten in Anbetracht des hervorragenden Suchlaufergebnisses gut investierte Zeit sind. Im terrestrischen Bereich muss man sich vor dem Suchlauf zwischen DVB-T und DVB-C entscheiden. Leider unterstützt der neue Icecrypt Receiver kein DVB-T2; gerade HDSender verwenden dieses neue Übertragungsformat.

84 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Für einen automatischen Suchlauf über das gesamte Frequenzband benötigte der S3700CHD etwas mehr als drei Minuten. Dank einer vom Anwender aktivierbaren +5V Versorgungsspannung über den Innenleiter des Koaxialkabels können auch DVB-T Antennen mit integriertem Verstärker verwendet werden. Erfreulicherweise kennt die Icecrypt Software keine Beschränkung der maximalen Anzahl an Kanälen innerhalb der Kanalliste; trotzdem empfiehlt es sich, nach dem Suchlauf aus Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit erstmal für Ordnung zu sorgen. Dazu können einzelne Sender verschoben, umbenannt, mit einem PIN Code gesperrt oder gelöscht werden, ebenso wie die Kanalliste anhand der Kategorien Satelliten, A-Z, Provider, CAS, HD, Broadcaster oder Favoriten sortiert werden kann. Apropos Favoriten: Insgesamt 32 frei benennbare Favoritenlisten stehen zur Auswahl bereit und erlauben dem Anwender, rasch auf seine Lieblingssender 1: Installationsassistent des Icecrypt S3700CHD 2: Zeiteinstellung 3: Netzwerkeinstellungen 4: Videoausgangssignaleinste llungen 5: Im Rahmen der Erstinstallation muss der Anwender auch einen PIN Code definieren 6: Über neue Software bzw. wichtige Hinweise kann der Anwender direkt am Receiver informiert werden 7: Das Hauptmenü des Icecrypt S3700CHD 8: Installationsmenü 9: Softwareupgrade via USB 10. Tunereinstellungen 11. DiSEqC 1.3 Einstellungen 12. Die DiSEqC 1.3 Einstellungen können auf Wunsch für alle Satelliteneinträge übernommen werden 13. Die Auto-DiSEqC Funktion erkennt automatisch an welchem Port der gewünschte Satellit angeschlossen ist 14. Blindscan Suchlauf 15. Die Blindscan Suche hat 1707 TV- und 414 Radioprogramme auf dem HOTBIRD 13° Ost entdeckt










15 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


16 6 16. Einzelne Transpondereinträge können gelöscht, hinzugefügt oder bearbeitet werden 17. Beim dritten Tuner muss sich der Anwender zwischen DVB-T und DVB-C entscheiden 18. Tunereinstellungen im terrestrischen Bereich 19. Terrestrischer Suchlauf. DVB-T2 wird nicht unterstützt, deshalb kann der Receiver auch nur 13 TV- und 1 Radiosender einlesen 20. Die 32 Favoritenlisten können individuell benannt werden 21. Bearbeiten einer Favoritenliste 22. Bearbeiten der Kanalliste 23. Diverse Grundeinstellungen 24. A/V Einstellungen









86 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

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zugreifen zu können. Dank des besonders übersichtlich gestalteten Einstellungsmenüs kann der Benutzer eines S3700CHD sehr einfach auf die verschiedenen Parameter seines Receivers Einfluss nehmen und hier lässt dieser wirklich keine Wünsche offen: Sei es nun eine automatische Aufnahmeverlängerung, die Größe des Timeshift Zwischenspeichers, der drahtlose Internet bzw. Netzwerkzugang via externem WiFi bzw. 3G Dongle, die Sicherung der Kanalliste und aller Einstellungen auf ein externes Speichermedium oder die Aktualisierung der Software – alle Funktionen können problemlos konfiguriert und verwendet werden. Wie bei nahezu allen Receivern üblich öffnet ein Druck auf die OK Taste die Kanalliste des S3700CHD, die sich in drei Spalten gliedert. Ganz links wählt der Anwender die gewünschte Gruppe an Sendern (Alle, Favoriten, Satelliten, A-Z, Provider, CAS, HD, Top und Broadcaster), während in der zweiten Spalte eine weitere Unterauswahl getroffen wird (welches Verschlüsselungssystem, welche Favoritenliste, welcher Provider etc.). In der dritten, äußerst rechten Spalte werden dann die so gefilterten Kanäle

angezeigt und stehen dem Anwender zur Auswahl zur Verfügung. Besonders gut gefallen hat uns, dass die Software auch die elektronische Programmzeitschrift (EPG) in die Kanalliste integriert, denn drückt man in der dritten Spalte nochmals die Pfeiltaste rechts an der Fernbedienung so blendet der Receiver die EPG Daten der aktuellen Sendung aller in der Kanalliste gerade angezeigten Programme ein. Ein nochmaliger Tastendruck offenbart dann den 25. Die Icons der TV-Wall Funktion können aus dem Internet geladen werden 26. Aufnahmeeinstellungen 27. 3G Verbindungseinstellungen 28. Web Server Einstellungen 29. Die gesamte Kanalliste kann auf einem externen Speichermedium gesichert werden 30. Wichtige Nachrichten des Herstellers würde der Receiver an dieser Stelle auflisten 31. Wettervorhersage 32. FAQ und Bedienungsanleitung sind direkt in der Software verfügbar 33. Die integrierten Multimediafeatures des Icecrypt S3700CHD 34. YouTube 35. Shoutcast 36. Picasa 37. Opera Webbrowser 38. IPTV Player 39. WebTV Player




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39 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


44 40. Ebay App 41. Sender können direkt in der Kanalliste bearbeitet werden 42. Das Programm der nächsten Stunden eines Senders 43. Erweiterte Sendungsbeschreibung 44. Die Infoleiste mit dem Titel der aktuellen und folgenden Sendung 45. Kanalsuche mit vollständiger OSD Tastatur 46. Kanalsuche mit OSD Tastatur im SMS Stil 47. Sprachwahl 48. Teletext, Untertitel und die gewünschte Audiosprache können ganz einfach gewählt werden









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Inhalt der folgenden Stunden des derzeit gewählten Senders in voller Übersicht. Wir meinen, dass man einfacher und praktischer wohl kaum auf den EPG zugreifen kann. Dank einer eigenen Taste an der Fernbedienung steht dem Benutzer eines S3700CHD auch die gezielte Suche nach einzelnen Senders über deren Namen zur Verfügung, die dazu eingeblendete OSD Tastatur lässt sich in zwei verschiedenen Modi (entweder als vollständige Tastatur oder wie vom Telefon gewohnt mit mehrfacher Zusatzbelegung der Zifferntasten) anzeigen. Im alltäglichen Betrieb hat uns der neue Icecrypt Receiver mit seiner raschen Reaktion auf Fernbedienungsbefehle begeistern 49. EPG Anzeige 50. Die verschiedenen Sortiermöglichkeiten der Kanalliste 51. Satellitenauswahl 52. MP3 Wiedergabe 53. Bildbetrachter 54. Wiedergabe eines AVI Testvideo 55. Wiedergabe eines DivX Testvideo





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können. Kein Wunder, stehen doch neben einer 450 MHz CPU auch 2 MB NOR Flash, 512 MB NAND Flash sowie 2x 128MD DDR2 Arbeitsspeicher zur Verfügung. Auch an der Bild- und Tonqualität des S3700CHD gab es im Praxistest nichts auszusetzen und dank der zügigen Kanalumschaltgeschwindigkeit von unter 1 Sekunde macht auch das Zappen Spaß. Mit Hilfe der HbbTV Funktion hat der Anwender bei HbbTV kompatiblen Sendern Zugriff auf erweiterte Inhalte wie Mediatheken, eigenen EPG und vieles mehr. Als PVR Receiver unterstützt der S3700CHD zwei Aufnahmen gleichzeitig, während eine dritte Sendung live gesehen wird. Hier hätten wir uns allerdings gewünscht, dass drei oder vielleicht sogar vier Aufnahmen zur selben Zeit durchgeführt werden können. Neben den Grundfunktionen glänzt der neue Icecrypt Receiver erfreulicherweise durch jede Menge Zusatzfeatures, die dem Anwender kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen. Beson-

ders erwähnenswert ist in diesem Zusammenhang sicherlich die in die Icecrypt Software integrierte Nachrichtenfunktion, dank deren Hilfe der Hersteller seine Kunde via OSD Einblendung mit wichtigen Informationen (z.B. neue Software etc.) informieren kann. Auch das Softwareupgrade geht ganz einfach vonstatten, besonders hat uns dabei gefreut zu sehen, dass dem Endverbraucher auch eine Änderungshistory mit detaillierten Informationen angeboten wird. Insgesamt legt die Software ganz besonderen Wert auf einfache Bedienung, da war es dann auch nur folgerichtig, dass man das Handbuch kurzerhand digitalisiert hat und zusammen mit einer FAQ Übersicht direkt im Menü des Receivers zur Anzeige anbietet. Vorbei sind also die Zeiten, in denen der Anwender das Handbuch erst suchen und aus den Tiefen ir-

gendwelcher Schränke und Schubkästen kramen muss. Ein Tastendruck genügt und schon steht es top aktuell am Fernseher bereit. An Multimediafeatures enthält die Icecrypt Software neben der fast schon obligatorischen Wettervorhersage auch Clients für die Dienste YouTube, Shoutcast (Internetradio), Picasa (Bilder) und den russischen Pay-TV Anbieter Kartina TV. Hinzu kommen ein Web Browser (Opera), ein FTP Client sowie ein RSS Feedreader. Die Punkte IPTV und WebTV ergänzen das Angebot,

leider sind hier aber weder IPTV noch WebTV Sender vorprogrammiert, so dass der Anwender die von ihm gewünschten Angebote manuell hinzufügen muss. Uns hat im Praxistest auf jeden Fall sehr gefreut, dass alle integrierten Dienste problemlos funktioniert haben, egal ob es sich dabei um die Wiedergabe eines YouTube Videos, eines Shoutcast Streams oder die Anzeige von RSS Feeds bzw. einer Website gehandelt hat.





Natürlich darf auch eine Abspielmöglichkeit für eigene Musiktitel und Videos nicht fehlen; dafür unterstützt der S3700CHD die Formate AVI, MKV, MPG, TS, WMA, WMV, M2TS, FLV, DAT, ASF sowie MP3, und natürlich ließ uns auch der Bildbetrachter mit den letzten Urlaubsfotos im JPEG Format nicht im Stich. Abgerundet wird der Funk-

56. Die Sexview App lässt sich einfach über den App Store auf den Icecrypt Receiver laden 57. Über die Sexview Website muss der Anwender den am Receiver angezeigten Authorisierungscode bei der Registrierung eingeben 58. Hauptmenü der Sexview App 59. Dank PIN Abfrage ist der Jugendschutz jederzeit gewährleistet — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志








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60. Wiedergabe eines Flash Testvideo 61. Wiedergabe eines MOV Testvideo 62. Wiedergabe eines MP4 Testvideo 63. Wiedergabe eines TS Teststream 64. HbbTV wird unterstützt 65. Die TV-Wall Funktion der Icecrypt Software

tionsumfang noch durch einen hauseigenen App Store mit dutzenden kostenlos verfügbaren Erweiterungen für den S3700CHD. Egal ob Ebay Client, Mediatheken, Sportnachrichten, Spiele oder sogar Essensbestel-

lungen beim Lieferservice um die Ecke: Es stehen für nahezu alle Einsatzbereiche die passenden Apps zur Verfügung. Ein Exklusivangebot ist der Erwachsenensender Sexview, der nur mit den Icecrypt Receivern T2300HD und S3700CHD zur Verfügung steht. Nach einer kurzen Registrierung über die Website des Anbieters wird dem persönlichen Account die MAC Adresse des eigenen Receivers zugeordnet, so dass das Gerät eindeutig adressierbar wird. Im Test


hat der Service problemlos funktioniert, auch bei der Bildqualität gab es nichts auszusetzen. Vorbildlich fanden wir zudem, dass diese App mittels PIN Code vor neugierigen Blicken geschützt ist. Abschließend möchten wir noch auf ein besonders schön gestaltetes Feature des neuen Icecrypt Receivers hinweisen, die TV-Wall Funktion. Diese kann an-

stelle der regulären Kanalliste eingeblendet werden und zeigt die Namen und Logos von jeweils 20 Sendern inkl. deren EPG Daten und einem live Vorschaubild übersichtlich an. Besonders gefreut hat uns im Test, dass die Senderlogos direkt aus dem Internet geladen werden können und es sogar möglich ist, diese individuell am PC zu bearbeiten.

expert OPINION

Icecrypt S3700CHD Triple Tuner PVR



Apparent Power

Thomas Haring Test Center Austria

Active Power

Mode Apparent Active Factor Active 21 W 12.5 W 0.59 Active StandBy 19 W 11.5 W 0.60 Sleep StandBy 8W 3 W 0.75

+ Der S3700CHD ist ein grundsolider und bestens ausgestatte-

Die ersten 15 Minuten aktiver Betrieb, die zweiten 15 Minuten Standby ohne Energiesparfunktion (der Receiver ist sofort wieder einsatzbereit), die dritten 15 Minuten Standby mit Energiesparfunktion (der Receiver benötigt einige Zeit bis er wieder einsatzbereit ist).

ter Triple Tuner PVR. Er verfügt über eine hervorragende Softwareplattform, die dem Anwender unzählige praktische Features und Funktionen zur Verfügung stellt. Dank Full-HD Unterstützung und konstanter Weiterentwicklung der Software ist der neue Icecrypt Receiver zukunftstauglich.

– Der terrestrische Tuner unterstützt leider kein DVB-T2, es sind nur zwei Aufnahmen gleichzeitig möglich. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志




WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source

96 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• Haupt-Einsatzgebiet in Satelliten Uplink-Stationen • ermöglicht die Messung von Intermodulationen und Kompressionspunkten • auch ideal geeignet, um Messgeräte zu kalibrieren und zertifizierte Messungen damit zu protokollieren • eingebauter Sweep-Generator ermöglicht die Messung und Protokollierung von Kabelinstallationen • eingebaute Batterien machen das Gerät universell einsetzbar — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志




Die Referenz bestimmt die Qualität Um komplexe Anlagen einzumessen, Messgeräte zu kalibrieren oder Hochfrequenzkonverter zu testen benötigt man einen Testsignal-Generator. Dieser erzeugt ein Signal auf einer definierten Frequenz und mit einem spezifischen Leistungspegel, wobei die Genauigkeit extrem wichtig ist, da dieses Signal als Referenz genutzt wird. WORK Microwave hat genau einen solchen professionellen Testsignal Generator im Angebot, der Signale von 50-180 MHz und von 9502150MHz erzeugen kann.

Ausgeliefert wird die Handheld Satcom Test Source in einer gut geschützten Verpackung. In dieser befinden sich ein roter AluminiumKoffer, zwei USB-Kabel (A-B) und ein Netzkabel. Öffnet man den roten Aluminium-Koffer findet sich darin gut gepolstert der Signal-Generator, das Netzteil, ein USB-Speicher, die Bedienungsanleitung und ein Zertifikat. Mit diesem Konformitäts-Zertigikat bescheinigt WORK Microwave, dass die ausgelieferte Handheld Satcom Test Source die gelisteten Parameter einhält; es

wird sogar darauf hingewiesen, dass auf Anfrage sämtliche Dokumentation, die zur Herstellung des SignalGenerators erzeugt wurde, angefordert werden kann. Durch eine solche Dokumentation ergibt sich eine Rückverfolgbarkeit: alle Messwerte können bis zu zum Hersteller WORK Microwave zurückverfolgt werden, wodurch sich Diskussionen über Messergebnisse ausschließen. Die mitgelieferte Bedienungsanleitung erklärt auf 15 Seiten sämtliche Funktionen in ausführlicher aber leicht verständlicher Form. Die Installation des Gerätes ist denkbar ein-

fach. Es muss lediglich die ausführbare Datei vom USB Speicher ausgeführt werden. Eine Installation ist nicht notwendig. Natürlich kann das Programm auch auf die Festplatte kopiert werden. Auf dem USB Speicher ist außerdem eine Kopie des Handbuchs als PDF Datei vorhanden – vorbildlich. Eine Treiberinstallation ist nicht notwendig, da Windows XP, Windows Vista und Windows 7 das Instrument als HID („Human Interface Device“) erkennt und automatisch in das Betriebssystem einbindet. Das Gehäuse der Handheld Satcom Test Source hat ein längliches Format und besteht aus Aluminium. Keine Zweifel, es handelt sich um ein robustes Gerät, dass zusätzlich vorne und hinten durch hartes Plastik geschützt ist. Auf der Vorderseite befinden sich der Spannungseingang (12V

11-12/2013 WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source Ermöglicht präzise und zertifizierte HF-Messungen

■ TELE-audiovision Editor Vitor in action. It's not nearly as difficult as it looks.

98 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


1 - 24V), zwei USB Eingänge (Typ B) und drei StatusLEDs. Die erste LED zeigt den Zustand des Gerätes an (OK oder Fehler), die zweite LED dient zur Anzeige des Ladestatus des Akkus und die dritte LED dient zur Anzeige des System-Status. Die beiden USB-Eingänge haben unterschiedliche Funktionen. USB1 dient zur zusätzlichen Spannungsversorgung und für die Datenkommunikation mit dem PC. USB2 dient ausschließlich zur Stromversorgung, wenn der Anwender das externe Netzteil nicht benutzen kann. Die Handheld Satcom Test Source verfügt über einen internen Akku, mit welchem das Gerät auch unabhängig von einer Stromleitung betrieben werden kann. Genial und doch eigentlich selbstverständlich für einen tragbaren Signal-Generator. Interessanter ist die Tatsache, dass das Gerät auch von einem PC bzw. Laptop mittels USB geladen und betrieben werden kann. Da eine USBSchnittstelle aber zu wenig Strom liefert ist es möglich, die Handheld Satcom Test Source an zwei USB-Ports anzuschließen. Clever! Auf der Rückseite befindet sich der Ein/Aus-Schalter. Weiterhin sind hier eine BNC-Buchse vorhanden, die ein Referenzsignal (10 MHz) ausgibt, sowie eine SMABuchse, an welcher das vom Signal-Generator erzeugte Signal anliegt. Das Gerät ist in der Lage, an dieser Buchse eine Gleichspannung auszugeben, was durch eine zusätzliche LED angezeigt wird. Die Steuerung des Gerätes erfolgt über eine WindowsSoftware, die auch eine Sweep-Funktion beherrscht.

Messung von Hochfrequenzkonvertern

Das Haupteinsatzgebiet der Handheld Satcom Test Source ist die Messung ver-

schiedener Parameter von Hoc hfr equenzkonver ter n. Diese HF-Konverter, die WORK Microwave ebenfalls anbietet, wandeln das zu sendende Signal von der Eingangsfrequenz auf eine höhere Ausgangsfrequenz um. Da sich diese hochfrequenten Signale innerhalb einer Satelliten-Uplink-Station aber zwischen den verschiedenen Geräten (Modulatoren, Multiplexer, usw.) nicht über Kabel verlustfrei leiten lassen sondern nur über Hohlleiter oder sehr teure Koaxkabel, geht man einen anderen Weg und bearbeitet das Signal solange in den Frequenzbereichen von 50 MHz bis 180 MHz oder von 950 MHz bis 2150 MHz, bis es fertig aufbereitet in die Uplinkeinheit eingespeist wird. Erst jetzt wird es im letzten Schritt durch den Hochfrequenzkonverter in den Satelliten-Uplink-Frequenzbereich gewandelt. Es ist selbstverständlich, dass der Hochfrequenzkonverter dabei keine Fehler produzieren darf, da dies zum Beispiel benachbarte Transponder oder gar den regulären Satellitenbetrieb stören kann. Ein solcher Störeffekt wird Intermodulation genannt. Dabei beeinflussen sich zwei Signale, die auf naheliegenden Frequenzen moduliert sind so, dass weitere Signalpegel seitlich zu den beiden Frequenzen entstehen. Bei diesem Effekt handelt es sich nicht um die bekannten Oberschwingungen, die an ganzzahligen Vielfachen der modulierten Frequenz auftreten, denn die Intermodulation macht sich direkt links und rechts neben den beiden interferierenden Signalen bemerkbar (siehe Bild 1). Um zu prüfen, in wie weit ein Hochfrequenzkonverter den Effekt dieser Intermodulation minimieren kann, benötigt man zwei HF-Testquellen, um zwei benachbarte Signalpegel mit bekannten Parametern zu modulieren. Diese beiden Signalpegel


1: Intermodulationen treten unmittelbar neben dem Nutzsignal auf - siehe rot gekennzeichnete Signale 2: Der Kompressionspunkt ist bei genau 1 dB definiert, ab dem die Signalqualität von der Ideal-Kennlinie abweicht

werden dann in den Hochfrequenzkonvertern eingespeist und anhand eines Spektrum-Analysators kann man sich dann ein Bild der Intermodulation machen. Genau aus diesem Grund hat WORK Microwave der Handheld Satcom Test Source zwei unabhängige Synthesizer spendiert, so dass man nun mit einer einzigen HF-Testquelle diese Messung durchführen kann. Dies reduziert natürlich erheblich die Kosten in der Anschaffung der HF-Testquelle, denn man braucht nur eines dieser Instrumente, statt wie üblich zwei. Doch gleichfalls wichtig ist der Umstand, dass der Testaufbau stark vereinfacht ist, denn es muss nur ein einziges Kabel an den Up-Converter angeschlossen werden. Ein weiterer Parameter, der bei Hochfrequenzkonvertern gemessen wird,

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ist der sogenannte 1 dB Kompressions-Punkt. Diese Messung dient dazu, das nicht lineare Verhalten des Hochfrequenzkonverters zu messen. Dazu wird die Amplitude des Eingangssignals langsam erhöht, bis die Signalverzerrung durch Nichtlinearität am Ausgang genau 1 dB von der idealen Kennlinie abweicht (siehe Bild 2). Die rote Linie zeigt die ideale Ausgangsleistung. Ab einer bestimmten Eingangsleistung, beginnt der Hochfrequenzkonverter jedoch das Signal zu verzerren und stellt eine geringere Leistung am Ausgang bereit – daher auch der Name „Kompression“: es wird weniger Leistung ausgegeben, der Signalpegel ist komprimiert. Um verschiedene Geräte vergleichen zu können misst man die Eingangsleistung, die zu einer Kompression von genau 1 dB am Ausgang

führt. Hier bewährt sich die WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source mit der Möglichkeit, das Testsignal auf einer beliebigen Frequenz von 50 MHz bis 180 MHz und 950 MHz bis 2150 MHz mit einer Leistung von -45 dBm bis -5 dBm in 0.5 dB Schritten zu erzeugen. Schließlich gilt es, bei

H o c h f r e q u e n z ko nve r t e r n auch deren Konversionsgewinn zu messen. Genau wie bei der Messung des 1 dB Kompressionspunktes wird hier ein Signal mit bekannter Leistung eingespeist und mittels Spektrum Analysator die Signalleistung am Ausgang gemessen. Natürlich könnte man auch

ein echtes Nutzsignal einspeisen und dieses messen. In diesem Fall würde die Messung aber durch verschiedene Faktoren recht ungenau ausfallen, weshalb es einfach notwendig ist, eine kalibrierte HF-Testquelle zu benutzen. In all diesen Einsatzgebieten zeigt sich, das WORK

1 6





Microwave ein ausgereiftes und gut durchdachtes Instrument entwickelt hat: zwei unabhängige Synthesizer können simultan zwei Signale einspeisen, um Intermodulationen zu messen. Die frei wählbare Ausgangsleistung der Handheld Satcom Test Source ermöglicht die Messung des 1 dB

1. The application that controls the Handheld Satcom Test Source is an easy to use tool which basically consists of this main window. Thumbs up for the nice graphical scheme, that perfectly explains what each parameter and button is used for. 2. First you need to connect the software with the Test Source. This takes exactly 5 seconds and both Windows XP and Windows 7 did install the instrument automatically without the need to provide any drivers. 3. Once the instrument is connected, the status in the upper part of the window is updated. In this case, the power is provided through two USB cables. 4. The sweep generator opens in a separate window and allows to specify rage frequency range, the up and down increment and speed, as well as the pause between sweeps. 5. It is of course possible to use the Handheld Satcom Test Source without a connected laptop. You just need to set up the desired parameters and store them in the instrument. When you then turn it on, it will use these parameters automatically. Great if you need to measure several devices with the same input signal.

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Kompressionspunktes und ebenso kann man auch den Konversionsgewinn messen. Die Handhabung der WORK


Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source wird durch weitere Details vereinfacht: ein Akku erlaubt den stunden-

langen Betrieb ohne Netzanschluss und weil man die Funktionsparameter auch im Gerät speichern kann ist

auch ein Betrieb ohne Verbindung zu einem Laptop möglich, zum Beispiel wenn man den Konversionsgewinn


2 ■ The setup to test and evaluate the

WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source. Notice the 50 Ohm to 75 Ohm impedance matching adapter from HP. Tests confirmed the theory: in our case the error was insignificant, so I dispensed the use of the adapter.


104 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

an mehreren Geräten misst. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist der BNC-Ausgang, an dem ein kalibriertes 10 MHz Signal


anliegt, mit dem verschiedene Geräte der HF-Technik angesteuert werden können: somit entfällt ein weiteres

separates Gerät.

Kalibrieren von Messgeräten

In der letzten TELE-audiovision Ausgabe haben wir den Deviser S7000 TV Analyzer getestet und waren von diesem Gerät schwer beeindruckt, bietet es doch alle denkbaren Funktionen, die ein TV Messgerät und Analysator haben kann. Auch die Messgenauigkeit konnte sich im Vergleich zu unseren Referenz-Messgeräten zeigen lassen. Mit der WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Sour-

1. The Handheld Satcom Test Source is configured to generate a signal at 1000 MHz with -15 dBm and the Deviser S7000 correctly shows the signal at this frequency. However, the units are shown in dBµV as I forgot to configure them properly. 2. Fortunately, the Deviser S7000 allows the measurements to be shown in dBµV, dBmV or dBm. The latter one is what I need. 3. And now the Deviser S7000 is showing the measurement value of -16.5dBm. The deviation of -1.5 dBm is not a measurement error but rather the effect of having too much signal level on the cable I am using. 4. Reducing the signal output to -35 dBm on the test source produces a readout of -35.9 dBm. Excellent result, considering these two devices are manufactured at opposite sides of the world. 5. The Handheld Satcom Testscoure can actually output two different signals simultaneously. Here I configured one -35 dBm signal at 1000 MHz and the other at 1100 MHz with -15 dBm. Again, this signal level is correctly identified and confirmed by the Deviser S7000. Simply brilliant. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志





ce wollte ich es aber genau wissen: wie genau misst der Deviser S7000 wirklich? Der Signal-Ausgang der

6. Now for something 9 completely different. At 75 MHz a signal of -35 dBm is generated and measured with a deviation less than 1 dBm. Absolutely amazing. 7. Since the Deviser S7000 supports two markers in CATV mode which is used to measure the tilt between two channels, I generated one signal at 80 MHz with -35 dBm and a second signal at 100 MHz with -45 dBm. Incredibly, the deviation was -0.1 dBm and -0.2 dBm, respectively. The tilt was measured with 9.9 dB. 8. To test the end of scale I generated a signal at 2000 MHz with -15 dBm. Again the Deviser S7000 measured this signal with an amazing precision. 9. To test the sweep generator several slop step intervals had to be tested in order to allow the spectrum analyser function to sample enough data to correctly measure the signal. 10. With a slop step interval of 500 ms the Deviser S7000 produced good results so I started the test run. 11. First I measured the whole spectrum with the MAX function active. This way we can see the whole range at the end of the test. The result is excellent with the spectrum oscillating about 3 dB around -35 dBm, which is the output level setup on the Handheld Satcom Test Source. This oscillation is an acceptable error and due to the fact that I was giving the spectrum analyser just about the time to render the spectrum. 12. This picture shows the same output signal, but this time the signal had to pass a multi switch and about 20 meter of cable, an aerial socket and then another cable before reaching the spectrum analyser. Notice that only the upper curve is of interest. The result is clear to see: there is an over attenuation of about 10 dB to 15 dB. Also, it is clear to see that the attenuation is not uniform.

Handheld Satcom Test Source ist auf 50 Ohm spezifiziert, der Eingang des Deviser S7000 allerdings auf

75 Ohm, wie es eben für TV Anwendungen üblich ist. Ich habe deshalb einen Impedanz-Wandler von Hewlett

106 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Packard genommen (Modell 08590-60090), der für den Frequenzbereich von 1 MHz bis 1.8 GHz spezifiziert ist.




Dieser Impedanz-Wandler erzeugt eine Dämpfung von -15dBm. Die WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source zeigte hier, dass das Profi-Messgerät mit einer Abweichung von unter 1 dBm misst. Dies ist extrem wenig und ein Resultat der exakten Anwendung internationaler Normen in der Entwicklung und Produktion. Die Bilder belegen die Messwerte im Bereich von 50 MHz bis 180 MHz sowie von 950 bis 2150 MHz. Dies ist absolut innerhalb der Messgenauigkeit des Gerätes und der im Zertifikat der WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source angegebenen Abweichung. Eine weitere hervorragende Anwendung der Handheld Satcom Test Source ist damit gezeigt: sie kann zur extrem exakten Kalibrierung von Messgeräten eingesetzt werden.

Prüfen einer CATV Verkabelung

Noch ein Einsatzgebiet der Handheld Satcom Test Source ist die Überprüfung der Kabelinstallation eines Kabel TV Netzes. Zum Test benutzte ich unser eigenes kleines Verteilnetz im TELE-audiovisions Test Center. Zur Distribution wird hier ein Multiswitch mit 16 Eingängen für Sat-Ebenen (950

MHz – 2150 MHz) und einem Eingang für terrestrisches TV oder CATV (50 MHz – 850 MHz) genutzt. Das Signal wird dann an 8 Ausgängen bereitgestellt und innerhalb des Hauses an den Antennendosen zur Verfügung gestellt, die separate Ausgänge für SAT und CATV bieten. Es galt nun, die Dämpfung des Signals im SAT-Bereich zu messen und außerdem wollte ich wissen, ob durch den Multiswitch, den Antennendosen und dem verlegten Kabel bestimmte Frequenzbereich stärker beeinflusst werden als andere. Dazu benutzt man normalerweise einen Rauschgenerator, doch diese bieten nicht die Messgenauigkeit, die die Handheld Satcom Test Source ermöglicht. Wer jetzt denkt, dass das eine Riesenarbeit ist, da man ja praktisch alle Frequenzen einzeln durchprobieren muss, irrt. Denn WORK Microwave hat in der Handheld Satcom Test Source einen Sweep Generator mit eingebaut, der das Ausgangssignal innerhalb eines vom Anwender spezifizierten Frequenzbereichs (50 MHz bis 180 MHz und 950 MHz bis 2150 MHz) laufen lassen kann. Dazu kann natürlich die Schrittweite (mindestens 0.5 MHz) eingeben werden sowie die gewünschte Geschwindigkeit (ab 10 ms pro Schritt). — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Der Pegel kann von -5 bis -45 dBm gewählt werden. Weiterhin ist es möglich, den Sweep bidirektional laufen zu lassen: kommt das Signal am oberen Grenzwert an läuft es wieder zurück, wobei hier eine separate Schrittweite (MHz) und Geschwindigkeit (ms) eingestellt werden kann. Ein weiterer Parameter ermöglicht die Konfiguration einer Pause zwischen den Sweeps. Mein Vorhaben war es, die Handheld Satcom Test Source am Eingang des Multiswitches anzuschließen und ihn dann mit der FrequenzSweep Funktion zu betreiben. Am Messgerät habe ich den Spektrum-Analysator Modus aktiviert und diesen mit der Spitzenwert-Haltefunktion benutzt, um so das Ergebnis des FrequenzSweeps über den gesamten Frequenzraum abzulesen. Der erste Versuch scheiterte, weil ich nicht bedacht hatte, dass der SpektrumAnalysator eine gewisse Sampling-Periode braucht, um aus dem Signal das Spektrum zu generieren. Erzeugt der Signal-Generator einen zu schnellen Sweep, dann bleibt dem Messgerät keine Zeit, das Signal korrekt zu messen. Daher musste ich zuerst diesen Versuchsaufbau mit einer direkten Verbindung zwischen dem Messgerät und dem Signal-Generator

■ Setup to measure the

attenuation and other problems in our SAT and CATV distribution system. Luckily, the Handheld Satcom Test Source works on battery.

108 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —





betreiben, um geeignete Parameter für den FrequenzSweep zu ermitteln. Nun wurde mir auch klar, warum WORK Microwave dieser Funktion in der Hand-

held Satcom Test Source so viel Parameter spendiert hat: sie sind tatsächlich notwendig und sinnvoll. Schließlich konnte ich die gewünschte Messung mit folgenden Pa-

rametern durchführen: - Startfrequenz: 950 MHz - Endfrequenz: 2150 MHz - Frequenzschritt: 1 MHz - Zeitintervall pro Schritt: 500 ms

110 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

- Leistungspegel: -35 dBm Mit diesen Werten konnte der gesamte SAT-Frequenzraum analysiert werden und die Schwankungen bei direkt angeschlossenem Messgerät


1. Testing the DVB-T USB dongle with SDR# at 50 MHz. The signal is clean and correctly tuned on the supposed frequency. 2. Same test, but now on 120 MHz. This frequency band is used for air control communications and it is good to see that the DVB-T USB dongle behaves very well here. 3. At 180 MHz the reception is acceptable, albeit the gain is lower. The indicated dB value is just a reference as the RTL2832U chip and the FC0012 tuner have automatic gain control activated. 4. Unfortunately my DVB-T USB dongle has the FC0012 tuner instead of the much better E4000 one. The result is a total deafness at 950 MHz. 5. As expected, no signal at 1200 MHz, either. 6. At 118 MHz frequent radio communications between pilot and tower can be heard as the test centre is located near the local airport. Using the Handheld Satcom Test Source I can be sure that my DVB-T USB dongle is capable of tuning and demodulating this frequency. 7. I did not have to wait long to get to hear a pilot reporting to the tower. Notice the small red line at 118.000 MHz in the waterfall graph. It suddenly appears with the communication and lasts only a few seconds. This kind of air traffic communication is naturally modulated in AM and it is incredible that a DVB-T USB receiver for less than 20 Euro can actually be used as a SDR radio scanner to receive such communications.

betrug zirka +/- 3dBm. Weil die WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source als portables Gerät mit eingebautem Akku entworfen wurde war es ein leichtes, es zum Schaltkasten zu transportieren und zu betreiben. Ich habe ihn dazu einfach an ein Netbook angeschlossen und ohne Netzstrom-Anschluss benutzt. Durch den im Signal-Generator eingebautem Akku kann man auch mit einem Laptop ohne Stromanschluss für längere Zeit arbeiten, denn der Signal-Generator saugt den Laptop-Akku nicht leer, wenn man nicht beide USB-Buchsen der Handheld Satcom Test Source anschließt (die zweite USBBuchse dient exklusiv zum Laden des Akkus). Die Messung des kompletten Spektrums dauert bei diesen Parametern ungefähr



fünf Minuten. Dabei kann man getrost seine Aufmerksamkeit auch etwas anderem widmen, denn wenn der Test länger läuft wird die Messung einfach fortgehend wiederholt. Das Resultat dieser Messung zeigt, dass die Dämpfung durch die Signalverteilung zwischen 10 dB und 15 dB beträgt. Dies ist ein durchaus guter Wert wenn man bedenkt, dass zwischen der Handheld Satcom Test Source und dem Deviser S7000 über 20 m Kabel, ein Multswitch, eine Antennendose und ein weiteres Kabel liegen. Etwas ärgerlicher ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass diese Messung es sichtbar macht, dass die Dämpfung nicht konstant über den ge-

samten Frequenzbereich ist, sondern einige Bereiche stärker dämpft als andere. Keine Frage, die WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Tetsource ermöglicht einem Installateur die Abnahme einer Installation bevor die Signale anliegen, beziehungsweise es kann anhand eines zertifizierten Referenzsignals zweifelsfrei die Qualität der Anlage nachgewiesen werden. Die Betonung hier liegt auf Zertifiziert und Referenz: mit der Handheld Satcom Test Source gibt es keine Diskussionen mehr über Fehlertoleranzen.

Prüfen eines SDR Empfängers

Eine ungewöhnliche Anwendung für die Handheld Satcom Test Source ergab sich zufällig: der in vielen USB DVB-T Empfängern eingebaute DVB-T COFDM Demodulator, der RTL2832U von Realtek, kann auch zum Radio-Empfang genutzt werden kann, weil dieser Chip die rohen I/Q Samples bereitstellt. Dies ist eigentlich dazu gedacht, DAB, DAB+ und FM zu demodulieren, doch mit dem passenden Treiber kann man einen solchen USB DVB-T Empfänger auch — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


als Software Defined Radio benutzen; mit speziell angepasster SDR-Software wie dem SDR# erhält man einen echten Radio-Scanner, mit welchem man zum Beispiel

Flugfunk empfangen kann. Das Problem ist jedoch der im USB DVB-T Empfänger verbaute Tuner. Hier kommen verschiedene Chips zum Einsatz, zum Beispiel

die FC0012 und FC0013 Modelle. Ein USB-Empfänger im Test Center hat den FC0012 Tuner. Leider sind diese Tuner auf den Frequenzbereich von 50 MHz bis 950 MHz eingeschränkt, aber mich interessierte ganz besonders die Frequenzspanne von 117 MHz bis 137 MHz, in welcher der Flugfunk erfolgt. Das Test Center ist dazu mit einer passenden Empfangsantenne ausgestattet und mit einem Icom R3 Handempfänger kann der Flugfunk auch abgehört werden. Da nun aber nicht ständig auf diesen Frequenzen gefunkt wird und weil ich die Sensibilität und Empfangseigenschaften des USB Empfängers genauer analysieren wollte, kam die WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source zum Einsatz. Der Testaufbau war extrem einfach: der USB DVBT Empfänger wurde am PC angeschlossen und mit dem speziellen SDR Treiber, der unter dem Namen „Zadig“ im

112 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Internet zu finden ist, installiert. Die freie und kostenlose SDR# Software erkennt die USB Empfänger mit RTL2832U Chips automatisch und schon kann das Signal am PC als Spektrum dargestellt werden. Die Demodulation erfolgt in den für Radioscannern gewöhnlichen Modulationen: AM, FM, CW, usw., wobei die Bandbreite individuell eingestellt werden kann. An der WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source habe ich nun verschiedene Frequenzen zwischen 50 MHz und 180 MHz ausprobiert, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Frequenzen von 117 MHz bis 137 MHz. Das Ergebnis ist in den Bildern zu sehen und variiert von spektakulär bis ernüchternd. Toll ist zum Beispiel, mit welcher Auflösung das von der Handheld Satcom Test Source erzeugte Signal dargestellt wird. Im Frequenzbereich, der für den Flugfunk genutzt wird, scheint der USB DVB-T Empfänger ein brauchbares Resultat zu ergeben, so dass ich ihn anschließend erfolgreich an die Außenantenne angeschlossen habe. Tatsächlich konnte ich nach ein paar Minuten einen Piloten im Anflug hören. Die Ernüchterung entstand deshalb, weil der USB DVB-T Empfänger eben keineswegs

expert OPINION

WORK Microwave Test Signal Generator


Vitor Martins Augusto Test Center Portugal

+ Compact and portable Test Source Two synthesizers for simultaneous generation of two signals Configurable sweep generator Extremely high accuracy Provided with compliance certificate, containing detailed information about the instruments precision Easy to use software, no installation required No driver installation required, device recognized by Windows as Human Input Device Internal battery

– Parameters have to be confirmed with ENTER key Sweep Modus does not show current Frequency



WORK Microwave, Germany


+ 49-8024-6408-27


den oft zitierten Frequenzbereich korrekt empfängt. So wird das von der Handheld Satcom Test Source erzeugte Signal auch an verkehrten Frequenzen empfangen; das zeigt deutlich einen Fehler des DVB-T Tuners. Oberhalb von 950 MHz war der FC0012 Tuner tatsächlich nicht in der Lage, irgendein brauchbares Signal zu empfangen, obwohl sich diese Frequenzen sehr wohl eingeben lassen.


Obwohl vom Hersteller nur der Test von Hochfrequenzkonvertern als Einsatzgebiet angegeben wird, ist diese Testquelle für HF-Signale auch für viele andere Zwecke zu benutzen. Wenn es darum geht, Messgeräte zu kalibrieren, Fehler durch Störsignale oder Dämpfung zu klären, macht sich eine solche Testquelle unbezahlbar, denn man kann direkt

messen, was mit dem bekannten Signal passiert. Ganz besonders beeindruckt waren wir von der unglaublichen Präzision der Handheld Satcom Test Source. Zusammen mit dem Zertifikat wird es so auch für kleine Betriebe möglich, die Genauigkeit der Messgeräte zu überprüfen, diese zu kalibrieren und zertifizierte Protokolle zu erstellen, die jeder Überprüfung standhalten. WORK Microwave ist mit der Handheld Satcom Test Source ein aussergewöhnliches Instrument gelungen, das gezielt für den Einsatz von Technikern entwickelt wurde. Statt eines großen und schweren, an eine Netzsteckdose gebundenes Instrument, hat man hier ein kompaktes, tragbares Gerät mit eigenem Akku in den Händen. Ein Gerät, das sich in vielen Betrieben schnell amortisiert.


RF Signal Generator

Frequency range

50 MHz to 180 MHz and 950 MHz to 2150 MHz

Frequency resolution

0.5 MHz

Output level

-45 dBm to -5 dBm

Output level resolution

0.5 dB

Level tolerance

± 1 dB

Output impedance

50 Ohm

Output mute

< -60 dBc

Reference Output

10 MHz, -10 dBm to +10 dBm, 0.5 dB steps

Temperature range

0°C to +50°C


USB 2.0

Power supply

ext. 24 V DC, USB, internal Battery

Power consumption

max. 12 W


RF out: 50 Ohm SMA female REF out: 50 Ohm BNC-female USB 2.0: USB Standard type B


1.5 kg

Dimensions (L x W x H)

250 x 125 x 74 mm

114 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

DIGITAL receivers of


116 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


Manufacturer Website


HDTV PVR Satellite Receiver with Internet Media Center





1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 11-12/2013

by ismcube Ru multi AB IPBox Pr ped receiver forworldwide the Perfectly equip all tion plus for satellite recep Internet TV






Miniature / PVR Receiver with external IR remote control




1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

HD AMIKO MINI sful receiver Perfect succes mat for in small

0.53 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Digital Receivers of 21st Century






2x & / PVR HDTV Receiver


●/● 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 ●



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


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0CHD Icecr ypt S370 with are in tandem ftware. Excellent hardw -use so -to sy ea t bu sophisticated


Manufacturer Website Function



& Combo Receiver ●/● 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 ●



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


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HD MK Tech IS1-19and local TV in for Satellite Well equipped uth America So


118 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

这些是获得最高奖的产品 Manufacturer Website

TBS Tenow

TELE-audiovision International Magazine


compatible Twin Tuner Streamingbox


1.0 / 1.1


Expert Opinion





Scart/Digital Audio


Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 07-08/2013

ing Box MOI ion TBS Stream ming and isolat ea str ers off double Program d software, a of hardware an t for the future of TV ep nc co innovative


Manufacturer Website Function


Satellite Receiver



Channel Memory



1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


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MK TechHD ceiver Mini Scart Re Fully featured HDMI with HDTV via

0.61 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Digital Receivers of 21st Century






/ / Triple PVR Receiver



Channel Memory



1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 07-08/2013 Plus Tiviar Alpha ration d integ Best dissolve all digital of n tio for recep TV signals






Receiver, Mediaplayer, Android Apps



—/● ●



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion 05-06/2013

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

Smar tcenter Changhong essful Very succ for digital TV hybrid receiver


120 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

这些是获得最高奖的产品 Manufacturer Website


Function /LAN




●/— ●



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

75C Panodic HDT-2 HDTV era for the new Great receiver l TV tria in digital terres f DVB-T2 in future-proo










Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion 03-04/2013

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

-278 Tsinghwa GT llent eiver with exce Rock-solid rec time on cti rea d ee sp

0.53 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Digital Receivers of 21st Century






/ HDTV Receiver






Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion 01-02/2013

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

A6 Sk ywor th HT HDTV eiver for A rock-solid rec trial antenna over the terres


Manufacturer Website



& Android STB


—/● ●



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 11-12/2012 100 Jiuzhou DTP2 thanks receiver Cutting-edge g eratin system to Android op


122 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

这些是获得最高奖的产品 Manufacturer Website







●/— 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


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75 Panodic HDS2 eiver mini-rec Best designed reception for the best HD






HDTV / Miniature HDTV Linux Receiver with Multimedia Features



Channel Memory



1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / USALS



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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09-10/2012 ME AZBox mini with Network receiver Excellent mini-al for a home network features - ide

0.57 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Digital Receivers of 21st Century Manufacturer


Website Small

Function /LAN

HD PVR Receiver





Scart/Digital Audio



TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

2 06-07-08/201

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

27A DVB-T Panodic HDT-1 DVB-T Well-equipped r ce Mini-Re ive




Website Mini Receiver with HDMI and PVR

Function /LAN





Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion


Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

1E DVB-T Panodic M360 eiver with all rec Extremely sm y HDTV tuner high-sensitivit


124 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

signal analyzers of


126 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Horizon Global Electronics



Digital Meter

Frequency Range


51 ~ 858 MHz

Video Output

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument



Professional TV Signal Anaylzer

Frequency Range Video Output Built-in Monitor

5 - 1050 MHz (TV); 950-2150 MHz (Satellite) HDMI 7” TFT LCD, 800×480 pixels

09-10/2013 DEVISER S7000 Best professional instrument for measurement and analysis of all globally used TV systems

09-10/2013 HORIZON HD-CM+ for DVB-C Extremely easy to operate, for professional installers — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Signal Analyzers of 21st Century

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer




Satellite Antenna Meter


Frequency Range

950~2150 MHz

Video Output

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

Horizon Global Electronics Digital Satellite Meter for

Frequency Range


950 ~ 2150 MHz

Video Output

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

05-06/2013 DEVISER S30 Highly accurate handheld meter optimized for the satellite dish installer

03-04/2013 HORIZON Nano-S2 Very easy to use instrument for quick installation of satellite for HDTV reception

128 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Fujian Baotong


Digital Meter & Receiver for

Frequency Range


47 ~ 862 MHz & 950 ~ 2150 MHz

Video Output


Built-in Monitor


Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Horizon Global Electronics

Website Signals

Function Digital Meter for Analogue,

Frequency Range



48 ~ 862 MHz

Video Output

4.3 inch display

Satlink WS-6936 Very easy to use signal meter which also serves as receiver.

Expert Opinion



TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

11-12/2012 HORIZON HD-T2 One of the world’s first DVB-T2 signal analyzers with exceptional data — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Signal Analyzers of 21st Century


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer




Optical Power Meter


Frequency Range

-43 dBm ~ +25 dBm

Frequency Range

Video Output

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

11-12/2012 DEVISER AE 120 Optical Power Meter Extremely simle to use but at same time very accurate

Tianjin Deviser Electronics Instrument Professional Meter for


and CATV (analog TV)

5 ~ 1000 MHz

Video Output

Built-in Monitor

320 × 240 TFT display

09-10/2012 DEVISER DS2400T This is by far the best handheld measuring instrument for DVB-T, DVB-C and CATV I have come across. Deviser has done an excellent job!

130 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

SPAUN Electronic




Frequency Range

and DSS Signal Analyzer

950-2150 MHz

Video Output

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer

Horizon Global Electronics



Satellite and terrestrial antenna meter

Frequency Range

Built-in Monitor

Expert Opinion

45~861 MHz (terrestrial) and 950~2150 MHz (satellite)

Video Output

4.3” TFT LCD display (16:9)

Built-in Monitor

LCD display

04-05/2012 SPAROS SAT HD Very useful meter for setting up critical satellite systems

12-01/2012 Horizon HD-STM Perfect choice for an installer who values a practical instrument. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


IPTV/WebTV receivers of


134 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


Manufacturer Website


HDTV PVR Satellite Receiver with Internet Media Center





1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 11-12/2013

by ismcube Ru multi AB IPBox Pr ped receiver forworldwide Perfectly equip all the for s plu n tio satellite recep Internet TV


Manufacturer Website

TBS Tenow


compatible Twin Tuner Streamingbox


1.0 / 1.1






Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Business Voucher

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report 07-08/2013

ing Box MOI ion TBS Stream isolat streaming and Program offers d software, a double of hardware an t for the future of TV ep innovative conc

0.54 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century Manufacturer




Internet Streaming Box



Internal Storage HDTV

no yes (up to 1080p)





TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Streaming Player



Internal Storage HDTV

no yes (up to 1080p)





TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

136 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —






Streaming Player



Internal Storage HDTV

no yes (up to 1080p)





TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Multimedia Player for local media and Internet



Internal Storage HDTV

yes, 1.14 GB yes (up to 720p)





TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

0.54 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



IPTV/WebTV Receivers of 21st Century Manufacturer




HDTV / Miniature HDTV Linux Receiver with Multimedia Features



Channel Memory



1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / USALS



Scart/Digital Audio


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

09-10/2012 ME AZBox mini with Network receiver Excellent mini-al for a home network features - ide






IPTV Receiver

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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138 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —






IPTV Set-Top-Box

Stream Protocol


Menu Standards

HTML4, Javascript 1.5, Java Virtual Machine


● (via USB stick)

12-01/2011 P830 0 Jiuzhou DT uipped r Eq IPTV Receive Technology with Top- Notch

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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0.57 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


The Best Headend Equipment of


140 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Manufacturer Website

WORK Microwave


RF Signal Generator


Test Signal Generator

Frequency range Frequency resolution Output level Output level resolution

Output impedance

Output mute Reference Output

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

50 MHz to 180 MHz and 950 MHz to 2150 MHz 0.5 MHz -45 dBm to -5 dBm 0.5 dB 50 Ohm < -60 dBc 10 MHz, -10 dBm to +10 dBm, 0.5 dB steps

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report

11-12/2013 WORK Microwave Handheld Satcom Test Source Allows for precise and certified high-frequency measurements

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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KLA-110 Launch Amplifier & KCC-110 Channel Convertor/Processor


Filtering, amplifying and converting DTT channels to new frequencies

Input / Output frequency range

44 – 862 MHz / 44 – 862 MHz

Input level range

65 – 95 dBµV

Output level adjustment (KCC-110)

60 – 80 dBµV

Gain adjustment (KLA-110)

14 – 45 dB

03-04/2013 KLA-110 Launch Amplifier & KCC-110 Channel Convertor/Processor Professional handling of DTT signals — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century


Dexin Digital Technology





Professional Integrated Receiver Decorder

Tuner Input






ASI Input

Maximum transmitting rate 90Mbps

ASI Input

Maximum transmitting rate 90Mbps





Scart/Digital Audio


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Dexing NDS3975 Most powerful and versatile IRD ever - its built-in monitor is a unique plus.

Sat & Sound







Output Frequency

50 - 860 MHz

Video Input Format

Component Video, YPbPr RCA, HDMI

Video Encoding Format

MPEG-2 Video (ISO/IEC 13818-2)



Modulator Standard

DVB-T (ETSI EN 300 744)


6, 7, 8 MHz


Expert Opinion



TELE-audiovision International Magazine


TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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01-02/2013 Satson HD-MOD-001T Smart solution for distributing HD signals via an existing coax cable network


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TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

Read TELE-audiovision Test Report Manufacturer







Frequency range Transmission Standards Modulations






950 - 2150 MHz)


11-12/2012 DekTec DTE-3137 Perfectly equipped professional satellite receiver for use in networks and for processing in cable networks.

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

Expert Opinion

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Manufacturer Website Model Function Frequency range

TV standard

Spaun VAM 420 NG PAL VSB Twin Modulator 110 … 862 MHz B/G/D/K/I/L

Output level max

90 dBµV

Output level adjustment

0...-10 dB

Spurious level C/N ratio Input level

<-60 dB ≥ 50 dB 1 ± 0.1 V p-p

09-10/2012 SPAUN VAM 420 NG PAL Easy way to create analogue tv channels — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



The Best Headend Equipment of 21st Century


Global Invacom


TELE-audiovision International Magazine


FibreIRS DTT Processor


Filtering and amplifying

Frequency range


Expert Opinion

470-862 MHz

Number of channels

6 (expandable to 9)

Broadcast standard

8 MHz


20 dB

Channel flatness

< 2.5 dB

DAB Frequency range

217-230 MHz

Insertion loss

< 2 dB

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06-07-08/2012 FibreIRS DTT Processor Delivery perfectly clean DTT signals for any distribution system

TELE-audiovision International Magazine


Expert Opinion

SPAUN BluBox 16 Great leap forward in headend technology

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Model Function

/LAN Number of inputs Input frequency range

BluBox 16



Head End

●/● 4 (cascadable) 950 ... 2150 MHz

Allowable input signal power

64 ... 94 dBµV

Number of outputs

2 (cascadable)

Output frequency range QAM standard

144 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

47 ... 862 MHz / ITU-T J.83 Annex A (fixed)


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Expert Opinion

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Dual DVB-T/C-CI and


PCI-e adapter for professional applications under Linux

12-01/2012 DVB-T/C-CI Impressive professional card for IPTV servers and multimedia centers that is loaded with the latest technologies for long-term use






IPTV Combine 4x

IPTV Gateway for DVB Signals, Middleware,Billing, VoD, nVoD, DHCP-, Time- & DNS-Server



Max. simultaneous Transponders


Max. bandwidth

240 MB/s



Ethernet ports

6 x Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s

CI Slots


Expert Opinion

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NetUP DVB-IP Gateway 4x Perfect ease of use, combined with reliable technology – ideal for IPTV providers.

TELE-audiovision International Magazine

0.98 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Selfmade IPTV

Fernsehen aus dem Netzwerk Teil 4

146 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ This is how our test

centre looked like for this report.

• ideal für Bastler, um Audio und Video zuhause zu streamen • eine kleine Platine dient als Basis für das eigene Heim IPTV Netzwerk • MPEG2 und VC Lizenzen müssen getrennt gekauft werden • zum Streaming wird TSReader Pro eingesetzt • kann auch mit VLC eingesetzt werden — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Selfmade IPTV

Vitor Martins Augusto Nachdem wir uns in den ersten drei Teilen zum Thema IPTV eher der Theorie gewidmet haben möchten wir nun im vierten Teil eine konkrete IPTV-Lösung implementieren. Benötigt wird gar nicht mal so viel: als Server dient ein PC mit einem Empfänger für digitales Fernsehen (DVB, ATSC oder ISDB) und TSReader Pro. Als IPTV-Receiver benutzen wir den Raspberry Pi. Das häufigste Problem bei der Implementierung von IPTV im Heim ist die Frage, wie man denn das IPTV am Fernseher empfangen und darstellen soll. Natürlich könnte man an jedem Fernseher einfach einen kompletten PC hinstellen, doch dies würde nicht unbedingt gut aussehen und außerdem kostet auch ein günstiger PC doch einiges an Geld, von den Stromkosten mal abgesehen. Wir haben uns deshalb umgesehen, welches Gerät wir denn als IPTV Receiver benutzen könnten. Unsere Kriterien: günstig, klein, verfügbar und vielseitig sollte das Gerät sein. Nachdem wir verschiedene Kandidaten geprüft haben (von der Spielekonsole bis zum modifizierten AppleTV war alles dabei), entschieden wir uns für den Raspberry Pi. Der Raspberry Pi ist ein winziger Computer, dessen Platine die Fläche einer Kreditkarte belegt (85.6mm x 56mm x 21mm). Trotz der kleinen Größe handelt

2 es sich um einen vollwertigen Computer mit einem ARM-Prozessor. Die Eckdaten sind: SoC („System on Chip“): Broadcom BCM2835 mit einem ARM1176JZFS Kern, der mit 700MHz getaktet wird und eine Videocore 4 GPU Grafikeinheit enthält, die in der Lage ist, H.264 mit bis zu 40MBits/s in Hardware zu dekodieren. Weiterhin werden OpenGL ES2.0 und OpenVG Bibliotheken unterstützt. Model B verfügt über 512MB RAM, aktuell werden die Platinen sogar zum gleichen Preis mit 1GB RAM ausgeliefert. Anschlüsse: - SD-Karte: von dieser wird das Betriebssystem geladen

1. The Raspberry Pi is a small computer with the footprint of a credit card. Still, it features all conceivable connections: - HDMI - Composite Video - Analog Stereo Audio - 2x USB - 1x Micro-USB for power supply - RJ-45 Network - SD card reader On the PCB there are furthermore connectors for digital and analog inputs/ outputs 2. The Raspberry Pi will convert any TV or monitor into a full blown media center when using XBMC. Because the Raspberry Pi is so small, it will snug away behind the TV. If you then use a wireless keyboard with integrated trackball or touch pad, you won’t even see any loose cables.


148 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —




3. The webpage “” features all published versions of OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi, including Windows-friendly *.img version, which can be easily flashed using Image Writer, whose Windows version is called Win32 Disk Imager. 4. Just download the latest File and extract it with your favourite compressing tool. 5. Use Win32 Disk Imager to write the image file onto the SD card. We recommend the use of 8GB SD cards with 6x speed or better. The card is written with 10MB/s which is not that bad. Flashing should take less than a minute. 6. When the flashing is finished, a message box appears. Don’t remove the card yet, because we need to write the license keys for the MPEG2 decoder. 7. On the root of the freshly written SD card you will find a file called “config.txt”. Open it with a text editor (we prefer to use the free Notepad++) and scroll down to the license keys section. Copy & paste the license file you from the Raspberry 6 received Pi store. After completing the purchase our keys arrived about 2 hours later, but the site mentions that it could take up to 72 hours.


- 2x USB: zum Anschluss von Tastatur, Maus, USBSpeicher, usw. - LAN: RJ-45 mit 100MBit/s - Audio: analoger StereoAusgang - RCA Video: analoger Composite Video-Ausgang - HDMI: für digitale Audio und Video Ausgabe - Micro-USB: für Stromversorgung Das interessante an diesem Gerät ist sein Preis: offiziell kostet der Raspberry Pi Model B lediglich US$ 35, zu welchen sich Steuern und Versandkosten addieren. In Europa kann man den Raspberry Pi für ungefähr 35 Euro kaufen. Dieser niedrige Preis ist deshalb möglich, weil

dieser Miniatur-Computer von der Raspberry Pi Stiftung entwickelt wurde, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, einen absolut günstigen Computer für alle Kinder zur Verfügung zu stellen, um das Programmieren auch im Kindesalter zu motivieren, wie es früher bei den 8-Bit Computern wie dem Spektrum und dem Commodore 64 der Fall war. Für alle anderen ist es aber toll, dass diese Platine uneingeschränkt zu erwerben ist und somit Applikationen möglich sind, die vorher aus Kostengründen eigentlich unvorstellbar wären. Der Raspberry Pi wird in Zusammenarbeit von Farnell und RS Electronics hergestellt und ist bei diesen

weltweit zu beziehen. Damit man die Platine benutzen kann benötigt man weiterhin ein Micro-USB Netzteil, das auch bei modernen Smartphones üblich ist. Außerdem braucht man eine SD-Karte, wir empfehlen eine mit 8GB. Ein passendes Gehäuse kann seit kurzem ebenfalls für ca. 6 Euro bestellt werden und macht auf jeden Fall Sinn, um die Platine vor einem Kurzschluss oder statischer Entladung zu schützen. Wir haben die Platine allerdings wochenlang ohne Gehäuse benutzt und diese auch angefasst, ohne dass etwas passiert wäre. Weil die Platine so klein ist, lässt sie sich prima hinter dem Fernseher platzieren

150 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

und als Tastatur und Maus eignet sich am besten eine kabellose Version, die beide Funktionen auf kleiner Fläche integriert. Im Handel finden sich viele oft als „Multimedia“ oder „TV“ Tastatur bezeichnete Modelle, deren Maus als Trackball oder Touchpad implementiert ist. Ganz wichtig: um den Preis von Raspberry Pi klein zu halten, fehlen dem Gerät die Lizenzen, um MPEG2 abzuspielen, obwohl die Hardware dazu durchaus in der Lage ist. Dies ist aber für die Darstellung von IPTV notwendig, da die meisten Kanäle, die in SD ausgestrahlt werden, in MPEG2 kodiert sind. Im Webshop der Raspberry Pi Stiftung kann man für 3,00 Euro die MPEG2 Lizenz kaufen. Man erhält per e-Mail einen Schlüssel, der diese Funktion aktiviert. Dieser Schüssel


muss auf der SD-Karte in der „config.txt“-Datei an entsprechender Stelle eingetragen werden. Fortan werden auch MPEG2 kodierte Inhalte mittels hardware-gestützter Dekodierung dargestellt. Auf gleiche Weise kann auch eine VC-1 Lizenz für 1.50 Euro gekauft werden, um entsprechende Inhalte darstellen zu können. Raspberry Pi funktioniert hauptsächlich mit einer angepassten Linux-Distribution, doch mittlerweile bekommt man auch schon fertige Firmware-Dateien („Image“ genannt) mit XBMC. Der seltsame Name dieser Multimedia-Software entstand aus der Abkürzung für „Xbox Media Center“: diese Software wurde ursprünglich für die erste Version der Xbox entwickelt. Mittlerweile wurde diese Software auf alle denkbaren Systemen portiert, darunter auch Windows, Linux, MacOS sowie Android und iOS. Keine Frage: bei XBMC handelt es sich um eines der besten Multimedia-Programme. Es werden praktisch alle Formate abgespielt (Audio, Video und Bilder), es gibt unzählige Plugins und die Bedienung ist kinderleicht. Wer XBMC noch nicht kennt sollte dieses Programm unbedingt auf Windows, MacOS oder Linux ausprobieren. Wie im Linux-Umfeld üblich, gibt es gleich mehrere verschiedene Distributionen von XBMC für den Raspberry Pi: OpenELEC, Raspbmc, XBian, usw. Wir haben mit OpenELEC die besten Resultate erzielt. Um den Raspberry Pi mit XBMC zu benutzen, müssen folgende Schritte durchgeführt werden: 1) Die Datei mit dem XBMC-Image muss von der OpenELEC Webseite geladen werden (siehe Linktabelle). 2) Entpacken Sie das Archiv zum Beispiel mit WinRAR. 3) Die *.img Datei wird anschließend mit Win32DiskImager auf die SD-Karte geflasht. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Win32DiskImager auch wirklich das korrekte Lauf-



werk für die SD-Karte entdeckt hat, damit Sie nicht aus Versehen das falsche Laufwerk formatieren. 4) Nun muss die „config. txt“ Datei editiert werden: an der entsprechenden Stelle muss der Lizenz-Schlüssel für MPEG2 eingegeben werden. Nun kann man den Raspberry Pi starten und nach wenigen Sekunden erscheint die XBMC Oberfläche, die hervorragend selbsterklärend ist. Wichtiger Hinweis: es ist normal, dass beim

152 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



ersten Start, nachdem die SD-Karte beschrieben wurde, das Betriebssystem automatisch neu startet. Erst beim zweiten Start wird dann XBMC geladen. Der erste Durchlauf dient zur Konfiguration des Betriebssystems. Warten Sie daher etwa, anstatt es wie wir zu machen: wir dachten am Anfang, etwas sei fehlgelaufen und haben prompt die SD-Karte neu programmiert… Mit TSReader Pro ist es möglich, den empfangenen Transport Stream direkt über UDP in das Netzwerk einzuspeisen. Entweder kann der Transport Stream komplett 1:1 in das Netzwerk geleitet werden oder man benutzt die integrierte Demuxer-Funktion. Mit dieser kann jeder einzelne im Transport Stream enthaltene Kanal separat in das Netzwerk gestreamt werden. Da gewöhnliche Multimedia-Geräte normalerweise über keinen Demuxer verfügen, können Sie einen Transport Stream nicht darstellen oder es wird nur ein Kanal des Transport Streams angezeigt ohne Möglichkeit, einen anderen Kanal auszuwählen. Genau dies passiert auch mit XBMC, wenn man versucht, den kompletten Transport Stream zu empfangen: es wird einfach nur ein Kanal dargestellt, ohne dass man die Möglichkeit hat, auf einen anderen umzuschalten. Deshalb benutzen wir die Demuxer-Funktion von TSReader Pro und streamen die gewünschten Kanäle per Multicast in das Netzwerk, wobei wir aber für jeden Kanal eine individuelle Port-Nummer verwenden. Damit XBMC diese Streams auf verschiedenen Ports empfangen kann, müssen wir eine Playliste im *.m3u Format erstellen. Dies ist praktisch, denn so erscheint in XBMC eine Liste mit den vollständigen Kanalnamen und das Zappen gestaltet sich äußerst komfortabel. Der Clou ist aber, dass man mehrere Instanzen von TSReader Pro starten kann, jeweils mit einem andern Tu-




8. Start TSReader Pro and tune to the desired transponder as usual. 9. Open the “Forward” menu and select “Forward to UDP…”. On the list in the upper part of the window select each channel you want to stream and configure the respective IP address and port number. You can use the same IP address for all channels, but then you need to use individual port numbers. Remember that the multicast addresses start at and go up to

10. Using a text editor like Notepad++, you need to configure the play list for XBMC, introducing each streamed channel with the respective IP and port. 11. In our first experiment, we streamed four channels and configured the IPTV.m3u file accordingly. Naturally you can name the file as you desire, as long as you keep the *.m3u extension. 12. Not too soon, we wanted to try to increase our IPTV bouquet and added a second

TSReader session, this time using a DVB-T tuner. 13. With this TSReader session we were receiving the Portuguese digital terrestrial television, which contains only 4 channels. 14. Each channel was assigned an IP address and an individual port number. 15. Streaming has started. TSReader tracks on how much data has been sent and how many errors occurred. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


16 6

16. Boot screen of the OpenELEC distribution of XBMC for the Raspberry Pi 17. Main menu of XBMC. You can access all functions from here, using the keyboard, the mouse or any other device you connect, including a wide range of remote controllers. 18. The video menu. You can add new folders containing video using the “Add Videos…” entry. These can be folders on the Raspberry Pi or shared folders within the network. 19. Playing a TV channel received over the network – IPTV at its best 20. XBMC includes a wide range of configurations for audio and video,









154 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

including the display of subtitles 21. Zapping can be done using the |<< and >>| buttons or by going back to the playlist. 22. Playing a streamed channel from HOTBIRD 13.0E. 23. This is a different playlist, showing the channels we are streaming from our DVB-S/S2 card. You can have as many playlists as you wish. 24. Zapping between the different channels within the playlist is easy, but naturally you have to expect 2-3 seconds to see the next picture. The reason is the buffering that is required, to ensure that sudden delays within the network traffic don’t stop the reproduction.

25 6



ner (egal ob auf einem oder mehreren PCs – schließlich benutzen wir ja Multicast), so dass man sich ein ansehnliches Bouquet erstellen kann. Wir haben zum Beispiel einige Kanäle eines Transponders von HOTBIRD (13.0E) mit dem portugiesischen digitalen terrestrischen Fernsehen kombiniert. Fortan stehen im ganzen Haus über das Netzwerk diese 8 Kanäle bereit und können mit dem Raspberry Pi, aber auch anderen Geräten (PC, Tablet, Konsole, usw.) empfangen werden, wenn diese mit UDP-Streams umgehen können. Besonders einfach ist es natürlich, wenn auf dem jeweiligen Gerät XBMC installiert ist. Das Format der *.m3u Playliste ist recht einfach und sieht so aus: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,RTP-1 #E X T V L C O P T:n e t w o r kcaching=1000 udp://@ #EXTINF:0,RTP-2 #E X T V L C O P T:n e t w o r kcaching=1000 udp://@ #EXTINF:0,SIC #E X T V L C O P T:n e t w o r kcaching=1000 udp://@





156 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

#EXTINF:0,TVI #E X T V L C O P T:n e t w o r kcaching=1000 udp://@ Die erste Zeile identifiziert die Datei als EXTM3U-Playliste und muss genau so vorhanden sein. Nun folgen für jeden Kanal 3 Zeilen: #EXTINF bietet „Extended Info“, also weitere Informationen, damit XBMC statt dem Dateinamen und der IP-Adresse den Namen des Kanals anzeigt. Hier kann nach dem „0,“ ein beliebiger Text, in unserem Fall eben der Name des Kanals, eingegeben werden. Die nächste Zeile dient dazu XBMC anzuweisen, einen Puffer anzulegen, damit das Bild bei kurzzeitigen Netzwerk-Kollisionen nicht stottert. Bei einem großen Wert dauert das Zappen deutlich länger. Wir verwendeten Werte zwischen 100 und 1000. Nun folgt eine Zeile, in welcher das Protokoll (udp://@) und die entsprechende IP-Adresse mit PortNummer angegeben wird. Diese müssen natürlich zu den IP-Adressen und PortNummern passen, die in TSReader angegeben wurden. Diese drei Zeilen wiederholen sich für jeden einzel-

nen Kanal. Um diese Datei zu erstellen und zu editieren, kann jeder beliebige Texteditor benutzt werden, denn es handelt sich im Grunde um eine normale *.txt-Datei, bei welcher die Datei-Endung auf *.m3u geändert wurde. Wir weisen hier auf Notepad++ hin - ein toller Open Source Editor mit vielen Funktionen und Plugins, der auch mit entsprechendem Plugin als Hex-Editor dient. Die fertige *.m3u-Datei kopiert man nun zum Beispiel auf einen USB-Speicher und steckt ihn an den Rasperry Pi. Dies kann bei laufendem Gerät erfolgen, XBMC erkennt den Speicher automatisch. Geht man nun auf Video, kann man die Playliste anklicken und den gewünschten Kanal wählen. Außerdem kann man leicht zum nächsten oder vorherigen Kanal zappen. Nur ein direktes numerisches Anwählen ist nicht vorgesehen. Weiterhin kann man wählen, ob man Kanäle aus verschiedenen Transpondern, die von verschiedenen TSReader-Instanzen gestreamt werden, in eine einzige *.m3u-Playliste integrieren möchte, oder ob man nicht doch lieber verschiede-


ne Playlisten anlegt. Die hier beschriebene Konfiguration lässt sich übrigens auch mit VLC als Server verwirklichen, wodurch man nochmal etwas Geld spart, da es sich bei VLC um ein Open Source Projekt handelt. Hier muss man aber deutlich mehr Zeit als mit TSReader Pro investieren, da die Konfiguration des VLC-Servers nicht so einfach ist. Wir konnten zum Beispiel problemlos über VLC einen DVB-T Transponder streamen, bei DVB-S klappte es aber nicht, da die aktuelle Version scheinbar einen Problem mit DVB-S Tunern hat. Installiert man eine ältere VLC Version, dann klappt der DVB-S Empfang zwar, dafür funktioniert das Streamen aber nicht mehr. Unser Fazit: IPTV in der Praxis ist gar nicht mal so kompliziert. Wir erzielten absolut brauchbare Resultate und mit einem 1000MBit/s Netzwerk braucht man sich nicht vor einer Überbelastung des Netzwerkes fürchten. Durch das Multicasting kann man beliebig viele IPTV-Receiver anschließen und mit XBMC kann man gleichzeitig auch auf ideale Weise auf Musik und Filme

zugreifen, die entweder lokal auf dem USB-Speicher oder im Netzwerk vorhanden sind. Inzwischen hat die Raspberry Fan-Gemeinde auch schon diverse USB-Tuner zum Laufen gebracht und natürlich werden wir demnächst ebenfalls versuchen, auf Ba-

sis des Rasperry Pi unseren eigenen „Linux-Receiver“ zu basteln. Auf jeden Fall ist der Raspberry Pi ein interessantes Gerät zum Basteln und wer sich mit Audio und Video beschäftigt bekommt so eine brauchbare Plattform für kleines Geld. Webseite der Raspberry Pi Stiftung. Hier findet man die wichtigsten Betriebssystem-Images zum Download, einen Wiki, ein Forum und Anleitungen. Außerdem werden hier fast täglich neue interessante Projekte vorgestellt. Eine von vielen XBMC-Distributionen für den Raspberry Pi. Diese ist besonders einsteiger-freundlich. OpenELEC_on_Raspberry_Pi Wiki-Seite der OpenELEC XBMC Distribution für den Raspberry Pi. Diese scheint uns besonders ausgereift und bietet den größten Funktionsumfang. Auf dieser offiziellen Seite kann das OpenELEC XBMC Image für verschiedene Plattformen, auch dem Raspberry Pi, geladen werden. Allerdings lässt sich dieses Image nur über Linux installieren. Auf dieser Seite werden die OpenELEC XBMC Images für Raspberry Pi auch im windows-kompatiblen Format zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese können mit Image Writer auf die SD-Karte geflasht werden. Wählen Sie am Ende der Liste die neueste ZIPDatei ( Webseite des Image Writer für Windows. Dieses Tool schreibt die Firmware-Images auf die SD-Speicherkarten. Webseite von TSReader. Für die Streaming-Funktion wird die Professional Version benötigt, die kostenpflichtig ist. Wer lieber Gratis-Lösungen benutzt, sollte VideoLANs VLC probieren. Mit dieser Software ist es auch möglich, einen Transport-Stream zu demuxen und die enthaltenen Kanäle einzeln über separate IP-Adressen und/oder Ports zu streamen. Allerdings ist die Konfiguration doch weitaus komplizierter.


25. Here you can see both playlists: one for the Portuguese TDT transponder and one for the HOTBIRD 13.0E satellite transponder 26. If you prefer, you can merge the channels of different playlists into a single playlist. Here we see all streamed channels in one single playlist, despite the fact that these channels come originally from different tuners. 27. Naturally, XBMC has many more capabilities. Why not watch a movie? Almost all formats are recognized and supported, including subtitles and multiple audio channels. 28. Time for a break: watching the classic Metropolis. Did you know that this masterpiece can be downloaded for free, because the copyright expired long time ago? 29. Here a different movie, encoded and encapsulated differently (*.mp4): a recreation of the Space Odyssey, but using Lego actors… 30. XBMC can be adjusted to your preferences and needs. Just go to the settings menu. 31. Here you can setup every detail, including the weather settings. 32. We specified the location of our test centre. 33. There are many options to setup audio and video. The Raspberry Pi features a full HDMI connector and is capable of resolutions up to full HD at 1920x1080 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



New DVB Standards

Extensions to DVB-S2

158 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• new enhancements allow for higher data rates • more rectangular transponder spectrums provide more space for additional transponders • reducing sidelobs gives more space for more transponders • wide-band transponders add to efficiency • new modulation with 6 bits — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



New DVB Standards

What‘s coming next after DVB-S2? Jacek Pawlowski

The DVB-S2 standard was first published in 2005. While the performance it offers may still impress us nowadays, the advances in technology and growing demand for higher and higher data rates make the satellite industry search for even more efficient ways to transfer huge amount of data most notably the high demands generated by Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV) and high speed IP services over satellite. Recently in TELE-audiovision 0708/2013 we have published a feature articles about the new UHDTV standard and the video compression standard HEVC, also known as H.265 – a successor of MPEG-4 (H.264). These new solutions require new hardware and software. It makes a good moment to improve also the modulation, coding and error correction standard as defined by the DVB-S2 standard. As the proposed improvements have not yet been blessed by the DVB organization we will call them the proposed extensions to DVB-S2. However, real hardware devices have been built and various test have been performed to prove these new concepts. These new DVB-S2 extensions are labelled as DVB-S2EB1, DVB-Sx or even DVB-S3 although such a standard does not yet officially exist in this moment. The proposed extensions can give a 20% increase in data rate compared to DVB-S2 in DTH (Direct-To-Home) broadcasts. For professional services, like VSAT communication, the gain can be as high as 64%. So, what exactly are these extensions? Here is our list: - reduction of the roll-off factors and the side lobes of digitally modulated carriers - use of wide bandwidth transponders - additional modulation: 64 APSK - more modulation and coding (MODCOM) schemes and forward error correction (FEC) choices and non-linear MODCOMs Not all of the extensions are easy to

■ Figure 1. With smaller roll-offs, transponders can be squeezed closer to one another. comprehend but in this features article we try to help you to get a general idea on most of them. The roll-off factor describes the shape of the transponder spectrum as seen on a spectrum analyzer. Its value tells you how close to an ideal rectangular the spectrum is. The smaller it is the more steep are the slopes of a transponder spectrum. DVB-S requires a roll-off of 35%, DVB-S2 of 20% and 25% while the the proposed S2 extensions aim at 15%, 10% and 5%. It is easy to understand that with smaller roll-offs one can position transponders closer to one another in the frequency domain and gain a free space for additional ones in the same Ku-Band or C-Band. However, not only (relatively) big rolloffs prevent closer location of the DVBS2 transponders. So called side lobes are normally present on both sides of the useful signal. These are unwanted artifacts after modulation. With today’s technology it is possible to practically get rid of them thanks to improved filtering. Once they are removed, the center frequencies of the neighboring transponders can be set closer to one another. If you take a look at Figure 2, you can come to the conclusion that even after removing side lobes and improving

roll-offs, there is still some spectrum wasted between the transponders. And that’s why wideband transponders are the next trick in improving efficiency. Their throughput is increased to 72 Ms/ sec. When compared with the most popular 27.5 Ms/sec transponders, the wideband ones are three times wider in spectral view. Every new DVB standard introduces a new modulation schemes. DVB-S2 ended up with 32 APSK. The proposed extensions call for 64 APSK. In this modulation, every symbol is made up of 6 bits. Of course, the higher the order of modulation, the smaller the differences in amplitude and phase between similar symbols. We can send more data in the

160 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ Figure 2. Reducing side lobes by more efficient filtering contributes to better bandwidth utilization. same bandwidth but the signal is more sensitive to interference and noise. 64 APSK will be used in professional setups with large antennas rather than in DTH transmissions. Probably the same goes true for the last extension mentioned in the beginning of this article: more MODCOM and FEC values. These parameters generally describe how big overhead is introduced in the data stream to the useful payload. The overhead in bit rate is needed for error correction. Once we have more possibilities here, we can almost smoothly change the proportion between useful and corrective bits in order to find a minimum overhead still ensuring faultless processing. Such

thing is possible when we have a pointto-point two-way communication. In case of a reception problem, the system automatically adjusts MODCOM/ FEC. Also the wideband transponders described above require the reception system to be of a higher performance because the carrier-to-noise ratio degrades proportionally with the bandwidth increase. The best way to maintain a good C/R is to use a bigger dish. Therefore, it is not certain if wideband transponders will be used for DTH broadcasts. After all, not too many end users will be eager to replace their 6090 cm dishes with larger ones. That’s why the experts assume that in

DTH transmissions only about 20% increase in the efficiency is realistic while in professional links even 64% would be possible. Anyway, we can not say today which particular extension proposals will be included in the eventual settlement of the DVB-S3 standard. Maybe only some of the above, maybe all of them. We will not be surprised though if brand new concepts are worked out in meantime and included in the new standard. One thing is for sure: the improvements will enable higher useful data rates in the existing satellite communication channels and this will be an important factor enabling UHDTV and other wideband services.

Wideband transponder

■ Figure 3. Wideband transponders use frequency spectrum more efficiently. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



New Developments

Take Advantage

Read TELE-audiovision's Technical Feature Stories to Know All About the Digital Developments and New Technical Breakthroughs Enjoy Reading TELE-audiovision FREE on Your Tablet Computer 162 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Self-made IPTV

Self-made IPTV

New DVB Extensions

Ultra High Definition

Self-made IPTV

Self-made IPTV

Ultra High Definition TV

Phase Shifts in Digital TV — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International International — The World‘s—Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine



New Developments

Digital Terrestrial TV - 2nd Level

DVB-S2: Hide the SD inside the HD

The Secret Special Transmission Modes

How a tuner for VCM operates

All About Fiber Optic Connectors

DVB-S2 MIS Reception with VCM/ACM

Basic Knowledge: Polar Mount Antennas

Automatic Creation of 3D

164 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

How a Silicon Tuner Works

How the SFN Modulation Works

Channel Capacity of a Transponder

How HbbTV Works

CI+ and HD+Encryption

How DVB-C2 Works

How MPEG Surround Works

Streaming TV via the Internet — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International International — The World‘s—Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine



New Developments

Testing Horizon to Horizon Actuator

Matching LNB with Dish

How SCR Works

How to Calculate the Power Factor

How Decoding Works

How to Solve Problems with DiSEqC

How ABS-S Works

How the 3D Diffractive Antenna Works

166 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Relation between Dish Size and EIRP

How MPEG Works

Secrets of the Aspect Ratio

Secrets of Antenne Alignment

How the Network Connection Works

The Secrets of HDMI

How the Ka Band Works

The Relation of Dish Size and EIRP — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International International — The World‘s—Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine



Vitor’s Workshop

How to get the most out of technology AZBox Ultra HD Recovery

Satellite Reception in the Ka-Band

168 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Oscilloscope for Basic Use

Chip Flashing

Two-axis Motor Control

Add-On for SPAUN Signal Analyzers

Selfmade Dish

Upgrade for 8dtek Satellite Meters

Digital Picture Frame

Receiver Firmware — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志




Filter von MFC • bietet HF-Filter für alle Anwendungen an • besonders erfolgreich im Bereich C-Band Filter • hochspezielle Filter im Angebot, z.B. gegen WiMAX-Störungen • Hoch- und Tiefpassfilter lassen sich kombinieren und können Frequenzweichen ersetzen

170 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志




Die vielen Vorteile von HF-Filtern Normale Endanwender, die sich eine einfache Ku-Band Satellitenanlage aufbauen, brauchen außer der Antenne, dem LNB, einem Receiver und dem LNBKabel kein weiteres Zubehör. Möchte man aber tiefer in den Satellitenempfang einsteigen und eine Kabelkopfstation betreiben oder gar eine Satelliten Uplinkstation, dann braucht man oftmals ganz besonderes Zubehör wie Hochfrequenzfilter. Es gibt weltweit nur sehr wenige Hersteller, die solche Spezialprodukte anbieten. Einer davon ist ist MFC (Microwave Filter Co., Inc.), die sich auf Filter und Zubehör im Hochfrequenz-Band spezialisiert hat, genauer gesagt

für den Frequenzbereich von 5 Hz bis 50 GHz. Die Produktpalette von MFC umfasst Wellenleiter, dielektrische Resonatoren, Frequenzweichen, Filter, Lastwiderstände (gewöhnlich als Dummy Loads bezeichnet), Adapter und weiteres Zubehör. Besonder nachgefragt sind Filter für das C-Band, denn hier treten sehr häufig Störungen auf, die man mit einem solchen Filter beseitigen kann. Filter für HF-Anwendungen dienen hauptsächlich dazu, ungewünschte Signale zu eliminieren. Diese Störsignale machen sich meist nicht nur auf einer einzigen Frequenz bemerkbar, sie beeinflussen oftmals auch benachbarte Frequenzen negativ und können aktive Elemente im System, zum Beispiel




1. A sample spectrum: the signal level is high over a great frequency range, no filter is used. 2. Using a high pass filter: only frequencies above the cutoff frequency pass the filter, low frequencies are attenuated substantially. 3. Using a low pass filter: only frequencies under the cut-off frequency pass the filter, high frequencies are attenuated substantially. 4. Band-Pass filter: combining both a high pass filter with a lower cut-off frequency and a low pass filter with a higher cut-off frequency. The result is that the centre band will pass the filter with minimal attenuation. 5. Band-Rejection filter: in this case a low pass filter with a low cut-off frequency is combined with a high pass filter with a high cut-off frequency are combined. The result is that the centre band is attenuated substantially.



172 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ Example with a UHF filter of a pay TV operator: The left picture shows the whole CATV spectrum without any filter. The right picture shows the result of using a low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 296 MHz.

■ The new catalogue by MFC gives an extensive overview of all available filters made by MFC. The catalogue can also be downloaded diretly off their website:

174 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Verstärker, zur Fehlfunktion verleiten. Deshalb filtert man am besten die nicht benötigten Frequenzbereiche, in denen sich die störenden Signale befinden, heraus. Ein vorhandenes Signal kann unterschiedlich gefiltert werden. Zum einen kann man einfach nur Signale unter oder über einer gegebenen Frequenz filtern. Dazu setzt man Tiefpassfilter und Hochpassfilter ein. Ein Tiefpassfilter läßt die Frequenzen unter der Grenzfrequenz durch, während die Frequenzen über der Grenzfrequenz stark gedämpft werden. Bei Hochpassfilter ist es entsprechend umgekehrt: unter der Grenzfrequenz wird das Signal gedämpft und darüber kommt das Signal fast ungedämpft durch. Kombiniert man einen Hochpassfilter mit niedriger Grenzfrequenz mit einem Tiefpassfilter mit hoher Grenzfrequenz kann man sogar ganz gezielt nur einen Frequenzbereich durchlassen. In diesem Fall spricht man von einem Bandpassfilter. Benutzt man hingegen einen Tiefpassfilter mit einem Hochpassfilter, der eine höhere Grenzfrequenz aufweist, dann wird der mittige Frequenzraum gefiltert, das Ergebnis ist ein so genannter Sperrfilter, auch Rejection-Filter genannt. Wofür sind solche Filter gut? Zum einen können so verschiedene Receiver mit individuellen Frequenzbändern versorgt werden, ohne dass sich die Receiver ein Frequenzband teilen müssen. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel in der SCR-Verteilung (Single Cable Routing), in welcher bis zu 8 Receiver in Serie an einem Kabel individuell

die Satellitenprogramme wählen können.. Jedem Receiver wird ein eigenes Frequenzband zugewiesen und der Router moduliert in dieses Frequenzband den gewünschten Transponder. Netzwerkbetreiber nutzen Filter auch in analogenCATV Netzwerken, um Kunden mit „kleinen“ Abos davon abzuhalten, alle Kanäle zu empfangen. Die Premium-Kanäle werden einfach auf höheren Frequenzen abgelegt und ein oftmals verplombter Tiefpassfilter am Hauseingang verhindert den Empfang dieser Kanäle. Ein weitaus wichtigerer Grund Filter einzusetzen ergibt sich jedoch aus dem Umstand, dass sich benachbarte Signale oftmals gegenseitig stören. Leider drängen sich immer mehr verschiedene Applikationen in das eingeschränkte Frequenzspektrum und selbst die strengsten Vorschriften und Frequenztabellen können nichts gegen diese Störungen bewirken. Ein bekanntes Praxis-Beispiel sind zum Beispiel Störungen im DVB-T/T2 Bereich, die durch das LTE-Signal hervorgerufen werden. Laut Normen sollten alle Anwendungen im Frequenzspektrum ungestört nebeneinander in den jeweils zugeteilten Frequenzen funktionieren. Die Realität ist aber zu oft ander. Allgemein wird Interferenz in der Hochfrequenz durch verschiedene Phänomen hervorgerufen. In den Receivern: - Störungen durch benachbarten Frequenzen - Störungen im Frequenzbereich der ZF (ZF = Zwischenfrequenz) - Störungen im Frequenzbereich der LO-

Frequenz (LO = Lokaler Oszillator) Aber auch im Sender treten Störungen auf: - Neben der Emissionsfrequenz treten auf naheliegenden Frequenzen oftmals ungewollte Ausstrahlungen auf, die durch den Modulator erzeugt werden - Oberwellenemissionen - Störemissionen die durch Intermodulation entstehen

Neue Hochfrequenz Filter von MFC für das C-Band

Model 18253 - C-Band (INSAT) Transmit Reject Filter • This TRF provides deep rejection of the transmit band with minimal effect on the receive band. • Ideal for INSAT and other Region-Specific Receive Applications • Alternate Flange Configurations are Available Upon Request Pass band 4.5 - 4.8 GHz (C-INSAT Downlink) Insertion Loss 0.50 dB Max VSWR 1.30:1 Max Reject Band 6.725 - 7.025 GHz (C-INSAT Uplink) Rejection 80 dB Min Operating Temperature Range -10°C to +60°C Flanges CPR229G Dimensions 3.95” x 3.88” x 2.75” (100mm x 98mm x 70mm) Finish Gloss White Lacquer Model 18323 - C-Band (INSAT) Receive Reject Filter

Um einen passenden Filter auswählen zu können, sollte man die vom Hersteller angegebenen Parameter verstehen. Hier die Erklärung einiger der wichtigsten Parameter: - Dämpfung (Attenuation) Die Dämpfung gibt in Dezibel an, um wie viel das Eingangssignal abgeschwächt wurde. Dazu wird der Signalpegel am Eingang und am Ausgang gemessen, weshalb die Dämpfung in Dezibel (dB) angegeben wird. - Bandbreite (Bandwidth) Dieser Parameter gibt die Bandbreite eines Bandpassfilters an, also der Frequenzbereich, der mit einer relativen Durchgangsdämpfung von maximal 3 dB den Filter durchquert. - Grenzfrequenz (Cut-Off Frequency) Hier handelt es sich um die Frequenz, ab welcher Hochpassfilter und Tiefpassfilter anspringen. - Dezibel (Decibel) Dieser Wert gibt das Verhältnis zweier Signale (P1 und P2) anhand der folgenden Gleichung an: dB = 10 Log10 (P1/P2)

• Same as before but rejection of the receive (Downlink) band Passband 6.725 - 7.025 GHz Insertion Loss 0.10 dB Approx. VSWR 1.22:1 Max Reject Band 4.5 - 4.8 GHz Rejection 80 dB Typ Flanges CPR137/CPR137G Dimensions 5.00“ x 2.69“ x 1.94“ (127mm x 68mm x 49mm) Finish White Lacquer Model 18506 - Multi-Purpose C-Band Transmit Filter

• This Uplink filter not only rejects the entire receive band (below 4.2 GHz), but it also rejects transmissions from other potential sources of interference etc., that RRFs do not. • Ideal for use in high-density transmit paths, like: Wireless Services (Point-Multipoint) 4.55 - 4.9 GHz Maritime & Aeronautical Radio Navigation 4.2 - 5.6 GHz Broadcast Auxiliary Services 6.95 -7.15 GHz • Ideal for all “standard band” C-Band Uplink Applications • Easy bolt-on installation and no power supply required Passband 5.925 - 6.425 GHz Passband Loss 0.3 dB Max Passband Return Loss 17.7 dB Min Rejection 50 dB Min @ 5.625 GHz 40 dB Min @ 6.725 GHz Power Rating 400 Watts Flanges CPR137F Dimensions 9.50” x 2.69” x 1.94” (241mm x 68mm x 49mm) Finish Gloss White Lacquer — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


- Durchgangsdämpung (Insertion Loss) Wie bei jedem anderen aktiven oder passiven Element, das zwischen der Antenne und dem Receiver/Sender geschaltet wird, verursacht auch der Einsatz eines Filters eine Dämpfung des gesamten Signals. Dieser Parameter gibt diese Dämpfung an, die möglichst klein (unter 3 dB) sein sollte. - Phasenverschiebung (Phase Shift) Dieser Parameter gibt die Laufzeitverschiebung des Signals an, das durch den Filter verursacht wird. Gewöhnlich macht sich diese Laufzeitverschiebung mit steigender Frequenz umso mehr bemerkbar und kann besonders in digitalen Signalen Probleme verursachen.

Probleme im C-Band

Das C-Band wird besonders durch WiMAX und Radar-Applikationen, konkret von Wetter-Radar Anwendungen,gestört. Um den C-Band Empfang ungestört nutzen zu können empfiehlt es sich deshalb, Bandpassfilter einzusetzen, die nur genau den benötigten Frequenzbereich durchlassen. Im C-Band wird das Standard C-Band und das erweiterte C-Band unterschieden. In einigen Regionen ist der Frequenzbereich des C-Bandes obendrein etwas unterschiedlich, zum Beispiel in Russland. Je nach Frequenzband muss man daher passende Filter benutzen. In den

letzten Jahren hat sich besondersWiMAX („Worldwide Interoperatibility for Microwave Access“) zum Kummerkandidaten entwickelt. Dieser Internet-Zugang über Funk spielt sich in den Frequenzbändern von 2300MHz, 2500MHz und 3500MHz ab und hat deshalb das Potential, die C-Band Ausstrahlung nachhaltig zu stören. Die normale Maßnahme besteht darin, einen hoch selektiven Bandpassfilter einzusetzen, dessen Frequenzbereich dem regionalen Footprint entspricht (zum Beispiel 3700-4200 MHz, 3400-4200 MHz, usw.). Seit nicht allzu langer Zeit, wurde WiMAX aber auch weltweit im Frequenzband von 3400-3800 MHz in Betrieb genommen. Die daraus resultierenden Inband-Interferenzen im C-Band können diesmal aber nicht einfach mit den gängigen Bandpassfiltern eliminiert werden, denn wenn zum Beispiel ein WiMAXSender auf 3700 MHz den C-Band Empfang von 3700-4200 MHz stört, wird ein gewöhnlicher Bandpassfilter alle Frequenzen von 3700-4200 MHz ungefiltert durchlassen, also auch das störende WiMAX Signal. In diesem Fall ist deshalb ein besonderer Filter notwendig, der das Signal zum Beispiel erst ab 3750 MHz durchlässt. Filter in diesem HF-Bereich sind jedoch komplex aufgebaut und entsprechend ist für die Entwicklung viel Erfahrung notwendig. Außerdem bedarf es spezieller Fertigungsprozesse, denn hier sind nicht einfach nur elektronische Schaltungen im



RX (MHz)







Neue Hochfrequenz Filter von MFC für das C-Band

Model 13961W-I - International (Extended) C-Band Interference Elimination Filter

• No other filter in the industry provides as much rejection of undesired signals in such a compact size. • Eliminates WiMAX, RADAR and virtually all other sources of out-of-band interference • Lightweight - Aluminium Construction • Ready to install between LNB & feed horn Pass band 3.6 - 4.2 GHz Pass band Loss 0.5 dB Typ @ centre band 0.5 dB Typ roll-off @ band edges Pass band VSWR 1.5:1 Typ Group Delay Variation 8 ns Max Rejection 45 dB Typ @ 3.55 GHz / 4.25 GHz 55 dB Typ @ 3.45 GHz / 4.35 GHz 70 dB Typ @ 3.40 GHz / 4.40 GHz Flanges CPR229G (Input), CPR229F (Output) Length 5.49“ (13.9 cm) Weight 1.125 lbs. (0.51 Kg) Finish Gloss White Lacquer

Einsatz – die hochfrequenten Signale verbreiten sich auch ohne elektrischen Leiter, weshalb die Filter in diesem Fall hauptsächlich aus Hohleitern bestehen. Überhaupt: schaut man sich als Laie einen dieser Filter an fragt man sich zuerst, wie und wo man dieses überhaupt anschließen muss. Die Antwort ist ganz einfach: direkt an der Antenne zwischen dem Feed und dem LNB/LNA. Der Fertigungsprozess von dieser Art von Filtern besteht daher zum großen Teil aus Fräsen mit Hilfe einer computergesteuerten Maschine, die Fräsbahnen werden mit spezieller CAM Software berechnet. Für das CBand ist MFC weltweit der führende Anbieter von Fil-

176 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

tern zur Eliminierung von Interferenzen. Kein anderes Unternehmen bietet eine derart große Palette von Filtern an, sei es um Radar, WiMAX oder jedes andere interferierende Signal zu filtern. Einen Einblick in das umfangreiche Filtersortiment bietet die Auflistung neuer Filter, die MFC kürzlich in seine Produktion aufgenommen hat. Die wichtigsten davon stellen wir den TELE-audiovisions Lesern hier vor. Es führt kein Weg um MFC vorbei, wenn im CBand Filter eingesetzt werden müssen. Dieses Unternehmen hat sich auf die Entwicklung und Fertigung dieser Filter spezialisiert und bietet mit seinen Produkten erstklassige Charakteristiken an.

Firmen Report

Digital TV Internet Forum BSD, Brasilien

10 Jahre BSD Internet Forum, Brasilien ■ Hier in Jundiai hat Marcos

Benni sein neues Office für BSD eingerichtet

178 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• größtes Internet Forum in Brasilien über Digital TV • erreicht jeden Monat mehr als 400.000 Leser • startet mit einem Video Shop eine neue Form des Online Shopping für Digital TV Produkte • auch im Bereich IPTV und IP Radio aktiv

BSD sagt Danke 10 Jahre BSD waren nur möglich durch die großartige Mitarbeit aller, die Informationen über Satelliten und terrestrische Sender eingesandt haben. Ermöglicht wurden 10 Jahre BSD auch durch die Partnerschaften des BSDPortals, welche die Arbeit unterstützt haben. Ein spezieller Dank an die Hobbyfreunde, Antenneninstallateure, Techniker, Ingenieure und Direktoren der Satelliten- und TV-Sender. Ein besonderer Dank geht an: Gilson Teles für seine Nachrichten und Reportagen im BSD SatClub Forum, Danilo Rodrigues für die Programmierung der BSD Website und für alle sonstigen IT Arbeiten, Valdecir Adorno und Francisco Crispim für ihre unermüdliche Mitarbeit im Bereich der Satellitenkanäle im BSD SatClub Forum

Marcos Benni — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Firmen Report

Digital TV Internet Forum BSD, Brasilien

Neues Konzept bei BSD Im Oktober 2003 ging das brasilianische Internetforum BSD unter der Adresse online. Das Forum, das sich mit allen Themen des digitalen Empfangs beschäftigt, ist das Produkt von Marcos Benni, der selbst ein begeisterter Satelliten DXer ist. In TELE-audiovision 12-01/2012 hatten wir über ihn berichtet und seinen rie-

sigen 5m Spiegel gezeigt. Mittlerweile hat sich einiges getan und der 10. Geburtstag seines Internet Forums war eine gute Gelegenheit nachzufragen, wie es heute um BSD steht. Denn Marcos Benni hat großes Neues vor: er hat ein brandneues Office bezogen und ist dabei, mit einem neuen Konzept einen Internet-Handel zu star-

ten. „Meine Idee ist, die Produkte in kurzen Videos vorzustellen. So wird es für jeden Interessierten viel einfacher zu verstehen, wozu die Produkte gut sind und wofür sie verwendet werden können.“ Damit dies professionell geschieht hat er in seinem neuen Office ein echtes TV-Studio eingerichtet. Bei unserem Besuch befand sich noch alles im Umbau, mit Erscheinen dieser TELEaudiovision aber soll bereits voll in Betrieb sein. „Anbieten werde ich alle Produkte des Digitalen TV, von Satellitenspiegeln über normale und fiberoptische LNB bis zu Kabeln und allen Arten von Receivern und Satfindern,“ listet Marcos Benni, von jedermann nur Benni ge-

■ Marcos Benni in seinem

Büro. Gerne liest er die TELEaudiovision, die regelmäßig über Firmen aus Brasilien berichtet - wie auch über seine Firma BSD.

180 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

nannt, auf. Aber daneben ist Benni auch im Bereich IPTV aktiv: „Ich habe hier einen IPTV Showroom eingerichtet, in dem interessierte TV Betreiber die notwendige Technik im Live-Einsatz sehen können und ich die Funktion erläutern kann.“ Nicht nur das, auch IP-Radio ist ein Hobby von Benni und er kann die dafür notwendige Technik jedem Interessierten anbieten. „Ab Oktober 2013 sende ich auch wieder Radio BSD über das Internet, diesmal über Shoutcast.“ In den 140 Quadratmetern seines neuen Office hat Benni alles untergebracht, was er für seine neue Aktivitäten plant. „Mit 400.000 Besuchern jeden Monat, davon 80% aus Brasilien, gehört mein Forum zu den größten des Landes.“ verweist Benni auf die beeindruckenden Abrufzahlen von portalbsd. Jeder, der sich in Brasilien im Bereich digital TV informieren will tut dies über sein Forum. „Ich habe hier im Office mehrere Satellitenspiegel installiert, mit denen ich alle empfangbaren Programme sehen kann und auch die Nachrichtensektion meines Forums upto-date halten kann.“ Benni zeigt hier auf die Spiegelreihe, die von den 3m C-Band Spiegeln bis hin zu den kleineren Ku-Band Spiegeln reicht. Benni hat sich in seinem neuen Office den Traum eines jeden Satelliten DXers verwirklicht. Mit dem neuen Shop auf Basis von Produktvideos will er den Erfolg seines Internet Forums nun auch kommerziell anwenden. Viel Erfolg dabei für die nächsten 10 Jahre!

■ Von der Seitenstraße

aus sieht man die Spiegelparade auf dem Dach des BSD Office

■ In TELE-audiovision Ausgabe 12-01/2012 berichteten wir erstmals über Marcos Benni und sein Internet Forum BSD. Der vollständige Bericht kann hier nachgelesen werden:

182 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


Jundiaí (São Paulo)

■ Hier landen die

telefonischen Bestellungen der BSD-Kunden. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


2 1. In der Rezeption werden Kunden empfangen, die direkt zur BSD-Zentrale kommen 2. Kleine Auswahl der Digital TV Receiver, die Benni im BSD Shop anbieten wird


184 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ Noch ist das TV-Studio nicht fertig eingerichtet, aber erste Testaufnahmen laufen schon. Hier präsentiert Gilson Teles den fiberoptischen LNB von GlobalInvacom, den BSD in Brasilien bekannt machen will.

186 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ Benni in seinem Element:

im Regieraum seines neuen TV-Studios hat Benni das Video Mischpult und seine PCs aufgebaut. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Fibre Optic Manufacturer GlobalInvacom, UK

Two Million Connections with

GlobalInvacom‘s FibreIRS 188 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

• Invented the new satellite IF transmission technology via fibre optics • Five million FibreIRS connections are expected by 2015 • Through continuous technological improvements FibreIRS can now serve more than 4000 connections from a single LNB; for professional applications it's several 10,000's • 14 Multiple R&D Engineers are consistently working to improve the system • Northern Europe, North Africa and Southeast Asia are the largest FibreIRS markets

■ GlobalInvacom's headquarters in Stevenage north of

London. GlobalInvacom used to occupy only the left hand side of the building, now they have leased the right side as well. That's where you'll find their FibreIRS R&D group. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Fibre Optic Manufacturer GlobalInvacom, UK

Congratulations! Five Years of Fibre Optic Systems from GlobalInvacom Alexander Wiese

190 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



■ Ivan Horrocks is happy:

GlobalInvacom's FibreIRS system is celebrating its fifth birthday with two million users connected to optical satellite signals. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


1. Gary Stafford is responsible for GlobalInvacom's business development. He came up with the idea in 2007 to distribute the satellite IF of an LNB via fibre optic cables. From there came the FibreIRS products. 2. Matt Presdee looks after their Technical support for the sales department and is very familiar with the wiring of GlobalInvacom's devices. Here we see him on the balcony of GlobalInvacom's headquarters in Stevenage north of London. Using a number of satellite dishes (equipped, of course, with GlobalInvacom fibre optic LNBs) he tests their products. 3. Dr. Andrew Collar is especially familiar with optical technology. Here he is performing experiments with an optical polarization controller to determine the system performance characteristics of an optical system. 4. Mike Jones is one of the principle technical designers for the optical system


In 2008 the first fibre optic LNB was introduced by GlobalInvacom. This made it possible to carry a satellite signal from a fibre optic LNB across miles of fibre optic cable and then, even more importantly, split it multiple times without any concern for signal attenuation. Five years have gone by since then so we wanted to know how things were going with fibre optic technology; has it been successful? The answer to this question is a resounding YES! This is true even though this involves a completely new technology; distributing satellite signals via coaxial cable is still standard today. Coax technology has long been a proven method and has been in use for more than 100 years. A fundamentally new technology would be difficult to push through - it would have to have many advantages and these advantages would have to be obvious. Sure enough, Ivan Horrocks, GlobalInvacom‘s Sales Director, says the FibreIRS system has been a great success: „In the five years since its introduction, we estimate that this technology has been used to connect in excess of two million households.“ Over the past several years GlobalInvacom has continued to develop this

fibre optic technology under the name FibreIRS (Fibre Integrated Reception System). Especially interesting is the expansion to terrestrial TV signals such that today GlobalInvacom‘s system can be simultaneously used for satellite signals as well as terrestrial TV signals. Ivan Horrocks explains to us how this all got started: „Gary Stafford came up with the original idea.“ He runs the Business Development section and began working on an LNB system that distributed signals via fibre optic cable. „Our first FibreIRS product was still fed directly from the LNB and distributed the signal through a 16-way split regime.“ An improved model was introduced in 2009 where the LNB signal could be distributed so a maximum of 32 users could be connected directly to the fibre optic satellite signal. „In 2010 we expanded the system again by introducing the ODU32 which allowed terrestrial TV signals to be added. In 2011/2012 we introduced the wholband splitter which allowed us to combine 4 X ODU32’s together catapulting the maximum number of subscribers to 256. But this was still not enough.” But it still wasn‘t enough: „Our newest system is the just recently devel-

oped O2E Converter: with this system we can connect sixty four 64-output ODU32’s.“ This results in an incredible 64 x 64 = 4096 connections, all fed from a single LNB that can be installed on a single satellite antenna installed in an optimal location since distances are not a factor when using a fibre optic signal distribution system. GlobalInvacom FibreIRS product sales have been increasing 20% year after year. „Of course, this is subject to fluctuations“, we learn from Ivan Horrocks, „Our largest market is northern Europe. There we sell 40 -50% of all our fibre optic products. Another important market is MENA (the Middle East and North Africa), 20% of our fibre optic products are shipped there.“ He sees the strongest growth in Southeast Asia: „Sales have greatly increased there. Right now it encompasses about 30% of our fibre optic products.“ GlobalInvacom‘s best-selling fibre optic product is the Quattro model. „Multiswitches are connected to these and are therefore best suited for smaller communities.“ The highest growth can be seen with the Quad model: „Four receivers can be directly connected to this model and is the best way to go with individual reception in homes (Direct-to-Home).“ As you can see, more and more private homes as well as the installation in single apartments or houses are opting for GlobalInvacom‘s fibre optic system. And there‘s even more news from GlobalInvacom. Business Development Manager Gary Stafford tells us more: „In 2012 we acquired the two produc-

192 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

2 3


tion operations in China that produce our fibre optic products; we have been trading since then as a Plc on the Singapore stock exchange.“ Because of this and also because of the steadily increasing number of employees, the total number of employees right now totals 1600. „About 1200 of those are involved in production“, explains Gary Stafford, „In Great Britain there are about 300 employees and in our branch offices in the USA, Singapore and Ma- — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


■ A monitor in the main reception area

shows the FibreIRS system in action with the pictures then being relayed by the new wireless link.

laysia there are another 100 workers.“ GlobalInvacom has 60 engineers in their R&D group and they focus on new products and the further development of existing products. „14 engineers in the R&D group work on the FibreIRS product line.“ This is quite amazing considering that at the beginning of FibreIRS development in 2007 there was

only one single developmental engineer. It comes as no surprise that GlobalInvacom consistently introduces new fibre optic products. „We‘re opening a completely new segment within the fibre optic system with a converter set that would take the frequency range starting at 87 MHz all the way up to 2300 MHz and convert it into the optical range. This product is ideal for the transmission of a single satellite polarization level simultaneously with ter-

restrial signals.“ In this way GlobalInvacom‘s fibre optic system will also be compatible with C-band systems where usually only one polarization level would be carried. „Especially interesting is the very low price of this new system consisting of the coax-fibre converter and the corresponding fibre-coax converter“, comments Ivan Horrocks. „You don‘t even need any special knowledge of fibre optics in order to install this system and thanks to this system you can span

194 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

■ Another new GlobalInvacom product: the

development of the tvLNK HD system. The HDMI signal, for example from a satellite receiver is distributed using a standard coaxial cable. Using a wideband splitter the HDMI is split into four receivers; allowing four TV's to be connected to one HDMI source. It is noteworthy to mention that additional services such as Digital TV and satellite can be combined onto the same coax cable using the loop through. Being in the tvLINK family means that remote control functions are passed back along the coax to enable changes from each remote location. The addition of a USB dongle enables further expansion to connect a number of streaming devices via a local router.

196 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

extreme distances that you couldn‘t do with standard coax cable.“ This new system that can carry a single satellite polarization level is further enhanced with another new system for fibre optic cables. „For our professional systems we offer pre-made cables but now you can get fibre optic cables from

us that can be fashioned by the installer on-site easily and with very little effort. We use cable with the same quality as G657A2 cable except that it can be prepared using an easier and less expensive splicing device.“ This would allow the installer to utilize precise cable lengths by simply cutting them from a roll of cable. This would be much easier for the installer. In upcoming issues of TELE-audiovi-

sion we will be highlighting the many new GlobalInvacom FibreIRS products in much more detail in product tests. GlobalInvacom is even involved in the area of reconverting the optical signal: there will soon be new products here as well. Five years ago GlobalInvacom began moving in a direction away from ancient coax cable technology towards the future of optical signal transmission with its enormous bandwidth and extremely low attenuation. The technology of the future is being offered by GlobalInvacom today. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


5. Using a whiteboard, Matt Presdee describes the new O2E FibreIRS with which up to 4096 fibre optical connections can be set up. 6. The new O2E system. The highlight: the original fibre optic signal from the LNB is routed to a second optical converter through the loop-through output. Using splitters the signal can be divided as often as needed.

5 6

198 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —






7. Here we see a Quad GTU connected to a 32-way splitter. 8. The display on the analyzer shows the result: the signal quality is flawless 9. Prototype of the first coax-fibre and fibre-coax converters: the satellite IF signal is combined with the signal from

a terrestrial antenna in a switch. The combined signal, that could lie in the range from 87 to 2300 MHz, is converted to an optical signal that can then be carried over very long distances. 10. At the other end the optical signal is then reconverted back to the original

frequency range. The system is available as a set and is meant for use in inexpensive installations. 11. Here too: the analyzer shows the exceptional signal quality after conversion from the optical range back to the original frequency range. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志




12. One of the problems that has slowed down the practical implementation of fibre optic technology and that has essentially put up a road block is the connecting of two fibre optic cables. With this new system GlobalInvacom is incorporating a much easier method that doesn't involve highpriced splicing machines. The picture shows how the core of the optical cable is cut with this device such that a flat and lossless edge results. The optical cables need to be connected edge to edge. In order to actually achieve a true flat edge, the best method is the effective breaking of the optical cable. 13. The connector plugs are placed in this holder and the ends of the fibre optic cables can be inserted through the template easily and securely. 14. A push on the ends locks the flaps. The inner conductor of the optical cable is then tightly pressed and the two cable ends touch each other without any loss (nearly). 15. The complete set with the cable cutter (actually, cable breaker), the connection template and a set of plugs. The small yellow section of fibre optic cable shows the two types of plugs: One with a pre fitted connector for customer connection and the second to splice bare fibres together.



200 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


Five Years FibreIRS from GlobalInvacom 2

202 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

1. TELE-satellite first reported on GlobalInvacom's new optical system in the 02-03/2008 issue. Back then the system was still in the development stage

2. The first test report of the new optical system was published by TELE-satellite in a worldwide exclusive in the 08-09/2009 issue. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Firmen Report

Digital-TV Groß- und Einzelhändler ELNET, Island

Von Groß bis Klein:

• liefert von DVB Transmittern bis zu DVB Receivern alles • paßt sich durch seine große Bandbreite an Produkten den ständig wechselnden Marktverhältnissen an • vertraut auf die Zukunft des DVB-Empfangs sowohl via Satellit wie terrestrisch • erwartet bald Zunahme im Bereich fiberoptische Produkte

204 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

ELNET führt alles

■ Im Gewerbegebiet von Kopavogur und gut

sichtbar von der Schnellstrasse 41 sind die vielen Satellitenspiegel an der Fassade des Digital-TV Groß- und Einzelhändlers ELNET. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Firmen Report

Digital-TV Groß- und Einzelhändler ELNET, Island

Große Geschäftsräume, große und kleine Produkte Der Digital-TV Groß- und Einzelhändler ELNET verfügt in Island nicht nur über großzügige Geschäftsräume mit 600 Quadratmetern Fläche, sondern auch über ein außergewöhnlich breites Spektrum an Produkten im Bereich Digital-TV. Das muß auch sein, erklärt uns Inhaber und General Manager Asmundur Einarsson: „Island hat nur etwas über 300.000 Einwohner, da kann man sich nicht spezialisieren sondern muß


alles anbieten.“ Asmundur Einarsson nimmt zwei Koaxialstecker und zeigt eindrucksvoll den Unterschied: der eine Stecker ist für dicke 7/8 Kabel der Broadcasttechnik und der andere Stecker ist ein Miniaturstecker, wie er in Messgeräten verwendet wird (siehe Foto). Damit hat er die Bandbreite abgesteckt: ELNET vertreibt einerseits DVB-Messgeräte und andrerseits die kompletten DVB-Sender. „Wir


vertreteen Rohde & Schwarz hier in Island und waren damit direkt beteiligt am Aufbau des digitalen TV-Netzwerkes hier in Island.“ Asmundur Einarsson schätzt, dass die Hälfte aller digitalen TV-Sender in Island über sein Unternehmen geliefert wurden. „Aufgrund der Topografie des Landes mit seinen vielen Bergen und Tälern und den weit verstreut liegenden Häusern sind viele Sender notwendig. Die maxi-

■ Seit 2000 ist Asmundur

Einarsson, Inhaber und General Manager von ELNET, treuer Leser der TELEaudiovision.

206 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



3 1. Magnus Eyjolfsson ist Partner bei ELNET und zuständig für den Verkauf. 2. Im Ladengeschäft von ELNET: ein Kunde läßt sich beraten. 3. Von groß bis klein: in der Mitte ein Großstecker für Sendeanlagen und winzig klein davor ein Koaxstecker, wie er in Messgeräten eingesetzt wird. Das Bild verdeutlicht die enorme Bandbreite an Produkten, die ELNET anbietet.

male Sendeleistung beträgt 500W.“ Die Einwohnerzahl Islands ist winzig, aber die Fläche des Landes ist riesig. Genau das liefert Asmundur Einarsson ein gewichtiges Argument für die Zukunft seines Geschäfts: „Kabelgebundene Verbreitungswege wie CATV oder IPTV sind nur sinnvoll in den Städten. Für die Versorgung der ländlichen Regionen wird auch weiterhin der Satellitenempfang gefolgt vom terrestrischen Empfang die

beste Empfangstechnik sein.“ Gegründet wurde ELNET bereits in 1984. Der Gründer Örlygur Jonatansson verkaufte ELNET an Asmundur Einarsson und unterrichtet seitdem an der staatlichen Berufsschule. Asmundur Einarsson selbst war zuvor lange Jahre bei den beiden damaligen TV-Sendern des Landes als Techniker beschäftigt. Beherzt griff er zu, als der Gründer ELNET anbot. „Zwei Angestellte gab es — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


■ Asmundur Einarsson mit

den beliebtesten Antennen bei ELNET: Spiegel mit 1m und 85cm Durchmesser sowie UHF-Antennen für den DVB-T Empfang

208 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



damals und damals boomte das Geschft mit Satellitenempfangsanlagen.“ Die beste Zeit für ELNET war 2007. Zu dem Zeitpunkt zog die Firma um in die heutige Lage im Gewerbegebiet von Kopavagur, einem Vorort von Reykjakvik. „Damals betrug unser Umsatz um die 1.5 Mio Euro, heute ist er auf unter 1 Mio gefallen, aber erfreulicherweise stabil.“ Im Jahr 2000 kam ein Partner hinzu. Seit dem kümmert sich Magnus Eyjolfsson vor allem um den Verkauf. „200 bis 300 Satellitenspiegel verkaufen wir pro Jahr,“ erzählt er uns, „vor allem die 85cm und 1m Modelle sind gefragt.“ Aber auch 1.8m Spiegel können ab Lager geliefert werden. Selbst große 3m Spiegel sehen wir im Lager. Seit 2011 verteibt ELNET auch die fiberoptischen Systeme von GlobalInvacom. „Preislich nähern sich die fiberoptischen Systeme immer mehr den Koaxialsystemen an,“ beobachtet Asmundur Einarsson und stellt fest: „In 1 oder 2 Jahren wird es hier zum Umschwung kommen und die fiberoptischen Systeme stark zunehmen.“ ELNET jedenfalls sit gerüstet für die Zukunft und verfügt über eine sehr große Auswahl an Produkten, um im bevölkerungsarmen aber großen Island mit kleinen und großen Produkten auch weiterhin erfolgreich zu sein. 210 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

1. Noch ist der Umsatz gering, aber ELNET erwartet bald eine Steigerung: das fiberoptische System von GlobalInvacom, das ELNET seit 2011 im Angebot hat. 2. Bei dem Rohrstück handelt es sich um einen Abschnitt eines 1 5/8" Kabels, wie es bei den DVB-T Sendern eingesetzt wird. ELNET liefert diese Kabel. An der Wand oben Segmente eines 3m Spiegels und unten weitere kleinere Spiegel. 3. Die Ableitungen der Spiegel an der Außenfassade landen hier im Technikraum. 4.Blick in den Technikraum. Hier stapeln sich Geräte der verschiedensten Art.


4 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory


Decision Makers in Worldwide Digital TV Industry according to TELE-audiovision’s Company Reports BSD, Brazil - Digital TV Internet Forum

Manu Distr R Whol R Shop Serv


Marcos Benni

• Largest Digital TV Internet forum in Brazil • Reaches 400,000 readers every month

Elnet, Iceland - Distributor

• Starting a new form of digital TV online shopping with a video shop • Also active in IPTV and IP Radio

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv



Asmundur Einarsson

Magnus Eyjolfsson

• can supply everything from DVB transmitters to DVB receivers • always adapts its large range of products to meet current market demands

GlobalInvacom, UK - Fibre Optic Products

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

• believes in terrestrial and satellite DVB reception • expects fibre-optic products to gain popularity in near future 1 Sales Technical Director Support 1. Visitors are greeted by this very friendly receptionist. 2. Customers purchasing a DEVISER product will Ivan Matt be served by one of the ambitious members of the Overseas Sales team. Each of them is in charge of a Horrocks Presdee specific region. John Wu (upper row, left) is responsible

Business Development Gary Stafford

• Invented the new satellite IF transmission technology via fibre optics • Five million FibreIRS connections are expected by 2015 • Through continuous technological improvements FibreIRS can now serve more than 4000 connections from a single LNB; for professional applications it’s several 10,000’s

Oreind, Iceland - Distributor Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv


DEVISER with new and Baldur modern company headquarters Sveinsson ë



Sigurour Gunnarsson

■ In TELE-audiovision issue 06-07/2011 we introduced DEVISER

shown persistent interest in streaming

systems.” • successful in the home electronics segment Together with his staff of eight, six of which were software engineers at always the • all antenna installation material in stock

for the first time. Click on the following link to read the full story:

ing export success. Founded almost 25 years ago to supply meters to the Chinese market, DEVISER has long since become a global player. “By now most of our products are sold outside China,” explains Jason Wu and also has some

• focus on IPTV for sustained business development • sizable repair shop for home electronics equipment

export figures in store for us: “40% go to the USA, 25% stay in Southeast Asia, 20% are shipped to Europe and 15% are sold in India.” For the US market

time, Forcetech CEO Mr. Arojoy Wei deDEVISER sells its products under the brand name of a local cooperation partsigned streaming software for commercial applications during the initial phase ner, while the company has devised an of his company. State-run institutions 1 entirely different strategy for Europe: In July of 2012 DEVISER moved into its such as schools and universities as well “We are currently in the process of esnew and spacious company headquartablishing a repair and logistics centre ters in the industrial zone of Tianjin, a as industrial enterprises ranked among in Mechelen, close to Brussels (Belgium) port city in Eastern China not far from 2 his first customers. Forcetech software in cooperation with Technetix.” This way Beijing. DEVISER has been a manufacDEVISER customers will not only receive turer of signal meters since 1990 and was implementedCOMPANY on theREPORT websitesDigital of TV Head-end Manufacturer DEXIN, China has new products considerably faster, they worked up a substantial base of loyal is the ■ Lan will Haidong also benefit from shorter turnaround customers. The reason is obvious: DEthose customers for streaming video Marketing Manager at times for repairs. VISER pays special attention to quality content. Lan Haidong gives the example Forcetech. The official Not that DEVISER expects any increase and reliability over a long service life for DEXIN moved into their new producin repair work! Au contraire: “We recentall of its products. name of the company of “lectures at schools and universities” tion building at the end of 2012. BeDuring the first years of operation only is Force Innovation fore that the company was located for that could be accessed online for viewing Chinese customers were able to benefit Technology Co., Ltd. years in downtown Chengdu. But they from that strategy, as products manuoutgrew that site and General Manager at home. as can be seen in the factured and sold by DEVISER were only Sun Yu decided it was time to move to a background. available in China at first. Signal meters At the time, all streaming software was

Deviser, China - Signal Analyzer R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv


1. Liu Lian Jun is the Managing Director of DEVISER and is in charge of the entire production business. 2. The driveway leading to the main building of the DEVISER company headquarters. 3. View from the roof of the DEVISER company headquarters towards the production buildings. The houses of the city of Tianjin can be seen in the background.

Signal Analyzer Manufacturer DEVISER, China


for the Indian market, Jason Wu (centre) is the team leader and can be met at many international fairs and

• 14 Multiple R&D Engineers are consistently working toofimprove the exhibitions. He is in charge Europe. Aaron Liu (right) looks after Asian customers, Vicky Han (lower row, system left) after the Americas and Africa and Simon Liu (right) serves customers in the CIS region as well as in the • Northern Europe, North Africa and Southeast Asia are the(centre) largest countries of Oceania. Sally Chen makes sure deliveries to all corners of the globe run smoothly and FibreIRS markets reliably.


Zhong Changgan


Liu Lian Jun

TV Head-end Products for on so-called multicast technolProfessional • new company based headquarters streamlines production and administraogy, which means every client received his or her stream TV directly Distribution from a central tion at a single site content server. Things changed in 2008,

completely new building. Sun Yu is not for cable TV were the major sellers at only General Manger; he’s also a part the time, and have stayed right on top owner of DEXIN. He explains to us: “My up to this day. “65% of our signal meters two brothers are also part owners but are designed for cable TV,” according to they don’t take part in the company’s Jason Wu, who heads the International daily activities. “ Sales team and whom we already met It wasn’t always like that. “The comtwo years ago during our fist visit to DEpany was founded in 1994 under the VISER. name DESAI.” Back then analog moduAt that time DEVISER’s production lators and transmitters were manufacpremises and offices were spread over a tured for the local market in China. In number of different premises in Tianjin, those days Sun Yu’s parents were part

• expansion of awhen dedicated repair and logistics centre in and for Europe Forcetech launched a P2P (peerDEXIN is a manufacturer of profes-

sionalits tv head-ends. These What types of to-peer) version of software. devices are often specially made acwas different fromcording thento on? With P2P all customer requirements and connected streaming clients at the same time function as active multipliers and forward the received signal to additional is DEXIN’s General ■ Sun Yu“P2P clients. Lan Haidong: improves the Manager. Just like all the other employees, he also quality of the received signal, wears a jacket with theabove all.” company's logo. Signals need not be fed from a central server any longer, but can be received

since each application would have to be optimally configured DEXIN employes a large number of engineers in their R&D department. Production Sales DEVISER Success Triggers Manager Expansion Jason Li Hong Wu Xiao

but lasting success called for bundling all departments under a single roof. The shiny new and huge headquarters are ready to tackle continued growth, and Jason Wu gives us some details about TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 — President of152 DEVISER. He established the driving forces behind that goal: “We the company in 1990. expect substantial increases in the meter segment for fibre-optic cables as well as for the telecommunications business.” The satellite meter line of business can also look forward to healthy growth, Chengdu while DEVISER does not envisage significant potential for cable signal meters any longer. One of the reasons for new and large company headquarters was increas-

• expansion of a dedicated repair and logistics centre in and for Europe • strong growth in export markets

• state-of-the-art test benches for EMS and overvoltage protection

■ The new DEVISER company headquarters in the Tianjin industrial zone. This is where both the administrative offices and the production premises of this manufacturer of professional meters are located.

148 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 —

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

Forcetech, China - IPTV Solution Provider 1

shown persistent interest in streaming systems.” Together with his staff of eight, six of which were software engineers at the time, Forcetech CEO Mr. Arojoy Wei designed streaming software for commercial applications during the initial phase of his company. State-run institutions 182 TELE-audiovision — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 05-06/2013 — suchInternational as schools and universities as well as industrial enterprises ranked among his first customers. Forcetech software was implemented on the websites of those customers for streaming video content. Lan Haidong gives the example of “lectures at schools and universities” that could be accessed online for viewing at home. At the time, all streaming software was based on so-called multicast technology, which means every client received his or her stream directly from a central content server. Things changed in 2008, when Forcetech launched a P2P (peerto-peer) version of its software. What was different from then on? With P2P all connected streaming clients at the same time function as active multipliers and received to Trade additional TELE-audiovision Internationalforward — The the World‘s Largestsignal Digital TV Magazine — 07-08/2013 — clients. Lan Haidong: “P2P improves the quality of the received signal, above all.” Signals need not be fed from a central server any longer, but can be received

Ren Nan


Digital TV Head-end Equipment Manufacturer DEXIN

Sun Yu

left to right) Sales Manager Ren Nan, Sun Wenya, Marketing Manager Lan Haidong, Wang Qinghua, Dong Peng and Guo Tianwei. The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 —



Digital TV Head-end Manufacturer DEXIN, China — 07-08/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

■ The Forcetech Sales team with TELE-audiovision editor-in-chief Alexander Wiese: (from

150 TELE-audiovision International — — 07-08/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

■ DEXIN’s new production

facility that the company moved in to at the end of 2012. It’s located in the Wuhou high-tech zone of Chengdu.


• Established in 1994 in Chengdu • Specializes in professional tv head-end equipment R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

• new company headquarters streamlines production and administration at a single site

■ Zhong Changgan is founder and



Signal Analyzer Manufacturer DEVISER, China

• strong growth in export markets • state-of-the-art test benches for EMS and overvoltage protection

Dexin, China - Digital TV Head-ends R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


180 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest TV Box Magazine — 05-06/2013 —

• Established in 1994 in Chengdu • Specializes in professional tv head-end equipment • 50% of their production is exported • Intense quality controls • Very large R&D team — 05-06/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


• 50% of their production is exported • Intense quality controls Marketing



IPTV Solution Provider Forcetech, China

IPTV Systems by Forcetech

• offering technically mature and fully-fledged IPTV solutions • large Chinese movie provider as showcase customer and shareholder • small-scale IPTV systems can be realised on a tight budget • excellent video quality thanks to P2P technology

■ Forcetech is based in the

Lan Haidong

ZhongGuanCun software park in northwestern Beijing. 40 software engineers and ten sales experts work at this site. An additional R&D office is located in Chengdu, where the local university offers a topnotch engineering degree program. Forcetech operates one more office in Shenzhen, since it sources OEM hardware such as encorders and settop boxes from there.

148 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 — — 07-08/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


• offering technically mature and fully-fledged IPTV solutions • small-scale IPTV systems can be realised on a tight budget ■ 154 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 — • large Chinese movie provider as showcase customer and shareholder • excellent video quality thanks to P2P technology Lan Haidong is the Marketing Manager at Forcetech. The official name of the company is Force Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. as can be seen in the background.

212 TELE-audiovision152International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

conquering the world market

Tianditong, China - Antennas

There was a time when a huge number of hard-working employees manufactured large quantities of all sorts of products. For most successful companies, this has long become a thing of the past, and Chinese satellite dish and antenna manufacturer Tianditong is a perfect example of that development. Almost every step of the production is completed by highly efficient machines, and even the few components that still require manual work will be assembled by automatic equipment in the foreseeable future. All this results in roughly three million antennas being manufactured by less than 300 employees. Impressive numbers – and reason enough for us to pay a visit to that company. Our first port of call is a small office right in Beijing. As little as 20 employees work at this site, with six members of staff making up the Sales team for


R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


Bang Xian Peng Quality Production Antennas for the Manager Global Market Bang Xing Peng COMPANY REPORT

• uses state-of-the-art production machinery

• fully automatic quality control during the production process • volume production of dish sizes from 45 to 180 cm

• ready for production of large quantities at short notice • environmentally-friendly production according to international standards

■ Is this the command centre of a

large satellite dish manufacturer? Yes indeed, on the 5th floor of the Newton office building in Beijing’s south we can find the administration staff and the Sales team of the dish manufacturer Tianditong. The production premises, however, are located in Guan, in the Chinese province of Hebei. A total of 180 workers are employed at the Guan premises, with another 100 production workers based at an additional production site in the province of Hunan.

148 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 —

• uses state-of-the-art production machinery Satellite Dish Manufacturer LIANXING, China COMPANY REPORT • fully automatic quality control during the production process Dish Manufacturer • volume production ofCOMPANY dishREPORT sizesSatellite from 45 toLIANXING, 180China cm

Satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING has two owners, and both are fully aware of the fact that only top quality will guarantee last-



Manager Jeffersonë Guilin Cruz

facility in Aruja, in Brazil’s Sao Paulo province.


Lio Wen Fei and Wen Lang Yuan are the founders of the company, rect their attention to immaculate workmanship for every antenna and still have a shareholding of 50% each. What started in 1993 with they manufacture. A total of ten buildings are located in the beautiful Xing’an county in Guilin city. prises a staff of 170. “We started out with producing C band dishes Lio Wen Fei and Wen Lang Yuan are the founders of the company,

ELDTEC For Brazil Only

Android R&D

Will Android become the


Sales Manager Liao Wen Fei


■ The two co-owners


• individually checking each single component • offering antennas for the C and Ku bands • very successful on the Japanese market

production premises of LIANXING. The column to the right of the entrance displays the full company name in Chinese: Guangxi Lianxing Satellite Equipment Ltd. Company.

DTP2100, one of the first receivers based on the Android operating system.


Product Manager Yongjun Zhang


• Installation of Apps on a limited basis • Android system requires higher quality components that results in higher costs • Android is well-suited for private users but only limited for cable network operators

Jiuzhou´s Android Department

150 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 05-06/2013 —


Digital Meter Manufacturer SAT-LINK, Quanzhou, China

SAT-LINK has • Develops receivers with complex features only one product • Installation of Apps on a limited basis group: digital • Android system requires higher quality components that results in signal analyzers Product Manager. He’s familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of this operating system.

■ Jiuzhou’s company headquarters in

Shenzhen’s High Tech Park. Here you’ll find 15 receiver developers that are working exclusively on the Android operating system.

176 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —

If you do only one thing, you can fully focus on that one thing. This is QingZhang Lin’s philosophy. He is General Manager of the five-year young company SAT-LINK. “We only produce digital signal analyzers”, confirms QingZhang Lin, “and are exclusively involved in the export market.” The company was founded only five years ago in 2008 with 20 R&D employees and 200 production employees.

■ Yongjun Zhang is the Android

Android R&D

• Develops receivers with complex features

of satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING: production manager Wen Liang Yuan TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 07-08/2013 — (left) and sales 150 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 05-06/2013 — manager Liao Wen Fei (right).



1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang presents SAT-LINK’s high-end success model. This analyzer is available in various versions and will shortly also be available as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.

ë — 05-06/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

• offering antennas for the C and Ku bands • very successful on the Japanese market

■ In the 11-12/2012 issue we introduced the new Jiuzhou receiver

■ The two co-owners

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

• using only top-quality materials

■ Entrance to the vast

Jiuzhou, China - Android Receivers of satellite dish manufacturer LIANXING: production manager Wen Liang Yuan (left) and sales manager Liao Wen Fei (right).


Satellite Dish Manufacturer LIANXING, China

LIANXING: Professional Satellite Antennas

148 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 05-06/2013 —

• using only top-quality materials • individually checking each single component Who better to answer this question than the Android receiver Product Manager 1 at Jiuzhou, Yongjun Zhang, who currently is developing Android prod- — 05-06/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

Product Manager Wen Liang Yuan

With an enormous R&D department, Jiuzhou has become one of the trailblazers1. of Brothers large receiverBang manufacturers Xian for Peng (left) satellite, terrestrial TV and cable recepand Bang Xing Peng (right) are the tion. Quite a few different operating founders of satellite dish manufacturer systems can be found in these receivers butTianditong. there’s one operating system that everyone has been talking about for the He is the 2. Meet Bang Xing Peng. past several years: the Android system. Production Manager, while brother and Here at TELE-audiovision we also have co-founder Bang Xian Peng acts as been expecting that more and more General and is in charge of receivers wouldManager appear on the market overall company marketing with this operating system,strategy, yet that andreally sales. hasn’t happened. We introduced one of the first boxes, a DVB-T receiver - the DTP2100 from Jiuzhou, back in our 11-12/2012 issue. So, is the expected Android receiver boom now going to get off the ground?

• Also offers antennas for 2.4 and 5.8 GHz (WiFi)

• Concentration on just a few product series • Also offers antennas for 2.4 and 5.8 GHz (WiFi)

operating system of the future? LIANXING, China - Satellite Dishes

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

• Large market coverage within Brazil • OEM production for other brand names • Concentration on just a few product series

166 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 05-06/2013 —

• Large market coverage within Brazil • OEM production for other brand names COMPANY REPORT

Dish, Antenna and Cable Manufacturer ELDTEC, Brazil

■ A look at ELDTEC’s production

150 TELE-audiovision Internationala — The World‘sof Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 07-08/2013 — workforce 50 employees has grown — continuously and today comand still have a shareholding of 50% each. What started in 1993 with a workforce of 50 employees has grown continuously and today comprises a staff of 170. “We started out with producing C band dishes



1. Jefferson Cruz runs the Sales Team. He would ing success. Not only do they use top-grade materials, they also dilove to be able to export ELDTEC’s products. rect their attention to immaculate workmanship for every antenna Thumbs up cable for General 2. The Sales Team. Orders■for dishes, and ManagerLIANXING has two owners, and both Satellite dish manufacturer manufacture. A total of ten buildings are located in the beautiful Bang Xian Peng. He and histhey brother antennas from Brazil’s wholesalers their areXing fullyfind aware thefounders fact thatofonly top quality will guarantee lastBang Peng areofthe Xing’an county in Guilin city. way here. Tianditong. ing success. Not only do they use top-grade materials, they also di- — 07-08/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

• ready for production of large quantities at short notice • environmentally-friendly production according to international standards

Quality Production of Dishes Production of ELDTEC, Brasil -Quality Dish,Satellite Antennas and Cables Satellite Dishes R Manu Sales 2 Distr Whol Shop Serv

Antenna Manufacturer Tianditong, China — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


higher costs • Android is well-suited for private users but only limited for cable network operators

178 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —

174 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 05-06/2013 —

Sat-Link, China - Signal Analyzers ë R Manu GM Project Sales R&D Signal Distr Analyzers from Whol SAT-LINK Qing GuiHuang Han Guang Shop Zhang Lin Huang Nancy Rong R Serv • Only five years on the market • Optimizes signal analyzers for every region • Focusing on the signal analyzer product group • Brand new: combo analyzers for DVB-S2 and T2 with fast spectrum • Offers signal analyzers in four function classes and four price classes display ■ QingZhang Lin is

SAT-LINK’s General Manager




2. Nancy is Business Manager and is always on the telephone taking orders from customers from all over the world. When she’s not at SAT-LINK’s headquarters talking with customers on theQuanzhou phone, she’s traveling all over the world visiting them. 1 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong is responsible for the function and development ofProfessional the signal analyzers. He Equipment REPORT 1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang checks the function of SAT-LINK’s devices presents SAT-LINK’s high-end success with oscilloscopes and other professional model. This analyzer is available in various test equipment. versions and will shortly also be available


Digital Meter Manufacturer SAT-LINK, Quanzhou, China

■ Here in this building in Quanzhou’s High Tech Park you’ll

find SAT-LINK’s headquarters and the signal analyzer’s final assembly area. The circuit boards and remaining components are assembled in another location in Quanzhou.



1. Project Manager GuiHuang Huang presents SAT-LINK’s high-end success model. This analyzer is available in various versions and will shortly also be available as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.

Manufacturer Tecsys, Brazil

as a combo unit with DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 as well as a very fast spectrum display.

With a new SMD line that has been in operation since June 2012, theFive Brayears later■it has Marcos grown to 30 R&D Jose zilian manufacturer Tecsys can further engineers and Freire 250 production Martins employavailable with ATSC (for North curity camera. is one ofAmerithe increase their quality and improveees. their founders of Tecsys and then in Tecthe following year And as if that weren’t enough, SAT-LINK’s headquarters reactionSATtime toca) incoming orders. and is CEO with ofare thelocated in Quanzhou’s High TechmarPark in the company ISDB-TBthemselves. for the South American LINK also offers a simple Satellite Finder everything sys produces Fujian province in southeastern China Tecsys was founded in 2000 by three process of expanding with a display that only shows reception ket. “We’re in the directly across from Taiwan. The propartners who were all involved for Americas”, reveals our activities induction the parameters and therefore can be offacilities with the latest SMT many years in the TV reception indusmachines are in the Luojiang QingZhang Lin, “and suburb fered very inexpensively. “This instru- General Manager try. Today the three founders wear difnortheast of the seven-million-inhabitwe will also haveMara greater presence at ment is, for example, very ferent well-suited hats at Tecsys: CEO is Jose ant city of Quanzhou. trade that area.” for South America”, Business cosManager Freire Martins, CCOshows is Jorgein Alberto Since SAT-LINK only exports their we first wanted to was know where Ganuza and CTO is Rodolfo Vidal.products, CEO While SAT-LINK in their year Nancy tells us. theyabout all go. General Manager QingZhang Marcos to onlyMartins able explains to sell 10,000 pieces, And with that, SAT-LINK Jose covers the Freire Lin lists us how it all started: “Tecsys began as for us all the different regions: those production numfour most important functions and pric- five years later“60% a manufacturer of SMATV products. We of our production is shipped to quintupled. And it’s East, ing levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly Europe, 20% travels to the Middle had seven employees and produced,


that this analyzer series is very popular in Europe. The next class of analyzers are those with smaller displays and non-illuminated keyboards. “These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East.” There are also two brand new Satellite Finder product lines: one of these handy models even has a camera input. “This is actually in high demand in the Middle East since many people there have installed security cameras. They can use this new signal analyzer to very devices to all the regions of the world. 3 easily check the function of these cam- All of the signal analyzers also come Professional Equipment Brazil COMPANY REPORT with Manufacturer DVB-S2 tunersTecsys, and the terrestrial eras.” This new satellite signal analyzer with camera input even comes with a versions and combo models come with 12V output to supply power to the se- not only DVB-T/T2 but will soon also be

• Focusing on the signal analyzer product group

• Offers signal analyzers in four function classes and four price classes • Optimizes signal analyzers for every region

• Brand new: combo analyzers for DVB-S2 and T2 with fast spectrum display

goesnew to North America and the rest especially their10% brand combo modare shipped to the remaining regions.” el for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 that promSAT-LINK has expanded its product those first TV channels were: “It was ises to be quiterange a success so that for four SAT-LINK. different classes are the cable The top-end and thus TV mostchannel VCC and its comSince many of covered. the countries in Europe expensive signal analyzer petitor It was also the state-run and Africa are quickly switching overcomes toCV.with

Tecsys, Brazil - Professional Equipment ë R Manu CEO 1. Ricardo still has his first analog receiver stored in his shack: it’s a model from DX Antenna that he used to receive his first TV channel back in 1985. 2. Ricardo even has a bending machine in his workshop that he uses to bend mounts and attachments for dishes. 3. Ricardo’s homemade device for the reception of circularly polarized C-band signals. 4. In Cosmosat’s warehouse: Ricardo is very happy with the AZURESHINE dishes that he resells and also uses at his cable operator installations. 5. Also homemade: a Ku-band feedhorn.

• Only five years on the market

152 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —

increase their quality and improve their reaction time to incoming orders. Tecsys produces everything themselves. Tecsys was founded in 2000 by three partners who were all involved for many years in the TV reception industry. Today the three founders wear different hats at Tecsys: CEO is Jose Marcos Freire Martins, CCO is Jorge Alberto Ganuza and CTO is Rodolfo Vidal. CEO Jose Marcos Freire Martins explains to us how it all started: “Tecsys began as that this analyzer series is very popular a manufacturer of SMATV products. We in Europe. had seven employees and produced, The next class of analyzers are those with smaller displays and non-illuminated keyboards. “These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East.” There are also two brand new Satellite Finder product lines: one of these handy models even has a camera input. “This is actually in high demand in the Middle East since many people there have installed security cameras. They São José dos can use this new signal analyzer to very Campos easily check the function of these cameras.” This new satellite signal analyzer with camera input even comes with a 12V output to supply power to the se-

Distr Whol Jose Marcos Shop Freire Martins Serv • Very good operational organization ë • Concentration on professional satellite reception products


• IRD is their success product


2001. In 2011 the company celebrated its 10-year anniversary and could be proud of the 125,000 satellite signal analyzers that they had sold thus far – see TELE-audiovision issue 10-11/2011.

166 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —

2 — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志





Paul Hardcastle, who has been with Horizon for seven years and is now their Technical Director, explains to us more about their product palette. “We

Technical Director Paul Hardcastle

■ Stefaan Cornelis with

one of SATSON’s super products: a splitter that distributes HDMI signals to up to eight Ethernet cables.



1. Paul Hardcastle is Technical Director and developer of many of Horizon’s new analyzers. He’s been the technical heart of Horizon for seven years now. 2. Trevor Salter is Horizon’s Service Manager and is primarily responsible for repairs and quality issues, as well as assisting customers with technical ■ Stefaan Cornelis with Debey is happy: he ■ Didier questions. one of SATSON’s super conceived one of SATSON’s products: a splitter that success products – the Dual distributes HDMI signals to Viewer DSB-0200, a product 3. Technical Manager is Rob Sydee. up to eight Ethernet cables. for digital signage. Long-time readers will recognize 182 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 01-02/2013 — him: he made it to the front cover ■ Didier Debey is happy: he of TELE-audiovision back in the conceived one of SATSON’s success products – the Dual 12-01/2007 issue. He’s holding here Viewer DSB-0200, a product for digital signage. one of Horizon’s success models – the yellow color reveals that it’s a satellite signal analyzer. He says, “All of our terrestrial DVB-T and DVB-T2 signal analyzers come in red housings, combo units come is green and DVB-C analyzers come in blue.” The HD-TC8 (for tooway Turbo Internet-viasatelliteservices) is in a grey case. 4. Ivan Valbuena is the Senior Hardware Engineer. He checks the mechanical components of Horizon’s analyzers and does a lot of the new hardware design, working with Paul Hardcastle on new products.

Stefaan Cornelis

Installer and Dish Manufacturer Cosmosat, Argentina

■ El Loco Ricardo in front of his 3.4-meter double reflector antenna. — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



and His Company Cosmosat

• Learned everything about satellite reception on his own • Installs head end stations for cable operators as well as community systems • Planning his own dish production • Turned his hobby into his career — 01-02/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

197 Technical Manager 7 Rob Horizon on Sydee the Way Up COMPANY REPORT

Digital TV Meter Manufacturer, UK

■ Nine Horizon employees are

currently working in the ‘Allen House’ in Harlow’s business district. Production is actually outsourced to another company in England.

• Numerous new products for new DVB sectors

• Exports to every country as an OEM and under their own name • Focusing expansion to emerging countries such as South Africa and in South America • Specializes in easy to use analyzers for installers

180 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 01-02/2013 —

203 — 01-02/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


South America • Specializes in easy to use analyzers for installers


Technical Manager Didier Debey

• Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their specialized products • Conceives their own HDMI products

The HDMI Professionals The HDMI from SATSON


HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium




• Planning his own dish production • Turned his hobby into his career

that now cover every other DVB frequency range.

Paul Pickering

HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

196 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 01-02/2013 —

Horizon in 2001 and with enormous foresight has expanded Horizon’s market niche: that would be very reliable and also easy-to-use signal analyzers for daily use by installers.



• IRD is their success product

El Loco Ricardo — 01-02/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 founded ■ Paul Pickering

Satson, Belgium - HDMI

• In-house development department

• IRD is their success product

• Numerous new products for new DVB sectors • Exports to every country as an OEM and under their own name • Focusing expansion to emerging countries such as South Africa and in

R Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv

• Concentration on professional satellite reception products

• In-house development department


202 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 01-02/2013 —

• Very good operational organization

164 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —



For the end of 2012 he is able to add another surprising figure: “By then we’ll have sold 160,000 analyzers in every DVB sector.” Horizon started as a manufacturer of satellite signal analyzers but over the past several years they’ve expanded into other sectors


Manager Adilson da Silva holding a circuit board produced by their new SMD machine.


• Concentration on professional satellite reception products

166 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 — 164 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 —

Horizon, UK - Signal Analyzers

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

• Very good operational organization

British Signal Analyzer Manufacturer with Ricardo Numerous New • Learned everything about satellite reception on his own Products • Installs head end stations for cable operators as well as community for example, head ends.” The company grew very quickly. “Today we have 97 employees of which 28 of them are engineers.” Tecsys produces everything that can be found in head ends, from IRDs (the company’s success product) to modulators and decoders. Tecsys ships primarily to the domestic Brazilian market; many of the larger TV organizations utilize Tecsys products. Business is so good that, according to CCO Jorge Alberto Ganuza, Tecsys is planning on moving into a much larger building. A highlight at Tecsys is their SMD line. This work was previously outsourced to another company but by installing their own production line, Tecsys is now not only much more flexible when it comes to the customer’s requirements, but they can also react more quickly to changes in their own products. The en-Paul Pickering founded the signal tire production operation at Tecsysanalyzer is manufacturer Horizon back in

■ Tecsys Production

SMD Line

CCO moving into a much larger building.

Digital TV Meter Manufacturer, UK COMPANY REPORT highlight at Tecsys is their SMD line. 156 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine —A03-04/2013 —


Professional Equipment Manufacturer Tecsys, Brazil

our activities in the Americas”, reveals General Manager QingZhang Lin, “and we will also have a greater presence at

available with ATSC (for North curity camera. lite Finder productAmerilines: one of these for South America”, Business Manager trade shows in that area.” ayear TV broadcaster. He soon realized that the following with And as if that weren’t enough, SAT- ca) and then in handy While SAT-LINK in their first year was models even has a camera input. Nancy tells us. And with and that, SAT-LINK covers the only able to sell about 10,000 pieces, is actually in high demand technicians in the South American marLINK also offers a simple Satellite Finder ISDB-TB for the“This his fellow engineers Middle Eastofsince many people there four most important functions and pric- five years later those production numfor only example, ends.”ket. The“We’re company in the process expanding with a display that shows head reception were quite familiar with the theory but installed security cameras. They ing levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly quintupled. And it’s grew very quickly. “Today have 97 ourwe activities in have the Americas”, reveals parameters and therefore can be ofdevices to all the regions of the world. especially their brand new combo modcan use this new signal analyzer verythat havetoall much practical exManager Lin, “and fered very inexpensively. instruemployees“This of which 28 ofGeneral them are en- QingZhangdidn’t easily check the function of these cam- All of the signal analyzers also come el for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 that promat ment is, for example, very well-suited we will also have a greater presence perience reception. onterrestrial the gineers.” ises to be quite a success for SAT-LINK. with DVB-S2Ricardo tuners and the eras.” This new satellite signalwith analyzer trade shows in that for South America”, Business Manager Tecsys produces everything that can andtesting combo models come with Since many of the countries in Europe with area.” camera input even hand comes with a versions other was always dishes While SAT-LINK in output their first year was Nancy tells us. be found in head ends, from to supply power to the se- not only DVB-T/T2 but will soon also be and Africa are quickly switching over to IRDs (the 12V and LNBs and knew exactly what size pieces, And with that, SAT-LINK covers the only able to sell about 10,000 company’s success product) to modulathose production numfour most important functions and pric- five years later 156 dish and type LNB —was needed TELE-audiovision International — Thewhat World‘s Largest Digital TV of Trade Magazine 03-04/2013 — tors and decoders. Tecsys ships primaring levels and can therefore offer these bers have nearly quintupled. And it’s to receive a particular satellite. ily to the domestic Brazilian market; devices to all the regions of the world. especially their brand new combo modmany of thealso larger for DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 thatAfter prom- installing satellite systems in All of the signal analyzers comeTV elorganizations utilizeand Tecsys products. ises Business is soa success for SAT-LINK. to be quite with DVB-S2 tuners the terrestrial his free time for years, he finally deAlberto ■ Jorge good models that,Ganuza according CCO Jorge Al-the countries in Europe is also many of versions and combo come withto Since one of the three is planning on berto Tecsys not only DVB-T/T2 but Ganuza, willfounders soon also andbe is and Africa are quickly switching over to

This work was previously outsourced to another company but by installing their own production line, Tecsys is now not only much more flexible when it comes to the customer’s requirements, but they can also react more quickly to changes in their own products. The entire production operation at Tecsys is


The New Tecsys Jorge Alberto Adilson da SMDGanuza Silva Line • In-house development department

Cosmosat, Argentina - Satellite Dishes

R Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv The New Production Tecsys 3

to acquire a 3.4-meter antenna. The foland therefore can be oflowing year 1988parameters he began working for fered very inexpensively. “This instrument is, very well-suited a living and started asforaexample, technician at

ed keyboards. “These analyzers are especially popular in the Middle East.” There are also two brand new Satel-


5 2. Nancy is Business Manager and is always on the telephone taking orders

from customersManufacturer from all over the world. Brazil Professional Equipment Tecsys, COMPANY REPORT the largest display and an illuminated When she’s not at SAT-LINK’s headquarters Canal 7 and the just-started private TV keyboard. One of the analyzers in this talking with customers on the phone, she’s traveling all over the world visiting them. series, the combo SAT-LINK model WS- 9.” These four channels channel Canal 3 — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 157 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong Freire Martins 6936 for DVB-S and DVB-T, was already is responsible for the function and ■ Tecsys Production were on the INTELSAT V-F13 satellite. is one of the 2. Nancy is Business Manager and is Manager Adilson da Silva development of the signal analyzers. He introduced us inorders the 11-12/2012 isholding a circuit board founders of Tecsys always on the telephoneby taking checks the function of SAT-LINK’s devices produced by their new could also and is CEO of the with oscilloscopes and other professional from customers from all over the“I world. sue. Business Manager Nancy tells us receive the channels on São José dos SMD machine. company test equipment. When she’s not at SAT-LINK’s headquarters BRASILSAT A1 and GORIZONT.” talking Campos with customers on the phone, she’s traveling all over the world visiting them. 154 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 — It didn’t take long for him to realize ■ Jorge Alberto 3. R&D Manager Han Guang Rong Ganuza is also is responsible for the function and that his 2.5-meter dish was too small one available with ATSC (for North Americamera. that this analyzer series is very popular curity of the three development of the signal analyzers. He ca) andand thenisin the following year with if that weren’t enough, SAT-founders in Europe. checks the function of SAT-LINK’s devices for the C-band andAnd inas1987 he was able with oscilloscopes and professional ISDB-TB for the South American marThe other next class of analyzers are those LINK also offers a simple Satellite FinderCCO test equipment. with smaller displays and non-illuminat- with a display that only shows reception ket. “We’re in the process of expanding

With a new SMD line that has been in operation since June 2012, the BraMarcos ■ Jose 156 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 03-04/2013 — zilian manufacturer Tecsys can further — 03-04/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


1. Paul Hardcastle is Technical Director and developer of many of Horizon’s new analyzers. He’s been the technical heart of Horizon for seven years now. 2. Trevor Salter is Horizon’s Service Manager and is primarily responsible for repairs and quality issues, as well as assisting customers with technical questions. 3. Technical Manager is Rob Sydee. Long-time readers will recognize him: he made it to the front cover of TELE-audiovision back in the 12-01/2007 issue. He’s holding here one of Horizon’s success models – the yellow color reveals that it’s a satellite signal analyzer. He says, “All of our terrestrial DVB-T and DVB-T2 signal analyzers come in red housings, combo units come is green and DVB-C analyzers come in blue.” The HD-TC8 (for tooway Turbo Internet-viasatelliteservices) is in a grey case. 4. Ivan Valbuena is the Senior Hardware Engineer. He checks the mechanical components of Horizon’s analyzers and does a lot of the new hardware design, working with Paul Hardcastle on new products.

HDMI Distributor SATSON, Belgium

4 ■ Stefaan Cornelis with

one of SATSON’s super products: a splitter that distributes HDMI signals to up to eight Ethernet cables.

The HDMI Professionals from SATSON 190 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 01-02/2013 —

■ Didier Debey is happy: he

conceived one of SATSON’s success products – the Dual Viewer DSB-0200, a product for digital signage.

• Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their specialized products • Conceives their own HDMI products • Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI Extenders • Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet cables — 01-02/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


• Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI Extenders • Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet cables

for them.“That would be the HD-CM+ wouldwith be the HD-CM+ started with DVB-T a few years ago analyzers: “That started DVB-T a few signal years analyzer ago analyzers: • Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their see the2012 primary and since May 2012 we’ve also been model for which and we since May we’ve also been model for which we see the primary specialized products “We’re also developing an in extremely in South America, Can- for DVB-T2 to be South America, Canoffering signal analyzers for DVB-T2 – markets to beoffering signal analyzers – markets • Conceives their own HDMI products easy to use device for DVB-C, the Nano other the Asian countries.” ada, India and other Asian countries.” namely the HD-T2 series.” But Horizon ada, India and namely HD-T2 series.” But Horizon Cable, which DVB-C should isbecome available popularonly in the cable net- and very popular in the cable netdoesn’t only have DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 DVB-C is verydoesn’t have DVB-S2 DVB-T2 • Distribution of HDTV signals in private homes with HDMI Extendersthey are currently prepar- works there products; first quarter 2013.” The and for the installers in in the works ofthere and forNano the installers in products; they are currently preparCablesignal is Horizon’s solutionHorizon for those Horizon now has the right those regions now has the right ing for the introduction of DVB-C signal those regions ing for the introduction of DVB-C • Compatible with coaxial cable as well as with Ethernet • Conquers the new HDMI distribution niche with their cables specialized products

signal analyzer for them. — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 “We’re also developing an extremely easy to use device for DVB-C, the Nano Cable, which should become available in the first quarter of 2013.” The Nano Cable is Horizon’s solution for those


Over 70 Years of TV Antenna Experience TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory Digital TV Retailer USATel, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Everything has a beginning; even TV reception, that for us today is a part of life, had a starting point. For England that was in 1936 when the first regular TV transmissions began. Broadcasting took place on VHF channel 1 (50 MHz) and a system with 405 lines was used. Today SD uses 720 lines and HD 1080 lines.

■ The company’s Financial Manager is Allam Almughrabi, who, just like the

Antiference, UK - Antenna and HDMI Brazilians Come R Manu MD ë HereR Distr to Buy Their Whol Digital TV Trevor Shop Paintain Products Online Serv

owner of the company, also comes from Syria. “We have sales of about 100,000 US dollars every year”, he reveals to us after taking a look at his books. rod manufacturing company was acquired. This company was located in Lichfield, a half hour train ride north of Birmingham in England’s Midland. In 1998 the entire company moved to this location and it can still be found there today. Antiference’s Managing Director is Trevor Paintain; he’s been with Antiference for 15 years now. He tells us who the current owners of Antiference are: “Since May of 2011 Antiference has been owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bialecki from Australia.”


São Paulo

These first TV broadcasts were transmitted from Alexandra Palace in London (The site is still in operation today and is now used for DVB-T2 and DAB+). workshop can be sensaseen in ■ Jose Manuel Pereira is USATel’s At the Manager. time, it The was an absolute the background tion and raised the curiosity levels of two electronics technicians: Norman Best and M. S. Beebe. They recognized the unbelievable potential of this new technology and thereby found their market niche that they never changed after they founded their company in Digital TV Retailer USATel, Sao Paulo, Brazil Y REPORT 1937. They named the company Antiference, and this name was based on the main problem that existed back then: the interference that was created

Arnold Boeijen

• Manufacturing TV antennas since 1937 • Provides all the components needed for TV reception • Expanding into HDMI distribution, as well as wireless solutions

USATel, Brazil - Distributor

Manu azilians Come R Distr ë Managing ■ Trevor Paintain is Antiference’s COMPANY REPORT São Paulo re to Buy R Whol Director. He is seen here holding the current 84-page product catalog in his right hand filled with all of their TV reception and Shop eir DigitalRTV TV distribution products. In his left hand he’s holding one of Antiference’s success stories: the Tribeam UHF antenna. Serv oducts Online

Actively Involved in Satellite Jose Manuel Business for 33 Years

With a yearly production of five million satellite dishes and even more LNBs, Topsignal is one of the largest manufactures of these products. The company actually started in a completely different product segment: actuators and motors for satellite dishes. It’s an unusual development that we had a look at in the small city of Ninghai. Ninghai is located near Ningbo which itself is a three-hour train ride south of Shanghai. Zongbao King founded the company

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop Serv


1 Chairman of■the Board DMS International’s Tim Heinrichs, CEO, in his office in Acworth, Zongbao King Georgia, northwest of Atlanta. He’s

e International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —

City, A


technical specifications and standards.” 188 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — Some —of09-10/2012 the documents were translat-

Zongbao King

ed into Chinese by her fellow students. Anna had managed to find a powerful market gap; anyone in China who was involved with receiver production or development of digital receiver software could view and download all the necessary documents from Anna.

Alexander Wiese

• OEM delivering exclusively to Wholesalers • Specializes in large production quantities • Produces millions of satellite dishes and LNBs It’s not easy to find women in leading positions in the digital TV business and it’s even rarer for women to actually start a company in this business. But that’s exactly what Anna Xie did: she started a website from nothing and in just 10 years built it up into China’s largest site for digital TV. It’s an exciting story that we wanted to hear about directly from her.

Shanghai’s Minhang District. Anna rented expansive office space on the fifth floor of a modern office building. 10 employees work there although DVBCN has an additional 13 employees. But more on that later. First we wanted to know how Anna managed to turn her website into China’s largest site for digital TV.

She explains to us: “I come from Wenzhou in the Zhejiang Province.” This province is located south of Shanghai;

Anna studied at the university in Shanghai. “I studied TV and radio journalism.” That was in 2001. And she was still a brand new student when she started her website DVBCN in 2002 (www. “At first it was just a forum to discuss technical information.” As you can tell by the website’s name, her forum dealt back then primarily with the new DVB technology. “We made available for download all documents,

Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv


even those employees in marketing use DVBCN for up to date information on digital TV trade shows and exhibitions. Today DVBCN has over 200,000 registered users.

1. Chaofeng Ge is General Manager. He coordinates production and is always on the phone coordinating production with customer orders. 2. James You is Sales Manager and counts on the help of the Lion in front of the entrance to Topsignal’s building.


• Expanding into new business segments such as WLAN and IPTV

Satellite Wholesaler and Meter Manufacturer DMS, USA

• Special focus on signal analyzers for the semiprofessional

was officially entered into the London Company Register on 28th January 1938.

Tim also worked for the railroad in Nebraska and when word got around among his friends and coworkers that he liked to tinker with radios in his free time, they began bringing him defective radios, TVs and CBs. At first it was tedious, but later on it became routine for him to repair these devices. “Even the police came to me to repair their radios.” Tim was becoming more and more experienced in radio technology. In 1979 he read an article in a technical magazine about satellite reception. This new technology was irresistible to Tim; he simply had to have it. He spent a lot of money on his first three-meter dish. “Back then the dish antennas were

189 — 11-12/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 197 1. Vicky Heinrichs is the President of DMS International and runs the administrative 3 side of the company. 1. Chaofeng Ge is General Manager. He 2. Ivy Bliss is the receptionist and takes coordinates production and is always on care of DMS International’s website the phone coordinating production with ( If you call the customer orders. outside of China to search for employcompany, Ivy is your first contact. 2.vice James Youtoismake Salesit Manager and counts ees and also, versa, eas3. Tina Ryan handles the accounting on the helpTV of specialists the Lion into front of the ier for Chinese digital entrance to Topsignal’s building.

find a job with a foreign company.

James You

• Enormous growth of the international market outside of North America

quite heavy; they were made of fiberglass with metal braces and weighed 400 pounds.” Tim still remembers today what an experience it was to be able to receive a TV picture with his new dish. “It was an absolute sensation to be able to receive a signal from space from so Americas Busiest Satellite Enthusiast far away.”

President of the company.”

• Innovative expansion of signal analyzer models for 2012

■ DMS International could be found here in the Northpoint Business Park with its two buildings and attached warehouse.

In 1991 another big decision had to be made: the market in Nebraska was covered so in order to better expand his business the decision was made to move his company to Atlanta, Georgia. DMS International can still be found there today. “Transportation costs are cheaper here”, rationalizes Tim regarding this decision and then grins as he adds, “Besides, the weather is much better here.” Sure enough, the company experienced quite a boom in business. Vicky provides us with a few sales figures: “In 1991 DMS managed sales of roughly $2.0 million.” The company’s best year was 2008: “Back then we had sales of $12 million. Sales have pulled back a little bit since then although in 2009 they were still at about $9.0 million.”

Tim Heinrichs from DMS

Then came the turning point in Tim Heinrichs’ evening job: a farmer bought that dish from him. “That’s when it all started, next I bought two new dishes.” That was in 1980 and it was at this point that Tim Heinrichs recognized that there was a new business brewing. He sold and installed these dish antennas at a faster and faster rate. The breakthrough came in 1982: “I invested $40,000 and bought my first truckload of dishes - it was 500 three-meter antennas.” Tim Heinrichs young company became a satellite wholesaler. 186 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 — — 09-10/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


“At first I worked both jobs; my regular job at the railroad and at nights and weekends at my own company DMS International.” That only worked for a few months: he had to make a decision and naturally he chose his own company. “My wife Vicky worked along side me from the beginning; at first she took care of the books and now she’s the COMPANY REPORT

Original Equipment Manufacturer Topsignal, China

202 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 —

For many years DMS International was a small company with very few employees: It was Vicky and Tim along with one or two warehouse and administrative employees. “Today we have 10 employees with a warehouse that is 14,000 Sq-ft in size.” Up until recently DMS International was mainly focused on the North American market, “that is, the USA, Canada and Mexico”, explains Tim. As recently as 2009/2010

• Specializes in large production quantities

Millions From Topsignal

• Produces millions of satellite dishes and LNBs • Majority of shipments go to South America

• Expanding product palette to include high-quality LNBs and VSAT

■ Topsignal’s production plant in Ninghai, China.

The administration building is to the left and two of the four production buildings are to the right. Satellite dishes and LNBs are manufactured here in large quantities. — 09-10/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

• Known by every digital TV company in China • Provides all information regarding digital TV USA • Expanding in the areas of recruitment and software development


Digital TV Website, China

• Known by every digital TV company in China • Provides all information regarding digital TV • Expanding in the areas of recruitment and software development • Focusing in future technologies such as OTT and IPTV • Working on international expansion

Largest Digital TV Website in China:


■ In the office building

to the left in Shanghai’s Minhang district can be found DVBCN’s leased offices on the fifth floor. — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

3. Some of the R&D engineers. A total of 10 engineers work here. — 09-10/2012 4. View of the four production buildings as seen from the administration building

190 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 —

— TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

206 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 —


Wang Duo



Sales TeamOwner

• Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for ‘Internet Archive’ • Working on IPTV application programs

• Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBC’s EPG data


200 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —

■ Neal is Managing Director for Hypex and personally

takes care of their professional broadcast and cable TV customers.

satellite magazine. The picture of the Eiffel Tower in his living room highlights the fact the he can speak French fluently and loves the French way of life.

MD — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

207 — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


Software Programmierer Rod Hewitt, USA

The Man Behind TSReader:

Rod Hewitt — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


• Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs • Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for ‘Internet Archive’ • Working on IPTV application programs • Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBC’s EPG data 200 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —

■ Rod Hewitt enjoys reading TELE-

satellite magazine. The picture of the Eiffel Tower in his living room highlights the fact the he can speak French fluently and loves the French way of life. — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


• Working on IPTV application programs • Planning on a program for OCR recognition of BBC’s EPG data COMPANY REPORT

Wholesaler Hypex, UK

Professional products from a professional dealer


• Ships large dishes to Great Britain and Europe • Offers successful product lines from ICECRYPT and GLOBALINVACOM • Low prices thanks to minimal overhead costs • Consistent sales despite pricing pressure

■ An image from the old

days: Hypex resided here up until recently. Now the company moved into a 6000 square foot warehouse only about a mile from here in Wembley in western London.

Neal 172 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

• Ships large dishes to Great Britain and Europe • Offers successful product lines from ICECRYPT and GLOBALINVACOM

Ricks Satellite, USA - Distributor

Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop Serv

• Focusing on top-of-the-line Quality dishes Chengdu,


■ Rod Hewitt enjoys reading TELE-

• Opening a new fully automatic satellite dish production line

• Opening a new fully automatic satellite dish production line • Focusing on top-of-the-line Quality dishes


Rod Hewitt • Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs

• Expanding VSAT and Ka-Band production — 09-10/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

184 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —


• Large investment in Quality Assurance

of SVEC’s administration building in Chengdu in China's Sichuan province. The manufacturing facilities can be found directly behind the administration building.

High Investment Rod in Product Quality

Hypex, UK - Distributor

Professional Dish Manufacturer SVEC, China

■ A large dish highlights the location



Software Programmierer Rod Hewitt, USA Not many digital TV product dealers among other things DX Sichuan ■SVEC CEO Wang Duo amateur can boast over 30 years success in the Communications 1. Kahlo, named herself after the painter Frieda Kahlo, handles the SVEC advertisement in TELE-satellite. business (in 2012 it will be 33 years). radio 2.receivers. Becky runs the SVECRelatives sales team with 15 employees 3. Milton and his team take care of SVEC customers in South America his and family came later One of the few wholesalers that fall into from North 4. Betty Lee runs the sales team for India and Africa working his this category is the company Hypex in on and5. Astarted look into the SVEC sales teamfor offices. To the left is Belinda, responsible for The Far East and to the right is and Nina, responsible for The Middle East. so Hypex became London. We paid a visit to them just company before they moved into their new ware- stronger and stronger over the years. Just a192 few years ago the company behouse. TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 — already reported on SVEC back in SVEC (Sichuan Video Equipment dishes with diameters of 2.4 meters. Great Britain.” Hypex customcame a limited liability corporation and outside ofWe Company) has been manufacturing sa- Lately SVEC is concentrating on expan- TELE-satellite 02-03/2010 issue. Even then we as already howMalayding name their professional antenna tellite now antennas of all sizes since 1993. the can back be found farmentioned away as operates under Hypex,VSATers Hypex was founded in 1979 by Shyv Production quantities are enormous: business. “We also offer Ka-Band di- SVEC was becoming active in VSAT and Nealtheexplains how itSVEC came to that: Sood. He is an electrical engineer and Ka-Band. Since then has inwe learn SVEC Ltd. manufactures several million shes for Internet-via satellite”,sia. dishes each month. The most popu- from Becky, Manager of the Internatio- vested enormously to not only guaran“Over those many years our company recognized back then the need for comlar dish types are 60 and 75cm off- nal Sales Team. And, really, that’s the tee production quality but also to raise to new levels; levels that areestabwe came to pay has a visitbecome to the quality set antennas. Next in are 1.2 wholesaler and reason whyand very well-known and Hypex is line a pure does mercial receivers and other broadcast1.5-meter diameter dishes. But SVEC SVEC: professional products require unheard of for a manufacturer that promany Asian not sell tolarge end segmented users. Managing Director lished and ing equipment. ducesaside millions from of dishesthat every month. professional production. also manufactures Neal tells us more: “We ship to roughly companies have their own branch office 186 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 — As a one-man operation he sold 600 active dealers of which 15% are in Great Britain. For those it’s much sim-

The Man Behind TSReader:

3. Some of the R&D engineers. A total of 10 engineers work here. 4. 4 View of the four production buildings as seen from the administration building

206 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 —

• Wrote one of the most successful stream reader programs • Developed a technical solution to archive TV channels for ‘Internet Archive’ Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv


SVEC’s Quality 215 Offensive — 06-07-08/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

Wholesaler Hypex, UK

TSReader, USA - AnalyzerSVEC Software COMPANY REPORT — 09-10/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行




R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

191 214 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —

Success with • Large investment in Quality range of Assurance • Expanding VSAT and Ka-Band production products


• Focusing in future technologies such as OTT and IPTV • Working on international expansion

Professional Dish Manufacturer SVEC, China

212 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —



210 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 06-07-08/2012 —

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


• OEM delivering exclusively to Wholesalers

200 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 09-10/2012 —

Chief Editor Victor Ho

Anna Xie

SVEC, China - Satellite Dishes


• Majority of shipments go to South America 2 3 • Expanding product palette to include high-quality LNBs and VSAT

news and test reports on DVBCN. He is DVBCN’s Chief Editor.


• Sells and ships almost exclusively to end users

• Always working enthusiastically on new products

sions in the 27 MHz range would skip off the ionosphere or troposphere allowing for two-way communications over extremely long distances. “Back then I collected QSL cards from my contacts and managed to collect nearly 1000 of those cards.”

■ Two electronics technicians founded the company in 1937; it

Chaofeng Ge

2 Ho oversees the ■Victor

the largest website for digital TV in China ( Recently DVBCN began cooperating with TELE-satellite. The first DVBCN ad appeared in the TELE-satellite issue that Anna is holding in her hand.

• Optimized assortment for digital TV needs in Brazil — 11-12/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

• Sells and ships almost exclusively to end users • Expanding into new business segments such as WLAN and IPTV 3

But that was still not enough for Anna But Anna was not satisfied with one - in 2011 she founded yet another busiwebsite. “The main site is just a base ness segment in her own company: website”, she explains, “but two other Digital Technology Ltd. develops digibusiness segments are above all finan- tal TV software. This segment immesuccessful.” Since so many profes- diately “By 2004 we already had 80,000 reg- cially — 11-12/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 197 caught on; this is the company istered users”, remembers Anna about sional digital technical users have come with the additional 13 employees we the quickly growing popularity of her together on DVBCN, it was actually quite had mentioned earlier, although they’re website. “We also offered the source easy to provide them and digital TV not located in Shanghai. “10 engineers codes for DVB applications and DVB an- firms a platform where workers could work in an office in Hangzhou plus one find new jobs and digital TV companies additional engineer each in Shenzhen, alyzer information.” could find new employees: In 2005 Anna Chengdu and Beijing.” A natural development of her down- started her new website www.51dtv. What are these engineers doing at load forum website was the start of a com that resembles a recruiting comdiscussion page and not long after that pany; the number 51 is Chinese for “I these locations? “We are primarily working on the DLNAOTT technology, that is, a news page was started. Today DVBCN need”. the integration of mobile telephone, lapis the most viewed website in China for At the moment is only top and TV under the term Multi Screen anyone that in one form or another is connected with digital TV. Technicians available in Chinese but Anna is in the Interaction.” This means that what you can find not only valuable information process of creating an English version see on a display screen, for example, for their work on the DVBCN site, but that would make it easier for companies on a mobile telephone screen, can be


■Anna Xie is founder and owner of DVBCN,

• Imports all of its products from China

194 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —

DVBCN, China - Internet News and Job Forum DVBCN’s offices can be found in

185 Success in the Sales

testing an FS2 signal analyzer beta model.

Digital TV Website, China

Shanghai — 11-12/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

USATel in Sao Paulo

company is secretary and receptionist Letica Lacender — 11-12/2012 — TELE-satellite International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志

2 Founder and ■Topsignal’s


• Offers their own products as OEM and private label

ica • Innovative expansion of signal analyzer models for 2012

Many of Antiference’s success products are on display in their showroom including HDMI components, TV amplifiers as well as cable head ends.

Topsignal, China - Satellite Dishes How Anna Built up in Just 10 Years

• Expanding distribution network to the European market

■ The spirit of the

Letica Lacender

The company went through a series of ups and downs in the demand for antennas so they began to diversify. This went so far that even a curtain

188 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —


• Expanding into HDMI distribution, as well as wireless solutions President 1

• Always working enthusiastically on new products ■ • Special focus on signal analyzers for the semi-professional 186 • Enormous growth of the international market outside of North AmerR Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

• Provides all the components needed for TV reception

Villa can be found online shop USATel’s headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Administration can be found in the right side of the building; the warehouse can be seen in the background.

Tim Vicky Two other product groups are today’s are almost the same is simply that the sales giants at Topsignal: “In 2008 we dishes and LNBs are sold in sets. Heinrichs Heinrichs A

196 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —

• Manufacturing TV antennas since 1937

■ Behind this unremarkable wall of a small

Allam Almughrabin



TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —

building in the Fradley Distribution Park in Lichfield near Birmingham, UK. There’s also a logistics center in Lichfield.

184 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2012 —

COMPANY REPORT Digital TV Retailer USATel, Sao Paulo, Brazil

In 1938 their young company became a limited liability company in the There aren’t too many companies heed and Marietta northwest Acworth, London Company Register and the two we that have hung around for decades and of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Atlanta, GA, USA at the same time are still in the same found Tim Heinrichs and his young owners hired their first employbusiness segment. DMS International, wife Vicky, the President of Ninghai which has been in existence since the the company. We wanted Back then TV antennas were convery early days of TV reception via know how DMS International sidered and (Ningbo) satellite, belongs to that group. Tim became what it is today. 1 real high-tech products Heinrichs is Founder and CEO of satelthe number of customers they had was Tim Heinrichs has been a DXer lite wholesaler DMS International and if It all really began to take excited small. about you’ve been in the same business for so for a long time: he was very long, there’s absolutely no doubt that CB communications when it first startcommunicate wirelessly with each other off in the 1950’s when TVs became afed andBack all that could be done with it. you are a real enthusiast. In the small2003. without too much in the form of techin Ninghai back in the year first timeand to town of Acworth, not too far from Lock- It allowed people for the nical Oh really? In 1968 fordable the requirements. demand for antennas then antenna motors for satellite dishes Tim erected a tower 25 meters high for skyrocketed. his The company, that up unCB antenna. He used it to listen in were in demand and Zongbao King built when railroad employeesin talked to each til then had its headquarters central a production facility for these motors. other, when construction companies London, moved toonthe the passed workoutskirts orders to theirof builders, “Unfortunately, today there’s not much when truck drivers warned others of racity and manufactured TV antennas dar traps on thesatellite highways anddishwhen the demand for these motors anymore”, started manufacturing with nearly 250 employees. That initial police would coordinate road blocks with explains Sales Manager James You to es and in 2011their we started But producing headquarters. Tim was espeboom slowly cially faded but then in 1964 fascinated the phenomenon us. Order quantities have steadily de- LNBs.” The quantities are with huge: nearly of “skip” transmissions: under certain BBC started their second channel in the creased, “but we can still handle any a half million satellite dishes proweather conditions CB are radio transmisThe spirit of the ■deUHF monthly band. That meant renewed kind of order since our storeroom is still duced and evena more LNBs. company is secretary thisthese time for UHF antennas. and receptionist fully stocked.” Themand, reason production numbers

Lichfield DMS International, USA - Distributor (Birmingham)

■ Antiference’s administration

Now the connection is beginning to make sense. Bitek is one of the largest antenna distributors in Australia and an antenna manufacturer in China while Antiference is one of the largest antenna manufacturers and distributors in Great Britain. For Kaz Bialecki

by those antennas that were not perto the frequency. The antennas from Antiference were the solution to that problem; they reduced interference.

fectly matched Original Equipment Manufacturer Topsignal, China

l Pereira is USATel’s Manager. The workshop can be seen in nd

75 Years of TV Antennas from Antiference


Satellite Wholesaler and Meter Manufacturer DMS, USA


Antenna and HDMI Manufacturer, UK

European Export Manager and the first contact for dealers that want to

Europe. He can be directly reached by owner of the company, also comes from Syria. “We have sales of about 100,000 US dollars every year”, he reveals to us after taking a look ate-mail his at books.

Enormous Numbers • Imports all of its products from China for the World Market • Optimized assortment for digital TV needs in Brazil


How did someone from Australia end up buying a British company? It turns out that this was a very logical development. “In the 1990’s Kaz Bialecki started a company in Australia that installed

distribute Antiference’s products in the ■ The company’s Financial Manager is Allam Almughrabi, who, just like



• Expanding distribution network to the European market • Offers their own products as OEM and private label

■ Arnold Boeijen is Antiference’s


antenna systems.” Not long after that he expanded his activities to include an antenna installation wholesale business. “Today his company Bitek operates five branch offices all across Australia.” In 2007 Kaz Bialecki started his own manufacturing: “In Guangzhou, China, 150 employees produce antennas and accessories, that is, things like LCD holders, antenna mounts, antenna outlets and other installation material.”

Owner Rick Caylor

TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —


• Low prices thanks to minimal overhead costs • Consistent sales despite pricing pressure Owner 10 Years COMPANY REPORT

Satellite Dealer Ricks Satellite, Kansas City, USA

• celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2012

Bobbie & Rick

Rick Caylor

• distributes AZBox's receivers in North America • is an enthusiastic satellite feedhunter

• sees a good future for the FTA market in North America

■ A typical residential home in the USA. Looking from the street there

are no satellite dishes to be seen and there’s also no company sign to suggest that there’s a successful online satellite shop hidden inside. A knock on the door reveals Bobbie and Rick along with Ricks Satellite which can be found in the Internet at

156 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

• celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2012 174 • distributes AZBox’s receivers in North America — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

• is an enthusiastic satellite feedhunter • sees a good future for the FTA market in North America

214 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



207 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory ■Scott Greczkowski with a T-shirt

from in front of his two motorized dishes, on the left a 1.5-meter offset antenna and in the middle a 2.5-meter prime focus dish both of which are currently pointed to 85W.

StelliteGuys, USA - Internet Forum Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Headend Manufacturer Wadt, Brazil




ACOMPANY Family Headend Manufacturer Wadt, Brazil REPORT Company Scott in the Cable DistributionGreczkowski Field

Scott's SatelliteGuys

A Family Company in the Cable Distribution Field

206 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

• Provides assistance with technical satellite reception questions • Founded by Scott as a non-profit forum • All advertising income is reinvested in better technology COMPANY REPORT

The company Wadt has been in existence for three generations. It was founded by Nelson Wadt back in 1945. It’s a story of emigration in that Nelson Wadt is originally from Germany.

cessful for so many years, is all by itself interesting because of its success, but since they manufacture cable distribution equipment, it’s the perfect reason for us to pay them a visit.

would take - namely further in the direction of reception. When the first cable TV systems were being installed, Wadt was right in the middle of things offering the first cable headends.

The company, that has been suc-

The company founder’s grandson, Joao Alfredo Wadt Miranda, who today is the company’s Technical Director,

“Wadt’s best times were before 1994”, remembers the company founder’s Grandson, “Back then we

Sowell, China -ëIPTV Receivers

Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


Largest SA


is Future

São Paulo


• 60% of all Sowell receivers are already HD



Wadt’s finances. Joao, Neide’s son and

• Involved in HF for more than 60 years • New allocation of cable licenses in Brazil opens up huge opportunities for the company

vinced that exports will also pick up: “With our new DVB-T2 and DVB-S2 receivers we will increase our market share and the upcoming football world cup will increase ISDB-T sales in South America.” It’s becoming clear that Panodic is

• Specialized products for cable headends • Only ships domestically




not a manufacturer that produces only when there are orders; they are continInternet services and terrestrial/satuously active in further development. ellite TV are constantly merging closer “We are cooperating with many industogether. Many current digital receivers alreadytrial have partners, an Internet connection such as, NDS, Conax, but most of the time this connection is SuperNovelTV as well as chip manufaconly used to load new software into the turers ST and Ali. We’ve also received receiver or to connect the receiver to a local network. The from total integration of licenses Sisvel DivX and Inview.” Internet video and audio content with is still a in provider digital Inview receivers is its infancy.of EPG informaOne oftion the companies that is inten- additional data and Internet-based sively working on this new technology such as IPTV. Thanks to the appearance is Jiuzhou. of more and more hybrid receivers, the Jimmy Zhang is Jiuzhou’s Marketing integration with the Internet is moving Vice Manager and tells us what it’s all and for more to the forefront. about: more “OTT stands Over-The-Top. It means that viewers can not only see And that’s how Panodic managed to their normal TV channels terrestrially, work themselves upuseinto the group of via satellite or cable, they can now the same device to enjoy video and autop five manufacturers in just a few dio content via the Internet.” YouTube years. From the three-man and VUDU, a movie service, are original just a few founding examples according to Jimmy team the company has grown Zhang. The end user doesn’t really care to over 1500 employees and there’s no how the video and audio makes it to his endasinlong sight. Yu: “We are constantTV screen, as heAlan can use one remote control to access everything ly working on designing and developing that’s available. higher quality products. This includes, Unfortunately, a weak spot receivers.” in the above all, hybrid These are OTT technology is the bandwidth of the receivers are mostly interesting to end user’s Internet that connection. Video transmissions require a large bandoperators. width. Therefore, right now these OTT The expansion of their product palcompatible digital receivers would really only have markets in that EuropePanodic and ette suggests will continue North America even though there are to climb higher in the ranks of top class many other regions that offer scattered companies. high-speed Internet access. “We’re fo-


Satellite Information Website BSD, Brasil

■Richard is Vice General

Manager and runs the Jiuzhou R&D team with 200 engineers.

Even though it appears that this can all be easily accomplished technically, two things have to be kept in mind: the first has to do with a license since there are many Internet services that have to be paid for. The second is that even




■ The OTT

Development Team works on the sixth floor of the Jiuzhou Electric Building in Nanshan’s Hightech Park in Shenzhen, China.

The end result is that it would be far better to upgrade a new digital receiver with OTT services; only then would the menu operation and the speed and capabilities of the built-in chips be optimal for these OTT services.

■Receptionist Yan

Jing greets visitors in the lobby

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

The OTT technology is so important to Jiuzhou that they have put together a dedicated development team: “There are 20 engineers working in the OTT Team”, we learn from Vice General Manager Richard who is responsible for the R&D Team. “Our entire R&D Team 1. Huang Wei is one of the founders consists of 200 engineers”, clarifies of MICO/Panodic. He takes care of the Vice General Manager Richard, “We’re working with strategic the Androidorientation as well as of production. with the Linux2. operating Xu Haisystems.” Bin is Panodic’s CEO. He’s

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

■Panodic’s Marketing

• Market for OTT in Europe and North America • Upgrade of older digital receivers possible with a software upgrade — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


Receiver Manufacturer Panodic, China

■ The administration and

R&D teams of OEM/ODM manufacturer Panodic can be found in the futuristic Grentech Building in Shenzhen’s High Tech Park.

Director is Alan Yu. He is a loyal reader of TELE-satellite.

in charge of the company’s daily

Department operations Manager Yongjun andZhang can reveal to us: “In is in charge of the Application Team 2011 we achieved sales of 70 million consisting of ten engineers. This is USD and in 2012 we’re expecting an where the functioning of the software increase to 100 million USD.” is tested and optimized so that end users won’t have any trouble accessing all the different Internet services with their Jiuzhou receiver later on.

by Luo Shigang

• Multiple quality control points before, during and after production • Concentrating on digital TV products

• Cooperating with many license providers • Continuous product palette expansion

126 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


• Cooperating with many license providers • Continuous product palette expansion

GM Sales Sales Number in Professional

Pavol Macko

Alexander Záhončík



Wholesaler and Installer SORTEC, Slovakia


Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)


Production Certificates


Ladislav Šmárik

Production Categories


Main Products

Receivers for DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, ISDB-TB, IPTV, DVD Players, Projectors

Pavol Lukáč

company MICO in Hong Kong. Their 2.Slovakia Technical Director is Ray are the 80cm and 90cm anGargiulo. One of his main 90% of make about 50% of our can sales with they make up about moreupattractive channels bethe found 2 while car tasks istennas; inis to motion.” The driver In addition to the production facility first product: a DVD player. Since then check production our dish sales”, says Ľuboš Bezák. “The our accounting for about 20%.are onCAM’s ASTRA at 23.5 east but there samples from isthe manufacturer reason for this for Slovakians the of course outthatthe Group also inthey have gotten larger and larger so in Bao’an, the Panodic SmartCards inmore Korea. “TURBOSAT isfront winfollow with 15% the is looking also many free-to-air (FTA)with channels attractive channels can be found an ODM (Original Design 1 3 on ASTRA at 23.5 east but are rest consisting other comASTRA at of 19.2 eastsatellite that they want traffic. dow at the Panodic is there planning inon Beijing. “20 that today they are one of the top five cludes a branch office Manufacturer)”, he explains, also many free-to-air (FTA) channels own Manufacturing to see”,such continues Bezák. That’s ponents our Ľuboš ownto LNB series.” on ASTRA at 19.2 east that they want make this “Our product available in onas our receiver manufacturers in China with engineers work there primarily Sittingbourne Engineers design the receivers; the why these larger dishes with 1. Pavol Macko is SORTEC’s General Manager digitalcontinues terrestrialĽuboš reception”, explains to see”, The quantity of LNBs mayare be fitted consid1. Huang Wei is one of the founders 132 receivers are then Bezák. That’s 2 4 of MICO/Panodic. He takes care of the 2. Ľuboš Bezák SORTEC‘s E-shop Manager. Ľuboš first ofthe 2012. why theseBezák. larger dishes are fitted with The domestic more than 1200 production employ- IP receiver’s software. monoblock LNBs soofthat both satellites manufactured based on these erable but because their lowquarter sales 3. It’s always busy in SORTEC’s satellite store monoblock LNBs so that both satellites strategic orientation of production. where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take designs.” But these retail stores only make up can be received. care of the customers' needs. found there.” ees and over 100 R&D engineers. The sales team can also bevalue they don’t have much“We’re of an im- also working can be received. on projectors”, about 15% of SORTEC’s business. “The 2. Xu Hai Bin is Panodic’s CEO. He’s 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: ■ International Sales largest portion of our sales comes from Alexander Záhončík (left) and Pavol Lukáč (right). pact on overall sales. Manager Chris Ward in in charge of the company’s daily said Alan Yu surprisingly. Sure enough, market, Panodic offers technology and marketing departments For the Chinese SORTEC was founded in 1992 by our wholesale business and our instalfront of small sampling SORTEC was founded in 1992 by operations and can reveal to us: “In of TURBOSAT’s Ladislav Back then heManager was an lation Šmárik. work”, explains E-shop products: ICECRYPT Ladislav Šmárik. Back in thenthese he was an 2011 we achieved sales of 70 million days antenna ofĽubošHD are more and IPTV receivers. are located in the Shenzhen High Tech primarily DVB-C Bezák,there “From wholesale acinstaller andour was very sucreceivers and LNBs. He The high SmartCard sales figures tivity 90% of sales comes from instalUSD and in 2012 we’re expecting an is the contact for new cessful with the installation of profesantenna installer and was very suclations and the remaining 10% comes dealers in Europe and constantly and more viewers interested in TV are Park; the production facility is only a “TV and Internet increase to 100 million USD.” comes from merganother TURBOSAT busisional systems such as those for entire other areas. cessful with the installation of profesfrom our cooperation with large store housing blocks in larger communities. ness branch. have exclusive chains.” For these hyper markets makes and projectors. really we“We are half hour car ride away in Fuyong in the ing closer and closer together; sional systems such as the those for entire “A projector large electronic chains SORTEC delivers rights for blocks the Dolly Buster adult-oriThis MATVsatellite (Mastersystems Antenna) complete that installainclude housing in larger communities. HD beautiful”, he comments and then with our Bao’an District. We paid a visit to both integrating Internet services dish, LNB and receiver. ented TV service”, reveals Chris Ward. promises, “The first are alfacilities to see for ourselves how Pan- DVB-C receivers.” 182 TELE-satellite International — Thehave World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 183 “The mostsamples requested dish sizes in “We five channels on HOTBIRD This MATV (Master Antenna) installaSlovakia are the 80cm and 90cm anLadislav Šmárik is and wetheir sell our Dolly Buster Smartready completed tennas; withtheyproduction to■SORTEC’s Panodic started exporting DVB odic managed to get this far. make up about 90% set of Founder and Jundiaí our dish sales”, says Ľuboš Bezák. “The to any country where HOTBIRD President reason forquarter this is that for Slovakians the of 2012.” in 2005. “TheCards first receiver begin in the second So, obviously the first isTV Tradeproducts 182 TELE-satellite International — The question World‘s Largest Digital Magazine — 02-03/2012 — — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine more attractive channels can be found can be received.” on ASTRA at 23.5 east but there are (São Paulo) that far away then. “In this: is the company name MICO or that we manufactured for export was 3D can’t be all also many free-to-air (FTA) channels on ASTRA at 19.2 east that they want AndBritain”, now we come to the mot- quarterto third of 2012 we’ll also be re- backthe Panodic? Marketing Director Alan Yu a DVB-T receiver for Great see”, continues Ľuboš Bezák. That’s why these larger dishes are fitted with that we highlighted “Small introducing receivers with integrated also the earlier, has the answer for us: “The company members Alan Yu. Thatto was monoblock LNBs so that both satellites and Valuable”. TURBOSAT has placed can be received. time P-SAT, that Hungary Panodic expanded into the 3D converters.” MICO Hongkong still existsWholesaler and is the and Shop COMPANY REPORT its entire focus on small products SORTEC was founded in 1992 by Šmárik. Back then he was an Where find Panodic’s prodparent company of the Panodic Group. then new receiver business. since they“Panodare easier to ship. “For thiscan youLadislav antenna installer was very suc180 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — and we don’t deal with larger“In and 2011 we cessful with the installation of profesucts? still only sold about accomplished MICO has its headquarters in Hong ic’s R&D engineers havereason sional systems such as those for entire heavier products”, explains Paddy. housing blocks in larger communities. domestically here time: “We’re 10% of our products Kong and that’s where you’ll also find quite a bit in just a short TURBOSAT concentrates on valuable This MATV (Master Antenna) installain China. 90% were exthe Panodic Group’s financial manage- introducing a new combination 2 products receiver such as receivers, small The remaining 182 183 for DVB-S2 and DVB-T as well as for ported. In 2012 it will shift to about ment and logistics.” Budapest TELE-satellite International World‘s domestic Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — 20% and 80% export.” Alan Linux-based IP — The Panodic itself was founded in Shen- DVB-S2 and ISDB-T.” A 150 Yu is expecting to see an increase in zhen in 2009 and sold their products box was also completed just now. “An interesting niche is DVB-T mod- DVB-C as well as ABS, the Chinese digiunder this name to the local market in China. The company’s products are also ules for reception in a car.” This mod- tal satellite TV standard. 130 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — But the Marketing Director is conis connected to exported under every possible brand ule with DVB-T/MPEG4

• One of the largest wholesalers in Slovakia New Receiver from • Success through distribution of well-known, high-quality brand names


Turbosat, UK - Receivers


TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 —



Chris Ward

ë BSD, Brazil - Internet Forum of ideas:

TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 —

Manu Owner A successful climb Distr Whol Marcus Shop 128 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — Bernardini R Serv — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

erecting TV antennas”, he remembers, “This was at the same time when Hungary started their second TV chanBut first we wanted to learn more nel via UHF.” His first customer was about Posta’s Company P-SAT. Obvihis parents. And then it happened as ously, the “P” in P-SAT stands for his it usually friends and— relatives name Posta. “The company146 P-SAT KftInternational TELE-satellite — The World‘sdoes: Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 02-03/2012 — would call and Tibor Posta ended up was founded in 2002”, explains Tibor with more and more work to do. Back Posta. Before that time he was an anthen he lived in eastern Hungary and tenna installer. “In 1991 I started out

• Operates Brazil’s largest digital TV website • Engaged in the further education of digital TV antenna installers

P-Sat, Hungary - Distributor everything an antenna installer would need, including fiber optic LNBs from GlobalInvacom, can be found in his shop.

• Has its own customer magazine • Created supermarket style store 248 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 12-01/2012

• Move to their own building in 2012 • Active in new technologies such as fiber optics and IPTV

headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia. SORTEC just leases this space and will move to their own new building in 2012. — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine




„Small and Valuable“


• own receiver line ICECRYPT • 50% of sales outside Great Britain • Focus on receivers, CAM, SmartCards and LNBs • 80,000 receivers a year • produces Dolly Buster TV programming via HOTBIRD

■ TURBOSAT’s headquarters

in Sittingbourne south east of London

144 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


• 80,000 receivers a year • produces Dolly Buster TV programming via HOTBIRD — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

to this problem is P-SAT in Hungary. The founder and operator of this company, Tibor Posta, gave us some insight into how he solved the problem of winning new customers.

■ Tibor Posta is founder and majority owner of P-SAT. Anything and

• Success through distribution of wellknown, high-quality brand names

■ Wholesaler SORTEC’s

178 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 —

• Move to their own building in 2012 • Active in new technologies such as fiber optics and IPTV

Technical Director Ray Gargiulo

• own receiver line ICECRYPT • 50% of sales outside Great Britain • Focus on receivers, CAM, SmartCards and LNBs

Active and full

• One of the largest wholesalers in Slovakia

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop R Serv

Manu ■ Marcus Bernardini, aka R Distr Benni, in his garden. In the background is his 5.0antenna as well as R meter Whol his 1.5-meter dish. Benni isShop the operator of the www. website that focuses on satellite Serv interests in Brazil.

• Dedicated OTT development team

154 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 —

The best part is that OTT is only being such as IPTV. to the appearance in the transition phaseThanks from analog to of more and more hybrid receivers, the 1. Pavol Macko is SORTEC’s General Manager reception”, explains erdigital sales: terrestrial “For the national market in — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 157 integration with the Internet is moving 4 2. Ľuboš Bezák SORTEC‘s E-shop Manager. Ľuboš Bezák. Great Britain it’s the T5000 for DVB-T more and more to the forefront. 3. It’s always busy in SORTEC’s satellite store and it’s brother the T2400 with PVR for where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take And that’s how Panodic managed to But these retail stores only make up care of the customers' needs. DVB-T2 as well as the ICECRYPT 3000 work themselves up into the group of about 15% of SORTEC’s business. “The 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: for the European market.” The latter top five manufacturers in just a few largest portion of our sales comes from Alexander Záhončík (left) and Pavol Lukáč (right). 1 3 receiver we already introduced to you years. From the original three-man our wholesale business and our instalin lation our TELE-satellite 08-09/2011 isfounding team the company has grown work”, explains E-shop Manager sue withBezák, a detailed test “TheacĽuboš “From ourreport. wholesale to over 1500 employees and there’s no 1. Pavol Macko is SORTEC’s General Manager digital terrestrial reception”, explains 2 2. Ľuboš Bezák SORTEC‘s—E-shop Manager. 158 TELE-satellite International The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — 02-03/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine Ľuboš—Bezák. T2400 with a 2.0from terabyte tivityeven 90%comes of sales comes instalend in4 sight. Alan Yu: “We are constant3. It’s always busy in SORTEC’s satellite store hard drive!” ‘Paddy’. Normally, lations and says the remaining 10% comes where end-users shop. Three sales personnel take ly working on designing and developing But these retail stores only make up care of the customers' needs. PANODIC Company Details fromhigh-capacity our cooperation large store such hardwith drives can’t about 15% of SORTEC’s business. “The higher quality products. This includes, 4. Two of the four SORTEC Sales Managers: largest portion of our sales comes from ▼ ▼ Alexander Záhončík (left) and Pavol Lukáč (right). For these hyperchip markets and bechains.” connected. “A special makes 0............................ 1000 .............................. 2000 above all, hybrid receivers.” These are our wholesale business and our instal▼ electronic chains SORTEC delivers it large possible.” 0................................ 50 ................. 100 Mio US$ lation work”, explains E-shop Manager receivers that are mostly interesting to Ľuboš Bezák, “From our wholesale accomplete satellite systems that include operators. tivity 90% of sales comes from instaldish, LNB and receiver. 1lations Sales at TURBOSAT are divided into The expansion of their product paland the remaining 10% comes from our cooperation with large store two regions: “Half of our sales are ette suggests that Panodic will continue chains.” For these hyper markets and “The most requested dish sizes in to climb higher in the ranks of top class domestically here in Great Britain; large electronic chains SORTEC delivers Slovakia are the and 90cm 130 TELE-satellite Internationalin — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 — DVD anplayers video screen the name, just not the Panodic name. “We80cmthe satellite systems that include companies. 1.complete A look in the Technical the other half is to Europe.” Internatennas; they make up about 90% of dish, LNB and Defective receiver. Department. unitscan are use car.” passengers export as an OEM and tional ODM manufacSales Manager Chris WardRear tells seated quickly repaired here.. our dish sales”, says Ľuboš Bezák. “The Wholesaler and Manufacturer TURBOSAT, Great “The Britain COMPANY most requested dish sizes in usreason more: receivers remote turer and don’t useREPORT our name at all.” for“Our this isICECRYPT that foraSlovakians thecontrol to change channels 156 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 02-03/2012 —


• Developes Digital TV receivers optimized for OTT

The Jiuzhou development team is working feverishly on the best possible solutions for OTT.

cusing on these two markets”, confirms Jimmy Zhang, “Buying power is the highest there.”

Always Active You Zhen When it Has Yu • Multiple quality control points before, during and after production to Do with • Concentrating on digital TV products Digital TV Sortec, Slovakia - Distributors Receiver Manufacturer, China

Digital TV Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China

Over-The-Top by Jiuzhou

• Market for OTT in Europe and North America • Upgrade of older digital receivers possible with a software upgrade 2


though older digital receivers can be upgraded with OTT, they might not be good enough to truly take advantage of OTT. “The chips get faster and faster every day and if you upgrade a digital receiver that has an older chipset with OTT, you might not be able to enjoy these OTT services interference-free.” not a manufacturer that produces only 1 Founder CEO Marketing when there are orders; they are continOne of the uously active in further development. Top Five: “We are cooperating with many indusManager Panodic trial inpartners, such as, NDS, more shops the east.” SORTEC will Conax, SuperNovelTV as well as chip then have Slovakia nicely covered withmanufacHuang turers ST and Ali. you We’ve their satellite stores where canalso findreceived licenses from Sisvel DivX and Inview.” in addition to all the necessary satellite Inview is aeverything provider of components, also forEPG ter-informaWei Xu Hai Bin Alan Yu tion and Internet-based additional data restrial reception. “Slovakia is currently

SORTEC is not only an inIn 20 years a company went from starting off as a small installation op- staller and wholesaler; they that the exports will proalso pick up: operate five retail stores to vinced becoming 166 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digitaleration TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 — sales figures largest are supported also by an“With our new DVB-T2 DVB-S2 ■Company founder: from which end users can buy fessional installer Slovakia and and at TURBOSAT other in important reason: You Zhen Yu. He the andsame time receivers we will one increase ourJimmy market they need for television has become the Zhang is digital TV ■ anything receivers are listed of with every large device manufacturer Jiuzhou’s two other partners share andinthe football world signal reception. And if you can’t largest wholesalers theupcoming country. We Marketing Vice Manager and chain in Great Britain. “Our receivers is also responsible for the founded MICO inwanted to cup will increase ISDB-T salesmarketing invisit South of the their OTT units. stores in person, you can buy know about canmore be found in SORTEC’s the superstores from 1999 and Panodic in America.” from them online. Ľuboš Bezák, Mansuccess story. Their headquarters and electronics TESCO, in the MAPLIN 2003. It’s located becoming that Panodic is the E-shop, tells us more about ager of main shop are in clear the capital shops, in CPC, Dixons, John Lewis, at city of Bratislava withinand sight of aothers.” large them: “At the moment four of these many 3 Slovashopping center in which among other stores can be found in western kiamodwith the fifth one in the east. But in things can be Sure foundenough, a TESCO hyperthree receiver we are planning to open up two market. els make up nearly 75% of all2012 receiv-

Anyone, whether it’s a manufacturer or a dealer, who has something to sell has the same problem: how do you win new customers? What good is the best product if no one knows about it? What use are all those sensational offers if no one is aware of them? How do you make your potential customers notice your products? Every successful manufacturer and every successful dealer managed to find their own solution. A wholesaler that came up with an especially interesting solution


developed in software form”, reveals Marketing Vice Manager Jimmy Zhang to us, “This means that end users merely have to upload a new software version in order to make their existing digital receivers OTT compatible.”

Vice Vice GM Marketing Wholesaler and Installer SORTEC, Slovakia Jimmy Shenzhen Richard Zhang

Growth Through • Developes Digital TV receivers optimized for OTT • Dedicated OTT development Quality team Panodic, China - Receivers — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

• Specialized products for cable headends • Only ships domestically 1

Director in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

166 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

Distribution Technology from Wadt

clue to what goes on inside this building; it caught the interest of the TELE-satellite editorial staff: the company Eletronica Wadt, which has been involved with reception technology since 1945, resides here.

164 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

• 3D planned for the future Digital TV Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China • Integration of TV reception with IPTV

The Big Expansion of Panodic

Headend Manufacturer Wadt, Brazil

■ The dish antennas on the roof provide a

the company founder’s grandson is Receiver Manufacturer Panodic, China headend manufacturer Wadt’s Technical

Manu R Distr R Whol Shop In 1999 three technically enthusiastic young entrepreneurs founded the Serv


• Integration of TV reception with IPTV • 60% of all Sowell receivers are already HD

Technical Director Joao Wadt

Neide Wadt — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

2 — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine

Jiuzhou, China - Receivers

R Manu Distr Whol Shop 1 Serv

Eagle Chain in Sowell’s showroom with one of the company’s success receivers.

• Integration of TV reception with IPTV

Wadt had to specialize and focused

• 60% of all Sowell receivers are already HD


■ General Manager

• 3D planned for the future

148 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 —

• Involved in HF for more than 60 years Jiuzhou’s OTT opens up huge opportunities • New allocation of cable licenses in Brazil Neide is the daughter Development of the Team for the company ■company’s founder and takes care of

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

• Already operating the first IPTV project

over; in 1994 the Brazilian government lifted the high import duties after which HF products came into the country at low prices.

• Already operating the first IPTV project



is Future



company’s founder and takes care of Wadt’s finances. Joao, Neide’s son and the company founder’s grandson is headend manufacturer Wadt’s Technical Director in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

148 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 04-05/2012 — — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


“Wadt’s best times were before Eagle 1994”, remembers the company founder’s Grandson, “Back then we Chain had 200 employees.” Those days are

■ Neide is the daughter of the


• New is the use of the forums through Customer Service employees of digital TV companies

Wadt had to specialize and focused


R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

Newington outside of Hartford, Connecticut in the USA. Scott operates his satellite forum from here. On the street side he has two motorized dishes installed; four smaller fixed dishes are mounted on the wall. To the left is a multifocus dish with five LNBs for DirecTV, in the middle is a dish for the DishNetwork eastern arc pointing to 61.5W, 72.7W and 77W plus another antenna for the DishNetwork western arc at 110W and 119W. All the way to the right is another antenna for 110W. This dish is used for automatic scanning that takes place every hour. It can instantly identify when a new channel appears on DishNetwork and posts this information in the forum thread Uplink Report.

• All advertising income is reinvested in better technology

Sowell’s showroom with one of the company’s success receivers.

• Already operating the first IPTV project • 3D planned for the future São Paulo Wadt, Brazil - Headends

■ Scott Gerczkowski’s home in

• Founded by Scott as a non-profit forum


The company founder’s grandson, Joao Alfredo Wadt Miranda, who today is the company’s Technical Director, thinks back to the products that — 04-05/2012 — TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine started it all: “It was car radios for Ford vehicles that my Grandfather manufactured first.” It was already obvious back then what path the company

The company, that has been suc-

• Provides assistance with technical satellite reception questions

• New is the use of the forums through Customer Service employees of digital TV companies

cessful for so many years, is all by itwould take - namely further in the The company Wadt has been in exHartford thinks back to the products that had 200 employees.” Those days are self interesting its success, direction reception. When the first istence for three generations. It was started it all: “It wasbecause car radi- of over; in 1994 the BrazilianofgovernCT, USA but they manufacture cable discable TV systems founded by Nelson Wadt back in 1945. os forsince Ford vehicles that my ment lifted the high import duties af-were being installed, Grandfather manufactured ter which HF products cameright into the tribution equipment, it’s the perfect Wadt was in the middle of things It’s a story of emigration in that Nelfirst.” for It was already ob- a country lowManager prices. ■ General reason us to pay them visit. at offering the first cable headends. son Wadt is originally from Germany. Eagle Chain in vious back then what path the company

Satellite Forum Operator Scott Greczkowski, USA


Satellite Information Website BSD, Brasil

Benni‘s BSD

• Operates Brazil’s largest digital TV website • Engaged in the further education of digital TV antenna installers • Planning his own IPTV channel all about digital technology • Living his dream with his own worldwide radio station 246 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 12-01/2012 — — 12-01/2012 —

TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


• Planning his own IPTV channel all about digital technology • Living his dream with his own worldwide radio station



Wholesaler and Shop P-SAT, Hungary

How P-SAT Wins New Customers

Tibor Posta

• Has its own customer magazine • Created supermarket style store • Planning start of own branded TV services • Operates one of the most well-known web communities in Hungary ■ Since November 2010 wholesaler and retailer P-SAT Kft has been leasing

this 330 square meter building in northern Budapest; the 150 square meter warehouse in the background also belongs to P-SAT. The company also operates a very popular Internet digital TV community as well as a web shop under the name SAT.HU. The company has six employees.

184 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 12-01/2012 —

— — 12-01/2012 —

TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


• Planning start of own branded TV services • Operates one of the most well-known web communities in Hungary

216 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory Success with Your COMPANY REPORT

Wholesaler and Manufacturer SatelliteAV, USA

Hobby – Plus a Little Luck


SatalliteAV, USA - Wholesaler first DVB-T2 receiver,” he hints at some interesting plans for the future. The only question that still begs an answer is in which countries DVB-T2 will actually be launched. As a matter of fact, nobody knows at this stage because every country will decide independently whether and how to introduce DVB-T2, and these decisions are not always easy to understand.

Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv


consumer applications you need not look net networks are gradually disappearing further than to the brand new AB 3DBox and that almost every household these receiver line which features HD receiv- days has set up a WiFi network. So why Receiver Manufacturer COMPANY not add WiFi capability to satellite reers with integrated 3D TV converter. TheREPORT newly developed 3D boxes are sched- ceivers? “These boxes are based on the uled to hit the market in the first quarter Ali 3606 chipset which is particularly of 2012. In the previous issue of TELE- fast,” Juraj adds. satellite we presented the stand-alone ■ Brian Gohl is and PresidentABThanks to all these Founder achievements 3D converter, whose software will also of SatelliteAV. The distributes COM Europe has takencompany only two years to be used in the AB 3DBox receivers. the GLORYSTAR system and as a wholesaler become a significant manufactures player that is acand distributes the product segThe recently introduced AB-COM tively tapping into various GEOSATpro brand name. CryptoBox receiver line from AB-COM ments. For Juraj Masaryk, innovation is has a very special treat in store: As ex- the key to success and a cornerstone tremely good-value receivers targeted for a successful expansion path. Even towards the pay TV market, all receivers the company name has turned out to be from this line include CA and a CI mod- wisely chosen: The acronym AB appears ule. The truly special feature, however, on all new brand names whenever a new is a USB interface which can be used to products series is launched. This way connect a WiFi dongle, Juraj Masaryk ex- AB-COM is able to grow and prosper for plains. He knows that fully cabled Ether- a long time to come! AB-COM, Slovakia



Conquering the marketBrian with new Gohl receiversplus service • Optimized complete product assortment The LinkBox series features another range of receivers: “Here we are talking about boxes we produce for Czech pay TV provider Skylink, which uses the Irdeto encryption system.” These receivers are particularly inexpensive, Juraj says and adds “we’d be ready to offer this box to other content providers using Irdeto as well.” If you need further proof for AB-COM’s orientation towards future

AB-COM, Slovakia - Receivers R Manu R Distr R Whol R Shop R Serv

■ Michal Krajcik’s passion

is all about photography. It COMPANY should be, as heREPORT is the head of design and looks after the website of AB-COM.

Company founder Juraj Masaryk tells us how AB-COM products are supplied to

1. Meet Marketing Manager Michal Grezo. What’s that on his screen? It’s the advertisement of the AB 3DBox as it appeared in TELE-satellite. 2. Pavol Blaho is Sales Manager

■ Michal Krajcik’s passion


is all about photography. It should be, as he is the head of design and looks after the website of AB-COM.

120 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —

■ Juraj Masaryk is founder and

Managing Director of AB-COM. Here he is seen explaining all the features of the 3D converter that is built into the AB 3D boxes.


Receiver Manufacturer AB-COM, Slovakia

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

■ Company premises of receiver manufacturer

AB-COM in Topolcany, Slovakia. The company has cooperation agreements with TV manufacturer LG and pay TV provider Skylink, which is why their logos also appear prominently on the roof of the building. AB-COM generates 30% of its turnover in the local markets of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with the remaining 70% share coming from other European markets.

Pavol Blaho

AB-COM: Innovation Guaranteed

• Particularly successful in Central Europe • Products for different applications such as 3D and pay TV • Focus on cost-efficient product range • Products optimised for individual applications — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


A motorized C-band dish on the wall as well as numerous other dishes on the roof are all used by Applied Instruments to develop and test their signal analyzers.

2 25 Years Engineering Sales 1

Tom Haywood

• The power of this company is its robust signal analyzers

A small family business has managed to become one of the most well-known names in the North American cable and satellite TV signal analyzer market. It’s the perfect reason for us to go and pay Applied Instruments in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, a visit only to find out that the company is expanding into the international market with its products that are Made in USA.

Product Manager Patrick Zaina

Wholesaler and Manufacturer MEGASAT, Germany

Who’s behind Applied Instruments? It really is a family-owned business. It was founded exactly 25 years ago in 1986 by Doyle Haywood, the father of the current General Manager Tom Haywood. His son Scott Haywood also works for the company as a sales manager.

128 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —

When we look back at when it all started, we find out that there’s even more history behind the company’s founder Doyle Haywood: he founded a company back in 1973 that produced signal 1 for cable TV. In 1979 he sold analyzers that company to a large corporation. But when he came up with the idea to develop clean reliable test signal generators for CATV, he quickly founded a new company: Applied Instruments. His



iPONT, Hungary - 3DTV

Where is it, the much-proclaimed heart of Germany? How do you de-

130 its actual location? Sven Melzer, founderRepublic and General Manager Manu Manufacturer andfineWholesaler SAPRO, Czech COMPANY REPORT CEO


• Technical customer service an important highlight of the company

APPLIED INSTRUMENTS Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, USA

■ Applied Instruments leases two suites in this

Company Details

industrial complex from which digital TV signal analyzers are produced.

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

126 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 — — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

▼ ▼ 0................................ 25 .................................. 50 127

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

▼ 0................................ 10 ................... 20 Mio U$D Production Certificates



Production Categories

own brand

Main Products

Cable TV Signal Analyzers, Satellite TV Analyzers, Noise Signal Generators, Noise Power Ratio Test Instrument

From here the path to satellite signal analyzers was not a long one. “In 1998 we introduced the first satellite signal analyzer from the ‘Buddy’ series”, comments Tom Haywood.

The new company originally began with three employees, one of whom was David Poelstra, a research engineer that worked together with Doyle Haywood in the first company. In 1990 they released their first successful product to the market – a cable TV signal analyzer that not only was easy to use but was also affordable. Over the years other analyzers appeared. “In order to test long cable lengths, we produced a Return Path Test Set”, remembers General Manager Tom Haywood, “It consisted of a CW Test Signal Generator that was attached to one end of the long cable and a receiver at the other end. In this way we could check the quality of the cable.”

The Sat Buddy quickly became known and loved by North American satellite installers and over the years was consistently improved and fitted with new features. Scott Haywood, Tom Haywood’s son and third generation in the company, is a sales manager at Applied Instruments and tells us about the newest Buddy version: “It’s the Super Buddy 29 and in addition to letting you measure satellite TV signals, it can also be used to install the Wildblue Internetvia–satellite service. These LNBs require 29 volts that the Super Buddy 29 can supply, hence the ‘29’ in the model name.”

Marketing Manager Othmar Fuchs

the main lobby.

not all that much different from being a building designer who must also be creative and a problem solver.”

USA and Canada, with only the remaining 5% being shipped abroad to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, Belgium as well as Australia”, comments Scott Haywood.

to noise testing”, comments Tom Haywood. When his mother, the wife of founder Doyle Haywood, began to have health issues, his father decided to leave the company and sell 50% ownership of the company to Tom Haywood. The other 50% was sold to Jeff Haas. Both are enthusiastic with the opportunity to further expand Applied Instruments. But the company doesn’t only manufacture signal analyzers that are used at the receiving end. An especially interesting highlight is the Noise Power Ratio testing product that manufacturers of amplifiers, optical transmitters and receivers, and other active devices can use to test the operating range of their products. It consists of a noise generator that sends its signal to the receiver to be tested and a corresponding signal analyzer that measures the output signal from the tested receiver.

General Manager Tom Haywood explains to us their product palette: “80% of our sales are made up of reception signal analyzers, 10% are test generators with the remaining 10% made up of complete systems consisting of signal generators and signal analyzers.” And as far as sales figures go, he tells us, “For the past several years sales have been stable at about US$ 5.5 million but for 2012 we are expecting roughly a 10% increase.” COMPANY REPORT

Fiber Optic Distribution Systems Manufacturer HUBER+SUHNER, Switzerland


■ Smack in the middle of the

Swiss Alps: that’s where HUBER+SUHNER can be found in Herisau in northeastern Switzerland

But this is what will change in the company’s 25th year of operation: “We are actively looking for competent distributors in Europe, The Middle East and Asia.” It is critical for Applied Instruments to find technically competent partners: “Our products are not throwaway products; they are solidly built and can be repaired if the need were to ever arise.” Technical customer service is actually quite important when dealing with products like signal analyzers; professional installers use signal analyzers on a daily basis and can thereby document a proper installation. Reliability and help with technical problems are excellent reasons why an installer would want to choose a quality product from a manufacturer that he knows will support him later on.

Fiber Optics at

• One of the leading fiber optic companies in the world • New CLIK! System for easy installation


• New market segment that will make coaxial cable distribution systems obsolete • Now available: economical alternative with distribution systems starting with eight users

Where will this increase come from? Sales Manager Scott Haywood has a few answers for us: “We are currently developing a signal analyzer for DVB-S2 that will become available in the fourth quarter of 2011. We are also working on terrestrial signal analyzers for ATSC and QAM that will appear in the first quarter of 2012.” 138 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 — — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


obsolete • Now available: economical alternative with distribution systems starting with eight users


In 1994 MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service), also known as wireless cable, gained widespread use primarily in rural areas and Applied Instruments was there providing the appropriate signal analyzers.

Tom Haywood, the current General Manager, is actually a construction engineer but always enjoyed lending a hand at the company. In 1996 he decided to work exclusively for his father’s company: “The creation of solutions and the ergonomic products have always fascinated me”, he reveals, “It’s

“Our NS-3 Broadband Noise Generator is often used by receiver manufacturers and satellite service providers to simulate rain fade and conduct carrier

Applied Instruments is looking at satellite signal analyzers as their way of expanding into the export market. “Up until now, 95% of our products have been shipped to North America, that is

“We produce everything ourselves”, comments General Manager Tom Haywood referring to his nine production employees, “Our R&D team consists of



COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —

3D — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

iPONT and

ë Andor ë Zoltan Receiver Korcsok Pasztor Fabrication in the converts 3D for use with auto-stereoscopic • iPONT’s softwarevsolution monitors Industrial City • 3D enjoyment without annoying glasses of satellite wholesaler and distributor MEGASAT has a rather pragmatic approach to those questions. “We are right in the heart of Germany,” and by that he simply means the region he’s at home. The name of the place is Niederlauer, which is a small town north of Schweinfurt in northern Bavaria. As a matter of fact, if you look up Niederlauer in Google Maps the marker pops up right in the centre of Germany.

• Special attention to ergonomic operation

• Special test signal generators for receiver manufacturers • Special attention to ergonomic operation • Technical customer service an important highlight of the company

son Tom Haywood explains to us where the name came from: “We apply a solution to every problem and provide the ■ Marketing Manager instruments justOthmar for that purpose – ApFuchs presents us with a plied Instruments.” “CLIK!’ system brochure here in

MEGASAT wholesaler and • One of the leading fiber optic companies in the world distributor risesforfrom • New CLIK! System easy installation • New market that will make coaxial cable distribution systems the heart ofsegment Germany

• Special test signal generators for receiver manufacturers


Scott Haywood — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

Huber+Suhner, Switzerland - Fibre Optics

• Company plans worldwide expansion with its internationally compatible analyzers

Applied Instruments

Jeff Haas

120 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —

Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作 — 10-11/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

114 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —



■ • Focus on cost-efficient product range • Products optimised for individual applications

• The power of this company is its robust signal analyzers • Company plans worldwide expansion with its internationally compatible analyzers

Distr Whol Shop R Serv

TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine


Applied Instruments, USA - Signal Analyzers

R Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv — 12-01/2012 —

112 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 —

and prefers to work at this shack. He is co-owner of Applied Instruments.

a selection of products from Applied Instruments. He owns 50% of the company while his partner Jeff Haas, Director of Engineering, owns the other 50%.


• Develops first Android hybrid satellite and IPTV receiver for North America Sales

Marketing Manager Michal Grezo

■ Jeff Haas is Director of Engineering

■ General Manager Tom Haywood in the showroom with

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

• Offers the smallest LNB in the world

• Offers the smallest LNB in the world • Develops first Android hybrid satellite and IPTV receiver for North America

alongside and is the official distributor of all AB-COM Europe products in the company’s home markets of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Masaryk Robust Signal Analyzers • Particularly successful in Central Europeë Made in USA • Products for different applications such as 3D and pay TV Indianapolis

• First provider of OTA-SSU FTA receivers in the USA

of Roseville’s enormous industrial park near Sacramento, California in the USA. You can see the tip of a C-band dish mounted on the roof. There are 10 different C and Ku band antennas installed on the roof ranging in size from 45cm to 3m covering the entire arc from 58W to 166E.


Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA

• Own receiver line for semiprofessional applications


1. Meet Marketing Manager Michal Grezo. What’s that on his screen? It’s the advertisement of the AB 3DBox as it appeared in TELE-satellite. 2. Pavol Blaho is Sales Manager


• Optimized complete product assortment plus service

■ SatelliteAV along with their partner company PowerON can be found in a section

by Juraj Masaryk in the year 2002. In the beginning the business acted as a wholesaler for satellite components and it was only in the year 2010 that ABCOM Europe was established as an independent receiver manufacturer. AB-COM 1 as a wholesaler continues to prosper

first DVB-T2 receiver,” he hints at some consumer applications you need not look net networks are gradually disappearing interesting plans for the future. The only further than to the brand new AB 3DBox and that almost every household these question that still begs an answer is in receiver line which features HD receiv- days has set up a WiFi network. So why which countries DVB-T2 will actually be ers with integrated 3D TV converter. The not add WiFi capability to satellite relaunched. As a matter of fact, nobody newly developed 3D boxes are sched- ceivers? “These boxes are based on the 196 TELE-satellite International The World‘s Largest Digital TV Tradeuled Magazine — first to hit — the12-01/2012 market in the quarter Ali 3606 chipset which is particularly knows at this—stage because every country will decide independently whether of 2012. In the previous issue of TELE- fast,” Juraj adds. and how to introduce DVB-T2, and these satellite we presented the stand-alone Thanks to all these achievements ABdecisions are not always easy to under- 3D converter, whose software will also COM Europe has taken only two years to be used in the AB 3DBox receivers. stand. become a significant player that is acThe recently introduced AB-COM tively tapping into various product segThe LinkBox series features another range of receivers: “Here we are talk- CryptoBox receiver line from AB-COM ments. For Juraj Masaryk, innovation is ing about boxes we produce for Czech has a very special treat in store: As ex- the key to success and a cornerstone pay TV provider Skylink, which uses the tremely good-value receivers targeted for a successful expansion path. Even Irdeto encryption system.” These receiv- towards the pay TV market, all receivers the company name has turned out to be ers are particularly inexpensive, Juraj from this line include CA and a CI mod- wisely chosen: The acronym AB appears says and adds “we’d be ready to offer ule. The truly special feature, however, on all new brand names whenever a new this box to other content providers using is a USB interface which can be used to products series is launched. This way Irdeto as well.” If you need further proof connect a WiFi dongle, Juraj Masaryk ex- AB-COM is able to grow and prosper for for AB-COM’s orientation towards future plains. He knows that fully cabled Ether- a long time to come!

"My Hobby is My Occupation"

194 TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 12-01/2012 —

• Own receiver line for semi-professional applications • First provider of OTA-SSU FTA receivers in the USA Slovakian receiver manufacturer ABCOM has found its firm place in the Central European market within an impressively short time. Based in the little-known town of Topolcany, some 100 km east of the Slovakian capital Bratislava, the company was founded

Wholesaler and Manufacturer SatelliteAV, USA


• iPONT’s software solution converts 3D for use with autostereoscopic monitors


• 3D enjoyment without annoying glasses • Potential for receiver manufacturers to expand their STB’s to include 3D • Compatible with the variety of manufacturer auto-stereoscopic monitor solutions

■To the left is the

“Allee” shopping mall in Budapest, Hungary in which iPONT has already installed their 3D system. To the right is the “Allee Corner Office” building in which the startup company iPONT can be found .



14 TELE-satellite — Global GlobalDigital DigitalTV TVMagazine Magazine—— 06-07/201 06-07/201 1 —1 —

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees


Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

Production Certificates

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, IRIS, RoHS, REACH Production Categories

own brand CLIK! Main Products

Connectivity solutions for Radio Frequency, Low Frequency and Fiber Optic applications. Fibre optic distribution systems for professional and home use.

15 — 06-07/201 — 06-07/201 1 — 1 —TELE-satellite TELE-satellite— — Global Digital TV Magazine

3D • Compatible with the variety of manufacturer auto-stereoscopic monitor solutions

Company Details

1. Patrick Zaina is Product ▼ ▼ seven engineers, the repair team is made up of five en0............................ 2500 ............................. 5000 Manager for fiber optic ▼ connectors. Here we see gineers and our technical customer service has four en0.............................. 500 ................ 1000 Mio SFr him in front of a professional gineers.” On top of that are three employees in admindistribution cabinet consisting primarily of istration as well as two sales managers so that a total of fiber optic splitters. The “CLIK!” system is a compact 30 employees make up Applied Instruments all of which version for the distribution work in an 11,000 Sq-foot office/production facility loof satellite signals in smaller apartments. 144 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/2011 — cated in an industrial zone southeast of Indianapolis. 2. Jürgen Silbereisen is one Download Report of the five “CLIK!” system design engineers. Here After 25 successful years, Applied Instruments is 1. The two friends and business partners: CTO Andor Pasztor and tence 170 years ago in the city There’s a large industrial zone in the 2 1. Sales Manager Scott Haywood enjoys reading TELE-satellite. we see him programming CEO Zoltan Korcsok in their headquarters in Budapest in front of Wholesaler and Manufacturer, USA an COMPANY REPORT ready to plow into the international market. The enone of iPONT’s “3D without glasses” auto-stereoscopic monitors. online calculator “I’m especially interested in the satellite DXer reports”, reveals of currently Třinec. city currently northeastern portion of the Czech 1. The two friends and business partners: CTO Andor Pasztor and The Recompany that has 40This employees operates two other has 2 that installers Scott, can use“It shows the enthusiasm CEO Zoltan Korcsok in their in Budapest they have for headquarters their hobby.” It’s in front of thusiasm of the engineers and the requirements that offices in Hungary: the software engineers are in Szeged while the one of iPONT’s “3D without glasses” auto-stereoscopic monitors. 40,000 and everywhere to determine exactly public. There you’ll find large amounts creative team can be found ininhabitants Bekescsaba. an enthusiasm that Scott shares andthat that can has be 40 readily seen in two other The home, company currently employees operates customers for their signal Pro was designedhave especially with the analyzers provides this calls he managed to become the came to the conclusion that this would what “CLIK!” systems 2. Ervin Farkas takes care of customer service for iPONT’s offices in Hungary: the software engineers are in Szeged while the the company’s signal analyzers. you look you can see fabrication sys-components they of ore that can be turned into professional iron; customers. creative team be found in Bekescsaba. in with mind.” there’s chance still onecansatellite dealer in just a professionals never need happen to himwould again: to be in number company anAnd excellent to grow in the world for a specific 2. Diana doesn’t greets visitors at the reception desk. 2. Ervin Farkas takes care of customer service for iPONT’s anddistribution there are also quite a few rivers that tems with their superstructures But SAPRO interfere with it more: “Soon we’ll be introducing an adshort time thanks to his extensive marcharge of his own time he had to start system. “The professional customers. market over the next 25 years with their robust signal ■ MEGASAT founder Camille Edmonds keepspipe trackgoes of finances and organizes the online lets the this supply water power as well as a large interconnecting pipes. atcalculator all, 3. rather, heating and General Manager monoblock LNB with which you “In 2002”, remembers Robby, justable his own company. He then started as keting. analyzers. books. installer plan for an optimal Sven Melzer likesenormous to expanse of forest for its perfectly with this company: “WScompoInternational sold roughly 200 sys- can set the offset anywhere between 4° a dealer for DishNetwork and installed system. After entering in stay up to date with all the parameters, the and 10°. For installers we’re preparing month.” customer satellite systems. After a few tems One of these pipes, an exterior supply of building materials. Because TELE-satellite. nents for satellite receivers havea been software produces a list the— years sales numbers in- a toolbox that will contain all the tools he along realized how dan132 TELE-satellite — Global Digital here TVOver Magazine 10-11/201 1 — components with developed cen-of though of all this, an enormous steel works heating pipe, passes just a fewmonths designed and since signal level calculations at and one day, not sur- needed to install our products.” gerous this business was: DishNetwork andevery factory, the „Třinecké Železárny timeters away from manufacturer 1992. It’sYou a can perfect match creased for thesteadily inendpoint.” How is Robby doing all of this? He only paid when the custom- prisingly, he decided he no longer wantPacoima, findthe the dealers calculator at www. (Třinec Steelworks)“ came into exis- wholesaler SAPRO’s building. dustrial atmosphere here. SAPRO’s ers paid DishNetwork. All of the risk ed to be dependent on other importers started WS International in Atlanta Fibre Optic Cables and Distribution, Switzerland

• Potential for receiver manufacturers to expand their STB’s to include Address

HUBER+SUHNER AG Degersheimerstrasse 14 9100 Herisau SWITZERLAND Tel +41-71-353-4111

Megasat, Germany - Receiver and Wholesaler

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop R Serv

First the USA, then the world



California Direct Contact to Sales Manager

Sven Melzer

was in the hands of the dealers, a risk

and started up his own production line

• 80% of distributed products come from in-house MEGASAT brand • full range of satellite components

Sapro, Czech - Receiver and Wholesaler

• 80% of distributed products come from in-house MEGASAT brand

104 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 —

850 square meter company premises that MEGASAT has been occupying since 2010 in an industrial area of Niederlauer. The official company name is b2c Electronic, even though MEGASAT is used as brand name vis-à-vis the outside world.

Petr Jana Zwrtek Proboszczová 5000 square feet in size but only has


Ain El Bia (Oran, Algeria) • Successful

trade show in southern China and found out that our prices are competitive.” And there’s still another 2 120 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 — reason: BYA is not a small company; they produce quite a few other products and thus have plenty of experi134 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 — ence as a manufacturer.

l Bia. This city, with 20,000 inhabitnts, is located about 35km east of the econd largest city in Algeria: Oran with oughly 1.6 million people. The Port rzew harbor is right next to Ain El Bia; his is where Algeria’s national oil comany Sonatrach loads its oil tankers.

BYA was founded in 1993. Back then

TELE-satellite Magazine Direct Contact to Sales Manager

■ An external heating pipe runs right past SAPRO’s administration, warehouse and production buildings. The company is located in the industrial city of Třinec in the northeastern end of The Czech Republic, not too far from Ostrava.

3 — 08-09/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


reception hobby, he tests all the products himself and is thereby able to immediately recognize any weak spots.

1. Alina Proboszcz is responsible for SAPRO’s bookkeeping and is also the founder’s wife.


■ Joseph Bassala

Wholesaler and Manufacturer, USA

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作


Manufacturer and Wholesaler, Czech Republic

Company Details Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

3. Marek Roszka is Marketing Manager. You can see SAPRO’s

WS website on his monitor ( that he also maintains. “I also translate the user manuals”, says Marek who is fluent in International, English and German. USA4. Jana Proboszczová is Sales Manager for Slovakia and all of the

▼ ▼ 0................................ 12 .................................. 25

International’s Sales Manager in Los Angeles. He receives the Lubomír’s schedule is full. With a customer orders primarily from variety of new products, he’s expandthose on the west coast of the ing in the market as well as moving USA into the surrounding countries. Be-

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

TELE-satellite Magazine remaining countries.

GUARANTEE direct contact

5. Service Technician Milan Martynek tests a satellite signal analyzer that SAPRO distributes under its own brand name.

• Successful Young Company with Ambition

Production Certificates


6. Should there ever be any problems with a SAPRO receiver, the returns land with Customer Service Manager Ester Vrábelová, who scans the bar code of all incoming problem items.

• Manufacturer of Satellite Components

Production Categories

own brands Di-Way, Di-Box, SatElita, Dreamsky, HD-Box Main Products

Satellite Receivers for economic range, mid range and high range, Wholesaler for LNBs, dishes, accessories

• Plan for Worldwide Expansion with Satellite Signal Analyzers • Inexpensive Products Thanks to Efficient Production and Distribution

■ In this building in Pacoima, north of Los Angeles, can be found WS International’s west coast office/ warehouse

7. Service Technician Petr Schlesinger is at work repairing a receiver circuit board.

132 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 —

Address in Czech Republic

Business Voucher Direct Contact to Sales Manager

▼ 0............................... 2.5 .....................5 Mio €uro

cause of his engineering background and his personal love of his satellite


2. Petr Zwrtek is Sales Manager for The Czech Republic. He is showing us on the map where Třinec is located: right at the point where The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland meet.

In this way he can be confident that the production line only puts out products that meet his requirements. SAPRO is on the way up.

Address in Slovakia — 08-09/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


• Plan for Worldwide Expansion with Satellite Signal Analyzers • Inexpensive Products Thanks to Efficient Production and Distribution SAPRO s.r.o. Konská - Podlesí 455 73961 Třinec CZECH REPUBLIC Tel +420-591008312

Download Report

SAPRO SK s.r.o. SUPERSAT ul. Slovanská cesta 672 PSČ 02 201 Čadca SLOVAKIA Tel +421-220-648942

— 08-09/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

127 7

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

Dish and Receiver Manufacturer BYA, Algeria

Perforated Dishes from Algeria


Ain El Bia (Oran, Algeria)

Alexander Wiese

ter of 2011 we’ll be coming out with an Android based receiver under the Dreamsky brand name; this will be followed by a DVB-T2 receiver in 2012.” For the HD-Box and Dreamsky line of receivers, 2012 will bring with it a number of enhancements related to the Internet: “The Dreamsky se136 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011ries — will see a box with IPTV enhancement”, he reveals to us, “For cable operators we are planning a DVB-C receiver.”

126 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 —

• Produces 100,000 receivers per year

Business Voucher

Slimane Ait Yala

Lubomír’s schedule is full. With a variety of new products, he’s expanding in the market as well as moving into the surrounding countries. Because of his engineering background and his personal love of his satellite

reception hobby, he tests all the products himself and is thereby able to immediately recognize any weak spots. In this way he can be confident that the production line only puts out products that meet his requirements. SAPRO is on the way up.

1. Alina Proboszcz is responsible for SAPRO’s bookkeeping and is also the founder’s wife. 2. Petr Zwrtek is Sales Manager for The Czech Republic. He is showing us on the map where Třinec is located: right at the point where The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland meet.

With a new series of satellite dishes

contested satellite dish market? It won’t be easy for BYA, but there are several

Slimane Ait Yala, founder of BYA, gives us the reasons for this optimism.

Manufacturer and Wholesaler, Czech Republic

Company Details ▼ ▼ 0................................ 12 .................................. 25

4. Jana Proboszczová is Sales Manager for Slovakia and all of the remaining countries.

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

▼ 0............................... 2.5 .....................5 Mio €uro

5. Service Technician Milan Martynek tests a satellite signal analyzer that SAPRO distributes under its own brand name.

Production Certificates

6. Should there ever be any problems with a SAPRO receiver, the returns land with Customer Service Manager Ester Vrábelová, who scans the bar code of all incoming problem items.

DVB Production Categories

own brands Di-Way, Di-Box, SatElita, Dreamsky, HD-Box Main Products

Satellite Receivers for economic range, mid range and high range, Wholesaler for LNBs, dishes, accessories

Address in Czech Republic

SAPRO s.r.o. Konská - Podlesí 455 73961 Třinec CZECH REPUBLIC Tel +420-591008312

Aside from that, the necessary metal for their dish production is produced domestically. All of these reaDish and Receiver Manufacturer, Algeria

Address in Slovakia

7. Service Technician Petr Schlesinger is at work repairing a receiver circuit board.

SAPRO SK s.r.o. SUPERSAT ul. Slovanská cesta 672 PSČ 02 201 Čadca SLOVAKIA Tel +421-220-648942

— 08-09/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Thomson still existed in France and BYA started off as an assembly line for Thomson’s TV sets. Not long after that, they began assembling analog satellite receivers followed shortly thereafter by digital receivers. “Back then we had 90 employees”, remembers Slimane Ait Yala, “and we had sales equivalent to about eight million Euros.” BYA was at

■ Slimane Ait Yala is General Manager (PDG: Président Directeur Général) and

founder of BYA. BYA actually gets its name from the name of the location: Ain El Bia. Bia was converted to BYA.

Company Details Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

▼ ▼ 0................................ 75 ................................ 150 Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

▼ 0.................................. 5 ...................10 Mio €uro Production Certificates

RoHS, DVB Production Categories

OEM, ODM Main Products

Satellite Dishes with Full and Perforated Metal (60, 105 and 120cm), TV-Sets with CRT, LCD (32 and 40 inch) or Plasma (42 and 50 inch), Satellite Receiver for DVB-S/S2

TELE-satellite World

Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Arabic Indonesian German English Spanish French Hebrew Chinese Polish Portuguese Russian Turkish

144 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2011 —

Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

sons together make for quite an argument that exporting his dishes is a good move to make. Slimane Ait Yala: “I was just at the Canton trade show in southern China and found out that our prices are competitive.” And there’s still another reason: BYA is not a small company; they produce quite a few other products and thus have plenty of experience as a manufacturer. BYA was founded in 1993. Back then

And this is the first reason why Slimane Ait Yala is confident that the dishes he manufactures will be successful in the export market: “Algeria is an oil-producing country”, he explains, “and that means that the energy costs in Algeria are very low.” He follows right away with the second reason: “Wages in Algeria are also very low; the official minimum wage is about 100 Euros.”


manufacturer BYA Electronic wants to start an export offensive. Are there reasons to expect success in the strongly

reasons which would make one optimistic.


The 16,000 squaremeter production plant can be found in the city of Ain El Bia. This city, with 20,000 inhabitants, is located about 35km east of the second largest city in Algeria: Oran with roughly 1.6 million people. The Port Arzew harbor is right next to Ain El Bia; this is where Algeria’s national oil company Sonatrach loads its oil tankers.

made out of perforated metal, Algerian

3. Marek Roszka is Marketing Manager. You can see SAPRO’s website on his monitor ( that he also maintains. “I also translate the user manuals”, says Marek who is fluent in English and German.

218 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

And this is the first reason why Slimane Ait Yala is confident that the

• In-house design and production (assembly line)




• Starting expansion to surrounding countries

118 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 —

coming out with receiver under the Dreamsky brand name; this will be followed by a DVB-T2 receiver in 2012.” For the HD-Box and Dreamsky line of receivers, 2012 will bring with it a number of enhancements related to the Internet: “The Dreamsky series will see a box with IPTV enhancement”, he reveals to us, “For cable operators we are planning a DVB-C is receiver.” WS

90 employees”, remembers Slimane Ait Yala, “and we had sales equivalent to about eight million Euros.” BYA was at

BYA, Algeria - Dishes and Receiver

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop The 16,000 squaremeter production lant can be found in theServ city of Ain

• Covers every price segment with its four brand names

is Expanding

• In-house design and production (assembly line) • Produces 100,000 receivers per year

Joseph Bassala

Young Company with Ambition • Manufacturer of Satellite Components was just at the Canton by digital receivers. “Back then we had


Manufacturer and Wholesaler SAPRO, Czech Republic

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作

three employees: Sales Manager Joseph Bassala, who Robby can speak to in Farsi, Shipping Manager Jeff Bynum and a warehouse employee. “We also have one more employee in our Guang5 care of zhou, China office who takes production and overseas transport”, adds Robby. ter of 2011 we’ll be an Android based How successful is WS International?


Robby Dosetareh — 08-09/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Lubomír Proboszcz


• distribution to the whole of Europe SAPRO Sales

WSInternational, USA - Receiver and Wholesaler

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

• special focus on self-aligning camping antennas

102 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 —

• special focus on self-aligning camping antennas • distribution to the whole of Europe


• Covers every price segment with its four brand names • Starting expansion to surrounding countries

• full range of satellite components

■ In front of the entrance to the

(more precisely Marietta). There are six


satellite reception of English-language under his own label. “This includes programming in the USA is generally dishes as small as 75cm to as large as monopolized by DishNetwork and Di- 4.5 meters”, lists Robby, “and in adrecTV, Robby looked around at other dition to cables and receivers, all the TV programming. As a native from necessary accessories such as DiSEqC switches.” He even has satellite signal Iran, the obvious was foreign Dosetareh is the verychoice young founder and President ■ Robby of satellite wholesaler and manufacturer WS International. 2 “Our model 5100 Pro can aulanguage programming for the ethnic analyzers. Here we see him in his Pacoima, California office located living in opened the USA. north minorities of Los Angeles that he just There one yearare ago tomatically recognize the satellite that several of these groups that want TV a dish is pointing to”, highlights Robby 1 programming in their own language. and then continues,” The model 7100 Robby Dosetareh provides an overview on these groups: “In my case of course, the first group would be TV channels in Farsi, after that it’s programming in Arabic, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Russian, Armenian as well as the Englishlanguage Christian channels.” Most of these TV channels, many of which are produced locally in the USA, can be refor freestill and thus makein a very in- and sons together make for ceived Thomson existed France teresting product to offer these ethnic quite an argument that BYA started off as an assembly line for 3 groups here in the USA. exporting his dishes is Thomson’s TV sets. Not long after that, Robby got right to work. From Mari126 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2011 a good move to make. etta, theyGeorgia, began aassembling analog satellite small city near Atlanta Slimane Ait Yala: “I with receivers 100,000 followed inhabitantsshortly that he thereafter now

“In the Heart of Germany”

TELE-satellite Magazine

Business Voucher

Robby Dosetareh patiently built up years old, the family had with the help of an office in Guangzhou employees in the 4600 square foot ofthat was difficult to calculate. his company WS International one an opportunity to flee the Robby Dosetareh decided that there in southern China. “Today we produce fice/warehouse: “Two sales managers, small step at a time. He’s young country, first to Pakistan 142 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-11/201 1 —still LNBs as well as 75cm and 90cm satellite a technical support manager, an assisand since he has already brought his and then for a few months was no future in this! Since he had aldishes ourselves”, comments Robby. In tant as well as two employees in the company quite a long way in the USA, to Austria. The UN acquired ready sold systems and components to 2009 his1own receiver line that Robby warehouse”, explains Robby. To better his expansion to the rest of the world all the necessary paperwork asinstallers in the past, he decided to bea satellite wholesaler. “On April named Lexium was also added to the serve his customers on the west coast, fishouldn’t have any obstacles. In July well as the required visas and come ■ SAPRO’s Founder and Chief Lubomír 1, 2001, I founded WS International”, palette. There’s even a website under Robby opened a branch office in Paco2010 he opened a 2nd distribution nally in April 1992 the family arrived Proboszcz standing communications, he accepted an offer – USA. branch & offices in the small town of in their land of their dreams remembers this name: “In ima, California, near Los Angeles. Not Robby Dosetareh. Robby, in front of a Pacoima, cabinet California in18order from had a DishNetwork dealer and began ended up in Georgia to —make TELE-satellite Global Digital They TV Magazine — 06-07/201 1 —Atlanta, 2010 we sold roughly 30,000 DVB-S re- long after that he decided to move out who on actually no business experifull of SAPRO working there was as a Sales it cost efficient for customers in the the US east coast. says Robby and then explains to Los Angeles himself. “Since then I go4 ence or background, very Manager. coura- ceivers”, receivers. InWestern his 18 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2011 — After a few months his father became Young Robby came to a newgeous world, in this part of the USA and Canada. decision and had at the that a DVB-S2 variant of this receiver back to visit the Atlanta office every two hand is the flagship ill and Robby Dosetareh had to help him That’s where we met up with Robby a place where it’s normal to get a free product, a box from same time a little foresight: the WS in will be available by the time this issue months for one week”, says Robby. He communicate with the doctors; his faHe explains to us how it all glass of water in a restaurant. The the HD-Box Dosetareh. series. is proud to say that he has employees the company name stands for “World of TELE-satellite hits the newsstands. ther’s English wasn’t good enough. Unteenager quickly acclimated himself to began. Since 2010 Robby has built up his in Atlanta that can operate the business Satellites”. fortunately, his time off from the DishRobby Dosetareh was born and his new surroundings. After graduatproduct palette to the point that any without him having to constantly look But the Network “World” dealer in his company name was getting too much raised in Shiraz, Iran. But his father ing from High School, he immediately component that an installer could pos- over their shoulders. stands the business andfor towards the end offield 2000that the dealer was alwas watched and mistreated by the re- joined the work force. Since he also The branch office in Los Angeles is sibly need can be obtained from him heteleselected Since the hadfor tohis let company. him go. Robby Dosetareh gime at that time. When Robby was ten ways interested in electronics and

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

Wholesaler and Manufacturer MEGASAT, Germany

COMPANY REPORT 该独家报道由高级编辑所作


‫العربية‬ Indonesia Deutsch English Español Français ‫עברית‬ 中文 Polski Português Русский Türkçe

Available online starting from 3 June 2011

■ BYA’s production facility

in Ain El Bia east of Oran in Algeria

146 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2011 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


ity of Ku-band LNBs to a staggering one million a month.

When we heard him mention Brazil, our ears perked up. “We’ve been delivering C-band LNBs to Brazil since 2004 but demand has recently taken a strong jump upwards”, revealed Hoawen Chiang, “In fact, for 2011 we’re expecting that 35% of our LNB production will be delivered to Brazil.”

Of course, we want to know where all these LNBs are going to. “In the beginning, we delivered our production to Indonesia and Thailand”, explains

North America, Australia and Europe.” But in 2011, Jason Chiang sees these numbers shifting considerably: “The North African market will pick up quite a bit; we expect to ship 30% of our total production there, 45% will go to the Middle East, 5% to South Africa, 10% to Brazil with another 10% going to the rest of the world.”

TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory Hoawen Chiang’s son Jason Chiang also works for the company. He’s 1 currently passing through a number of stations in the company but above all he‘s involved in International Sales. He breaks down for us the product distribution by groups; the geographical distribution

Boiingsat, China - LNB

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


Haowen Chiang

■ Haowen Chiang

Boiingsat’s founder and General Manager

Once again Brazil is mentioned but this time in connection with Ku-band LNBs. Jason Chiang revealed a little secret: “I have good contacts in Brazil.” That along with the steadily increasing demand in that South American country makes for 4 a very attractive market.

3 Sales



• Three Production Locations in Zhuhai/ China

• Large Sales Expansion in South America • In the Works: LNB with Two Feed Rings

It’s common knowledge how prices for LNBs have been falling considerably and when General Manager Hoawen Chiang

LNB Manufacturer Boiingsat operates multiple production facilities in Zhuhai, China, a city with 1.5 million inhabitants located in western Guangdong Province. Zhuhai sits right next to Macao and slowly but surely is attracting more and more satellite component manufacturers.

remembers Hoawen Chiang. “Two of the investors have in the meantime moved on to other things but investor, Yunnjye Qin, is still here and is in charge of Production.”

tence since 1997. However it all really started in Taiwan. Hoawen Chiang, General Manager of the company who was also born in Taiwan, explains to us how it all began.

“In 1996 I was a Production Manager at an LNB manufacturer in Taiwan. But things didn’t go exactly as I had planned so in 1997 I along with three investors founded Boiingsat in Zhuhai, China”,

But one of the first of these manufacturers was Boiingsat; it has been in exis-

tion plant which they used to manufacture 240,000 C-band LNBs every month. 2004 became rather turbulent: “We sold our first production facility and then built a new one for Ku-band LNBs.” Now with 500 employees, production climbed to 350,000 C-band LNBs per month and 150,000 Ku-band LNBs per month.

The main reason for moving from Taiwan to China was obviously the costs. Wages in China are still lower than that of Taiwan. “But we still have a small R&D office in Taiwan with three engineers”, says Hoawen Chiang. Thus far the technical expertise in Taiwan is somewhat more advanced than in Mainland China at least as far as high frequency LNBs are concerned.

Jason Chiang — 04-05/2011 —


TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

• In the Works: LNB with Two Feed Rings

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

Technical Manager Tewfik Lamrani


TV-Sets and Receiver Manufacturer Bomare Company, Algeria

Bomare Company: a new OEM Manufacturer


enough: one day it dawned on him that he could assemble these receivers on his own production line. Together with

The industrial city of Birtouta is very conveniently located: the airport, harbor and numerous highways are all within easy reach. It is an excellent location especially for a company that wants to expand its export business. It all started many years ago with the distribution of satellite receivers. The founder, Ali Boumediene imported receivers from South Korea and sold them locally. But for him it wasn’t

Birtouta (Algiers)

a South Korean manufacturer that supported him with not only the components but also the “know-how” in setting up an assembly line, Ali Boumediene started his own production in 2001. Back then 20 employees assembled digital receivers using the supplied components. Today Bomare Company has 120 employees. Right from the start Ali Boumediene had a great idea: he chose the brand name “Stream System” for his line of receiver products. An excellent choice considering that in today’s IPTV age everything revolves around streaming. But lets get back to the beginning: in 2003 Ali Boumediene took the next expansion step. He created his own production line for power supplies and then in 2006 he took one more step by investing two million Euros and install-

In 2005 the European Union entered into an agreement with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Algeria to support economic cooperation between the two. This agreement provides an interesting opportunity for satellite receiver manufacturers and, in the case of the Algerian Bomare Company, also for TV manufacturers. Actually, Bomare Company produces both products. For 2011 Bomare Company has decided to take their products and service capabilities to the European market. We paid a visit to Bomare Company’s production facility

1. Annie greets visitors at the reception desk

ing an SMT line in a new production facility complete with automatic component mounting machines and an oven. Bomare Company also owns a unit of plastic injection and silkscreen painting Technical Director Tewfik Lamrani gives us some insight into their production numbers: “From 2001 to 2007 we produced a total of three million SD receivers.” Production numbers dropped every year because of the ever-increasing competition with imported receivers. But Ali Boumediene also managed to find a solution to this: he simply started a second assembly line to produce TVs. “We are

in Birtouta, about 20km from Algiers, and had a look around.

2. Yunnjye Qin is co-owner of Boiingsat and in charge of production.


TV and Receiver Manufacturer, Algeria

especially proud of our LCD TVs with integrated DVB-T tuners”, commented Tewfik Lamrani whose five-member R&D team developed this TV. “Now we also manufacture HD TVs”, says Tewfik and explains why now is the right time to begin exporting their products: “In the past several years we learned how to start a production line.” The old adage holds true: “You learn from your mistakes”; Bomare Company has accepted all of the setbacks and over time has become a professional manufacturer. “Now we have the right products and now we know how to make them”, says Tewfik Lamrani, “And now the time has come to start exporting.” Bomare Company is not only going to export their own products such as HD receivers and LCDTVs in various sizes from 19” to 47”, but they are now ready to become an OEM or ODM maker for other manufacturers and distributors primarily in Europe. Tewfik Lamrani gives us a few reasons why Bomare Company with its location in Algeria would be a good choice: “We are in the same time zone as Europe, we speak the same languages (French and English), we can ship economically to Europe, we provide a high-quality product and our production follows the RoHS directive and just recently also the Euro 1 Norm.” The subject of quality control is especially critical for the export market: “Five engineers are directly involved with quality control during production (preproduction) and five additional engineers

Company Details Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

▼ ▼ 0................................ 75 ................................ 150

■ Even in Algiers it rains occasionally

3. Jason Chiang is the son of the company’s founder and designated successor to the Captain’s chair. Here in the showroom he shows us one of the company’s specialties: a four-way combination with 4 x C-band LNB. This LNB lets four receivers receive four C-band satellites independently from each other; this setup is especially in demand in Indonesia.



and when it does it pours: a look at Bomare Company’s production facility in Birtouta not far from the capital Algiers. Working hours are from 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM Sunday to Thursday (they are closed Friday and Saturday).

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

▼ 0............................. 12.5 ...................25 Mio €uro Production Certificates

RoHS, DVB Production Categories

OEM, ODM Main Products

LCD and Plasma TV-Sets with integrated DVB-Tuner, Satellite Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, Home Theatre Systems

TELE-satellite World

Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Arabic ‫العربية‬ Indonesian Indonesia German Deutsch English English Spanish Español French Français Hebrew ‫עברית‬ 中文 Chinese Polish Polski Portuguese Português Russian Русский Turkish Türkçe

Available online starting from 1 April 2011 — 04-05/2011 —

102 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


2 4. Sales Manager Joseph Liu runs a team of six employees

Prevail, China - Fibre Optics and CATV Production Manager such an increase in sales, could it? “Well, actually, we’re expecting this increase in Ren sales also because we’re expanding into a new business sector; in 2012 we’ll be Guorui opening up a new factory for LED lights.

90 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


China; soon it’ll be four factories. The company’s administration offices can also be found here.

86 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

Bomare, Algeria - Receiver


The next expansion step took place in 2008: “We constructed our third factory this time for production of die-cast housings.” With

“Back then we started with 30 employees and produced 20,000 C-band LNBs every month”, he says looking back. In 2002 Boiingsat started a second produc-

■ One of Boiingsat’s three factories in Zhuhai in southern

Yunnjye Qin

• Three Production Locations in Zhuhai/ China • Large Sales Expansion in South America




Fiber Optic and CATV Manufacturer Prevail, China

Prevail’s Perfect Organization

• Substantially Increased Sales for 2011 Thanks to Rising Exports • Additional Factory Soon to be in Operation • Increased Number of Employees

• Four New SMT Machines in Operation • Very Active R&D Team


A recipe for the continued success of a manufacturer is a wellorganized operation. A perfect example of this would have to be the Chinese manufacturer Prevail located in Hangzhou, the capital of the Zhejiang Province which is south of Shanghai. This company manufactures fiber optic products, CATV components and professional digital TV modulators and accessories for signal distribution.


The first thing you notice when you visit Prevail is how neat and clean the entire factory is; nothing is out of place. Another small detail are the uniforms that the employees wear. It’s not out of the ordinary to see workers on an assembly line wear uniforms, but at Prevail the office workers also wear uniforms. For the visitor it

■ Two of the three Prevail factories in Xiaoshan in Hangzhou City in, China. The fourth is under construction.



becomes immediately clear that the work here is very disciplined and organized. And of course the products themselves would also be associated with this high standard. To confirm this we paid a visit to the three manufacturing plants and had a look around; a fourth factory is currently under construction. Necy-xu is General Manager Sales & Marketing and provides us with a little history about the company: “Prevail was founded in 2001 by Managing Director Xu Quanhai along with ten other partners.” The company is in private hands and continues to manufacture the same product groups that it did at the beginning: fiber optic products, CATV components and accessories as well as distributors and splitters for coaxial cable lines. Necy-xu remembers the early days: “In our first year 2001 we had sales of roughly 50 million RMB (5 million Euros) with about 100 employees. 70% were domestic sales and the rest were exported.”


Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

For 2010, however, this changed considerably. Necy-xu revealed to us that now only 50% of their products are sold domestically in China; exports have increased markedly. To what countries and regions does Prevail export to? Helen is Prevail’s International Sales Manager and tells us, “40% of our exports end up in the south Asian region and this includes India, Pakistan, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 30% land in South America, 20% go to Europe and the rest go to The Middle East, North America and Africa.”

Necy-xu adds that sales in South America have picked up quite a bit and that Prevail is shipping more and more products to that region: “The cable TV providers there are expanding

112 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

• Founded by 5 Partners

Jiuzhou, China - IPTV Boxes


TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


But back to LNBs. Sales Manager Jason Chiang tells us that in 2009 70% of all the LNBs shipped were single models. In 2010 that number dropped to 50% and it will obviously continue to sink. Single Jiuzhou greatly expands into Production LNBs will cease IPTV toBoxexist in a few years. ë Twin models made up 35% of the total in 2010; the rest consisted of quad and octo models. Vice Marketing PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China REPORT PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT COMPANY PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT 3 4 PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China COMPANY REPORT Huang Jimmy 2 2 The time has come for new models. 1. Necy-xu is General Manager know-how and that therefore cable operators on the rise: now about 450 employees work Wei Zhang Jason Chiang gives us some insight: Sales and Marketing and takes

• ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver in 2011

• Overseas Offices in the Plan • IPTV box production • User Friendliness is Company may reach 1 million Philosophy units in 2011 A team of five R&D engineers are the company Sowell. General Manager of the young company is Eagle Chain.





IPTV Box Manufacturer Jiuzhou, China


• IPTV box production may reach 1 million units in 2011

• Jiuzhou starts HbbTV boxes for Europe

• Big retailers about to launch into IPTV box sales • Jiuzhou to attend all major exhibitions in 2011, 10 in all

felt the same way and so in 2004 they founded their own company Sowell.

• Jiuzhou starts HbbTV founders of the OEM The driving force and boxes for Europe


in Pevail’s entrance lobby.

Prevail achieved sales of 200 million RMB (roughly 20 million Euros) in 2010. The number of employees has also been

• Four New SMT Machines in Operation • Very Active R&D Team

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

IPTV Box Production

■Two elephant statues greet visitors

significantly and we have exactly the right products for them.” Exports to South America look to sharply increase for 2011, but Eastern Europe is also rapidly on the rise. — 04-05/2011 —

In 2013 we expect that 30% of our sales will be from LEDs with the rest coming from LNB production.” OK, now the picture is getting clearer.

IPTV Box Manufacturer China to Rising Exports • Substantially Increased Sales for 2011 Jiuzhou, Thanks COMPANY REPORT Sowell, an Engineering Firm 88 • Additional Factory Soon to be in Operation that’s an OEM • Increased Number of Employees Jiuzhou greatly expands into

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

LNB Manufacturer Boiingsat, China

Boiingsat’s Numerous Production Facilities

deal of thought must go into what features are currently in demand. In talking with Eagle Chain it’s clear that quite a bit of observation and analysis is going

■ Sales Director Huang Wei is,

amongst many other tasks, in charge of the IPTV boxes‘ development, sales and marketing

The Chinese large manufacturer Jiuzhou is very well known by our readers. The company originated in Sichuan and has been in existence since 1958. In 2008 they celebrated their 50th birthday (see TELE-satellite issue 02-03/2008). In 2009 the company expanded into HDTV and in 2010 terrestrial TV was the theme. In 2011 Jiuzhou is planning on taking a huge step further into the IPTV market with enormous production numbers. Huang Wei is Jiuzhou’s Sales Director and reveals to us what Jiuzhou has planned for 2011.

He was, like his four colleagues, an R&D We met up with General Manon. Eagle Chain cites an example: “I’m • Big retailers about to employee with a large receiver manufacager Eagle Chain in Sowell’s office amazed with Apple and their products. launch into IPTV box turer but over time didn’t feel so comfortin Shenzhen who started off by telling They are precisely geared towards the prefer to tackle this on their at Prevail. But hefor us2011 is we extremely Sowell’s ■ own. This is not able with that company. All too often how itNecy-xu all began: “All had was the end-user and thus very successful.” The with sales offices was assigned projects that had nothing money we had saved while employed to Eagle Chain: their 70 employees true according for accessories although cable operators excited: “The number of our employees willconclusion

First, though, Sales Director Huang Wei took us on a trip into the past: “The first IPTV boxes were manufactured by Jiuzhou in 2007; back then about 20,000 boxes were produced and involved pure IPTV boxes.” Production numbers only increased slowly. “In 2010 we produced 60,000 boxes”, comments Huang Wei. But 2011 looks to be completely different: “We will be manufacturing a minimum of 200,000 boxes and it could go as high as one million.” It all depends on negotiations that are currently in progress with a variety of retail chains in North America as well as Europe. The reason: these retail chains are in

■ Jiuzhou constructed an impressively large building in Shenzhen’s High-Tech Park. The engineers are here continuously working on new products – currently they’re mostly occupied with IPTV.

care of the company’s exposure, such as, at trade shows and in the press.

“In the second quarter of 2011 we’ll be releasing a Ku-band LNB with a shorter housing, for the third quarter there’ll be a Ku-band LNB with only two rings instead of the previous three rings in the feed. For the fourth quarter we’re planning on an SCR LNB.” So, it’s plain to see that there are several new products coming Sowell, an Engineering for 2011. “But that’s not Firmall”, he says, that’s an OEM “In 2012 we’ll be startingë with Ka-band 64 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — — 02-03/2011 —

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


• Jiuzhou to attend all • IPTV box production may reach 1tomillion in a2011 • Big2. retailers about to launch into IPTV box sales are still the largest customers for this product climb over 500 and units we also expect jump TELE-satellite World Helen Sales revealed his sales figures, a tendency in is International then he surprised us with his prognosis major exhibitions in ■ group as well since Shenzhen they need large numbers of Prevail is actually optimistic that Manager and is constantly in • Jiuzhou starts HbbTV boxes forintheysales.” Europe Jiuzhou to2013: attend all sales major exhibitions in 2011, 10 in all Shenzhen that direction was clearly•visible: “For for “We expect to jump to 2011, 10 in all contact with customers all over Shenzhen these products. can be on the Shanghai Stock Exchange to do with receivers. His four colleagues

are located on the seventh with that other company. We pooled “We have a similar view with our softfloor of this office building in ware development,Shenzhen. namely Receiver a customerproduction Download this report in other languages from the Internet: place in Baoan which friendly operation takes of our products.” It is isn’t Sales Director Huang Wei is, Arabic ‫العربية‬ too far from here and close to exactly for this reason that Eagle Chain many other tasks, in charge Indonesian Indonesiaamongst Shenzhen’s airport. 200 employees the IPTV boxes‘ development, German Deutsch is skeptical about how develop; workIPTV in thewill production facility. and marketing English English sales the world. She can often be found 200,000 receivers month can be Shenzhen for TELE-satellite though, it’s per a subject Spanish in Español produced by one shift; if all three 2012. That’s quite an achievement for suchthat is being approached at trade shows at the Prevail very ecstatiFrench Français shifts are used, receiver Hebrew ‫עברית‬ stand. cally: “The telecom production providersclimbs all to The Chinese large manufacturer Jiu- a young As large an international company, Prevail can be company! 中文 Chinese more than 500,000 delivering ■ Jimmy Zhang have their the ownprogramming agenda andeither that isterselling zhou is very well known by our readers. Polish Polski 3. This man is very critical for a boxes a month. is Marketing Vice restrially or via satellite. With IPTV found at numerous trade shows. International Portuguese Português their data packages to end-users; they Manager and deals The company originated in Sichuan and quality manufacturer like Prevail: 1 comparatively simple technology using Russian Русский with the global are focused solely on that concept.” He has been in existence since 1958. In Turkish Türkçe Sales Manager gives us an overview: Who actually buys Prevail’s products? “90%Gateway marketing of Set servers is all that’s Helen needed. he is Yu Xinghong and with his doesn’t see that the user’s point of view Available online starting from 28 January 2011 Top Boxes 2008 they celebrated their 50th birthday But even more important, the customer 20 engineers he is responsible is considered regarding wishes “In 2011 we’llIPTV be and exhibiting at CCBN in Beijing, (see TELE-satellite issue 02-03/2008). of our customers are the cable operatorsno longer needs to install an antenna; for quality assurance during deal of go into what be an approach to that thethought process must of becoming their ownfeaproInternet is opening up new possibili- there’d almost every household has similar an Internet In 2009 the company expanded into themselves”, Cabsat in Dubai, CommunicAsia in Singapore, explains Necy-xu, “only about tures are currently in demand. In talking production. gramming providers! ties; now there are programming pro- of connection. Apple: following a path based strictly HDTV and in 2010 terrestrial TV was viders that can join the bandwagon on the end user without looking back at with Eagle Chain it’s clear that quite a ANGA inenterprises Cologne, Cable-Tec in New Orleans 10% are shipped to that distributors.” The obvious Large 4. He manages production: Ren the theme. In 2011 Jiuzhou This is a rather really didn’t have any interest in bit is of planning observation and interesting analysis isdevelopgoing what thebusiness provider wants. that have Guorui is Production Manager ment: obviously via“I’m the doing so before since it would’ve meant for quite some time been not only sellon taking a huge step further into Chain the on. Eagle cites transmitting an for example: as well as three shows in South America: one reason this is that at this point fiber optic and organizes the entire IPTV market with enormous production amazed with Apple and their products. Sowell’s General Manager Eagle Chain in Columbia and two in Brazil.” This provides products require production process at Prevail. numbers. Huang Wei is Jiuzhou’s They areSales precisely geared towards the a great deal of installation just thinking about the further NETUP Companyisn’t Details Director and reveals to us end-user what Jiuzhou and thus very successful.” The IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia development of IPTV. The general future Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees has planned for 2011. conclusion according to Eagle Chain: of the is also on his mind. “Will ▼ receiver ▼ 0................................ 25 .................................. 50 “We have a similar view with our softtheThis,1 receiver transform into a multimedia Turnover (Previous, Next Year Estimates) 114 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — Average 04-05/201 — ware development, namely a customerFirst, though, Sales Director Huang receiver in▼the10future”, asksIt’s Eagle Chain, 0.................................. 5 ................... Mio US$ not only since friendly of our products.” It is Wei took us on a trip into the past:operation “The “or will the receiver’s functions gradually the DVB-IP Gateway 4x Production Certificates exactly for this ISO, RoHS, PCI SIG, IEEE, DVB first IPTV boxes were manufactured by reason that Eagle Chain shift over to the TV itself?” a questestIt’s report that readskeptical about how IPTV willHardware develop; Producer NetUP, Russia Production Categoriestion that’s on all of our minds and for IPTV Software and REPORT JiuzhouCOMPANY in 2007; back thenisabout 20,000 OEM, ODM ers of TELE-satellite Main Products TELE-satellite though, it’s a subject which we all don’t yet have an answer. boxes were produced and for involved pure Professional PC Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, DVB-C, might be familiar with that is being ASI, IPTV Gateway/Streamer, IPTV Middleware, IPTV Conditional IPTV boxes.” Production numbers onlyapproached very ecstatiNetUP. This device Access Systems, IPTV Billing Systems, Video on Demand cally: “The large telecom providers all But even if there aren’t any answers, increased slowly. “In 2010 we produced to the private end user market. They are hardware was ready for production. An allows setting up your have their own agenda and that is selling everyone at Sowell is still optimistic 60,000 boxes”, comments Huang Wei. used in professional streaming equipment, additional two software engineers wrote own IPTV network in their data packages to end-users; they Download this report in other languages from the Internet: about the future. Pan Smile revealed to like NetUP’s DVB to IP gateway 4x and IPTV the drivers required for the Linux-based 1 next to no time (TELE‫العربية‬ are focused solely on that concept.” He Arabic us that his current team of 40 engineers Indonesian Indonesia Combine 4x. The latter (IPTV Combine 4x) is But 2011 looks to be completely difsoftware.” NetUP even played a major role satellite 10-11/2010). 2 Česky doesn’t see that the user’s point of view Czech will be expanded to 80 in 2011. “We also a special product for the hospitality market. in finding the right manufacturer for card ferent: “We will be manufacturing a German Deutsch Even before that TELEis considered regarding IPTV and wishes English English employ five engineers from Europe here This is an all-in-one IPTV solution that production. “A facility some 100km from minimum of 200,000 boxes and it could satellite reported on a Español there’d be an approach similar to that Spanish in Shenzhen who are primarily responFarsi ‫ي‬ ‫فارس‬ Alexander Wieseof includes IPTV Middleware, billing, DVB to IP Moscow is in charge of manufacturing our go as high as one million.” It all depends world first launched by Français Apple: following a path based strictly French sible for customer support”, comments General Manager Eagle Chain working in his office in front of a ■ gateway and VoD server (see test report in PC cards.” Hebrew ‫עברית‬ NetUP: A DVB-S2 card on negotiations that areoncurrently in without looking back at the endGreat user Mandarin 中文 Pan Smile. Sales Director Amanda is painting of the Wall. TELE-satellite 10-11/2010). Such IPTV syswith two inputs (TELEprogress with a variety ofwhat retail chains Dutch Nederlands the provider wants. also optimistic: “Over the past several Polish Polski tems are a favorite in hotels and hospitals, The cards are used in professional setsatellite 02-03/2010). in North America as well as ■Europe. Actually, it’s a triple hit: NetUP, a company Portuguese Português Marketing Specialist Zoe Liu finds years we were able to increase our sales Isn’t ‘young’ and ‘know-how’ a contradiction in terms? Romanian Română because each room can be accessed indiups only, which means production numbers theare graphics in TELE-satellite toEagle be so — founded as recently as 2001, has its adminThe reason: these retail chains in Global 104 TELE-satellite — Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 1 — Sowell’s General Manager Chain Russian Русский 50% every year. In 2010 our sales were good that she pins them on her wall. In many cases it is, but if we’re talking about know-how vidually but the cable infrastructure can be are on the lower side when compared to istrative office in the vicinity of Moscow Of course we wanted Türkçe isn’t just thinking about the further Turkish around US$ 30 million and for 2011 we State University. The closest metro Station Available online starting from 3 December 2010 laid out as a bus system. mass consumer good. “We only produce to learn more about in the making, the two terms go together development of IPTV. The generalvery futurenicely. expect that to rise to US$ 45 million.” large ■ Jiuzhou constructed an impressively is ‘University’ and the two founders of NetUP 66 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — some 1,000 cards per annum,” Abylay that product line, and the receiver is also on “Will in High-Tech such aofcase is an asset, ashis it mind. means there’s no are – naturally! – former students building ‘Young’ in Shenzhen’s Park. The General Manager Eagle Chain added of that “One of our largest customer groups are Ospan tells us. This has made us curious 1. Necy-xu is General Manager engineers are here continuouslythe working Abylay Ospan has the details. “We develop a brief run-down of the events leading to the receiver transform into a multimedia some university. Actually, it’s not only themore two optimism: “In 2011 we are 1.eager Necy-xu is General Manager obligation to depend on past developments. So where on new products – currently they’re mostly hotels which generally favour two-way sysand we’re to find out what else is in everything in-house. Both in software and Marketing NetUP.who “When we still State were receiver in the future”, asks Eagle Chain, establishment of Sales and takes founders are Moscow University planning to open our own offices Sao and occupiedcan with we IPTV.find a perfect example for ‘young’ meets ‘knowSales “Right and Marketing tems. This means that hotel guest are not NetUP’s pipeline. now at the endand of takes hardware (circuit board layout) have been working on billing soft-employees graduates, but almost all other “or will the receiver’s functions gradually students we were care of the company’s exposure, only able to enjoy TV and Internet access in 2010 we’re launching a PCIe card for DVB-Texposure, how’? If we’re talking about digital technology Russia care of the company’s as well. It’s providers.” clear for all to see that NetUP designed by our very own engineers.” ware for Internet service shift over to the TV itself?” It’s a quessuch as, at trade shows and in the pools together collective digital technoltheir rooms, but that hotel management is and DVB-C.” Just as the DVB-S2 card this 64 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TVtion Magazine —on 02-03/201 that’s all of 1our— minds and for springs to mind. And if we support our assumption with such as, at trade shows and in the 1. Sun Guanghua is also a Software Engineer know-how, while everybody working at also able to send personal and customised card, too, has two inputs and tuners. “We’re Andrew Budkin is the headpress. of Software He was still ogy in his final semester at uniand a founding partner. which we all don’t yet have an the fact that Moscow State University is answer. ranked right press. NetUP is still very young. messages to guests in their rooms,” Abylay also working on a card with two ASI inputs.” Development and knows precisely the versity when Abylay Ospan teamed up with 2. Software engineer Peng Yi is one of Sowell’s 2. Helen is International Salesis International Sales among all the top-notch universities in the world when it Ospan lays down the reasons behind such Makeev set up their But even if there aren’t any answers, his colleague Evgeniy founding partners.of effort put into such a project. 2. Helen Let’s start with to Abylay Ospan, who isamount one PCIe cards from comes to digital everyone technology teaching andoptimistic research, Manager inNetUP are not targeted infrastructure. “For the DVB-S2 card two of our engineersand is constantly own then business, ofwhich offeredfounders exactlyand that at Sowell is still the company’s acts as



Sowell, China - Receivers

R Manu Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Lamrani in front ■ Technical Director TewfikGM

of one of Bomare Company’s flagship products - a complete home theater system currently marketed inside Algeria under the Stream Eagle System brandname.


Sun Guanghua

products after pro-

neers, there are ten more engineers in Founder Founder Bomare Company’s R&D Team. They 3 3 are constantly working to improve their Richard Bob know-how and that thereforeand cable on the rise: now on about product lineemployees and also incorporating the know-how thatoperators therefore cable operators the 450 rise:employees now aboutwork 450 work prefer to tackle this their own.this not own. This is not at Prevail. But forat2011 Necy-xu is extremely prefer to tackle Prevail. Butlatest for 2011 Necy-xu is extremely Zhang Liu requirements (such asonMPEG4 forThisonis their true for accessories cable operators excited: “The number of our truealthough for accessories although cable operators excited: “Theemployees number ofwill our employees will DVB-T). Bomare also works stillCompany largest customers for thiscustomers product for this product climb to over 500climb and we also expect jump are still the largest to over 500 anda we also are expect athe jump group as well since they as need large numbers of large numbers of in sales.” Prevailinis sales.” actually optimistic that the closely with Technical University and group well since they need Prevail is actually optimistic that

NetUP, Russia - IPTV

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

Peng Yi





Eric Deng

Abylay Ospan

Evgeniy Makeev

from that strategy: Network Up – a com-

• ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver in 2011 • Overseas Offices in the Plan

A team of five R&D engineers are the founders of the OEM company Sowell. The driving force and General Manager of the young company is Eagle Chain. He was, like his four colleagues, an R&D employee with a large receiver manufacturer but over time didn’t feel so comfortable with that company. All too often he was assigned projects that had nothing to do with receivers. His four colleagues

— 04-05/2011 —


• User Friendliness is Company Philosophy

felt the same way and so in 2004 they founded their own company Sowell. We met up with General Manager Eagle Chain in Sowell’s office in Shenzhen who started off by telling us how it all began: “All we had was the money we had saved while employed with that other company. We pooled

Sowell’s■ offices with their 70 employees are located on the seventh floor of this office building in Shenzhen. Receiver production takes place in Baoan which isn’t too far from here and close to Shenzhen’s airport. 200 employees work in the production facility. 200,000 receivers per month can be produced by one shift; if all three shifts are used, receiver production climbs to more than 500,000 boxes a month.

■ General Manager Eagle Chain working in his office in front of a painting of the Great Wall.

104 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — — 02-03/2011 —

There is another feature which shows that PCIe cards from NetUP are designed for the professional high-end market: “We are now beginning to ship our cards based on the ALTERA chipset.” What makes this so special? Well, the hardware is identical for each customer and only the software on the PCIe card defines its scope of application. “In the third quarter of 2011 we will also base our 2 x DVB-S2 card – which was presented in TELE-satellite – on the ALTERA chipset,” NetUP Sales Manager Konstantin Emelyanov adds.


TELE-satellite — Global

Who Shop Se v

NetUP has added another business segment to its portfolio in the meantime, which fits in smoothly with the original software 3. What magazine is laying there on Designer Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/201 1of Sowell’s — Zoe Lee’s desk? Yes, she takes TELE-satellite — Global Digital TVcare Magazine — 04-05/201 1 —is now business for ISPs: NetUP also develads in TELE-satellite. She also works on the oping software and hardware for IPTV. graphical layout of a receiver’s OSD as well as the packaging, user manual and everything else “IPTV 3has already gained a 70% share of at Sowell that involves graphics. our turnover,” NetUP Director Abylay Ospan reveals and adds “annual sales are high in the one-figure million USD this year.” As a 108 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 matter 1of — fact, it has become difficult to differentiate between software for ISPs and IPTV, as many Internet service providers have become IPTV providers as well. “For those providers we offer middleware, videoon-demand servers and streaming servers,” Abylay Ospan explains.

ing its customers. Ma h as The quality of Bomare Company’s Lu products has become so high that they

Sa beams A Webs e or Pro ess ona s Satbeams, Belgium - Software

■ Tenow is in the process of

setting up new offices on the second floor in this new office complex in Shenzhen’s HighTech Park. These offices will give Tenow room to expand.


James Liu

Speaking of products already introduced in TELE-satellite: The NetUP DVB-IP Gateway 4x can be ordered with an H.264 encoder/transconder as of Q3 2011. Things get even more exciting towards the end of 2011 when “we will offer the DVB-IP Gateway 4x with unicast.” This will make the device – which hitherto is only available as a multicast model – even more user-friendly and will also allow laymen to distribute their TV channels via the Internet.

founded the company in 2005. From left to right: Richard Zhang, Bob Liu, Eric Deng and James Liu

Two of the founders, James Liu, in charge of Marketing, and Bob Liu, responsible for Software Development, met each other while studying at Wuhan University. The two other partners, both of whom previously worked at a receiver manufacturer, are Richard Zhang, in charge of Hardware Development, and

Ku O esen W


Then, as a design house, Tenow developed complete applications for manufacturers. One success story involved DVB-T USB sticks: Tenow developed the TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Konstantin Emelyanov


Head of Software Development, Andrew Budkin, has another piece of interesting news in store. “It makes economic sense for some providers of Internet-via-satellite only to use the base band which saves valuable bandwidth.” This is why NetUP has decided to develop PC cards with precisely that strategy in mind. “Large utilities might be extremely interested in that technology,” adds Abylay Ospan and has the following example: “Gazprom uses this one-way technology for its local networks.”

IPTV Software and Hardware Producer NetUP, Russia

Young, Yet With Extensive Know-how: NetUP from Moscow Alexander Wiese

Isn’t ‘young’ and ‘know-how’ a contradiction in terms? In many cases it is, but if we’re talking about know-how in the making, the two terms go togeth

■ NetUP co-founder and Director

Abylay Ospan showing the company’s latest developments: PCIe cards for 2 x DVB-S2, 2 x DVB-T or C, 2 x ASI. All cards come with two CI slots.

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2011 —

te-1101/ ev pd

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate

te-1011/sa beams pd

86 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2011 —


Cert ficate Ho der

to become popular and they distributed DVB-T demodulator chips to local manufacturers in Shenzhen. — 02-03/2011 —

A exande De ug n

Spaun, Germany - Power Supplies

R Manu D s Who Shop Se v

Tenow then operated as a commercial enterprise: DVB-T was just starting


SmartWi, Denmark - Wireless Card Reader


Eric Deng, who is also involved with Software Devlopment. All four of them founded the new company in 2005 using a starting capital of 500,000 RMB (roughly 50,000 Euros).

Bomare Company’s showroom their newest Stream System receiver model BM-200HD with slots for a SmartCard and PCMCIA. 2

84 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2011 —

R Manu R Ds R Who Shop Se v

Innovative PC Cards from China

■ Tenow’s four partners: they

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

and holds a PhD in mathematics.

104 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2011 —

Power Supp y Un s Made by SPAUN – guaran eed


One company that is fully concentrated on the development of their products is the young firm Tenow from Shenzhen, China. PC cards are manufactured although the actual production process is outsourced allowing Tenow to focus their efforts on Development and Marketing. Also interesting to note about Tenow: the company is run by four partners and all four of them work together as a team to further expand their young company. Tenow is in the process of setting up a new office in Shenzhen’s large High-Tech Park. When we paid them a visit, we went to their old office located directly next to the Shen Da Metro Station on route 1.

and organizes the entire organizes the entire Makeev is ■ Evgeniyand production process atproduction Prevail. co-founder of NetUP process at Prevail.

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 12-01/2011 —

R Manu R Ds Who Shop R Se v

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

PC Card Manufacturer Tenow, China


in Columbia and two in Brazil.” This provides a great dealthe of requirements installation comply with of ISO9001 Tevii, Taiwan products - PCrequire Cards and Receiver www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate V2008, ISO14001 V2004, OHSAS 18001 114 R Manu Tev 114 Founde Tapp ng n oV2007, thus becoming an proactive and ■ Mellat Abdelkrim is Senior Engineer for SD R D s New Marke s efficient organisation, aimed at satisfyand HD Receivers and shows us here in latest developments: PCIe cards for 2 x DVB-S2, 2 x DVB-T or 2 x ASI. All 2. C, Software engineer Peng Yi is one of Sowell’s cards come with two CI slots. partners. founding


TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine Sales

ers in particular like our softwareCompany solution, In January 2009 Bomare ANGA in Cologne, Cable-Tec in NewCable-Tec Orleans in4.New 10% are shipped 10% to distributors.” The obvious He manages production: Ren planning to our own offices in Sao which is ideal for a ANGA client base in of up to Cologne, Orleans are shipped toopen distributors.” The obvious 4. He manages production: Ren Guorui is Production Guorui Manager 50,000.” Even the company name derived asmanagement well as optic three shows inisas South reason for this is reason that at for thisthis point fiber at optic is Production Manager installed a point system to as well threeAmerica: shows inone South America: one is that this fiber 1. Sun Guanghua is also a Software Engineer NetUP co-founder and Director pany that takes care of network in Columbia and two inexpansion. Brazil.” This provides products require a ■great deal of installation and founding partner. Abylay Ospan showing theacompany’s

Receiver Manufacturer Sowell, China

• Founded by 5 Partners Founder Founder

Manager and is constantly in Russia seems contact with customers all over theseExchange products. they can be on the Shanghai Exchange contact with customers all over these products. they can be Stock on Shanghai involved Stock isthe actively in Standards Comthe world. She can often found the be world. She can often be found 1. Always there for customers: Sales in 2012. That’s quite an achievement at trade shows at 1the at Prevail in 2012. That’s quitefor ansuch achievement for such trade shows at the Prevail Manager Konstantin Emelyanov. missions like CETA (Comité Electrotechin Shenzhen who are primarily responstand. year two onwards turnover increased con-hobby As an international company, Prevail can be a young company!a young company! indication that they have turned into 2. This is where NetUP runs its stand. As an international company, Prevail can be sible for customer support”, comments sistently. It wasprofession. the timeWe when business on the ground floor. Two ask ISPs Abylaysprung Ospan to give us 3. This man is very critical for a Pannique Smile. Sales et DirectorTélécommunication Amanda is Algérien) up all over the CIS countries, and most of found at numerous tradeatshows. International 3. This man is very critical forsatellite a dishes on the roof send down 108 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 — the signals required for developing found numerous trade shows.quality International manufacturer quality like Prevail: also optimistic: “Over the past several them turned to NetUP for software soluinnovative satellite cards. manufacturer like Prevail: years we were able to increase our sales tions. Sales Manager Helen gives us an overview: Who actually buysWho Prevail’s products? “90% “More than 2,000 ISPsNormatives currently rely he is Yu Xinghong and with his and the Comité Techniques Sales Manager Helen gives us an overview: actually buys Prevail’s products? “90% he is Yu Xinghong and with his 50% every year. In 2010 our sales were on our billing software, with 90% of them 20 engineers he is responsible 82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 1 — “In 2011 we’ll be exhibiting at CCBN in Beijing, of our customers cable around US$operators 30 million and for 2011 we being located 20 engineers he is responsible in CIS countries,” NetUP Sales — 82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 1 — “In 2011 we’ll be02-03/201 exhibiting at CCBN in Beijing, of are our the customers are the cable operators quality assurance during Nationaux. 82 TELE-satellitefor — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/201 1 — expect that to rise to US$ 45 million.” Manager Konstantin Emelyanov proudly for quality assurance during inabout Dubai, CommunicAsia in CommunicAsia Singapore, themselves”, explains Necy-xu, “only General Managerabout Eagle ChainCabsat production. states. “Small medium-sized provid82 TELE-satellite — added Global Digital TV Magazine —and 02-03/201 1 — Cabsat in Dubai, in Singapore, themselves”, explains Necy-xu, “only production. 3. What magazine is laying there on Designer worked together for half a year until the “I’m 30 years old,” he says smilingly. to potential customers. The the future. toabout be spot on! Pan Smile revealed to billing softwaretor: Zoe Lee’s desk? Yes, she takes care of Sowell’s His founding partner is Evgeniy Makeev who us that his current team of 40 engineers point in time could not have been better. ads in TELE-satellite. She also works on the 2 a PhDofin operation mathematics and only just graphical layout of a receiver’s OSD as well as will be expanded to 80 in 2011. “We also While in their holds first year sales the packaging, turned 29. Both care deeply about anything user manual and everything else 3 employ five engineers from Europe here never exceeded five-digit USD figures, from at Sowell that involves graphics. to do with digital technology, which is a clear

some more optimism: “In 2011 we are


• Overseas Offices in the Plan • User Friendliness is Company Philosophy

to make TELE-satellite sure theyWorld perform as Young,duction Yet With Extensive required.” Know-how: NetUP from Moscow Tenow, China - PC Cards Besides these quality assurance engi-

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop Serv

USD$ 24 million!” What? Is he serious? And then he surprised us for a second time: “I believe that demand for LNBs will drop off for several years but then it will turn around and go back up.” But that alone couldn’t possibly be the reason for Software Software Those aren’t very pretty numbers but


• Founded by 5 Partners deal in with testing • ISDB-T and DVB-T2 Receiver 2011


2010 we calculate sales of USD$ 20 million. For 2011 we expect a fallback to USD$ 18 million and for 2012 we expect a further fallback to USD$ 16 million.”

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate

te-1011/sma w pd

Techn ca Manage Jens G ad www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate


Kev n Spaun

220 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

te-1011/spaun pd — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


wholesaler ATLANTA was born.


Wi’s in the first year sion of their SmartWi business will be jeev they Jain. were offered large number for a single product. by to 2009 that number increased to possible! It didn’t take long and for him realize that coax be a“For profitable introduced Even more interesting is what Kurt “In the first year my father sold cable 3000could 2000. 2010 our SmartWi goal is towas double this as part of business; his first coax cable delivery business in 2005. A mutual Olesen told “We are expecting analog receivers for US$ 25.00 a piece”, number”, explains their Sanjeev Jain. A friend new generation of us: SmartWi units will to quickly sold out so he had to order more. brought Rajmal Jain and Kurt Olesen, receive approval from one of the largest remembers Sanjeev Jain, the first genbe marketed soon. We here at TELE-satHis local customer in Dubai asked him if SmartWi’s President, together. operatores in Middle East, named ART.” eration of his family born he in Dubai. Thesereceivers. numbers only represent domesellite are waiting for the first sample unit could also acquire satellite tic sales. “We also export as many for Smarta test report appear in one One thing led to another and satellite ATLANTAjust managed to sell 500 Oncethat thatwould happens, large scale expanwholesaler ATLANTA North Africa, Wi’s in the year they were offered sion ofissues. their SmartWi business will be The age of digital receivers began in was pieces thefirstremaining of the upcoming andChina by 2009 thateastern number increased to possible! 1998 at which ATLANTA started MiddleBOXSAM, Eastern countries and Digital TV time Receiver Manufacturer “In the first year my father sold 3000 2000. “For 2010 our goal is to double this marketing receivers under its own label. Europe”, comments Sanjeev Jain. He

TELE-audiovision Global Company Directory

ivers e by SAM

analog receivers for US$ 25.00 a piece”, remembers Sanjeev Jain, the first generation of his family born in Dubai.

number”, explains Sanjeev Jain.

Boxsam, China - Receivers The age of digital receivers began in

at which time ATLANTA started R Manu1998 marketing receivers under its own label. Distr Whol Shop Serv


Xiaofeng Huang

being the main investor and General Manager.

No production facilities can be seen anywhere near the headquarters, so

the question arises where manufacturing actually takes place. Jeffrey Zhao has the answer: “Our manufacturing premises are located 6 km away.” In the beginning both administration and production where at the same place, “but demand soon outstripped capacity and so we built a 17,000 square meter manufacturing hall some time ago. Currently we are in the process of setting up a second manufacturing hall with some 40,000 square meters, which should be finished by the end of 2010. At that time we will also move our administration and offices there.”

almost 100 engineers in the city of Xi´an, which hosts an outstanding technical university,” Jeffrey Zhao explains. BOXSAM’s pride and joy are four SMT lines for assembling circuit boards with truly breathtaking speed: “We operate three Samsung surface-mount technology lines and a brand new one from Panasonic,” Jeffrey Zhao tells on a tour around the hall. Naturally, all SMT lines are located in a clean room which can only be accessed through wind locks in which all dust particles are sucked from clothes. Artie Lee is the SMT Manager and he explains in the clean room that the four SMT lines have a combined maximum daily output of 28,000 circuit boards. “But this would mean running at top gear – on an average day we finish

Next, a company driver appears to take us to the production building where a total of 700 employees are kept busy on four floors. “In addition, we employ

TELE-satellite World

Jinhua Zhejiang

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Available online starting from 30 July 2010

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2010 —

73 — 08-09/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Rajmal Jain

Sanjeev ■ BOXSAM Vice President Jeffrey Zhao in front of a display wall with a selection of Jain


This report was written because of SmartWi, the Card Sharing Module that lets you watch every channel in every room in your house using just one PayTV card. SmartWi in Denmark distributes their products all over the world and this includes The Middle East. SmartWi’s ever increasing sales figures in this region are due in large part to the non-stop efforts of local distributor ATLANTA headquartered in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.

Changhong, China - Receiver

Sales Representatives Vishal Malviya (left) and Sunil Jain (right).

■ Repairs are occasionally necessary. Technician Sadanand Shetty takes care of this work in his little shack.

■ Above the store is a storeroom stocked with smaller amounts of every product. Larger quantities are shipped from ATLANTA’s main warehouse in Sharjah.

■ The ATLANTA store on Naif Street in the satellite Souk in Dubai’s Deira district. The store is

open every day except Friday from 09:30 to 14:00 and then again from 16:30 to 21:30. ATLANTA is a wholesaler and therefore doesn’t sell to he general public.

106 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2010 — — 06-07/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


■ Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacom’s Director of

is taking shape. We will use it also for into account the fact that BOXSAM is antenna and LNB production.” also one of the official manufacturers for the Chinese DTH system we identified a This makes us prick our ears. How great business opportunity and will be come BOXSAM is planning to break new offering dishes and LNBs as well.” While ground with a whole new product linethere is an endless number of dish and up? “BOXSAM was granted one of the LNB manufacturers in China, most of very few licences by the Chinese governthem only possess export licences and Sales ment for production and domestic sale are restricted from selling their products of satellite antennas and LNBs. Taking domestically in China – at least officially. Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. “These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors”, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard “F” connectors weren’t used.


Presents Their Factory

Alexander Wiese

Chinese high volume manufacturer YINHE is one of the top five producers in China. Although this company is well know within China, it is only the insiders that recognize the name YINHE outside the country since abroad it is only an ODM. In other words, the YINHE designed boxes (Original Design) are marketed by other companies, primarily dealers and programming operators, under their own brand name. YINHE therefore is just the manufacturer (hence ODM) and for the time being it will stay that way. There are no plans for YINHE to dive into the export market with Zhangjiagang, their own brand name. What does Jiangsu it look like inside one of these high volume manufacturing plants? TELE-satellite wanted to find out.

That was yesterday! Today one single optical cable is enough to transport both satellite and terrestrial signals. Global Invacom has expanded their system to include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horrocks, Director Sales and Marketing, explains to us how this works: “We took the satellite signal carried in the optical cable and combined it with the DTT signal; now both signal formats can be carried on one optical cable.”

■ David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen

here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it is installed by the end-user who would then connect a maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. “We’ve integrated two new features”, explains David Fugeman, “one LED indicates if there’s an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected.” ■ Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacom’s Director of Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. “These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors”, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard “F” connectors weren’t used.

David Fugeman

High Volume Digital TV Receiver Manufacturer YINHE, China

Organized for the Future

Receiver Manufacturer YINHE

The enormous 280,000 square-meter production site is located in the city of Zhangjiagang in the Jiangsu province roughly 100 Km north of Shanghai in eastern China. Here, in addition to the four-story administration building, you’ll also find multiple fabrication buildings.

sales of US$ 80 million while the remaining product groups produced sales of US$ 30 million”, says Jianbiao Zhu. He continues, “In 2010 we are expecting an increase to US$ 100 million in receiver sales with the remaining product groups increasing to US$ 35 million.”

During the tour of the facility, Jianbiao Zhu, Overseas Marketing Department Manager, told us there are a total of 1500 employees, 1100 in production and 400 in administration. “Last year we had 1200 employees but in 2010 we added 300 additional employees”, he explained to us. Business seems to be booming at YINHE!

What are these other product groups? “We are one of the largest PC housing manufacturers; we also produce satellite dishes as well as professional receiver components for cable headends .”

YINHE was founded in 1975 and at that time it was a state-run company that had the goal of producing China’s first memory chips for use in the large computer systems of that time. “It all started with 50 employees”, Jianbiao says as he looks back at the old days. In 2000 the ownership structure changed and it became a privately run company made up of 40 share-owners. “But all of that could possibly change“, reveals Jianbiao Zhu, “We’re planning to go public this year on the Shenzhen stock exchange.” The goal is to acquire additional capital for expansion.

receivers end up in The Middle East, 20% go to Europe including the CIS countries and Southeast Asia, another 15% go to Australia, 10% to Africa and 5% to South America.” It should come as no surprise that YINHE operates offices in critical regions namely in Dubai since 2003 and in Australia since 2005. “This year 2010 we plan to open two additional offices in Sao Paolo and Moscow. We are also looking to open an office in Chennai in 2011”, confirms Jianbiao.

But TELE-satellite is primarily interested in receivers, so let’s get back to that. “Satellite receiver development started in 1997”, remembers Jianbiao Zhu, “and in 1998 we produced 10,000 receivers.” This number increased at a tremendous rate: “In 2009 we produced 3.6 million boxes and in 2010 we expect production of four million boxes”, he reveals and then adds, “In both years two million receivers were sold domestically in China; the rest were exported.”

The best export countries are Australia with DVB-T receivers in MPEG-4 and HD as well as India with DVB-C boxes in MPEG-2 and SD. “We want to expand our distribution in Europe including the CIS countries with DVB-T MPEG-4, DVB-T2 MPEG-4 and DVB-S2 receivers”, comments Jianbiao Zhu. He adds, “60% of our exports are satellite receivers, 30% are terrestrial receivers and 10% are cable receivers.”

We wanted to know more about the export side of things: where does YINHE export to? Jianbiao Zhu takes a look at his laptop and then says, “30% of our

Another interesting note: with a market segment of about 10%, YINHE is one of the largest providers of cable receivers domestically in China.

TELE-satellite World

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So, what do YINHE’s sales figures look like? “For 2009 our receiver products had

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Available online starting from 28 May 2010

■ YINHE’s Main Entrance. The administration building is to the left behind which are numerous production facilities. 1500 employees work here.


For this purpose, Global Invacom developed a new system that will be marketed under the nickname “Wholeband”, or more officially, F-IRS (Fibre Integrated Reception System). But first we want to take a quick look again at how Global Invacom’s optical system works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) takes the four satellite frequency ranges, that is, the upper and lower bands in both horizontal and vertical polarizations, and “stacks” them on top of each other so that all four bands are carried over the optical cable in one frequency range. Each of these four bands covers 1000 MHz and if you place them one on top of the other you get a bandwidth of 4000 MHz.

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2010 —

COMPANY REPORT — 06-07/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Fibre Optic Products by Global Invacom

Global Invacom goes Fibre DTT

■ Ivan Horrocks, Global Invacom’s Director of

Sales and Marketing, is showing us the new F-IRS LNB (Fibre Integrated Reception System): the new LNB utilizes a coaxial N output instead of an optical output. This output supplies the 0.95 to 5.45 GHz frequency range to a 1.5-meter long coax cable which connects to the F-IRS ODU32 (Outdoor Unit). Global Invacom opted to use N-type connectors on this coax cable. “These connectors are perfect for use with this high frequency range and above all are excellent watertight connectors”, explains Ivan Horrocks the reason why standard “F” connectors weren’t used.

Alexander Wiese

today it is ■ Group shot in Dubai (from left to right): Alexander Wiese, TELE-satellite Editor-in-Chief, Kurt Olesen, SmartWi‘s President, Rajmal Jain, ATLANTA’s Jain, his son and ATLANTA. weDirector also of implemented every single producing of digital set topfounder boxesand inSanjeev all standards eginnings of So much for the satellite range. How production hall do you include the DTT range? Very guideline right down to the very lastwith a net floor area of 17,000 square metres. like DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T, ISDB, DMB-TH tionBOXSAM s founded in simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial Group shot in Dubai (from left to right): Alexander Wiese, TELE-satellite Editor-in-Chief, Kurt Olesen, SmartWi‘s President, Rajmal Jain, ATLANTA’s ■ Transmissions using another laser at a detail.” Richard continues to explain and of course HDTV108 including value-added oducing miliTELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 06-07/2010dishes — in front that give a clear different frequency then combine the founder and Sanjeev Jain, his son and Director of ATLANTA. The—many two together. “this is how things go in the first phase of systems for digital tv. the company indication of what is That was yesterday! Today one single In order to do that, Global Invacom e, pluralistic, optical cable is enough to transport both had to modify their LNB system: the satellite and terrestrial signals. Global optical LNB already has the laser built going on inside. Invacom has expanded their system to 108 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 06-07/2010 Their production capacity reaches up to — erent indusinto it so that the optical cable can include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horbe connected directly to the LNB. To rocks, Director Sales and Marketing, include terrestrial signals, Global Inva12 million, making them the largest STB om digital tv explains to us how this works: “We took com could have added a second conthe satellite signal carried in the optinector on the LNB for the terrestrial manufacturer in China. The company has r conditioner cal cable and combined it with the DTT antenna along with the necessary elecsignal; now both signal formats can be tronics. “This would have been theoretiheavily invested in their quality control and roducts, set carried on one optical cable.” cally possible”, says Ivan Horrocks, “but sible for quality and system managethat Kaifa produces, it’s easier to see why us if we could also manufacture satelJianbiao Zhu, Overseas it really doesn’t make any sense since has built up a digital TV laboratory, a digiy and power ment with another 30 expatriats who Kaifa wants to start manufacturing satelFor this purpose, Global Invacom lite receivers.” This customer was so the LNB would have become too heavy developed a new system that will be and bulky. Not to mention it would have are mostly responsible for Marketing and lite receivers. Marketing Manager Jackie impressed with the overall quality and Marketing Manager, marketed under the nickname “Wholetal HFC experimental net, EMC laboratoryin s of technicreated problems for installers in that band”, or officially,development F-IRS (Fibre Management. Yan explains it to us in words: “About a more further of Kaifa’s products in other languages from the Internet: Integrated Reception System). But first and most importantly a high accuracy SMT ineering and ■a quick ■ YINHE’s showroom. year ago one of our largest power we meter that it only seemed natural that Kaifa 82 to take want look again at Global should Invacom’s also optical produce system After this introduction to everything customers in India came to us and how asked satellite receivers production line. CHANGHONG’s aim is to works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) Samples from the customer takes the for four this satellite frequency and its DTH project in ■ become one of the strongest suppliers for ranges, thatIndia. is, the upper and lower bands in both horizontal and vertical production line are digital tv solutions worldwide. the CHANGpolarizations, and “stacks” on top JoséthemClotet founded the company in the first satellite signal analyzer and in of each other soNaturally that all four bands this are is quite a fast start for a ■ At Chengdu airport: His role on display here. carried over the optical cable in one freCHANGHONG 1963. That was only a few years after 1993 the first microprocessor controlled brand quency range. Each ofnew these satellite four bands receiver producer. But as Overseas Sales Director covers 1000 MHz and if you place them “In 1978 CHANGHONG started its TV o., Ltd. It is of the course there’s more going on came than juston the air in leads Richard Cheng Li to first TV station universal analyzer that covered everyone on top of the other you get a this width of 4000 MHz. one customer. Jackie Yan explains, many destinations around production,” Richard Cheng Li remembers. the CHANGBarcelona. you thing from VHF/UHF (including FM) to the globe. “We are currentlySuddenly, in negotiations withhad not only So much for the satellite range. How “At the time we imported a complete pron research & do you include the DTT large range? Very another DTH operator who also

Ivan Horrocks

■ Inside the store can be found

But what to do with it? The cable manufacturer explained to him that this cable

the company’s products.


Satellite Wholesaler ATLANTA, Dubai

SmartWi Distributor ATLANTA in Dubai

While having lunch at an Indian restaurant on Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed street across from the glistening Burjuman Shopping Center, Sanjeev Jain told us the story of ATLANTA. Just like with most of the other shops in Dubai, ATLANTA is also run by an Indian family. “My father Rajmal Jain came to Dubai in 1968”, explains Sanjeev. “He began selling satellite products in 1992. He had contact with a manufacturer in India that produced electronic cables. One day he received a sample of a black cable: it was a coax cable.”

92 employees work in the SMT departMarketing ment to supervise insertion machines Manager and to make sure a steady supply of Jianbiao required components is available.

R Manu ■ Distr Whol Shop Serv


200 km southwest of Shanghai. The Chinese characters on the roof mean “Science and Technology Centre” – an apt description for an ambitious manufacturer like BOXSAM.


Finally, Vice President Jeffrey Zhao GlobalInvacom, UK -toFibre Optics site right points the construction R Manu Sales opposite the existing premises. “This Distr is where our new manufacturing hall development, marketing and manufactur- duction line from Panasonic in Japan and

te World

BOXSAM is headquartered in the city of Jinhua in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang. With a population of around one million it is considered a small city by Chinese standards. Jeffrey Zhao is Vice President of BOXSAM and his main area of responsibility is the Operator Market, which covers sales to content providers and network operators. He tells us that back in 2004 – the first year of receiver production – only 100.000 boxes left the premises. “By 2009 that figure had increased to three million receivers of all kinds, and for 2010 the target stands at five million receivers,” states Jeffrey Zhao.

■ BOXSAM is a private company with Xiaofeng Huang

being the main investor and General Manager.

Whol Shop Serv

Digital TV Receiver Manufacturer BOXSAM, China

BOXSAM can easily be considered an up-start company as it was founded only in 2002 with a seed capital of 15 million USD. Starting out with CATV products BOXSAM expanded its business to cover satellite receivers and some other interesting products as well in 2004. We paid a visit to this company to learn about their way of doing business.

Jeffrey Zhao

approximately 20,000 boards.” A total of Yinhe, China - Receiver

in Jinhua, some anghai. The Chinese ean “Science and apt description for an like BOXSAM.


Receivers made by BOXSAM


■ BOXSAM is a private company with Xiaofeng Huang

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv VP

■ BOXSAM headquarters in Jinhua, some

Atlanta, Dubai - Wholesaler

easily be considered an any as it was founded Manu with a seed capital of Distr D. Starting out with R Whol s BOXSAM expanded its Shop over satellite receivers Serv er interesting products 4. We paid a visit to this arn about their way of s.

A new generation of SmartWi units will be marketed soon. We here at TELE-satellite are waiting for the first sample unit for a test report that would appear in one of the upcoming issues.

These numbers only represent domestic sales. “We also export just as many pieces to North Africa, the remaining Middle Eastern countries and eastern Europe”, comments Sanjeev Jain. He

The British company Global Invacom is best known to TELE-satellite readers as the inventor and manufacturer of the sensational fibre optic LNB system (see TELE-satellite issues 04-05/2008 and 08-09/2009). With an optical system distances are no longer a factor since the attenuation in a fibre optic cable is next to nothing. It’s an absolutely great system except for one thing: these days people want not just satellite TV but digital terrestrial TV channels as well. Up until now, that meant once again that you needed two separate cables routed to the TV; one for satellite signals and the other for terrestrial digital TV TELE-satellite World Download this report in other languages from the Internet: signals. Arabic ‫العربية‬ Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Hebrew Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish

Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫فارس ي‬ Français ‫עברית‬ Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar


Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

That was yesterday! Today one single optical cable is enough to transport both satellite and terrestrial signals. Global Invacom has expanded their system to include DTT signals as well. Ivan Horrocks, Director Sales and Marketing, explains to us how this works: “We took the satellite signal carried in the optical cable and combined it with the DTT signal; now both signal formats can be carried on one optical cable.”

For this purpose, Global Invacom developed a new system that will be marketed under the nickname “Wholeband”, or more officially, F-IRS (Fibre Integrated Reception System). But first we want to take a quick look again at how Global Invacom’s optical system works: the optical LNB (universal LNB) takes the four satellite frequency ranges, that is, the upper and lower bands in both horizontal and vertical polarizations, and “stacks” them on top of each other so that all four bands are carried over the optical cable in one frequency range. Each of these four bands covers 1000 MHz and if you place them one on top of the other you get a bandwidth of 4000 MHz.

■ David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen

here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it is installed by the end-user who would then connect a maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. “We’ve integrated two new features”, explains David Fugeman, “one LED indicates if there’s an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected.”

Available online starting from 2 April 2010

■ Global Invacom has two locations in London: here we see

So much for the satellite range. How do you include the DTT range? Very simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial Transmissions using another laser at a different frequency then combine the two together.

their head office in Althorne (Essex).

In order to do that, Global Invacom had to modify their LNB system: the optical LNB already has the laser built into it so that the optical cable can be connected directly to the LNB. To include terrestrial signals, Global Invacom could have added a second connector on the LNB for the terrestrial antenna along with the necessary electronics. “This would have been theoretically possible”, says Ivan Horrocks, “but it really doesn’t make any sense since the LNB would have become too heavy and bulky. Not to mention it would have created problems for installers in that 80 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2010 —

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2010 —



Receiver and TV Manufacturer CHANGHONG, China

Large-scale Quality and Innovation Made by CHANGHONG CHANGHONG is one of the largest volume manufacturers of receivers with headquarters in Mianyang in the Sichuan province of south-western China, some 130 km from the provincial capital of Chengdu. Not only do millions of satellite and terrestrial receivers leave the production premises every year but also an equal number of flat-screen TVs, so that the company ranks among the most important digital corporations in the world.

Looking at their business today it is hard to imagine the humble beginnings of the project. CHANGHONG was founded in 1958 and started out with producing military radar systems. But today the company has evolved into a super-huge, pluralistic, international group of 13 different industries, producing everything from digital tv panel displays to IT systems, air conditioner systems, digital audiovisual products, set top boxes, eco-friendly battery and power supplies up to whole systems of technical equipment, electronic engineering and chemical materials. One of the 13 industries of the CHANGHONG GROUP is the SICHUAN CHANGHONG NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES Co., Ltd. It is an independent subsidiary of the CHANGHONG GROUP and specializes in research &

duction line from Panasonic in Japan and we also implemented every single production guideline right down to the very last detail.” Richard continues to explain that “this is how things go in the first phase of

development, marketing and manufacturing of digital set top boxes in all standards like DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T, ISDB, DMB-TH and of course HDTV including value-added systems for digital tv. Their production capacity reaches up to 12 million, making them the largest STB manufacturer in China. The company has heavily invested in their quality control and has built up a digital TV laboratory, a digital HFC experimental net, EMC laboratory and most importantly a high accuracy SMT production line. CHANGHONG’s aim is to become one of the strongest suppliers for digital tv solutions worldwide.

■ At Chengdu airport: His role as Overseas Sales Director leads Richard Cheng Li to many destinations around the globe.

“In 1978 CHANGHONG started its TV production,” Richard Cheng Li remembers. “At the time we imported a complete pro-

■ Digital TV manufacturer CHANGHONG is

headquartered in Mianyang, a city of 600.000 inhabitants. The administrative building can be seen in the centre, with the development centre to the left and any many satellite antennas on its roof. In the background and extending to the left the CHANGHONG manufacturing plants stretch out over 2 square km.

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2010 —

Richard Cheng Li

David Fugeman, Sales and Marketing Director, is seen here showing us the new F-IRS GTU converter box: it is installed by the end-user who would then connect a maximum of four satellite receivers as well as one DTT receiver. “We’ve integrated two new features”, explains David Fugeman, “one LED indicates if there’s an optical signal, the second LED shows if power is connected.”

Kaifa, China - Receivers

R Manu

REPORT YINHE also COMPANY works very closely Distr together with the larger CA module Whol Available online starting from 30 July producers such as2010 Irdeto, Conax, NDS, Shop Topreal, Sumavision, Novel and CryptoServ al Digital TV Magazine — 08-09/2010 — works.”

antenna installers but also then-exist-

simple: Convert the Digital Terrestrial happens to be from the Southeast Asia Transmissions using another laser at a different frequency combine the regionthen and we are also waiting to start two together.





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50 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2010 —


Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ Français ‫עברית‬ Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar 中文 Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

Available online starting from 29 January 2010 — 02-03/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine

ers. “Roughly 30% of our sales can be


attributed to signal analyzers”, explains the TV Distribution division was greatly

the satellite range.

ing TV manufacturers who needed signal

José-Maria Clotet. In 2009 the status of

analyzers and above all test pattern Digital Spain with CI.Powerhouse In the Marketing fourth PROMAX, quarter will follow generators. In the first year PROMAX

Today PROMAX is still owned by José

enhanced when PROMAX took over a

Clotet. In 2005 his son José-Maria Clotet

local manufacturer of distribution prod-

employed four engineers each of which

took over business operations and in

ucts. “This division now also is respon-


negotiations with a third customer.”

In order to do that, Global Invacom had to modify their LNB system: the Andhaswhat about production capacity optical LNB already the laser built into it so that the optical cable can at Kaifa? GuangYun Zhu is their Satellite be connected directly to the LNB. To Receiver Manager. He says to include terrestrial signals, Production Global Invacom could have added a second conus, “Right now we have production facilinector on the LNB for the terrestrial ties can elecproduce 5 million satellite antenna along withwhich the necessary tronics. “This would have been theoretireceivers per years.” cally possible”, says Ivan Horrocks, “but it really doesn’t make any sense since the LNB would have become too heavy While touring the fabrication facility we and bulky. Not to mention it would have created problems installerssee in that can for clearly why Kaifa holds such a

TELE-satellite World

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economically are their signal analyz-

Satellite Receiver Manufacturer Kaifa, China

■ Kaifa’s administration building in Shenzhen, China

a DVB-S2 twinManager tuner PVR with Irdeto developed their own unit. Production on 2007 PROMAX was divided into four divisible for 30% of our sales”, comments four newly designed units started sions: Test & Measurement, Broadcast, José-Maria Clotet. The remaining 30% Jackie box withthese as well as a DVB-S2 a media the following year; in 1964 there were TV Distribution and Electronic Training. falls on the Broadcast division. player and integrated web browser. For Yan ten employees. high position in the EMS category: everyThat’s quite an assortment and we At first glance, there does not seem 2011 a DVB-S2 receiver withthingWiFi and is exceptionally organized and the In 1968 TV station made asked José-Maria Clotet about the last to be too much uniformity here. But as machines are stateaof second the art. CI+ is planned.” its appearance in the UHF band. Again one: “From the beginning PROMAX José-Maria Sa e e Consu an Ch na RT But this is completely understandSkyworth, China -REPORT Receivers PROMAX was right there and began taught installers and engineers how m worldwide companies like Samsung Sa e e Consu an Ch na able: COMPANY What about any upcoming newCOMPANY proddemand nothing the but the bestUHF quality. D sh An enna Manu ac u e NFOSAT Tha andThis service only delivering first signal analyzto use our products.” W REPORT Vice And it looks like itTechnical was a very good deciR Manu made up about 10% of their sales but it M for Kaifa to but step into the satellite ucts? The head of the R&D department That’s quite an GM impressivesioners. list, is ■ Jack Zhang receiver market. has been a goodwill gesture by PROMAX Distr S F Chief M Technical nu u USAUp until now S F M nu u USA COMPANY COMPANY REPORT Manager must have known that thoseREPORT questions there’s more. we only ■ Officer,still he In 1986 it was another first for PROMAX: that should not be underestimated. Whol In the past TELE-satellite has had many manages the m m were coming. We weren’t disappointed mentioned satellite Davidreceivers; but YINHE Jack reports on receivers from this manufac-m strong R&D team m m Shop employees turer butOn alwaysthe undercontrary, a different brandalsoof 350 with the answers. has plansKen for terrestrial receivers. Zhang m name. Skyworth happens to be an OEM Serv m YINHE has quite(Original an array of new prod- The“We justm released a DVB-T MPEG-4 box Equipment Manufacturer). m success of an OEM is measured by O thewith HD, m twin m tuner and PVR”, reveals m ucts in the works. According to Hongquality of their products. So what makes w H O m m Promax, Spain Signal Analyzers chun Gu: “In the thirdsoquarter ofthe2010 Skyworth successfull in OEM busi-Hongchun Gu, “and we will shortly be w H Why do more and more big and Manu Founder m coming out with m there willR be aness? DVB-S2 receiver a twin tuner PVR for GM the and from owner of over the ■ Founder ■ new famous customers all m m m Distr PROMAX, José Clotet e nwith he sa e fie dworld n Ch na can start to cooperate with Skyworth? a ebuilt-in media player and also Freeview system in Great Britain, Austram Somebody acsatisve n he sawe emfie d n Ch na can And why are these Whol d mee ng Luo Sh Gang soone ocustomers all so m m w m José m Ma a m no on TV d oJosé nd S no on h TV d o nd fied withSSkyworth? exactly these haItdis y ge for a ound mee h ng m Luo Sh Gang soone o m m Shop ecause he s been d sreasons bu dthat ng TELE we to payou them ua h decided nn h w n bu o unw n d d h nn o unw n d ■ Clotet C o e h ou u m w n bu a ehe No on y because he s been d s bu ng TELE in Nanshan’s o many yea sServ bu visit a so because gn hHi-Tech m Park uin thencity n How do gn h m u n n How do ou g m ou w g ■ TELE-satellite World of Shenzhen in this southern sa e e n Ch na Download report inChina. other languages fromothe many Internet: yea s bu a so because he ng gn M C m m nu N u ng do h n ng gn Mm C w m nu u ng figu e n many o he sa eArabicdeo a heas ‫ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬n Indonesian Indonesia largest m m sfound a h ingh pfi ofi ebwfigu en ofn many he UH sa e e a eas p oncan o d One hthe USA receiver poodu p on o fi b d n h N USA p odu Bulgarian Български na s en e ng he DTH age n 2009 Skyworth beČesky a very manufacturers in the world Infosat, -86impresDishes wwwUHTELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate te-0907/ n osa pd CzechThailand o fiwe h mCh nis na isusSkyworth. henn eSkyworth n he DTH age n 2009 o fi hw mn m u h n n German Deutsch as S nce ng sive-looking futuristic building. This me o v s ngR Luo Sh Gang n hEnglish s English Group Co. Ltd. is one of the Manu ■ ■ where Spanish we met Vice Manager Español General Founde leading manufacturers of TV Sh Gang n h s now s a good me o v s ng Luo Farsi ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ en company’s homepage French On the Français sets in China. The company D s David Ken. o‫עברית‬ fice Shenzhen started into the satellite we sawHebrew that Skyworth TV’s Greek Ελληνικάmanufactures The Birth of a New Receiver Manufacturer Kaifa in China Starts Production

COMPANY REPORT — 02-03/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


Receiver Manufacturer Skyworth, China

Quality Control at Skyworth

■ The futuristic Skyworth building in Nanshan/ Shenzhen in southern China

sat Aluo-sat Microwave Filter Company Microwave Filter Company Innovation s Everybody! Everybody! HighKnows Quality Specialized Filters High Quality Specialized Filters Jackie Yan, Marketing Manager, is seen here showing us Kaifa’s first satellite receiver model. It is being manufactured for a DTH provider in India. Jackie Yan is standing in front of a wall on which are calligraphies of the former President of China Zemin Jiang.

Out Made in USAof

The futuristic Skyworth building in Nanshan/ Shenzhen in southern China

■ David Ken is Vice General Manager and explains Skyworth’s background

TELE-satellite World

One of the largest receiver manufacturers in the world is Skyworth. Skyworth Group Co. Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of TV sets in China. The company started into the satellite receiver research as early as 1997 and in 2002 a subsidiary was established under the name of Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Technology Co. Ltd. Those 13 years of experience in satellite technology made the company more and more professional and by now Skyworth claims to be the leading STB (set top box) manufacturer in China.

Download this report in other languages from the Internet: Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Hebrew Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish


Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ Français ‫עברית‬ Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar 中文 Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

Available online starting from 29 January 2010

84 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2010 — — 02-03/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


ThailandMade in USA

David Ken is Vice General Manager and explains Skyworth’s background

A portion of the products that Kaifa manufactures: to the left are power meters, in the middle are components for hard drives and to the far right are head stack assemblies for hard drives.

TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2010 —

receiver research as early Croatian Hrvatski Whoand other products receivers. So Italian Italiano as 1997 and in 2002 a N an Hungarian naturally, our firstMagyar to David Ken 82 subsidiary was established Shop Mandarin 中文 under the name of Nederlands is how Dutch is it all divided. He explains, “If you Tangp oon ham Polish Polski Shenzhen Skyworth Digital Se vlook atPortuguese it from a sales point of view, Português Technology Co. Ltd. Those TELE-satellite — Global Digital then 70% TV’s, 20% is receivers Russianof it is Русский 13 years of experience in Swedish satellite technology made and the remainingSvenska 10% falls on the other Turkish Türkçe Romanian


TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 08-09/2009 —

TV Magazine — 08-09/2010 —

products.” China But as David Ken continues, Aluosat, Wholesaler

the Available online starting from 29company Januarymore 2010and

it gets more interesting: “If you look at

more professional and by

now Skyworth claims to be Manu es just finished a meeting thelook leading (set top it from a profit aspect, then the receiver ■ A at aSTB portion ofFounde the R&D department in which a group Sa of engineers — 02-03/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 51 R D s section is greater than 20%.” These fig- box) manufacturer in China. ures are all made possible by the 2000 R Whoemployees in the receiver section; SkyLuo C m Luo N O A worth has a total of 20,000 employees. ■N R Shop C W A Sh gang Jun N Se v Skyworth is a publicly traded company N O A — 02-03/2010 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine


listed on the Hong Kong exchange. “In w the yearM2010 we will also USA actively plan to be listed in the China stock exchange market with our set top box business”, says David Ken.



R Manu CEO Even a ong-stand ng product R Ds What does this mean in numbers? David WhoKen jumps right into the millions: “In 2008 such as a C-band antenna st Ca it was 5 million receivers, inFilters 2009 it will Quality Specialized Shop are guessing Fah enk ug room or mprovements Se vbe 8 million and for 2010 wehas

total sales of 10 million receivers.” Skyworth manufactures receivers for cable reception, satellite reception and terrestrial reception.V David Ken tells us: “After m 10 years wm of effort we have w obtained an m outstandingHrecord in the field of national m w m digital television. Since mass production m M C m of STB has started in 2001, Skyworth has ■ USA m 06-07/2010 — provided products and services in over m m m 100 cities in all of China m owning to our excellent quality and W thoughtful service. In recent years, Skyworth Digital kept its m m first rank in China and provided over 8 million cable mSTBs since 2004, occupying m m m 20% of the domestic STB market.“ m W m

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate Ma ke ng Manage Sandy Ne epov z

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A ew months ago INFOSAT

■ Hardware engineers are seen at work here Nanoxx, Germany - Wholesaler and Receivers n Tha and ntroduced a 1 5-

R Manu R Ds R Who Shop Se v


meter s ng e-segment antenna to the market The resu t was Ma ce ■

Ho baue mmed ate success! The dr v ng

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N ran Tangp roontham


m all these receivers go? David m Where do Ken spells it m all out for us, “90% of our m China; the mcable boxes remain within m other 10% are exported.” However for ■ Here we see Yuan Quibo, one of the Test Engineers, checking out a model T29 DVB-T satellite boxes it’s exactly the opposite: This box will ultimately end up in TELE-audiovision Thereceiver. World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade “Only 10% remainInternational in China and of—the Spain m

and owner o the company

INFOSAT He s not new to the

— 222

pages o TELE-sate te: we —

te-0905/a uosa pd


MFC, USA - Filters

Made in USA

www TELE-aud ov s on com/TELE-sate


Microwave Filter Company

By the time this issue of TELE-satellite will be published, Kaifa will have been manufacturing satellites receivers for just a few weeks. When we paid them a visit, they were just finishing the installation of their assembly line and an initial test run was soon to follow. Who exactly is Kaifa and what makes this company think they’re ready to step into the market as a satellite receiver manufacturer?

80 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2010 —

82 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 04-05/2010 —

prev ous y reported on N ran and



■ This is Terry. He manages the technical

Support team that consists of six engineers. They help OEM customers with any technical problems

Magazine — 11-12/2013 —


te-0903/m c pd

te-0901/nanoxx pd

Power Supply Units Made byof the world-famous Black Germany, home journey to the south-western corner of

Quality to Measure Forest cuckoo clocks and a by-word for SPAUN – guaranteed! Germany, home of the world-famous Black

any PT Subur Semesta was founded in 1978 in The company PT Subur Semesta was founded in 1978 in Peter Fuchs shows us the testing process on a model 17 test station, the largest of the ten ■ Spaun employee ava, one of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonetest stations used by Spaun. “In the past a complete test required 50 minutes”, explains Peter Fuchs, “today only Jakarta The on Java, one of PT the 17,000 thatthree make up Indonecompany Subur islands Semesta was founded inautomatically 1978 in minutes is needed to test every function. the 220 million inhabitants can be found on Java of sia. 60% of theon 220 million can be found JavaupofIndoneJakarta Java, one inhabitants of the 17,000 islands thaton make llion live in the capital city Jakarta – it could even be which 15 million in the Jakarta –can it could even on be Java of sia. 60% live of the 220capital millioncity inhabitants be found ■ SPAUN administration office n more. To be noticed here you need an extremely (front) and production premises a few million more. To be here need an – extremely which 15 million livenoticed in the capital citysouthwest Jakarta it could even be (right) inyou Singen, ■ The two Smart managing Germany and it is for that reason that PT Subur Semesta uses bright star and it is for that To reason that PThere Subur Semesta a few million more. be noticed you need anuses extremely directors Peter Löble (left) and Venus as their trademark. The wonderful ambiguity the planet Venus their The that wonderful ambiguity bright star as and it is trademark. for that reason PT Subur Semesta uses Christoph Hoefler on the two Smart(right) managing ■ The od of Love Venus can only make you smile. One of roof directors of the company’s business with the God of Love Venus can trademark. only make you One ambiguity of the planet Venus as their The smile. wonderful Peter Löble (left) and s of the company, Liong Ten Fook, came up with the premises. Christoph Hoefler the founders of the the One of with the Godcompany, of Love Liong Venus Ten canFook, only came make up youwith smile. Christoph Hoefler (right) on the ngenious idea! has been active in the fieldbusiness name – the an ingenious idea! roof of the company’s founders of the company, Liong Ten Fook, came up with the of satellite technology since premises. Christoph Hoefler name – an ingenious idea! Motor Control COMPANY REPORT 1988.has Starting as a radio and been active in the field In western Jakarta, not too far Ten Fook was not television technician he moved In western Jakarta, not too far of satellite technology since But Liong Ten Fook was not from the international airport, under; his partner on to1988. the purchasing sales international airport, Starting as and a radio and theSubur onlySemesta, founder; western Jakarta, not too far But Liong his Tenpartner Fook was not from the In can be found PT department of a specialised en and still is now can be found PT Subur Semesta, airport, television technician he moved from the international was back then still is now theVenus. onlyand founder; his partner brand name electronics store before and sales ng An. “We origibrand name Venus.Semesta, on to the purchasing can be found PT Subur The officesThiang are at the front ofAn. Tiong “We origiwas back then and still is now starting as field manager for The offices are at the front of department of a specialised d as a telephone brand name Venus. the building withnally the windows, and started as a telephone Nokia. In 2005 hestore finally became Thiang Tiong “We origimultiswitchAn. is tested on multiple functions. ■ Every the building with windows, electronics before Thethe offices are atand the front of actory. Later on we towards the back are the factory The multiswitch is inserted into this test station and headstarting of salesas atfield Welamanager and accessory factory. Later on nally started a ofwe telephone towards the back are the factory for by moving a singleas lever all the “F” connectors are the building with the windows, and rgency lights, that buildings that house the machines ■ Kevin Spaun, managing inserted and the test process can be started. with Nokia. the foundation offinally Smartbecame added emergency lights, Later that on buildings that housethe theback machines director of SPAUN POWER GmbH accessory factory. we In 2005 he towards are the factory to manufacture the dish antennas. th built in batterElectronic newatjob wasand to manufacture thethat dish antennas. head ofhis sales Wela is, lights with built in batteradded emergency lights, that buildings house the machines The company employs a total of 200 elec■ Even if a Spaun multiswitch passes all of its managing director there.ofPeter Finished: used everywhere ■200 The company employs a total of with the foundation Smart to manufacture the dish antennas. ies that are used everywhere tronic tests perfectly, it still isn’t clear if it is techniFriedrich Spaun with a is, lights people of which 60 are involved with with built in batterLöble, the second cally sound. multiswitch: here is a power people ofThe which 60 are involved Electronic his managing new job was company employs with acompleted total of been 200 the manufacture of dishes. They are whenever there is used a power This part is checked here: every multiswitch is “We have adding ies that everywhere director, has been working in the manufacture of They placed with its power supply in this high voltage testmanaging director there. Peter members Liong Ten serial numbers Every multi-switch anddishes. every comes people of which 60 areamplifier involved with to our work from 8AM tooutage”, 5PM Monday thru remembers LiongisTen chamber. In this way Spaun can guarantee that products since 2005”, he whenever there a power thethesatellite field since managing 1997. He work from 8AM Monday thru with one, andto of 5PM course everyofreceiver one, Löble, the second completed multiswitch is 100% perfect. explains has about their qualthe manufacture dishes. They Friday and on Fook. Saturdays to 2PM. They are so sure that they provide a 5-year guar- worked for an electronics also ity assurance. outage”, remembers Liong Ten Friday and from on Saturdays to 2PM. too: awork power supply unittowhich isMonday requiredthru to 8AM 5PM antee. “In reality”, explains Friedrich Spaun, “wedirector, has been working in Using the serial number storethe and joined field Welasince in 2001 repair products that are older than five years.” Internet inquiries is Fook. connect the device to the mains.for It has become satellite 1997. He Friday and on Saturdays to 2PM. It’s very simple, there are so few of them that the Semesta entered thought about. In this way as product manager. Both have such an everyday component of itvirtually PT Subur Semesta entered warranty period could be extended, “but for legalalso worked for an electronics would beany very easy to reasons we keep it at five years”, explains Friedrich e arena in 1989 identify plagiarized prodknown each other since 1997 electronic device that we have stopped thinking store and joined Wela in 2001 the satellite arena Semesta in 1989entered Spaun. ucts. PT Subur Those are large numbers; we and consider themselves a began to offer about how it actually works. SPAUN, on the other as product manager. Both have Those are large numbers; we when they began to offer the satellite arena in 1989 greatknown team. each other since 1997 hand, has given it a great deal of thought and llite receivers. In wanted to know how many solid toThose know how manynumbers; solid are large we analog when satellite receivers. they began In to wanted offer has arrived at a remarkable conclusion. Kevin rst digital receiver antennas are being manufacand consider themselves a antennas being manufacwanted to know how of many solid 2000 the first digital analog satellitereceiver receivers. In Spaun isare the managing director SPAUN, one tured today: “At the moment, great team. nd in 2002 it all tured today: “At are thequality moment, of the most renowned manufactures of antennas being manufacappeared andthein first 2002 it allreceiver 2000 digital y serious when the our production capacity is at multi-switches and other accessories for satellite ourall production capacity is at tured today: “At the moment, turned really serious the it appeared andwhen in 2002 of satellite dishes about 15,000 antennas per signal15,000 distribution. He tells us what about antennas perit‘s all production capacity isabout. at production of really satellite dishes turned serious when the our the meantime the month of which the majority are month which the are— about per began. production In the meantime the dishes 68 of TELE-satellite — Global15,000 Digital TV majority Magazine —antennas 10-11/2010 of satellite Download this report in other languages from the Internet: ■ After the completion of the testing process, the xpanded its man- sold domestically”, explained PC prints a serial number which is then attached sold domestically”, explained are company expanded manArabic ‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ began. In theitsmeantime the month of which the majority to the device. The test results are archived so that ia Tek Ijoe climbed Thiang Tiong An, “Our company Indonesian Indonesia Spaun can expanded recall test results any individual Thiang Tiong An, “Our company sold domestically”, explained agement: Tjia Tek Ijoetheclimbed company itsfor manDownload this report in other languages from the Internet: multiswitch. Bulgarian Български of partner. Today PT supplies approximately 15% suppliesThiang approximately Tiong An,15% “Our of company aboard agement: as a partner. PTclimbed Tjia Today Tek Ijoe Czech Česky‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ Arabic sta is run by these the Indonesian market.” 66 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 10-11/2008 — German Deutsch Indonesian Indonesia thePT Indonesian supplies market.” approximately 15% of Subur Semesta is run by these aboard as a partner. Today English English Bulgarian Български ers. three partners. Subur Semesta is run by these the Indonesian market.” Spanish Español Czech Česky Of their total production, A customer has a problem. Steffen Kuck is Technical Support ‫ ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬Deutsch 02-03 Of their total production, FarsiGerman /200 three partners. 8 Manager and helps Spaun’s customers daily from 8AM to 12PM French Français amount of money 80% is delivered domestically, English English DISHPOINTER Of theirdomestically, total production, A large amount of money 80% is delivered and from 1PM to 5PM. One of his tools is the SatcoDX CD-ROM GreekSpanish Ελληνικά Español Softwa the rest is exported. According re Solution that, with the d in 2004 explains help Croatian with its worldwide satellite data. the rest80% is exported. According Farsi ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ of is delivered domestically, was invested in 2004 explains Google MapsHrvatski A large amount of money and its real s e: “We acquired a to Thiang Tiong An, “40% of our Italian Italiano French Français well as SatcoDX and to Thiang “40% of our theTiong rest An, is exported. According Tjia Tekwas Ijoe: “We acquired its up-to- invested in 2004 aexplains chann Hungarian Magyar Greek Ελληνικά el data, provides ss so that we could dish production goes to Thaihighly disha production satelli Mandarin 中文 Croatian Hrvatski to Thiang goes Tiong to An,Thai“40% of our machineTjia press that we te TeksoIjoe: “Wecould acquired reception information. e the dish segments land and Vietnam, the remainDutchItalian Nederlands Italiano land and Vietnam, the remaindish production goes to Polish Thaimanufacture the press dish segments machine so that we could PolskiMagyar Hungarian Heavy investment der goes to Brunei with a small der goes to Brunei with a small Portuguese Português land and Vietnam, the remainourselves.” Heavy investment Mandarin 中文 manufacture the dish segments any occurred again percentage going to Australia.” Românesc Dutch Nederlands percentage goingtotoBrunei Australia.” der goes with a Romanian small in the company occurred again ourselves.” Heavy The birthday boy himself:investment Giorgio Bergamini Russian Русский Polish Polski ter: “We bought a is the founder of the USALS program that is one year later: “We bought a again percentage going to Australia.” Swedish Portuguese Svenska Português in the company occurred “Naturally we want to expand celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2008. inting system to Turkish Türkçe Romanian Românesc An important communicawe want to expand powder one painting system year later: “We to bought“Naturally a Russian Русский medium is of course the our exports”, explains Tjia Tek the segments.” Available online starting from 28 November 2008 Internet. Web designer Patrick our explains “Naturally we Tjia wantTek to expand spray paint the segments.” powder painting system toexports”, Swedish Svenska 70 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 — Ijoe, “We are investing heavily Turkish Türkçe Keil is seen here looking over Ijoe, “We are investing heavily our exports”, explains Tjia Tek spray paint the segments.” s still not enough. in quality.” PT Subur Semesta visitors to in quality.” Subur Semesta heavily Available online starting from 28 November 2008 Ijoe, PT “We are investing But it& Broadband was still not enough. 70 TELE-satellite — 12-01/2009 — “We have about 40,000 visioe revealed to us Tjia Tek But Ijoe itrevealed was still to notusenough. in quality.” PT Subur Semesta tors every month”, explains yet another large 58 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 08-09/2008 — Patrick Keil. On the monitor that there’s yet another large to us Tjia three Tek Ijoe revealed PT Subur Semesta’s “We invested PT Subur Semesta’s three he shows us the current webinvestment: “We yet invested partners: From the there’s left, that another large partners: From the left, D 600,000 for the site visitors. Thanks to GeoPT Subur Semesta’s three Lionganother Ten Fook, Finance USD 600,000 “We for theinvested investment: mapping, he knows exactly Liong Ten partners: Fook, Finance of mesh antennas. From the left, Director, Tjia fabrication Tek Ijoe, another Managing of mesh USD antennas. 600,000 for the where these visitors come Director, Tjia TekLiong Ijoe, Managing Ten Fook, Finance s produce 20,000 Director, Thiang Tiong An, the erecmost critical questions that and come before from and can communicate This up lets us produce 20,000 fabrication of mesh antennas. Director, and Thiang Tiong An, Director, Tjia Tek Ijoe, Managing Technical Director y month.” with each one of them with a ellite antenna is how to properly dishes position the antenna so Technical Director every month.” This lets us produce 20,000 Director, and Thiang Tiong An, pop up window. The surprise: ired satellite can be received. In whichdishes direction Technical Director everyshould month.” this program was developed pointed? To — the04-05/2008 east? To — west? This would be its azitogether by Kevin Spaun and ite & Broadband 56 TELE-satellite Broadband — 04-05/2008 — Patrick Keil and the best part hen how far up into the sky should the dish&look? This – it is freeware and can be 56 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 04-05/2008 — elevation. Actually, it’s really not that hard to figure this used by anyone who wants to out; there are plenty of calculation aides and prepared get more detailed information on who is visiting their web give you all the data you need. But if you do a little extra site, how long they have been n did with his Dishpointer software, you’ll discover comthere, what they are looking at results. and where they come from, and all of this live! Here is the link:

precision and the art of craftsmanship. Forest cuckoo clocks and a by-word for precision and the art of craftsmanship.


Peter Löble

Christoph Hoefler

dea of how successite was, he enlisted Google Analytics, a e that analyzes in the traffic of a webatellite also uses this

alytics also contains graphically displays phical location of a sitors by displaying

Available online starting from 28 November 2008

70 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 —

■ View of the production floor: here, the components sourced as cabinets are equipped with tuners.

Explains Peter Löble: “This way we are able to cover several markets with a single base unit, depending on the individual market demands and with the added advantage of being able to guarantee quality assurance.” Three product ranges are manufactured here: fully fledged HD receivers with CA, CI, USB and VFD display, basic models with limited features and – recently added – LINUX-based receivers.

72 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 —


High Quality Accessory Manufacturer

Spaun at 40 years

TELE-satellite World

But more on that later. Let’s take a closer look at Spaun itself: they are a company that can be found in extreme southwestern Germany. The founder of the company, that today has nearly 100 employees, is Friedrich Spaun. He explained to us how it all started: “It all began for me on my kitchen table in 1969.” Back then FM radio in Germany was just starting to transmit in stereo. It quickly became clear that many of the radios in use were not getting enough of an antenna signal - an amplifier was needed that would raise the signal-to-noise ratio. “I constructed an amplifier board that was installed in the indoor antennas supplied by a large manu-


Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish

Alexander Wiese

Almost every TELE-satellite reader will associate the name Spaun with high-quality satellite distribution components. “Quality made in Germany” is their motto; Spaun’s mission in life is to make sure that the quality of their products is always kept at the highest level.

Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Moving into the new decade with many new products

Well, actually, the title isn’t quite correct; the company Spaun doesn’t celebrate its 40th anniversary until 2009. But Spaun is so full of energy and is getting ready to introduce a wide range of new products in their anniversary year that we simply couldn’t wait to find out about this company’s long history.

Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ Français Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar 中文 Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

Available online starting from 26 September 2008

facturer”, remembers Friedrich Spaun. It was the start of his one-man company.

In 1972 his little company was so successful that he was able to hire his first employees. “In 1974 real production of multi-range amplifiers and passive distributors was started”, Friedrich Spaun recalls. Of course back then these were components for terrestrial television and Spaun was only an OEM manufacturer for other German firms. In 1980 supply line amplifiers for cable TV were added to the mix.

■ Kevin Spaun (left), General Manager,

and Friedrich Spaun, Founder, on the roof of their office building. Both of them operate Spaun as a team.

Thus far production took place in a rented house, but that all changed in 1988: “That’s when we built our production facility in Singen that we still work out of today and were also at the same time a pioneer”, comments Friedrich Spaun as he shows us the outside walls made of aluminum: “For many years we were a reference point for the manufacturer of these walls.”

■ A look at the office building of company Spaun in Singen

in southwestern Germany. Behind the building to the right can be found the production facilities for Spaun’s multiswitches.

58 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 10-11/2008 — — 10-11/2008 — TELE-satellite & Broadband


Motor Control


USALS Celebrates 10 Years


Alexander Wiese

Every TELE-satellite reader is familiar with the term USALS. In the Technical Data table of every receiver test report there is a line that identifies whether or not the receiver is USALS compatible. Today, almost every receiver on the market comes with USALS. But USALS is not just a group of letters; there’s actually a human behind this term! USALS stands for “Universal Satellite Automatic Location System” and is software that was developed exactly ten years ago by Giorgio Bergamini. But it would be much better to hear the story from the birthday boy himself so off to Italy we go near Ferrara located about equidistant from Bologna and Venice. STAB’s headquarters and production facility can be found there and Giorgio Bergamini is the founder and owner of STAB, a company that has been in existence since 1970.

STAB started early on building antenna motors. In the beginning it was rotors for VHF/UHF TV antennas and when satellite reception became popular in the 1990’s, they expanded to offering an assortment of satellite antenna motors. “It was 1995”, remembers Giorgio Bergamini, when a few of the early satellite receiver manufacturers got together with EUTELSAT and developed the DiSEqC protocol. In 1997 it was officially introduced and included DiSEqC 1.0 for individual LNBs, DiSEqC 1.1 for two LNBs and, DiSEqC 1.2 for antenna motors. But it was quickly discovered that the 1.2 protocol could only be used on a lim-

▲ Sandro Gnani is a STAB technician who checks each sample receiver to make sure that USALS

has been correctly implemented. The manufacturer can only print the USALS logo on the receiver and its packaging when the receiver has passed every test.

ited basis: it required the storing of satellite positions in the motor and this turned out to be useless when the motor was used anywhere in the southern hemisphere. The dishes there are pointed to the north and not to the south. As a result, the order of satellites was no longer correct – it was now backwards compared to the northern hemisphere. “In 1998 I had an idea: the positions should no longer be stored in the motor but instead in the receiver”, remembers Giorgio. This was the birth of USALS. He wrote a small, but effective software program that with the help of

only the local geographical position on the Earth and a reference satellite was able to calculate all the other satellite positions directly in the receiver, and it didn’t matter if you were in the northern or southern hemisphere. Finally, in January 2000, EUTELSAT officially recognized USALS and introduced it as DiSEqC 1.3. It is identical to DiSEqC 1.2 but includes an additional line of code: “Drive Motor to Angular Position”.

The birthday boy himself: Giorgio Bergamini is the founder of the USALS program that is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2008.

■ An Tiong

58 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 08-09/2008 —


60 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 08-09/2008 —

TELE-satellite World

Dish Manufacturer PT Subur Semesta, Indonesia

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The company PT Subur Semesta was founded in 1978 in Jakarta on Java, one of the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia. 60% of the 220 million inhabitants can be found on Java of which 15 million live in the capital city Jakarta – it could even be a few million more. To be noticed here you need an extremely bright star and it is for that reason that PT Subur Semesta uses the planet Venus as their trademark. The wonderful ambiguity with the God of Love Venus can only make you smile. One of the founders of the company, Liong Ten Fook, came up with the name – an ingenious idea!

But Liong Ten Fook was not the only founder; his partner was back then and still is now Thiang Tiong An. “We originally started as a telephone accessory factory. Later on we added emergency lights, that is, lights with built in batteries that are used everywhere whenever there is a power outage”, remembers Liong Ten Fook.

PT Subur Semesta entered the satellite arena in 1989 when they began to offer analog satellite receivers. In 2000 the first digital receiver appeared and in 2002 it all turned really serious when the production of satellite dishes began. In the meantime the company expanded its management: Tjia Tek Ijoe climbed aboard as a partner. Today PT Subur Semesta is run by these three partners.

A large amount of money was invested in 2004 explains Tjia Tek Ijoe: “We acquired a machine press so that we could manufacture the dish segments ourselves.” Heavy investment in the company occurred again one year later: “We bought a powder painting system to spray paint the segments.” But it was still not enough. Tjia Tek Ijoe revealed to us that there’s yet another large investment: “We invested another USD 600,000 for the fabrication of mesh antennas. This lets us produce 20,000 dishes every month.”

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Jakarta’s Venus Star


Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ Français Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar 中文 Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

A devious discovery from Venus: this small tool makes it very easy to precisely align a dish.

we use, for example, lead-free

paints from Akzo Nobel and even the dish is made of the

quality material Galvalume, a

is working on getting ISO certified. “We are expecting the test results in April 2008”, reports Tjia Tek Ijoe proudly, “We applied for ISO 9001 and 14001.” This means that PT Subur Semesta also follows the most stringent environmental guidelines. “In order to have international success, we have to have quality in every respect”, confirms Tjia Tek Ijoe, “For the coating of our dishes

In western Jakarta, not too far from the international airport, can be found PT Subur Semesta, brand name Venus. The offices are at the front of the building with the windows, and towards the back are the factory buildings that house the machines to manufacture the dish antennas. The company employs a total of 200 people of which 60 are involved with the manufacture of dishes. They work from 8AM to 5PM Monday thru Friday and on Saturdays to 2PM.

product of the manufacturer Bluescope




material consists of 55% alu-

minum and 45% Zinc and is therefore especially resistant and durable.”

Finance Manager Liong Ten

Fook is proud of PT Subur Semesta’s sales figures. “Every

year there’s an increase”, he

comments. “The year before it

was 10% less while in 2008 we

PT Subur Semesta organizes seminars for installers eight times a year. Distributors send their technical people to learn how to quickly and efficiently set up a packaged 1.8-meter antenna with dual-feed LNB. To make these seminars even more attractive, time limits are set and winners are announced. Food and drink is also taken care of as can be seen by the accommodation tent in the background. A large loudspeaker is also set up there to keep the young installers happy with loud music. Each seminar handles 60 installers where they are taught to install a dish such that the dual-feed can successfully receive PALAPA C2 at 113° east and TELKOM at 108° east.

Those are large numbers; we wanted to know how many solid antennas are being manufactured today: “At the moment, our production capacity is at about 15,000 antennas per month of which the majority are sold domestically”, explained Thiang Tiong An, “Our company supplies approximately 15% of the Indonesian market.” Of their total production, 80% is delivered domestically, the rest is exported. According to Thiang Tiong An, “40% of our dish production goes to Thailand and Vietnam, the remainder goes to Brunei with a small percentage going to Australia.”

expect 10% more.”

50% of their sales are attrib-

uted to TVRO products such as

dishes and the installation of satellite receivers as well as the sale of imported actuators

and LNBs. Then there’s also the sale of their “homemade”

2in1 and 4in1 products: that

would be Combi-feeds for Cband LNBs with offsets of 5° with the 2in1 and 5° -2.5° -5°

with the 4in1. Unfortunately,

PT Subur Semesta can’t really

hope for any large business with this product since it’s so easy to copy it.

Tjia Tak Ijoe gave us a look

The installers take great care to remain within the preset time limits. That would be 45 minutes from the box to successful reception using a dual-feed LNB and 75 minutes for the successful set up of a motorized system. Since Jakarta is located so close to the Equator, the declination angles are very small.

“Naturally we want to expand our exports”, explains Tjia Tek Ijoe, “We are investing heavily in quality.” PT Subur Semesta

PT Subur Semesta’s three partners: From the left, Liong Ten Fook, Finance Director, Tjia Tek Ijoe, Managing Director, and Thiang Tiong An, Technical Director

e started a web site in rovided helpful tips roperly set up a sat-

In 1993 his first successful product was a multiswitch for two satellites and one terrestrial TV input followed soon after by four and eight satellite input models. These products were quickly exported to neighborTechnical ing countries. Today 50 % of their products are exported of which 30 % are shipped to EU countries with 20 % ending up outside of Thiang Europe. Total sales for Spaun range between 12 and 15 million Euros each year. at their production: “40% of

our dishes are made of steel,

40% are galvanized and 20% are made from Galvalume, the best dish material.”

The Venus Star from Jakarta is well on the way to establishing itself in the international

Protecting the environment at PT Subur Semesta: Tjia Tek Ijoe shows us the waste water treatment system the company invested in so that they comply with ISO environmental standards.

56 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 04-05/2008 —

league, and could very well come out on top of the international market share with their quality dishes that happen to be “Made in Indonesia”!

This is where Kevin Spaun comes into the picture. He took over company operations from his father Friedrich Spaun in early 2008. “But we run the company as a team”, Dishpointer confirmed both of them at the same time.


up with the idea to the display of satels on these maps as p with the set up of es. But how was this k? These were fixed ering display sizes. have programmed but it would have t of time and effort. ed the idea; it would oo much work.

Liong Ten Fook

He extracted his old idea from the back of his mind and began with a new sense of purpose to find a solution – and then promptly stumbled onto Google Maps.


Indonesia Български Česky Deutsch English Español ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ Français Ελληνικά Hrvatski Italiano Magyar 中文 Nederlands Polski Português Românesc Русский Svenska Türkçe

ent in aereodynamhis thesis, he’s comme working with PC g. “I got my first PC 16. It was a C64”, Alan about his early ogramming days. “It been in 2004 when ss Multimaps; it’s a geographic maps.”


Tjia Tek Ijoe

variously sized dots (the larger the dot, the more visitors) on a world map. And, wouldn’t you know it, that is exactly the technology that Alan was looking for with his idea to display satellite positions.

Arabic Indonesian Bulgarian Czech German English Spanish Farsi French Greek Croatian Italian Hungarian Mandarin Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish


lives in England, has llite DXer since the His first antenna was model with a rotor. I used an Echostar sitioner to turn the ains Alan.

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TELE-satellite World TELE-satellite World Giorgio Bergamini

Dishpointer, UK - Software

R Manu R Distr Whol Shop R Serv

“usability in combination with quality made in the Black Forest,” according to Christoph Hoefler, who hits the core of the Smart philosophy with this statement. Peter Löble visits the sales office in Morocco almost on a monthly basis and he adds that “Smart is open for new sales partners mainly in Europe, but also in nonEuropean countries. We are able to adapt our receivers to local requirements very quickly,” he hastens to add. Even though Smart has only been in existence for less than a year the company is already in the process of developing new products. Some of these will already be available by the time this issue of TELEsatellite is published. “We’re introducing a new LNB series with extremely small dimensions,” reveals Peter Löble. And

fall of the Berlin Wall. Up to that point Spaun only delivered their products to West many; there was no real thought of exporting products. The new market in eastern Happy Birthday with it so many new Germany brought Years opportunities that Friedrich Spaun finally decided: “We are now going to distribute products under our own brand name!”

Friedrich Spaun




directors Peter Löble (left) and Christoph Hoefler (right) on the roof of the company’s business premises. Christoph Hoefler has been active in the field of satellite technology since 1988. Starting as a radio and television technician he moved on to the purchasing and sales department of a specialised electronics store before starting as field manager for Nokia. In 2005 he finally became head of sales at Wela and with the foundation of Smart Electronic his new job was managing director there. Peter Löble, the second managing director, has been working in the satellite field since 1997. He also worked for an electronics store and joined Wela in 2001 as product manager. Both have known each other since 1997 and consider themselves a great team.

TELE-satellite World

Smart has a clear focus on receiver production, and this is a segment where the two managing directors also identify the core strengths of Smart. Christoph Hoefler: “We are able to react swiftly to customer demands, because we manufacture our receivers right here in the Black Forest region and therefore are not faced with long and winding delivery channels for our customers in Europe and Northern Africa.” Christoph Hoefele lists some examples: “Depending on the required language we package the appropriate instruction manual or adapt the on-screen menu to the local language.” After all, Smart lives by its credo “Connect, watch”. Customers need to be happy with their Smart receiver right from the start, which can be guaranteed by

Kevin Spaun


Subur Semesta, Indonesia - Dishes

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv

■ The two Smart managing

Christoph Hoefler und Peter Löble are the two managing directors of Smart and they give a brief account of the run-up to the current business: Smart Electronic was spun off of the long-running trading company Wela Electronic at the beginning of 2008. At the same time Smart also took over a fully operational manufacturing site for assembling satellite receivers from third-party components. Incidentally, satellite receivers make up only one segment of the complete product range. “We also supply LNBs, multi-switches and mounting material, which means we can offer everything a specialised satellite dealer needs,” explains Peter Löble. Christoph Hoefler then continues by providing some insight into how the company performed in the first year of business. “We had anticipated a first-year turnover along the lines of 20 million EUR, with a 10% increase for 2009.” All employees that had been involved in satellite technology were taken over from Wela Electronic. According to Christoph Hoefler “30 employees work in receiver manufacturing, while 15 members of staff take care of sales and 10 persons work in administration.” The marketing department was set up from scratch and already has a head count of four members of staff. Smart is in expansion mode, that’s for sure! So what are the actual goals of expansion? Peter Löble summarises the company’s markets as follows. “Some 50% of sales are generated in Germany, 20% each go to Western and Eastern Europe and 10% to North Africa.” For 2009 Peter Löble expects some shifting of markets in combination with increased turnover. “We believe that 45% of our sales will go to Germany, 15% to Western Europe, 25% to Eastern Europe and the North African share will rise to 15% as well.” He also explains why he is so optimistic about the development of sales in Northern Africa: “A few months ago we set up a branch there which means we are now able to supply our customers in that region very quickly and with reduced turnaround times.”

Stab, Italy - Motors

Being ‘SMART’ in Germany’s Black Forest When you hold this issue of TELE-satellite in your hands the company Smart Electronic will only have been in existence for less than a year. It doubtlessly is a very young company, but still it can boast its own production facilities and dedicated sales channels. How can a start-up business develop so fast? That’s exactly what we wanted to find out when we set out on our journey to the south-western corner of Germany, home of the world-famous Black Forest cuckoo clocks and a by-word for precision and the art of craftsmanship. He then explained how Spaun ended up with their company colors: “Those are the colors Technical of the building walls, blue and silver, and we decided to incorporate these colors into our Manager corporate identity.” Steffen Spaun has only existed as a stand-alone Kuck brand name since 1991. That was after the


R Manu Distr Whol ITE SOFTWARE Shop Dish Alignment Serv

Receiver Manufacturer Smart


Certificate Holder


Happy Birthday IBC

Spaun, Germany - Accessories

R Manu Distr Whol Shop Serv


Smart, Germany - Receivers

R Manu R Distr R Whol Shop Serv

Alan — 04-05/2008 — TELE-satellite & Broadband



Dish Alignment

02-03/2008 DISHPOINTER Software Solution that, with the help of Google Maps and its real images as well as SatcoDX and its up-to-date channel data, provides highly accurate satellite reception information.

Alan, who lives in England, has been a satellite DXer since the year 2000. His first antenna was a 120 cm model with a rotor. “Back then I used an Echostar box with positioner to turn the motor”, explains Alan.

Kevin Spaun wants to expand the export business: “At the moment we are in the process of locking in the North American market; we are looking for local distributors and also want to open our own distribution office in the USA”, reveals Kevin Spaun, “we also want a stronger presence in the Middle East.“ As a student in aereodynamics, writing his thesis, he’s completely at home working with PC programming. “I got my first PC when I was 16. It was a C64”, remembers Alan about his early software programming days. “It must have been in 2004 when I came across Multimaps; it’s a collection of geographic maps.”

He came up with the idea to incorporate the display of satellite positions on these maps as a way to help with the set up of satellite dishes. But how was this going to work? These were fixed maps in differing display sizes. Alan could have programmed something but it would have required a lot of time and effort. So he dropped the idea; it would have been too much work. In 2005 he started a web site ( in which he provided helpful tips on how to properly set up a satellite dish.

To get an idea of how successful his website was, he enlisted the aid of Google Analytics, a free service that analyzes in great detail the traffic of a website. TELE-satelli

▲ Alan at home in front of his reception system. He uses the smaller dish

to receive the Sky package and the larger dish for scanning the skies. He programmed Dishpointer; a tool that combines azimuth and elevation with Google Maps for positioning on the Earth and SatcoDX with its global satellite databank.

TELE-satellite World

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36 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 02-03/2008 —

Spaun offers nearly 200 different products of which the best-selling products are, and always have been, multiswitches avail-

■ Spaun general Manager Kevin Spaun also likes to get his hands dirty sometimes by testing multiswitches. The antenna signals from the roof land here and can be connected to the multiswitches in any arrangement. Customer problems can also be replicated and then checked out here.

Suddenly, everything clicked: in August 2007 he programmed the first version of his Dishpointer. Click on a desired position on the map and the azimuth and elevation of a selected satellite is displayed. “Now it was only a question of programming in order to integrate additional features”, explains Alan about his work the last several months. The first step was: why should a user first have to click on a map or enter an address when the IP number alone identifies the position? There are professional companies that provide exactly this data. Online stores use this information to determine if a buyer really lives where he says he does. That was the first step. Now Dishpointer “knows” exactly where a user is and automatically sets the reception location to this point. This may not always be very precise; it depends on the accuracy of the virtual IP addresses compared to the real addresses. Next, Alan analyzed the popularity of satellites so that

▲ Alan at home in front of his reception system. He uses the smaller dish

to receive the Sky package and the larger dish for scanning the skies. He programmed Dishpointer; a tool that combines azimuth and elevation with Google Maps for positioning on the Earth and SatcoDX with its global satellite databank.

60 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 10-11/2008 —

TELE-satellite World

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ite & Broadband — 02-03/2008 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Siddharth Gautam in India

HOTBIRD in India ■ Bangalore Satellite DXer

Siddharth Gautam in front of his 3.65 m dish. With this equipment he receives some European signals, even though he is way out of their footprints.

• extreme reception in southern India • European satellites – crystal clear • Ku band reception with large antenna • almost no difference noticeable between offset and PFA LNB

224 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志



Siddharth Gautam in India

Satelliten DXer Siddharth Gautam in Bangalore How far does HOTBIRD’s footprint actually go? India and the European HOTBIRD position at 13°E are not exactly a perfect match. How’s that? In a word, the HOTBIRD footprint does not extend as far as India. But then again, never say never: Satellite DXer Siddharth Gautam from Bangalore is a regular viewer of channels broadcast from the HOTBIRD orbital position. If you take a look at Bangalore on the map it’s obvious that the capital of the province of Karnataka is definitely out of footprint, so how is Siddhart able to receive signals from HOTBIRD? “I use a 12-foot (3.65 m) antenna,” Siddhart reveals. “The entire installation set me back some 350 euros.” But that’s not the full story. If Siddhart moves the dish he can even receive EUROBIRD 9 and EUTELSAT 36B. “What I found out is that it hardly makes a difference whether I use an offset LNB or a PFA LNB,” although prime focus antennas (PFA) usually work best with a PFA LNB. Siddhart has even set up his own Internet forum by the name of ‘Dish Tuning’ which he uses to publish his extreme reception experience: Apart from keeping his Internet forum up to date, Siddhart also runs an installation business. This provides an excellent way of showing custom-

■ Siddharth Gautam’s reception station

226 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



1 1. The HOTBIRD footprint does not reach India, but satellite DXer Siddharth Gautam is able to receive a number of European satellites nonetheless. 2. FunTV – sent from HOTBIRD, received in Bangalore 3. News channel France 24 – sent from EUTELSAT 36B, and also received in Bangalore 4. Hungarian HDTV channel Duna World HD from EUROBIRD 9A in Bangalore

ers what can be achieved with extreme satellite reception. “Nobody around here even knows that European satellites can be received in southern India when you use a large enough antenna.” Now that he’s found out how it works Siddhart even contemplates producing those large antennas himself. “If demand is high enough, I’ll definitely grab that




chance,” he states with some optimism. Pre-orders can be made directly with Siddhart by contacting him using this email address: Siddhart lends prove once again to the fact that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If you try hard enough you may well achieve something that – in theory – seems to be out of the question.

228 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —



TELE-audiovision’s Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations




ESPN ► Bristol, USA

CASTOR Burum Netherlands ▼

SES ASTRA ► Luxembourg

CBC Cologne ◄ Germany

◄ MEDIA BROADCAST Usingen, Germany

SHENZHEN TV ► Shenzhen China

Speedcast ► São Paulo, Brazil

◄ Nivalod da Silva São Paulo, Brazil ◄ TV Bandeirantes Campinas (São Paulo) Brazil

◄ TELEMEDIA Johannesburg South Africa

230 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

PTS Taipei ◄ Taiwan

Speedcast Sao Paulo Brazil Read Full Report /13/09/speedcast

ESPN Bristol USA Read Full Report /12/11/espn

Nivaldo da Silva São Paulo Brazil Read Full Report /12/09/nivaldodasilva — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International —International The World‘s — Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine



TELE-audiovision’s Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations

TV Bandeirantes São Paulo Brazil Read Full Report /12/07/tvbandeirantes

Shenzhen TV Shenzhen China Read Full Report /12/05/shenzhen-tv

Castor Burum Netherlands Read Full Report /12/03/castor 232 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

CBC Cologne Germany Read Full Report /12/01/cbc

BT Madley UK Read Full Report /11/11/bt

SES ASTRA Luxembourg Read Full Report /11/09/ses — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International —International The World‘s — Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine



TELE-audiovision’s Best Satellite Uplink Earth Stations

Media Broadcast Usingen Germany Read Full Report /10/09/mediabroadcast

Telemedia Johannesburg South Africa Read Full Report /07/09/telemedia

PTS Taipei Taiwan Read Full Report /07/07/pts 234 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 06-07/2012 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-satellite — TELE-audiovision International —International The World‘s — Largest 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志 Digital TV Trade Magazine


TELE-audiovision M These Companies Started Their International


ASTRA 1987


SHARP 1989

236 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Made Them Big! Success with TELE-audiovision Magazine


HUMAX 2001

MTI 2001

ARION 2001 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision M These Companies Started Their International

NDS 2002

KAON 2003

238 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

DREAM 2002


Made Them Big!

Success with TELE-audiovision Magazine

SVEC 2003


JONSA 2004


CHANGHONG 2006 — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision HISTORY


TELE-audiovision in 1983

Years Ago British Company Sinclari presented its miniature tv

Cover page of TELE-satellite 06-07/2002

The small tv set with a 5cm flat screen includes a 6V battery, which will allow the set to operate for 15 hours. This set is especially interesting for tv enthusaists as it can detect 525 and 625 line transmissions and can decode audio at 4.75, 5.75, 5.5 and 6.0 MHz

240 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision HISTORY


TELE-audiovision in 1993

Years Ago Round Antenna

Cover page of TELE-satellite 06-07/2002

Teleste from Littoinen from Finland offers the Multisat aerial for reception of an arbitrary number of satellites. The 90cm sphere incorporates a special dielectric tat works much like a lense, focussing incoming signals to a point on its rear side. Equal gain is achieved for all direftions with an opneing angle of 2 degrees. The backside rod can carry up to twenty LNBs.

242 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


TELE-audiovision HISTORY


TELE-audiovision in 2003

Years Ago Satellite Reception in Frankfurt/ Oder, Germany Marko Sommer's dishes. Marko’s favorite programs can be found at 5°, 13° and 19° east.

244 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

Wavefrontier Toroidal-90

Wavefrontier Toroidal-90 the screws are securely tightened, should the DiSEqC switches be integrated with the LNB’s.

Antenna Tuning

You might soon be asking yourself why the manufacturer doesn’t simply extend the original LNB rail of the Wavefrontier antenna.

If the curve of the current rail

were extended left and right, a 100% reflection of the signal would no longer be guaranteed. More than likely, because of TELE-satel-


lite reader Chris Mitiul, the engineers at he ability to receive 16 satellites

Wavefrontier will start working on some

with a fixed antenna is quite the

kind of a solution.


The “home made”

After our exclusive

construction discussed above still has a

report of the Wavefrontier Toroidal

lot of room for improvement in terms of

90 antenna in the 10-11/2001 edi-

fine-tuning adjustments.

tion of TELE-satellite magazine, this true multifeed antenna became an

We tried the idea here ourselves in

overnight success. Yet even the best

the TELE-satellite test department.

product is still for some people not the

assembly and hardware for the additional

perfect one.

Naturally this includes

Assembly of additional LNB’s


LNB holders and rails we acquired second-

some hobbyists who, instead of doing

The end result

hand from a normal multifeed antenna.

what everyone else does, rely more

mounting bar was simply extended to the

the far eastern or western end prove to be

The extra costs for the feed holder ended

The vision to be able to receive 20

heavily on their brain and of course

left and right. And if this works for a Triax

difficult, a multifeed holder for three LNB’s

up between €10 (2 LNB’s) and €15 (3

satellites did not come completely true.

their set of tools in order to tell the

then it stands to reason that it should also

could also be used.

LNB’s) per piece. We managed an azimuth

And with the DiSEqC switches we never


work for a Wavefrontier, even though the

range of 56°. This is 40% more than what

managed to get more than 17 satellites

the Wavefrontier can do in its standard

(see diagram).


could be selected from a significantly




could still be made better.

reflector design is different.

Before the actual work – the search for all the desired satellites – starts, the


So the first thing was to fashion two

Wavefrontier with its original LNB setup

( had a vision: reception of

multifeed holders that could each hold

should be aligned as best as possible. The

20 satellites between 24.2° East and 30°




two LNB’s. Such an aluminum holder was

additional LNB holders are quite flexible

West with a fixed antenna. This of course

made out of four feed mount halves, one

and can be turned in various directions.

would not be a problem with a motorized

rail and seven screws.

The rail is 15cm

The screws should only be slightly tight-

antenna but it would be for the neigh-

long and the LNB holders each have a

ened at first. This will help make it easier

bors so some kind of noiseless solution

width of 6cm. Normally the two LNB hold-

to move the assembly while looking for

was necessary.

ers would be fastened to the rail with two

the desired satellites. To prevent possible


Mounting to the Wavefrontier

errors from occurring with the neces-

antenna only required one screw. Because

sary DiSEqC switches during the satellite

of this an LNB offset of about 25 cm was

search, it is a good idea to initially connect

muth range was nothing new to him. The


each LNB directly to the receiver or the

first successful attempts were made with

for any fine adjustments that may have

antenna measurement unit.

a Triax Multifocus antenna.

been needed.

all the satellites have been found and all

The Toroidal 90 was not

designed for such a wide range. But for Chris Mitiul expanding an azi-

Extravagant cabling

The feed

This provided plenty of room If the desired satellites at

But these 17 satellites

larger azimuth range than was possible before. The bottom line: if the installation of a motorized antenna is not possible, then this would be the only viable alternative.

Only when

This is how it is all switched — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


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Ultra High Definition HDTV

Edited by

Branislav Pekic


The EBU is conducting a series of tests on the impact of higher frame-rates for UHDTV services. The tests are being conducted by the EBU’s Broadcast Technology Futures group, make up of the heads of research labs of the BBC, IRT, Rai and NHK. The tests are designed to address questions including whether the current UHDTV standard, which includes only the 120Hz higher frame rate, needs to be revised to incorporate other rates.


The UK industry association for digital TV, the Digital TV Group, has launched the UK UHD Forum, which will work closely with Forum for Advanced Media in Europe (FAME), an initiative led by the EBU and the Digital Interoperability Forum and supported by the European Commission. The group will co-ordinate national requirements to enable interoperability and examine whether there is a requirement for an Ultra HD profile for the UK.


Spanish satellite operator Hispasat plans to launch a 4K channel that will allow the industry to broadcast in the Ultra High Definition standard. It has already launched a trial demonstration of Ultra HD content delivery using the HEVC compression capabilities of the ViBE VS7000 multi-screen encoding platform powered by Thomson Video Networks, via the Hispasat 1E satellite platform. Hispasat has also partnered with RTVE, Abertis Telecom and Apuntolapospo for the production of a 50-minute documentary on the history of the Prado Museum in UHD/4K.


Czech Radiokomunikace has received approval from the regulating body to continue DVB-T2 tests from a transmitter in Prague. The operator will use the license for testing pay-TV and Ultra HDTV, with Czech TV being the main content supplier.


BSkyB has conducted the first ultra HD broadcast in the UK, by airing the football match Stoke City v West Ham on August 31. It has no plans to launch a commercial service for the moment.


On occasion of the IFA in Berlin, Eutelsat Communications and Samsung Electronics have partnered to demonstrate a consumer-ready Ultra HD satellite broadcast on a Samsung UHD TV. A DVB-S2 Ultra HD signal transmitted by the Eutelsat 10 A satellite was received on a commercially available UHD TV.


The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has released a new report—“Ultra High-Definition: State of the Industry” that projects shipments of Ultra HD sets to reach 57,000 units, worth US$ 314 million, by the end of this year. It forecasts Ultra HD shipments to surpass the one million-unit mark in 2015. The CEA’s study finds 4K production is

■Learn more about UHDTV in our Feature article:

increasing, thanks in part to the development of 4K-capable cameras and post-production tools.


Sony has been shooting ESPN’s Summer X-Games in 4K, with a goal of creating entertainment content and drive demand for 4K “Ultra HD” TV sets. A 20-minutes story reel will be available for the Sony Media Player, created to deliver 4K movies and other content to owners of Sony’s Ultra HD TVs.

forecast to hit 30,000 units in 2013, with Chimei products expected to take an 18 per cent share.

WORLD MIRANDA, SONY COOPERATE ON 4K/UHDTV LIVE SOLUTIONS Miranda Technologies has teamed up with Sony


to realize 4K/UHDTV live production solutions,


4K technology solution involving both companies

Brazilian cable TV operator Net Servicos plans to switch its HD broadcasts from 720p and 1080i directly to 4K, without going through 1080p. This is because transmission in 1080p would require a new decoder, as the current one only reads the 720p and 1080i formats.


Korea Cable Television & Telecommunications Association (KCTA) has just launched its pilot 4K channel in South Korea, six months ahead of its original schedule. Only limited households are currently involved in the pilot run, but the plan is to launch commercial broadcasts as early as next year. Meanwhile, satellite broadcaster KT Skylife announced plans to offer pilot UHD contents starting next year.


Taiwanese operator Chunghwa Telecom began selling UHD 4K television sets as part of an effort to drive up local demand for UHD content. Chunghwa Telecom aims to sell 40,000 50-inch branded Chimei TVs by the end of this year, including the 4K model, available on a three-year subscription to the multimedia-on-demand (MOD) service. The company aims for a total of 100,000 TV sales by year-end. Taiwan’s 4K TV market is

specifically targeting high profile sports. A seamless will be used in UK outside broadcast company Telegenic’s 4K-equipped OB truck expected to go into service later this year. Miranda and Sony held demonstrations of the integrated 4K/ UHDTV production scenarios at the NAB 2013.

SONY TO LAUNCH 4K MOVIE DOWNLOADS Sony will offer 4K movies for download via Video Unlimited 4K service from the autumn 2013, featuring movies from Sony Pictures and independent producers. It will allow 4K TV owners to view native 4K content from Sony’s 4K media server.

SONY LEADS 4K TV SHIPMENTS Sony emerges as the leader in 4K TV shipments, with a 37.8% share of the global market in the 1H 2013, according to NPD DisplaySearch. LG is in second place with 14.2%, followed by Samsung with 4%. NPD DisplaySearch says that the key reason for Sony’s dominance is its sales of smaller 55-inch and 65-inch Bravia X9 models. Powered by these sales, Sony has achieved revenues of $185 million from its Ultra HD TVs out of an industry-wide total of $490 million.

248 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 — — 11-12/2013 — TELE-audiovision International — 全球发行量最大的数字电视杂志


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INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Middle East, North India ◄ 359.2 East (000.8 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Africa, South East Asia ◄ 359.2 East (000.8 West) THOR 5, 6 - Europe ◄ 359.2 East (000.8 West) AMOS 2, 3 - Europe, Middle East ◄ 356.0 East (004.0 West) EUTELSAT 5 WEST A - Europe ◄ 355.0 East (005.0 West) C-Band: EUTELSAT 5 WEST A - Europe ◄ 355.0 East (005.0 West) NILESAT 102, 201, EUTELSAT 7 WEST A - Middle East ◄ 353.0 East (007.0 West) EUTELSAT 8 WEST A - Europe, America, Middle East ◄ 352.0 East (008.0 West) EXPRESS AM44 - Middle East ◄ 349.0 East (011.0 West) C-Band: EXPRESS AM44 - Europe, North Africa, Middle East ◄ 349.0 East (011.0 West) EUTELSAT 12 WEST A - Europe, Africa ◄ 347.5 East (012.5 West) TELSTAR 12 - Europe, South Africa, Am. ◄ 345.0 East (015.0 West) INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Middle East ◄ 342.0 East (018.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean Region ◄ 342.0 East (018.0 West) NSS 7 - Europe, Africa ◄ 340.0 East (020.0 West) C-Band: NSS 7 - Africa ◄ 340.0 East (020.0 West) SES 4 - Europe, MIddle East ◄ 338.0 East (022.0 West) C-Band: SES 4 - America ◄ 338.0 East (022.0 West) INTELSAT 905 - Europe ◄ 335.5 East (024.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 905 - Europe, Africa, America ◄ 335.5 East (024.5 West) INTELSAT 907 - Europe ◄ 332.5 East (027.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 907 - Europe, Africa, America ◄ 332.5 East (027.5 West) HISPASAT 1C, 1D, 1E - Europe, America ◄ 330.0 East (030.0 West) INTELSAT 25 - Africa ◄ 328.5 East (031.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 25 - Europe, Africa ◄ 328.5 East (031.5 West) INTELSAT 903 - Europe ◄ 325.5 East (034.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 903 - Europe ◄ 325.5 East (034.5 West) TELSTAR 11N - Europe, Africa ◄ 322.5 East (037.5 West) C-Band: NSS 10 - Europe, Africa, America ◄ 322.5 East (037.5 West) NSS 806 - Europe ◄ 319.5 East (040.5 West) C-Band: NSS 806 - America, Europe ◄ 319.5 East (040.5 West) INTELSAT 11 - Brazil ◄ 317.0 East (043.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 11 - Brazil ◄ 315.0 East (043.0 West) INTELSAT 14 - Europe, North Africa, South America ◄ 315.0 East (045.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 14 - America ◄ 315.0 East (045.0 West) INTELSAT 1R - America ◄ 315.0 East (050.0 West) INTELSAT 23 - America ◄ 307.0 East (053.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 23 - America, Africa ◄ 307.0 East (053.0 West) Galaxy 11 - Brazil ◄ 304.5 East (055.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 805 - America ◄ 304.5 East (055.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 21 - Mexico ◄ 302.0 East (058.0 West) AMAZONAS 2 - South America ◄ 299.0 East (061.0 West) C-Band: AMAZONAS 3 - America ◄ 299.0 East (061.0 West) AMAZONAS 3 - Brazil ◄ 299.0 East (061.0 West) ECHOSTAR 16 - Conus ◄ 298.5 East (061.5 West) TELSTAR 14R - Brazil, Mercosul ◄ 297.0 East (063.0 West) STARONE C1 - Brazil ◄ 295.0 East (065.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C1 - South America ◄ 295.0 East (065.0 West) AMC 4 - North America ◄ 295.0 East (065.0 West) STARONE C2 - Brazil ◄ 290.0 East (070.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C2 - South America ◄ 290.0 East (070.0 West) AMC 6 - North America ◄ 288.0 East (072.0 West) C-Band: AMC 6 - North America ◄ 288.0 East (072.0 West) NIMIQ 5 - Conus ◄ 287.3 East (072.7 West) QUETZSAT 1 - Conus ◄ 283.0 East (077.0 West) ECHOSTAR 1 - America, Mexico ◄ 283.0 East (077.0 West) SIMON BOLIVAR - South America ◄ 282.0 East (078.0 West) C-Band: SIMON BOLIVAR - South America ◄ 282.0 East (078.0 West) NIMIQ 4 - Canada ◄ 278.0 East (082.0 West) AMC 9 - North America ◄ 277.0 East (083.0 West) C-Band: BRASILSAT B4 - Brazil ◄ 276.0 East (084.0 West) AMC 16 - North America ◄ 275.0 East (085.0 West) SES 2 - North America ◄ 273.0 East (087.0 West) C-Band: SES 2 - North America ◄ 273.0 East (087.0 West) GALAXY 28 - America ◄ 271.0 East (089.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 28 - America ◄ 271.0 East (089.0 West) NIMIQ 6 - Canada ◄ 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 17 - North America ◄ 269.0 East (091.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 17 - North America ◄ 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 25 - North America ◄ 266.9 East (093.1 West) GALAXY 3C - North America ◄ 265.0 East (095.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 3C - North America ◄ 265.0 East (095.0 West) GALAXY 19 - North America ◄ 263.0 East (097.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 19 - North America ◄ 263.0 East (097.0 West) GALAXY 16 - North America ◄ 261.0 East (099.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 16 - North America ◄ 261.0 East (099.0 West) DIRECTV 4S, 8 - America ◄ 259.0 East (101.0 West) SES 1 - North America ◄ 259.0 East (101.0 West) C-Band: SES 1 - North America ◄ 259.0 East (101.0 West) AMC 1 - North America ◄ 257.0 East (103.0 West) C-Band: AMC 1 - North America ◄ 257.0 East (103.0 West) AMC 15 - North America ◄ 255.0 East (105.0 West) C-Band: AMC 18 - North America ◄ 255.0 East (105.0 West) ANIK F1R - North America ◄ 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1R - North America ◄ 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1 - South America ◄ 252.7 East (107.3 West) ANIK G1 - North America ◄ 252.7 East (107.3 West) ECHOSTAR 10, 11 - America ◄ 250.0 East (110.0 West) DIRECTV 5 - America ◄ 250.0 East (110.0 West) ANIK F2 - North America ◄ 248.9 East (111.1 West) C-Band: ANIK F2 - North America ◄ 248.9 East (111.1 West) SATMEX 6 - America ◄ 247.0 East (113.0 West) C-Band: SATMEX 6 - America ◄ 247.0 East (113.0 West) SATMEX 8 - America ◄ 243.2 East (116.8 West) C-Band: SATMEX 8 - America ◄ 247.0 East (113.0 West) ANIK F3 - Conus ◄ 243.2 East (116.8 West) C-Band: ANIK F3 - America ◄ 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 14 - Conus ◄ 241.0 East (119.0 West) DIRECTV 7S - Conus ◄ 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America ◄ 239.0 East (121.0 West) C-Band: ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America ◄ 239.0 East (121.0 West) GALAXY 18 - North America ◄ 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 18 - North America ◄ 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 14 - North America ◄ 235.0 East (125.0 West) AMC 21 - North America ◄ 235.0 East (125.0 West) GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America ◄ 233.0 East (127.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America ◄ 233.0 East (127.0 West) CIEL 2 - America ◄ 231.0 East (129.0 West) C-Band: AMC 11 - North America ◄ 229.0 East (131.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 15- North America ◄ 227.0 East (133.0 West) C-Band: AMC 10 - North America ◄ 225.0 East (135.0 West) C-Band: AMC 7 - North America ◄ 223.0 East (137.0 West) C-Band: AMC 8 - North America ◄ 221.0 East (139.0 West)

Satellites of the


003.1 East ► C-Band: RASCOM QAF 1R - Africa 003.1 East ► RASCOM QAF 1R - Africa 003.1 East ► EUTELSAT 3D - Europe 003.1 East ► C-Band: EUTELSAT 3A - EUROPE 004.9 East ► ASTRA 4A - Europe 004.9 East ► SES 5 - Europe, AFRICA 007.0 East ► EUTELSAT 7A - Europe, Africa 009.0 East ► EUTELSAT 9A - Europe 010.0 East ► EUTELSAT 10A - Europe 010.0 East ► C-Band: EUTELSAT 10A - Global 013.0 East ► EUTELSAT HOTBIRD 13B,13C,13D - Europe, Middle East 016.0 East ► EUTELSAT 16A - Europe, Africa 017.0 East ► AMOS 5 - North Africa, Middle East 017.0 East ► C-Band: AMOS 5 - Africa, Middle East 019.2 East ► ASTRA 1KR,1L,1M,2C - Europe 020.0 East ► C-Band: ARABSAT 5C - Africa, Middle East 021.5 East ► EUTELSAT 21B - Europe, Asia, West Africa 023.5 East ► ASTRA 3B - Europe 025.5 East ► EUTELSAT 25C - Europe, Asia 026.0 East ► BADR 4,5,6 - North Africa, Middle East 028.2 East ► EUTELSAT 28A, ASTRA 1N,2A,2F - Europe 030.5 East ► ARABSAT 5A - Middle East 030.5 East ► C-Band: ARABSAT 5A - Asia, Middle East 031.5 East ► ASTRA 1G - Europe 033.0 East ► EUTELSAT 33A - Europe 033.0 East ► INELSAT 28 - Africa 034.0 East ► ARABSAT 2B - Middle East 036.0 East ► EUTELSAT 36A,36B - Europe , South Africa, Asia, Russia 038.0 East ► PAKSAT 1R - Pakistan, North India 038.0 East ► C-Band: PAKSAT 1R - Pakistan, India, Middle East, Africa 039.0 East ► HELLAS SAT 2 - Europe, Middle East, Asia 042.0 East ► TURKSAT 2A,3A - Europe, Russia 045.0 East ► INTELSAT 12 - India, South Africa, Middle East, Europe 046.0 East ► AZERSPACE 1,AFRICASAT 1A - Asia, Africa 047.5 East ► INTELSAT 10 - Middle East, Europe 049.0 East ► C-Band: YAMAL 202 - Global 050.0 East ► INTELSAT 26 - Europe 050.5 East ► NSS 5 -Global 050.5 East ► C-Band: NSS 5 - Global 052.5 East ► YAHSAT 1A -Europe, Middle East, Africa 053.0 East ► EXPRESS AM22 -Europe, Middle East, North India 055.0 East ► GSAT-8, YAMAL 402 - Russia 056.0 East ► BONUM 1, DIREC TV 1R - East Russia 057.0 East ► NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India 057.0 East ► C-Band: NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India, Global 060.0 East ► INTELSAT 904 - Europe 060.0 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 904 - Europe, Africa, Global 062.0 East ► INTELSAT 902 - Europe, Middle East 062.0 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 902 - Europe, China, Australia, South Africa, Global 064.2 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 906 - Europe, Africa, South India, Global 066.0 East ► INTELSAT 17 -Europe,Russia 068.5 East ► INTELSAT 20 - Africa, Europe, Middle East 068.5 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 20 - Global 070.5 East ► EUTELSAT 70B - Europe,Middle East, India 072.1 East ► INTELSAT 22 - Middle East, Africa 074.0 East ► INSAT 4CR - India 074.0 East ► C-Band: INSAT 3C - India 075.0 East ► ABS-1 - Europe, Asia, Middle East 075.0 East ► C-Band: ABS-1 - Global 076.5 East ► APSTAR 7 - China 076.5 East ► C-Band: APSTAR 7 - Global 078.5 East ► THAICOM 5,6A - Thailand 078.5 East ► C-Band: THAICOM 5,6A - India,China,Thailand, Global 083.0 East ► INSAT 4A - India 083.0 East ► C-Band: INSAT 4A - India, Middle East 085.0 East ► INTELSAT 15 - Middle East 085.0 East ► HORIZONS 2 - Russia 086.5 East ► KAZSAT 2 - Russia 087.5 East ► C-Band: CHINASAT 12 - China, India, Midle East 088.0 East ► ST 2 - India, Malaysia 088.0 East ► C-Band: ST 2 - India, Thailand 090.0 East ► YAMAL 201,300K - Russia, North India 090.0 East ► C-Band: YAMAL 201,300K - Russia, North India 091.5 East ► MEASAT 3 - Malaysia, South Asia 091.5 East ► C-Band: MEASAT 3 -Global, Thailand, Australia, East Asia 091.5 East ► MEASAT 3A - Malaysia, South Asia 091.5 East ► C-Band: MEASAT 3A -Global 092.2 East ► CHINASAT 9 - China 093.5 East ► INSAT 3A,4B - India 093.5 East ► C-Band: INSAT 3A,4B - India, Middle East 095.0 East ► NSS 6 - India, Middle East, South Africa, North East Asia, Australia 096.5 East ► C-Band: EXPRESS AM 33 - Asia, Russia,China 100.5 East ► ASIASAT 5 - East Asia, India, Middle East, Thailand 100.5 East ► C-Band: ASIASAT 5 - Global 103.0 East ► C-Band: EXPRESS A2 - Russia, China 105.5 East ► ASIASAT 3S - East Asia, South Asia, Australia 105.5 East ► C-Band: ASIASAT 3S - Global 108.2 East ► NSS 11 - South Asia, North East Asia, China 108.2 East ► C-Band: TELKOM 1 - Indonesia 108.2 East ► SES 7 - South Asia, Australia 110.0 East ► BSAT 3A,2C,3C N-SAT 110,JCSAT 110R - Japan 110.5 East ► C-Band: CHINASAT 10 - China, Asia Pacific 113.0 East ► KOREASAT 5 - South Korea, North East Asia 113.0 East ► C-Band: PALAPA D - Asia, Australia 115.5 East ► C-Band: CHINASAT 6B - Global 116.0 East ► ABS 7 - South Korea 116.0 East ► KOREASAT 6 - South Korea 118.0 East ► C-Band: TELKOM 2 - Global 119.5 East ► THAICOM 4 - Indonesia, Cambodia 122.0 East ► ASIASAT 4 - East Asia, Australia 122.0 East ► C-Band: ASIASAT 4 - Global 124.0 East ► JCSAT 4B - Japan 125.0 East ► C-Band: CHINASAT 6A - China 128.0 East ► JCSAT 3A - Japan 128.0 East ► C-Band: JCSAT 3A - Asia 132.0 East ► VINASAT 1 - Vietnam 132.0 East ► C-Band:VINASAT 1 - Asia, Australia 132.0 East ► VINASAT 2 - Vietnam 132.0 East ► JCSAT 5A - Japan 134.0 East ► APSTAR 6 - China 134.0 East ► C-Band: APSTAR 6 - Asia, Australia 138.0 East ► TELSTAR 18 - India, China 138.0 East ► C-Band: TELSTAR 18 - Asia, Australia 140.0 East ► EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 140.0 East ► C-Band: EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 144.0 East ► SUPERBIRD C2 - Japan 152.0 East ► OPTUS D2 - Australia, Newzealand 154.0 East ► JCSAT 2A - Japan 154.0 East ► C-Band: JCSAT 2A - Asia&Oceania&Hawaii 156.0 East ► OPTUS C1,D3 - Australia, Newzealand 160.0 East ► OPTUS D1 - Australia, Newzealand 162.0 East ► SUPERBIRD B2 - Japan 164.0 East ► OPTUS B3 - Asia 166.0 East ► INTELSAT 19 - Australia, Newzealand, North East Asia 166.0 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 19 - Australia 169.0 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 8 - Pacific 172.0 East ► EUTELSAT 172A - South Pacific, South East Pacific 172.0 East ► C-Band: EUTELSAT 172A - Pacific 180.0 East ► INTELSAT 18 - Australia, Pacific 180.0 East ► C-Band: INTELSAT 18 - Pacific

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7 - 10 April 2014 NAB Show 2014 For broader-casting® professionals Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Opening Hours: 7 - 9 April: 9:00am - 6:00pm 10 April: 9:00am - 2:00pm 20 - 21 May 2014 SatCom Africa Johannesburg, South Africa

11 - 13 March 2014 CABSAT 2014 Premier Broadcast & Satellite Platform in the ME & North Africa Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE Opening Hours: 11 - 12 March: 10:00am - 6:00pm 13 March: 10:00am - 5:00pm 18 - 20 March 2014 TV Connect London, UK

20 - 22 May 2014 ANGACOM 2014 Cologne, Germany 17 - 20 June 2014 CommunicAsia 2014 Singapore 5 - 7 August 2014 ABTA 2014 São Paulo, Brasil August 2014 SET Broadcast & Cable 2014 São Paulo, Brasil

258 TELE-audiovision International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine — 11-12/2013 —

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