DC Power Distribution and Monitoring System
at telect, it's all
about you. You need to connect, power, protect, monitor, and manage your revenue stream. You need intuitive system integration, fast lead times, and unyielding reliability. You need a global network equipment manufacturer that dominates demanding network requirements and a team that understands network trajectory and gets the whole picture, from the central office to the edge. You need a futuristic manufacturer today. It’s not about anybody else. It’s about you. It’s about using a network manufacturer that grasps your vision for the future and knows how to build it, backed by a rich history of network innovation and a deep portfolio of integrated, crosssector network equipment. At Telect, you get more than the crucial equipment you need to build and maintain your network. You get solutions for network dominance. we simplify networks™ :: :: 509.926.6000
copper :: enclosures :: fiber :: power :: racks
:: Software & HARDWARE, JOINED. TM
Individual circuit monitoring network data collection data analytics 2
welcome to the future
all new
the network in the palm of your hand.
With the network sitting in the palm of your hand, you can start slashing power consumption and cumulative OPEX, whether you’re onsite or a thousand miles away. Meet nrgSMART™, your virtual technician for DC power monitoring. nrgSMART’s patented technology monitors your equipment at the circuit level. This means real-time data for network provisioning, remote site management, and threshold monitoring.
The nrgSMART™ brand encompasses Telect’s software + hardware product line of distributed network monitoring and management solutions. The line includes BDFBs, high- and low-current secondary panels, web interface software, and data server solutions. nrgSMART monitors equipment at the circuit level, collecting the crucial data to optimize and protect equipment and networks. With nrgSMART, customers are optimizing energy allocation to save up to 30% on energy consumption. Customers are managing their equipment and networks with confidence, proactively identifying potential issues to maintain uptime and protect equipment. nrgSMART fulfills Telect’s vision to see the industry efficiently manage distributed assets, improve deployed assets’ power performance, and pursue realistic and achievable alternative energy goals.
YOU'VE WONDERED. NOW YOU CAN KNOW. Know your equipments' true performance.
For the first time in history, you can efficiently match each piece of equipment with a specific monitored circuit. Go all out. Put deployed equipment in a head-to-head equipment comparison and prove-out which equipment is most efficient. Juniper? Cisco? ADTRAN? ALU? Fujitsu? Use nrgSMART to mine the data. And then get ready to unleash your network.
PRODUCT highlights Power Performance Nobody does secondary power distribution like Telect, and now you can monitor all your high-current equipment at the circuit level. The nrgSMART nrg600BT08-M 600A dual feed circuit breaker/fuse panel delivers the current capacity of a battery distribution frame, the capability and alarming of a GMT fuse panel, and the compact size of a highcurrent circuit breaker panel– all in a single solution conforming to existing infrastructure for easy installation and maintenance.
GMT Fuse PANEL Telect’s one RU, nrg100GMT10-M 100A dual-feed GMT fuse panel deploys in both legacy and “next-gen” network applications to achieve advanced, circuit-level monitoring. You can remotely control circuits, optimize battery and unique power sources, and coordinate energy sources based on environmental conditions or peak power usage goals.
Controller Telect’s nrgSMART controller (nrgCONTROLBT) coordinates and collects data for 30 nrgSMART-enabled devices. You’ll have one IP address for all attached PDU panels, connected over a simple RS-485 daisy chain connection. For new deployments, the controller interface is built into the BDFB/BDCBBs. For expansion, single rack deployment, or outdoor enclosures, we provide a one RU controller.
The nrgSMART Hosted Data Service / Web Portal provides network-wide access and visibility to sites that deploy the nrgSMART controller/PDUs. Get real-time data such as current, voltage, and temperature for individual circuits. You’ll have the ability to uniquely identify and match assets with their individual circuit. You’ll be empowered to interpret collected data based on equipments’ data signature (smart alarms), which equates to actionable data for crucial business decisions.
Software & hardware, joined.
Virtual technician + analytics = the power to beat the future nrgSMART is your virtual technician, generating actionable, real-time data for remote threshold monitoring, provisioning, and site management across your network. Now you have that formerly elusive baseline for measuring cost reduction strategies. Go ahead. Put alternative energy sources and advanced battery technologies on your horizon.
telect BRINGS GREEN SOLUTIONS TO THE DC POWER MARKET by Katie Morman Published in KGP’s 2014 Spring edition of ACCESS magazine
In the midst of Telect’s bold gray and yellow branding, customers are starting to see some serious green. The green’s coming from Telect’s nrgSMART™ technology, the new hardwaresoftware duo currently deployed in national field trials and providing actionable, circuit-level network data. From immediate opportunities to slash OPEX and CAPEX, to the future— which includes analyzing alternative energy payback— nrgSMART monitors and generates the data for network power provisioning, remote site management, and circuit threshold monitoring. ACTIONABLE DATA nrgSMART’s patented circuit-level monitoring delivers a cost-effective solution to obtain accurate data without complex calibration issues. Real-time data collection opens the door to energy savings, equipment protection, and proactive outage prevention. Today’s nrgSMART product line provides monitoring for secondary power distribution through the nrg100GMT10-M low-current GMT panel and the nrg600BT08-M 600-amp load center. The panels utilize low-current sensor modules with the GMT fuses, and high-current sensor modules with the BT breakers and TFD fuses. Each panel also provides A and B feed voltage measurements and two independent temperature measurements for hot and cold aisle monitoring. Primary power distribution monitoring capabilities will be available soon with the release of the 800-amp BDFB. “The BDFB is going to address a lot of colocation HARDWARE + software
major power savings in colos
and central office primary power distribution scenarios,” Ryan Hendrickson, nrgSMART Program Manager, said. “Being able to measure each circuit individually at the BDFB is a great way to provide primary power monitoring as well as feed-level monitoring for secondary distribution.” DEVELOPMENT TO DEPLOYMENT Telect’s nrgSMART development began several years ago, when Telect’s R&D team recognized the need for efficient monitoring in the DC market. The result? Another Telect solution. “This is a completely novel concept,” Richard Denenny, Telect Vice President of Product and New Market Development, said. “Nobody else is providing this level of insight, and this technical feat speaks to the engineering expertise at Telect.
“For businesses in colo or shared-use facility offerings, there is an immediate, hard ROI.”
“nrgSMART is where software and hardware come together to win the day,” Denenny said. Telect rolled out the first field trial in March 2013. The first trials were set up to assist in the product development process and fine-tune the nrgSMART solutions in an actual network scenario. Currently, there are seven active field trials, focused on colocation (colo) facilities in cable TV and telecom, with data centers on the immediate horizon. Customers in enterprise and utility networks have also shown interest. SAVING GREEN Field trial participants, and colos in particular, are focused on three immediate benefits: Energy savings, threshold monitoring, and reduced truck rolls. “For businesses in colo or shared-use facility offerings, there’s an immediate, hard ROI,” Denenny said. “You can see real, immediate energy savings. When you add in the value of risk mitigation – both avoiding cascading breaker failures and outages – and being able to take preventative actions to keep the network up, you answer customer demand and regulatory demand for uninterrupted service.” Colos could realize savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, with the ROI measured in months. A customer occupying a smaller colo footprint could save thousands of dollars each month, and a customer occupying a larger colo footprint could save tens of thousands of dollars each month. “We can help customers lower costs, especially in the colocation space, where customers are paying for bulk-rate energy. If they were able to actually determine how much they need or how much they’re actively using, they could better adjust their feeds and energy costs,” Hendrickson added.
“It’s estimated that many colos are only using a quarter of what they’re paying for.”
“This energy reduction – and the resulting cost reduction – stems directly from being able to identify and use the bulk feed level that you actually need,” Hendrickson explained. “It’s estimated that many colos are only using a quarter of what they’re paying for.”
“nrgSMART provides that key factor in decisionmaking: The data.”
The immediate green impact is clear. “Whenever you’re helping businesses make informed decisions about natural resources and facilitating a reduction in power consumption, you’re pushing a green solution,” Denenny said. “This is absolutely a green solution.” Denenny continued, “nrgSMART provides that key factor in decisionmaking: The data. Using the colo or shared facility as an example, the ability to understand and expose actual power consumption allows you to effectively scale your power consumption up or down. Scale it up to protect equipment, or scale it down to save money on the power that you’ve been paying for but not actually consuming.” THRESHOLD MANAGEMENT Threshold management is also a major concern. “With nrgSMART, a colo or shared facility can monitor primary power distribution for each colocation customer. The data helps the facility avoid crossing critical threshold levels,” Hendrickson said. “The facility operators can look at each individual customer’s circuit(s), or they can get a view of the total load from all of the customers in the facility.”
“Colos could realize savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, with the ROI measured in months.”
There are clear benefits for the colo’s customer as well, Hendrickson said. “With nrgSMART, the colo’s customer can measure their equipment performance over seasonality, and put thresholds in place to say, ‘Okay. I’m only using 50 amps, not the 200 amps I’m paying for.’ The customer could then go to a 60- or 70-amp circuit and save money. Now, if that same customer grows, and the power starts to go up, they could have a threshold alert sent that says, ‘Hey, you’re close to your 60 amps.’ Then the customer could bump up to 100 amps. The bottom line is that nrgSMART provides a proactive measurement method to ensure that you’re within bounds.” With modern customer demands and regulatory network requirements, network downtime is unacceptable. “nrgSMART provides that measurement tool for real-time insight,” Hendrickson said. “Up until now, customers have been unable to measure thresholds at the circuit level. Most customers only see their feed-level circuit measured through resistive shunts, but you simply can’t manage redundant circuit thresholds this way. You have to see the equipment feeds,” Hendrickson said. “With nrgSMART,” Hendrickson continued, “you can get the data to reduce your risk of having critical equipment, like quality-of-life services, go out. There are huge fines, into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, associated with 911 service outages. You want to reduce the potential of that ever happening. You want to guard against cascaded breaker failures due to routine maintenance or environmental interruptions.”
CASCADED BREAKERS “You need to know that you have enough room in the breaker to handle your equipment’s redundant power feeds,” Hendrickson explained. “Imagine that you have two glasses of water. Picture both glasses 90% full. If I take one of those glasses and pour it into the other, that second glass will not hold all the water. To avoid spillover, you have to ensure that both of the glasses are no more than 45% full. Then, when you pour the first glass of water into your second glass, you’ll have room to fit all of the water into that second glass. “That’s managing your thresholds. That’s avoiding a cascaded breaker failure. “Cascaded breakers could be caused by the environment— or the equipment, but customers often tell me about technicians bringing down equipment,” Hendrickson said. “A technician will often intentionally bring down a feed so that they can work on it; the technician is assuming that “B” is going to take over. In actuality, if you’re operating above those thresholds, and you don’t realize it, a technician can take down your equipment and generate a cascaded failure. “Being able to monitor equipment feeds, to check your equipment’s status before you send out a truck, is a huge advantage. When a piece of equipment does go down, you could remotely check the equipment status and analyze what triggered the event. Reducing truck rolls could save thousands of dollars each month.” These benefits are only the beginning of the product line’s potential. THE FUTURE “Through the advanced development of our hardware and analytics engine,” Hendrickson explained, “nrgSMART will move deeper into the alternative energy space and help customers make the best choices for solar, wind, and generator power deployment strategies. We also envision developing hardware to manage charge and discharge cycles’ various battery chemistries. “I think the overall vision really turns more into data analytics,” Hendrickson said. “We can see that anywhere that we can take performance data is incredibly valuable.” Want an nrgSMART field trial? Connect with us. 509.926.6000. Connecting the Future™ for more than 30 years, Telect leads the industry as a responsive and innovative network infrastructure manufacturer. Headquartered in Liberty Lake, Washington, with manufacturing facilities in Plano, Texas and Guadalajara, Mexico, Telect designs and manufactures a deep product portfolio of copper and fiber connectivity equipment, power distribution, racks and enclosures, power systems, and integrated equipment solutions. You’ll find Telect equipment installed around the globe, for telecom, data center, CATV, enterprise, and utility networks. Telect is standardized with every major carrier. We simplify networks™. 509.926.6000.
“With nrgSMART, a colo or shared facility can monitor primary power distribution for each colocation customer.”
nrg SMARt
works for you
Operations • Monitor power use and identify waste • Verify service-level agreements • Get predictive failure warnings, based upon current signatures • Audit electricity bills to monitor actual consumption • Remotely reset circuits (on select panels) for reduced travel to sites Engineering • Reduce capital expenses by analyzing actual loads and then optimizing power sources and backup requirements • Select equipment from vendors based upon actual total cost of ownership • Accelerate new deployments by knowing existing available power
Business Analysis • Achieve measured results from energy efficiency initiatives • Convert technical information of “amps and watts” to dollars and budgets • Identify opportunities for alternative energy projects, or new backup technologies, based upon improved ROI data
Put nrgSMART to work in your networK. request a field trial today. 509.926.6000 :: :: NRGSMART.CO 509.926.6000 @telect