Ahmed Ben Bacha

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3511NW 9lstAvenue, UnitedStatesSouthemCommand, MEMORANDUMFORCommander, MiamiF , L 331 7 2 . for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) Detainee, ISN: US9AG-000290DP Guantanamo

JTF GTMODetaineeAssessment 1. (S//NF)PersonalInformation: o JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Ahmed Bin SalehBel Bacha o Aliases and Current/TrueName: Slim Antar: Suliman Antar; Salim Antar o Placeof Birth: Aleiers. Algeria (AG) o Date of Birth: 13 November 1969 o Citizenship: Algeria o InternmentSerialNumber (ISN): US9AG-000290DP

MassIndexon 09 2. (FOUO)Health: Detainee is in goodhealth.His in processing'Body with treatment.He wenton a hunger FEB 02 was24Yo.He haslatentTB andis noncompliant strikein November2002andAugust2005. He is not on anychronicmedications.He hasno knowndrugallergies. 3. (S/NF) JTF GTMO Assessment: for Continued this detainee a. (S) Recommendation: JTFGTMO recommends DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD). If a satisfactoryagreementcan be reachedthat ensurescontinueddetentionand allowsaccessto detaineeand/or to exploited intelligence,detaineecan be TransferredOut of DoD Control (TRO). JTFGTMO



S E C R E T //NOFORN / I 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000290DP(S) previously assesseddetaineeas Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention(TRCD) on 10 September2004. as a probablememberof Alb. (S//NF) Executive Summary: Detaineeis assessed had direct associationswith camp and Al-Qaida supported training who attended an Qaida the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and the Salafist Group for the Call and Combat (GSPC).' Detainee'stravel to Afghanistan was facilitated through the Finsbury Park Mosque in London,United Kingdom (UK), a locationknown for its ties to Islamic extremists. While in Afghanistan (AF), detaineeaffiliated with known GIA, GSPC, and Al-Qaida membersand associatedfacilities. Detaineeadmits to receiving weaponstraining in Afghanistan, and was this detaineeis a identified as having attendedan Al-Qaida training camp. It is assessed MEDIUM risk, as he may posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. JTF GTMO determinedthis detaineeis of LOW intelligencevalue.

4. (S//NF)DetaineesAccountof Events: The followingsectionis based,unlessotherwiseindicated,on detainee'sown account. Thesestatementsare includedwithout considerationof veracity, accuracy,or reliability. completed 1991,detainee 1990to September a. (S//NF)Prior History: FromJanuary mandatory service as a military policeman, rifleman, and cook in the Algerian Army and Army Reserves.' He later worked as a secretaryfor the Algiers city governmentand in the contracting departmentfor Sonatrach,a petroleum company for which his father had also worked. He was re-hired by the city governmentin 1997 as a security guard. In March 1999, after he claimed to have receivedrepeatedand escalatorythreatsfrom the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), detaineeleft Algeria for Franceto start a rlew life.' Upon his anival in Paris,he purchaseda falseFrenchpassportwith the nameof Slim Antar.a In May 1999, detaineetraveledto the UK to appty for political asylum.s


lSntn; The GSPC and GIA are part of the Al-Qaida Global Jihad SupportNetwork, an IICT Tier 0 target. Tier 0 targets are defined as terrorist groups that pose a clear and immediate dangerto US personsor interests. ' IIR 6 034 0357 02, IIR 6 034 0356 02,000290 KB 02-13-2002 ' lSntf'; The GIA reportedly tried to coerce detaineeinto quitting or causing critical errors at his job to embarrass the Algerian government. The first contact occurred in 1995 and the last contact was after he had left Algeria in 1999. See000290MFR l6-APR-2002 4toztq/m9t-02,000290 MFR l6-ApR-2002,000290FM302 30-MAY-2002, sIR 16-ApR-2002,000290 (S/NF) (Analyst Note: Detainee statesthat the availability of forged passportsin the Paris suburbanarea of Barbes is well known amongArabs. SeeIIR 2 340 6379 02) t ooozgo MFR 16-ApR-2002.000290FM302 30-MAy-2002

2 S E C R E T // NOFORN / I 2O3IOII5

S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000290DP(S) b. (S//NF) Recruitment and Travel: Upon arrival in London,UK, he proceededto the Finsbury Park Mosque, where he had heard he could stay for free. Detaineelistened to lecturesfrom Abu-Hamza(Analyst Note: Abu-Hamza likely refers to Sheik Abu Hamza AlMasri) and watchedjihad recruitment videos about Chechnya,Afghanistan, and Bosnia.6 Detaineethen moved to Portsmouth,UK, where he worked for about two years in a hotel.T Detaineeclaimedhis asylum applicationwas ultimately rejected,so in 2001 detainee returnedto the Finsbury Park Mosque for assistancein requestingan appeal.s While at the mosque,Mohammed Al-Masri reportedly recommendeddetaineetravel to Afghanistan (AF) for training and to avoid deportationto Algeria. (Analyst Note: Sheik Abu Hamza Al-Masri is also known as MuhammadAl-Masri. While its inconclusivefrom the detainee'sreporting, it is probable that he is referring to the sameman.): Al-Masri told detaineethat entering Afghanistanwas easy,as properdocumentationwas not required.eIn July 2001, with the assistanceof Al-Masri, detaineedepartedthe UK for Afghanistan. Detaineetraveled to Afghanistan via Peshawar,Pakistan(PK). Once in Peshawar,detaineeclaimed he used contact information provided by Al-Masri to contact Mohammed Al-Afghani. Al-Afghani allegedlymet detaineeat his hotel and then assistedin detainee'stravel to Jalalabad,AF. On 29 July 2001, detaineearrived in Jalalabadand stayedfor three and a half months at the Algerian guesthouseowned and operatedby Abu Jaffar.r0 (AnalystNote: MuhammadAlAfghani is likely Muhammad Shah,known to have assistedJaffar in transporting recruits acrossthe border. Jaffar is assessed to be deceasedNorth African ExtremistNetwork facilitator Abu Jaffar aka Omar Chabbani.) c. (S//NF) Training and Activities: During detainee'sstayat the guesthouse,he reportedlytrainedon small arms (including Kalashnikovand Simonovrifles) under Abu Jaffar. Detaineestatedhe traveled once to the Derunta training camp but did not attend training.rrln November 2001,due to the impendingattackson Jalalabadby coalition forces, detaineefled to the Tora Bora mountainswith other residentsof the suesthouse.12

5. (S//NF)CaptureInformation: a. (S/A{F) Detaineeclaimedhis group from the guesthousehid in the cavesfor approximately twenty days. He deniedwitnessing any combat, only aircraft flying ' 000290FM30230-MAY-2002


t 000290sIR l6-ApR-2002,000290 FM30230-MAy-2002 n 000290KB 02-13-2002,IIR 2340 629202,TD3r4n2i9r-02,000290 FM30230MFR l6-ApR-2002,000290 MAY-2002 'o ooo29o302 3I-MAY-2002 rr ooo29oFM3o23o-MAY-2002 't ooo29or<B02-13-2002


S E C R E T // NOFORN I / 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000290DP(S) overhead.l3 From the encampmentareain Tora Bora, detaineefled to Pakistanon foot with a group of approximately 100 individuals. They hoped to contact Pakistani govemment for refugeeassistance.On l8 December2001,Pakistanivillagersreportedly representatives led the group to a Pakisiani Army unit, who took them into custody.to D.tainee was then transferredto US custody on 4 January 2002.ts (Analyst Note: Given the detainee's extendedpresencein Tora Bora, and the period and location of his capture,it is probable that detaineewas involved in combataction againstUS/coalitionforcesin the Tora Bora region.) (Analyst Note: Detaineeprobably fled Tora Bora as a member of the large group of fighters led by seniorAl-Qaida memberIbn SheikhAl Libi. The group traveledthrough the NangarharProvince and was convinced by their Pakistanihost to gather in a mosquewhere the Fakistaniforcescapturedthem.)r6

b. (S) PropertyHeld: o o o o o o o o o o

1x 1x 5x 2x I x 5x 3x I x I x I x

1000PakistaniRupeenote 500 PakistaniRupeenote 10 PakistaniRupeenotes Pakistani Rupeenotes 20 British Poundnote 10000Afghani notes 1000Afghani notes EhsanOptics glassesin a black glassescase Orangecoveredbook with Arabic writing. Silverring

2002. c. (S) Transferredto JTF GTMO: 9 February onthe d. (S/NF) Reasonsfor Transferto JTF GTMO: To provideinformation following: o o o

Leadersof the FinsburyPark Mosquein London,UK Obtaining false passportsin France A training camp close to Jalalabad,AF, called Dar Wanta (Derunta)

'' 000290FM30230-MAY-2002 'oto 3 14100949 yz,IIR 6 034 035602 '5TD-314/oo t4s 02 'u TD-314114605-04


S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000290DP(S) 6. (S//NF) Evaluation Of Detainee's Account: Thereare various gapsin detainee'sstory due to his inconsistencyand evasivenessduring interrogations. His route of travel parallels that of other detaineeswho were recruited through the Global Jihad Support Network to receive training in Afghanistan. Detaineeclaims to have fled Algeria to avoid death threatsfrom the GIA, and deniesknowledgeof GIA or GSPC. However,throughouthis travels,he associated with reportedmembersand facilities known to be actively involved with both groups. He never identified who told him to proceeddirectly to the Finsbury Park Mosque to seekassistancein obtaining political asylum. He claims not to have participatedin any combat againstUS or coalition forces, yet was presentin the Tora Bora region and capturedwith alarge group of mujahideen 7. (S//NF) Detainee Threat: the detaineeposesa MEDIUM risk, as he may posea a. (S) Assessment: It is assessed threatto the US, its interestsand allies. as a probable b. (S//NF) Reasons for Continued Detention: Detaineeis assessed member of Al-Qaida who attendedan Al-Qaida supportedtraining camp and had direct associationswith GIA and the GSPCpersonnel.Detaineepossiblyattendedadvanced explosivestraining while residingin the Jalalabadguesthouse.Detaineelikely participated in hostilitiesagainstUS and coalition forcesat Tora Bora. o (S/A{F) Detaineehas received various types ofjihadist/military training, and to havepossiblyreceivedadvancedexplosivestraining. assessed o (S/A{F) Detaineeadmitted to training under Abu Jaffar while residing in the to be Omar Algerian guesthousein Jalalabad,AF." (Analyst Note: Jaffaris assessed with member Al-Qaida and GIA Chabani,aka Abu Jaffar Al Jazeeri,a senior affiliations to the Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC). Abu Jaffar, a principal for associateof seniorAl-Qaida facilitator Abu Zubaydah,operatedguesthouses extremiststraveling to Afghanistan for training at Al-Qaida camps in Jalalabadand elsewhere.)18 o (S) Detaineeadmitsreceivingtraining.ata camp nearJalalabadon the Kalashnikov,Makarov, and other weapons.'' (Analyst Note: Detaineeprobably trained at Al-Qaida's Derunta training camp near Jalalabad.) . (S/A{F) AssessedAl-Qaida memberAbdelli MuhammadFeghoul,ISN US9AG-000292DP (AG-292), recognizeddetaineefrom the Algerian guesthouse

't IIR 6 034026605,IIR 6 034035602,IIR 2 340621302 't TD 3 14t19998-02, rrR 6 832 013202,IIR 6 853013702,IIR 6 034 026505,IIR 2 340 638402 't IIR 6 034035602

5 s E c R E T // NOFORN| | 20310115

S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Controlfor Guantanamo SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) ISN:US9AG-000290DP Detainee, in Jalalabad.(Analyst Note: AG-292had also beenidentified at Al-Qaida's Derunta training camp at the sametime as detainee.)2O explosivestraineeMousa a (S/NF) Former detaineeand assessed Zemmouri, ISN US9MO-000270DP(MO-270), reportedseeingboth detainee and AG-292 atthe Derunta camp.tt o (S/AID Detainee'sresidenceat the Jalalabadguesthousecoincideswith the period that Younis AbdurrahmanChekkouri,ISN US9MO-000197DP(MO-197), conductedexplosivestraining. MO-197 is an explosivestrainer and admittedheadof of the MoroccanIslamic Fighting Group (GICM).22 MOthe military c-ommission 197 hasalso beenidentified as a chemicaland electronicsspecialistwho, between late 2000 and September2001,had beenresponsiblefor providing training on the use of electroniccomponentsfor fabricatingexplosivedevicesat the Algerian house, to be the Algerian guesthouserun by detainee'sassociate,Abu Jaffar." assessed (Analyst Note: It is possibledetaineeattendedexplosivestraining; however,there is no additional reporting to supportthat assessment.) o (S) Detaineereceivedbasicmilitary, weapons.andmilitary police training during his conscriptionwith the Algerian Army in 1990."' (Analyst Note: Detainee'sprior military training would make him an attractive candidatefor recruitment and may have permitted him to proceedthrough basic training faster than inexperienced recruits. This could have provided the opportunity for the detaineeto attend advancedtraining, suchas explosivestraining.) o (S/A{F) Detaineewas recruited and facilitated through the Finsbury Park Mosque in London,UK, a known Al-Qaida/extremistcenterfor jihadists." o (S/AfF) Detaineeadmiued that the Finsbury Park Mosque also facilitated movementof personswishing to wagejihad in Afghanistan.26 o (S/AIF) Sheik Abu Hamza Al-Masri recruited detainee,and arrangedfor his travel and training in Afghanistan.2T(Analyst Note: Shdik Abu Hamza al-Masri is the former Imam of the Finsbury Park Mosque and currently in British custody. He 'o IIR 6 034tt62 03, IIR 2 340621302,TD-314t39402-02 " IIR 6 034133803 " 1S/Nf; (AnalystNote: TheGICM, like theGIA, is a memberof theGlobalJihadSupportNetwork,a Tier 0 Target.) Counterterrorism " ro414t0to37 -03,TD 314t19998-02, TD-314t4021402,TD-314/01038-03, TD 314t39932 02,TD-314t06092 6 034030002 TD-314139402-02,trR 02,TD-314131852-03, 'o rcB B2o2zzFEBo2,IIR 6 034 035602 tt IIR 6 0340i52 02,IIR 6 034020003,IIR 6 034020003,IIR 6 034oB4202,IIR 6 034005302,IIR 6 0340843 02,IIR 6 034008103 'u IIR 2 34063i9 02 " 000290KB 02-13-2002, FM30230rrR 2 340629202,TD 314n2791-02, 000290MFR l6-ApR-2002,000290 -02 MAY-2002,TD-3t4/00949


S E C R E T // NOFORN / I 2O3IOII5 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000290DP(S) reportedlyhas closeties with the Islamic Army of Aden (IAA)28,Al-Qaida, and other extremistsgroups." as a HIGH threatfrom a c. (FOUO) Detainee's Conduct: The detaineeis assessed detentionperspective.The detainee'soverall behaviorhasbeennon-compliantand occasionallyhostile to the guard force and staff. The detaineecurrently has 23 Reports of Disciplinary Infraction listed in DIMS, with the most recentoccurringon 2 December2005 when he begancalling a guard derogatorynamesduring a waist line check as part of a search.The detaineeassaulteda guardon I7 March 2005 by throwing his shoeand hitting a guard in the face. Earlier that sameday the detaineesaid to a guard, "Sh-t on America" and "Death to the United States." Other incidentsfor which the detaineehasbeendisciplinedfor include using provoking words and gestureswith the guards,failure to follow instructions/camprules,assault,crossblock talking, damageto property,and possessionof non-weapontype contraband.The detaineehas 6 Reportsof Disciplinary Infraction in 2005, which include 2 threatstowards guardsand a major assault. He was a major participant in the voluntary total fast, missing over a hundred meals according to guard notes in DIMS. On the morning of 24 November 2005,AG-290 declareda voluntary total fast. However,his fast lasted less than two hours as the detaineelater claimed that guardshad helped him so he would eat.

8. (S/NF) DetaineeIntelligenceValue Assessment: value. is of LOW intelligence this detainee a. (S) Assessment: JTFGTMO determined wasrecruitedandfacilitatedthroughthe b. (S/NF) Placement and Access: Detainee FinsburyParkMosqueandits Imam,SheikAbu Hamzaal-Masri,who is currentlyin British custody. DetaineeadmittedlytrainedunderOmarChabani,a seniorGIA andAlQaidamemberwith affiliationsto the SalafistGroupfor Call andCombat(GSPC).He in Jalalabadknown for facilitatingtrainees admittedlyresidedat an Algerianguesthouse placement would havegiven at the Jalalabadguesthouse to Deruntatrainingcamp. His him accessto the studentsandtrainersof the explosivescourse.Detaineewascaptured in theToraBoraregion. c. (S//NF) Intelligence Assessment: Detaineeclaimshe left Algeriato dueto pressure from the GIA, but his facilitationandtravelsuggesthe wasalreadyaffiliatedwith Notth "

1S/Nry The IAA is an IICT Tier 1 counterterrorismtarget. Tier I targets are defined as terrorist groups, especially those with state support, that have demonstratedthe intention and the capability to attack US personsor interests. " IIR 1 663 526902, IIR 6 044 422505, IIR 2 340 604402

7 s E c R E T // NOFORN/ | 20310115

S E C R E T //NOFORN I I 2O3IOII5 JTFGTMO-CG for ContinuedDetentionUnderDoD Controlfor Guantanamo SUBJECT:Recommendation (S) ISN: US9AG-000290DP Detainee, African Extremistgroups,like GIA andGSPC. He hasprovidedvery little information usedanalias on his contactsandactivitiespriorto leavingAlgeria. It is possibledetainee in Afghanistanthat hasnot yet beenidentified. Identificationof detainee'saliasis likely training,and activities,suchasadvance to yield additionaldetailsregardingdetainee's in detainee's in Afghanistan.Dueto thevariousgapsandinconsistencies associations valueandrole within theAl-Qaidanetworkis difficultto assess. account,his intelligence Detaineeis probablya committed,trainedmujahidbut unlikelyto haveservedin a criticalor significantrole for Al-Qaida. d. (S//NF)Areas of Potential Exploitation: o Algeriansafehousesin Jalalabad, AF o OmarChabaniakaAbu Jaffar o Personnelstayingat safehouses o Guesthouse in Jalalabadknownasthe Houseof the Alserians o AlgerianArmed IslamicGroup(GIA) o FinsburyParkMosqueandits connections to the GSPCandGIA. o Trainingcampsin Afghanistan on 24February2004, enemycombatant statuswasreassessed 9. (S) EC Status: Detainee;s andhe remainsan enemycombatant.

Y?/'./@ <,[+Y w HooD -

Major General,USA Commanding

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