24 January2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthernCommand,3511 NW 9lst Avenue,Miami, FL 33172. SUBJECT: (S) Updated Transfer Recommendationfor GuantanamoDetainee,Mohamad Al Ahmed Rachidi, ISN: USgAF-000590DP, to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention
1. (S) Personal Information: MohamadAl Ahmed Rachidi is a Moroccannational,born in 1966 (age 37) in Tangiers, Morocco. He was enteredinto psychiatric treatmenton 8 July 2002 for Bipolar Disorder and was dischargedfrom treatmenton 21 October2002. He is otherwisein good health. 2. (S) Detention Information: Sameas previouslystatedin JTF CG memo dated 18 October2003. 3. (S) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineehasknown affiliations with several Islamic extremist groups to include a direct associationwith the leader of the Moroccan Islamic Fighting Group (GICM) as well as other contactswith known membersof Al-Qaida. Detaineeis believedto be an activememberof both groupsand is suspectedof having information concerningits various membersto include individuals in the United Kingdom and possibly in France. Detaineehas lived and traveled extensively in Europe to include the United Kingdom, where he was married to a British national. Detaineeis suspectedof having affiliations with Islamic extremistsin London at the RegentsPark Mosque, White Monroe Mosque, Baker StreetMosque, and the Finsbury Park Mosque. Detaineetraveled to Afghanistan to participate in Jihad againstthe US and is suspectedof having received training at the Al-Farouq Training Camp. Although detaineeis of moderateintelligence value, he has been completely uncooperativeand not forthcoming with information. Other more cooperativeMoroccan detaineescan provide the sameinformation. Detaineehas repeatedly expressedhis desireto harm Americans. He hasbeenrepeatedlyviolent while in detention. 4. (S) Assessment: Basedon information collectedand availableto Joint Task Force as being a Guantanamoas of 17 October 2003,detaineeISN: USSAF-000590DPis assessed JTF Guantanamo CLASSIF'IEDBY: MG GeoffreyD. Miller, Commander, REASON:E.O.12958Section1.5(C) DECLASSIFY ON: 20290124
SECRET JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Update Transfer Recommendationfor GuantanamoDetainee,Mohamad Al Ahmed Rachidi, ISN: USSAF-000590DP,to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention
member of Al-Qaida and a member of the Moroccan Islamic Fighting Group. Moreover, basedon the detainee'sfolder, the knowledgeability brief and subsequentinterrogationsby JTF Guantanamo,the detaineeis of medium intelligence value to the United States. Basedon the above,detaineeposesa high risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the U.S., its interestsor its allies. on 30 June 2003, and 5. (S) EC Status: Detainee'senemy combatantstatuswas reassessed he remains an enemy combatant. 6. (S) Recommendation: Transfer to the control of anothergovemment for continued detention and/or prosecution. 7. (S) Coordination: JTF Guantanamonotified the Criminal Investigative Task Force of this recommendationon 21 January 2004. In the interest of national security and pursuantto an agreementbetweenthe CITF and JTF GTMO Commanders,CITF will defer to JTF GTMO's assessmentthat the detaineeposesa high risk.