The Telescope 03.12

Page 1


Vol. 3, No. 12

Five Cents

Vista, California, Wednesday, March 8, 1950

Cast of 'George Washington Slept Here' Shapes Up Well As Tickets Go on Sale Dates fo r the Palomar Players Spring production, "George Washington Slept Here," by Moss and Kaufman, have been set fo r Mar ch 28 and 29. In announcing the pr oduction date, Arthur Kelley said the Vista .Theater would house the play. Director Kelley announced t h at the cast is complet e and that rehear sals are now moving along well. 'rhe cast consists of V al Richards as A nnabelle Fuller, an u n der st anding and p a tient woman; Bob Down ing as N ewton F u ller, her gullible and impractical hu sband; Bill Bowers as Kimber , th e Y ankee caret aker, stupid and outspoken; A n ita Nyman as Madge F uller , and N ick Barnhill as Steve E ldridge, Madge Full er's faithful boy friend. Other members of the cast are : Karen Jones and Dick Peterson as Rena Leslie and Clayton Evans, barnstorming actors; Mike Breining a.s Uncle Stanley, a retired businessman living on a reputation and his nephews; Bennie \Vade as Rflymond, Annabelle':;; brat n eph E>w; AI Hans as 1\Ir. Prescott, a closedealing n ei[thbor; Beryl D ee <.::t•11'""'"" 'l!lil "\f:q·y Ali('P \Villiams as Katie and H ester, the maids, and several colleg-e students IYho sh~1re a w<·ekend ·w ith the Fullers. The l<'ull ers move into th e country because ~Ir. F'uller had al·ways ·w anted to live close to nature and to escape city life. Skeptical Anna belle displays her pati ent humor wh en she finds her housemates to be J apanr;;e beetles, tent caterpi ll a r , l 7 -year loc ust and measuring " ·orm . l<'rom tlw IIIOment of their movll lp;, Ne\\·ton l<'uller bnttles ag-a;nst thE' more nnclrsirnble force'> o[ nat\l J'<'. <Jncl against .Mr. PrC'scott ,,·ho wish<'R to tak<' oYer tlw l<'ul ter prorwrty. Advance tiekets are now being sold; tlwy \l'ill later be so tel by tht> Palomar Patrons as wplt as the college studPnts.


Mad Dance Big Success; Prizes Were Awarded "Completely successful " and ' ' wonder f ul '' wer e some of the comments heard after t h e Surrea list D ance on Feb. 21, sponsor ed by Mr. Arthur Kelley's Palomar P layers. Zanie t of t h e costumes worn by a couple were those displayed by Maxine Crafts and Roy Johnson; Maxine as a chicken with it head cut off, and Roy as the hatchet that did the deed. For their originality eflch r eceived a . ·3 gift certificate from S!J effit>ld's drpartnH'llt store. Single-person';; eoR1 tmw;; adjudgrcl th e most outstancling werr those concoct('cl by (l(•nc lfl'''h t ill" a-; n.. H on'•1(> of NIH'l'\\'OOd l<'orest , alHl .\ndy ~ \d an1~ envelope d in h !s V<'rsion of an .\ rge ntin e ganeho . <!e11e and .\ndy each rcceivrd a box of' 111 ixed nuts. Com;rnsas of opinion \\"lS that t he orrhrstra- t il r BlnP Notes· excerdecl all rxpretatim1s a~ h ([ ua!ity and quanbt~' of mn:-;i r• . l nchHlecl i11 tli is hard-wor ked g-ronp wrrc: ,J imm:r F'l oycl, .fim Hewitt. 1\onna Osmnncl, Hrnnie \Vade, T.Jou is Schn eider, Bl)b :\('\\'lUan, D:ck Roz<•lle Hn<l Hilt Pa dell efor d. Dick T'Pterson. presicle11t of the Players. rPpOrt(•(l that the dance was fim1nc ially as \\'ell as scwiatly snccessfu l. Encouragwl b~· this accomp lishment thr drama group is lookin g forward t o next r<'a r and a nother like affair .

Calendar of Events Mar. 8Baseball : Balboa vs. Palomar at Balboa, 3 p.m. Mar 9Meeting: l•'reshman lass, 3rd period. Mar. 10Dance: Sock- Hop, Student Lounge, 8 p .m. Mar. 11Baseba ll : L. A . Pacific vs. Pa lomar at Oceanside, 3 p.m. Ma r . 14Meeting: Palomar Knights, 7th per iod, bleachers. Mar. 17Ba.. eball: Oceanside vs. Pa lomar at Oceanside, 3 p.m . (Conference)


Bill Blacklidge Named Fiesta Head; Chairmen Needed For May Festival Becoming more _of a sure thing every day i t:M Palomar College Fiesta, to be held Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7 at the college grounds near San Marcos. The assembly held last week advised the stJ)dents of the plans and some commit tees were partiaH 11 fu~~. -·

S cience Club T ravels To S . D . Light and Pow er Sparks, sizzles, whirs, and other sundry noi. es were only a few of the things experienced by t he Science Clu b as t h e local E inst ein's, augmented by some students f r om t he p hysics classes, j ou rneyed to San D iego, Friday, Ma r ch 3, 1 fo r a lesson in applied science. Goal of t he visit of the 25 students was the Silver Gate plant of t he San D ieg·o L ight & Power Co. At this station all the power for t his area is gener ated. Among the guides fer the touring group was Bob Cole, brother of our Roger, who is employed at that station. Accompanying the group were the th ree sciE'nce instructors.


Patrons Sell f\.11 Pinl( Elephants F' . .\farch ~..J. and :-l<Jtur.\lar<>h :!.i at the> N11n ;\Till'l',,S { i1·il· (\•JJter th\' Pink IJrphant sa iP s ponsored by th e P a lom ar Patron;; is to h~ held . .\ iJII of the satr i;; to help JH•ecl:r stttd<'nts. The .~a l e is to be organized in I t1e mann<'r of a depa rtm ent stor ; that is ,the r will be sections for eaeh t ype of ar ti c·le to be so ld. An added attraction is to bP a drawiJJg of pri zes, beginn.llg· \I· it It a 11 : utomobi 1E'. \Yith t'.J( h fl'JJ'(·Ira~e n ti(•krt will he


Kay Represents

No. S. D. County .\.t til<' last llJCPt:ng oJ' t he I'll t'alift>rJJia \' neal .\ssoci:.tio·J, Ilm1·:tnl ,\. h· y. Plltsic hPad of Pa lom.r l'o!l(·g-<', 11'<1-" tJnanimously Plectl'd to l'<'JH'<'sc·nt • 'ortlicrn Nan Diego Count~· on tl.r bCianl of d. lt't r,. T!Ji,, gin•s • 'ol'thern Sai l n;P;,(';J ('on lty repI'('S(' nfati on on till' h<~<Jnl and g-iYe:; Palomar l'ollt•gl' r,•c·og'Jl it ion in tliP a..-;sociatioll that <:oY<'rs all ~ont!JeJ·n Ca li fornia from l:)anta Barbara to San D iPgc>. ~)ontlH

~' .

(Continued on Page Three)

H ea ding the list as p ersormol exec utive, Bill Blacldidg i-. to be th e ;;tudent coordina to-r . \Vorki n~ w ith Bill are the cow m ittee c!Jairmen Ed ,Johnso , grounds com m i t tee · Cln:.c.k Rogers, horse committ~e. a11rl Benny Wad e, publicity. Chaw man positions ar e open for co nce:;sions and contest committee!;.' The most helpful aid of Mr. Gu ,;· H. Campbell of Rancho Sa n ta. Fe wit h the horse committee ;-.)H ~ M r. Thomas L. Hosmer w jt t-~ publicity has been volunteered. As fa r as k n own, t he da te <;et for the f iest a is the f irst S a tv. r·-. day and Sunday of May. Scene of the coming Fiesta,.. the San Marcos site, is now being readied for the affg4 r through the generosity of Einc rBrothers' Construction Co., Escondido, }lartin and Son, F8 tlbrook, and Russ 11 Thiboclo. Vista. The committees are dividt•ri. into sub-divisions of which non are filled. The sub-divisions m·0· as foll ows : (: rnn nd--;- Parking- 1 ( ~t'IW r<d l JH _\'Ullt . , Ho rses- Polo and ·~lWl'"l·i horse. PnbliC'ity- Adv;mce ~ale 'l). 1ieket,.;, P ..\. ~ystPm, --;i:.m,.; ,trt•l. ('oJJ('f:'"-'>ion:->-Barbccue. <'ll1 t' t -. tainment. Contest- Baton t w i r I i 11 .:, sq uart• <hill<'<', exhibits and in .td d it ion :\It·. Il<•avenrirh is t"'o·o·nr, }"') to haw a hot rod show. ThosP interested in fiJlj ,lg po~itio11s, or assisting· in any \ray should check with N 1 r'1 K ettPring. No special tale niH H r e 11<'1 decl, j nst a ll'i t lingnes~. "/.o help by giYing- HOlllf' time and a t 11t <' \\'(h k to makn tf)P l•\1 1'!<1 il lll<llll lJO(h S ll CCe~S.


Student Council Cancels Annual At the weekly meeting of the Student Council held on March 6, the council voted t o cancel all plans to have a 1950 annual. The sad decision was fo rced upon the council by lack of student financial support of the 1950 Mirror in terms of subscriptions. Investigation of current expenses showed that of the minimum of 100 annuals needed to insure a yearbook, only 62 were bought by students and faculty. A generous offer of the Governing Board to pr ovide $100 to purchase 25 copies still left 13 books unsold. In view of the large student body debt still remaining from last year's publication, as well as the low state of current funds, it was decided that additional liabilities could not be incurred. Students and faculty who have already made deposits on their books will have the money refunded at a date to be announced later.

New Art C ourse Opens at C ollege :\Iarch 9 is the dJte f or tl1e oprning of a new a rt course in life drawing at Pfllomar College. The cla. s, under t he direction of Mr. ~\. rthur Prunier, is to be held eflch Thur ·day evening in t he College art building from 7 until 10. Tu ition is .free, but there will be a weekly asse~ ment of approximately 50 cents for model fees. T he instru ctor, Mr. PruniPr, is well known as a muralist, having done work in the Sunkist building and in the Heyward Hotel in Los Angeles; in the Ruth school at El Monte, and in theater s, r estau ran ts and private homes th r oughou t S o u t h e r n Cali fornia. T he course is planned t o include instruction fo r bot h beginn er s an d f or a dvan ced stu dents, a nd will include individua l m struction based on t he need of t he individual student.

The Palomar Knights came up with another shindig; this t ime. a rug-cutting affair, the Sock-Hop. The Hop will be held in the new:!y polished lounge. Cut by M ax ine Crafts

Palomar Knights Sponsor Sock-Hop Two-Bits and Loud Socks Admission Socks, Sock ·, SOCKS! Your socks will be in the spotlight on March 10, when the Palomar Knights are throwing a SockHop . T he Hop will be held in the Stu dent Lou nge and the p rice o£ admi ·sion will be 15 cents wit h A.S .B. cards and 25 cents withou t fo r each per son . A dded prerequisite t o one's p resence will be t he loudest pair

of socks you ca n p ut your f~c~. into; sho(•,; wi ll be c hecked at th.e doo r . Music will be by r ecords nnd: cokes may be bou g ht wh en you. become t hir sty. B roke boys? This is yoLi r· chance to shine--Your fee t w ill p roba bly become rather d irty, bu t th is is the tim e to clean n yo ur debts.


Page Two


March 8, 1950 ( Editor ial )

Women Take Over Volleyball Court; Vie with Men for Sports Honors

Help the Red Cross-It May Help You ''For every dollar you gave before, this year add a quarter more.'' This is the appealing slogan of the 1950 Red Cross fund raising Several well - known c a r p e t drive which commenced last week. manufacturers sponsored a :rug Ever ready in time of need, the help of the Red Cr oss stretches show for Steven's Furniture to the far corners of the world, so when your support is asked, Store of Escondido in honor of remember the slogan and give. National Carpet Week. Gir ls from Escondido modeled the beautiful rugs for the show held at the Woman's Club on The red shutters won't do it; neitl1e t· will the students. Get March 2. the Palomar College lounge in half-way decent shape, and then keep A nita Ronay, of Mr. Toll's of- it that way- we mean. A partly-done job of redecoration is almost fice. wa s awarded a choice of a as bad as no decoration, while a messed-up lounge is hardly attractive to anyone. shag rug or a $10 merchandise . It looks as if the students don't reall y care what happens to order for being the most poised The last of January srJw sever aI improvements, but the lounge. and gracef ul model. Congratuthose several changes wi ll make no noticea blc difference unless more lations, Anita. is accomplished. Have you n o t i c e d Betty If each student at Palomar were willing to give one-half hour Hooper's recent absence f1·om school ? After all the discussion of serious work to the cause, a lounge ,,·ould emerge that we all last wee k, it's possible tlutt she could be proud of. Covering of some of tl1e fumiture, adding a and Bob Sparks finally have little paint here and tiler (not that the first paint job wasn't a good one - th er e's just not enough of it), and the smoothing fulfil led their wedding plan.s.And wh ere 's Don Chamberlain? down of the legs of the straight chairs are three of the more immeIn case you have ber n won- diate problems to consider. The addition of a few pictures or dering what Betty Johnson is plants might help too. doing this semester. we found Those few who l1aw been working on tlw lounge have expressed out. Rite is working as a book- their appreciation (not much) of th~ Ul'ie of the floor as a receptakeeper in Escondido. cle for half-smoked cigarettes, or empty candy-wrappers. It seems All Girls! Have you noticed so needless to have the lou nge so cluttered and the f loors so dirty, the new boy roaming around with all the tras h containers so near at hand. A moment's considschool yet? His name is Gene eration will make the loung-e more p !eal'iant for ns all. Manley - and what's more he can sing. Gene, who made 1 short stop at Balboa U., then at Oceanside, ha · now come home to Palomar. .b Yardage - Notions - Patterns Bela ted birthday gt cetings to h PHONE 2206 212 E A ST VISTA WAY VISTA, CALIF-. Chuck Purtee and Louis Sibnrg, Feb. 22 ;Roy Biddle, Feb. 24; I.~ouis Piunt, Feb. 23, and Betty Durkan, March 5.

Lounge Needs Your Help- Please


Cut by Maxine Crafts

The sport of queens-volleyball-has become not only the favorite for the P alomar women but for the men as well. Any time after second period ~n Tu esdays and Thm·s(iays one can !- ' e ft om s ix to sixteen (and more; net-miHdcd iitdividuals wild' y swatting and buffetting a . ball which (if such were pos~ ible) must be somewhat baffled .a · to thf' treatment it receives. \ -it:io us serves, savage returns, uusn<.:C"e ·.-ful tries at spiking and ihy,.;t.u·ical laughter, leave much not to.• be desired-sore muscles. · Sit \!e the voUeyball court was mo,·t;-d to make more room for baseb· ll, the power line leading to tb t- gym haYe been in the limelight - one in every four se1·ve;: hits and momenhtrily dance, over t he wires. · · · n-ice, net ball, ·wire ball, •'()utside, inside, kill it" and Mrs. Inm~ Johnson's "Roll that ball," are heat d throughout the · d!J3'~Proof that Yolleyba ll is here ~ stay. .'U·----

T he dean of women of a large ''(!O"educational college made an announcement to the student body as follows : ·'T Le president and I have de~ided to stop necking on the ~am pus.''


.Cutie : "Is it hard to become .:.a n.ember of a nudist colony?'· Sheik: "Nope; all you have to ..Oo iJ leave your name and a ..drf•s.<:. ' '

The Telescope Published Bi-Weekly · By the Students of Palomar College

~ I


~~.~· ~~:.:~n a~:O

Edi"or ... Kenney New s Editor ..... _.. Glenna Miller Fea: ure Editor .. -... -................. .. .................. Dorothy McDonald Sports Editor................ Ed Wiley Asst. Sports Editor ............. -- . ........... _._ ............ Al Southworth B usiness Manager ................... . ...................... Valeria Richards E xchanges ................ Mary R ubio Illustrations ........ Maxine Crafts , Mickey Robinson ~ Reporters-Bill Bowers, E . M. f McGonagle, Norman Kettering, Don Chamberlain, Betty I Ann Durkan , R ay Garcia, Ed 4 Johnson, Howard. Standerfer, Mar y Alice William s. Adviser........................ A. S . Villa Printed In T h e Press Pl a n t, VIsta.

My Funniest Moment By Bob Newman

:My folks 1ud just g-otten back from a 1·acatio1t and liad parked th eir old HJ:i2 Dodge ja lopy out in front of our home in Duluth, Minn. Our hou>;e wus near the top of a tenifie gr<~de i n Duluth. I II'CtS ltelpi11g· the folks unload the car which was overloaded with baggage. The '32 Doclg'e was a lo11g four door job bni lt. back in the days when they put metal in automobiles. '\Ve were a ll rtu111ing bac k and forth carrying loads from the c ~1r to th e hoHse. One m~- secoud trip out I discow red the car was gone. I was thinki1 1)2' to myself. ''Now who cou ld've dri1·en off in the car so quickly?" A little boy disrupted my thonght b.'- saying. "It went thut way." pointing down hill. Sure enougl1. there it was, going domt-hill. hell- bent -for-election, back"·ards. heading for a parked car on the SYJJie side of the street as ours but three blocks below us. \\~e '"ere Hll tearin~ down hill when the CHJ' hit with a tremendous .impact. \Vl1en we arrived at th e scene of the accident the owtH:'r of the parked cm· ours had hit. was going stark-ravingmad. He had purchased a new P Ack11rd just one hour before and >~· as at the moment of the crflsh shm1·ing it to his wife. Now he wH gHping at about seventy fiw dol lars worth of scrap met al and it took three men and a little bo)- to keep him ft'Oill pounding the dayli~·ht>; out of my father. To ,<;ome p€:'ople this 1rould b<> a tragedy. to me this was the funniest moment of my life.


Chicken Pie Shop Lunches and Dinners a la Carte





Howdy Neighbor





THE MEN'S SHOP Come See Us Soon


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Escondido, California

Tennis and Badminton Restringing by Machine

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Spalding Athletic Equipment

Phone 1531

218 E. Grand' - ~cade Bldg. ESCONDIDO




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3.98 each I


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Vista Baby Shop




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V ivien.1-e 's Paint·Pumps ·HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STORES·Applientn

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Cam pus




123 Main St. Phone 471 Fallbrook. Calif.



FUZZY'S Body & Fender Repairs

Escondido 232

Vista 2861

WEBB BROS. Farm & Irrigation Equipment


L ocated in Hudson's Garage I Vista

Phoae: 110

Eacondido, Calif.

--- . )

Mar ch 8, 1950


Page Three

Garcia, Johnson

Oceanside Hands

Hoopsters Name

Receiv e Awards

Comets Drubbing

Best Opposition

At a meeting of the P alomar Basketball team. Ray Garcia was selected the Outsta nding Basketball player of '49- '50. Gar cia 's name will be p laced on the outstanding at hlete blanket below the name of Clint Smith. E d Johnson ·was honored by his team mates when he was selected season captain for the '49'50 squ ad. Johnson replaces George Ross who was named the seasonal leader a year ago. "k·- - - -

Absorbing their second drubbing in the last three games, the P alomar nine was t r ounced 12-3 by the Oceanside Sp artans last Friday af ter noon. Playing on t he Oceanside diamond, the two clubs met in a p r actice tilt prep aratory t o confer ence play which begins the m iddle of this month. B ig Ed J olmson worked the mound for the f irst thr ee innings and 'vas charged with the loss. The Comets gathered eight hits while the Spartans hit for nine safeties, four off Johnson and five off Marv Brewer. The big gun for the locals was Dick Smith who managed to get three for four off the pifching of Bill Guevara. 'fhe only extra base hit for the Comets came from Bill 0 'Neill when he banged out a triple in the fii-st inning.

At the recent meeting of the hoop squad au all- opponent team was selected fr om the teams of our conference foes. First stringFor wa r u. Nicholson, P .V.C. For war d, Herman, Cit rus. Center, Peterson, Citrus. Guard, Castr o, P .V. C_ Guard, Holzer, Oceanside. Second string, l<'orward, \V. Hunt, E l Centro. Forward, R o .r c e, Antelope Va lley. Center, Taylor, P.V.C. Guard, ,Jimenez, P.V.C. Guard, Madden, Citrus.

By "Mac" and Ed

League S chedule Made Official March 17El Centro at Blythe. Palomar at Oceanside. Citrus at Lancaster. iV[arch 2-l:-~\.ll Double Headers: Blythe at El Centro. Oceanside at Palomar. Lancaster at Citrus. Apr il H-One of the winning teams will draw a bye and t he other two winners will play at a place to be announced. April 28-B:re team and winner of April 24 game will play for the championship at a place to be announced. _._





At this dat e, this column is changing to g ive you follower s of music a broader scope of latest records, jazz and classic. Also, for added int er est, we will try to inf orm you of coming musical attr actions in San Diego County an d vicinity. For jazz followers, Perry Como has tur ned a new disc ''Please Believe Me.'' Tommy Dorsey comes out with "Just For Old Times''. Ralph Flannagan does a good job in ''Rag Mop". "Quicksilver", this week's standout, can be had by several popular singers. But Bing Cr osby and Andrew Sisters, and Doris Day, are the favo r ites. On the f lip of Crosby's rendition is "Have I Told You Lately" an old but still ever popular song. "Daddy's Little Girl " is among the top ten of the nation this week, can be had by Dick J urgens, Mills Br other s, Dick Todd and P hil Regan. The MilLs Br others version seems to be the most in demand .

Special Purpose Foods


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b b ~

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.Escondido Beauty Salon

Easter Special ~


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335 W. Grand


Phone 1170

$10 Down and $5.25 Monthly Any Makes or Models





• Escondido 144 W. Grand



--- --

Vista. Calif.




LOPEZ Market

ESCONDIDO Times - Advocate

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worry about .t hem!

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Chester L.Pierce





Insurance of all kinds is my business and my business is to Protect You Against Unforeseen Events.



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lOt East Grand


Insurance Problems, then have ...


& Marx

suits Manhattan Shirts

If they are



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OHice Supply ~

~ Hart, Shaffner

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New Shoes Shoe Repairing

Portable Typewriters FOR SALE :


CONTRACTORS Phone 1163 326 West Grand Escondido, California __ _ _ _ _ b



" The best /or men" Stetson hats Florsheim shoes







Phone 3631

General Insurance Tel. 7946 Vista, Calif.





Lester E. Reese


Junction New and Old Hi-ways 395 Phone 504

McDougall's Pharmacy

given. Later the drawing will be held. Collection stations have been set up in the five localities closest t o P alomar College : the old p ost office building in Vista, Wayman & Sons in Fallbrook, Boyle & Sons in Escondido and San Marcos, and a pickup service by Mrs. Adolph H eyne of Oceanside. Since one man's trash is another man's treasure, every one is urged to collect all their pink elephants and to take them t o the nearest receiving station.

Phone 1013-J Radios Pianos Records , Band and Orchestral Instruments Musical Merchandise

LaGranja Nursery


(Continued from Page One)


Score by I nnings Palomar ·····-·---- · 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Oceanside -- ····-·· · 0 3 2 3 4 0 x


Pink Elephants

Phone 9--3351


Ernie Osuna


• ,



Page Four


March 8, 1950

Local Tracksters Hold Initial Practice Under Astute Eye of Coach Val Villa

COMET SPORTS Palomar Nine Wins Season's First Tilt Late Rally Downs Balboa U. Squad 7-6

Local C asabists

Led by first sacker Johnny Hall's three run homer in the Comet's big second inning, and Roy Akridge's game-winning clutch single, Coach Hueston Harper's Palomar nine eked out a 7-6 win over the Balboa University baseballers last Feb. 28 on the Oceanside College diamond.

With Big E d Johnson p itching two hit r elief ball in the last three innings and fanning five, he showed some of his much talked about mound talents and made up for his poor showing against River side by winning his first ball game of the season.

Big Secood Inning T he big inning for the locals came in the second canto when t hey gathered five r uns on five hits. Marv Brewer and Don Rivers led off with successive singles followed by Hall's homerun to deep center field. The next

Tigers Maul Palomar 12-3 Opening up in their initial encounter of the season on Riverside's Wheelock F ield last Feb. 21, the Comet horsehiders were set down 12-4 by the Riverside Co ll ege Nine. · ·while Palomar was garnering only three hits, the Tigers were bang-ing away at Starter Ed J ohnson for nine hits and nine runs before J ohnson was . rep laced in the fifth by Marv Brewer. Brewer finished the seven inning game giving up three runs on two safeties. 'fhe Comets' three hits were t wo ingles and a double by D ick Smith, John Hall, and Marv Bre\\·er respectively. The batteries .for the two clubs were: for Palomar, Johnson, Brewer and Bill 0 'Neill ; for Riverside, Bill Martin, Remmel Ash ley and Nick TraYap:lione behind the plate. "l\Tartin r ceivcd credit for the win while ,Johnson was hand('d the loss.


V ogue Beauty Salon


Wit h only five r eturning lettermen from last year's track squad, t he e omet s will star t practice this week still without a definite place to hold workouts, but with good chances of upholding last year's second place wmners.

O ceanside Trips

two batter s, Lonnie Lopez ~nd Dick Smith wer e out on a strikeout and a f lyball r esp ectively. Bucky Cole drove a double to left fi eld followed by walks by Bill 0 'Neill and Johnson. The next man up, Walt Van Dam, slammed out a two base hit to bring in Cole and 0 'Neill. The payoff punch came in t he last of the seventh inning. With two away, a man on third, the score tied 6-6, and two strikes on the batter, '' Tex'' ~kridge came through in the clutch with a little looping ''Texas Leaguer'' over the f irst baseman's head to drive Johnson across th e plate with the winning run.

League Windup Ocean ·ide Carlsbad College dumped t he local cager s 85-34 in the Oceanside gym, Feb. 24, the game marked the en d of leagu e play for both squads. Scoring as they pleased the Sp ar tans r aced to a 36 t o 17 lead in the first half. Oceanside was spearhea ded by K eith Klose who racked up eight points in 1 the first half. Palomar was beaten by a well coached and a well balanced ball club. Fred Holzer was the outstanding ball player on the floor as he p umped in 25 points. Ray Garcia !>aced the locals by r ipping the nets for 16 points. With the league play now over, the league champs, Palo Verde and second place Oceanside will attend the National J . C. Tournament to be held at Compton early this month. Lineup : Palomar {34 ) (85) Oceanside Garcia, 16 F 15, Klose F 6, Castro K enney, 6 Nelson, 7 C 11, H amblin G 25, H olzer J ohnson, 1 Kettering, 3 G 10, MacDonald Scori ng subs: P alomar-Ash ley 1 ; Oceanside-Snedeker 4, P<'r. ·son 2, Pearson f5, Hosmer 8. Halftinw scor <'- Pa lomar 17, 0.-C. 36 . ~



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athletes, ''orphans of San Diego County,'' are out in the storm looking for a place to play. Ed Wiley, discus; Bob Hitt, pole vault; Travis Bagwell, quarter miler, and Dick Godwin and Dick Smith, hurdlers, come back to strengthen this year 's squad. Rod Bull, standout distance man f r om E scondido who had been counted on for many points, fell before the faculty axe and will be lost to the squad. H-oundi ng into fin e ear ly se<lson shape, Eel ·wiley ha:-; already sp11n tlw plattCJ' within two fret of 1he conference di~cu~ record of 110 f('e1. ln the j avelin a surprise standout has come into the picture in the .'ihape o.f Fred Ash lPy who, in street shoes, hit HO feet i 11 his first day of tryouts. Bob Hitt will be a strong adclition to the squad i.f he. cm1 reh1rn to his J 9:!8 form when he hit 12 fert G inches i 1 tl1~

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p ole vault. Hi t t was hampered last year with a broken ankle. Travis B ag well, in the 440, and B ruce Garrett in the high jump are exp ected to add to the point totals. Possible entry of Doug Van Sicklen in the mile run may help Palomar in the distance runs. First meet of the season will be a triangular affair pitting together Oceanside, E l Centro and the locals at Oceanside.

-:.·- -- -


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