l. Tl.J~
l~ r-.,COPE t~
Beauty Treatment for Palomar Planned by Garden Clubs and Vets
Palomar College is going to get a permanent. A beautification plan that will transform the stark STUDE ~T PUBLICATION OF PALOMAR COLLEGE nakedness of the campus at present into a thing of Yi;;ta, Cali[;)rnia, Wedn esday, November 1, 1950 Five Cents beauty is well under way with college and community Vol. 4, No. 3. ----~-------------------------organizations taking an active part in conceiving and DELEGATES TO CUNFRRENCE in developing it. Calendar of Events
Council Complete :\ov. -!--
Considers Formal
"' .\ V.S. dance at 8 :00 fUl l. . in the stn drn t loungE'. , Nov. 78t udent ( 'o n neil mee tin g; t hird peri od. Nov. 11-P a lomar vs. An telope V alley a t L a n cast er , 1 :30 p.m. ~ov .
B a sket b <~ ll prac ti ce begins. :\ov. 1-t-
~t nd e n t
l' oun e il 1ll <'ctjn g ; third peri od.
College C el ebrates fi rst A nnua l Ho meco1ning V eel( Picturf'd ab ov .:: are Nic k B e> rnhill and Hcrma. A nderson, m~mbers of the S .i:u den t C c\.:&lcif. wh0 r ..opres-.:nled P~ l cm? r cclieg e at the CaEfc rnia Junior College S tudE: nt (.. cvtrr,mc nr Cvn.er»n ce at Sacramento.
--· . --·-····---- -
Members of Student Coancil B.epre3ent Palomar at Sacramento Conference Palomar college was repre .. ented l:\.L the Califo rnia Junior College Student Governm e11t Confe: encc, wh ich was held October 26, 27, and 28 at the S ac ratr~ento state capitol, by two of its student council :rr.embers. Norma Anderson, secretary, and Nick Barnhill, Soph representative, retur ned to the cam pus Mond ay it-om their northern trip with information and m ate1·i~ l f· om the conference which would benefit t he student c01.. ncjl. And('r!;Oll
Barnhi l l <Jt-
in .\ p r il. Th ·• p l'e- pi :J !JIJ ; ll ~ eon feJ'P! :<:{' will be hpi-J in 13 ;!1 ho:l P a d' il t ~ an Di e: ~o \ri t h P a lonJrtr <~et:n g as 01 :e of the host schools h!!e t!Jel' witl 1 San Di f' go and Oceans idP coll Pge .
tend f:' d \'Hri c· u s workshops \\·l!ith pert ~ in e d to mattt-' r.· t hat m ight conc•~ 1·n p;:Jl()mar eo lleg•' . 'l'l1 eir two main su bjects wE'r e "\Va:·s of ln cren~i ng- Parti c ipati on in r Studt>nt A<:tivitirs" :' nc.l th (' "Associateu \ Vomen f.ltudents". -f:f'--- Both of t hese topics greatly concern thP coll ege. The r egistnttion of appl·oximately 300 delegatrs took plfJCe in the lobby of the Ho1 el S('nator with Sacramento Jnni0r Plll om ar C'lll ege iR h old ing an college acting as host. The thl're day convention beg-a n with a a udion of '""r snr p lus ('f!Uipwelcom e banquet held in the ment, not suitable for college Hotel S enator on Thursday eveuse, l!~riday , N ovember 3, at 3:00 ning. A ctual business bega n Friou the coll Pge ca mpu s. 'l'he maday morning in th P Assembly Chamber of the State capitol tPrial is on the college grounds where all the d elegates convened mtd m <~y be inspect ed ou a pplifor a general session. cation a t the bu:in ess office. The Sacramento conference B ids shall be submitted in was th e tenth biannual gather- writin g and filed at the office ing of California junior colleges. of the District Bus in ess ManThe first Rtudent government conference was h eld at Pasadena <Jger, George T oll, at Palomar City. College in NoYember 1945. College not later than NovemSalinas was chosen as the site of ber 3. Oral Lids will be received the 1946 fall convention. Tn the only on November 3 at 3 :00 spring of 1947, th e confere11CP p .m. , on the Palomar campus. Such va lu a ble equipment as was held at Visalia and Sa n Fra ncisco City College in the gen er a tor , electri c and gasoline fall. The convention found its m otor s, pumps, pre. ses, lubrica way back to P asad ena in 1948 tors, electric plants, metal and woodworkin g machines, tractors, and then in the fall. was hosted by R eedley College. Th e n ext . trailers, trucks, compressors, three s ites wE're Santa Rosa, San welde rs, and many oth('r items a r e to be sold to t h e highest bidBernard ino and BakersfiE"ld. Long Brach City College will der. f-lo com (' and pl ace yonr bid host the J951 confab sometim e 110\\' !
Uig blip: ht <'d by a r oa r in g bon l'i r t• an d ra ll y and cli ma xed with H gTid iro n \\·in over t h e El Cen t m i\ abs, P a lom a r C' oJlpge's J'iJ''lt H:lilll:t l JHJ!ll(''"l lll ' l1 g", Culllp letl' w ii h a bc·a u ii l'u l ql l "~' ll ;md lovel y nt (' JJ <h ll t !;, pro \' ed to hP a g n ··:t s JJ l'('PS'i. Tlw e('lr hrat ion WilS <1 ( \ -,·o-<1 ·! _\' 11ff •ir tr~ ki ~l g' ill 'l'lil!r,·d y 111 :<1 F'ri<l <l .\·. ()r ~oC I:'I ' I~) a n d :20 _ 'I' ll(' ndl y \', ;.s l• <·ltl Tli uJ·:·d·• .\· :1 i,_··llt o11 1I! (• p r <~. ri :• JI<' Xt to t h e e:, li· :.''(• ,\ t ~> 1: ll or l i ~ \ \'('! ' '' in <ILL·nd . ll tt' to ., ,,a t <'!, ! !:p l'e,:t'' it it>;. p, . ·s i.l''llt nf t IH' ;;t •:,1 ''1! body gd .) ,d Jns·>n. -,,-w· Pt ;,.;h• of <'( ' '('1 10t' i ·s <111d i tr d <11 P l D1· l ·~loJ! Tf 'ldt·erl! . pn><i 1e ·t pf [> ,Jl uJII 'l l' (' •d'rg-e. ··,1,., ;;t·•,·1 .. ;
Homecoming Queen
Palomar Will Sell Surplus Material
Tomasin a Fiore
the rally off with an inspiring talk. Following were the song a nd yell leaders, the introduction of Coach Bob Bastian and the football t eam, and the introduct ion of the homecoming qu een and her two attendants. P alomar's first homecoming queen, Miss Tom asina Fiore, and the two a ttendants, Miss Jan Norville and Miss Norma Anderson, were formally recognized at the homecoming dance which followed the game. Miss Fiore r eceived a ch eck for five dollars whil e the attendants wf'rr given checks for $2.50. Music for the dance was supplied by Lyle Smith and his orchestra.
I n th e p ast, m ost of t hr ~:;t u dents of th f• coll e~H· have been ignorant of th e fact th a t t lw y a r e r epresen ted by a st ude nt coun cil . It is n ot r ealized that the cou ncil ha.-; a g r f'at respons ibility in handlin g th e govPrn m ent al af fa irs of th e coll ege stu d ent body . 'I'he couJJ c il is no" · a t full f orce. It has its t ota l of eleven w em he rs. Co mposin g- th €' co un cil is Ed ,Joh n son, p r rsicle nt; Hona ld Kenney, vi ee p r <'side nt ; :\or liLa , \ JHl('rson , sel'ret nry; L uie lhlllt. treasm·er _; Kat h 1 Pe n iVhit('. c·om mi ssionrr of \\'Oll len ; L:·nw n lli.'l< )", eommissionet· of lll<'JJ; ~ i ek B11 rn h ill , soph omor e t('pre-;p nta ti v('; Bi ll Ti p t on , l<' r osh rep r esP11tat ive; and t he Jt l em brrs-a t -1a rge : Fred Ash ley, ,J im l'r oss. and l•' r anc is l\fer eh a nt . At tl w pre:w nt 1im e, the stu d rnt l'n u nei l \1·i ll b<' ron C('l'I Wcl with th,, C hrist mas F ormal as it li as t a ken 01 1 th (' r <'spons ibility of r>· esenting- th€' dance . The f or ma I is t o bf:' h eld in D ecemJ: pr som et inJP during- tll c \\' r>f:' k befor" ('hristlll as va('a t;on. It i" hop ed that th e Ca rlsb·!d IJotPI Hallroom C<JIJ lw sernred for th<' l'ven i ng- of the formal.
Ga rd f:'n eln bs of l•'allbrook ,
Vista a n d Esc•ondi do ltavt• chos<•n J'eprPsc•n t a tivP.s t o play a m ajor r ol'-' in ca rry ing ou t the actua l pl ant i;Jg under t h e ma st er la nds<'ap: ng p lHn pro p o~e d b:· t lw a r ch itects of the co, lpg-e. I m ·itations h av(' a lso lwe n e.' t rn d ccl t o th <> ga rd en d nbs of En einitas a nd R a nch o SaMta p ,. both of whi ch ar(' E' Xp('Ct<-'d t o participa te. Tlw vetf'raus classr s of P a lo. mar wi ll pl a y a lar·ge pmt in tlw beautif ication prog-r am with soil a n a ly ses and eotTPc t ion, a ll(l \\·ith i J Ti g <~ti o n plannin g- :1 nd ills ta lbti on . ('l assrs in flm·il' u ltll J'P nn <l <•r T olll fl osm" r 11n• p la n nin g to llHtk<• thi s a <'ollunou pr oject ;mcl i•JPJnhers of 1hr IIUJ'spry fl l'il.<'ti<·(• group li<JVP ctlrcad~· lw. g·un to propa~·ntt• tr·r•Ps for lllndsca pi ng. ll<'<'o r ding- to L. :\J. B loss. ' 'Ptrnns' C'oord ina t or n1. P ll loll lill' Co il(• ..,._
*'- -Aviation Course Plans Coinpleted
Pia ns for a n 11 viHti 011 conrs<' at Palomar ( 'ollP~e will be offi cially completed at a me<'ting Friday and Saturday of this wee k. 11<'Con1 i ng to Dr . Tipton \Yood. Sll r <·n ·isor of a d \1 l 1 classes. Th (' rnel'tin:.r wi ll hi:' b('t \\P <' n -{{--repre sentativ e· ~ frorn Pa Iom ;J r· and1l1e airports in this a rea ·1nd offi cial." from tlw S t atf:' D '' JH'l'tm ent of EdnciJtion a nd th(' C.i\.i\ During llH' <:ollf'f' re JJ('P. 111'i\1rs. l{utli :'\ t> WnJI! II. reg istntr rang-Pments \rill hr eompleted of P al om " r ( 'o l] pge. atter1ded a between the• co ll eg-r and the bi-a n nu ~ l n:ePting of J.C. and th ree airfiplds: San Mil reos AirState college r <'g-i-;trars at LoR port; McCorm ick Pielcl. and IIiAnge les Harbor Jr·. Collecre in Hi Airpor t at Oceanside. for the Wilmington. C::~liforn i a , Prida_v, transf('r of grou nd school t r a inOclob"r 20. Th ere wne about ::l5 in g to Palomar. representatives from 20 colleges Tn a confprence with Mr. at tile meeting in which vario11s Brusch, the instructor ; it was problems were discussed. indicated that the pay sch edule Coffee was served at 9 :30, could be worked out satisfacfollowed by a tour of the cam- torily. pus. Then a general session was Plans for this course wer e held which consisted of the fol- virtually completed October 11. lowing program: W. Earl Sams, aviation educaSimplified attendance record- tion consultant of the California ing-Committee r eport; change Department of Education, flew of program regulations; non- into San Marcos for a consultascheduled attendance account- tion and tour of the campus ing; issuing transcripts without with President Elon Hildreth students authorization; late reg- and Dr. Tipton Wood. istration; P . E . attendance; Sams brought with him a letwithholding honorable dismis- ter from th e State Department sal ; enrollment trends; accep- of Education congratulating tance of credits from non-ac- Palomar and other junior colcredited institutions; r egis tra- leges on th eir growing interest tion procedures including ma- in aviation. chine registration. Completion of this course will Following 'this there was a consist of 200 hours preflight talk on selective service regula- training in civil air regulations, tions, and a luncheon in the fac- meteorology, aerial navigation, ulty dining room. radio, aircraft and aircraft enThe session was adjourned at gmes. 1 :00 p.m. of the same day. -f:f·---
College Registrar Attends Meeting
John and Nellie Mauchline, who attended P a lomar college last year, expressed r egret in a recent letter to P alomar a t b ein g unable to continue school this year and sent best wishes to faculty and student· for succeRs m our n ew location.
Arthur Kelly, dramatic instructor at Pal(}mar, who has been in th e Oceanside hospital recovering from a virus X infection for the past week will be back on the campus by the first of next WPPk, according to th e latest report. Mts. Irma Johnson has been meeting his classes dnri 1 1~ Kell~· 's a b. ence.
'l' II E
Moving Day Over For Palomar; Big Task Tribute to Staff Efforts 'l' lw JllOYing of Pal01nar Colleg·r to its ne\1· and permanent llO!llr at San :\Iarcos ha.-. been eomplctt>d. The transtf'r of the gym from 1he former Vista site completed what was one of the outstanding feats " ·itnessed in 1h il> locality. It beg·an wi tll the appenrance oi an imp ossi ble situation composed of littl e coopPr ation a n d inadequate fina nces. Howe,·er . 1 h ron~h the p ersisten ce a nd in iti at iw of the board of governors and t l e complet e baeki no· of t he fac ul tY ::md student body." P aloma r "college, S an Mar cos Calif ornia. ' · changed fr om il d r ea m to r ealitY. l\ ow. ·afte l' sever al weeks of r e11djnstmen t , Palom ar is beginn ing- ro t ·t:e on thf' look of d ignit~· peculi >~ r to in stitution s of high er lea rning in spit e of a f ew r emAinin g irrita tion s. 'l'·wen ty -onc bui ld ings have been moved f rom V ista and Camp E lli ott by the Cuyamaca and t he Ander son moving comp anies, a ll but one arr iving wit hout m ishap. T he a r t building, t h e only one damaged, was dropp ed f rom a height of about six feet when the cable on a de rrick snapped. It landed with su ch force that t he leg. of the d esks went t hrough . the floor. T here was consid erable damage to the bui lding -and the m u sical instru-
\Yith the eoming of coo le r 1reather many beautiful sweatrrs and sk irt s have appearrd on the campus. Th e latest fc)cl- that is- the girls arc askin g the boys to the ' · Supressecl Desi l'e" dance being- put on by the Associated ·women Students on next Saturday, November 4.
Found on the in s ide cover of a lost book: To whom it m ay co ncernThis book p lease do n ot b urn , It 's f ull of junk, of notes a nd bunk , But f r om it I must learn. MY TREE
There are ·o many kinds of trees I couldn' t name them all'fhe evergreen and deciduous That lose their leaves in fa ll. But the tree that I love best of allI s nothing much to seeNot bea utiful w it h foliage gr een, But still- its dea r to me'Ca use ther e between th e p eeling bark, We wrote we 'd never partW ith my initials car ved with his In a crudely fash ioned heart.
MEN'S and YOU NG ME N'S WEARING APPAREL --<Come in Soon---·b
unald Kenney ................ E di tor J am es Hewitt .................... Sports Nancy Brenan .............. Features Rex Staffor d ................ Features Ha r old K r ies ............Exchanges Charles P u r tee ...... Advertising J erry R udolph .................. News J ohn 0. Findlay .......... Ad visor
Campus Togs Sport Wear Dress Clot hes Sh oes
215 E. Vista Way VISTA Phone 2861
' Corner Kalmia & Grand b Escondido " (
Good Eat s
F'1r F oot ball Sh oes with Built-In Speed
Al·t Hollis Can F ill Yo ur Ever y Need !
Your P hoto ·
Headquarter s
346 East Grand Ava.
Escondido, California - - Phone 1531 - SPAULD ING A T H L ETIC EQUIPM ENT
R. C. A . - H offma n Packard Bell
G en eral Elect ric ,.
217 E. Grand A v e. Escondido
Corner Gr and and Broadway
318 E. Vista Way
li ~
Farm Irrigation Supply Co.
• Automotive Repairs
Sprin klers Pipe, Hose, and Va lves Portable P ipe
Phone 451 121 N. Santa Fe
140 E. Grand Ave. ES CONDIDO Phone 232
.Store for Men
·• Tire Recapping 1 da~ service
QK 'ed Used Cars
Phone 818
F OUNTAIN and ·Coffee Shop
W e giveS & H Green Stamps
Palomar Motors
Phone 473 136 W. Grand Ave. Escondido
• • •
Y en etians : Shades P aints & Sundries
Escondido - V ista
~'"--;loor Coverings
Clark's, Inc.
Plumbing . and Appliances
So. Indiana at Broadway VISTA
1\' E MBETI 1. 1930
Box 202, Escondido
• • • Invite you to look over their New Fall Stock of-
SJqH·n·i-;or Ewrrt1 stat c d tlH'l'(' \\'PI"(' (i.J()() JW n-;o ns taking 1 on I•' tr.tining· in Ca lifornia <JI th£· j)i'"'H'n t t:llle. E,·e1·ct1 also ~·t i el t!ll'l'£' "··rr· nrw ch·pctives er1m in•.!· i'l'Olll tl1e c·r>Jtra l office or' th P \ 'ptp· ans J\ dlllin i;;tration in I,Yash in gton, D. C' .
b b
The best the market affor ds in Groceries and Meats
~;ll· i<><·'s ;t;-.t·u~~ccl Y.< '~' ;1hout •· P'i t-; l ring tnu•~:t' n·"i>le to inst.tilt ions rd' h:g·ltr•J· I <ll'iling, uuil cd s_,··;jl'lll of nmning- anri lJmni>Pring· agTieJtltural eourses m1 junior eol•pg·,s. ;JJ ,J pt·oj"r·terl n"l Pii'PJlJents 1llld reports.
Quality Market
P u blished Bi-mo nthly the St udents o ~ Palomar College. ~~
L. ;u. Blo,.c-;_ d·;·r· tor n:· Yor•;Jtional Prlu<:;Ji I~l 1 ;Jt Pa 1oJi <II'\ 'ollege. attl'ndC',I a tl· f'hPn;' I'll Pt ing at El ('entro. Ca liforn ia, on :-)atu rday, October 21, 19.30. 'l'IH• Jlleeting-. a veteriln 's teaehel's 11ff:1 ir. \\'ils lwld i•1 t ltr· C'c>ntl'al .JJuli•n· Col l!• g·~· IJuildin:~· under th f' lead .•rsli ip of B . IL Denb~- - l'<'g-ional 'illperYiS r ol' ag-r ic nltur;Ji I' 1l 11 c· at ion f'or South e r n Cal :,·o: nia . The genPml ~-;e~:~-; i u n COJ!-; i•; lt• J of ta U(s b_v D<'nby, (' ·c il W r lls and E. E . Even·tt in ch;; r;,re of veter a ns train i1 1~· and ecJuc hl11 a dmin istration . . 'at! Dieg-o. HJlCl B yr ou McM: uha11 , ch if•f of tk· burea u of a g ri c ult ur 1l eel de tion . Following- tl! e poe te ral s E's~ io n . the m eeting w ::~ s hroken np i nto three parts consi st ing of instr uctor s in day school agricu ltur e, instr uctor s teaching agricultur e
The Telescope· B ~·
Represents Col1c g'c
By Na ncy Brenan
This accident was not clue to a nyone's inefficirncy as wa · proven by the f1H~t that the 89foot locke1· bnil ,l in g \\·as moved intaet " ·it hout <lll_, . cLimage evc• n to the int :• rior of t he sh owc• r stalls. Crafts said th e rest rooms would be r eadr for use in a fe,r da .v ·. The n ew p a rking lot north of the c::~mpus 'rill also be r eady a · soon as it is s urface d, p r obab ly by Mo nday. The chemistry lab orato ty a lso lws been completed fo r use. Floodlights ha ,-e been insta lled a round the campus in such a maun er that all buildings and g rounds will be illumina t ed ewnly. 'l'he " ·iring for th ese and other ligh ts, wa s don e by three differ ent contractors, B a k e r Electric Company did t he over head wiring while B ill Moor e and Burt Electt·ic Comp any did the interior wor k. Cr afts pra ised th e unselfish cooper ation of these men in their endeavor to ''get t hings rolling. ''
in hig·h . l'hooi.,_ <1'111 in,.;trtl('iOI'S on t';JJ 'Ill tl"'in.ng- in !J i ·~·l l 1-il'lioob illld ju 1irn• <•r, llng·<•s.
BJ oss Attends r·.i'!ect
Fads and Fashions
lltents ll'hich 1retT stored inside, aeeoru ing to ('ha l'l rs Crafts, lH•ad I'Ustodian, but this was <:OYl'red br i nsnnmet• and 1he mo1·ing compilll~- P'lid for thr dnitlag'<' to the building.
By Rex Stafford
Gifts -
Adding Machines, Typewrit ers h
Domestic and French P er fumes Prescri pti ons
Typewriter Repairing
4 4 ~ 4
F or "much cat" food -
Escondido Office Supply 144 W . Grand
Phone 617
W e give S & H Green Stamps
Ray & Hilda Ryan
)J !J
319 Broadw ay, V1sta
Phone 9-4271
Page Three
Dress As a Dream AWS Invites You
A WS Officers Are Picked at Meeting
JLts your lifp b<•en thwarted ! Do ~·on haYC' a suppn•ssPd clr.~in·! I r so, and who clO('Sil 't , ,\"Oll nre ask(•d to don a C' osttmle tnll~ <kpicting this thC'Jlll' as ~-ou turn out l'or .\ .\Y.S. clanee next Ha1lll'([;l~- nig-ht at 8:00 in the s1n<lrn1 loung\'. 'l'hp g-irls arp asking the boys a nd PYeryone is to " ·ear a ost tun e and thcrr will be a prize I' or t ht most original '' s np pressrei desir e". 'l'h e p ri ce for this popular re.cord dance i 50 cents doubl e or stag and reheshments will be furnished free except for colcC'is. .Dancing will continue until 12 :30.
*'--Students Tested By, Traveling Unit Slightly more than half of the .student body w-ere X-rayed on Monday when the Chestmobile from San Diego visited the campus according to Coach Bastian and Mrs. Irma Johnson in charge of the program. The mobile unit, with two attendants, arrived on -the campus !!bout 9:00 in the morning and left at 12 :30. Mrs. Rodney Smith made out the identification cards in the student lounge.
A-I USED CARS Large Selection '
Homer Heller Incorporated Used Car Lot 400 W. Grand Ph. 968
BULOVA America's GREATEST Watch Value
-orDIRECTOR 15 jewels Expansion Bracelet
Classes in avocado raising, citriculture, floriculture and nursery practice, and the production of truck crops such as tomatoes, squash, celery, etc., are conducted at Palomar College every W ednesday evenin g and are open to veterans. Any veterans eligible for education under these bills must be registered in a definite course before July 25, 1951, and those interested in Institutional- onFarm training should contact the veterans coordinator at Palomllr College. Eight different classes are being conducted. -ti:·- - - -
Installation of all utilities have been completed at Palomar College and are now in use. The finishing touches were put on the water, gas and electrical installations last Saturday. This concluded a rath er difficult period during which classes had to use makeshift methods in some instances, especially in labora tory experiments and life science courses. The cafeteria staff was also handicapped by this lack of facilities but now activities are functioning on a rrormal plane and schedules are becoming balanced.
MISS AMERICA 17 jewels Snake Chain Bracelet
*'--Veterans Classes Open for Members
*---Choir Selects Staff and Music
'Nuff Said!
"Howdy Neighbor'' See Norm Graham
New Shoes · Shoe Repairing
The Men's Shop
Best in Men's Furnishings
218 E. Grand Escondido
Arcade Bldg. JJ Phone 573-W I!
Coro Jewelry Sheaffer Pens I Gifts for all Occasions at
Fallbrook Lumber Co.
Mrs. Howell's Jewelry
Lumber Materials Building Hardware Cement - Paints
138 E . Grand Ave.
Escondido AHamilton Watches Diamonds ~
• • • •
P. 0. Box 305
Phone 7070
- - - -
Arrow Shirts Mallory Hats Samsonite Luggage Interwoven Socks
Christine's Escondido's Newest and Smartest Style Shop 70S Escondido Blvd. Phone 1331
First Quality Merchandise Your One-Stop Shopping Center Phone 7 ..............................................Open Saturday Nights 'til 8:00 Free Parking ...................................................... Easy Payment Plan
118 West Grand·
RadiQS - Records
Band and Orchestra Instruments
418 E. Grand Ave. Escondido
Only $33.75
Sears' Escondido Store
Newspapers Are Boosters for Our Neighbor, Palomar J.C.
East Vista Way
Reese's Music Shop
• •
Near Buena Village. Vista
205 E. Grand Escondido
Shop for Your Back to School Wardrobe
P. 0. Box 126
Phone 14 157 E. Grand Ave.
• •
lJ iJ
12:45-Sat.• Sun .• and Holidays 6:45-Week Days
Highway 395
Fountain & Grill
Box Office Opens
The Wardrobe
PalaSweet Shop
• •
146 E. Grand Ave. Escondido Phone 498
Palomar's a capella choir is off to a well organized start this year by electing its officers and starting immediate work on Christmas music, and a ''Package Show". Those persons elected to offices are president, Sammy Whitlock; librarian, Dick Frank, and publicity chairman, Walter Breining. The choir intends to make many appearances around the area. this year with its ''Package Show" and talent. In this way it will endeavor to acquaint more people with student ability. Mr. Howard Kay, director, enthusiastically believes his material this year has great potential ability.
Avo Theater
Mark's LumberYard
Each lllt'lllhrr· of th(' jotlrnal i~m cia!-;;· has h<'cn a~signrd a role on th e Tel escopl' ~taff and will be r esponsible for a definite a~sigmuent in addition to reporting- an<l writing- regular ne\r~ ~tories. 'I' he Jll (' lll hrrs and titles are ai-l follo\rs: Ronald Kenney, editor; .] amrs H e\ritt. sports; Xancy ]henan and Rex Stafford, f c a t u r e s ; Harold Kries, exc hanges; Charles Purtee, advertising; Don Kemiedy, illustrations ; J erry Rudolph, news.
lJtilities All In Ready For Winter
Tlw fir.~t ~\..\\•. N. nH·cting· of 1hP .n•ar· held in 11H· ealllpll~ CH f<' t<•ria .:\londa~r <'\'Pn i ng, Oetolwr ~:l, \ra.-; an outsanding ~ll<' <' <' ~s. It \ras a dinner llH'l't, arran ged by (hrrn ;\loon' and .:\lary lJon Hill \rho nl~o pn'pan•d and sen·r<l a~ ho~trs1-ws for thl' C'Y('ning-. Tlw COlllmitteP appn•ciated l\lri-i. Hart ley's pcrnlission to use the ca f('tC'ria. E lecto in of officers for till' term was hE'ld aft·cr t he dinner. The following mrm bers were chosrn: P res i d e n t . Nancy Brenan; vice president, H elen Bakke; secretary-treasurer, H elen Magarian; ·ocial chairman, Magarian; s o c i a l chairman, 'fommy Fiori. Plan for the '' Spressed Desire'' dance next Saturday were discussed and games were played for the balance of the evening.
Telescope Staff Assigned Duties
Sutton's Pharmacy Main St., Fallbrook
Phone 607
. I
W. A. Gibson ' JEWELER 148 E. Grand Ave. Escondido Price Includes Federal Tax
LOPEZ Market Specializing in Mexican Products
315 So. Santa Fe
Open Sundays
P. 0. Box 281
501 W. Grand Ave.
Page Four
.:--Jovember 1, 1950
Co1nets Suffer Third League Setback; Drop 20-0 Fray to Oceanside Spartans
COMET Palomar Takes Initial Conference Win While Defeating El Centro Arabs 14-13 Big Ed Johnson meant the difference betwee~ a win and a tie when he booted two out of two conversw_n attempts while leading the Palomar Comets .to their first grid victory over the El Centro Arabs m three years. Before a small crowd of 400 partisan rooters at the Vista high school field la~t October 20, the Comets earned their first win of the year as they downed a hard-fighting Arab eleven 1~_-1_3_.__ Fred "Mule Train" .Ashley took the opening kickoff on his ()Wn five yard line and, behind brilliant down-field blocking, went 95 yards for the locals' first tally. A few plays later, Palomar recovered an El Centro fumble on the Arab 29 yard stripe to set up its second touch<lown. Ashley carried the ball on an off-tackle smash for eio-ht yards and "Freight Train" J obnson picked up three yards and a first down to the Arab 18. On two successive tries, Jerry RuTolph and Asl1ley gained five and ten yards, respectively, for another first down to the Central three. From there, Johnson drove his 215 pounds into the center of the El Centro line for ix points. Seconds later, he converted to put Palomar in the lead 14-0. E l Centro retaliated in three plays after the kickoff by coring their first touchdown on a 43 yard pass from Doug Harvey -to Bill Leeper. The turning point of the game occurred at this point when Leeper's extrapoint try went wide of its mark. The Arab ' second score came 'Via this same combination of Harvey to Leeper late in the 'third quarter . The Comets rolled up their highest Amount of yardage to date agni;1 t the .Arab a they gained A total net yardage of 311. .Ashley's good right arm completed even out of 17 pass attem pt for 147 yards.
Statistics P al. El C. Total f irst downs........ 14 7 Yards gained running 178 82 Yards lost runn ing.... 24 28 Yar ds gain ed p assin g 147 149 Yards gained penalt ies 10 10 "Total yarda ge gained 311 213 P asses attempted ........ 17 25 Passes completed ...... 7 8
Cagers Will Begin Practice Under Coach Bill Dae \Vith the close of the football season nearing·, th e predominant topi c of conversation around thr Palomar cam pus seems to b<' this year's basketball team. \Vith 1hr expert coaching of Bill Dae, four first string- lrttermen from la st year's tea Ill . and some outstan cling prospects, this season's ''casaba five'' seems promising. 'rhe r eturning- lettermen in clude high-scoeing- Ronnie Kenney of Fallbrook; the 1950 captain, Ed Johnson of Vista; Fred A ·hley of San Dieguito, aB.d big Duane Boyle of Escondido. Heading the list of pro 'pects is \Varner Lusardi who was an All-Southern Prep forward for Vista high. Other promising prospects include Bill 0 'Neill, Escondido; Nick Osland, Vista, both lettermen of Palomar' '49 team; Bill Tipton, Vista; Tony Ivisivic and Louie Nieman, San Dieguito and Ardis Wade from Fallbrook. The cagemen will begin practice November 13. At the pre.ent time, there are no courts on the campus and the location of workouts is not definite. Coach Dae expressed t he desire that all boys who expect to try out for basketball begin trammo- as much as possible before organized p r actice beg ins. This is not only an asset for th e team, bu t it m ay also be a deciding factor in acquirin g a p osition on t he team. Coach Dae tated tha t he has finally succeeded in securing a game with the San D iego State frosh on the sam e night that the State varsity p lays Indiana University.
Palomar college failed in its fourth attempt within four years to conquer the Oceanside Spartans as_they suffered their third conference setback last Saturday night at Oceanside when the Spartans rolled to a 20-0 victory. Th.e Comet eleven fou~·ht dogg.edly up to the very last mmute of pl~y, but without B1g Ed J oh~s?n who would have supplied that extra punch and spirit, they struggled through a losing contest.
Spoit ·slants By Ronald Kenney
Anothrr g-ame hm; been entered in thP record book>;. The Oce:msi dr contef>t i.<-; 11 0w history. For fonr years, a win over the <keam;idt> Spartans has evaded Palomar college and now it " ·il l have to wait at least another year. There was 01w element missing for a Palomar victory, namely, Etl Johnson. After being dPclared eligible for the El . Centro game, Johnson was si.uldenly told the night before that he \V<ls inelig-ible for tht> Oceanside tilt. For two ye<trs, big Ed had waited to play in a winning contest ovr•r the ~partam; only to bE' deniecl the eiHlllCE' on a technicality. This coulcl lun·e bren the y<'ar .· \Yith Ed .Johnson in the game last Satnrc1ajr evening, this writer- thinl;:s that PalomM· would have rnjoyed its four yEia r yeal'ni ng-, a win over its arch-rival, Oeeanside. ,Johnson .·houlcl have been used against the Spartans even though he was ineligible. According to conference rule.-, the El Centro win means nothing· now but a 1-0 forfeit victory for Centra l. If Johnson would have lwen used against. Oceansid t', a 1though he was ine ligible, it would have bren a mora l vict-ory for Palomar even thollg-h it meant a forfeit to the co;lference. What happened in the two games in which Ed was a participant ~ 'l'he Comets he ld a highly-touted State Pro ·h eleven to a 0-0 tie and -Johnson wa.- the leading ball carrier for the omets. ln hi.-; f;ecmld g-am!', he led the omets to a 14- 13 up~et win• over El Ct>ntro by scoringone touchdown and booting two valuable extra-points. The three defeats speak for themselves. Ed ·was th e recognized leader of t he team. W ith ou t him , that extr a power and a certain . p a.rk of conf idence was lost. The P alomar eleven fou ght doggedly for 60 minutes against Oceanside, but without Ed "Fr eight 'rrain'' .T ohnson, th ey wer e fighting a losing battle.
V ARCON- CREST- CORONADO Saddlery & Leathercraft
Squad Meets Antelope Valley At Lancaster Taking to the road on November 11, the Comets will travel to Lancaster to meet the .A ntelope Valley Maraudet·s in their last conference game of the eason. 'l'ht' contest is schedu led to begin 11t 1 :30 p.m. in the desert town. \\Thile Palomar is tied for l'omth place in league standings with one win and thrf't' lof'SCS, the .Marauder~ are ~ccurely entl'enched in the ce ll ar with a rrcOI'(] of no win~-; ancl Eonr los~es. . \long with this unenvied l'PCorc1. A11telope Valley has not .-;cored on a conference foe all season . Their worst beating was 11dministered by the Palo Vrrde Pirates who pulverized the l'II<lt'fiUclers by a score of 66-0. Tn last year's fracas between tl1p Comets and the Valleymen , P<1 loma1· eked out a 13-7 victory in the la ·t 40 ~econds of play wlten Ed ,Johnson lpfted a touchdown pass to end Ray Garcia \rho t·aced i11to t he rnd-zone st;1nd ing up. Palomar sho11 1d be a slig ht favorite tn wi11 based on compat·,ltive .-con's ·incc OceansidE' defeated Lhe Man1t1dr>rs 40-0.
Oceansidr strnck s\ri ftly in the fir;.t five min ntes of the game to l('ad the Comets 13-0. .\Jtrr m:n·ching back the kickoff to score their .first touchdown, the Rpa1 tans recovered a Palomar fumble on the Comet 29 yard line. ln four plays, they had banged over their second score. '!<"'rom this point of the o·amt>, the two teams were fairly evenly matched for the t'E'mninder of the tussle. Tllert' was just too much ,Jack ltosenquist f.w Palomar to cope with. RoserH!Ll;~t was the whole ;;how for ()epansiclP as he ran for two s<:ore:-;, th;-ew a touchdown pass ancl booted t\\·o extra points. The Conwts were shackled offensively as they were unable to move for a1ty long gains or much yardage. They threatened the Ocean ·ide goal only once. This came latE' in the fourth period when t<'red Ashley and Jerry r~udolplt carried tbe attack to the Spartan five yard line, but were unable to advance any farther and lost the ball on downs. Tony lvisivic wa~ a scourge to the Spartans as he repeatedly broke up plays with his bruising tackles. Roy Akridge and Rubie [<~erry teamed to slow down the Ocean ·ide offensive when it tried to crash the Comet line.
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