The Telescope 04.06

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sco E

Students Advised to Be Calm In Face of National Mobilization By Dr. Elon Hildreth

All red blooded Americans want to do their part in STUDE l'J~' P U BLICATION OF PALOMAR COLLEGE Vist a, California, Wednesd ay , December 20, 1950 Five Cents a time of crisis. Just as in 1941 and before that, in 1918, - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - the young men of this nation offer ed their services to their country, so again young people who are apN .a ncy Brenan proaching the ages of 18 and 19 years, are anxious to do what they can to be of the greatest service to this Heads Mirror country.

Vol. 4, N o.l6. --

College Players Convincing In Season's Big Drama Event

Much real ability in dramatic character interpretation and artistic staging was displayed by the Palomar College drama department Saturday, December 9, with an entertaining four-act comedy, "Merchant of Yonkers," in the E scondido High School auditorium. Much ability as well as arduous hours in coaching, learning lines, designing and painting sets, collecting props and in makeup were evident to create this artistic production.

Band Shows Stuff In Jr. Rose Bowl The Palomar Com et Band, under the direction of Howard Kay, participated in the Junior Rose Bowl pre-game parade and stunt Dec. 9. Th e Comet band ed with junior coll ege bands feoin all over the state in a parade down Colorado Boulevard to a r eview in front of the Pasadena city hall. From there the bands wer e taken to Lakeside Park for a picnic dinner. Following this th ey reformed at the Rose Bowl and marched out on the field, forming their own school letter, then changing to spell Junior Rose Bowl. Ralomar's band formed , a '' P'' for Palomar then changed to form the "0" in Rose. 'fhe bands then played the national anthem and marched off the field to the east side where they became a part of the cheering section for Boise during the game.


Christmas Formal At Carlsbad Hotel

" :\Ierchan t of Yonkers ,. is an <:>xnctin g and perpl exin g vehi cle for a n a mateur cast to produc:e because of the wide Vln·i ety of characterization portrayed and th e ever-changing moods from hilari t y to const ernation , but the college group was convinciug in its enactm ent of the character pilrts. Pa ; ticular credit mu st go to the student players pair, \Villiam Barnhill and Rona ld K enney, as incompetent and irr epressibl e grocery clerks, :\1ary J_,ou Hill in her role of milliner and :\1eldon J_,ash, portraying a philosophical man of th e world. The two non-student members of th e cast, Catherine Burt and Don11ld ~heahan, handled their parts competently and we1·e able to deliver the long lines assigned to them with conviction. 'rhe cast was handicapped throughout the production by the poor acoustics of the auditorium but the beautiful and appropriate sets ·and properties used in the comedy, combined with convincing drama to provide a delightful evening's entertainment. The following took part in the production: Donald Sheahan, Harold Cotton, Lawrence Marshall, Darlene Putnam, William Barnhill, Gwen Moore, Meldon Lash, Catherine Burt, Ronald Kenney, Mary Lou Hill, Norma Anderson, Fred Miller, Robert Downing, alph Whitten, Wanda Castellani and Lois Turner.

Nancy Brenan was c:hosen edit or of the Mirror, Palomar College yearbook, by th e student coun cil at· r eg ular meeting on Tuesday of last week a11d Don Kenn edy placed in charge of plw t ogr aph y for tl1 e book. Oth er Jll em ber s of t he sta ff whose duties will be det ermin ed this week ar e: ,James H ewitt, Ronald K en ney , H arol d Kries, Charl es PurteP, and R ex 8tafford .

{:{·- - --

Idyllwild Picked For Snow Frolic Idyllwild, high in the San .Jacinto mountains, wi{l be the scen e of Palomar's anticipated snow party according to Bill Stier , faculty advisor, and it will be held on the fir.t Saturday following a big snowfall. All of the student body is invited and as many of th e faculty as wish to attend to make this a memorable occasion. Every on e is requested to bring his own lunch but th e hotel is reserving a dini:t~g room for t.ho.'e who wish to stay for supper and free coffee during the hmch period has been intimated. Toboggans, sleds and ski equipment will be available for those who have · not taken their own <md are willing to risk a few days in the hospital. Everyone wishing to stay for supper at the hotel is asked to make r·eservations with Bill Stier ahe11d of time and , supper or no supper, to wish fervently fm· snow.

)':t- - - -

Vet Classes Travel On Six Field Trips Six mor e trips have been taken this mon t h by vet,erans' classes undPr th e super vision of IL l\I. Bloss. The group studyin g subtropical horticulture under Elmer E gger wer e shown demonstra1 ion s of buddin g and graftin g December 7, 11t the Egger Nursery and th e ,John Floyd Ranch. Elwood Trask took most of hi. class members to the annuaL meeting of Calavo Growers in Escondido December 7 and 8, wher e they heard discussions on frost damage prevention. Soil reclamation was the subject discussed and demonstrated to the members of Ambrose De Bard's class at Rancho Santa Fe December 12 by Soil Conservationist Irwin on an all-day trip. John Uordon 's subtropical class visited a produce market in Los Angeles on the same day. The members . of Adelbert Porter's class toured to Riverside with him December 13 to visit the University of Californit Citrus Experimental Station and Thomas Hosmer's class in floriculture visited the Rocky Point nursery December 18, where the students took part in IHboratory work such as potting and replanting. -({- - -

Adult Art Cla ss Sees Modern Home

Choir Will Present Annual Music Fest

It cannot be deni ed th at this is a time of cr isi!-i. Wh Pther or not a third W orld W ar will deve lop is as yet not .clea r , but it ,;hmtlcl be born e in mi nd th at we h<l\'l' not ~· c t entered sn e ll a wa r . Tt could be that th p Commu nish; have car efull y weiglwd th e lwst mann er of d e~atin g t he D <:> mocr nciC's and have hit npon the idea of bleeding them white. If that be true, we would consider not . only an immediate solution but a solution which will leave. America strong 20 years from now, p os-;essed of the men and ·women adequately prepared to meet the p i·oblem;s of Democracy 20 years hence. A good many suggesions navP been made by those who are considering higher education during this p eriod of crisis. The. e possible solntions have been offered : l. ' 'L'hat the junior colleges offer within their own organizations technilogieal trc1ining that will lift from the armed sen-ices the problem of basic training.

2. That ROTC units be established in the junior colleges so that the school of the soldier, the physical fitness and other basic training courses may be taken over by the junior colleges under the auspices of the United ~ta'tes Army. 3. War production classes might be reinstituted in the junior colleges just as they wore in World War II, in which machine 1:ool practice, welding, radio, ground school and other similar courses might be taught in the college itself.

Palomar's f o u r t h annual The adult art class made a 4. Postponed enlistment oJ 'J'he A Cappella Choir of PalChristmas formal will be held trip to Del Ma r Tuesday eveniug junior college students until they again in the Carlsbad Hotel ballof last week under the super- omar J. C. will present its anhave had at least one year's junroom, the scene of each former vision of Prof. Sam Heavenrich nual Christmas program for the ior college training, especially in holiday balL The student counfir. < ;t time on its own campus this to visit the home of John Lloyd the fields of mathematics and cil is sponsoring this f irst big \\"right, well known contempo- year. sciences. It will be held in the student formal dance of the year Decem- -.:.·-·- - - - ' ' - rary modern architect. He is the ber 22 from 9 :00 until 1 :00 and son of Frank Lloyd Wright, lounge at 8 :00 p.m., \Vednesday, 5. Employ the junior colleges a student body card is necessary, world famous exponent of mod- December 20. to carry on pre-flight, pre-yeoSolos will be by Sammy Whit- man, pre-medical, pre-nurses' otherwise the price will be $2.00. ern architecture and designer of lock, vocalist, and Jim Cross, training and similar courses. Dress will be semi-formal. the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, one Jim Butler's five piece baud of the few buildings to survive pianist. The duets featured will At present, students who are from Oeeansiae has been secured the Japanese earthquake of 1923. be by Darlene Boyd and Murenrolled in junior college are for the dance and Jim Cross, Palomar, in keeping with the lene Bates, and by Don Arm'Vright's home is furnished in guaranteed the completion of the Palomar's talented pianist, will Yuletide spirit, now has three a symphony of modern and ori- strong and Madelain Dawson. play wtih them. Christmas trees- The first ental splendor, the designs of Mr:. Howard Kay, music direc- current year's college work. They The decorations for the formal Christmas tree of Palomar was which were an art lover's dream. tor · at Palomar, has stated that should seek advice from the will give an air of cheerful provided by Darlene Putnam About 40 people were guests of the program is free and the pub- councellors who are continu~lly receiving information from 'the. Christmas spirit according to the and may be seen reposing in all the designer and his wife, in- lie is cordially in~ited. services and fro m&lective Servdecoration committee 8elected by ·its splendor in t he window of the cluding falomar faculty mem- i t : - - ice Boards. They are urged to. the student council. student bookstore. The other two bers Mrs. irma J olmson and The Christmas formal is spon- trees, one 10 feet tall and one 2o John Findlay. ana dcsol'ed by a different organizatiqn feet, were donated bv Orville ¥(;V.if}S Slt;O'W'n each year; last year the Palomar C~mm·i~g of Witch c~eek and t?.. Meanti~~. yQung men who re-~ . Knights. A king was sel~ted procured by Dr. Elon Hildreth },.. serieS of filiJlS Was ~hown ,l1 n~ ~sua: main in this coflege must ~ake- . satisf~W.ry in .-their- . for the evening frour am~m~ th~ and Charles Craft from Volcan in the . art building on the camPalomar Ag Clu'b had a T.V. chosen courses. T~eir. gr&defl. · Knights membership by the Mountain. The 10 foot tree was pus· before the trip to Del Mar, A.W.S. and a queen was cbo~n decorated by the A.W.S., and two of which "'ere of an experi- and ·tacos party at the home of must justify their reJD&~ni,nJ in by -the Knights. In a<l'c1ition -to placed in th~ student lounge mental 1,1ature, while the 'others - W-arren Ralph in Fallbrook ·last eolleg~. {t is probable that they · . . ., the .roy4l· .crow.ns -pres:ent.ed to ' where it 4ids in spreading the were German and French films. F-riday evening. Chef Stier did can do no be~~ for their eounili-king and -queen,'£d Johnson Yuletide spirit among the stu~ These were shown to the adu't the culinary honors and to this try at this 'time t() do th~ir"­ &nd :Mary"J~ubio, e~ch ~ived a dents :w.ho repose there. The 20 class members a~d were attend· . .~porters knowledge all have ~st ~o~ the~~\v~s in 'th~ir;,coi:- ,·· loyely gift, a· ~eautiful lighter foot tree was placed out by tb~ ed by General Glassford -of La- - ilUrvlVed, H~wever, shortly aftet lege work, :while they · prepa~ to . for . t1le"·kirig ~~nd &' lovely 'com- faeulty parking lot for all to ob- gurui Beaeh and members of the the dinner several couples · dis- ~ake o~ them~ves, ~~~ ~~:j>o&. . paet for t:b~ queen. f:!erve and know that Paloma!:' is British colony from La Jolla as it be that avo- : S)ble ~m~. ~:ot· xo~g~ ~n - ~ , The event this year .promises kt(eping bright the Christmas wen · as local members of the eados can be harvested by m~n- :_, -~~-~A>:{,,~th~.-~.m~· ~ Unc~ to be equally sueeessful. spirit. · ~up. light f ~-.I~

Campus Adorned; Three Trees Given

Stier~ f,~ds Club; u 0 1

ot .









'l' H E . T E L E 8 C 0 P E

Page Two

December 20, 1950



Scholarship Group Picks New Staff

H. I. Phillips

Alpha Nu, Palomar's chapter of the national junior coUege honor society, Alpha Gamma Sigma, held its first meeting · last December 14 under the sponsor hip of its faculty advisor, Adolph Heyne. · The purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the following semester and to discuss possible projects that could be und rtaken by the organization. 'Those persons elected to office included: James Cross, president; James Hewitt, vice president; :M eredith Trow, secretary, and Kathleen 'White, treasurer. Nine sophomores qualified for mern bership for the first semester on the basis of a '' B" aver.age or better. To be eligible for mcmberslj.ip in Alpha Nu, a stu-dent must attain a grade point average of two or better for the previous seme<;ter. Following is the list of members in the honor :society; orma Anderson, Nick Barnhill, Suzanne Bates, Jim Cros , Jim 11 ewitt, Ronald Kenney,, Meredith Trow, Kathleen White, an Skip Steven on. l\Iembers of ·the California Scholarship Feder.a tion were inYited to become honorary members. These included Bill Tipton, Darlene Boyd, and Madelain Dawson.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Not a creature was stirring, include me in that. My stockings-a little bit worse for the wear, Were hung on the back of a th ree-legged cha ir.

Rain ...

Fads and Fashions


By Nancy Brenan

I was looking out my window Through a sparkling pane. Do you ask me what I saw? Nothing but the rain! It was covering all the mountains, Covering all the plain. It was covering all the valleys With-nothing but the rain/ It was collecting into puddles, Running down the drain. It was making little rivers From-nothing but the rain! So, as I looked out my window Through that sparkling pane The only thing that I did see Was-nothing but the rain! But there's a question in my mind, Whizzing through my brain. Yes, you guessed it. It's about Nothing but the rain! In the middle of your neck Do you ever get a pain From looking out the window At nothing but the rain?

By Nancy Brenan

!<'ads . . . knitting has appeared on the campus. A few of the girls have been keeping themselves quite busy knitting socks for their ''£ella'. .'' We haw seen some really beautiful color combinations. Quite a variety of multicolored scarves was .·how11 on the campus while we were having ·a "bit of rain." Some very good Jooking coats were worn by the girls during· the colder weather, and the fellows haYe shown off some very "reet" jackets. \Ve especially like the flashy leather jackets with t.l11e fur collars.

Outside snow was fallin ' in beautiful flakes, But I didn't care, I wa too· full of aches. I worked in the stor e through the holiday f;trife Plannin' to sleep for the rest of my life. When up from the airshaft there came such a cJatter I sprang from my bed to sec what was the matter. For a moment J thought it wa. th e nut clown one flight Who tarts up his radio late every night. So I went to the window and loudly did cry. "I this Christmas Eve or the Fourth of July ?" And what to my eyes, dead with sleep, should appear But a hin ky dink sleigh and eig-ht tin~· reind<'er. And who should be d riving ri ght up to IllY door, But one of them masquerade guy· from the tore. And I ez to my .~elf, ''What can be this mug 's game?'' While he whistled and h outed ~:tnd called them by name.

*- - -

Sessions "Now Dasher, now Dancer, 110\\' Prancer. now Vixr 11 , On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzert.'' And then as I'm dopin' what next they will do, Up to the housetops the whole outfit flew.

First thing in the morning, gab session . .\nd after first period, crab s ssions. The uext on the list, pipe ses.sions. A11d following that, gripe session s. In the next free period, cram sessions. And a ftcr the test, slam ses-

And then in a twinkling I heard 011 the roof The prancin' and pawin' of meat on the hoof. Imagine my feelin's with sleep nearly dead. And some sap with an animal act overhead. As I drew in my head and was turn in' around Down the chimney my visitor came with a bound. He was chubby. good natured and oozin' with glee, But I ask you. dPar reader, what -..vas this to me?

*·- ---

College Employees Form a New Cl~b

Th en. for the rest of the day, card essions. And that takes care of the hard . essions, I.~eaving no time for lessons. 'i:r---

The point that 1 make i., 'twas tlren two o'clock, And a man in my room without stoppi n · to knock. I was thinkin' how noivy he was and how s lick ·when he sez to me, "Lady, T'm onl~· St. J\'ick."

The employees of Palomar ·college, other than the faculty members, formed themselves into a club last week to promote activities for their mutual enjoyment and satisfaction. o name for the. organization yet has been -chosen but Mrs. Ruth Newman was elected president and Mrs. 'Charlen Guzik, secretary-treasurer.

HOTPOINT AGENCY Phone 473 136 W. Grand Ave. Escondido


He spoke not a word but went f;traight to his work And filled both the stockings then turned with a jrrk. And laying a finge r aside his red nose And giving a nod, up tll ch imn e~· Ir e rose.

Bo;x 202. Escondido

H e sprang to his sleigh with a shake of Iris head And I pulled down the shades and fel l into bed "Merry Christmas, '' he called as away his deer flc'"· And T just gave a yawn and answer , "Sez you.,.

Published Bi-monthly By the Students of Palomar College.

Plumbing and Appliances

There is a strength of quiet endurance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of prowess.-Tuckerman.

As a Christmas rush salesgirl I know ;vou 'll a~eee. That a look at St. Nick is no big treat for me. "This has gone far enough, this bunk's gotta stop. Take the air with them goats or 1 'I l yell for a cop. ,.

The Telescope



Phone 818

_ RT HOLLIS says: You're Looking Sharp and You'll Look Much Better If You Drape That Frame in a HOLLIS SWEATER!



'>nald Kenney ................ Editor James Hewitt .................... Sports Nancy Brenan .............. Features Rex Stafford ............. Features Harold Kries .......... Exchanges Charles Purtee ...... Advertising Jerry Rudolph .................. News John 0. Findlay ....... Advisor



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December 20, 1950

P age Three




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This shows a slimp phase of a college education. Freshmen and sophomores battle in a muddy tug of war at Palo mar.

Soph Men Dunked Coed Now Mudhen Th e Sopll-Prosh 'l'u:( of \Yat· re-sn l te-d i11 a s·Hl 2 to 0 clrfea t for the mi.·~hty 8ophs, Thnr. clay. Dec. 7. The reason seemed to b<> too mnch Bob Lin<.rus as eve11 the fa cult~' couldn't win over tiJr Frosh team. However, win, lose or draw, ewryone had a good time including the faculty. Sel"eral watrr polo prospects attempte-d two completely new diws- tht> '·fox hole ,p lunge-'" and the "prr--uasive pusli ." ~\ fe"· new distance ;rimmers cawe to lif!'ht, also. as they "S\\·am '' about. A rooting section cons isting of co-eds cheered t he boys on in their muddy pulls. However, one co-eel got too close to the mire and was lig-htly and politely "dobbed. ,. ,\~ou l d-be camera hounds had a f ield day ri skingtheir necks for photographs of the grimy battle. ·

(;;ndurance is what you de,·elop if yon stay long enough at Palomar College to g-raduate. At lPase one alumnns. Richard Barrett '-±9. proved that he can take it and come out on top accordingto a letter he sent to Engen!' Stevens, Palomar faculty member, from IJacklalld Air Base at • an .'\.ntonio, Texas, "·here he is uHdergoiHg training in the U. S. Air Forcr. The class, of wh ich he and Stante_,. Todd. also a former Palomar stndPnt. are members, was recently subjected to a fatigue te~t, starting at 4:00 a.m. and cont inuing until 5:00 p.m. It w11s a test of strenuous p hys ical exertion without once resting or eYen bPing a ll owed to sit down. T hei r brief meab were gu lpe<l down f r om an erect position. At the immed iate comp letion of the ph_,·sical fatigue trials at 5 :00, the p:ronp WdS givPn an extended written e-xamination that lasted until midnight. Rich was all in when he finished but was delighted later when notified that his grades were the liighe-st in the cla s. IT e is e-njoying th e training illlmensely and recommends the Air Force to other Palomar men .

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The Wardrobe

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MURRAY Burct :c·o.

!· w. A. ·Gibson


Coro Jewelry Sheaffer Pens

Free Root Beer ' Tickets One Day Each Week (???)

Heturning fr om the PalomarOceanside basketball game on the e\·ening of Decrmber 2 found the students ir\ ' the rooters bus singing Christmas carols. Later, the bus >vas found to be parked neat' the ''l\I & 1\I" resturant in Oceanside-. Inside. the rooters were celebrating their moral victory oYer the Oceanside Spar- , tans because Palomar scored more points in this game than in the preYious two. On continuing · homeward, however, a light fuse . blew out in the bus and .the . Christmas caroling .stopped. ··

Arcade Bldg. Phone 573- W 1



J. .

Ave. Escondido Phone 498

Gifts for All Occasions

1;:(·- - - -


218 E. Grand Escondido


- .-


Tired, D etermined Barrett Lead s Field

Tel. 307






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.... . . .... ~


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Page Four


Decembe r 20. 1950

El Centro Arabs Defeat Palornar 52-47 In Consolation of Hard wood Tourney


.i....Jed by the inspired defensive play of guard Harbld '

Lusardi Lands Berth on.All-Star Five In Oceanside Basketball Tournament

College Dean Loses Kr_es and high-scoring Warner Lusardi, the Palomar



Comet Quintet Enters Glendale Cage Tourney Coac h Bill Dae and,his Com et cao·ers will enter their second ba~ketball tournament of the year when th ey travel to Glen.dale Dec. 26 over the Christmas holidays to play in the fii:·st annual Sam Barry Memorial Basketball Tournament. The tourney will run from Dec. 26-30. The Comets will have drawn one of the b~st junior college quintets in the Southland in the opening round of play · wh en they meet Los Angeles Valley college. Tip-off time for the contest is scheduled for nine o'clock Tuesday night, Dec. 26. The tournament is to be televised and the Palomar-Valley tilt will be the first game over the vjdeo screen. Teams entered in the tournamnt include Palomar, Valley, Modesto, Orange Coast, Santa Monica, Glendale, Reedley, East Los Angeles, Stockton, El Centro, E l Camino, anQ. Palo Verde, winners of the recent Oceanside Tourney. Santa Monica and I'alo Verde are pre-tourney favorites to surviye their respective brackets and meet in the finals for the championship. Palo Verde m~ ets Reedley in the opening round while Santa Monica faces Orange Coast . El Centro .a nd El Camino face-off in the first game of the tournament. The remaining teams draw byes.


-t:t·---- -

If y ou r eye is on the eternal, y our intellect will grow, and your c:>pin ions and -actions will have a b eauty which n o learning or combined adva ntages of other men can rival.- Emerson.

A man may fall into a thousand perplexities, but if his heart be upright and his intelligence u nclouded, he w ill issue from them all withou t d ishonor. - Robert Louis Stevenson.


l>ra n l )o.ot li ~· Babcock, a IY OII Jan 01' unprecli ctahl t> activit ies, again went contrary to gener a l stand ards by coming out second bPst on a tu ss le with an ado lescPnt all e1-g,y .. . . 'l'h t> dea n had th e mumps. One would think she would :ontacL a more lady- like virus; someth in g COHlmon to adults, that wouldn 't j('oparclize !J pr prest ige. [,'or tn na te ly, h owever , she is back among us aga in hrcanse thr ordra l of havin g nnnnps, however uncomfortab le, is short. What a p redicame nt if this dilemma should bPcome a contagion among the faculty members. lmn gin e tbr hea d liHes: Palomar F'aculty 1nact ive Becausr of Mumps ! ·

Sharpshooting Warner Lusardi, Palomar's versatile forward, bucketed 65 points in three games and played a terrific floor game to land himself a berth on ·· the all-tourney five in the recent third annual Oceanside College Invitational Basketball Tournament. Lusardi's outstanding performance occurred in the opening round of the tourn~ment a~ainst P~er~e .Junior college when he dropped m 29 pom~s, the md1v1dual high-scoring mark of the two-day affair. As was expected, the Palo Verde Pirates, perennial kingpins of the South Central Conference, demoralized three op• ponents as they won their third tourney championship. In the first round of play, they took it easy with the El Centro five ·while winning 63-28. That arne ' night, the. Pirat es annihilated Oceanside 84-19 to band the Spartans their worst defeat in the history of the college. Playing in t he championship game, the Blythe Buccaneer s really poured it on to defeat Pierce ~6-58 and set a new tournament • .scoring record. In driving their way to the championship, the Pirates placed three men on the all-tournament team : veteran star forward, Syl ~aylor, outstanding player and individual high-scorer of the tou rney, guard Marvin Washington, an all-state high school player from Ohio, and forward 'Ralph Freeland. Rounding out the all-star five was Harry Rawlins, center from the Pierce _E~quad. Consolation honors went to the El Centro Arabs. For its efforts in the tournament, Palo Verde received a 'handsome two-foot gold trophy -while the team members were -presented individual trophies. Pierce received the equally h andsome r unner-up trophy and t o the team members went silver medals. A consolation plaque -was awarded to the Central team. The all-tourney players e ach received a gold basketball w hile the outstanding player, Syl Taylor, was presented with a beautiful small tr ophy.



Comet;:; overcame a half-time deficit to defeat the inte!ope Valley Marauders 49-43 and advanc2 into the consolation finals of the Oceanside Invitational Basketball Tournament. Although sparked by Lusardi's 22 points, the Comets fell before the onslaught of the El Centro Arabs in the last minute of play in the consola· tion tilt and went down to defeat 52-47.

True Yule Spirii By Student Donors Seven Paloma r students demonst rated the true Christmas sp iri t last week wh en they went to Han Diego ancl doHated bl ood to tl 1e bank there to rep lace th e precious fluid mwd to speed the recove ry of Mrs. Evelyn Soderstrom, secretar y to the busin ess man ager, three weeks ago. 1'l1 ey were : Glenn Bond, StanIcy Grabinski, George tlha in , F;·ed Mill er, Paul \Vood, Dick Walker and Bruce Sypkens. Perhap<; their pale faces wr1·e Hoticed about th e campus, hut, as yet th ere ha s bee n no casualti es reported . t il e Spartans who were able to make their shots count. Ken11ey led the locals with 15 countr r s closely followed by Wayne Cleary with 14. Others who contributed to the Palomar total were Lusardi, 9; Johnson , 7; Wilfred Mason, 6; Tony fvisivic, 3 ; aud A1tice \Vade, 2. .John Cass proved to be most damaging to the Comets cause as he accounted for 24 of his teams 73 point total. Rolland J.1arget, Oce:-mside's 6ft. 6 in. center was next in line with J 3 digits. 'l'he fine turnout of the Pitlomar student body undoubtedly had a great psychological effect on the boys. Coach ~ill Dae has ;.;aid thut tl1e turnout was appreciated by the coaching staff and squad members.

Locals Lose To O ceanside By Ed Wile-y

Oceanside-Carlsbad coll ege remained a jinx to Palomar as the Spartans took the measure of the Comet five 73-56 in the opening cage tilt of the 50-51 season 011 the victor's court last Dec. 2. Guard Ed Johnson got the local boys off on the right foot sinking a gift shot to open the scoring. The efforts of veteran forward, Ronnie Kenney, and \Varner Lusardi kept the lead changing hands throughout the first 10 minutes until the Spartan casa bists took over never to r-elinquish the lead. J.1ack of practice facilities showed as Polamor controlled the ball thr oughout the major portion of th e ,game; but was often held scoreless after repeated shots. The ball was .in possession of t he Comets more than half of the contest, but it was


tou rn ame nt p lay, the locnls faced a potent Pi er ce aggregation and

werr sound ly defeated 83-58. Durin>-'· the process of tile p.·ame, l;usa J·di lllHJ Hlged to a.ssail a point banage on t·he basket for a tota l of 29 digits, exactly half of the P aloma r total scm·e. l;usct rdi 's e !'forts were good enough to break t il e old col lege record of 27 scored in one g<:~me set by George Ross against E l Centro. After lo,;in g to Pierce, the locals met Antelbpe Valley in the co nsolation bra cket. Lusard.i once ag,tin lrd th e Comets with 14 points foll owed by \\.,.ayne Clea ry who aceountrd for 12 counter s. Special considerat ion must go to th e Comet guards, Kr ies and Wilfred :Hason. Both were determining factors in the Antelope victory, Kri e: with his brilliant defensiYe plays and Mason for his ball-handling and I ong; sltots. Lusardi scored a total of 65 points in three game<:; for a 22 point nverage, second only to Syl Taylor, outstanding player of the tournament. As a team, Palomar was th e third highest scoring quintet headed by Palo Verde and Pierce.


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