The Telescope 04.06.3

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?al m12.r Coll e:_;e ~.'."ill a ct a.s host to the joint :members of the Vis tn o.nd ~ sco n di d o .J otc..ry Cl u bs '.'/h e n they hold a me eting on the campus th is ,.. odn e s do.y , c. ccor d in::: to i n form8. tion rele a sed by the s ci1.ool ·o oa r d • ...,.:J J_. 1 e

-·uos'C s o f the coll cr, c, the nen r,· i ll lunch on the car.1:;us 1 1 f · 1· t · · pro.c;ram 1.· s a 1 so p 1 a n ne d _f'cr a vo u r O ..i. s e.c1oo ct c l 1. I~ -------·---· -· ~-for t h e v i si t in~ J otary men. u" T I ., -.:l .r l ... .J..J Caf et e ri a Lunche on 1 ~ 'r -. . ~ on · ~~ ras .... ..... r.. o • •j vqcation aLunch will b G se rved i n th e ~~ a l n ... cafcteriE'-. ~ho lun ch o oP. , .~ill be "VO d b v -1-l" -~ ;, ·-c' ,.,. -1 ..1.-..~. j '' '' r:J"'..l J. ·. t h ird time in · [l_s Se .Li.. ., ,. .,,.) o u-tho cafeteria Y:omG.tL. t he s tude n t s of Palou c..l" ·~>l 1. i c.::c en j o:r e d a short reS ome 120 memb Gr f3 c 'f the J8t ·~::>::'icv ::; f1• am t h o dr·ud_:o rt of text ari 8.ns are e xp e c t r~ ci t o ,i c;·i r '. :Ln b o c k s, ?hi s was brou:ht a bout b y + · · · ··1 n "(1'\T 'I b • . : J • t • .+' t "-: ' f'C~ the affair. School o ffic ~ ~ l s h a~e .2 ~· e --.? or ,___ j '·· ....Ll C r... l on O..L . •c _ c:.. C ..1J. t ·7 :·:1J:;:1b o r s i n f avor of t:1e as k ed that as mapy stu d ~nt~ a s " ~)ossib1e 1.., ema in on-camyus to he lp t r; n c ~:l .J:::->3 ' i n st itut e i n San Jie .z o. host the visitor s . 1 :L hi s S? l"' in::: in.s t itute is ) a rt of 'C ~1s 0 n n Die .....r o countv·.. t e ac11or s ' Cafet eria Closed in- tr n inin:; _)rO::_'; r am , r:hi ch is he ld p v 0 ~ ... a 1 t l" ..,,,., n s '1 -: r a r.. Because of the luncheon a nd .::,) prep a rations to be n ade, the c a feteria will bo closed to stude nts 1h o l a t e st m o e tin~ was bro~:! edn e sday. ken up in to t wo se ssions. The ~ orn in ~ s e ssion con si st ed of a At 1 p.m. the KniGhts r: ill l e e ture by P i e rre Van .?a s s en, '1.-re ll _,rn cnNn a utll. or of th e bos t s c ll i n r· b ec in cond uctinc s mall croups of 11 n ov e l Da'.r s o f Our Ye ars". ·Tho '·· the visitor s a b out t he campu s and ., II • ,.. thl.. Ol.J. ~_~l:~ v a rious classes. It is te x t of h is l e c tur o s A I;evl 11 p to :1r~ v e t he :~ otari an c;rou:ps Da~r i s Co:nin : ·. It was foc u.s ed on broU[':ht into t h 8 cl o. sses, intPot he i s s u es involvin ~ in t ocl'~:t c :~ d t o t l'le m·s t rue t or s and shown ria""' s ' ba tt 1 e of :l. de o 1 .= i o s , from , . . . t' d. t t t~1 e equi )Y:1ont o f the school. ou n GX)C rl onc o Wl Jn 1c a eri a l a 1J.d r. Pbi t ra r>y f or·l-:1s o f c o ve:r n Offici a ls .e x :) r es s ed hop e tha t mo n t . I ~ e c av e o. _Jene t ratin~: b u t ' ri l.SCO U "~'">a ,__ l•n("<' a· " '"' 1~.~' rsl-·<=' o .1·':"' t ~_l- e t h e stud e nts a nd facult y will do (J (.. 4 - 'lu r 0 ) -~ c~ n ~ J i c t " l .i'"l e .-.., n ':l .J • ""Cl 011 a ov or y t h in[·; ~) OS s i ble to ma l ~e _the c;. tour o f t h o mo n enjoy able and inn o te o f O ~)'c ir:1 is n , b.owove r> , ho ex formative. )r os s e d f aith in t h e c oodn e s s of l1umnn n a t w J and t he i ::1o vi. tab i li t ' r TT 1\v-·., YOU n OU,.. ., ·-.. :- :1 V oury J.1.J·1. i:J ...r 1. '"~ o f ri 2)-:. t, n s lon ;~~ as sincere a n d STUD: NT DODY CAJD? t hi n k i n c me n for~ tho nucleus of our de:nocracies. ..~...




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Nancy Lrenan ............. Editor P..ex Sta !'f0rd •......... Co-1ditor Jim Paulson ............ Reporter Don Andre • . . . • . . . . . . . . . Rcnorter J\ej th J.'.1:Jon •.......•.... Heporter Lewis Niemann •....•..•. Renorter ~ypists; Mary Alice Rail, L c. Ke ~:; n, Adrianne Eubanks, lJ~' rJ· . .-; .,..,.,a-1 • .. ;:; : !! J

Bonnie Carolyn

Arthur Kelley, and Irma

Scon ~ Qrs: .uT c·..Ji,...~ '1 .~ ~ r L . • . . , ....

'It.e high sniri t and enthusiPsm ex~ressed by the students at the student body assembly, Feb:-cuary 21, reinforced the feeling of hope in the hearts of those to wbom the s·..1cccss of Palomar Cc J.I2 g e is i.m-o:>rtant e .A. :1E~ al · .}_ y complete renresent ::,.tl.on of the student body, by ~\ ro+-e dafinitely felt .A,.; l ~•,,-r"''-y V' a m _:l~ tha t the:{ vranted. to support studEnt ac t and to have an annne.l c L l






on March 7, the for A S B. card cJ ot:~r1.t -~ ·!"'\~ , , , ::. .~-. ~ ~ 1 8~ , ~ he more interested memLt r s cf the college were left v.r i ·~. ;'l n de.f'J_ated feeling because o j~ t ~ ~ lact · of active response. .. ...

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didn't the sales mount in accordance with the majority r esn-:-n :s e of the group at the as- ? sem "!!. . .ly. ~~y

Is it that we sit back and plan what we should do, but are not willing to take action in order to meet our goal? Our student leaders, along with faculty advisors, have worked· very hard to increase the interest in college activities, ~rhile many of those usually dissatisfied with things as they are) just s:it back and wait to be entertained.

Do we tivities?

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We'd better thi~k, decid8, . and most of al:L. e, c ~,~. ---·.. v.nless r '¢ ~ "rea•·v r-,,oy, ::> • · i .... . We wa n t a ....e .l. g'V'la gains we have thus far made, .l

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SCHEDULE OF EVENTS March 12: Joint meeting of all boards of governors for the Northern Sa ~ Diego County. On campus. 6:30p,m v in the Student Lounge. March 13: Milton Mayer, autho~ educator, consultant . for Great Books . tl l"f1h c e ue:""nlO!l F oundation, T.onlc: on the Mount. 17 ...,ric> ta Hccre a ticiJ Center. 8:00 n fim Pu·: ;Jic i.nv'J_ tc d , J. ....


March 14: Joint meeting of Vista Rnd Escondido Rotari an Cluts. On camnus • Lunchec:n ln St~J ( cnt Lou~g8 12 no on • T•J u r o? cam ~-- '})::~ . J -~' ~ rn , Regular mo nthly "' 1 ° ~ ;- ..: n ·o f the Palomar Boarci of r ·, ~,..v p-·1·· ·! , \ ·)· r · ~ . 7:30 n~m. Office ~ f t ~ a j ., -··· ·"' ,... 1.. {) An-t • of the College. l .L. '-' ...., ' ·'





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March 15: Meeting offue Americ~n Association of University WomPn of Oceanside and Fallbrook,at which union of Palomar J,C, and Oceanside-Carlsbad J, C, will be dis~ cussed, 7:30 p,m. Women's Club · House, Oceanside, Public invited c · March 16: Noble Cain conducts~orus of 200 students of high schools and J.C.'s of Northern San Diego Co, Escondido High Auditoriu. Morning and afternoon, rehearsals, $:p.m. performance, Public cordially invited, March 17-25, inclusive: Easter vacation,

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in the general opeli:ttio~.l of' the student book store :uls be e n an1.1.ounced by the Associated Stud ent Body. Pr.i.marily the change affects ~:he ·:):. . fi ce staff and is not ex·-:-.~6 c -~- d ~ to interfere with the sales ~ rc8e · :~ !8 or past policies of the t

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W~t h the resignation of Louis vnt a ~ manager of the store,


:s rcudents have been employ.-· ;) ·~ ;_ by the i~'~·_ Ssocia.ted s ·tudent Body :;;C' a.s srtme sale ;: e.1·.c1 supply:.>-: ciuties. ··i·,,-rJJ.- ·,-.r-><='l. g1·'cr --::1r accept a .' .1'·l'Y)' .._ ' ll 1 to ·Jos i · ~v :. t:!.-.. a photography con• ·· · egul:~.l.,


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the sale of books ar.C: ~-; ~ ;:p ~ :i:: a s lr.J.y also be subject tc a lliinor change. It has been ::>ropndc:.d t~'"le.t the store open dur.- j_ng :::'o't"rth lnstea.d of fith period. Pro s:) n c~. i.·J~ hours are from 11-12 ... .,.., ·.,,,r -"' --~ ~,- thro·u.O'h Fr~day 0 · ~'




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Because o.f t.a.::-; s;i tns.+: lon created by the :J :...... re s p c n3e '!:::o A.S.B. card sales, the student council, at a meeting T~esday, March 6, made a decision to affect the polic-y for next year. starting with the fall semester of 1951, the registration fee (the amount: decided by the council) will be paid before e. student is able tc, register. The group also decided orl card sales, dropping the yearboo~ from the agenda because the sale of 100 student boey 0ards hnd not been realized. lt was e~ groAcl f·<, extend the sa.l0s cf ~r::' li :;J car,le f'Jl') one week; if at t ha end of a week's grace at le~st 80 cards had not been sold, all money paid into the student b o d~r .fund would be refunde.-.111 Those S .:.. ... .:. ., .,_ . , .,..,. ~·rho .·1 -~~. ·.t .?, n :........ Pur c.~.ha se d A.. ;.~-: ... -"'v . ,~ a· -~~~ .:'e ·,"'.-"' .,,\' -- ·v-,· ·1 ""·' time will be E:xc l .J.clo:-: c f}"or: e.:t:t extra -curriculr-~r --. . . -j- -1-v,.l· t·· ...i_c.:- · . ,



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three regular studeJ.1t s of the college. Myra Dunc9.n will take over the clerical work 11r..c~ sales. James cross and E ewi tt have been employed as student managers and will handle the receipts and management. Proceeds from the book store, which is controlled and operated by the student body, are retained ~n the student treasury. ~:~.aployed

GOSSIP BOX IN CAFETERIA There will be a box set up in the ~qfeteria for student contrib,_,_ t;:i_ ~ i'.LS to the TELESCOPE. This "Poison Pen Box" will be installed during the weekend and all students are invited to contribute · items of interest. Incidents of local interest, student activities, oddities, gossip · or individual activities are among the kinds of news that will be acceptable for publication in the


During the past · :~-e:w ..:~·q ~e<}-c s v-::::~ n oticed one of our te~chs rs doing some extra reading, even b'=-t,N.:;en classes! Being the curious t~pa , we inquired about the boolc being read, and learned that the titJ_e was 11 VJhat to Do Until the Docto1) Arrives." Last Thursday, March 1, "Doc" Stier (the man with the little black bag) had a chance to put his knowledge to use. He was called out to the college f e.r:n to play the role of midwife to a member of the college herd, bringing a 37 pound Herford bull into the world. A second addition, another bull, was added to the herd Monday, March 5. "Doc" Stier can relax now. He's due a vote of thanks for a successful operation.

t~ .~- -~- ~ , --. --~-~~~~~-T~M~E~T~!~~~E~S~C~P~i~§~,~~~~~~~~D~~J -~~1 QUESTION OF THE ,.IJiF'I . __ Mother ~fat,lre plays strange The quest~,..Q!l. : If ;rcu ~Yere to bo e~~or· tricks • Although R blessing to the Ired to a desert island and \'!ere f~rmer, the rai, that has fallen - able· to take three items oth9r than oh Palomar College in the past few food, shelter and clothing, what weeks has restrained student act- three items would you take? ivity and caused some alterations on the campus; p~rticularly on the The guestioned: Oh ~ 'D:lh : Marlene n~w oval being :JrE:parerl. for the biCK?C'JL~~tTM- .,. Palomar tracksters. · Dietric~. r. - cn ·~ ~. ·h,rrnha re~ords a~d While the womens' P.E. classes my, weig~1t, 1i.f7jir!g e(1uipm·~nt. i1 h ,a ve been confined to t h e neck- . twisting game of Ping-Pong and the MYRA DUNCAN- n f . good lookin~ man pa·d. a?!a•. my psyc.h, o.;.ogy. mens' P. E~ classes ar~ turning out my s k e ..... c h. #~~rht lifters and a~a~eur pugil- book." i.'J·c r.~, ~rack men are s ~urryi_ ~ lg a 1 _.-col::- .,··ch of the;.\. •y• l'rU NAREN JACKSO ~·J- n My copy ofthe KoO ,J- ·t ··~ 1' .. , ' ~ .::.4... . . " -·- "j-,• .... ran, my pray 3,... IT! a~ and my Buddhc;. ,~--ec:. ~c:.Na: ian beach tot:~b ,_) i.~ l order ~o ·.: c ~· )t ~.A.Ti th. the water t ~~ c~ -~ -. has miniat 11t"P. " ?~ ~0:J6~~cd on the west Gnd of the ~1.·c.cko Sprinters and ci.istance men MARY A~N · F.AI"!~ -- tr I'd t'lke a deck a~·e now rumored to be ir. training of cards .i a :,0J.evi3icn 3et and for the free-style eva~:t s. High Aller: • H .jumpers and broad :: urnpers hope to LEH!S NJ: ·i~1 ~AN~~ .. n ~ ~hly of courso ., ga~. n laurels by their exhibitions three pa:.r-s oi' fo 1-:"' :...vTa.y arch til l :. ,,. off t~e high difl~~ board soon to be er~~ted over tl1~ d~epest sopt. · ported Florshierr.s., 1'~ H~wcvJ~~ the latter mentioned will l'OlVINY FIORE- t? Get; 1rJLiz, I d)~_ , t s-:.~ x·ye .:1. twofold purpose. Aside know. Gi vw me so::.1e time ·to th:i:r.k fJ.·nn1 competition they will search ~or an elderly man lost · from the about it, will yo1.~ ? r~ coLstrudtion crew. At the time . of NOTE- Miss· Fiore ~as given exP cc ~ y ~h~ accident ~ he was giving a dem• onstra'!':-i.0n or.;. how to spin "brodiestt six hours and fifteen min~tes tc ·prepare her answer. Despita · t:n ;~ with a Geterpillar tractbr, . A:::_ j0k ~.Lf aside, did th~t hiring of seven script writers, ~he was still unable to do so. I g~ess ra.: n rui.n -~he rhubarb or did this proves that Miss Fiore is not, it make the g rass grow gteener? a wo~an of h~sty decision, ... .L

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A student body assembly was

htld Wednesday, March 7, stude,t lounge to discuss (!ard sa.les""


; Whiie haossip~ng''

Gertie r.:tr.:d I w~re strolling about the lo~&l campus abso_rbing the health:'~".:-.. sunshine ahd California air~~ v.··e perchanced to.h~a~ ~$ny ~ntici?g :Jecause· of the lack of reunusua.1. s :t/-:. ~ . .~~ t "') the sales it was necess- . tales and not~ced many occurrences. Following are some .!lr·:·· t "" tl.rop the yearbook and of the choice tidbits that might ~h t p~~ce of the card · to five be of interest to readers of this J '"'~;a~""s ••.t. -L . column: Ask KATHLEEN ~~HITE and MIKE If the minimum of ·eightyf:ve-dollar adtivity cards have · BREINING how it is to make lovecn not been sold by F~iday, March 16 ,. a Palomar bus ••••• ,.Mike seems to be beating CHUCK PURTEE'S time •• all student arid athletic activities will be dropped. (Cont • . on next page)· .1.

in the A.S.B.




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Have ycu noticed the rcmance betv.reo:;n NANCY CALVIN a~d R(1D ROY BATCHER? It . se ems they a~·e both lost for words ....• Some b')d.v should tell LEI:"'J IS NIENANN that there io su~h an establishment as a b&rber shop~ Some of the boys h::1ve pla.nnect on buying f'Mc:ther tJonesa NiemEir. n a pretty pink hRir ~ ~ bbcn , ..• ~ .• I wonder . 1..


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an intellig ent appea:.·~. ng, ·r~rell grooMed, barefooted young man walked into the Adminis t rati on Office on his hands. Ob·vinusly desiring some immediate informatj_on, the youth teak a se a t on the Registrar's desk. His r:r·e sence \:ras discovered three days lnt e r ~ Finally noticed, the young man was m ista ~ en aR a stu ~ent(the observer having :r (; o. dnBarefoot Boy with Cheek") and was hurriedly thrown out of tte office. After a hasty recount (on her fingers) of Sl.ldents enrolled at the College it wa~ realized that th e youth was probably a prospecti ve stude~nt. ·· · Searching par~ies were immediately dispatched~ · The· allof.);e dprospective student noticed the searching party milling about the campus and, being the studious type,joined them t h i.nk ing they were going for co ::~ e. Remorsefully he discovered he had returned to the Aclm:i.nistration Buil ding . Before he managed to 8s cane, the faculty surrounded the youth and he rded him to the Re g ist~a r ' s office "Ah hah I And what can v1e do for you?n a faintly morbid voi ce asked, while the young man was tied and bound to a chair.


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nHeck, it d.i nt all over al~ read"'r., .... 'i s j _t.?H · i 1 ('. } ; ; n.c. Of course you •·lJ 1 be qui t e 2 "~it i)e hind. the othel'r ~T by c ~- ··, rt l, !lg:j Jl... ~r. l· S ·: ") 1"Hc ck, th9.t 1 s okay The .·hrr 'L :..., C ·,,_ ~',Q b c · ' · ·t . ·~ r: "f'."".U knfi~ ,T f .t-. U _.. ... YU fart t?T~,.: e 11 now> .... ··i"' lrn)"';• ;\I'V ..... J. ·.. ~.~~ ? -'whether "f.t.Je can . acr~c p t you vrith that kind of attitudr.J~\· tJv~ e p Ga l( ... er Sal'd, nush1'•1g ~~ - . ,~,- 1~.. g- r· l+,., ' · ...· o1:. ca tioni. and y.rogram s :)"H:> ju.::.rj 3 1~Y~~o l+.h; ~ ha 'ii\'f' i..- 7 t t•y" DP. ,j '-'· \.,. . . ~. :- dr \..) . ., r)f' .. the "TQ 1 · i,· r· a ·l--iol·1 do VC •1 1 >•a T t?'·'? an e ';Gee> you got tv :1_ave one c.f · them t.hings? ?t ~Jell, let'~·~ 3 ?r~ ,, t:Hmmm. You look pretty intellig8.nt. ? ~~ ::,;-~ sibly we · can get around th~t ~. n some way. How about sno~ts ? 0 l ny any football or baseball?" The youth shook lis h ea d. so. ~~ ­ ly. (It should be ;·:.ot e d t hat, j_t. was a pretty sad head~ a t t hen~! ) "We 11, pos s i bl~v- ~v e co.n arrange something., ~ J~ 1at wovld. y c> u like as your ma,jor'? n "Gosh, . you mean I ge t to picJ.\. my ovm major? " "Certainly ! The youth smiled slyly. "Gee$ I guess 11 d like a \. ACma jor 'be st s" A lengthier discussion wi t h the young man revealed that he had been stroll i ng along t he n~e h­ way '"rhen he noticed the c ann:~us Viewing the b ui l din ~ s, he d c~ id ed to enlist, think ing it vJ-as 2n . a r my camn. No official statement has been made con cerning how the youth could have POS [:3 ibly. mistal·m the College grounds for an army training camry. Also, no further information \IITas available concerning the youth. 1;..1 ·. J

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¥age Six



March 12,


Coach William D a e and his Palomar thin- c 1 ads are having t,heir share of troubles and joy. Conditioning a n d wo rkouts. 1a ., e been held to a minimum cile to these pa:;t few weeks. The boys 1ave been able to work out on the ~scondido High oval, a 1 though vaking a mud-bath w auld pe rhaps )e the best descripti'on of their lCti vity.

High Jump ••••••••••• Larry Marshall, Bruce Garret and Kenny Sims Shot Put-Di sc •• , •••. Duane Boyle and Kenny Sims Javelin •••••••••.•.•.••• Al Thompson P. J. C, 'fRACK AND FIELD S.9HEDULE

March 16 ...•• , ... El Centro, Palomar At Riverside March 2) .••••• Naval Training Center, Palomar - at San Diego April 5 ••••• Citrus, PJC, S.D. State To add to their woes is the J.V.'s at S.D. State lack of interest and scrool spirit April 14 .....•..•... El Ce,ntro, PJC 3hown by the student body. At At Oceanside ~his writing only thirteen men April ~l .••.•.• ~ .•• Lancaster Relays lave turned out for practice, The · At Antelope Valley squad is entirely without the ser- May 5 •••••.•.•••.•••••••. Conference rices of a broad jumper. At Citrus \

Coach Da e h as issued this ~equest: "Experienced or not, we !an use you !" . On the brighter side of the >icture, though, Warner Lusardi 1as looked particularly good in ~he hurdles for early season, and Jarry Marshall, last year's Con·.'erence high jump champ, has shown >igns of being even greater. Smce :oach Dae has changed Marshall's 'orm and style he has cleared 6' '/B" already this year, more than 1e ju~ped in the 1950 Conference .' inals. The squad as a whole looks tuite promising, but more men are )adly needed due to the lightness ,f the team and the many meets ~cheduled for the 1951 campaign,

P.J C. BASEBALL SQUAD Felure, Harley ••.•••••••••••••••• C Ferry, Hubert ••••••••••••••••••• C Biddle, Roy •.••.•••••••••••••••• lB Hewitt~ Jim,, ••••• , ••••• ~ •••••••• 2B Rea, Frank •••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• ,JB Reed, Bill •••.••••••••••••••••••• ss Kettering, Ron. • ••••••••••••• , • •. LF Tipton, Bill ••••••••••••••••••••• CF Astelford, Everett ••.•• .••••••••• ,RF Hartman, Al •••••••••••••••• Outfield Linares, BoB ••••••••••••••••••••• P Renn, Louis •••••••••••••• , ••••• P- SS P.J.C. BASEBALL SCHEDULE

>:cMarch 12 ••••••••••••••••• Oceanside At Vista Rec. Center March 15, 16, l? •••• SCJC Tournament At Citrus March 27. ~ .••••.•• , •••...• Fallbrook March JO •••••••••..••• , .•• Oceanside To date, the members of the April 3, ••• , , .••••••• San Diego J. C. 'alomar J. C. track team are: *April 6 ..... • ............ ,0ceanside April 13 • , • , ••••.•.•••• , .•••• League )prints ••.•••• , •••••• Fred Bacon ,:, April 20 •••••••••• , •••••• , Fallbrook ~ iddle Distance ••• llarrison Doyle *April 24 •••• ,.,., •• s.c. State Fresh ~uarter Mile •••• ~ • Tommy Sherwood April 27 ••••••••.•••••••••••• League 1istance ••••••••• Bruce Balbraith . May 6 •• , ••••••••••• s.n. State Frosh ,urdles ••••••.•• Angel Vargas and Warner Lusardi ole Vault Don Armstrong

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