Voh.h__N_o_._.....,;;:;.1,2_ _.....;s;:;..;;a;;,.;;.rLM~a.~,cos:' ~a-lif. ·-
Friday night the Student Lounge will be the scene of what is e~ pected to be one of the outstanrling dances of the yeAr, the Palomar Flayers Award Dance. Featured will be the College Swing 1and, under the dirE:~ction of Mr. Howard Kay and cl.Ugmented lJy other student musicians, and the present~tion of the covet~d rlram~tic awards, The ~~ncei which will hegin at 8:30 and last until 1:00 a.m., is open to al stuctents en~ friend~ of the colleg~. Sport cloth£s will be the attire of the evening, and a 25¢ per person donation will he asked Rt the rloor On h~nd to greet the guests ~ill he Mre. Irma Johnson as cosoonsor of the r1ance, Iv1r. Arthur Kelley, the club's sponsor, and Don Sheahan, club ~resident. Post cards have been sent out by the club's secretary~treasurer, Norma Johnson, to all alumni members of the rlA.yers CJnr1 it is certein that a number of former fellow classmates will join in the festivities, sever8l ~alomar grActuates even leaving the San Diego State cam ~ous to be or~ h~no for the occasion.
RefrPshments will be serve~ without char~e. but students are asked to sunnly their own nickles for the coke 'machine, Dn~lene Futnam, in charge of de~orations, is planning ~ May Day motiff to be worked in with Pictures anrl nesters of pest Pal6mar PJayers productionst anrl somF\thing new is designed for decnrBtin~ the ~and st~nd along a dramatic line. During the in t ermi s ion, · Mr • . Kelley will present trophies to the ,,est actress r-tnrl e1.ctor of the yPar, ~nd will ~ward four medals of merit for other au'tstanding (Continued on Page 2)
------- ------ ------ART LECTURE The lecture on art work in
lation to the motion ·· icture industry, given by Davirt ~dwArds, formt-r nrt rlirPctor for ColuMhia, 20th Century Fox, ,!'\nr1 Universal ..l rr 15 . •)ct u d. . l.os, on m.1.ues u:-y, 1•lqp;y ~ , l.n thP art deoPrtment of Pnlomar Colle~~t prov€rl to ~c extremely enlightenin:; and highly bcntfi.cial esn~cialy to oerson8 interPsted iL Any nh~~e of motion picture work. The four basic denertments, ~dwo.rds EtPterl, Pre the Studio Office, Prodncti'in T)ept,, Technicql ryent., and Art Dept.~ and stemming from thPfe ~rr.· thE- many various denErtm~nts, such as, story. camerP, ~ ~vertising, rlirr:ction, music, fnrl actin~. "The movie inriuctry is in cornnarieon to e clock," Pdw~r~s went on to exnl!.' irJ.; •· in picturr s the Public is conscious of only the music An~ 8ctors, ju:t ~~ they arE only consci0us of thr hAnds ?nd facP in the workings of a clock, whilE'· thrsf' th;. n~s, in reality are 11 very smP 11 part of the finished nr ()duct." 1
--Fa ~e
·THE l..WLEscoPE
----==~~ai-~s-:- · 195..r
2 -~- ----·-- - -· --·--------. · --·- ·· ----(Continued from na ~e 1)
Nancy Brenan , ............ ~ ~d~to~ Rex St2fford ~·········· Co-~d1tor Jim P8ulson ..•.......... Reporter Don Andre • • • • • •. . • . . • • • • • Heporter Keith Moon •...•.•....... Reporter Lewis NieMPn , ...• -. . • . . . . ReportE;r Typists .• Mary Alice Rail, Bonnie, McKeen; Adrianne Eube.nks, Carolyn ~~Jiseman • .Advisors •• Arthur Kelley and Irma Johnson.
EDITORIAL With the period of fin~l exnms slowly closing in upon us, and most everyone a ch~ pter or twobehind in his studi e s, there~ . ere.t ated t flurry of campus a ct1v1:y akin to thet ccused by the m1d semester holticaust. Instructers are gleefully concocting unan~werable ouestions, and oth0rw1se causing cc?.srs of jittErs to run ram~ent among the stu ~ ent body nersonnel. , Finals will be ~ ivc n the week of June 11 to 15. Starting on June 18th, the first d2y ·of summer school will b e~ in for thos e who wish to ~ ' r a is e their batting averBge .'' Students who will miss graduf:.,_ ting in 1952-53 "0y a smetll ma rgin should take AdvantAge of this summer school session in ordEr to get uu with their graduation cless. If you W8uld miss ~ e tting your 1~. A. degree by a mn t tE:)r of 5 or 6 units, summer school will prevEnt your having to come b P ck for another full seme ~'ter. Students who lack enou~h units to transfer to another college for the fHll semester. m~y also find summer school benef1c1al. PA · LOMAR Pl.r.YER 'S DAl\JCE MJ,_ Y 1(~, '51
performances. Candidates for the ewe.rns hC! ve- ~een ~elected hy r~c ultY ~ot~ from emon~ .21 student meml)ers of the casts of "Merchant of· Yonkers·· and •r Claudia'' . Following the r\res~nt a tions, Mr. Kelley will announce those students eligible for membership in the Delta Psi Omega; a national honorary dramatic fraternity that has over 800 chapters in colleges throughout the country. Playing with the College Swing Band will be Norma Osmann, Jim Cross, and Jim Hewitt. Memhers of the band are Mrs~Francis FerrY; Fred Bacon, Billy Reed, Bob Linares, Bill Tipton, Paul Wood,Dick Frank, Alden Avery and Frank Santy
MOTHA JONES, R. S. L. Vista's postmaster has been squared away and, Motha Jones, he's sorry• Last week it was noted that the postal-peon from Vista wasrot acquainted with Palomar's quaint, but dear, old Motha--even though Motha was well known as far awRy as Oregon {th0ugh that isn't as far as Texas). All this, however, has been changed. Motha, you are no longer a "mailroom mystery.". Robert Stier, better known as Motha Jones R.L.S., enlightened the puzzled postman~ It is be~ lieved that Mr. Stier roisterously reprimande~ the mail-merchant for his refuted refusal to deliver the ~regen postmerked letter addressed to "Motha Jones R. L_.S." "I just don't · know how that could've happened," the postman stammered, absently sticking stamps to his reddened face to cover his embarrassment. nThat letter should've been delivered!-'' Stier, as would be surmised agreed that it should have been.' {cont.· on page 3)
(continued from page 2) . ~Well," the postman sputtered, h1.d1.ng hehind a co m m emorati ve stamp in honor of Motha Jones, "it won't happen again." Now Vista, as well as Oregon, knows of that dear old Motha so popular those · five paved, but somewhat dusty, miles away.
----------------------------A. S. MEETING ~~~.r.
A meeting of the As sociated 1.Voman Students was held Wednesday May 16, during the lunch period in the lounge. A committee was sppointed to complete plans for an A. TIJ . S. · beach party, to be held Saturday, May 26, Committee members working on plans·are: Nancy Brenan, Tommie Fiore, ·Carolyn Wiseman, Mary Lee Skinner, and Cleo Castellanos. PALOMAR COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD RECORDS
lOO •••••• Magg ••••• l0.6 ••• ~ •• ~1949 *Bacon •••• l0.5 ••••••• 1951 220 •••. _.Foresman.24.0 •••••• .;1948 · ':'Bacon.- •• 23. 5 ••• .•••• 1951 440 •••• ~~Foresman.50.7 ••••••• 1948 88o •••••• Lewis ••• ~2:11.4 ••••• 1950 MILE ••••• Bull ••••• 5:05.4 ••••• 1950 *Galbraith4:59.2 ••••• 1951 TTnTQ r~1ILE. Bull ••••• 11: 14.3 .••• 1950 LH ••••••• C.Smith.~27.9 ••••••• 1949 · *Lusardi •• l6.5 ••••••• 1951 HJ ••••••• Marshall~5ft.ll1iri •• l950 BJ •• ~ •••• Maag •••• ~l9ft.7in ••• l949 PV ••••••• Hitt ••••• llft.6in ••• l949 SP. ~ ••••.• E.Johnson38ft.tin ••• 1950 DISC ••••• Wiley •••• l02ft,8in •• l950 JAVELIN •• Ashley ••• l6lft,4in •• l950 * Denotes record set during 1951 season. Ann~al
May IS,
The following important com munication concerning students subject to draft has been received from the Selective Service Examining Section: "The deadline for receipt of Selective Service College Qualification Test applicationshas been ~~tended tQ May; 2~ by Se 1 e cti ve Service, Educational Testing Service announced today. All applications must be in the hands of Educational Testing Service by May 25, 1951. This applies to the July 12 date for . those students whose religious beliefs prevent their taking the test on a Saturday, as well GS to the June 16 and June 30 testin~s. AEplications are no lon~er bein5 processed ror tlie May ~5 admin~stra tion and no further tickets canoo issued for May 26. "Students who wish to take test must secure, comolete, mai.l applications at once."
the and
The attention of the students is drawn to the fact that already one examination date has been · Fi!Iea closed.
At present the only way a student may obtain the proper blank! is to go in person to Local Board No. 141J. Room 222, 525 E. Street in San Diego. Pamphlets giving further information may beObtained from the Dean's office.
Are you of draft age? Read Article above.
Palomar Player's Award Dance Tonight- Student Lounge