The Telescope 06.02

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Vol. 6 No. 2




Attending a meeting of the twelfth biannual California J.C. Student Government Conference at Fresno, recently, were Bill Tipton, Carolyn Beven, Sally love, and Mary Lee Johnson, accompanied by Dean Dorothy Babcock, snonsor.

The second dance of the year, a Sadie Hawkins dance sponsored by the A.w.s., turned out a large number of students and alumni for a highly successful evenings~ The music was furnished by the Coast Rangers. Attire was · Dogpatch style. '

Fresno J. c. played host, ·and the attractive ·Californian Hotel was the center of all activities and temporary home for all the delegates. Highlights of the conference included a welcorrd ng banquet, '·' lith Dr. Frank l·, . Thomas, past president of Fresno State College, the main speaker. He listed the ability to understand and work with people, recognizing good ideas, end the courage and patience to · carry through the work until a plan is completed as valuable 'traits in (Cant. ' on page J) 1




The art work of present and past Palomar students will be eEhibited at the San Diego Gas and Electric Company Office in Escondido for the week be~inning this Friday.

, Nancy Brenan and Bob Newman won prizes for their . reversed identity. costumes. Loraine Overman and Mary Lee Johnson did a pantomine to Spike Jones' "l\1olasses" and "Wild Bill Hiccup." During intermission ments were served.



The Marryirig Sam booth was the most nopular corner of the room. Hibert Mast portrayed Marrying Sam. The hard work of Ollie Jo Astleford and her decorating committee did ,not go unanpreciated. PALOMAR BAND NAH.CHES IN


The Palomar College Com8t Band will participate this Thursclay night in the colorful and renovvned Santa Claus Lane Parade in Hollywood. The parade begins at 8:00 p.m.

Featured in tbe exhibit will be the work of James J~rvaise, a The band will be '\I'Jearing their former student under Mr. Sam Heav- new uniforms for the first time, enri cl:, chairman of the PalorJtar This . is the third time that the ' art department. Mr. Jarvaise was band has participated in this par. first prize winner in' the recent ade, but the first time that it national exhibition of naintings ·has ·been adequately uniformed. by college and art school students Palomar's band will be the only at the Andover Museum. (Cont, on page 3)




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The following week the Cbmets journed to E1 Centro and came to Keith Moon • ~ ••• ·.••.••• ... ~. Edit'or life with a 21-7 victory over the Ron~:..Ld Anderson ••• ( . Arabs. •.rhe Palomar mountain nen Tommie Fiore •••••• ( enco~ntered difi'icul ties v;i th a Dora Heine •••••.•• ( high Arab team playing their first Bettybea Roberts •.• ( Reporters game before a hometown crowd and Bruce Garrett ..••• ( litbrally blew the first quarter Arthur ICelfey .............. Sponsor a.w9..y as fu.1Ubles and incomplete passes wen£ down the drain. In, the second quarter the c~ets raced r:r:yped and mimeographed by Hrs. up · and blasted the · Arabs for 21 , fhyllis Harvey's class. points and . the g~~e. STAFF'








Meeting Citrus in what was t ·o The hopes for a successful foot- be the "easy touch" of the , season, ball season vvere pretty high when Palomar found itself minus its the Comets tied San Die<:;o J. C. in backfield ahd only a second string an early season scrin~age. But as line to jo· with the Only the se~son progressed, those hopes 15 men adorned coach Daers bench, fell by the wayside with the injur• due to ·ineligibilities and injured and ineligible. Bernie Pelsma, ies. As. v1as expected, the Citrus Comet quarterback, who · led . hi.s men racked up a 21-7 victory, over team to a tie with S.JY.J.C., was the comets. injured early in the game with Fresno. Tomlinson, stellar back, The following WAek at Vista the was removed from the field before team an.d again they v:ere seriously the first quarter was out. Kenny handicappeQ. Big Bob Linares, a cook was injured in the first part line stalwart, was out. Tomlinson of the game and very few of the sprained an anlcle ·, and ' other names Comet regulars were on hand after were a~ded to the injured list. the first quarter. The Rrun's won, Bigcest handicap was the absence of ~ quarterback. Palomar shifted 48-0. from its Hwing T" to the n double · The next game was unique in that wing" for this game. At the threethe comets established a new school auarter nark the valiant underrecord in yardage gained, penetrat- r~anned Comets led lL~-13, but acain ing within ~he · opponen~s' $-yard lost out in the final stanza in a line at least ten times during the ' 31-14 w~ll-earned . victory for the contest, and yet the comets lost. Hornets. They plQyed this gam~ minus regulars, but, with the exception of a Looking forv;ard to the big garne few funmles, should have won. Cal asainst Oceanside,Coach Dae babied Poly won by a narrow 7-6 score. his players in an attempt to prevent injuries but conducted a highThe Comets were high for the 1y succ'essful psycholor;ical camnext , game- --a CQ)nference due 1 w1;th paign··to beat th~ Spartans. Signs Pt:..lo Verde, defending champions. popped up in. the lbcker room. By For three quarters the Comets led game time the walls were literally 14-13, but faded in the last · stanza papered with fight slogans. Daily and lost a highly interesting game · a player would open his· locker and flnci a sign staring him in the 33-14. ' ''' (cont. next coluran) . ··, face: ~"Are you ready?" Have you ' {cont. next page) . •'






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BAND • ·. . ( Gont. )



renresentative from northern San Diego County. La.s t year the Comet , band proved itself a crovvd plea8er and was awarrled a olaque. \

The parade will be televise~ and it is expected the over a mil~ .av+ th ' . people • e par~ ·d e and anl lOD other four million ~hrough ·. their . ·sets ~ vill view the · snectacle.


· Period July 1







Income: Bookstore nrofit , $ 468 •. Studeqt Bo~y Card Income 1,026.; Football Sales Receipts 777 . . Other Incphe 10. To+-v2 1

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Expenditures: · Our marchin~ contingent is 55 -=--...,....._. . . .,. _ ' ' ~ 712 • J?ootbal ·~P strong. The group will leave the Rooters Cans 82. camnus at 2:00 p.m. ·\ Uniforms: . Chee.r & . ' 56.. According to Howard .Kay, band Song Lea4ers ; 126. director, those appearing .in this Dramatics .96. ' . parade will also · go to t ~ e ?asadena relescope ' 169~ Rose Bowl, .December $, to Partici~· · ~~All other pat~ in the bpening · ceremo~i~s · of . Total Expenditures the Junior ~ose Bowl game. Excess of I~come over expenditures $1,037. STUDE~TS AT CONCLAVE • • • ' (. l.J011 ("' t • '


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See · Billetin details.



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renresentatives were the individuIS THIS 1 IT , al worksh0ps where probiems conqerning finance, acti~ities, ty and &th~etict? Nere dJscussTo all spectators it seemed . e~ r The resolutions brought back though the Cornets 1r1ould go do1:Vri' froM the *orkshops that were pasde!eat again as in ~ the nast r ~ sed were to be taken ·back to the years. The Spartans led the fi~ various.junio~ colle~es to be emnloved ln the1r student eovernment. · quarter 7-0. But then the Comf ruffled their hair and bega.n make a game of it. · Running ; FOOTBALL RECAP • • • • C': ant. ) · · passing and stymying the Oceans~. offense, the Co~ets brought · s ot guts? Yf rfrt takeS gutS tO 1'·! in'l score to 20-.... the first hal. ., etc. Small sheets of Daner .found th8ir w3y into ' vhe athletes' shoes A· bewildered crowd watche · r asking n Can you ~'rin this one ?a small and fighting Comet scuad ~ nIt' s your . last game; will vou and tear the Spartan line give it all you've got'? 11 And finmatch an Oce~nside score in ally at the :;~ scondido J_ocker room seco nd .half to win by a 27 ove:v · the door stoo d . the clincher. _ c?~nt. · Th~ .Palomar I'Jien play A sign, · a /follow-up of one ·over w1~hout the1r best running back the door checking the d~ys left without the s ervices of t r eir f for the game. This sign read: backs "'L eith and Cook, showed t wanted to win. Long after (Cont. next column) game fans who had watched the g · found it hard .to believe that





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( Cant. next page) · ·



Football Recap ••



JO.point underdog team had actua~ 1y won. r' • , •, . Al tfiough.':·the a ctuaJ. season's 1r;i:n-:. loss · column didn't fca.vor the Comets , it was regarded the ~olst highly successful season in Paldmar history. Many games that. . we~e lost this season were lost because ~he sauad was undermanned. ahd that in two games ··, did Qoach ~ Dae manage ~ to field the same 11 on the· grid. }



practice is now in high gear . as .. nin,e Comet , hopef~Js., are vy~ng , fo~ fi:rst st.r ing ' positions on this year's '•· squad • . The following b0ys ha~e been working out pn the dirt court here ~Pal­ omar~ Paur Lockridge,Artise Wade, Wilfred Mason, R. Hinrich, Louis Renn,· Dick Bandick, Doug T<?mlin ... son, Cou'rt,er and Harley F~lure •.·.







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The Corosts are · sefiously handi·

capped by the lack ''of a court

In all games the C6me~s · ' showed that they were ~ as good or better than their opponents for three quarters, usu~lly · leading in the . scoringi ou~l in the fin~l analysis it was~ the num9er of p~rsonn~ ,t hat J

~ to

practice on and,as last year~ are roaming arpund from school to school in hopes qr adjusting themselves. ·Friday at Fallorook tbe bo\fs had their 'first scrimmage and ' look ~ d very :ragg'e d 0.:1\d well out" cf d condition. C' Dae ·stated that uhlesp \"Je i11prove :in' ~ our rebounding


determined the games.













nThis was a team that ' the· stuq.. and defense l}.Je will .have ·a hard ( ent, body can we11 be proud of," season ahead, , ·'

said Coach Dae. "We met many ob. d stacles · and ,ba9 . breaks, and we . This year's squad .includes some took : them better .,than most b't1her'l . ta~l men ·' ir;t · .. ~,ompani$on · vJi th 'l~s~ teams would have. Had we . played year t s ;. squad bU:t lack's thp,t l squad t 6 all. the teams that ' beat us with a· shooting abilities and speed: limited substitution ~ rul~ I am sure t 'hat We V'>JOUld have WOfl illyre. H Coach Dae named his first s-tring --......








scrirnmage ~:

, 1

Hade and Fel- . '

guards; Tomlinsont center; ~nd MP. ~on artd ' Lock!":i;.,, for\Ja rds. Ded. , 1~-~it~ Chaffey ~ Th~~e ,He· added .that this was 'only t~mp7-~with Long Beach There o~ary, for rn~ny changes .'a r·e ev.i dert 15-·0deanside T6urnament iti this · yea~'s material, ~ 28--with Riverside 1 Here Jan. 4--with Cal Poly , , There The Comets' will olay their fir$ 11--with 06eansid~ Here game a\tvay from home, December 1, . 12-~with Long Beach Naval , m~e'tin, g a po'w.e rful ~Chaffey S:tuad at Ol).ta·r:i o ·• ~ " · Ther~ 1 18~-w·i th , E! Ceritrc ·. 1'. · Here , , 19--with Palo Verde Here 2 5--wi th Citrus. . ·,f There 26--with Antelope ~ There ' 1-... vv.i E1 Centro ' There 2--with Palo Verde There 8--with Citrus Here J'l ~ H " · .J ~. 9 ... -wi th A:nte~6po :.eli'e ' y '~l •• ~: ~16--vvi tn Ocea~1sidl. There ,I

























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