The Telescope 06.03

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The . Sophomore class · has announced that the Christmas Formal . will be held Dec. 15th. · The location of the· dance is as yet unde cided, out Rincon Springs, the Delmar Hotel·· and several other possibilities are being inve st:Lgated by A r ·t~.ce Wade and Bill Tinton. • Rincon Springs is the/·· best possibility so far for the dan ce since expenses will not exceed $13 to $15. This will leave over $100 in the S .B. fu nd for a top-notch band.

All preceeding

formals · have been very good, · it was stated but this formal is to be the best yet. So, come everyone you're su re to have a good time.



Bloo d Ba nk day, which had been slated for D ~cember 12, has been postponed some time after the : · ;:i.rst of the new year. .he A. S. B. C ~uncil took this action when ~nforeseen complicat~ons arose. ' .



Originally it had been planned ~o have a bloo_ bank unit on ·campu s all day, thus giving Palomar ft u dents, as well as faculty and ~jm~n istration, an opnortunitv to '~t..._"Yl a te blood for American soldiers j0 t he war zones. -·

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' ~h e TELESCOPE staff \tlOl.;_ld 1 ike r• et~i. > of a lumni and stu(ents nol"l i. ,; l l ~.; .s ervice to include in the Cn:t.J~; ·: ro :ts issue. Iv1:at$ri a l should

be ha nded in not later than Monday afternoon.

Fifty members strong, the Palomar Comet Band, Sporting the new red, grey and white uniforms, marched dov.!n Hollyr.rvood Boulevard · as participants in the annual Santa Claus Lahe Parade. Under the direction of Mr. Howatd Kay, the group included 25 instrumentalists, and a corps of majorettes and flag twirlers, The band was announced and televised as it turnea onto Sunset Boulevard. "Next is a verv . fine musical group under the directi on of Howard Kay--the Palomar Comet Band," the announce r said. n No1..r I knov.r why they call them the Comets.'' The last remark was ma de because the band did not · nause in front of the cameras as other bands did. After .the two and one half mile parade, eve ryone was sufficiently tired and happy. The grC(UP arri.ved home a.t 5:30 in the morn i ng. Bus drivers h 8.d just time enough fo:" · coffee and doughnuts before it came time to begin the daily rounds, picking up students f or day class e s.

_......,.._ ·-----·-------·--PLAYER'S TO 20L D MEETING

Don Sheahan, Pres. of Palomar pla7e r' s has cRl l ed a me r·· tj.n g of of t~A group for Thurs.eve,Dec~l~ at 7 ~ 0() i n the · student loung e~~ · P. s ·maLJ ... t_,e ·rs c~D ...) ·d t'h ' .. ·.·.;_ B , ns ..... ,__.1· 11 ~- S ..... l , ... e l.rllv ~. ati on of members in the Nationa l ·~·1'~ c. Dra !·

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will b e taken un. Meet i ng is open to membe rs anrt t hos e interested •


Wednesday, Dec. ;


· "Here is a brj.ef sunnnary of my actions and rny impressions of

Keith Moon ••......••.••••• Editor Ronald Anderson ..• ( Tommie Fiore .•.•. ~( Dora Heine ....••.• ( Bettybea ~oberts .• ( Reporte~s Bruce Garrett •.••• ( Bill Reed •••.••••• ( Arthur 1\elly ...•..•••••• Sponsor

this place, Korea; First, I was lucky enough to fly over to ~apan from San Francisco, thus missing a bad trip by boat, a trip which takes mucn longer than the thirty-six hours it tool1: to fly. My firs-t impressian of Japan vva:?n' t bad from the air. But from the gro~~d it smelled different. "Then, on to my assigrunent, the Second Division in Korea, by boat, train and truck. When I a- · rrived at the front, I decided the the com1tryside in the Orient wasn•t bad. The cities wer~ the place of all the filth I had heard atout. The hilts of Korea aren•t so picturesque, especially in t~e eyes of an infantryman who has climbed a few. Most of Korea, the central section east to the coast, is on about 45 a .degree angle. There are a few flat spots, though, I think. · "I guess that about does it for this time, and thanks again for sending the nTe1.escope''. Before closing, I would like to 1~i ve :;:irJ' best wishes to all 1:rv old friends of Palomar days gone by, and to v;ish everyone a .,r:Ierry

rryped by Mrs. Phyllis ~·aa.rveyt s class; mimeographed by ~:'Irs. Beulah Wood •


With wo~k on the special Christmas issue of the "Telescope" begun early this .week , the st~ff is sending out an urgent reqi.lest for the addresses of fQ)rmer Palomar students now serving in the armed forces. In evidence that the prog ram of sending the "Telescope" overseas is bringing a measure of enjoyment to servicemen, the following letter was received by Dr. Hildreth:

"Nov. 22, 1951

"Dear Dr. Hildreth , T! I "Na s very happy

and soYJereceive your

wcat surprised to letter and a copy of the "Telescope" in the several v:eel:s ago. And I am afraid I have no excuse for not answering sooner than this, other than t~e fact there is a war going on which limits one's letter-writing time. Also, since that time I have received two copies of later "Telescopesn. ni wish to thank the student body or whoever is responsible very much for sending me these edi tiona of the - school paper. · I have often wondered since leaving home just what Palomar looks like by now, and what is happening there. Now I will know~ first hand.



i J.J.- C'h.,.,



... +v.d. 1-~ a s n •-


n Sincerely, ·

nclinton Smith"

Mra. Charlen Guzik in the registrar's office has been working on a special covar denicn for t~e holiday issue, and both stud~nts and faculty would like to say n i':Ierr~r to the servicemen throuth sending · them this edition of the ''Telescope T_t. Those who have the service address of any former P~lorrar student are asked to give it to the :] . t 1 . t . . , th eu~ or or eave ~ Wltn e reg~ istra.r's office.


page three

-----------------------------------------~--·----------------THE TELESCOPE Wednesday, , Dec. 5 , __!951

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OI'::e of Palomar College·' s, former . f c rt;ign students, Umberto t'~aroni, is now at tne Presidio of r . ~nterey , ~ ~ nterey, Calif., where :-re is taking basic training with the U. S. Army.

In announcing plans for Palomar's annual yearbook, the "Kirror'', Keith ~~oon also stated that photographs and sketches of campus life and student activities are '"'anted.

Maroni, a Swiss, will receive special tra ining at the Army Lan~uage School, Monterey, after he ~ompletes the four months of basic training. His studies at the language school will be in prep~ration for Intelligence Service juty ~·

Anyone whd h~s · prints that he thinks might be suitable for publication in the annual is requested to submit them for consideration by the "Mirrorn staff. Art work, such as sketches of campus life and caricatures of students or faculty members, is also VJ"anted.



A water color painting which portrays the present d ay campus sce ne a t Palomar Co l lege ha s be en ~)ainted by I a rvin Park, an art 3tudent, and dona ted to the col3ge.

~ The pi?t ur e ~e p icts th~ ~?mnus :rom foo toall fleld, bu~la1ng s, 1nd student s , down to even h r. 3am Heavenrich 's famed "red ro adster."

i'lr ALL HA:-'FENI;D CN l OL'J '"·.Y


The Vista ,· E sc6rid~do, Pala , ; busses brok e do·vm. Be caus e of the s e mi shaps, qui t e a fe ~ people had bad l uc k a nd bad conn ections, but Bill Reed, the Vist a bus driver, had the worst luck of all. After finding that his bus wouldn't ~t, Bill tr i ed to cal l the col l ege a~ d found his phone wa s de 3d . He finall y a rrived a t school three ho urs lat e and di s covered he'd left h is ho ; ewor k at home •..• I sn' t t hat t he life !


!'We would like to include photographs of as many students .as possible," JI.Ioon stated. "Candid shots that typify life on the Palomar campus are especially wanted." Those who have, or v1ill hav7e in the fut ure, any pictures they would like to submit should turn the photographs over to Moon or any member of the nMirror't staff. c~edit lines will be printed for pictures used. As well as the art work and photographs, any suggestions students would like to offer con· cerning their forthcoming annual are invited. Girl: ~-~ ot h er:

I would like to get a hus-

band. You leave husbandS . alone; get yourse l f a single man.


Customer: I fo und a sliver in my cottage cheese. viai ter: For 1 5¢ do you want the whole cottage . (Customer in cafe drink ing coffee) Looks like rain today. Chef: W~ll, it tasteS like coffee, doe,sn 't it;



Eleven students of Palom2.r College have felt the "black hand of fate" close upon them. During this week other students will see these poor, unfor~ tunate souls roaming the campus ~earing the garb of pledges of the Palomar Knights-- they are na for



ites. n Be the earth!

below t h e termwary of these scuin of

So that you may avoid them the following information regarding their attire is passed on: they shall be dressed in sla cks, sport coat and tie, com? letin6 thair atti~e wit h ~ennis s hoe s , and wearing a bear~, and ca rrying a placard proclaiming their lo ~ ness of humanity.

The Palomar Knights are proud that they have the opportun it y to eradicate these nb~~msn from the cam?us. ?his er~ d icb.tion sha :l take place so~e dark nig~ t at the end of the week. In ca se any of the students have un"'I ittingly · come in co r.':.e.. ct with these eleven, their names are print ed as a caution to ·t~e st~d­ ent body: E. Wa:rd 1 T. N.: cA:1any, J. Gunnel , D~ Hatridge, D. · Bandick, R. Hinrich, B. Galbraith, K. Moon and J ._ Galt. Anyone coming fn contact with these . scourges of the earth s.t:_2uld be ftJI[iigated_at o~ce. PHE-l,IE0 IC ATED TRIANGLE

" Nursen, · said the convalescent · patient , "I love you. I don't want to get well." "You ·don't have to 'i "lorr:;o about tl:at , " replied the nurse. iTThe doctor is in love with me t0o, and he saw you kissing me t~is • TTt morn1ng.

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(Campus and classrpom gleanings.) nTvlo and two :is four· fou'r and four is eight •••• am ' I getting

through to you people? "The grading will be simple ••• For two students I'll splite an 'A' in hal.f." "Just think---we'll all be millionaires ! You know , light~ ing cigarettes with dollar bills." wald or a tesv+ ques t.1on: ff"T"~ can \ t remember when I got it, b1:..t I think it was · a deliberate 1'"'1

. . .: ft •





"This is one of tl:lose subjects yot:. c e,n unc erst · wJ..tLlc.-ut n aYlllg to know th at Galeleo dro pped a billiard ball off th6 Tower of 1

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reSt ' tte 3anta Lane Parade, band members don::1eo uniform~ to 1')e among 'l-·

th~ t '>Jel ve ba11 d s in Chris t~mas Pc-~ ra d e ,





the Escondido



ni ght.

The hour and a half parade star·ced at 7!00 p.m. from Cougar . . , . an d r:roceede d do'. ·Jn Grand F ~e~d. Avenue. Featured ln the parade were enormous ballons caricaturing elephants, ducks, humans and even a cro ~:d e d t:r·ain.

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· Monday morning, Dec. 10, the Palomar art students, under the dirEction of f~. Sam Heavenrich, will take a trip to the San DiEgo Art NusE:um, \vhich v,Jill open especially for the group. Following lunch in the San Dieg~ ~tam College cafeteria, members of the tour vvill visit class'es in the new San Diego State art building. The pub~ic is . cordially invited. School busses will leave the Palomar campus at 9:30 a.m. ~nd rEturn to the campus by 2 p.m.

Don Andre, former Palomar Colle:;e student and the TELE~; coFc' s pe~sonal ~- but unaccredited - fo~eign correspondent, reportEd in at the "city desk" last weet--via the mail--from Mexico City. Pre sentl v a dern




south of the borAndre is enrolled

at Mexico City College. For those students who might be considering continuing their college studies down Mexico way, Andre passes on these words: nrt is ,..,.reat'"

Monday evening members of the Palomar College small h ·•mes decorating class will me e t at the Design ' Center, 3603 5th Street ', ,.., D' .. I Of added ~nterest, nmonetaJJ1:-I?-1J;:,"' oan 'lego,to atten d an ex h'' lOJ.tlon speaking, is Andre's statement of furniture, fabrics, glass, that n mor;.ey goes a long v:ay" in china, silver a~d other home acMexico. cessories. Questions from the members of the group will be According to the letter, there ansv-Je:red. This trip, taken each ' are many American students studyyear, has alv.Jays been oLe of: the ing at Mexoco City. Most of the popular hig~lights of the art de~ American Etudents a.:re from Califpartment's offerings. The nublic ornia, though there are a good is also invited on this trip, but many from all pa~ts of the u.s. transporta tinon will not be provided for the evening group. attsnding the college. Also there are several students from other --------------------------·------·------- foreign countries. 3i.SK:S TBALL SCHEDULE Also of interest--if you'rea Dec. 7 .. -~"Ji th Long Beacl: There man, that is-- is the statement TV . 1.n f\d 1n re ' s 1 etter wrt..• .. lch reports: 15--0ceanside Tournament Here "And thP v!omen? They're lovely." 28--with Riverside " Jan. There 4--witl: Cal Poly TT Aside from renorting on the Here 11--vJi th Oceanside ,. foreign scene~ Andre asked that 1?--vJi th Long Beach Naval his hello be passed on to all the There ._ , .... . .. 1 y to l1111r • •c.: am TT Suuaen~.~s, esnecla.J. lS--1Hi th El Centro Here , Here Heavenrich an d Coach Bill Dae and 19..--vJi th Palo Verde T~ There the r 0st of~1 e fac~lty, and he 25--with Citrus T! ,h .~. .. ere in7ited all those interested in 26--with Antelope ..... There Feb. corresponding to drop him a few 1--vJi th El venurO TT studious words. \ 2--·vvi th Palo iT o., There fi. • .(.. h RUI1CR. --Here Citrus o--Wl.u " E~re ._ .. It has been heard that 9--with Antelope ,," Oceanside 16--vJi th There "scel"Jers" are now stocking a supply of airline tickets to MexOther gam9s will be scheduled. ico City. (;:) -












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