The Telescope 07.08

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Vol. ,J_, Nq. o


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~an Marcos, .Calif,

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GALA SIXTH ANNUAL FIESTA BARBECUE ON CAMPUS NEXT SUNDAY A record ,crowd of over , three thousand visi toif.s i!s expe·cted to , ·particip te in the gala Palamar Collette Sixth .Annual Fiesta and Barbecue next Sunday, May 4.. Last year's fi. ~sta was attended by an estimated 2,500 from all parts of San Diego County, and 'the advance sale of barbecue tickets inrlicates an even larperc 'a ttendance t];lis : vear.. ' · Besides the ~iant barbecue to be- served from 12 noon"to 2 p.m., the colle~e has planned a full day of gymkhana events, an open . house with many classroom exhibits and demonstrat,i ons, .amusement and refreshment booths, dancing to the music of the college's swing- band, and ~ even a "kirldie corral" with baby sitting , service provided for the college's youngest guest~. . · hark Hanna of V~sta will do the ba:t:b~cuing, and ,he will' use his own special s~uce. The colleg~, , s caf, eteria staff, headed -by Mrs. Thelma Clyde and t~s. Alberta Stoll, TRADITIONAL IViEAT DEDICATION will prepare the , salad an~ other CEREMONY SATURDAY NIGHT dishes to be served with the meat. Following in the steps of an ~r. and Mrs. Anthony Guzik are in age-old tridition, a ceremony charge of the coffee. will attend \ the lowerin~ of the · Wit~o~t charge, th~ *isitor~ meat into the pit, , Saturday night. may watch skilful and , tricky "horseMark Hanna of Vista, wbo has more manship as horsemen from the varithan 25 barbecues to his ·credit, . ous northern San . Diego ' County rid- , , is in ch~rge 16f ,the barbecuing of 1ers: cluqs compete for cups and the mea~, for which he has preribbon~. The Vista Palomar Riders pared his own special sauce. will be the host club • . The junior ·s tuctents, faculty membets and gymkhana will begin at 10:00 a.m~ ttre public are inv'ited to partil.:' Folto~Jing the parbecue 1 ~ which wial . cipate in the festive occasion. be Served from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m~ The wood, rising in a tower the coronation of the fiesta queen will~ offi cia:l ly open the , E!enior from the rock-±ined pit 1 v.Yill , b~ 1 lighted at 7:00 ·p('m., e.nd as tpe gymknapa. flames rise,coffee wi11 be served · Between events of the 9eriior from the cafeteria by Mr~ and Mrs. gymkhana the various classes of Anthony Guzik. (. vvnile the fire I beards will be Judged and prizes burns down to ashes, the crowd awarded. ' r will join in a community sing and The students have planned a car be entert~ined by guitarists. caravon, Fr~day afternoon, to mark It ds ' expected that the fire th¢ begin~ing .of the festive we~k­ will b~rn low enough by 10:00 and end. A f~~r the barbecue ' tickets that the traditional dedication sold have been counted as votes of the meat to the pit will take for the fiesta queen cahdidates place at tha~ time. and the queen announced, the caravan, irtcluding .a special float for the que'en, ' will tour the communities. I










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Larry Connelly • • ' Editor Ann Batcher ) Cleo Castellanos) Sallie George ) Reporters Alan Hartman ) Bill Reed ) Louis Renn ) Bettybea Roberts) Arthur Kelley • • • • • • • Sponsor Typed and mimeogra~hed by Mrs. Phyllis Harvey's Class. Have you ever noticed how many Palomar nersonalities could serve as stand-ins for some of the comic strin characters? Our nominations for some are: Paul Lockridge and Butch Hancock as "Mutt and Jeff'', Jim Wooten as "Hopalong Cassidy' , Ollie Jo Astleford as "Nancy", Verlin Hawkins as "Dag,voodu, Dick Carpenter as "Little Beavet~ Harley Felure as "Lil' Abner", Corky Edgecomb and John · Brode as "The Katzenjammer Kids", Nancy Brennan as "Dixie Duganu, · Danny Kellogg as "Prince Valiant, Cleo Castellanos as "Little Iodine" Dee Hatridge as "Flash Gordon", ' Sally Love as "Brenda Starr", Dick Cullum as "Tarzan", Dick Golem as "Sgt. Preston of the Royal Mounted Policen, · Dean Babcock as nr-.'I ary '.;orth", Jack McNeal a~ "Smilin Jackn, Delight Billick and Kenny Sims as ''r'Iaggie and Jiggs", Frank Nyholt as "Jughead", Fred Miller as "Little King", Dora Heine as "Little Lulu", Jim Hamne as "Joe PalookaT1. CONE AND JOil\f IN THE FUNt



While the rest of the Palomar student body was · enjoying Easter vacation, the Comet baseball team was hard at work. The horsehiders played five games over the holidays and did quite a lot of traveling. Their · first excursion was.up to Azusa, April 3, for the annual Citrus Junior College base ba 11 tournament. Palomar's ~ first round opponent was a highly rated Mt. San Anotonio outfit that outclassed the Comets 8-1. The Comet's. lone run was a long home run by big Ron Hinrichs. This loss nut Palomar in the consolations bracket where they met Santa Monica. The result was a convincing 10-2 win for the Comets as Louis Renn hurled fourhit ball and Tom McAnany snarkroa power laden offensive with a fou~ base wallon. This win advanced the comets into the semi-finals, at ~1ich stage they bowed out with a 4-1 loss to Santa Ana. April 7 saw the Comets on their ,,Iay to Blyth for a doubleheader that ended a double loss: 14-S and 8-5. Consecutive doubles by .. Ron Hinrichs and Louis Renn highlighted a two-run rally in the eighth inning that brought the Palomar Comets from behind to grab a 3-2 victory over San Diego J. C. Knights in the unset of the year. Le:ty Bob Schmeltz threw a brilliant four-hitter that stonped · the




It VJas· nip-and-tuck all the way until the Comets big eighth inning. Schmeltz onened the frame grounding to the shortstop. (cont. on nage 5) BECAUSE OF AN EARLY DEADLINE, STORIES OF THE DANCE, THE BASEBALL G.·\ 1'E ..'\ ND Tl-Lb ADPEARANCE OF THE COLLEGE A GA ~ PELLA IN · SAN DIE' GO EAVE EbEN QJ'.!ITT1D.

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As part of a long range program Student council members, accomfor the :improvement of educational panied by Dean Babcock, attended facilities in the life and physic- the three-day conference in San al ~sciences, . many ¡ imprbvements Francisco,where they participated mark the history of our science in the semi-annual, state-wide department since the college's junior college student body govinception~ Much of the improveernment conference. Representament has been the result of the tives ¡. of 65 junior colleges took willingness of the members oi the part. science department, Mr. Godfrey Attending the conference were Morti mer, Mr. James Wylie, and Dean Babcock, A.S.B. president Mr. Gene Stevens, to devote time Bill Tipton, and council members and labor beyond the requirements Mary Lee Johnson, Donald Bandick, of their position. and Jim Galt. At present, the science departDuring their stay at the Mark ment lists over $25,000 worth of Hopkins Hotel, where other deleequipment, an increase of more gates were housed, they saw much than $10,000 over the last two of San Francisco as well as years. In these two years, the learned much of what other colannual district departmental le.g es were doing to meet specific budget would account for only problems. $6,000. Of the total inventory, The conference opened with a more than $5,000 is accounted ~ dinner meeting, at which the welby the time and labor of the coming speeches gave emphasis to departmental instructors. the parallelism between the probA well-equipped darkroom for lems of student government and the photography class represents the problems of citizens. Genone summer's work on the part of eral assemblies and workshops Mr. Mortimer, who ont only built filled each day from early mornthe darkroom by partitioning off ing to late afternoon. part of the science building, but In the workshops students disput in the plumbing and the sin~s. cussed publications, public reMost of the original plumbing lations, athletics, finances, and and ali of the troughs at the general problems of student govchemistry work benches were in~ ernment. stalled by Mr. Mortimer and two former members of the department: Lincoln Service and the former posts which rise from the ground science department chairman, Mr. .without physical contact with the Gharles Coutts. building. These tables are for Nearly a thousand feet of the sunport of all delicate meashelves have been built by the suring and balancing equipment. science instructors for supplies They were found necessary because and chemicals. of the vibrations of footsteps Of more recent construction arn across the floor and the opening 1 an outsid~ shed, for experiments and closing of doors. l k volving toxic gases and chemiMr. G~ne Steve~s , salvaged an ; cals of an explosive nature, and old refrigerator and constructed ,' special tables mounted on cement a bacteriological incubator to hold the bacteria cultures stud(cont. in next column) ents grew as part of their work in life science courses. J:


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Our girl of the week graduated from Escontlido High last June. Active in the high school,she was ~n the GAA and president of that organization in her senior year. She was an Alpha in her junior and senior years and on the Alpha Cougar Knight Court her senior yea'r . She · was the sophomore class president; she played · in the band her fresh year. She was in the play cast her s~nior year; she belonged to the -Yteens all four years; and she worked as chairman of the junior float committee. Now in college, she i~ a science major. S,h e is president of' the A. VJ. S. She says she loves college and likes the kids a lot. She hopes to attend ~he· ,Uni versi~y .o f FL9.v.r~i-~, next year~ · Ollie Jo Astleford is our gitl.; '

The fiesta queen will receive, as token · of her election, an $panish shawl.,t_to be presented by ~s. Bonney ~ark . Candidates for the fiesta queen' contest are: · GENEVA ROSE, sponsored by the

Alpha ·Gamma Sigma; BETTYBEA ROBERTS, by





TONillSINA FIORE, .by · the .more class;

sopho- ,,

.·d WNANCY BRENAN.l by the Associat-


omen Studenvs;


BONNIE MCKEEN, by the Knight's club· . l D0EA HEINE, ~by the . · · . freshman c ass. ·

The six candidates will al~o be entered · in the national :r.~ax F~ctor beauty cont·e st. ··RULES FOR FIESTA QUEEN CONTEST

.. The following rules for ·the fiesta queen contest have been set . up by Mrs. Dorothy Bartelli, Arthur Kelley, and Delight Bil~



l ;tck'; with ·~hE? ap"pr.oval stu.deQ.t 'tlody ·cpuncil . : ,

t es t•1ng ... serv1ce • ' to measur~ business and clerical abilities will be offered Thursday, May 8, The tests, which will be given in r?oms.C-1 and C-2 on the campus, w1.ll ~nclude bookkeeping, typing stenography, machine calculation general clerical, business fund: amentals and general information. Anyone may take these tests. There is no charge for taking the g~neral info:"m<}tion test, if one of the other _tests is also taken • . A fee of ~~1 .• 00 for each of the ?th~r tests is charged. The fee go\?S to NQMA, which will issue , a certificate of proficiency to ~;hose meeting certain national ptandards. ' Regist~ation ~ili be at 8:3Q and ·1? : 3 0, Thursday May 8. . ;. The general information te.s t will . be giv~n at 9:00 and again at J:OO with the skilled tests given at 10:00 and 1:00 II A





1. · All caridid.a t'es must have an A. S. B • . card. 2. Tickets sold by students, members .of the administration arid staff and faculty will count as votes toward the fiesta queen each ticket sold will count as ~he vote and the person selling the ticket will be free to qecide m the candidate toward whom the ticket . should count, regard-less of ~ny of his organizational affiliations~ 3. In order t9 count as a vote, the money for a- ticket sold must be turned in. to Mrs.Charlen · Guzik in the main office ' before noon F~r~day May: 2. No ticket sold no; ' money turned in for a . ticket sold after that time will be counted as a . vote .







·Page Five

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(Cont. from p. 2)

Fallbrook, Vista, Escondido, Encinitas, Ramona and Julian~ Workwho erred, allowing Schmeltz to ing on this detail were Al Hartreach first and ultimately score. man, Sally Love, Connie Lara, LarHe scored when Renn punched a ' ry Connolly, Lee Eldredge, Ollie double down the right field line. Jo Astleford, Jack McNeal, Dj~ck Golem, Dick Carpenter, Bettybea Ron Hinrichs then caught hold of Roberts, Sallie George and Louis a fast ball and rode it out to Renn. the right center field fence The road signs on the highway scoring Renn with the winning run. in front · of the college were · painted ' and sketched by Delight Billick, assisted by Carolyn Recent baseball team batting Shaffer and Janice Campbell. The averages: signs were erected by Chuck and AB H Ave. Dick Crafts. Mr. Kelley's speech class has Louis Renn 24 9 .375 postponed its debate work and Tom McAnany 27 .333 9 turned . its attention on fiesta 10 Ron Hinrichs 32 .)lJ speeches to be delivered before ~286 Bill Tipton 14 4 members of the various clubs and Harley Felure .218 23 5 organizations in the local com.200 Paul Lochridge 6 30 munities. Volunteering to take 10 .200 Bob McGetchin 2 speech assignments were Bruce Bob Schmeltz .176 17 3 Galbraith, Janet Poock, Paulette Ed Ward 22 .171 4 Robetoyre, Geneva Rose, Joan Sher.160 Butch Hancock 25 4 man, Barbara Yargar, Jim Wootton, 8 Al Hartman .125 l and Mrs. Olive MacGowan. s .ooo 0 Don Bandick



Legend: AB (no. of times at bat); H (no. of hits); Ave. (avera~e). PUBLICITY




For the past three weeks members of the publicity committee, headed by JVIrs. Dorothy Bartelli, Delight Billick and Mr. Arthur Kelley, have been working , to give the forthcoming Sixth Annual Fi~ esta the widest coverage possible. To Delight Billick goes credit for the colorful senor-senorita design, which appears not only on the han~bills, but on the two h~ge road signs, the host and ~ostess buttons, and on the progra:lls.

Students have been active placing placards in windows ·:and t~~ki~g newsprint posters on teleph0n~ poJes in the towns of .

"MIRROR" . PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS Winners of the contest for the most inter~sting · photographs of campus and off-campus activities have recently been announced by contest judges Keith Moon, Harrison Doyle and Ron Anderson. First prize of $5 goes to Joanne Taylor for ~er snapshot "Burro and Friend." To Bonnie McKeen goes the $3 second prize. Her erttry was "Crackers in Bnd." Frank Hatridge, for his "Fri~ndly Greetings," receives the third prize of $2. Men occasionally stumble over the . truth, but most of them pick themselves up, and hurry off as if no, thing had happened.

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