The Telescope 10.01

Page 1

Vol. X, No. 1


October l S, 1954

Go lle ge , San Marcos, Calif.




Palomar·eeds H.elp

"The community '.•Jith a hqs a futur e." s choo l Oct obe r 19, when Pal omar dis trict voters p: o to the polls to vote on th e propo~ed $470,000 Pa l omar build ing proje c t,they wi ll helo to de t hC~ t fu ture. ~ new Science Hall, Agr ic ultur a l and Technical shoo bu ildin ? , Li br a r y , sho~ er and dres sin g rooms, and a. ne~.., c lassroom a re to he hui lt if t he vot e rs ap -

Coming Events Sat. Oct. ! h. ---Comets vs. Antelo ue Valley at Escondido. Sun. Oct. 17---Debate at ? alomar. Fri. Oct. 22---Pep Rally Sat. O c~. 23---Comets vs. Palo Verde at Blythe \•J ed. Oct. 27--Alpha Gamma Si gma meetin g . Thurs. Oct. 2R~Inter-Club Council meetinr:. Fri. Oct. 29---Pep Rally Debate Tournament at San Diego State. Sat. Oct. 30---Comets vs. Imperi ~l Valley .at Vista.. Homecom1ng Dance.

prove the bond issue.These ad ditions to Paloma r Co lle r;e re prese rt a frJnr 1. rd steo in impr ovin g the school and the c ommu ni t y. 1'/i th its nre sent. fAc ilit i es ?.C. can 't' provide a de '1ua te ed'JCa tion· nnd tr:'.ininr- f or its students. Paloma r Co lle ? e is be in ~ denied a pros perous futu re, The better the school can do it~ iob of educ ation and e quJplng students, the brj ghter t he future of the commudty c an be with those students as its future.citizens. The school has the great res oons i b:ility of thorou ghly ~nd efficiently educating each s t1~ent for his pl~ce in the community. 'iiit hon t careful educ a ti on, an adult vrould he of little value to his community. But \vi t hout ad e Au2t e fAdlities pr ovided hy the community, a school can do li t tle to pfepare the students as they need to be trained. October 19,you,te voter wil help to determine PcUomar Colle~e 1 s future. ,










have enrolled


the fall se-




according to Mrs.

Ruth Newman,






fu e day school enrolL'llent,.

approximately have registered

450 adults for


ning courses. At



Palomar is able opportunities

to for

size,. offer first

and second year students.

But the fighting Oceanside Spartans, allegedly augmented by 9 Camp Pendleton Marines for this traditional scrape with Palomar, tied the score a few plays l a ter when quarterback Erwin He dstrom threw a forty-three yard pass to end Herb Meyer to the Comet 5 yard line. Div~~g off t a ckle Jack Rosenquist scored his r i r s t of three touchdowns. Hedstrom's kick was good, a nd the score was tied. Midway through the second period, the Comets marched So ya rds for their s e cond touch j.own. Aft er Billy Leith hit end Jan Berlin with t wo passes f,Ood for 35 yards, Leith took the ball over from the Oceanside 6. The try fo r the extra no int was wi de . Again Oc ea nsi de rebounded by scorin g two touchdowns with just t wo minutes remaining in the half. The first result ed from a bad pass from center. The Spartans f,R ined possession on the eight and Rosenquist slashed over. In the waning seconds of the half Rosen quist intercepted 6edric Jordon's pa ss on the Spa rtan 20. Hedstrom vmt 15 yards for a first down. On the next play the Comets were s~ for a pass, but Rosenquist tucked the banurrler his arm and galloped 65 yards for the score. Hedstrom's extra point was (Continued p. 2, col~l)


October 15, 1954

Page Two


By Bobbi and Marcia

PRINTS 7000 Circulation of the PALOMAR TELESCOPE has been increased from 200 to 1,000. "The increase will enable us to cover the entire school district more adequately,"Miss R. J. Hatheway~ editor, declared.

************* (Continued from page l) good , and the Spartans held a commanding 21 - 13 lead. During t he ha lf-time intermission coach BO\vma n chan ee d the Comets defensive a lignm ent switching Jim Tarling to left t a ckle on defense. (The coach a lso told the team what he thought of the game.) When Paloma r took the field in the second half, the squad, though tired,se emed fired-up. Although the Comets did not score in the third quarter, they .dom inated Jilay. They moved the ba ll insi de the Spa rt an 30 yar d line 3 times, but the plucky Sparta ns hel d , and the Comets were unable to score. In the fourth qua rter, too a roused Comets tallied quickly a fte r Jim Tarling r ecove red a fumble on the Spartan 29. Jordon hit Frank St. John, who l a t er in the qua rter broke ~ shoulder, with two short passes. Jordon then bulled his way over from the


With a little more than four minutes rema inin thegame, the Comets started ro lling . With little Billy Lcith showmg the way the Come ts drove to the 2 YcUrl line. Fullback WaTiy Rodge rs can-ied the pigskin into paydirt from the 2. The defensive standruts for the Comets were Jim Tarling, Jan Berlin, and John Viera. On offense Leith, Geise, and Rodgers just couldn't be sto pped. P.J.c. 7 6 9 12 - 25 0-C J.C. 7 14 9 9 - 21 Scoring Palomar - TD: Grose, Leith, Jordon, Rodgers, P.A.T: Gillespt. Oceanside -TD: Rosenquist (3) P.A.T: Hedstrom C3)

CHARLEY WONG, AN EXCHANG E student from Malaya, discussing his schedule with Dean Dunn.

~ /

/ /




staff of the 1955 Pa lom a r College's an~ u a l is now bei ng organiz ed , ac cordin g toa report from Ca rolyn Seebold, ~ di­ tor-elect. "The sta ff is pla nning to atter. d the conferenc e of yearbook editors to be held at the University of Redlands, We dn es day , Octobe r 27" Ca rrie a ~n o unced . She a lso stated t ha t any student who is interested in workin g on the MI ~R OR staff should contact her, The

MI ~~OR ,

"~"·" ~"" ~ ~" ~


Ge t out anc get your dates ga lsl The A. W. S. is at wo rk on the annual Sadie Hawkin s Dance which will be held a t Williams Barn on November 12. Ove rall dan ce chairman is Bobbi Hatheway, Committee cha irmen are Harriet Daire, Arrainr,ements; Isabelle Marston, Publ icity; Carmine Romero, Decorati ons; Refreshments, Lois Lansing; Bids, Lois Foster Marcia Smith, Entertainment. As usual there will be prizes for the best and most appropriate " Dog Patch" costumes. Everyone attends each year and we really have a ball! Fellows be sure YOU get asked.

******** New debaters this year are Don Stevenson, Joan Hinchliff, Mary DuVere, Sharon Moffet, Peggy Jo Huggins, Coy Mitchell, and Connie Gibson.



LOST ••• on Palomar Campus one brown leather purse with initials M. H. $9s00 reward for purse and contents. Turn in at business office.

Should he be pl a ying i n his condition? He's t he only expectant father on the footbal l team ••• Ka rl Ge ise, you ' d bett e r t qke i t easy! Didn't our yell and sonr leade re lonk Food? Thev leqd the ~ est che ers old .Fa ]n~Rr hP~ ever he~ rd we are su r e . T h~nks a lo t , kids, Did Y'' 'l nnt7ce the Rdul t r .'lot~ rs .


t l~· e

Dal.-;m:.:t r-

Oceanside ~ o ~ e ? They re al lv R~d ed to the r ~ a r of ci1e er!O r ~ r nn r te .-'.:n ... Ry the way, the f ellnws on th e team t."l::tnk al J ~ r yc)l) fe>r showin g up and r oo ti n ~ f 0r t hem , One of o:J r rlaye rs ha s deve l ored a new blocki n ~ dev ic~ · ~hich is ra ni dly gai ninp success ••. He doe sn't USe ~U St his head Rnd shoulders, ve ry uni()ue . Have y0u !Oe en the crowd t h ~t fiiJs the caf. at nir:ht~ If you th i nk that the n oon rush is h~ d, you shoW:l see t he lin e of "nite owls "~ They talk ahout such thi n crs JS s t ones f r nrn Kinr: Phar dS er a . .. Gee ,wha t brains. Once thin c·s crot r oTiinp, we had a c~naci t y crmgd at the Get A c ~~ainied Dan ce a ft e r the f irst r:a me of t he vea r ••• Agaj n Come t cook5 ~ s, desir:n ~d ~y Susan Green, we re the featured refre s hment s .. and an free, the result of the Student Council's rood wil l,It was a vv0nde rful way to st a rt th e vea r. \o.,' ha t 1 s ·.,; i th IVir . Dunn .?,nd Mr, Bruhe ck fTn ::tr rmnd camnu s c: ay:inP: "Ood s and

? ood~" ? Somethjnp to d0 with cert ~ in st udents on ca.mpus. Did Y"U notice the fjrls WC\nde rin ,cr :i n and cut of the patio Oct, 2?? They were atte nd inp t he F r esh~an re ception which f eatured Comet cookies and vunc h , Arlene Knappe, Mis s Damon , and Bob bi Hatheway we re busy ~ ith their committee s of Sophomo re pirls weeks ahead - of the we lcome preparinv. for the occasion. He's lovely. He's engaiTed , He uced ''rhetori c" when he pronosed . Con rrat ul at ions, ~·1 r. Padrr·t·•! It can't he snr ·i n", '·ut I ' m sure I sa~ ~everRl coupl es nsJ rln ~ orr th e first t wo ~e ek s of schoo l ,,, Mus t be sn~et~in~ j n the 'l ir. When will Marcia hre ak down a nd hold hands with Mit ch? Thi s r eporte r •.<~s told th"t •\ r len e Knaope ···ent came r q hanpv and pot som e v~ry incri~in at ing photos at the he a ch party . 't!ha. t hc' r.Pened ''n '".hehus las t ~eek h~t~·een Joe Ruck and Ann ette ruj~~ conc ern i ng milkinr c ~w s? As k Gr ahsm Knox what Izzy ~ arston saw thr ouph th e microsc ope i n Bi ology Lab, A pr oto zian wi th eyelashes? The Telescope crew had nu ite a ti me ~e ttin ? t his paper out •.. So any help will be appr eciated from you students .• Che ck on ou r ni e:ht 1·ro rk.,, very :int erest in g! If you hea r anyt. hin .n: .l it for ross i p , let us k n o~ .

************************** SPEECH AND DRAMA Palomar's debate team went to Long Beach City College to attend a speech clinic on October 9, where they saw demonstrations of various types of compe ti tive speech. Mr. Ben Padrow, speech and drama ~oach, reports thai. the debate squad is preparing for two practice tournaments which will be held at San Diego State College October 29 luid 30. ;r .hey will take part in such e.,vents as extemprotory, im~ promtue, disscussion, and interpr'e tation. The returning members of t.he squad are Wally Miller, Arlene Knappe, Al Polhamus, Kent Lansing, Virginia Prunere.

THE PALOMAR PLAYERS, under the direction· of Mr. Ben Padrow, will present "Two ·Blind Mice" in the students lounge. The show will open on Nov. 19 and run through Novo 27 • The cast consists of Hal Helsley, Virginia Prunier, Shirley Shrader,Marcia Smith, Bob N~tchell,Isabell Marston lfh• will pla:y two parts,Lois 'Foster, Ernie Medina, James rarling,John Howe, Joe Buck, Bud Gerstle, Kent Lan8ing 1 John Yarron,Graham Knox,Johri · ,Marron, and Dave Kni~<:ht• -The story deals with two old" maids who are running a Government bureau which has been abolished r l thout their knowledge. Throughout the sholr, the three main charac ters tr;r to reestablish the .bureau.

Page Three


October 15, 1954




CARMEN ROHERO, QUEEN OF THE PALOMAR-OCEANSIDE FOOTBALL game. During the half, she was crowned .by Bob Mitche4 vice-president of the student council.

AN IMPORTANT R]MIKDER LIFTED FROM OUR FILES: An important decision will be made OCT. 19. A decision which will either mean the continuation of increasingly crowded conditions here at PJC or the commencing of a building program which will adequately serve the people of Northern San Diego County. A big order? No, just the minimum educational facilities which any growing community deserves. It is up to us students to acquaint the people of this area with the ne eds of PJC whichwe are confronted with everyday. It is we students who will largely determine the outcome through the amount of effort put forth in presenting the facts to our friends and neighbors. Time, effort, and a since re desire to improve PJC are the essentials of a successful building progra~.

(Reprir.ted from our issue of May 21, 1954)


Recognize · This



Rob erta J ane Hat he·,;ay Editor-in- Ch ief Bruce K. Hedge rs Mana ':-ine; Editor FJditorial St a.f f-- Fr ank R. Fate l ey cl oe H. Buck J c .. " n -l' . Howe, Edward ' M. Red- ' mond , Graham W. Kno x Sha r on '' i lk~nson , Carmen J:to~ero, Ray Omorl. Dr. Edward Schwartz Advisor

~0 onli~ h t Bench , Enc in itas , California was t he soone f or the Sonhomore Annu ~ l Bea~ h Pa rt ~ ~ bs l d on Mo nda y, Septembe r 2 ~ . The f estivities began a t 4 :30 P . M. when hun gry hord e s of hap py students a~ J facu lty de v oured 200 hot do gs, 7 waterme l ons, 3 lbs . of potato chips , and 5 cases of sof t drinks. The most ent husi a sti c swimmers wer e Dr . Dodds , Annette ~;uigg , \larcia Smith, Jim Ta rling, Sara Jones , Irma Jone s and Geor ge Newnan . After the swimming, 3 ver y WILD game of Volley ba ll wa s nlaye d which was followe d by dan cin g beneath the sta rs. Am ong the faculty membe rs pre sen t we re Mi ss Damon, Dr • .'.bdd s and ftlmi ly, Mr. Brubeck, :1r. Stevens , and Mr. Bowman and f am il y . Abalt 8:30 P .M. the crm·id beg :~n d•,lin dling.

Acc o rdinp t o the r ~ c ­ ords of ~ alomar College , the Alhpa Nu chante r of Alpha G ~mrna Sigma has fift e en me mb ers r ; r t he f a ll semeste r. Students who r ece ived this scholas tic hon o.r are Joan il inchliff, Larry Hunter, ··!aldo Hiller Shar on Moffat, Ray Oma ri, Phillip Peppe r, Nancy Pe rrine, Margaret Peterson, Charles Raney,Doug Scott , Bruc e Roge r s , Car olyn Seebold , Brad le y Whi t ed , and Ll oyd Willis. The fun cti ons of Al oha Gamma Si r,ma is to give r e cogn i ti on t o st udent s mai nt 8ining a superior schola st ic standing . To be come a member of Al pha Gamma Si p,ma, a s tudent must ma intain a n average of 2 . 0 whi le carrying at least 32 credit points. In ad dition,a student's citizenship on and off cam pus must be on a level with his schol· as ~ ic acheivements.


October 15, 1954

? age Four

Our first Somet -o f-the is 7rank St. John who nlayed an im port ant par~ jn the Comets fi rst conference win this ye s r. ?r ank cau~ht the two passRs t hat s et up Dalomar's third t our hdovm, b11 t a fe'·! r.' l a ys later he br oke his shoulder makinr- a block. ~ rank's l oss will be felt more than ,; ,)st at rr ame t ime. His smile helped break up the dr ur-rery of football practi ce. :lis a g>""res sive ness was proven not only du rin ~ the pame hut on · the nra ctice field as well. s ~. John ca~e to Pal omar from Helix in Gan Diego . He was a t wo-year letterman in football a nd was on the wrestling team. Frank is one of the most popular boys in schoo l. Coaches Meyer s and Bo'" man will miss Frank because of his ability and ~1lling ness to ulay,


:Palomar Squad W·ins

2 of 3 The Palomar Colleg e Comets swe pt two of their first three games, all of which were exhibitions to preDare the squRd for conference nlay. The Comets defe ~ ted Cal- 3a utist 31-0 ;md the Pierce Co"}.lege Agg i es 19-0. Their only loss came a t the hands of Naval Air S t Ation, 25-6, a t Long :-le a ch. I~ their first game of the sea son,played at Escondido the Comets whipped an underm;med Cal-Baptist eleven 31-0. Cedric Jordan, the new tail-back . from Heltx,carried for 47 yards on the ground and compl e ted 7 of 16 passes for 144 yards. Du~ne Beebe led in pass e s c ~ ught with 3. Touchdow ~ s were scored by Beebe, K8rl Geise, J ord ~ n, Kich Youn~, an d Frank St. John. The strength of the Com e t defense was shown as Cal-Baptist never crossed into Comet territory. In their sec o·c·d game, the Comets tr , ve lled to Long Beach where they were defeated by the Na va l Ai r St att on, 25-6.- The Comets ~ lay~d a good game, but couldn't mate~ t he weight of Navy's line and the speed of Navy's back field. The lone Cbmet TD wa s scored by NateKa ufman on an intercepted pRss. The Comets v!Ol" their thir.d g!'lm e , downi-:g the Pierce Aggiesl)-0 at Vista. Ag " i n the Comet defe •• se WRS rough as the Aggies f ai led to score. Touchdovms were scored by Billy Le ith, Don Portis, and Jim Kazarian. All in all the Comets had a good exhibition record. They scored 56 point and g!'l ve up only25, . all of the~ to the Naval Air Station.


0-C First dovms Y'lrds gained rushing Ye:r,js Jo.:; t r ushings


Net yards rushing



15 7 1 105

Fumbles recovered Yards penalized

Palomar's What promises to be the game of the ye a r will take pla ce Saturday night at the Es condido Memorial Field. When the Palomar Comets meet the undefeated Antelope Valley Marauders. Both teams will be out for revenge this year. Last ye a r the Marauders won the championship but had to forfeit all of their games discovered when it was that they had used an inelegible player. Eleven lettermen from last years C'omet squad also are out ror revenge, They remem-

155 13

9 3


10l.t 2 0"' /7









?asses atte moi:.<:Jd Passes c~mpl~te d Passes intercepted (by) Yards gained pass ing Net yards rush and pass Average yards per pQDt

Pal. 17




ber last ye ar's 32-7 loss to the Marauders and hope to reverse that score. The probable sta rting lineup for the Comets is as follows: LE D. Bee~e LT J. Viera LG J. Tarling c E. Redmond RG R. Gillespi RT B. Herald RE J. Berlin B. Bucher QB LH K. Geise RH D. Portis FB E. Mohado

The tryouts and elections for cheerleaders and song.le aders were held Fr id ay, Sept. 24, on the football field. Those trying out for cheerlea der and showi ng plenty of pe p were C!=lrol Han son, S h a~ o n DeVere, Shirley Schr ade r, Graham Knox , Viola Ar royo, Joe Buck, Annette ~ uigg, George Newman, ~1ary Gomez , and J a ckie Corbitt. Going out for songleaders were Izz y Mars ton, Marcia Smith, and Sh2ron Moffi t . Af ter h avi~g ea ch te am go through its r outines several times, the Student Council finally , chose Annette Quigg, Viola Arroyo, ~ Mary Gomez, George Newma n, Shirley Schrader, and Joe Buck. The cheerleaders are now pr a cticing with Head Cheerleader Al Lal hamti s, with the as sista nce of \>J a lly 1'-11 ller. There will be two teams. On e te ~ m consisti g of Al Palhamus, Wa lly ~ iller, Viola Arroya, an ~ Shir le y Schrader and the other consisti ng of Joe ~ u ck , George Newm.o>n, Ma ry Gomez, Ar nette Qui gg. The Te lesc ope joins the ch eer lea de rs in urging you al l to go to all the pep and game s and r a lli e s "YELL • 11

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