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E D I T 0 R I AL can hardly be expected to study today. This is a day of celebration. Paiomar has at last started to ~row . We'll be free of the old harracks. Beautiful new ~uildings will replace them. Who can study with this new dream in mind? The beach would ~e the most id eal place to dream of the future of P.J.C. And if a group--say the entire student hody-were to ;ret to e:eth er today at such a place, we could have a lot of fun, and the faculty could pl an the future of P.J.C, The entire student ho dy can't be e-xpelled, so why not---See you tomorrowl
................. ,... ..,.. . ...
Miss Damon and Miss Murphy have been off camous for two days . We hope they will soon recover and that the good news will be all the med icine t hey need. T·T e we re glad to see Mrs. Miller return to the camnu ~ vest erdav after a weeks illness.