1+lE PA[OffiAR C0[[£GE
<folume X. N umber 7
Palomar College, San Marcos, California
Palomar Wins
March 25, 1955
StUdents Pion JourneyS AfOi- For Easter Holido~
Sweepstakes; Downs SC. UC
Late report from Pasadena B eginning April 1 P alomar students w ill start on a City· College indicates that the . Pal!Jmar College debate squad : week -long Easter vacat ion to places as far away a s Utah. swept the sweepstakes trophy I' W hile ever yone on the campus anxious ly awaits the i -: :the tournament held :there welcome break in r outine the w hole country appears as a March 18-19. In taking first place . in :the :tournament. Palomar Colk a leidoscope of motion, m a king last m inute prepar ations 1 lege outranked such schools as 1 for Easte r Sunday. H at manu the University of Southern Cali- ~ facturers in Los Angeles are rap- su rge to su pp ly t he giant holiday J orjlia, UGLA. University of Ca1iidly u siflg- up . their last few tons demand. On April 8 t he w heels ior~ia a t Santa Barbara, and Pepof feathers and felt . I n. New York, w ill stop a nd th e only r em ain ing per_dine College. 1 dress center of the world ,streets no!se w ill be t haf produced by T his m arks the first time that I are jammed by men push ing mi-llions of workmen setting up a junior college has ever swept racks full of p ink and white East- .cha irs and making ar r angements r major Southern California iner dresses. A madman from to seat a nation on a h illside. tercollegiate forensics to urnaF rance named Dior is still ar gu- Then, f inally, On April 10, milment. - This record is even more ing for gray as the new holiday lions of p eople all over the world remarkable when it is known that color. Everywhere in .t he world, w m r ise early in the morning to the six members of the P alomar industry's wheels are putting on watch the E aster sunrise. When asked what they were College squad were responsible extra -speed for the "last lap" goin g to d o over the Easter vaca.or this victory, and that Palomar tion, P a lomar's students gave anCollege is the smallest school swers that varied from hitchhike competing in inlercollegiate for to Utah" to '.' visit the Mexican ensics in Southern California. Cou nciL" Arlene Knappe of Escondido By La Vina Lee Higgins · What Are You Going To Do? J the squad with a first place in manuscript reading and a Mr. P lank- "I'm going to the What is it like to- be back in fourth in impromptu, and with Mexican Cou ncil to make arschool after 15 years? Well, its ratings of "Excellent" in imrangements for attending college more fun than you would ever in Mexico City this summer." promptu, manuscript reading, <>nd debate. Wally Miller (Encibelieve possible. Of course, anyPeggy Condry - "Sew some n itas) followed closely behind thing is appreciated more after a clothes and paint the kitchen with a fourth place in extempor' long-delayed fulfillment, but there while working at Calavo." aneous speaking and "Excellent" Bobby Socin"Live it up." is more to it than that. Some have ratings in manuscript reading, Ray Canfield-"Really have a asked, "Don't you find it hard to ebate, and extemporaneous SP-eaking. Peggy Huggan s (EsconSPRING ARRIVES AT PALOMAR. Two young lovers, get back in the groove of study- good time-work." Raymun J ones- "That's so far dido) took a second in manuing again?" Not at alL Its so much Harriet Dair and Brian Parks discuss future plans beaway I don't know- my life script reading and an "Excellent" easier than floundering around changes overnight." neath Palomar sunny skies. in manuscript reading, Lee Elall by yourself, not even knowing dridge (Vista) took a second in Don Stevenson- "! imagine I'll where the groove is. So much time be bumming around beaches." ~ npromptu and an "Excellent" in interpretation. Virginia Prunier is wasted down blind alleys and Ross Thurston-"More than (Vista) took a second in imalleys not marked right in the likely I'll be working." promptu and an "Excellent" in first place. No, studying at school Eun Lee- "I'm not sure yetimpromptu. B D J h · with a well-marked and very fasY ean o n Dunn colored butterfly that lights cinating groove already for you I'U probably get a job." :?alomar College rated and Frank Hipsley-"What am I ranked in each division that it I had the pleasure of hearing a I~omentarily on the bush. We is anything but hard. It is hard entered with its six entrants tak- leading educator, author, and a so stumble over unnotiCed rocks finding as m u ch time as you need , going to do. Easter vacation? What does everybody else do?" ing the 15 placings. speaker address a group of Ro- m our path, and all this is be- but that is balanced by the satisArlene K nappe-"I'm going to r. fo ur tournaments this year, tarians at a recent dinner meet- cause of our fixation with the faction of doing what you can. the Demoley State Convention." the Palomar College debate squad jng and what he had to say was concept that tomorrow will be A lot can happen in 15 years. ~1as ta~en almost 50 placings. This Al Donah ue-"Sue's coming led B~n Padrow, Palomar College impressive. Perhaps as valu able better, or contains problems Inevitably, a certain amount of home, so we'll go to the beach . I d . which we must consider now. perspective is gathered. The acdebate coach, to state that this is a th mg as can o m this short cu mulated experiences throw and drink beer." undoubtedly the finest to urna- article would be to pass on to I wondered as the speaker con- light on the subjects studied at Miss Murphy- "I'm going to be ment year the college has had some of his philosophy of tiued, if he were ruling out of P alomar. That illumination serves far away from here ." Sl1tce he introduced forensics in our lives the planning that must I to point up the value of the su b - _ Tom Collins- "Hitchhike home life. 1953. be done in order t hat the next Jects and the way they are pre-- to Utah." The topic of his t alk was "Eat , sented. . . Mr. Brubeck- "I'm probably Wh a t IS . rea ll y apprec1a · t e d more Your Apple Now". T he analogy d ay s .· 1Ivmg may , be as fruitf ul going to t he San Francisco Bay." refers to the inability of man to and 11ch as . today s. But he con- t han anything else is the q uality H arriett Dair-"Recouperate." live each day. T he ma jor portion tinued to point out t hat never [of our fac u ~ty. They have so much An nette Qu igg- "Good Quesof our lives is spent contemplat- in the history of man has lack I m academic _and cultural back- tion." of planning been a problem. w e ground t? give ~heir students. ing tomorrow, although inevitaBobby H atheway- "I'm going all have plans. Rarely, however, P alomar IS becommg k n own for B-eginning April 13 each of the bly tomorow never arrives, and to go with Sharon Wilkinson to do we follow· all of our plans with Its fme teachi~g staff. we spend each new ·day living a s~ ~. clubs on Palomar's campus B ut that Isn't all. As if it pick out bridesmaid dresses for will- nominate a candidate for the life conditioned entirely by the the necessary action to carry them out. Such planning, then, weren't already a made-to-order h er wedding to J ohn Royer." future. coming Spring Formal queen conDoris Cooper- "Write a term becomes merely daydreaming and situatwn, a further advantage is Man y lives are burdensome test, The winner of this contest, paper- isn't that interesting ?" to be >.ponsored annually by the things, the burden being com- today might well be fille d with shown by complete acceptance Nancy Sherman-"l'm going to TELESCOPE, will reign as queen posed of (1 ) that which happened action in carrying out the plans and friend liness of the younger ut the spring formal being yesterday (2) the problems of to - that we have which will make students. If anyone entertains the go to Long Beach to visit some planned by the freshman class for day and (3) the anticipated each day more richly livable. If old-fashioned idea that he is too friends." Bradley Whited- "Catch up on sometime in May .All of the five problems of tomorrow. We do you have been planning to do old for college, he had better take remaining candidates will be ele- this in spite of the realization something for a friend "one of a q uickie cross sectiOn of our stu- homework and work on my car." vated to the position of the that yesterday cannot be lived these days"- do it now. If you dent body. Mrs. Nesbin-"I'll probably again, ahd that mo:;;t of the things have postponed doing a task be- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - stay home and wor~n my cactus queen's maids of honor. Judging of the candidates will we worry about tomorrow never cause tomorrow may be -a better to W inston Churchill. The great- garden. I might get to the desert time-do it now. Remember, we est personalities of our time are one day- Borrego probably. " be done by the people of the ~ow ns in the P alomar district. We are prone to live our lives get our satisfactions and our those who have filled each day Anyone will be able to cast ke a mountain climber who pleasure from active progress t o- with living, and these days, once ==============-l _te fo r his favor ite contestant by fixes his eyes on the peak he ward our objectives not from l ived, become a rich memory. I I The TELESCOPE staff will dropping some spare change into hopes to surmount. With our reaching the objective. So take a Such men who keep their eyes one of a set of boxes that will vievl this far into the f uture we look at today's progress not to- on t oday knowing t hat tomorrow be having a gay Easter vacation; hence, our next issue will w iU soon be a today. be distribu ted in various business miss the wild flowers growing by morrow's hopes. So, in his words, m ay I urge be published April ·22. p laces. E ach of the boxes w ill the path , the bird sittin g in a L iterature is full of this nearby tree, and the beautifully philosophy, from Omar K h ayam y ou t o "eat your ap ple now".
Back To School
"Eat Your Apple Now"
Spring Formal Queen Fest
(Continued on Page Two)
March 25, 1955
Page 2
•Miss Gootgeld Leaves
Member of the Intercollegiate P ress. Published bi-weekly by the stud ents . of Palomar College, San Marcos, California. Co-Editors: Neil Shireman and George Cordry. Staff: Carrie Seebold, Ed Red- \ mond, Connie G ibson, Valerie \ S abin, Rosy Cole, Paul Rotscheck, .. B ud Gerstle, and Denny Vopat. Staff Photographer: L arry Hunter. Advisor: Dr. Edward Schwartz.
l I
New Students
Reserve Your Mirror Today
Ga:tes Open 5:45 Show Time 6:30
STUDE T COUNCIL MEMBERS stop their work for a minute to relax. This hardworking group spends every Monday, 3rd period, irorring out the. problems of P .J.C.
Letter To The Ed .
Oppos New Club at PJC
Swinging into the new program of intramural sports, the Knigh ts have laid out the roster for their v o 11 e y b a 11 ·t eam. Coaches "Punchy" Viera and "Musty" Rivas have named J oe Wolowsky, J an Berlin, Denny Vopat, Monty Green , and Carl Geise as_ tentative starters for the game With the Circle K. The Knights are adopting a new pin this year, replete with black enamel. W.A.A. The W.A.A. group chose ten I girls to represent Palomar at the Long Beach City College Tournament. Those chosen were : Viola Arroyo, Maxine Standerfer , Mary English, Mary Ann Budd, Rosemary Cole, Valorie Saben, Mary Gomez Annette Quigg Anita Mora, 'and J ackie Corb~tte. T he W.A.A. hopes to arrange a volley ball match between Oceanside and Palomar before E aster vacation. The girls have been spending most of their free time practicing for coming events. PI RHO PHI Members of our debate squad came out on top last week end at P asadena. Six people were able to bring back fifteen certificates. Among them, a first in manuscript reading was taken by Arlene Knappe. Wally Miller Peggy J o Huggans, Virginia Prunier, and Lee Eldrich also placed in their respective events. CIRCLE K Last Wednesday, Circle K was the honored host to guest speaker Mr. Bill Montgomery, a survivor of the Bataan Death March. Although the talent show has been indefinitely postponed, the Circle K is also preparing for the volley ball game with the Knights this Tuesday. OPPOs The OPPOs have called for a special meeting ou Monday the 28th to elect officers.
To the Editor: School ~ir{t is something we SA. 2-5189 I hear a lot about but seldom see . In the larger institutions you are FRIDAY & Sb.TUH.DAY MARCH 25-26 bound to find enough interested By Rud y Gerstle "OUT OF THE PAST" students to get the work d~me. The newest club to form on the ROBERT MITC!!UM and JANE GREER But in a small college such as campus "OMEGA PI PI OMEGA" Palomar it seems that all the work (OPPOs) held its first meeting --and-and planning is done by a cer- on Monday, March 14. tain group- in our case the stuThe purpose of the club is to "SUSPICION" dent council. enrich and develop the collegiate CARY GRANT and JOAN FONTAINE Now these certain few people experience of the men and can't possibly accomplish all they women who are twenty-five STARTING SUNDAY - MARCH 27 would like to do and still main- years of age or older and who are 1 tain grades and other responsibili- continuitlg their formal education ties. So, as a result, many thin~~ at Palomar College. Its further have to go undone, while others arm Is to promote good fellowship can be done only half-way. What through social and service acVAN HEFLIN and ALDO RAY is the answer to this problem ? tivities, and to be of asS"Istance --and-The only possible answer is that to the faculty and the student 1 more students must become in- 1 body. "MEET THE KEYSTONE I<OPS" terested and contribute some of To enlighten the uninitiated as ABBOTT and COSTELLO their time and thought to the to the derivation of the term cause. Granted that there are OPPO, the following explanation GUEST NIGHT EVERY MONDAY-THURSDAY many people on campus who, al- is offered. Since a well-advertised Firs:t 2 Adults-SOc each. All o:thers in car FREE! thougi1 they are not members of commercial product spelled backthe student council, have given wards infers rejuvenation for generously of their time. But still those persons who are thirty= the problem is to get more people five years of age or older, by the ! to help out! · "back to the soil" process, it was Now a possible answer to this considered that for this more problem was once proposed in the mature group of Palomar stu(Continued f rom Page 1 1 216 W. YISTA WAY form of an award to those deserv- dents the term OPPOs would be have a picture of the girl it rep HAROLD A. MITTS. FLORI ST ing students who had the interest appropriate as denoting POOP resents. At the end of two weeks, =;;~;;;;~~;;;;;~~~~~llr~"§§~§§~~~~~~91 to work on school activities. And inside out. th!'! girl whose boxes contains the while this does mean reverting Those students who have at- most money will be declared the 1 I somewhat to the old "candy~re- tained this ripe, old stipulated winner. ward" system, it does give the age, who have a sincere desire to All proceeds collected from this SAN MARCOS , students somthing to work for make this . their club, and who contes:t will be dona:ted :to :the Red SAN MARCOS while they are helping on the ac- will lend their talents to achieve Cross. COFFEE SHOP BARBER tivities of the college. Further- the aims outlined above, are 1- Sponsoring the candidates will more, su ch an award would give cordially in\1ited to become mem- be the Knights, Circle K, W.A.A., LUNCHES SANDWICHES and BEAUTY SHOP recognition to those deserving bers. . . A.W.S., Alpha Gamma Sigma, and Hamburgers-Cheeseburgers students now on campus. So whatThe next meetmg Will be held the Pi Rho clubs. Their nomFine Barber Malts-Shakes-Sundies ever this thing called school spir- on Monday, March 28, third inations will be announced in the Home Made Chili it is- interest in activities, pride period at which time the election April 22 issue of the TELESCOPE. & Beauty Salon Soups-Pies in an institution, or loyalty to a of officers will be held. Each club must nominate a first For The Entire Family group-I believe we need more of All subsequent meetings have and a second choice candidate to OPEN 6:30 A.M. it, and it seems to me that such been regularly scheduled for the help eliminate duplications. In Hwy. 78 At First Street TO 8:30 P.M. an award is as good a way to get first and third Mondays of each case of duplicate nominations, the school spirit as any! month. club whose nomination was enDon Stevenson tered first will be accepted, and the second choice nomination will be accepted from the later entree Cordry Appointed PATRONIZE All entrees must be handed in George Cordry, co-edi:tor of by the end of eighth period April :the TELESCOPE, has won an the fourteenth to Valerie Sabin. GLASS TOPS TELESCOPE appoin:tmen:t as a repor:ter for :the Escondido TIMES ADVOfor CATE. Reserve your '55 Ml RROR now ADVERTISERS Only 200 Copies Available DESKS or TABLES See Paul Ro:tsheck Price-$2.00 (wi:th ASB card) Give L·o nger Life To Your Car With Our Extra $5.00 (wi:thou:t ASB card)
' ' ATTLE C Y''
Queen Fest
Louise Goo:tgeld,' former.l secre:tary :to Dean Dunn, will be missed by all ihe s:tuden:ts s:taff of Palomar. The office held a "going away" par:tx_ for her on Tuesday, March 22. her I las:t day a:t Palomar. Miss Goo:tgeld has worked a:t Palomar for :three years, and has made many friends here. .
·A record number of graduating Seniors from F allbr ook High School are planning to attend Palomar College next fall. The new students, ·22 in all, are: George Almond, E ddie Clancy, Walter Amsler, Alice Banks, Edith Barkow, ·August Clancy, Eddie Clancy, Nolen Coy, J erry Ea'it, Warren Estes, Jo Ann Gar·wood, Eddie Hostetter, Buck McManigill, Ginny Miller, Art P entico, Mary Standerfer, J ohn Standerfer, Bill Turley, Annabelle Vines, Janice Wann, Beverl y Ward, Judith White, and Tim Wilbur.
S & H Green Stamps
March 25, 1955
Page 3
New Korean Student at PC
By Rosie and Val
Why do some boys have to pre- . tend they have such big muscles? The very idea of going around With the arrival of Myung Sup flexing their muscles whenever Choe from Seoul, · Korea, ' on a scbool bus goes by! · March 13, P':llomar now has five i Hereafter, George, will you members on Its roster of exchange i please do your laundry at home students. There now are two stu- i instead of hanging your pajamas dents from Korea, one from Main the lounge to dry. laya, one _from Nigeria, and one S pme couples seen at the St. from Mexico City. . Patrick's Dance were John Viera Choe is being sponsor-ed b-" the and. Vi Arroyo, Jackie Corbit and Vista Rotary Club under the VI- ' Larry Niggli, Mary English and SA program of Rotary InternaJim Messersmith, Sue Hurd and tional. He is making his home Al 'D onahue, Carol Hanson and with Rotarian Mr. Major Rodgers Bobbi<'! Socin, Bobbie Hathaway • " at latter's home in Vista. He was and Monty Green, Sharon Wilkinmet at Lindbergh airfield in San son. and John Royer. Diego by Mr. and Mrs. Rodg ers "I didn't know we had so many and Eun P. Lee, his Korean colsquares in t:I:Jis class," was Mr. league, who entered Palomar last Brubeck's comment in A Capella . September. Enroute from Seoul, last week. He was trying to get , Choe stopped off for two days at students to clap on the offbeat. Tokyo, Japan and came by way of Come on Georgia, don~t you know the Hawaiian Islands. from nothing? Myung Sup Choe Because of the inoculation inYour reporters, along with quite jections required for entry into a few other people, attended a the United States Choe was desurprise birthday party for a layed about two weeks, as they Palnmar .student just turned 18 proved to be severe in his case. last week. Surprise? I'm sorry, j He is a graduate of Seoul High Mary Gomez? · School which he attended at the One of .the top tunes around The Northern San Diego County s~e ti_me wi_th Lee. H~ plans. to campus seems to be " Work With Business Education Day was held ma)or m busmess _'idmimstratwn Me Mary?" We can't remember if at Palomar College, San Marcos, 1at Palomar, and plans to go o~ to it is by Jim or J ohn. March 15, co-sponsored b the a four year college _m th_e Umt_ed s · Cl b f F 11 Y States after completmg his studies . Would anyone like to learn to I ervd:cde udsV~ t a brohok, Ets- at Palomar. BATTER UP! Baseball manager John Viera prepares smg "Row Row Row Your con I o, an IS a. 0 n and o - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boat?" Or ~aybe ~lay the Fluto- contribute their share to the to hit the first pitch on Palomar's new baseball field phone? You too may accomplish Business Education Day were busas college president Dr. Phil Putnam awaits the pitch this if you take music 7A sixth iness teachers from Ramona, Fallat recent dedication ceremonies. The umpire is "Red" period. Nancy Perrine is really brook, Escondido, and Vista High a terror in there. Schools, and the Palomar College Root. The A. w. s. had a hair stylist faculty, administration, and busiIt seems that Palomarites have ness students. begun, and right on time, to sucat their last meeting. All the girls The best cure for love sickness reatly enjoyed watching him work A panel of outstanding business cumb to that well-known annual is a good dose of marriage. and he seems to have done won- and industrial leaders from this disease, which is defined as "the ders with Paul's hair. area spoke in the morning in the lazy listless feeling which comes The following question was Student L ounge to provide the to persons with the first days of asked of several students around students with an opportunity to spring." The signs are becoming DRIVE-IN campus, and we thought you learn employment possibilities, more and more manifest as more might be interested in some of job requirements, and the train- and more students feel the urge to I ESCONDIDO the interesting answers we got. ing needs for business and in- cut classes and troop to their old SUN MQN , MAR. 27-28 summer haunt, the beach. This Should a boy kiss a girl on their dustry in the local areas. "BLACK SHIELD first date? Following the panel, demonstra- age-old disorder seems to flourish OF FALWORTH" Leon Hartley-If he can, I tions of electrical office and ac- with the sun and cloudless skys Color guess. counting machines were given by and is known to make even the Tony Curtis-Janet Leigh most conscientious student pause ·Don Portis-And spread bac- company representatives in the Also at the door of class and gaze longteria? Absolutely not! Women's Lounge. "THIS IS MY LOVE" Mary English-Well, I'll tell A luncheon was served in · the ingly at the brilliant outdoors and Color you, it all depends. Patron's Patio following the dem- utter a barely audible sigh. In Linda Darnell-Dan Duryea Paul Rotcheck-It depends on onstrations, and the students were short, Spring fever has come to TU WED THU MAR. 29-30-31 the boy and girl. . able to get acquainted with the Palomar. There are two known cures for . "THE HIGH AND Eun Lee-In some cases. sponsors and business leaders who Jan Berlin-Well I don' t know, were to guide the students on spring fever. The first, though unTHE MIGHTY" but if I'm with a girl, and I their personal tours that after- pleasant is a sure one, and that is Cinemascope mid-term exams. The second is John Wayne-Claire Trevor think she wants me to, I'm goi»g n_ oo_n _ .- - - - - - - - - - - - much more pleasant but, it is to. Also feared it may even encourage the Frank Hipsley-I don't see any"CHICAGO· CALLING" malady; it is Spring vacation. lhing wrong with it-, but it deDan Duryea pends on where you are. FRI SAT APR. 1-2 Fabulous! "Postage Stamp." Arlene Knappe-It depends on The Palomar College Art De- 1 .-:=============~~ This tiniest figure magic is I "RING OF FEAR" the conditions. partment has been very active achieved by a special Jantzen Cinemascope Miss Damon-Generally speak- during the preceeding months, , knitting process and skillful Patrick O'Brien-Clyde Beatty ing, No. (That was a sneaky an- and, as evidence of its activtity, design ••• to slim your hips, swer) Also will hold two art exhibits. The smooth your thighs and whittle Jackie Corbit-! don't know, first will be in Fallbrook on the "TREASURE OF your waist with the utmost what do yo u think? I think it de- 29th of March, and the second, RUBY HILLS" comfort. Easy on your budget. pends on how well you know the in conjunction with the Patron's Zachary Scott-·B art MacLane Launders like a dream and - boy. Program held on April 13th, will dries in a wink. Denny Vopat-Sure, that was a be shown during the week of the RITZ THEATRE silly question. . 11th. Color: White Anita Mora-It depends-on how · Mrs. Miller, who conducts DeESCONDIDO Sizes: S-M-L Price $3 .95 he kisses. SUN MON TUES MAR. 27-29 sign, Painting and Art. History Vera Sosa-I've been wondering classes at Palomar commented "THERE'S NO BUSINESS Reese's Music Shop the same thing. that the Art students at Palomar LIKE SHOW BUSINESS" Pianos - Records ! Cinemascope were the "most interested and talBand and ented I've ever had in any school, D.o nald O'Connor Orchestra Instruments adults and students alike." 1 Ethel Merman Ii'coNDIDO, CALIF. A new addition to the Art DeAlso ESCONDIDO lrow Important Can It Be .......... .. partment this year is Mr. Dale "NEW VENEZUELA" ........................................ J oni James Dorsett. Mr. Dorsett's classes are Cinema scope K o Ko Mo ............ The Crew Cuts Lettering and Crafts. He also conA Special . Hurt ........................ Roy Hamilton ducts an evening class in cerTweedle Dee Dee .. Geor.g ia Gibbs amics. Also during the evening GUENTHER'S JEWELERS S incerely ...... The Maguire Sisters are classes in Landscape ArchiSix Bridges to Cross ...................... .. tecture and Life Drawing instructFor The Most Complete Line of Graduation Watches ............................ Samm¥ Davis, Jr. ed by, respectively, Mrs. S tricker HAMILTON, ELGIN, WALTHAl\4, BULOV A, GRUEN, S ong of the Barefoot Contessa .... and Mr. Prunier. The Smartest Clothes LONGINES-WITTNAUER, LE COULTRE, OMEGA, ETC . Mrs, Miller estimates that en............................ Hugo Winterhalter Beautiful Selection of Diamond Watches On The Campus Ling Ting Tong .... The Five Keys rollment in all classes including N o More ........ The Maguire Sisters day and night students is well EXQUISITE LINES OF JEWELRY ARE FROM Whadda You Want .... The Robins over 100. EXPERT WATCH-REPAIRING
Business Education Day He Id At p c
Spring Fever Hits pJC Students
Art Dept News
Ten Top- Tunes
P aga 4
March 25, 1955
Don Portis Wins Berth On SC All-Star Quintet
rt Sco
By George Cordry Athletics on the Palomar camp_us are in full gear w1th two \ Comet guard Don Portis, two-year letterman on the sp. orts, baseball and track, hold- ~· i l"l.g the current spotlight. Coach PJC basketball team, was named to the All-South Central W ard (Rusty) Myers' baseball Conference hoop squad, a~cording to word received here squad is loaded with returning l ettermen and hopes run high fo r ' recently by Palomar Coach Ward (Rusty) Myers. The alla loop title in the horsehide sport. , star team was chosen by South Central Conference players Coach Bob Bowman also enterand coaches. bins some degree of hope for his Leon Hartley, Larry Tessary liant floor play and leadership t ;ack team in the SoCentral finals and Don Broyles all were accord- along with his scoring ability. altho the chances are somewhat ed honorable mention to the exGeorge Riley, outstanding Palo s:Jmmer. clusive list of SoCentral stars. Verde forward, paced the allMyers has six lettermen back to Portis tallied 44 votes to finish loop team as he bagged 68 votes. b ol ter his 1955 nine, including fifth in .. the balloting. Hartley Charlie Smith, Citrus center, t h ree top pitchers in Monte Green, drew 20 votes, while Tessary ranked second. Dick Whaley of George Cordry and Ed Mojado, picked up 14 and Broyles five . Oceanside was third while Val all of whom are monogram winHartley paced the Comets in Padilla of Antelope Valley finh er from last season. The heavy loop scoring with an average of ished fourth and Portis fifth. hitting of shortstop Don Portis, better than 16 points a tilt., while second basemen Karl Geise, and Don Waiters (Antelope Valley), Portis hit for 13.9 markers a tilt. Charles Bogle (Oceanside), Bill center-fielder Leon Hartley is a Portis gained the right to the .allCom.pton (Antelope Valley), Bob l a rge factor in Palomar's bid for conference squad due to his bril- Weber (Citrus), and Dave Wiks· t e conference crown this year. ten (Citrus) round out the top ten ,Although PJC has been unimin the balloting. Waiters r - essive in practice tilts played Track Squad Improves: players was the SoCentrals' leading scort o date, it must be pO-inted out Loses Close Meet To er. t hat the C omets have met teams above the caliber of South CenPortis also received . all-league Powerful Sta.te ea·mtral Conference play, and the recognition - last season as the ... Improving with every start, h ustling Comet guard copped Palomar nine has displayed flashe of potential greatness. Coach Bob Bowman's P J C track second team honors. Portis paced squad dropped it's third meet of the PJC quintet in scoring over The Comet horsehidders put the 1955 season by a 67% to 40% the full season play as well as t heir title hopes on the block tocou nt to a highly rated San Diego being a top defensive ball player. c a y when they travel northward State College F reshman team. t o tackle highly regarded AntelNevertheless, Bowman's thinope Valley at Lancaster. A double clads turned in their best effort Comet of the Week v ictory against the Marauders to d ate in a losing cause. T he , ,-ould put Palomar in the thick By Ed Redmond Comets fin ally displayed some of contention for conference depth, which has been sor-ely lackchampionship honors. Karl Geise has been tabbed ing in early season meets. Al- Comet of the Week by The TeleCoach Bowman's track squad is though P alomar picked up just scope sports staff for his outstand. '\ ; inless in three starts during the two first places during the San ing contribution to P alomar athe arly track season, but it has c.onDiego State affair, they were out- letics in his two year term on the t inued to improve with rapid scored by just 27 points. San Marcos campus. Karl has strides although the Comets must Phil Rogers and Bud -Gerstle proven there is a definite place e at thei r very best to conquer were the Palomar winners. Rog- for the small man in college sports :;uch loop powers as Antelope ers leaped 5' 10" to take the high even though the big men predom'\'alley and Citrus. jump, while Gerstle threw the dis- inate during this day and age. Lack of depth seems to be BowPLAY BALL! Palomar College President Dr. Phil Putcus 100' for the other PJC win. Karl, a slightly built 150-poundl ~.an's main source of worry. The Earl McClure tallied eight points er, graduated from Escondido PJC thinclads possess several outnam officially dedicates Comets new baseball diamond for the Comets with a pair of High School in 1953 where he was < tanding athletes but are one man before the Long Beach State game. PJC lost a 10-4 seconds' and two thirds ; and a standout in three sports. Karl oeep at practically every position. Morry Asmus finished second in lettered in football, basketball, P iling up points in the triangular decision in the inaugur~l til_t_.__________ ___ )a sizzling 10 flat 100 yard dash. baseball and tennis during his ueets run in the So Central Confour year stay at EUHS. f erence is a difficult task without h,·o or three able performers in Durin g his senior year in high a ch event. school, Karl finished among the top five scorers in the Metropoli- Although the PJC squads lack tan League in football and was depth, they seem to make up for voted "most valuable" by his bis factor with enthusiasm Cougar teammates. He was also :t ustle and ability and appear t~ a mE'.Jllber of Escondido's 1952-53 eed only the support of the Palochampionship basketball squad 1 ~' ~tudent body to come up with Valley* ~ Palomar College's baseball team dedicated it's new and played an outstanding brand '\\ mnmg seasons. This brings ·us f J an important and serious prob- Mar . 31. Apr. I. Apr. 2- JC jdiamond Wednesday March 15 by dropp ing a one-sided of ball on the EUHS baseball l em. Tourn ey a t Citrus )10-4 decision to Long Beach State College. The loss was team as a center frielder. Karl's great speed plus his outStudent bo.d y support for Palo- Apr. 12-San Diego JC the Comets third of the year to the powerful L ong Beach standing leadership and desire l l ar athletic teams has been 'sorel y lacking of late on the San Mar- Apr. 15-At Imperial Valley nine. Later in the week the PJC squad turned in it's best made him one of the best athletes cus campus. It seems that unless Apr. 26-Santa Ana showing to date by battling a Catcher Denny Vopat stood out on the Palomar campus for the t .1e Comet teams turn in excep- Apr. 29-At Citrus * highly regarded Long Beach defensively for PJC, while Mo- past two years. In football Karl t ional efforts in every game, they Navy team 11 innings before jado was charged with the de- ranked second in scoring this season with 30 points and was one of bowing to the sailors, 2-1, on a feat. a :·e u nable to draw more than a May 3-Rivers1de h andful of faithfuls . May 6-Palo Verde* pair of errors. T~o dropped flys by Palomar's coach Bob Bowman's top two-way At present Geise is This situation must be reme- *Indicates Sout h Central The new PJC field was official- right-fielder in the Long Beach players. handling second base chores on d ied if Palomar is to produce a double-headers. ly dedicated in the Long Beach Navy fray produced an unearned saccessful athletic program to the State tilt by Co1lege president run in the top of the eleventh the PJC baseball squad and is surrounding communities and inDr. Phil Putnam and board mem- inning and netted the sailors a second only to Don P ortis in batcrease its contributions to the ber Jim Sutton as the two ex- narrow 2-1 victory. The error ting with an average well over So uth Central Conference. Persports greats combined to throw broke up im airtight pitching .300. Karl is married to a former h aps this article will in so~e way 1 VISTA LAUNDRY out the opening game ball. duel between the Comets' George t end to aid participation at PaloAfter Long Beach, State picked ·C?rdry and _L ong Beach Navy Palomar student, · and last year CLEANERS his lovely wife, Eloise, presented l lar sporting events. Here's hopup a pair o·f runs in the opening flinger Al Ze1ssner. S & H GREEN STAMPS i. a so . Remember, a college athinnings off Monte Green, Palomar Long Beach Navy drew first him with a baby oy whom the ·l etic team is usually as strong as took comand in the first stanza blood in the thrilling game when couple named Steve. Upon leav322 Broadway, V ista ' t's supporters! with a four run outburst featured they put together a pair of hits ing Palomar, Karl will either conby Leon Hartley's bases loaded in the second inning to bag a 1-0 tinue school or go into business I triple. lead. Palomar tied the game in with his father, who is an electrician in Escondido. The beach city squad knotted the bottom of the third inning the score at four all with single when second baseman Geise runs in the fourth and fifth clouted a three base h1t to left- a three base error. ·Al Opel')censki frames. Ed Mojado· came oh to center field and galloped home on folloy.red w~th another high fly, pitch for Palomar in the sixth a wild relay throw from the which was dropped, and on the .... t next pitch lofted a texas league inning and was greeted with a shortstop. SHOES- SHI RTS- SLACKS four run uprising. After the second frame, the single down the right field line to Mojado was trobuled by wild- sailors never seriously threatened sew up the tilt. R HE ness in the sixth inning as he to score until the fatal eleventh Palomar 004 000 000- 4 6 5 issued three walks while giving stanza. They failed to put more RENTALS up a like number of base hits. than one man on base at any Long B State 200 114 020-10 8 5 Green, Mojado (6) and Vopat; The State team tallied two more time against Cordry's assortment D avis, Garcia (6) and P eek. counters in the top of the eighth of curves and knuckle balls. In Vista inning on two Comet errors pius The Islanders won the exciting RHE a ·brace of hits. encounter in the top of the P alomar 001 000 000 . 00- 1 7 4 Kart Ge~se was the leading eleventh when Comet rightfield er L 'ng B N'y 010 000 000 01- 2 7 1 Palomar h1_tter for the day as he Bob Kundinger dropped leadoff Cordry and Kneen, Vopat (5); banged out a double and a triple. I batter D ick Young's fly ball for Z eissner and Dunn.
Current Palomar
Ball Schedule
INew Baseball DiOmond
:c::,~~,~~~ c':~:.Iop• Dedicated; LB WhipSPJC