Vclume XII
Number 7
Friday, J a nuary 20. 1956
P alomar College. San Marcos, California
Only Steel Shortage Hinders Scheduled August Completion The \~orkm an who can be seen swarming on the new l:ill behind the Art building are no longer just pushing piles of dirt aroun d. Buildings are actually being built, 1 and the use of Palomar's first permanent structures does not now seem far off. The units that have already taken shape are the Library and the Science building. The maze of the complexity of the job that the C. A. Larsen company of San Diego has undertaken. This company has not yet started work on the Shower- l o c k e r rooms nor the Shop building. All the work in this project has a completion date of August 14. However, Dr. Phil Putnam and the contractor believe T wo teams from the Palomar that due to supply shipment de- college debate squad ~ill meet lays, primarily the critical short- touring debaters from the Uniage of steel in the United States , . . . the work may not be finished vers1ty of Cahforma , Berkeley, by that d ate . Dr. Putnam feels in the Student ' s Lounge. The 1 t hat while the contractor must first o( two debates is t o be held pay a $25 a day penalty for late 8 p . m. Wednesday, February 1. completwn, of more nnportance This debate is designed for the to the tudents 1s the fact that 1attendance of local service group classes may start a week later I and the public in general while than usual, next September. the return m a tch betwe~n the Due to be completed in April t wo schools, 10 a. m. Thursday center of the picture is a lmos t h id den by the THE MAZE OF FOUNDATION TRENCHES, is a sewer system that will re- Feb. 2, is primarily to allow the trench. which is nearly 6 feet wide. The foun 8 feel in depth, indicates lhe complexity of the place the inadequate sewage dis- students the chance to see just d a tic ns are a lmost complete. posal facilities the College is w h a t the ir Speech department job of building a school. The Library is shown now using. This new system, has been participatin g in at the -Telescope p ho to by Ron ald Dolli m or e under construction l)ere. The workman in the (Continued on Page Two) Intercolligiate Forensics competitions. At present, Mr. Virgil Be rgman, head of the Spe ech department and debate coach, h a s 1 picked one team, to c onsist of Peggy J o Huggans and D ale Cowan, and has tentatively decidSix new courses have been add- j On Monday evenings, Music 1 ed that they will speak at the evenin g contest. The other t eam, This yea r, for the first time , ed t o the n1ght school, spnng '42 Orchestra is schedule d for to be chosen from P am Jett , semester curriculum . Dr . . John 1 in~truction at 'the F allbrook H ig h D ave Con way and R ich Miller, Palomar College is participating Dodds, mght school co-ordmator . . T wo courses fo r sophomores w ill meet the G olden B ear de- in the B ank of America Ju nior stated that the courses which ' Mr. P 1erna will teac h . will be added to the curriculum haters in the othEir encounter. Award P rogram. T wo cash a - have add ed should be of interest Art 50, Copper Enameling will of the English D ep a r tment next The topic for these d ebates, wards will be made at an awards to all day students as well as be taught by Mr. J ohn Barlow semester. They are Survey of as in the National competitions, banquet on J une 5, 1956 _ The a~ night students. jon Thursday evenin gs from 7Enghsh Literature (Eng. 46 B ) will be : Resolved that the non- wards banquet will be as folAll courses have transferable 10 p ... m . . on the Palomar Camand S urvey of World L iterature agricultu ral industries should be lows: (1) A $100 cash a ward, credit to most colleges , except pus. T his IS the first tnne thiS Ef!g. 4A·) given a Guaranteed Annual Wage major in the field of Banking or Copper Eanmeling and Avocado · cours~, has been offered at PalDr . Edward Schwartz, Profes- This p eppery and timely topic Business Administration· (? ) Production omar, commented Dr. Dodds, · h sa1·d a num b er o f wo rks to make the d ebates in- A $100 . ~ J · . should prove to be quite sor o f E nghs cash award and 'a cerPhotography Will be t aught at "and · t f ., students have requested a course teresting t o all, b esides provid- tific ate of recognition to the stu- t he new E scondido Unio n H igh m eres mg. . in Sh akesp eare but t h at it w ill ing a n educ ation a l background dent selected with a major in School; the facilities at EsconAvocado Productwn has be en n ot be offered because of a l ack in an important demand by or- the fiel d of Secret arial or Cler- d ido are some of the finest in scheduled for an evenmg sesof funds. H e stat e d Eng lish 46B ga ni zed labor. ical work. this area . This class has been •sion. Although this course does w ill offer five Shakespearean - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - scheduled for Tuesday, 7-10 p.m . not carry college credit, " The plays. They will be Ot hello, H amMr . Leo Kennedy will be the !courses should be of mterest to let. M a cbeth, King Lear. and Program Expands instructor. new growers m this area and Tw!i lfih Nigh t. T he c ourse will M D .d B' h .11 t h owners of new groves," said Mr. r. av1 JS op w1 eac ID 1 p t . . include Shakespeare to conWorld Li terature on Wednesday e or er, agncu 1ture mstructtemporary literature. It will be nights from 7-10 p. m . at Pal- or . Tu esday from 7 -10 p. m. at offered second period, Monday, ll d . r t d · !Palomar, 1s the tm1e scheduled Wednesday, and Friday. The ~~;~s~~-1~e an JS JS e as for instruction. course will carry three units of T welve new courses will be of- Roland K. Phelps instructor, said All of these courses will be credit and will be taught by D r . fered in the spring semester. that stud ents could apply their P. E. 5-A First Aid, is re- open to studen ts and adults a , . . · . . quired for graduation and has s c h war t z. Students particularly interest- expenence m busmess, a It, pho- been included in the ni aht school like. Survey of World L iterature will ed in business may enroll in " R e - tography and writi ng. Students program because a n~mber of begin with the 19th cdntury Ro- tailing" a course designed for particularly interested in agricul-lstudents didn't take or haven~t mantic Movement in Europe and students who would like to study tural study may enroll m one or had the chance to take th1s '::; will survey the field through con- buying methods, store finance more of four different courses to :course before. Mr. Kane will hold temporary authors. T his course and customer appe aL Course be taught by Mr. Del Porter. !class Wednesday evenings from will be offered fifth period Mon- will be given MvVF . 5th period . New courses are: Physchology 7-9 at Palomar. day, Wednesday, and Friday for Dr. Kenneth Grisingher will 33, the. uses of personal and soOne of the m ost practical three units of credit and the in- teach a new course, P olitical Sci- cia! adjustment; Chemistry Z, courses offered this semester is Mrs. T anner,. formerly Mrs . structor will be Mr. David Bis- ence T wo, 2nd period. The course the elementary study of the prin- Business 53, Income Tax, which Sode str om.' assistant busmess hop, instructor in EQglish. will cover government, p olitics, ciples of chemistry; Lettering, is taught by Mr . Vallentyne, ' manager m. the off1ce was marDr. Schwartz announced that political ideas of Gre at Britain, p oster display and advertising, former deputy collector of I n- ned on Chns tmas Eve 1n Yuma, any student v\·ishing information France, Germ any and Russia . two units of transfer credit; Pho- ternal Revenue. This course is to Mr. Tanner of Escondido. on either of these courses should In Journalism, Publications tography 51 , which includes both scheduled fo r Monday nights at Mrs. Tanner has been working contact the instructors either workshop will be given Tuesday practica l and theoretical aspects Palomar college from 7-10 p. at Palomar for six years an d 1 prior to or at registration . and Thursdays, 4th period. Mr. of picture work . m. plnns to continue working here.
UC at Berkeley Challenges PC Debate Team
•Lit• Courses Will Replace I Immortal Bard I
Bank of America
PC Evening Curriculum Offers
Awards Offered Business Ma ·1ors
Six Different Credited Course·s
Sc hedu1e Revise d For Spring
Bus"lneSS Mana"'er
INow Mrs. Tanner
Friday, January 20, 1956
P age 2
Palomar Boord Reports Construction Finances
M..~er P t a. f\ of F"\l.Tu..re S"'-\~l\1\~
"' Our Posterity Perhap-s Lost Says Writer
The Board of Governors of Palomar College . recently issued to By Kay Seebold the citizens of the coliege district a report explaining the financing If we, the maturing generaof the permanent buildings. These buildings, now under construction, are the Science, Library, Shower-locker faciliti_es and the tion, do not open our eyes and Shop. The bid of $429,123, by the C. A. Larsen Company of San take a long, searching look into Diego was accepted last December 8. However, the total estimated ourselves, we may find our reexpense of bringing the initial program to completion is $522,373 .22. cord of posterity lost. Included in the total expense figure is the construction of a sewVoltaire wrote stinging essays . er system. January 1J2, the Corzine and Turnor Company of Esthat stabbed the consciousness condido was given the contract for this job, for their low bid of of his readers. Poe, weaving his $15,996. This work is to ~ com-, j human mysteries of emotion and pleted within 90 days. invited to visit the site at any superstition, achieved greatness; The new buildings,, not includ- : time and to follow the progress -poets like Carew and Browning 1 ing the sewer system, com- of the construction work. We 1 penned the warmth of love, and prise 35,802 square feet. There- hope to see you at our dedica• l spring. fore the cost of the program a- tion ceremonies next fall, and To write great things these foot. According to Dr. 0. Doyle we express our sincere appreDannenberg, the board feels that ' ciation for your cooperation and people rode the pendulum of this is a very good figure. As a assistance ." fortune and swung far past the · means of keeping the cost down, middle, to the peak at either end. the C. A. Larsen company is usOn the other hand, we are ing , for the first time in San Diel liable to be censured for anygo county, prefabricated steel 11thing other than the casual atforms for the foundations. This titude toward our own social method saves 23 cents for each 1 problems. We laugh at real sinsquare foot of form used. Since ]\ cerity . Yet this laughter is not on these particular buildings the ; one of humor; it is one of fear . (Continued from Page One) foundations run up to eight feet 1 I feel that my generation is deep, this innovation results in which includes a sewage dispo; becoming one of "fence-straddean appreceable saving. . I ers. All a graduate asks today Since the passage of the bond sal pumping plant, pumps, sep1 is a suberban home and a job electiQil last spring, which re- tic tanks and some 2500 feet of he can do. H e wants to get more sulted in a Biulding Fund of sewer lines, will be installed by " take home" pay, and to let oth$442,573.22 including inter e s t, the Corzine and Turnor compa- , ers take care of the governthe B oard of Governors have ny of Escondido. ment.'' found it possible to add an adThe "easy payment" idea has The site of the future football ditional $79,800 to the fund for SHOWN ABOVE IS the master plan of future Palomar buildtaken over . Our books are constadium will be u sed as a n the buildings. In this way the densed. ings. The units shewn in black are now under construction and Board of Governors has been oxidation lake until a newer syswill be ready in September. When the buildings are completed Even our education since able to meet the total estimated. tem line in San Marcos is comgrammer school on, was dethey will be Palomar's first permanent. buildings, they include: This extra sum, the Board and pleted. signed for the "common denomadministration state, "We have the Library. A new science building, a shops building and new The college maintenance perinator'' of the class. practiced every reasonable e- sonnel are to install the lake. shower-locker rooms. • conomy which would not jeop- Much of the other work that has Now, we must take the responardize our educational program. been done throughout the fall, Piays Hot Horn sibility of teaching ourselves the , integrity of thoughtful decisions The Board of Governors urges such as the clearing and grading the residents of the Palomar Col- of the land and the building of we can base our whole lege District and the students the road on the hill, was the ac~ The literature of my generathemselves to take an interest complishment of Mr. Charles in the grow th of the permanent Crafts and his fine crew, of PalWhen it comes "That good old with the USMC whe re he played , tion will reflect humor that is buildings and advises, "You are omar college. New Orleans Hokum", that is, in the First Division Marine \lost completely when the human Dixie Land Jazz , a pair of eyes band. PJC students had a chance . target IS gone, pomtless preslight up, and a mind starts to to hear Phil at work during some' sures, caused by matenal thmgs, recall fond memories of old Bour- of the PJC dances where · Phil, Unless we. decide to think more bon street. Here on the Palomar along with his Palomar gang, clearly, thmk more deeply, and campus there is that pair o f helped tear the roof off of some understand ouselves and others, we shall be lost. We eyes and that mind, and they local halls. In addition to being a man must develop t~e powers w_e belong to the person of Phil Pepper. Phil is probably better of the world of jazz, he is also were given, for m each of us IS Member known on campus as one o f one of Palomar's top scholars, greatness and our literature can Intercollegiate Press PJC's top scholars. Scholarship and leads Alpha G amma Sigma mirror this greatness If we each The TELESCOPE is the official bi-weekly publication of the Associated is Phil 's prime concern, but the this semester as president . Phil's stnve to bnng It to light. Students of Palomar Junior College, San Marcos California Telephone mention of jazz and you have in eventual goal is to secure his SHerwood 5 . 5711 (Escondido area) and PAlace 4-5111 (Vista area). The your presence an individual who doctorate in psychology, or do paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those of the writers and not knows and has played among psycho-ana lytic work. Phil will Patrons, Alpha Sig necessarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials the immortals. leave Palomar this semester to are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are walcome; however, the Phil was born ln that windy go to UCLA where he will con- Will Match Award editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be signed. • Ed itor ,·n Ch•"ef city of Chicago in 1930. When tinue his academic work. Patrons of P aloma r College NEIL SHIREMAN . . . . . ' f ami·1 Y RANDOLPH HOWE and DON McARTHUR Managing Editors h e WaS one year 0 ld h IS will match up to $50 scholarmoved to New Orleans. Phil ship money provided by the AlRONNIE DOLLI MOR E PhotofJ_;'i~~~ literally cut his teeth on jazz, MR. ROLAND K. PHELPS pha Gamma Sigma in its anand when he was around the nual award made each year to And then there 's the educa- tender age of twelve he startan outstanding student. Mrs. ed playing tenor sax and clariDaniel H ege, president, informed tor who came up with this one: net in some of the clubs along CLEO'S Mr. Adolph H eyne, sponsor of I shall now illustrate what I Bourbon street. Since that time the scholastic honor association House of Beauty have on my mind," said t h e he has been one of those rare that the award would be made 500 S. Santa Fe Vista professor as he erased the black- persons in this day and age of according to specifications set "rock and roll" who has kept up by the campus society. boad. his loyalty to the old nostalgic, To qualify for . the award syncopated beat of the old man, student must be a member in that another grand old man, W. good standing with the society, C. Handy brought to life. maintain examplary cond u c t Among the greats that Phil both on and off the caJ11PuS, and Bouquets - Corsages has played side by side with you have a high grade point averAcross from Buy & Save, VISTA will find such masters of the age for at least two previous flatted-fifth as Tony Almeriko, semesters. Monk H azel, the Immortal Buck Matching of the fund by J ohnson, Sharky Banana, one of Patrons will be made for the FOR SALE BY OWNER BUILDER the few men a live today who was first time this year, according in on the birth of Dixieland; Pato Professor Heyne. Only Thr~ Miles from College pa Celestine, a man who could
. I
Steel Shortag~ Slows Progress
PJC Scholar Also
Two bedroom, three separate baths in onk, living room, family room, dual fireplace. Western red cedar ranch _style, modern kitchen, snack bar, seven installed electric heaters, two hot water heaters, garag~, patio, modern Throughout. Interior mahogany panelling. One full acre. Some orange trees. Private driveway. Just completed. Must be seen to appreciate. CALL PA 4-5409 FOR APPOINTMENT
never read a note of music, but all one had to do was name an air and batten down the roof and out it came. Looking farther you hear the name of that great sax man of today, Sidney Bechet. While in New Orleans, Phil worked steadily with a band known as the ''Honey Drippers ''. Some of Phil's time was spent
Something to wear is always apprecia ted
326 E. Vista Way
Friday, January 20. 1956
Downbeat IN WAX
Page 3
Dollars Down Drain When Scholarships Passed By Default
Foundation Forms Take
Every yea r millions of dolllars go to waste. Why' Beca use By Mike Nicholas students are not aware of the infinite number and variation of scholarships available. Check the January-The new• year opened up with "Mr. Sandman" re gis- college catalogues, their scholartering top honors throughout the country. Close behind were "Teach ship requirements and the d ate Me Tonight," "Let Me Go Lover," and " Earth Angel." that applicationa are due which February started the rock 'n' r oll craze with "Hearts of Stone." is usua lly March 1. "That's All I Want From Yciu" and "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom . There are fellowships a n d fifteen fo reign countries such as White" shared top honors in the "pop" fi eld. scholarships given for study · in March further established th e rock 'n' r oll trend w ith "Tweed!~ the Fullbright scholarship. Dee" a nd "Dance Wi th Me Henr y." On the lighter side "Sincerely" There are many · scholarships held its own . given in the U . S. by the Ford April found a touch of ragtime w ith "The Crazy Otto" medley. F ou!ld a tion, G. E. a nd GMC to Other hits in April were "Three Coins In The Fountain" and "Pledg- name a few. .i.ng My Love." The opportunities' in California May caught Frank Sinatra "Learning The Blues" while Caterina are very great. F or example U. Valente, a German import, was making a hit with "The Breeze And C. at Berkeley and D avis give 400 scholarships ranging· in s ize I." fro m$70 to $600 and UCLA gives In June Eddie F isher had "Heart" while "Man In A Raincoat" 250 scholarships ranging from was on the mind of Marion Marlowe. , $1 00 to $500 . DALE COW AN ·IS DWARFED by the eight foot deep founda· July might well be called L atin rhythm month as P erez Prado's . Your grade point average, evtion trench he is standing in. Because of the massive wei-ght of waxings shone brightly. On the "pop" side was "Unchained Melody." Idence of financial need and the buildings, the fc.undations go do"wn to the sub-fill level. August proved to be a hot mon th with discs like "Gum Drop," promise are taken into consideration in awarding scholarships. "Piddily Patter P atter," and "Seventeen," vying for top honors. There are also student loan funds S eptember had a sur prise wit!J. "The Shifting Whispering S ands." and jobs available to students. This was quite a change from the rock 'n' roll style of "I Want You The scholarship s available at To Be My Baby," which also came out that month . PJC are: Patrons of Palomar October was the month that Stan Freeburg threatened to "ceced Alpha Gamma Si gma, Kiwanis: from the band" to help him Mitch Miller, according to his version and McMahan Foundation a .of "The Yellow Rose of Texas." The dreamy side was well repre- wards . For more information on sented by "Love Is a Many Splendored Thing," and "You Are My scholarships check the - library and Dean Brown's office. Love." There are fellowships a n d November and "Frankie Boy," was back w ith "L ove and Mar- scholarships given for study in riage ." Kitty White, getting the message, put out a lovely called Fullbright scholarship. ~ '- Rice." . There are many scholarships December, of course, found a wealth of Christmas novelties . "I'm given m the US by the Ford Getting Nothin' For Christmas" was one of the most outstanding of GMC to name a few . these. The opportunities in California are very great. For example UC at Berkely and Davis give 400 scholarships ranging in size from $70 to $600 and UCLA gives 250 scholarships ranging from Palomar College library has tribute 1,600 sets and invited the $100 to $500. been selected to receive one of American Library Association to . Your grade point .average, evthe 1,600 sets of Great Books of serve as the agency of selection Idence of financi a l need a n d the Western World being distrib- and distribution. A special ALA promise are t aken into consideruted through a selection commit- Great Books Selection Commit- ation in awardi n g scholarships. tee of the American Library As- tee, appointed for this purpose by There are also s tudent loan fund sociation, Dr. Phil Putnam said the ALA Executive B oard, h as and jobs . a v a il a ble to students. tod ay . been worki ng at this project for The scholarship s available at Librarian, Mrs. Esther Nesbin, several months. said that the books would be put Dis tribution of the sets, espec- PJC are P a trons of Palomar on display for students and the ially reprinted for this project Alpha Gamma Si gma, Kiwanis: public. by Encyclop aedia Britannica, and McM a h a n Foundation award s. For more information The celebrated ·54-volume Inc. , a nd equal to or superior on scholarships check the librawork, inCluding the unique idea- than the original sets in quality ry and Dean Brown's office . index the Syntopicon, was pro- of paper a nd binding, has b een duced by Encyclopaedia Brltan- begun from the binderies in Chiker Co. , including libr aries in the nica in collaboration with the cago, Mr . Clift announced. University of Chicago. To assure To get the project under way, following categories: public , colthat an adequate cross-section of the Selection Committee mailed lege and university, junior coluniversities, colleges and public an application questionnaire on lege, public high school, Catholic ALL STEEL FOUNDATION FORMS for ::1ew buildings are libraries possessed the set, the Sept. 1, 1955, to approximately high school, private high school; estimated to save Palomar $,23 per square foot of foundation as . well as to all state library Old Dominion Foundation a d- 30,000 libraries, using t he combuilt. These new forms are being used for the first time in vanced a sum sufficient to dis- prehensive lists of the R. R. Bow- agencies . Any library, anywhere San Diego county. These forms ca n be used again and again in the U . S. , however, was a lso invited to make a pplication for a for v arious other buildings. set if the application form had CUNNINGHAM'S FAMILY SHOE STORE not been received . by Sept. 15, 1955. The 1,600 successful appliSHOES FOR 'EVERY MEMBER ROBERT N. Ml LLER [ cants were selected from among OF THE FAMILY REALTOR the several thousand libraries Vista Next to t he Avo Theater that replied . Phone PAlace 4-1137- VISTA- 33:t East Vista Way The Old Dominion F ound ation was established in 1941 by Paul Mellon . ~------------------------------------------------------~
Library Gets Great Books Gift
Moral: Don't Fight City Hall
Are Beautiful Voss Studio. Escondido
154 E. Grand
Model Wanted For Commercial Photographs
PART TIME ONLY Apply at 85 5 Metcalf Escondido Any-Even in g from 7 to 10 for Intervi ew
WILMORE , KY.- (ACP) - A student at Asbury College was recently arrested by a traffic officer for speeding. He decided to uphold his democratic rights and carry his case to a trial by jury . As the Asbury Collegian re - ~ marks, perhaps · we n eed more people with such resoluteness . But they aren't sure just what he gained. The usual fine for qpeeding: $13.50. The student's fine after the trial: $65.50 . Mr. M.o torist ! Pulling out from the curb calls for some care. The National Automobile club advises you to take a good look around and to signal your intention clearly before pulling out from that curb.
HELP ·WANTED Applications Are Now Being Considered for the Following Positions:
-......,.~ s""'"":
Page 4
Pirates Decide To C ontinue All Athletics
By DENNY VOP AT Congratul ations are in order t o an outstanding member o f Palomar 1955 football squad . Although he was not emntioned on the South-Central All-conference selection. Neil Curtis was honored with an honorable mention on :the JC All-American :team of 1955. Neil, a•6-foot, 175 lbs. end, was the leading scorer for the Comets and in the opinion o f many sports minded fans and : coached was one of the best ends J in the conference. 1 Coach Myers basketball squad ' blues. For instance, d u r in g Christmas vacation, Myers could ' not find a gym in San Diego 1 county for his cagers to practice in, so when it came time for his squad to meet S.D. State JV they were not in the best condition nor did they have their best shooting eyes . As a matter of fact these two teams should not - have been on the same floor together. You might not realize it but two weeks practice can make a world of difference.
"War of the Wildcats" Scot~
"THREE FACES WEST" John Wayne & Charles Coburn SUN., MON., TUES. JAN. 22, 23, 24
"COURT MARTIAL, OF BILLY MITCHELL" Gary Cooper & Ralph Bellamy
"24 HOUR ALERT" THU RS., FRI., SAT. 'J1AN. 26, 27, 28
"GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING" Ray Milland & Joan Collins
"FRONTIER GAL" Yvonne de Carlo
FRI.. SAT.. JAN. 20 -21
"TEXAS LADY" Coleen Colbert and Barry Sullival1. II
l 2 Friday, ianuary 20, 1956
In a recent letter to Dr. Phil Putnam, Palo Verde college ananounced that their school board has rescinded its action to suspend athletics next fall and has reinstated their junior college program in all sports on a modified ba-sis. Two major policy changes will go into effect next fall, according to the report. There will be a definite limitation on the level of non-conference competition for the college; and a stricter athletic eligibility policy, more stringent than the present SouthCentral Conference requirement will be adopted.
John Wayne and Martha
Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunn SUN. MON .. JAN. 22-23
"QUEEN BEE" J'oan Crawford and John Irela nd
"Flame of New Orleans" -Marlene Dietrich and Bruce Cabot TUES .. WED .. THURS. JAN. 24, 25, 26
"TO CATCH A THIEF" Cary Grant and Grace Kelly
"PRINCE OF PLAYERS" (Color C / S) Rcihard Burton and Maggie McNamara FRI.. SAT .. J'AN. 27-28
"FORT YUMA" Peter Graves and Joan Taylor
"30 Seconds Over Tokyo" Spencer Tracy and Van Jchnson
PREDICT WINNERS Well, as I promised in the last 1 issue, coming up is my predic. tid'n of the outcome of the South Central Conference basketball LARRY TESSARY puts one through the game running over :the Arabs 67 :to 53. The season. _ Hoop during the PJC-El Centro game last FriComets next game will be :this week end at First of all l want to note day. The Comets easily won their firs t league Santa Barbara. that the title race seems to be all tied up between Citrus and Antelope Valley although Santa Barbara looks like the dark of the practice difficulties. Coach Myers has some good material out and if the boys would set their minds to it they could burn up the league. Proof of this Palomar won the second straight game Saturday night came out in the Citrus game, by downing Palo Verde on the Vista court 77-61. Harold when L arry T essary supposedly was accidently injured, th i s Kries scored 21 points to lead the Comets, and Leon Hart- seemed to make his team mates By Dale Cowan Dr. Phil Putnam has been put ley scored 16. The win gives the Comets a 2-1 record and mad but at such a late date the in charge of a committee, for ties them with Antelope Valley and Santa Barbara for comets could no have possibly caught up with the superior the purpose of outlining the du- second place behind Citrus. ties of the South Central ConPalomar wasted no time get- tied Kries with 21 points, to p ace Owls . here it is: However, it appears that there ting started against Palo Verde Antelope VaHey is very little hope for any defi- and five minutes after the game the losers. The Comets canned 19 of 28 Citrus Santa Barbara ' nite set of rules from the com- got underway the Comets held attempts and Palo Verde made Palomar Palo Verde mittee, as it appears to have a 9-0 lead. good on 23 of 32 . Imperial Valley Oceanside been "packed" _by the ConferAt no time in the game were ence at its last general meet- the Comets pressed very hard, ing. only once the Pirates came The committee, as requested close to tieing the score when by Dr. Putnam at that meeting they narrowed their deficit to would have placed a check on 57-49. After this Palomar tradMODERN LIBRARY SERIES some of the arbitrary acts or- ed Palo Verde basket for basket, iginating from the Commission- as the fourth period got underer's office, Citrus JC. However, way Palomar again pulled away since Citrus is represented on from the Pirates. Two Doors Down from Towne Theatre the committee by b oth its PresiThe top scorer for the Pirates OCEANSIDE dent and by the conference ath- was, forward Gene Ogden, who letic commissioner, delays in tl:ie also alternated at center, Ogden .declaring of ineligibility may well occur again. • HUNTING At the present time Palomar's South Central Conference needs • FISHING a commissioner who is not a • CAMPING Jan. 20-Santa Barbara There faculty member of any of the Phone SH 5-3922 158 E_Grand Ave. Escondido Jan. 21-Antelope Val. There conference schools . This says Dr. There Putnam, can best be accom- Jan. 26-0ceanside There plished by a resolution coming Feb. 4-Citrus Feb. 10-Imperial- Val. There from the student councils of a Feb. 11-Palo Verde There majority of the c o n f e r e n c e Feb. 17-Santa Barbara Esc .' schools. Feb. 18-Antelope Val. Vista Feb. 25-0ceanside Vista A happy man or woman is a radiant focus of good will, and their entrance into a room is as though another candle has been lighted. -Robert L ouis Stevenson
Putnam Fears Comets Down Palo Verde; Little Change Stand in Secon-d Place In SCC Rules
League Schedule
The £arHop Coffee Shop
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Miller·s Office Supply 603 S. Santa Fe VISTA
LOOKING FOR YOU The Friendly Shoes 115 W. Grand Ave .. Escondido
Car Hop Drive-Ins Are Located In Vista an·d Escondido