The Telescope 12.10 (1956)

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Court Va ida es

PJC Supreme Court Votes 5-I: Allows ASB Election to Stand



Volume XII, Number 10

• Elect I On

The Palomar College Supreme Court voted last Monday not to invalidate the election for Representatives at Large. On this, the first case to be presented the Court since its formation last fall, the vote was one in favor of invalidaFriday, March 2, 1956

D•ISSenter Says y 01•d

. Thls .c ourt has been .called upon to Judge the legabty of the last electwn (for ASB. Representat1ve at Large) and If four~ 11 • legal to call for a new ele~twn. The charges presentc~ fur ..JI~dgment were: (1) that msufflclent emphasis was placed on the num?er . o~ votes to be cast; ( 2 ) that mel1g1ble voters were allowed to voite. d "th th . .t concurre WI e ma]on Y on the first charge: that the ballo~s were a.dequately marked WJth . mstructwns to cast. three votes . . I a!so co~c':lrred with the ma]o.nty m decJdmg that t h e electiOn was. illegal. My disagreement with t h e majority was th~t I hold t h e opmwn that any irregulanty, no mat!er how shght, can be.grounds for mvalJdatmg an electwn, .and t~at thiS proven .~ll.egal vote gives nse to the poss1b1lity that there were more. Moreover , I feel that the one proven Illegal vote was ,suffl~lent to call· for another electiOn. Dale A. Cowan


tion and five votes for not calling for a new election . The members of the Supreme court are: Jim Scannell, Kay Seebold, Jim Freund, J ack McCollaugh, D ale Cowan and Dick LaBree. Miss Seebold \vas not present for the trial. Jack Hutchinson is the l Chief Justice. Hal Helsley brough;; the case before the court. His case consistcd of the request that t h e election be declared ill gal and that the court request a new election for the post which again would become vacant. To support this request Helsley brought two charges: first, that the vo ters were to be a llowed three votes, no more than one for a candidate. This was not stressed sufficiently on the ballots. And second that ineligible voters were ailowed to vote. Helsley presented evidence that Bonnie Brown voted in the election although she had never registered for the spring semester J ack Tenney who was in ch~rge of the b~lloting at the time Miss Brown voted, stated that h e knew she was not going to school anymore but that she had a Student Body Card, so he let her vote. The decisions o! the court arc elsewhere on this page. The court split in their decision only o n whether the one proven illegal vote, which could not effect the election result by itself, was sufficient grounds for calling a re-vote.

Serving aboard th e destroyer USsfCregg, Howard Asper is a veteran of the Navy from 1951 to 1953. During his tour of duty, he spent the greater part of his time at sea, and had the opporCHARLEY? •.. Maybe, but it looks more like Mary Gomez. Helping with the farce are Peggy Jo tunity of visiting the Far East. Huggans, Mary Lou McCulloch and Mary Fuller. The program, a satire on a television show, w~s Howard d efinitely feels that his rated among the best seen at Palomar yet this year. After this, one wonders what the A WS w1ll time in the service has bc:en a cook up next. Who knows? great asset a t college. Prior to This court has been called uphis attendance at Palomar, Mr. Asper went to the University of on to judge the legality of the last election (for ASB Representatives a t Large) and if found Dr. Edward Schwartz is faculillegal, to call for a new e lection . The charges to be judged were: ty personality for this issue. Dr. Schwartz came to Palomar Col(1) that insufficient emphasis lege in 1954, and became t h e was placed on the number of head of the English department. votes to be cast; (2) that ineliHe attended Roosevelt College gible voters were allowed to vote. On the first charge, the maThe three prerequisites to a week; they were Joe SnydeF, and the Univen;ity of Chicago, jority believe that the ballots happy marriage are, "content, the "Silent Cowboy,' and Miss and later acquired his M.A. dewere adequately marked. The organization, and presentation" Belen Hound, the "Roving Girl gree at Columbus University. At Syracuse University he received court found the second charge according to Mr. Bergil Verg- Cyclist. " Miss Hound is noted to be true since it was proven man, Shakespearean actor-at- for her transcontinental cycling. his Doctor's degree. Dr. Schwartz taught English at that one ineligible voter did vote. large from Long Beach. Mr . the University of New Mexico, The majority decided that the The Bo Bobman·s were memVergman appeared with his and was also a professor at Syelection was illegal, but that the bers of the third section of the wife, Mrs. Natalie Vergman, as racuse University before coming violation of election rules was a member of a visiting panel contest. Although Bo did not show to Palomar. Among his many not of sufficient importance to team that appeared with the TV his true form, much of this can outside interests are photogracall for another election. be blamed to Mrs. Boman's ilprogram, "Can You Trust Your phy and bullfighting. · legal handling and holding. J ohn S . Hutchinson Wife," telebeamed from Palomar A veteran of the Second World Chief Justice college by Channel Two and Diana Roth, the announcer; War, Dr. Schwartz received a Howard Asper one-half at a recent assembly Peggy Jo Huggans, who M.C.'d Purple Heart while in Okinawa e nts is bullfighting. He has parsponsored by the Associated Wo- as Snedner Gergen; and Mary California at Davis and Cal Po- ticipated in many of the amateur in 1945. men Students . Gomez as Barley Schacarthy, ly. bullfights at Rancho del Charro Palomar's basketball coach, kept the dialogue rolling at a He is married, and his wife, in Tijuana. Mr-. Musty Reyers, artd Mrs. Re- fast pace, all of which added up Janice, is also ·a student here, Upon gradua .tion from Paloyers competed with the winning to be a good piece of farcical Both are on the honor roll and mar, he plans to attend the Uni! contestants from the previous entertainment. ·1are active in inter-collegiate versity of Salamanca in Spain, speech. To augment his GI bill the center of the sport. Recently Howard owns and operates a he has become a member of the 1 wholesale camellia nursery. local actors' group, the Nor-San Th• mo•t uncommon oi hi• tal- players.

Majority Says Good

AWS Assembly POrtrays Faculty, Dumm·es on T


Faculty Profile





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• Young Girls---Are You There? •


The Contemporary Co-ed this issue? I have one ready. But I am like the old cowboy. I hate t.o waste good ammunition on a dead horse. You Were PerfecUy Fine Several holdovers (hangovers) from the KnightE:vans Circle K Saturday after-game dance found a home at the Pretoria Valley Dehibilitation Foundation's camellia-cutting function Sunday. Lyle and Bill Dawson were honored guests at the Aspers' crazy mountain greenery, Janice and J. Howard presiding. Nifty skits and songs. Howard, you were perfectly fine. Poor Taste I continue to receive criticism as to the content of the copy we publish in the "Telescope" and/or my personal lack of taste. · I am reminded of the sage advice from Mrs. J eanne Sabin (Valerie's young and personable mother) to the effect that it doesn't matter what they say, as long as they keep reading yo ur st uff. T.o prove the second accusation, I would like to repeat Max Shulman's story of the young man, born via artificial insemination, who every Father's Day sent a necktie home to a syringe in Provo, Utah.

Officially the S. C. C. basketball season is over. The regular season ended last Saturday night with Antelope Valley and Citrus tied for the league leadership. Either of these teams will be an excellent representative for the South Central Conference in the state JC tourname nt. Actually we consider Citrus to be the stronger team by far, but since they only have an eight man squad, we feel. that in a tournament. Antelope Valley would have a better chance of winning. Antelope Valley has, as its greatest asset, depth, not only of numbers, but quality. The final league standings ended like this: Citrus NOT QUITE. _ . Harold Kries blocks an Oceans\de basket attempt A. Valley early in the second half as teammate Ron Ross stands ready for Santa Barbara a possible rebound. The Comets were on the tail end of the scoring Palol'I\ar at the time, but went ahead late in the half to win by a safe Palo Varde margin. Oceanside Monday the Supreme Court convened on the most important case Imperial Valley in its one and a half year history. The question:. whether to throw Leon HarUey. Palomar's out an election or not. As the case ·unfolded it soon became apoutstanding forward, was the parent that none l()f the principals had more than a rudimentary leading Comet scorer. Hart)ey scored a total of 213 knowledge of judicial techniques. What the student body needs points this season. while Haris a clinic, such as athletic and speech departments give. Something old Kries was close behind Coach (Rusty) Myer's Palomar like a two or three hour forum some evening under the directions with 202. Comets made it 6 wins and 6 of the Drs. Dodds and Grisingher. If enough students took part, The Palomar track team travlosses last Saturday night b y along with the members of the court, perhaps the court could els to the UCR Campus today. downing the Oceanside Spartans always have a trained student to present the cases. Another post for a duel meet with the River76-69 in the Vista High school needed for the court is that of court recorder. side JV. According to Coach BowLehan Hartleydhas Cbeen chofsen . . . t man, the track turnout has n9t as t e outstan mg omet o r gym. The Comets started o u t ASB Is VICtim of Fraud and CollUSIOn been as big as expected. Any- thiS wee.k. Har.tley, :vho led the slowly and found themselves be· t d · · f Comets m scormg th1s season, IS hind several times during t h e Why were people allowed to get into the basketball games one m er este m gomg out or f. f t 1 · h 175 lb first half, mainly because of the . . track should contact Coach Bow-J a IVe oo ' e even lnc , . free? No, we are not talkmg about people w1th passes, but out man sophomore. Leon is not only out- sharp shooting of Oceanside's, and out cases <Jf-.!:raud. · standing on the basketball team, Clarance Ham. Ham scored 22 We witnessed one such case of collusio11. 0 · p 1 Palomar's baseball squad but last year was awarded a po- points during the first half and ne promment a opens it's season against Es· f b omar student approached the ticket taker at the Oceanside game condido High School next Sltion on the all-con erence ase- ended with a game total of 34 points, a season high for a n in Vista the other night with a couple of friends. The student told Tuesday, March 6 at Esconball team. the ticket taker that she had left her card at home. She entered dido. Coach Myers is very Leon graauatea from Escon- Oceanside eager. After trailing at half-time by · H. er f ne.n · d present ed a st udent ~ody h appy over the turnoutdido high school where he was the s t an d s WI'th ou t p~ymg. card w1th the precedmg promment g1rl's name on it. The second especially the pitching rnaa standout in baseball and bas- Comets started the second half ketball. by scoring 15 successive points girl wasn't even a student at Pal<Jma,r, but she too, entered the ±erial. Thinking pessimistiand were not pressed during the stands free. cally. Coach Myers stated remainder of the game. Harold We questioned the ticket taker, but he shrugged and said that that, "although we have had Kries was the high scorer for ' a good turnout, there is a lot there were more up in the stands, who h e knew didn't own the Palomar with 25 points. Larry of work to be done before we Tesser and Leon · Hartley scorcards they entttred with. And this same man, who is hired to take can expect any kind of reed 17 and 14 points respectively. tickets, is the one who was entrusted to enforce the election rules suits." that were violated in his presence at the last election. . .. DAC I don't know that kind of a Palomar 76 Oceanside 69 Kries (25) Deatherage ( 2) cJ:,oU£Gee: S~ speech outline Coach Myers usI1 R oss ed on his team during the half( 9) Clark ( 7) time at the Oceanside game, but Thurman ( 9) Ham (34) whatever he said , it was potent Tessary (17) Dixon ( 0) r-------------------~~~~~~~~~~ Hartley (14) Schott (14) Scoring Subs: Palomar, Dean, (2); Oceanside, Holmgren (10), ESCONDIDO Newcomb. (2) .

College Supreme Court Is Untrained

PJC Comets End Season~ Big Win O~er Oceanside. Comet Honor Man




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enough to pull his cagers out of a first half slumber. · Maybe some of you speech students should obtain some pointers from coach Myers.

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