MAY 2 8
Mon, May 16,1960 Vol XII N9lO
Bill Quinby, a student from Oakland now liv- elected was to assure the students that this is to ing on the coast, was elected President of the be carried out. Student Body by a landslide margin of 133 votes. A grand total of 271 ballots were cast, setting Quinby received a solid 200 votes in the larg- a new record for an election at Palomar. The est turnout in the history of Palomar College. old record was 220, set in the Homeooming elecThe other candidate, Nancy Dunn, piledJ up 71 tio'n earlier in the year. votes in the lopsided balloting. ASB Vice President Ken Burton stated that he was proud of the way the campaign and election One of the main · planks of Quinby's platform was conducted, although he disapproved of the was a p1·omise to strengthen the power of the fact that only a few more than half of the holSupreme Court. His first action after being ders of student body cards bothered to vote.
Ron Smith Takes Vice President Pos Bill Quinby- ASB
Ann von Haden Elected Student Body Secretary Elected to the position of ASB Secretary during Friday's elections, was Miss Ann von Haden. Miss von Haden drew 185 votes over her opponent's total of 81. As Secretary of the student body, one of her major duties will be to act as the voice between the students and the oouncil. To allow the students to be better informed of the actions of the student government, she has promised to print, and distribute, copies of the minutes of "'"'""'" Student Council meeting.
Ron Smith, an engineering major from Escondido, was elected next year's ASB Vice President with a total of 198 votes to 73 for his opponent Bob Mackey. Smith's platform included a campaign to increase school spirit and a drive for better recreational facilities for the students. The Circle K previously elected Smith to the presidency of that club next year. His reaction to the news of his election was to assure the students that he · would work with President-elect Bill Quinby to promote student government for the students. He also statedl that in his duties of Vice President, he would try to continue the good · job done with the Inter-Club Council by the present Vice President, Ken Burton.
Ron Smith- ASB Vice President
Rich Borevitz, Treasurer, Urges Fund Reallocation
"t ut"IOU ReVISIOn · · passe d PC C t OUS I I
Palomar College will be govverned under a much amended and shortened constitution next year as a result of a bill passed in last Friday's election. The main amendment to the constitution concerns the term of office of student council officials, which will be shortened! to one semester. All officers will be allowed to run folr reelection except the president, who may not run again for president but may be elected to any other office.
Richard Borevitz moved into the office of Treasurer of the .Associated Student Body- of Palomar 9ollege Just 12 '-:otes ahead of h1s o'ppon~ ent, R1ch Thomas. This was the closest race fm any office in the election. As Treasure1·, Borevitz has promisedJ to work for a new method of distributing ASB funds to various campus organizations. By giving more money to more groups, he hopes to enc~urage more varied and nrofitable student functions. ·i •••,
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$844,000 Bond Election May 24 Ann von Haden- ASB Secretary Von Haden also intends to meet with other junior colleges in the county to discuss mutual problems in an effort to arrive at practical solutions to any problems which may arise within the student body next year.
Palomar College will hold a bond election this May 24, for $844,000 to be used for construction of four new buildings on campus. According to Dr. John Schettler, assistant superintendent of Palomar College, "Without these buildings available in 1961, it would be extremely difficult to accomodate the increased number of day studlcnts and it would probably be necessary to hold classes on Saturday, and all the day classes would p1·o'bably nm to 5 p.m."
Rich Borevitz- ASB Treasurer THE PALOMAR COLLEGE TELESCOPE Member: Intercollegiate Press, JAJC, ACP
John Diepersloot Men's Commissioner
Sue Schoenberger Women's Commissioner
Tom Capra Publicit)1 Director
Mariel Finch Head Cheerleader
The TELESCOPE is the offical bi-weekly publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California. SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido) and P'A lace 4-5111 (Vista). Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect tho e of the writers and not necessarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the editor. JAMES DEAN .................................. .. ------·- EDITOR-IN- IDEF TOM CAPRA .................. __ __ _...................... MANAGING EDITOR
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MAY 8 P.M ... AT . THE
$7 includes Dinner & Dance Reservations for dinner may be purchased from Marl{ Martin, president of the Freshman Class, or from Dean Burton's secretary.
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