The Telescope 12.15 (1956)

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Volume II, Palomar College, San Marcos , Calif. ----~y_2)..i_ l956________



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Edited by : B!ll Evans

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C1-\1\1 DI DA CIES CL/\ I~ I FI ED BY 5 Up RE t\11 E C Q U RT The Supreme Court 'of· the Palomar College J.SB vias call ed into an emergency session }fiay 16, in or der to hand down decisions regarding to day ' s election . ~"embe rs of the Court attending this session were Dick La Bree, Jim Freund, Dale Cowan, Kay Seebold and ChiefJustice Jack Hutchinson . The complaints were brought before the Court by several candidates who had been denied the right to run for llSB offices on the ~ rounds of various ineligibilities, primarily scholastic . These nlaintiffs felt that the Constitution of the ~-;3"13 might h<JTe been mis interpreted by the Cre~entials Com~ittee . The r hcnded clown by the Court were as follmw:



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News Flash

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was selected the new President of PalomAr Colle§e by unamimous apprcval of the Governing Board last night . Dunn repl~ces Dr. Phil Putnam who has accepted the presidency of Ventura Coll ege . Full details in our regular June l addition .

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§tudent body members go to the today in the finale of the fir-i:es.t election campaign w2ged in local campus history . Despite the compl~ints l evied by the three candi dates who were denied the right to r un on the grounds of 11 various inelgibilit:Les " the contests have generated more enthusiasm and student response than ever before ,. Voting will be held in the c~feteria until 2:00 . po~ls

1. noes the Supreme Court of the .·>SB ~are the power to grant exc eptions to the Cmstitution? progress? The Court voted NO by a. l.i-1 vote. Bv unanimous vote th e Court de clar ed The one affirmative vote was cast by Ch:iBf that if the grades of only one sseme s ter Justice Hutchinson . 'Jf at l east 13 units ar e being used for a ?. . Could seccn d semes t er tentative gra de point a.verage, then it must be a grarles 0 e considered in determining elicompl e ted semester ; and if a school year gibility for office? of at l r:J ast 30 un i ts is being used to com The Court vote d unanimously YES. pute eligi'~ ili ty, then one of the semeEr_'3 . Shoul d all g rades earned by a stu dent ters used mc- ybbo an incompleted semestEr be considered or just the highest 13 units 5 , Yvhen do t he t erms of office begin? be used in computing the gra de point aver The Court voted unan imously that tl~ age necessary for eligibility to office? terms of offic e begin at the start oft he The vote of the Court was una rd ntous l pst week of the school year in June . in declaring that all gr ade s mu&t b a used 6 . Commissioners of Men ' s and \'iomen ' . in the computing of gra de points for eli gi...J. . cti vities to l; e considered re Gularly bjlity to office . electe d officers in computing grade point 4. Jb o11l d th e s :.:rn83ter averaged be the eligibility for office ? 5{.j!fl"" ~o,· ·pJ e~.0r1 or tre semester in The Court voted unanimously NO .

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IU, 23, born in Los !.ngcles, 1-1 33--: ovc {~ to Esconci~o in 1953 follovling rri'Jrrin!je co;r·oletion of 4 ,roe.r·s Nayy duty--family nov.' includes 1"./ife, Harriet, son, 7rrd V--father has produce trucking business--graduated from Wilson High in 1951 as vice-president of class, former president of Hi-Y, editor of the school paper and cheerleader---was commissaryman in the Navy, has cooked full time in the better local bistros--an education major, journalism-Spanish minor--transferred from P.J.C. night classes to dr>v--promises solution to iLSB financial difficulties, plans new extra-curricular student activities and revivification of school spirit by organization particularly of soph and frosh classes. ·r ·r:'~rsrnc:o

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FOR PRESIDENT GARY DEAN WHITE, 18-born in Plymouth, Illinois in 1937-moved to San Francisco in 1940, to Vista in 1947------family lives in Vista, sister now attending Vista High, Father owner-operator of a Studebaker dealership in Oceanside----greduated from Vista High, 1955, is a Business major and plans transfer to San Diego Stete -interests lie with field of Student Government (council member, delegate to Chaffee and Avalon)--sports (water-skiing) orr;anized hot rod events (member of "Lancers" and competitor at Santa ima)--music (progressive jazz)--advocates no major change in school governing structure but pl<'lns to renew school spirit ·oy more complete use of constitutionally approved committees, facilities, etc.--favors cowpulsory student cards plus various fundraising ideas to solve financial problems.



19, born in Upland, California in 1937--moved to Vista in 1947---father is in Civil Service at Camp Pendleton---graduated from Vista High, 1955,--was officer of Varsitv Club and Senior class----Liberal ltrts-major and prospective Stat e transfer---interests are student activities (current Council memb er)---sports (fo otball, swimming)--s port cars (twic e president of Lanc ers).

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The Telescope


Hay .23, 1956 ----·---------------------

DIANA DOLCRES ROTH, 18,born in San Francisco in 1937---moved to Encinitas inl951 Mother is an artist, Father a painter--- graduated from San Dieguito High in 1955 as fjrst -vTinner of faculty scholarship for future teachers--- is current AWS vice-president and AGS representative to inter-club council---was Chaffee delegate at state JC convention-----education-major, music-minor---plans move to State---enrolled for summer school sessjon at Mexico City College--a surfer--golfer---has won numerous awards at horseshows, parades with own horse----an accomplished musician--- feels success in prospective office due entirely to individual's interest and willingness to work.


18, born in Kansas City, Hissouri, in 1938---movod to Carlsbad in 1943---Father is civically activo, present Carlsbad city treasurer--graduated from Oceanside High in 1955---an education-major, mt1·.ic-minor----pl<.ns trc.nsfer aftE:r graduation to State or Un:i vers i ty of California at Riversid e--ard ent musician (piano)--mernber Futur e Horncmc.kors of Amoricu---an oqur:1strienne--r1 member of high school-colle ,e oxocntivc board of Carlsbad Communit._ r c!:urch-plus o~h:e:b uhu::tmh activi tic s--vrn. s PJC delegate to planning cor> for(:mco at San BGrnardino for Av!S-il i\f\ convention---fools prospe ctive office a priviloe;•' but Cfl.rri ·: s r csponsi bili ty---


11:8, born in Los hngol e s--movod to .Vista in 1949--fathor is e. btdlding contractor--graduc.tGd Vi sta 1-I:i gh 1955 with Bank of .llr10rica achiovcmont a Hurd for art--major, od11 cr.tion--minor, plans to t o."' ch--will transf or to State---is a mvimmer-pnintor--contomporary jazz addict (Brube ck, Ro gers) ---rid os, ju.mps and trains horse s (former OHnor of Inky Jvi cCuc , grru1dson of the fabulous quarter-hors o , Peter McCuo )---plnns active participa tion )_n the 11 school spirit r eviva l"

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?!'.lo.· s;t :_;olf t eam ever rebounded from tl:eir scco!ld }'Jlo.ce fin)_ r. ~< in the conference meet wj_th a vengeance, shutting out Oceanside J. C. without a point, Thursday, on the Oceansid6 course. This preserved the team's unbeaten, untied and unscored on record in conference match play. Palomar claimed all three lo\..r score medals with Bill Evans and Larry Tessary tied for first and Team Captain Dave Dean third . Big Ed i-Tard filled i n for the missing Jack Gerhart and was a surprL<;e clutch winner. 1

The ASB's annual ping-pong tournament will be held next week, Tuesday , Thursday, and Friday, Hay 29, 31, and June 1, at 1:45 p.m. The tourney, which is directed by the Telescope staff, is divided into five divisions; men's singles, wc~ens singles, men 1 s doubles, vromen 's doubles, and mixed doubles. Trophies will be given to all >-Tinners, and · meda.J.s will be given to certain places for indivi dual possession . 'll:e trophies willl:e inscribed with the viinner 1 s names, and Hill be displayed in an ap:propriate place . £vn . ~ ~~ ~~n- E , , . , : u :·.

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All students, vrhether ASB members or not, are urged to sien up for this tour nament on the forms placed in the cafeteria . The deadline for entering is Fr i day, 1-Iay 25 .

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The Telescope staff is be ing ass1s-ted by Hiss Donna Re iser, as technical advis or . l-iiss Re iser, in maldng out the brackets, is considering usingtlB~st­ ing ping-pong ladder in order to se ed some of the places :in men's sinr;les. Should seeding be neccssary,noon Frida~ liay 25 vTill be the ladder st andings t hat she \.Jill use •



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