The Telescope 14.02

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Palomar stqdent body heard Dr. John W. Dunn deliver his convocation address last Friday.


Sanity Amid Hysteri0 First Series Lecture


Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner from-Orange County will speak on "Sanity Amid Hyst~ria" at 9:50a.m. October 18 in the Student Union. Judge Gardner's appearance on campus is sponsored by the student council. The council is sponsoring eight Humanity Lectures entitled "The World r_r:oday".

cgscopc Vol. XIV, No. 2

Judge Gardner, who was the Instruction Virgil L. Bergman. keynote speaker for the state Mr. Richard N ixon and Goverstudent government convention nor Edmond G. Brown ha ve at Di sneyland this year, will been conta cted in hopes of speak on current interests of t he ir coming to the campu s next the students dealing with the s pring. confusion among national prob- 1--- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 lems. The public is invited to attend the lectures, but they are reminded of the size of the student body and that preference will be given to the students because of seating facilities. Judge Gardner is the first guest spe aker; following him on the series will be Dr. Jeanne AlDean Virgil L. Bergman, ford , Mr. George M. Mardikian , pictured here as he spoke Mr. Victor Heyden , speech and Elections for class officers drama in structor at Palomar, and representatives at large at the AMS breakfast Dr. Kenneth W. Grisingher, poli- will be held next Friday. Of- recently, heads up the tical science instructor, Mr. fices of the A WS will be filled new Palomar debators. Thomas Braden, Editor of the by election on ,the same day. Oceanside Blade Tribune, Dr. Candidates petitions were John W. Dunn, president of made available Monday in _the Palomar College and Dean of ASB room (R-2), and are due today. All candidates for Freshman and Sophomore officers will be introduced at an assembly in the Student Union.

Candidates Await_.,_ Election

Office seekers will campaign soap box fashion next week in front of the SU. As of Tuesday, 16 candidates had declared their intention to run for one of lhe freshmen or sophomore class officers.

Rooter's Bus Rooter's busses will be available for games away from home starting with the San Bernardino game next Friday night Bus fare is $1.00 per person. Busses will leave campus at 5:30 FJiday evening. Palomar ASB cards will be honored at the San Bernardino game.


Seeking the office of president of the sophomore class were · John · Page' !i'h d Jesse Running for vice Lomeli. president were Sl;le!ly Bercouich ~n(l - Milse Mueller. L. D. Williams has petitioned to run for class treasurer. Candidates for freshman class president as of Tuesday were Dick Tarquinio and Jim Shultz; vice-president, Dave Mounier and Ed Kane; treasurer, Pauline Adkins and Bill Rutledge; secretary, Joey Smith and Mary le Key.

R9Jary Club Contributes to Emergency Fund

Pp.loinar:'s Revolving Emergency Fund received a much needed lift recently with a donation of $50.00 from the Rotary, Club of Escondido: Dr. Terrel Spencer, Custodian of the Fund , reports that there was some money in the fund from previous years and that this donation has brought it up over.the $100.00 mark. The Fund was developed to help needy students at Palomar with short-term loans. Applicants must have a true need for the money and must show a willingness to repay the loan. The school charges no interest and therefore, Dr. Spencer believes that there should be a worthwhile reason for the loan rather than just an excuse for wanting to borrow money.

"The Titan ," a documentary film depicting the life of Michelangelo, will be shown at 8 p.m. Those ha ying petitioned for Friday (Sept 22) in the Student representative at large were Union Building. Admission will be free. The Don Prough , Robert Easley, and Loans have been made this · film has been made av-a ilable Clayton· Sketo'e. year ~o an ex-serviceman , awaitto the Art Department of Palomar College by the Escondido f - . - -- - - - -- - - - - - ing his allotment check; a married · student with a family Showcase of Ar~s . problem and a girl whose mother was injured in an accident the first week of school , Brubeck Dr. Spencer reports. A concert featuring Dave Brubeck will be held Tuesday, October 25, at the Escondido High School auditorium. The concert will be sponsored by the Associated Student Body. Total enrollment figures reTickets may_..tre · purchased leased yesterday stood at 2499 from any of tlie' campus clubs students, accordil}g to Dean of at a cost of $2.00 each. Watch Admissions Robe:rtL. Burton. Wednesday Sept. 27 Reception subsequent issues of the Tele· · scope for further information. Over 1160 have enrolled in f<?r.for"eign students day classes to date. Night enThursday Sept. 28 ICC meeting rollment stands at 1339. • arid i~ne'r, 6:30p.m . · "Some students are enrolled Insight Jones ..... . . ... . . ... Pg2 in both day and night classes," Friday Sept. 29 Pep Assembly, 8 Dean Bu-rton said. In addition, a.m. Class, AMS , AWS sections Football game at San BernarA Brubeck Summer ... : . .. . Pg 3 150 more students are expected to enroll before classes close. dino New Emblem .... . . .... . . . . Pg3 Night classes close today and day enrollment terminates Sep- Saturday Setp. 30 Speech Clinic El Camino College Coaches Speak .... . .... . .. . Pg4 tember29.

Enrollm_enJ Figures Jump To 2500Total +-----------1


Son Marcos, California

Friday, September 22, 1 961

Speech Team Sets For San Diego Meet Palomar's largest speech team will compete for the first time this year October 13-14 at San Diego State College. Teams from 33 California colleges will participate. Acco rd ing to Dea n Virgil L. Bergma n, hi s d e bate squad is " inexperienced , but they have the potential to ·ke e p up with the exc e llenc e of last yea r's team." Be rgma n hopes to fie ld eight de bate tea ms as well as competito rs in the individual events. The San Diego tourna me nt will also be attend ed by tea m me mbers fro m speech coa ch Victor Heyd en 's oral interpretation class. All P a lomar tea m me mbe rs will attend a speec h clin ic at El Cam ino Coll ege on September 30. The clinic will consi st o f , den1o u,tra ti on:s uf t 11 e

di f-

ferent sp eech di sciplines. Th is week t he tea m has pra cticed with last ye ars tea m members Bob Mac key, Fred Colema n, Ann von Hayden a n.d Peggy Sh in e. Researc h is a lso under way on t he topic selected for debate in th e nati onal tournament ne xt spring. The topic is, " Resolved : That labor organization s should be . under the jurisdiction of anti-trust legi slation. " Palomar's team placed second in the nation in last year's tournament. In addition they placed first in regional competition (13 western states),

New Magazine Staff Announced By Johnson Lou Rabe, English major, is the new editor of Focus, Palomar College student magazine. Richard S. Johnson, faculty advisor to the student publications, announced the appointment' and said that Miss Rabe would be responsible for the edit(?rial planning and selection of manuscripts to be published. Mr. Johnson also announced these other appointments; Ben Brode, art editor, who will be responsible for the vis ual aspects of the magazine; Don Berry, business manager; Stephen Mallory, advertising manager, and Howard E. Harms, circulation manager. Staff writers, Mr. Johnson said , will. i,nclude Antje De Wilde, Roy M. Klapp, Jacquilin M. Long, Richard H. Tarquinio, Nikki Finlay, Jeanette O'Donnell, and Gerald Hassman. Staff artist will be Attila M. Uludogan, and Gary Mansper" ger will be staff photographer. Miss Rabe said that she has given specific assignments to members of the staff and that she will1ater disc-lose her plans for the magazine in greater detail.

and won the sta te jun ior college cha mpion s hip. The s chedule fo r this semeste r includ es meets Oct. 20-21 a t Ca l Polly Pomona , Nove mbe r 3 at El Ca mino College , Nove mb e r 10 at t he University of Cali fo rni a a t Santa Bar bara , · a nd t he regionals December 8, a t Univer sity of Southern Ca liforn ia. Membe rs of thi s yea r 's team inc lud e Henry Snyd e r , Steve Sha rp , Herb Nelson , Lou Rabe, Don Prough, Clayton Sketoe, J ohn Re pa , Ke nneth Fielder, Frank Shamrock, Be n Powers, Carny Koutnik, Dana Corlett, J a net B"aKer, Nancy Briscoe, Michele Church , Suzanna Willoughby, Berg Nerguizian , Mary McGonnell , Ethel Dzivi, Joey Smith, and Coral Rupprecht.

Hypnotism Frees Inhibitions, Says Dr. Spencer "Hypnosis is a phenomenon dealing with a sleeping-moving state," reported Dr. Terril Spencer Wednesday at the first of the Sigma Omicron lecture series. "By imposing suggestions, the operator may find that his subject's eyes become . tired and his muscles drawn. The operator is always in rapport. " "Hypnosis is not dangerous in the hands of an expert operator," Dr. Spencer further stated . "In fact, it can be very useful. Because it blocks out sensory perception, hypnosis can be used as a surgical anasthetic both on the operating table and in the dentist's chair. " "Through hypnosis one can delve into the memory," he said. "We· can't recall because we are inhibited, but a hypnotized person loses this inhibi-tion, and recalling the forgotten past is possible. However, even though trickery is easier under hypnosis , a person will do nothing that is against his natural moral constitution."

A.S.B. ASSEMBLIES Music Department Assembly December 15. Campaign Assembly A.S.B. January 8. Academic Awards Assembly May 18. Campaign Assembly A.S.B. May23: Athletic May25.

Awards Assembly

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A Howling Success Eight hundred Palomar students sat in the stands last Friday, ballots for cheer leaders in hand. "I have become convinced that human beings have failed to live in the environment we have created technologically," said President John W. Dunn. "It is difficult to demonstrate to an individual that the world's hunger, misery and poverty are any part of his business." Dr. Dunn was giving his annual convocation message to the student body. The student body was voting for cheer leaders. The cheer leaders, with the help of the music department were teaching the fight song and alma mater to everyone. No one was singing much. The assembly was highlighted by the arrival of a late musician carrying a Tuba. "We cannot limit our living to the areas which we daily affect," said Dr. Dunn. "Forgot my chair," said the musician. We were treated to the musician's second lonely trek across the football field. " . . . our people must be ready to accept their responsibilities and obligations as human beings witnessing the explosiveness of technological achievements," concluded the president. Bring on the girls, strike up the band. The assembly was getting off its feet, but only to find itself knee deep in potpourri. "It is difficult to demonstrate to an individual that the world's hunger, misery and poverty are any part of his business," Dunn had said. And that assembly proved it.

Brother To The Pack Rat by Glen Duncan Not to burden the woodrat (pack rat) with unwanted relatives, we must comment on the similar habits of shy thieves at Palomar. As some very "put-out" students know, things have been disappearing on campus. Complaints have been made to the Administration and Student Council. A history text was taken from the book booth just outside the ASB Book Store while its owner browsed inside. Another student left his newly bought books unguarded in the library, and they also were "lifted." Other students have reported that similar items have been taken from their cars. Unlike their furry brothers, our sticky-fingered friends never leave a token payment for what they take. And they have more expensive tastes. Some apparently plan to pay their way through college by selling "hot" books. Since these mysterious, two-legged varments are quite illusive, we suggest that everyone lock-up his books and other belongings or keep them with him. Meanwhile, the Student Council will be trying to devise a means of ridding Palomar of its "Society of Thieves."

A small Russian boy was asked by his teacher, "What is the size ofthe Communist Party?" "About five feet two inches," he promptly replied. "Idiot!" exploded the teacher. "I mean how many members does it have? How do you get five feet two inches?" "Well," replied the boy, "My father is six feet tall, and every night he puts his hand to his chin and says, 'I've had the Communist Party, up to here!'" The TELESCOPE is the official publication of the Assoctated Student~ of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido area) , and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those of the writers ;, nd not necessarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned ed itorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; howe1 er, the editors reserve the righ• to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be ~!-...'> C;;i. Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC Bob Newman ..... ...... . ......... . ... .... ... ...... ....... Editor-in-Chief Glenn Duncan .......... .. ..•.... .... . .......•.... . .. ..... .. Associate Editor Don Berry .................................•........ Business Manager Bob Jones . . .......... .....• ....... ........... ........ ... .... Copy Editor Dick Tarquinio .......•..... ............. ..... •.... ...... .... . Sports Editor Gary Mansperger ... . . ... ...... .. .... ......... ...... ..... Chief Photographer

September 22, 196 1

Palomar College Telescope


Jones A top-secret file has been established at Palomar to promote school spirit. In each issue of the Telescope my column will expose facts about students and reveal their opinions. Donna Edens is the first suspect to be placed in my confidential file. She originally came from Ramona High. With a well balanced group of activities such as song and cheerleading, club and class offices, and dramatics, she enjoyed high school very much. Speaking of acting, Donna was in a Senior play in which she gained a great amount of recognition. In the middle of act two an embarrassing accident happened. While crossing the stage she slipped and fell in some spilled water; the audience was hysterical. Because of obvious reasons the remaining part of the play became a comedy. As a sophomore at Palomar she looks back a year ago when she was a homecoming princess. She is extremely interested in extra activities. Miss Edens' major course of study is foreign languages (French & German at the present time). She would like to be a social director on an ocean liner. Good luck goes to Donna for inspiring school spirit. "I believe Pre-Law has the best all-around course of study for me," commented Jim Kisgen, freshman. He has not as yet made up his mind about a major but in semesters to come he can make a few changes. Jim hails from Fallbrook High where he played some varsity football. He has a little interest in geology and exploring; he's a member of the Palomar Speleological Club. In his senior year at high school he was an ASB representative. The Comets may profit greatly from Jim. Another student filed top secr'et is Vicki Young (frosh from Vista) who's studying nursing. What a nurse she's going to make! We have in our midst a child star. Paramount Pictures offered Vicki part in a movie when she was a little girl. Her parents reined her hopes for stardom. I hope she gets another chance! Not long ago a young innocent boy of eight calmly walked into the locker room of the Y.W.C.A. Suddenly, there were screams and the poor kid came scampering out! Heaven only knows how Gerry Ensley grew up to be what he is today. He's a sportsman playing football, basketball, and baseball. He was a scholar and student leader at Escondido. While going to Palomar he has studied just about everything, but his major is English. He and a group of students have organized the LDS Institute which is held from 11-12 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays off campus (1,000 yards east of the college) in the San Marcos Grange Hall. All students are invited to come.

Donna Edens


Jim Kisgen



Soap Box Campaign Set Next Week During this week, a new vista in campaigning will be in· augurated at Palomar. No longer will students begrudge elections for long, boring cam· paign speeches presented at an inconvenient assembly. This year, we hail the corning of "soap-box" campaigning. With this method , candidates will be allowed to campaign as actively or as passivly as they prefer, at any time and any place on campus, "soap-box" style. They may talk all day everyday if they wish. To aid them, the A.S.B. will provide the public address system and "soap-boxes" during the lunch hour on the patio fronti ng the cafeteria. This may be used by the candidates at their discre· tion at that time. Of course, can· didates may bring their own box. The candidates are highly qualified. In addition to having a Student Body card, they must have a 2.5 grade average (in· eludes all courses) in not less than 13 units for the last full semester or 30 units for the year just preceeding. For freshmen, the latter qualification is superceeded by a requirement of a "C" average in high school. Also, candidates had to obtain a petition for election from Joost Van Rees , the election committee chairman. The peti· tions had to be signed by 100 students who hold A.S.B. cards, approved by Dean Jones, and

returned to Joost by Sept. 22. The officers to be elected at this time are Representatives at Large, class officers, and A.W.S. officers. Here at Palomar, we as stu· dents have many rights and priviliges under student govern· rnent. However, these rights and priviliges are only as good and as safe as we make them and participate in them. So, this Friday, as you hold your ballot containing the names of the candidates, remember that this rectangular sheet of paper is your voice in student government. No matter how you mark it, you will be heard. But to be heard effectively, you must mark and deposit your "ballotvoice." Let's hear you loud and clear.

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Septe~ber 22, 1961

Palomar Colrege Telescope

Page 3

I fa ppc~" i n g • \JJ.f~ k •

t'Y Staff


pos1t1ons for the

Telescope mester





filled by (L-R. Don Business


Manager, Bob Jones, Circulation,

New publicity director, Michele Church has been appointed to the post of publicity director by ASB president John Diepersloot. Her appointment was approved Monday by the student council.

Duncan, Managing Editor,



man, Editor in Chief, Gary

Summer Session


Brubeck Opens "Brandenburg Gate"

not pictured, Photographer. Tarquinio


named Sports Editor

by Janet Pfleeger


The advent of summer vacation found Palomar's composer-instructor, Mr. Howard Brubeck, en route eastward to enjoy a fantastic "busman's holiday" in gala "Gotham".

Toyias Tell All

C!Clubs anb C!Capers Official Kangaroo Court, sponsored by AMS , will be held today to administer justice to freshmen students not wearing beanies. Sentences for those found guilty include cleaning drinking founta ins with toothbrushes, nose-rolling potatoes on the cafeteria floor, singing solos, and wearing signs of recognition. The Freshman Class is {:'ainting the " P" tomorrow <~t !~:00 a.m. Meeting in the upper pa rking lot, participating students are asked to bring a bucket and to wear old clothes. After the liming is finished , the site for the beach party will be announced. Membership cards for Comet Boosters, an organization for the promotion of Palomar College athletics, can be purchased from WRA members. With the card , an adult citizen of the community is admitted to all athletic events sponsored by the college. New WRA officers are Kathy Rawlings , Secretary; Martha Anthony, Treasurer; and Fran Davenport, Director of Publicity. Inter-Club Council 's first dinner meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the Faculty Dining Room. Club presidents, ICC representatives, and faculty advisors are urged to attend. New Sigma Omicron officers forth is year are: Judy Schonath , Recording Secretary; Mary Ann Brown, Corresponding Secretary; Linda Thompson, Treasurer; Caro.lyn Heffer, Registrar of Points; Jeanette O'Donnell, Publicity. New and returning foreign students will be honored at a reception Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. in the

Faculty Dining Room and Patio. Sigma Omicron members will serve as hostesses. Honorary memberships in Circle K go to Mr. Eugene Stevens, Palomar instructor, and Mr. Leonard Hall, Vista Kiwanis sponsor. Also, 24 additional men on carnpus are soon to become active members of thi s service club. WRA and Circle K are cosponsori ng the float for the Homecoming Queen and her court. Any students having access to large quantities of

paper napkins are asked to contact club members. Tau Epsilon officers for this year are Frank Stafford, Pres.; Rod Jones, Vice Pres.; Ron Zarubicha, Secretary; and Bob Crafts , Treasurer. Tau Epsilon, a men's service organization, is sponsored by Rotary. The faculty advisor is Mr. Joe Brennan. There will be a Circle K sponsored record hop tomorrow night in the Student Union after the Palomar-Citrus football game.

This new college emblem has been approved by the ASB council and will be put to a vote before the student body soon. The emblem was drawn by Attila M. Uludogan.

After establishing summer residence in Westport, Connecticut, Mr. Brubeck arrived in New York City ready to tackle his first task, that of transcribing one of brother Dave's albums from tape so that it could be published. The result of his effort will be released in the near future, although the title of Dave's new album is yet undecided. The second major project on the summer agenda the re-scoring of one of his own compositions for orchestra and jazz combo. "This was the most challenging of all my summer experiences," stated Mr. Brubeck. The work, entitled "Brandenburg Gate", consists of variations for jazz combo and orchestra on a theme taken from the Dave Brubeck album "Jazz Impressions of Eurasia ". Mr. Brubeck was privileged to conduct the recording sessions at the Columbia studios and will be listed as ComposerConductor on the record label. The reverse side of "Brandenburg Gate" will feature a shorter original work plus three of Dave's own compositions that have been capably arranged by Mr. Brubeck. When the record is released early in 1962, it will bear the Columbia LP label. W3.S

Constantly working under the pressure of limited time, Mr. Brubeck scored another "first" in musical endeavors. Using material from an original musical production written by Dave and his wife, lola, he was consigned to arrange the songs for the most unusual album ever presented by Dave Brubeck and his Combo. The record will feature songs by such wellknown singers as Louie Armstrong, Carmen Mac Rae, and the outstanding vocal trio of Lambert, Henricks, and Ross. The music was written by Dave especially to utilize the talents of these singers and includes folk songs and Negro spirituals as well as jazz. On New Year's Eve, the entire country will be privileged to see as well as hear our own Howard Brubeck when he appears at the piano during Walter Cronkite's "Twentieth Century" documentary on Dave Brubeck. The taped show also includes the Dave Brubeck Quartet, Dave's family, and Dave's performances. The spontaneous filming of the "musical patter" between Howard and Dave is reported to be one of the highlights of the show! A man's true dedication to his work and to his country is revealed in Mr. Brubeck's summation, "I'm interested primarily in musical material that has its roots in the United States. I'm interested in seeing musical performers and the listening public recognize the esthetic validity of our own musical heritage."

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Po lo

o r Col le ge Telesc op e

Sept e rnb er' 2 2, 1961




ws n pe Well Conditioned locals Reody For Kick-Off at Escondido Grid coach Stu Carter will bring hi s well rehearsed Comet eleven into action tomorrow night in the season's opener against the Citrus College Owls of Azusa , at Escondido. The probable starters for the loc als will be Mark Martin and Dwayne Otto at the ends, Charles Baker and Chuck Nettles at tackle, Jim Meinke and The Telescope has been John Watkins guards , Gerald notified of an important mis- Payne at center, Ron Colton at take in the last edition. An quarterback, Jim Martin at erring reporter proclaimed full and Len Morlan and Gary Coach Chri s Pagakis a n "ex- Schultz, half-backs. All-American." Posting a well conditioned This came as a suprise to the team, Palomar's biggest probcoach, who assures us that he lem to be aired at kick-off is has never been an All-American. a Jack of depth. By press time the Comet roster had dwindled to on ly thirty players although the probable addition of Monte Trep an ier a 25 year old freshman with exceptional speed brightened the picture. The opposing Owls meanwhile reportedly have a strong, solid defense but a shabby offense and are in dire need of a quarterback. The Citrus gridders have been plagued with injuries ana -possibly five of that college's pl ayers may be The associated student body unable to play in the Palomar of Palomar Junior College met game. Never-the-l ess Citrus should for the first time last Friday, on the football field, and elec-· be a rou gh rival to contend ted six cheerleaders for the with. In pre-season scrimmages the Owls ha ve held both San 1961-62 season. The six who were elected, Diego and Oceanside-Carlsbad after tryouts before the voters, scoreless. include Ray Tiedje (picture at left) Fred Schmidt, Terry Trekell , Jinx Phelps , Suzanne J eanson, and Brenda Hart. This will be the first time Palomar has had six cheerleaders, original plans called for five but, because of the closeness of the vote, it was decided that it would be best to have six. The responsibility of the cheerleaders is to liven up spectators, to pep up the crowd and get it to yell as loudly as it can, and to support the football and basketball teams. Coaches Reiser and Calderwood are in charge of cheerleaders. The ASB pays for their uniform s.

We Apologize You're Not All--American

Winner Ray Tiedje jumps skyward in cheerleading

expose. DUNCAN~

e Carter's Comets • -U ndermanned ~------------SPORTS


Coach " Stu" Carter talked quite matter-of-factly about his team. "We are going to be man-handled, " he said. He leaned back in his wooden office chair. I knew what he meant. On the practice field I had counted only 25 players in uniform. The Comets were undermanned. "Do you want me to recruit? " I asked , ready to use my column for that purpose. He smiled. "I want boys who want to play football," he said. "I will not go to them; I want them to come to me." I asked the head mentor if he expected more boys to turn out for the team. He said he didn't. Coach Carter is a strong disciplinarian. His gridders nave to be tough , he says, because they will be outweighed in every encounter. "But my boys will be good advertising," he said. "You watch them around campus. They'll begin to walk straighter." If his team gets badly battered in a game, the coach says "the morale will be broken." And the morale of a small team is its most essential part. "I' m a stickler for the little things," said the coach. "If a lineman's foot is six inches from where it should be, its going to make a difference." "Coach ," I changed the subject, "I happen to know that some of the football players liked their parties-and their drinking--as much as they liked football last Fall. Of course, you wern't the coach then, but what will you do if a situation like that occurs. " I think the boys will respect us (the coaches) and the game too much to break training." He said that he strives for that kind of attitude in his training program. " I will not check on them," he said. But he added that he will "get rid of drinkers and smokers" if he finds out about them.

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Your Best in Campus Clothing

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Cheerleaders Elected By Student Body

Pagakis Talks Football Line coach Chris Pagakis, a two-letter man who was half-back for the University of Illinois from 1947-50, recently outlined to the Telescope his past and his hopes for Palomar's future. Pagakis, who has been coaching for ten years, comes to Palomar from Vista where he helped guide that school to last year's Avocado League Championship. Before that he had coached at Ann Arbor High in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While there his charges lost only one game in two years. Pagakis also helped guide Calumet High School in Chicago to the city championship. He has had the opportunity to coach winners and knows what makes a champion. As for Palomar, the new grid mentor said that: "Lack of interest is the real problem. Football is a game of depth; it's not just having outstanding players, you need a real, all around team. " Coach Pagakis, when queried as to the low turn out of players, said that losing is the biggest road block to prospective players. "Everybody loves a winner and Palomar hasn't been winning in the past." But this year "Palomar will play a wide-open and interesting game; both Ronald Colton and Bill McRobb can throw some good passes and they'll be doing it. " Asked about his particular charges, Pagakis complimented his linemen. He called Chuck Baker, Mike Moreno, Jim Mienke, and Chuck Nettles "real solid players. "


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